Galactic Merging, Consciousness, & DNA

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies

May 18, 2015 

The following is a thorough explanation of how DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, along with how this is related to the merging of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.


The picture below on the right shows the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from earth on a clear night.

Since our earliest education, we have always been taught that the earth, our sun and solar system belonged to the Milky Way Galaxy. New scientific evidence clearly shows that not to be the case.

One of the greatest astronomical mysteries is why the Milky Way is at an angle when seen from earth. If our solar system emerged OUT from the Milky Way, we would be in line with the whirlpool disk but as it is, we reside at an angle to it. That long time mystery has now been solved.

A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the universities of Virginia and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to create a — NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar System to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

We are now joining the Milky Way Galactic community … with all the implications thereof.

A sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

How can this be?

Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.

We are at an angle to the arms of the Milky Way Whirlpool Disk because we did NOT come out of the Milky Way but the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy which is now colliding with and being “eaten” by the huge Milky Way.

It has always been known that the Milky Way collects material from other galaxies and overwhelms the small ones. The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy from which our solar system came is very very small and being energetically consumed. We are about to join the Milky Way at the energetic level of the Whirlpool Disk.


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

The rings around the Milky Way Galaxy here are the remnants of other, smaller galaxies. You can see where our Sun is located and that it has been moving in an entirely different direction than thought. Trace the ring in which our solar system resides and you can see its path. Now it becomes obvious why the Milky Way is viewed at an angle from earth. And the coming convergence also becomes obvious as our solar system, from the diminishing Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy now joins with the Milky Way.

The Overall Biggest contributing Cause to Global Climate Changes, and the melting of the polar icecaps of — both — Earth and Mars (and Pluto) is caused by our arrival into the brighter, more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc ( where all the action is ) as we cross cut in from the clearly less energetic darker deep space.

With a little contemplation, it should become clear to anyone what is happening.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Actual Infrared Photo of Milky Way from Earth: nearly centered side view amidst glowing plasma region of whirlpool disc  [Image Credits NASA]

Crossroads of Convergence

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit


The many scientists studying these phenomena are telling us that this has vast implications for all DNA on planet Earth and her entire web of life. Big and sudden evolutionary changes are already beginning to occur.

These sudden and rapid changes have been called by evolutionary biologists a punctuated equilibrium.

Punctuated Equilibrium: The evolutionary process involving long periods without change (stasis) punctuated by short periods of rapid speciation.

At this moment we are beginning to undergo such a punctuated equilibrium.

The nature of our species, homo sapiens is now undergoing a huge shift. Some call it a transformational evolution, others call it the end of our old world and the beginning of a new one happening simultaneously.

Some can only perceive the negative side of it and are reacting with extreme fear over the loss of the familiar. They predict doomsday but, although many things in our old world are perishing rapidly, there demise will only herald a new age. A new age so different from the past dysfunction of thousands of years as to be almost incomprehensible from our present perspectives. The metaphor of a “golden age of peace’ has been used many times and in many cultures to describe the after-time.

Our physical DNA affects our personal human conscious awareness. DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, intertwined, commingled. What affects one affects the other. DNA is the material/physical aspect of human consciousness. Those who are becoming aware of the spiritual aspects, due to activating their energenic heart, are able to see the metaphysical implications as well.


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

This bombardment by the rapidly increasing energies now coming in from the Milky Way Whirl Pool Disk means rapid changes for human consciousness and it means genetic changes for all life on earth, as every quanta of matter and energy in our entire solar system is transformed while colliding with the many energetic frequencies, ions, radiations and cosmic dust pouring out from the Milky Way equator and rapidly engulfing our entire solar system, including The Sun and planet earth.

It was the work of Russian scientists that made us alert to the physical aspects of this convergence.

There is an institute in Russia which focuses on studying our Sun’s Heliosphere. The Heliosphere is the huge magnetic field of our Sun which surrounds the entire solar system like an envelope. We are continually moving through space in a certain direction. As I understand it, when you draw this on a two dimensional graph, we are rapidly charging downward from Northeast to Southwest right into the Milky Way equator at an angle. We will cross it and come out underneath the Milky Way as we enter its lower western quadrant.

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Above: Convergence of galaxies from an Earth perspective of the Milky Way Galaxy


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Basically, the Mayans said that it is NOT the end of the world but our world’s recycling and transformation into an entirely new world where peace will reign. It is the golden age long prophesied by many, many cultures on earth, although described in various cultures with different metaphors.

So, how do these Russians who study the Sun’s Heliosphere know about this coming convergence?

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

Our Sun and solar system speeds through space surround by our electro-magnetic envelope called the Heliosphere. It is shaped somewhat like a tear drop with a blunt leading edge and a thinner tail. As the blunt leading edge encounters the energies, radiations and cosmic particles of space, it effervesces or glows due to the energetic plasmas produced along the leading edge.

Scientists have long known this and have measured the length of this plasma effervescence in astronomical units. One astronomical unit (au) is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It has remained fairly constant up until now. The length of this effervescence along the Heliosphere’s leading edge is now 1000% greater than what had always been considered normal. And, it is increasing rapidly the closer we get to the extreme energy of the Milky Way ecliptic as we plunge down into it and come out on the other side like a bunch of kids getting off the world’s most exciting roller coaster ride with trembling knees, seeing the world according to their inmost heart’s desire. Only in this case, some of the kids decided to go off on a different roller coaster ride to an environment they were more familiar with.

And, although no human being can do anything to stop it from happening, nor should we, those who are aware of it will definitely have a heads up as these tumultuous Earth changes increasingly build up until they can hold no more energy and all the quantum particles in our solar system suddenly and instantly shoot apart from each other and remain stable at that increased distance.

This is a dimensional shift. It is a sudden density shift of all matter in our world from what is called third to fourth density.

Considering all the new insights concerning the nature of matter and time, I now increasingly understand this probability.

What then? What’s the next step in evolution?

If one contemplates this, the answer is found in thousands of years of prophecy in all cultures from the beginning of humankind’s awareness. These prophesies center on the emergence of a new era of peace while, at the same time, the old worn out and dying age completely recycles.

In a good sense, the dross is vaporized.

This has been foreseen in the prophecies of EVERY culture on earth, using different mythologies and metaphors of description, for thousands of years.

The cataclysms which are now increasing all over our planet will not come on all at once, but gradually and with increasing intensity.

The earth changes have already begun, as many people now fully realize and other people are starting to realize.

Most folks are highly perplexed by it. Perhaps what I am writing here will bring some comfort as well as practical help.

Some of you reading this right now are aware of this through your inner intuitions. Like myself, your intuitions have sensed this change coming on for a long, long time.. many since birth. It is that inner gut feeling of expectation. An anticipation which includes both angst for physical survival, as the outer energetic intensity increases and, at the same time, the inner expectation for an entirely new paradigm to emerge upon our planet and its confused people who are so caught up in war, criminality, religious and ideological fanaticism, violence and control, all for various selfish interests.

We intuitively feel the pressure building and inwardly know that eventually something will give.

Those intuitive feelings about this coming change are accurate, although our interpretations of them vary. But, you are not alone.

We can call this emerging new state of our existence fourth density. When the term density is used instead of dimension it is referring to differing states of the quantum particles between one world dimension and another. It refers to the cohesion and oscillation rate of each quanta which is an expression of material density.

In this vast Universe, time and space are completely comingled and consist of many different ratios. All quanta vibrate (or spin) at different frequencies and the quantum particles exist in linear time at varying distances from one another.

In our present third density world, the quantum particles of matter have a certain known distance between them. Most folks do not have any conception of how incredibly small these basic quanta are and even less idea of how much empty space exists between each one.

What is the empty space between?

It is the field of infinite energy and intelligence. It is the time domain.

Presently, in third density, this distance between the quanta which make up everything, including light (photons), is analogous to the distance between a golf ball at one end of a football field and a second golf ball clear down at the other end.

In between the two golf balls (quanta) is lots of space indeed.

But, it is not “empty” space, but a seething energetic flux of both entropy and organization.

In the coming, and much finer, fourth density, these quanta are further apart. It should be understood that the quantum level is much, much smaller and finer than the gross atomic level where these various quanta congregate. All is energy. Matter is energy spinning in various configurations.

Albert Einstein stated: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”


Mandalas & Minds

Archetype of Wholeness: Jung and the Mandala

by Elle

Peter Patrick Barreda
Waking Times

In his writings on mandala symbolism, Carl Jung refers to the mandala as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self.” Within everyone’s psyche, to one degree or another, can be found a seed-center of the self surrounded by a chaotic maelstrom of issues, fears, passions and countless other psychological elements. It is the very disordered state of these elements that creates the discord and emotional imbalances from which too many of us suffer on a regular basis. The mandala is a template for the mind, a state of peace and order, a resolution of the chaos within. In Jung’s words,

“The severe pattern imposed by a circular image of this kind compensates the disorder and confusion of the psychic state—namely, through the construction of a central point to which everything is related.”

This central point is the absolute seat of the self, the anchor for all the extraneous elements of your environment and your psyche. In actuality these two are not separate entities, rather they are intimately combined, inextricably linked. The effects of the world within and the world without are often indistinguishable as far as your self is concerned. Internal elements (ideas, emotions, compulsions) interact freely with external elements (news, relationships, taxes) in the interface that is your mind. Understanding this exchange helps us see more clearly how certain patterns and symbolic elements from our most ancient origins have been internalized and carried through the ages, only to be unconsciously externalized in the beauty of the mandala.

Ritualistic mandalas from specific cultures display a style and variety of elements with special significance to that culture. There are nearly as many types of mandalas as there have been societies in the history of Humankind. But the essence of the pattern of the mandala, the “squaring of the circle,” is a basic motif in the architecture of so many dreams and fantasies whose unifying similarities stretch across the ages. The quaternary pattern imposed upon the circle symbolizes the application of an orderly architecture upon the infinity of the cosmos. It gives the psyche a safe place on which to stand, a solid foundation upon which it can gather itself to achieve completeness and harmony. Furthermore, the central point, or bindu, is the reference point for the self to identify with. Jung refers to this pattern as the “archetype of wholeness.”

This ordering effect on the human psyche is not, Jung stresses, the result of conscious reflection or cultural effort. It is a pre-existing condition of consciousness that such patterns help bring it into focus or return to an earlier, more peaceful state. This is why Jung found the mandala to be present in so many cultures and mythologies spanning the globe and the history of Humanity itself. It is an integral part of the collective unconscious that is shared by every person that has ever lived. The mandala is an unconscious state in which all opposites come together and are united, where the polar aspects of the cosmos and the individual can become one. This union of opposites is the very process by which we achieve wholeness, and through which we find peace.

A great deal of Jung’s psychotherapy dealt with the interpretation of individual mandalas created by his patients. In addition to the soothing, focusing effect he noted as a result in his patients’ psychological states, there was also a great deal of commonality between the images they created. Patients who had no prior knowledge of mandalas or any other conscious symbolistic expression repeatedly put to paper strikingly similar images in the course of their progress. Jung writes of the significance of these similarities:

“In view of the fact that all the mandalas shown here were new and uninfluenced products, we are driven to the conclusion that there must be a transconscious disposition in every individual which is able to produce the same or very similar symbols at all times and in all places. Since this disposition is usually not a conscious possession of the individual I have called it the collective unconscious, and, as the basis of its symbolical products, I postulate the existence of primordial images, the archetypes.”

It is these archetypes, ageless connections between every conscious being, in conjunction with the elemental pattern of the quaternary and the cardinal points, that create the powerful effect the mandala exhibits on the human psyche. It is as if there were a common reference point at which all our seemingly individual consciousnesses are connected, and it is from this realm that the form and effect of the mandala are drawn. The mandala can be considered a blueprint for the essential structure of our existence, and something about this structure is instantly recognized by the unconscious within us. We perceive the shapes, the patterns, the elements within the mandala, we see their relationships to each other, and within that sacred matrix we recognize our self and our place in the cosmos. It is an ancient and fundamental relationship from which we have strayed. The mandala is the key that can help us return to it.

Jung also equates the mandala with the eye in form as well as spirit, stating that “the eye is the prototype for the mandala.” The eye symbolizes seeing and light, and therefore consciousness itself. The eye is the part of us that beholds the universe and sees our place in it. It is knowledge, awareness and wisdom. The eye takes in light, the pure energy of the universe, and presents it to the inner spirit. It is the gateway, indeed the very union, between the self and the cosmos. As is the mandala. In addition to the structural similarities between the eye and the mandala, the image of the eye is a common element in individual mandalas. Often one can find a repeating pattern of eyes in a mandala. Jung refers to this as polyopthalmia (many-eyed), and considers this a representation of the unconscious as multiple consciousnesses.

It is evident that the mandala is the link, albeit a mysterious one, between our modern consciousness and our most ancient origins. Jung concluded that “their basic motif is the premonition of a center of personality, a kind of central point within the psyche, to which everything is related, by which everything is arranged, and which is itself a source of energy.” Somewhere in the vast, forgotten reaches of time lies the answer to this wondrous mystery, but also does it lay, quiet and dormant, deep within each one of us. It is for us to rediscover, and to cherish. It is for us to hold this inexhaustible source of energy close to our hearts. Within it we will discover ourselves, we will find each other, and we will reconnect with the essential center of existence.

About the Author

Peter Patrick Barreda is a mandala artist, occasional writer, chronic over-thinker, and webmaster of He is fascinated by origins and causes, and the deeply-hidden reasons behind everything. He believes that mandalas are the underlying pattern for everything in the universe—physical, mental and spiritual, though at their core these three are essentially one. Please visit his fascinating website, where this article was originally featured.


On Knowing the Self

Self Recognition: Tuning In to the Inner Guidance of Your Body

The following is excerpted from In Touch: How to Tune into the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust YourselfPublished by Sounds True, April 2015.

We cannot understand, love, and welcome others without first knowing and loving ourselves. –Jean Klein

Our body’s deep sensitivity is calling us home. Yet home is not somewhere, some when, or something other than what is already wholly present now. Our true nature is not some inner state that will be found in the future. It is always here and now, unbounded by space or time. It can never be objectified. Further, the heart of the one who is looking—the apparent separate self—is what is being looked for. Nisargadatta Maharaj said it most succinctly: “The seeker is the sought.”

This wisdom teaching is very puzzling for the linear mind that thinks in terms of someone attaining something. A student of the Indian sage Ramana Maharshi once asked for help to find his true nature. “You are like a man standing in his living room, asking how to get home,” Ramana replied. We are already home—we just don’t realize it. Infinite awareness is shining through your eyes as you read this—you are not who you think you are. Take a moment to open to this possibility.

Our body’s inner knowing is pointing us toward this self-recognition. Certainly being relaxed, grounded, aligned, spacious, and openhearted makes day-to-day living much easier, but there is a deeper invitation at work within each of us—to wake up. Self-recognition and awakening are different ways of describing the same thing. At some point we realize that we are not the limited being that we consciously and subconsciously take ourselves to be. We see that none of our stories and images about ourselves are actually true. This initial recognition can feel as if the clouds have briefly parted, revealing a vast, open space.

When this happens, the veil of personal identity temporarily lifts, and we know ourselves as open, awake awareness. We are in touch with our natural lucidity. In rare instances this awakeness is sustained after the first contact. In most cases, however, the conditioned bodymind reasserts itself, and there is a return to one’s familiar identity. Yet a taste of this homecoming remains. It is like someone who briefly awakens from a dream and then falls asleep again; the wakefulness is never completely forgotten. It continues to vibrate on the periphery of the dream, in the background of who we imagine ourselves to be. Our lives start to reorient around this clearer sense of who we really are.

As a result, we may begin to slow down and start paying attention to our actual experience. We may tune in to the sensations of our body or start to notice moments of silence between thoughts. We may question our limiting beliefs and emotional reactions and become interested in the process of how we bind and blind ourselves. Or, as Adyashanti puts it, we become interested in “the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs that un-enlighten us along the journey.”

“How do I unenlighten myself?” is a subtly different question from “How do I awaken?” The former presumes that we are obscuring a natural wakefulness that is already here. Rather than wondering how we get there, we can inquire, “Is it true that what I seek is not already here?” I invite you to sit with these questions and feel what they evoke. Something in you will respond if you don’t go to your thinking mind for an answer.

Awakening does not come from moving forward, but from falling back. It is a letting go into the unknown. In Zen it is called “the backward step.” We start to track our experience backward. For instance, you can evoke the sense of “I am” and then follow it back to its source—a classic form of self-inquiry. What happens if you focus your attention on the thought “I am”? Can you sense where and how it localizes in your body? If you follow it inward, where does it draw your attention? Or you can feel the deep yearning of the heart to come home and follow that yearning back. These kinds of intuitive inquiries
lead us out of the certitude of the conditioned mind into the unfamiliar territory of “I don’t know.”

The mind may think that “I don’t know” is the wrong answer to the question “Who or what am I?” Yet, in fact, “I don’t know” is the most accurate and honest answer. When we deeply investigate all of our placeholder identities, such as being a man or a woman, an American or a German, a white, a brown, or a black, a hetero- or homosexual, they fall to the side like name tags scattered on the floor at the end of a convention. The simple truth is that we actually don’t know who we are. Gradually we learn to relax into this not knowing. As Jean Klein once told me during a private interview, “Abide in the heart, not knowing.”

At some point, having made ourselves available, we are taken by grace. This taking may be sudden and clearly recognizable or slow and barely noticed—a waterfall or a broad river gently meeting the ocean. Whether sudden or gradual, there is a gravitational shift of identity from form to formless, from being someone to being no one, from being an object bounded by time and space to being open, awake, and infinite awareness. There is clarity, with no one left to claim it as his or her own. It marks the beginning of a new chapter of life.

to read more of this article, go to:

On the Chakras

What Everyone Needs To Know About Their Chakras

May 6, 2015

What Everyone Needs To Know About Their Chakras  in5d in 5d

by Deepak Chopra

Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and well-being in our lives and in the world.

The First Center: The Root Chakra

The root chakra, known in Sanskrit as muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. It governs your most basic survival needs. When this chakra is clear and energy flows through it freely, we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfill our needs. However, blockage in this area can cause us to feel anxious and worried.

The spiritual Law of Karma governs the first energy center. On the physical plane, every action you perform results in a corresponding reaction. To maximize the possibility that your actions generate evolutionary reactions, you can use your body as a choice determining instrument.

Consider the possibilities in front of you and listen to signals from your body. These sensations generating from the root chakra are either comfortable or uncomfortable. Your body evaluates every possible decision in terms of its likelihood to meet your needs for safety or increase the level of threat you experience. The first chakra, which connects you with the earth, provides essential information as to the potential nourishment or toxicity that is available to you as a result of the actions you are taking.

The Second Center: Creativity Chakra

The creativity chakra, called svadhishtana, is associated with creativity in all its expressions. Located in the area of your sexual organs, the energy of this center can be used for biological reproduction. When channeled into higher energy centers, it fuels the creative force that enables you to paint a beautiful picture, build a business, or create a life of love and abundance.

The Law of Least Effort is lively in the second chakra. When your vital energy is flowing through your center of creativity, you co-create your life. The solution to every problem is rarely on the level of the problem. Rather, it comes from a deeper domain of creativity. Creativity is the process of taking the same raw material and creating different contexts and relationships between the components.

For example, when a composer creates a new piece of music, he is using the same notes in a new relationship with one another other, resulting in the emergence of something that did not exist before. The second chakra utilizes the raw material of the root chakra to create the world anew each day.

The Third Center: Energy Chakra

The energy chakra, manipura, is localized in your solar plexus. It’s the seat of your power in the world. When this center is open and flowing, you are capable of translating your intentions and desires into manifestation. When it is blocked, you feel frustrated and ineffectual.

The Law of Intention and Desire governs the third chakra. The seeds of intentions and desires reside in your personal soul. Nourishing the seeds you wish to germinate with your attention will lead to their full expression. It is important to be clear about your intentions so you are not surprised when they bear fruit.

The process of manifesting your desires is to first bring them into consciousness, followed by expanding your awareness through meditation, and finally releasing your intentions and detaching from the outcome. You can control your actions, however you cannot control the fruit of your actions. Keep your life energy flowing freely through your third chakra and the light and heat of your intentions will radiate on the world.

The Fourth Center: Heart Chakra

The heart chakra represents the unifying energy of love and compassion. Known as anahata, it is located at the center of the chest. The heart chakra is dedicated to overcoming separation and division. When the heart center is blocked, there is a sense of alienation from others. When the heart center is open and flowing, you feel connected at a deep level to all beings in your life.

The Law of Giving and Receiving governs the heart chakra. Love can take many different forms at different stages of life. The love of child for her mother is different than a mother’s love for her child. A friend’s love is different than that of a passionate lover or the love of a student for his teacher. However so, the common thread in each of these expressions of love is the impulse to unify—to overcome separation. This is the nature of the heart.

Every act of giving is simultaneously an act of receiving. Each time you welcome a gift into your life, you are providing the opportunity for someone to give. Just as a healthy physical heart receives blood from the periphery which it then oxygenates and pumps back out, your emotional heart stays healthy by receiving and giving love in all its forms.

The Fifth Center: Expression Chakra

The throat chakra, called visshuddha in Sanskrit, is the center of expression. When the fifth chakra is open and flowing, you have the confidence that you are capable of communicating your needs. When the fifth chakra is obstructed, a person will often feel that they are not being heard. In order to feel alive and empowered, it’s important that this energy center is clear. Blockages in this area are often associated with thyroid problems or chronic neck pain.

The Law of Detachment governs the throat chakra. An open fifth chakra enables you to express your truth without concern for censors or critics. This does not mean you say things that are intentionally hurtful or insensitive. On the contrary, people with open centers of communication are skillful in expressing their needs in ways that are life supporting. Anxiety over how people will react to your views does not arise when energy is flowing freely through the chakra of expression.

The Law of Detachment reminds you that you can choose your words and actions, but you cannot control the response to your words and action. When your intentions are clear, and your heart is open, you will spontaneously demonstrate right speech trusting that the universe will handle the details.

The Sixth Center: Intuition Chakra

The intuition chakra, known in Sanskrit as ajna, is located in the forehead. It is the center of insight and intuition. When this center is open, you have a deep sense of connection to your inner voice, and feel guided in your choices. When blocked, there is a sense of self-doubt and distrust. The opening of this chakra is usually associated with a clear sense of connection to ones dharma, or purpose in life.

The Law of Dharma or Cause and Effect governs the sixth chakra. You have within you a wise voice guiding you to express the highest aspects of your nature. Listen to this still inner voice, which is guiding you to manifest your full potential. Quiet the internal turbulence that is filled with the voices of others so you can identify the sound of your own soul. It has only one desire—for you to remember your essential nature as a spark of the divine.

The Seventh Center: Consciousness Chakra

The consciousness chakra, known as dahaswara, is visualized as a lotus flower at the crown of the head. When the lotus unfolds its petals, the memory of wholeness is restored. Remember that your essential nature is unbounded, and that you are spirit in disguise as a person. This is the full expression of yoga – the unification of being with action, of universality with individuality.

The Law of Pure Potentiality governs the seventh chakra. When your roots are receiving nourishment from the earth in the first chakra, your creative juices are flowing in the second, your intentions are empowered in the third, your heart is open and exchanging love with those around you in the fourth, you are spontaneously expressing your highest self in the fifth, you are in touch with your inner voice in the sixth, only then, does energy move into the crown chakra and you remember your essential nature as infinite and unbounded. The thousand-petaled lotus flower unfolds and you know yourself as a spiritual being temporarily localized to a body and mind.

The Yoga of Meditation The Upanishads tell us, “As great as the infinite space beyond is the space within the lotus of the heart.” From the time of your birth, you have been called to explore the world outside of you. Meditation is the exploration of your inner world. Yoga encourages you to be as familiar with your inner world of thoughts, feelings, memories, desires, and imagination as you are with the outer world. When you can move through both the inner and outer domains of life with freedom and joy, you fulfill the highest purpose of yoga.

Deepak Chopra, M.D. co-founded the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in 1996 with the late Dr. David Simon, who co-wrote this article and the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga. You can learn more by visiting the Chopra Center’s resource page.


Choosing Creativity

Dancing with the Hologram

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

You have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter.

That there’s an invasive parasitic force at work trying to gum up the works and usurp this magnificent design and claim whatever weirdness it simulates as some sort of alternative reality is absolutely ludicrous, yet this is the contest humanity and our planetary existence finds itself in.

What is wonderful and should be the center of our focus and attention is the magnificent power of true Creation and its stunning beauty, intricacy and unlimited potential. We’re only just discovering its wonders, but as we do Creation itself becomes more manifest in new and amazing ways as we respond in conscious awareness and resultant responsive actions.

This so dwarfs the puny efforts of these measly low density control freaks that no one should ever fear or be awed by their furious temporal psychopathic designs no matter where they come from or how much they scream and try to intimidate humanity.

The jig is up. We’ve awakened from slumber and the tide of iniquity is being shoved back into their wicked faces and readily busting up their phony façade, no matter how elaborate or real the false construct they’ve erected may appear to be.


The Regenerative Power of Our Fractal Universe

Just as our very bodies miraculously heal and rebuild themselves, so Universe keeps unfolding and regenerating life ceaselessly and unstoppably. Whatever transpires in this temporal existence we find ourselves in, we are born with an innate knowing that all is ultimately well and truth reigns eternal.

And is astoundingly wondrous.

Just look at your hands, look into someone’s eyes, study a tree or an animal, look at the sky, the mountains and the sea. This is one amazing place we have the privilege to inhabit, even if only for a short while. We cannot ever forget or minimize that. Despite the storms of life and all of its obstacles and challenges, we are imbued with the same creative force we have the honor to witness at work around us, day in and day out, hour by hour, minute by minute.

Therein lies our very strength. To sense the overwhelming love behind this magnificent Creation, including ourselves, is our everlasting fountain of peace and joy. Nothing can take that away from any of us.

That is, unless we allow something to. The decision lies with each of us individually. Not collectively. We each can, and must, make that simple commitment to not allow anything that robs us of our connection to Source and our standing fast in that knowledge.

Fractal Magic Surrounds

Just look at the fractal nature of Creation, the amazing regenerative geometric patterns from the inconceivable macrocosm to the infinitesimal microcosm of the very smallest of particles. They scream wonder and awe at every possible level. That even settled science is awakening to the fact that consciousness and empirical discoveries are intrinsically interwoven is one manifestation of the awakening age we are blessed to be a part of.

That sages have known this for eons naturally comes to the fore, bringing worlds of understanding into a magnificent confluence of new found awareness for a surging number of awakening people worldwide.

Couple this with the growing discoveries of ancient archeological finds and the release of suppressed historical truths, and the fractal nature of the awakening comes into view in a very practical manner. That the powers that shouldn’t be have openly announced their concerns about a massive global political awakening is another such outcropping.

The evidence is everywhere, and simply a natural progression in this time of revelation, the very apocalypse foretold by many, yet a word twisted to mean our destructive end when in fact it’s a massive awakening of humanity. The crumbling of the matrix is just another symptom of the revealing, the revelation of Truth and the infinite, unstoppable power of the Universe to which we are all not just connected, but living crystals of resonance pulsing with this same enormous power of eternal Creation.


Cycles Within Cycles and Our Opportunity of the Ages

I find it fascinating how many things work in cycles, be they ages, also known as epochs or yugas, or even repeating themes and  lessons throughout history. We’ve been given so many clues to help us find our conscious footing in this strange world we’ve landed in. Sure we’re up against massive efforts to close our hearts and minds through generations of social engineering and cauterizing lies and violence, but that’s part of the challenge and apparently important to our growth cycle.

While I’m absolutely inspired about the worldwide awakening we’re witnessing, what concerns me is that so many still don’t understand the magnitude of the opportunity before us. We’re so close to rolling the humongous boulder of a very real critical mass of revelation and thus liberation of humanity on to the heads of these entities and their construct, yet many still do not yet get the enormity of this opportunity of the ages to end their cycles of deceit and destruction.

Many such opportunities for awakening have happened in the past. Most civilizations, at least from recent recorded history, only used their new found understandings of the workings of the Universe to assert more and more human control over others and our planet, instead of returning to natural cycles based on love and cooperation. Power mad usurpers seem to have eventually infiltrated and taken control of just about every so-called civilization. From what we’re learning about Atlantis and Lemuria it appears that was the case there as well, as with ancient Vedic history, where their societies ended with horrific catastrophic destruction apparently wrought by their own hands in that same disturbed competitive power mad control paradigm.

Arise or Repeat – A Time to Choose

Some cycles are meant to be broken. Just because they repeat doesn’t make them right. It’s much like the law of karma and reincarnation. Many have apparently come back to this plane to have another go at getting the point of being here. It makes sense and from what I’ve learned has a lot of validity.

However personally, I don’t subscribe to the inevitability of anything. While Universe is way too wondrous, powerful and creative to be caught up in any type of destructive loop, we apparently create such loops by our own reactive design, all based on individual decisions on whether we’re going to go along with the collective herd or wake up and become who we truly are.

The social constructs simply follow and repeat themselves, just as old patterns of control and subservience do in our current societies. It appears to be a matter of fact at some base level, for reasons deconstructed by many an enlightened researcher.

The awareness of these cycles and their inherent nature are profound when taken to heart, not just to the head. Can we break out? Are we being told to be resigned to such a fate, when in fact we can escape this great mandala of control and repeated insanity?



We’re not just meant to be free, but already are. Therein lies perhaps the most powerful Truth available to humanity. We already are who we are seeking; we have everything we need, we have every answer supposedly sought by the outside projection of life and its search for meaning.

We are it. We already possess every skill and ability needed to manifest the true world of love and cooperation. All that awaits is awakening these inherent gifts we each were born with.

Take this for what you will, but for me it is fact. It is a truth so profound and powerful that it has been suppressed for countless centuries by those who seek to dominate humankind.

It’s time to arise. It’s time to manifest who we each truly are. It’s clearly an individual decision but one that must be made. Consciously, and with heart and determination.

The time has come.

Arise. It’s literally now or never. And always has been.

And now more than ever. Keep heart, keep love, keep true.

The awakening is upon us – let’s help it manifest and proliferate with reckless abandon!


Traits of VIsionaries

10 Qualities of Visionary Leaders and Healers in Transitional Times

10 Qualities of Visionary Leaders for Transitional Times - Art by Chris Saunders

9th April 2015

By Gerri Ravyn Stanfield

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Let’s push it, let’s birth it. Let’s create and heal and risk the pain. I love the way you lead the way, the way you risk that disapproving sneer, the distasteful glare. I love the way you dive right into the fear of isolation and rejection, just to become the truth. Sure, we want to be good and to be loved, but following the rules has never unveiled the joy we seek.

Now is not the time to follow the old rules!

The world is in a great initiation, a giant transition. It’s time to question the (de)construction of every wall. Those of us willing to identify as leaders and healers are uniquely poised to help this process. Surviving crisis is written in our DNA, but this time around, the scale is larger.

Many of us have had the luxury of time spent together in friendship, spiritual or professional community, celebrating the cycles of the planet and imagining the world that is to come. Our intention is sent out to create that world where natural resources are valued, everyone has what they need and our relationships with plants and animals are healthy. We want to recognize the interdependence of our lives with other humans. We are surrounded by people who may have a different view of what is coming or who may fear the events that are unfolding around our climate, racial justice and change in economy.

The Great Turning

In their book, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy, Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone outline three paradigms about the way that the world is going right now.

The first is Business as Usual; this seems to be the way that most of Western urbanized culture is going. Governments still recommend economic progress based on overuse of resources; the media still gives the message to consume. No change is recommended anytime soon.

In The Great Unraveling story, it is the opposite. All the dire truths about this time weigh heavy and there is no other direction except for imminent destruction.

The third paradigm, The Great Turning, is about a major transition in lifestyle and actions to shift human culture towards a holistic healing relationship with our planet.

People who are practicing Business as Usual seem to be living in denial about climate changes, extinction of species and extreme economic disparity. When faced with this story, everything can feel hopeless and we find ourselves spending hours searching the internet or distracting ourselves. It is seductive to engage in The Great Unraveling as well. This one feels like we are really doing something by convincing people how bad it is out there. Our urgency feels like the opposite of apathy. Perhaps we grow more desperate, thinking that it is too late for significant change; that we are surely doomed.

In healing leadership, we continue to revisit The Great Turning as a possibility for the future. We share what is so painful and exciting about being alive right now. We remember what is worth fighting for and loving; and what qualities leaders need in the real world to bring The Great Turning to life.

Qualities of Visionary Leaders and Healers

Capacity For Holding Grief.

We are in a time where many things are changing and being lost. Sometimes, the growth on the other side of loss isn’t immediately obvious. Our opportunities to sit with people who are in distress may increase.

In many of the healing arts, there are techniques around energetic shielding to effectively help people process deep emotions without taking them on ourselves. Grief sometimes elicits anger, anxiety or fear which can be difficult to support. The tendency can be to try and ‘fix it’ so the person will stop expressing the emotion we perceive as negative. In Chinese medicine, all emotions move qi (life force) through us. Emotions are in service to our health and they will not be endless. When people feel things intensely, we can learn to give them space and empathy. We cannot fix it and sometimes what people want is to be physically or emotionally held so that they can keep going.

If you do not feel comfortable around heavy emotions, ask yourself what is hard for you about it. How can you grow your capacity to hold people in transformation? What are the resources in your community to help people process loss and anger?

10 Qualities of Visionary Leaders for Transitional Times - Art by Chris SaundersCapacity For Rejuvenation.

Just as we expand our ability to hold suffering, it is also necessary to become excellent at rejuvenation. At a memorial service for my friend, Jim Brandau, we were told that one of Jim’s great mottos was a rule from the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona, Spain. “All participants are required to lend to the joy of the fiesta.” Our joy matters now more than ever.

One of the first signs of trouble in an activist campaign is when we lose enthusiasm. As leaders, we are responsible for knowing what brings us pleasure, how we can find respite. Our self care becomes more vital than ever. Because passion and motivation are such wonderful qualities in leaders, we must be ever seeking inspiration.

What are ten practices that refill you? Who are the people or beings who help you relax, reconnect with resources and with yourself?

Ability to Listen and Synthesize.

We all love leaders who have brilliant ideas and communicate them in a succinct way. Even more coveted is the ability to synthesize what has been said. Leaders who release attachment to their own ideas and draw together the passionate opinions of others are needed. One of us is rarely as brilliant as all of us and the marriage of different ideas is a way to achieve innovative solutions. It is great to restate people’s words in a group, ensuring that everyone understands what is being said and allowing individuals to edit their own offering. Crafty leaders also begin to notice when folks are saying similar things and make proposals.

Mediation Skills.

I am an unapologetic fan of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication. His assertion that every human being has the same needs is revolutionary. I have seen his system bring more empathy and ability for people in serious conflict to reconnect than any other. We have conflict when an underlying need of ours is not being met. Leaders can use NVC (or another comparable system) to assess what unmet need is causing the upset in a group and help to meet the need if possible. When leaders seek conflict resolution training, we all have a better chance of moving forward.

Intimate Relationship With Our Challenges.

Thank goodness we are imperfect. It is a lifelong struggle to accept this about ourselves and in leadership, it is amplified. Our ability to be aware of our own challenges and to be kind to ourselves around the ways that we make mistakes is imperative. I recommend making a list of tendencies that sometimes feel like barriers to success. Along with a commitment to work on them, give yourself permission to be an imperfect leader. Ask a trusted mentor to be ‘on call’ to give a reality check if they see your challenges becoming a problem. It can be freeing to give your challenges names, faces and personalities. Now, when I hear my Rigid Controller (RC for short) start to speak inside my head, I have much more empathy for myself and ability to edit what that part of me has to say.

Ability To Laugh At Ourselves.

We are funny monkeys! We do strange and outrageous things. The more we relax and give a good guffaw when we can’t control things, the easier it is to lead others in doing the same. I love it when anyone in leadership asks for a “do over” when they do something that they didn’t intend. The more sense of humor that is displayed, the more my respect grows. Taking ourselves too seriously has got to go.

Ability to Apologize When Our Impact Does Not Meet Intention.

Cedar Barstow emphasizes that even with the purest intention, what we say or do may still feel offensive. We hate that. We want to explain and excuse ourselves. We want people to think well of us. Often, the best thing to do is just apologize. It can be the most disarming thing. More information from you may be welcome after that or not. I will sometimes even get advice about another way that it could have been said or done to achieve the impact that I want. Leading with an authentic apology when something has gone awry, rather than a defense, is one of the best moves a leader can make.

Showing the Vulnerability That Builds Trust.

We want to see ourselves in our leaders. It is difficult to see ourselves in people who appear to be perfect. I consistently get feedback that writing or telling stories about overcoming obstacles in my life or the places where I still struggle are helpful to others. We feel hopeful when we see people we admire be vulnerable. We trust them more. It awakens the mammal in us. People want to know how you arrived where you are.  There is an art to sharing your personal stories. Oversharing from the center of your unprocessed painful experience might cause mistrust. However, giving some personal details about what you are experiencing now or what you have been through to get where you are today will help us connect to you.

Embracing Paradox.

Truth is not simple these days. Leaders who can do the mental gymnastics of holding two opposing truths simultaneously are in demand. The ocean levels are rising and there are millions of organizations creating healing and justice in the world. How can we hold disparate realities as being relevant and accurate?  There is a way to shift our perception of the world to support our actions and resolve and it will require a strong relationship to holding paradox.

Stress Relief Techniques.

The Dalai Lama recently said that humans are in a pandemic of anxiety and depression. While this may be appropriate given what is happening to our planet, it can keep us helpless. Our ability to feel deeply and move our emotions through us is paramount. What are the ways we can support ourselves and each other in doing this? This is connected to our capacity for rejuvenation but also necessary just to keep moving, to get out of bed in the morning. Our media and our circumstances keep our nervous system in constant sympathetic arousal. We must find breathing techniques, movement, exercise, and relaxation, anything to get us back to our creative brain and out of reaction. What does this for you?

10 Qualities of Visionary Leaders for Transitional Times - Art by Chris Saunders

Contributing to the Transition

One of our challenges is to take our wisdom into a world that may not understand what we do. People may be repulsed or frightened by our beliefs or the words we use to self identify. We must not be deterred. The skills we have are desperately needed. People will sense who you are and ask you to assist in their crisis, facilitate their meetings, interpret their dreams, perform their memorial service, create art or ritual for them, settle their arguments, or answer their questions about spirituality or medicine for these times. How will you respond?

Carolyn Raffensperger asks a provocative question in an interview with Derek Jensen. “What is the biggest and most important problem in the world that you can [help to] solve with your unique skills and abilities?” I pose this question to all current and potential leaders and healers. It helps us face the size of the transition with which we are dealing but also to see our distinctive contribution to it.

Sometimes, our protest results in a policy change, our patient recovers, our kids learn something, our client feels better, our students understand; we make a visible difference that we can acknowledge. Those are great moments, but our attachment to having them happen frequently is problematic. Sometimes we have to do the work that is directly in front of us and not see the results of our actions. Instead, we may have to trust that our children, students, or some descendent in the future may be touched by what we do. We can continue to support each other and hold the vision. There is no certainty about where we are going. All we can do is exactly what is in front of us and contribute as much as possible to the joy of the ongoing fiesta unfolding around us.

I suspect we have enough of everything we need to make this transition. Let’s keep going. Squeeze out that last drop of wonder in the tube. Stop clenching and clawing and clamping down. Open your chest, your heart, your lower back, your whole life. Live audaciously all the way to the edge and I will too.


Your Color Vibe for Friday – 04/03

Friday, April 3:   Intense Blue

Things are not going to turn out the way you were attempting to make them happen. That is a lesson right now for all. When you are working with control ion a very self-centered direction, it can fall back upon you. It can trip you up. True control lies in letting go of control, in handing it over to the Universal Consciousness, to God/Goddess, to The One. By being in harmony with All That Is, you will find that all your desires begin to take shape according to your best interests and highest good. Living in this dimension, oftentimes we forget that we are part of a larger whole. Our perspectives get skewed. By opening to the truth of it all, in going with the flow, in accepting and allowing, things become easier and manifestation happens more quickly, and you know you are not alone.


Deepak Chopra on Synchronicity

Synchronicity, Evolution, & Your Genes (Part 1)

By Deepak Chopra, MD.

Over the past decade, the hunt for genetic connections with behavior as intensified. For any experience, there must be a physical activity in the brain—otherwise, the experience has no basis. Using this irrefutable assumption, researchers have looked for the seat of anger, criminal behavior, gender identification, the sense of self, and many other aspects of human nature. This includes spirituality. Where is God in the brain? To many neuroscientists, that’s not only a valid question but the only one worth asking, insofar as spiritual experiences have any reality.

Now we are hearing about “God in the genes,” as genetics overtakes neuroscience for the top spot in explaining the roots of human experience. Where the brain operates only in the present, genetics peers deep into the past. A geneticist would want to know what evolutionary advantage early humans got from being spiritual—in the broadest sense of the word—that led to a better chance to survive. This whole line of inquiry, whether we’re taking about the brain or our genes, makes sense if you are a materialist. But it runs the danger of saying that spirituality is only about the physical side of the experience, as if music could never be discussed except by looking at pianos and radios, the physical side of delivering the musical experience.

The materialist explanation is filled with philosophical flaws, but instead of focusing on that, it’s more productive to ask how the brain and genes relate to spiritual experience. The physical side must be accounted for, without making it the whole story. To explore a new kind of explanation that embraces both the physical and non-physical, let’s examine an experience that most people have had. Without experiencing God, angels, the soul, or other traditionally religious things, almost everyone has had at least one or two inexplicable coincidences in their lives.


Synchronicity is the commonly used term for a meaningful coincidence, such as thinking someone’s name and having that person telephone a few seconds later, or opening a book at random and finding the answer to a problem you’ve been wrestling with. Synchronicity doesn’t feel random, which is how it is differentiated from coincidences that have no meaning but happen by chance. The spiritual link involves how to explain a meaningful coincidence. When someone is rescued through a string of chance events, did God intervene? If a car is stranded by the side of the road and a stranger appears out of nowhere to offer help, is God answering a need or a prayer? Events without causes lead to all kinds of unusual explanations.

The term synchronicity was coined by the eminent Swiss psychologist Carl Jung for a phenomenon he experienced with clients in psychotherapy. He first publically discussed synchronicity in a short essay describing synchronicity as an “acausal connecting principle”. By using the word acausal he is pointing to the non-local nature of synchronicity. Non-locality is one of the major principles in quantum physics. Non-locality refers to behavior between particles that doesn’t need a specific cause or location in spacetime. Hitting a billiard ball with a cue entails both a cause and a location. The location is the point where the tip of the cue strikes the ball. The force of the strike is the cause that moves the ball.

But in the quantum domain there is a mystery known as action at a distance, where two particles react to each other instantaneously, even though they can be separated by light years. The action occurs without regard for distance or the limitation of the speed of light. Action at a distance has been popularly explained as “You tickle the universe here, and it laughs over there.” Two particles that mirror each other’s behavior are said to be entangled, although the mechanism behind action at a distance is unknown. Entanglement fits the mathematical model underlying quantum mechanics, and that is what counts when physics is arriving at reliable, precise calculations.

In the everyday world, however, non-locality is about people, not particles. It’s part of human experience to have a meaningful coincidence happen that feels too profound—or too spooky—to feel random. A strict materialist would dismiss such feelings as unreliable and subjective, but “meaningful” isn’t simply subjective. Finding meaning in our lives, from any source, is essential. So how can we fit synchronicity into a broader context?

The key is to connect inner and outer, because synchronicity is about an event “out there” that has sudden meaning “in here.” To make the connection, nine principles apply to genuinely synchronous coincidences.

1. Synchronicity is a conspiracy of improbabilities. The entangled events break the boundaries of statistical probability).

2. The improbable events conspiring to create the synchronistic event are acausally related to each other. (Buddhist traditions call this interdependent co-arising. This is the equivalent of non-local correlation.)

3. Synchronistic events are orchestrated in the non-local domain.

4. As we become aware of synchronistic events, we move to higher or more expanded states of consciousness.

5. Synchronistic events are actually the result of an intention, which organizes the needed outcome. (The intention may have been introduced consciously or unconsciously.)

6. Synchronistic events vary in importance. They can seem incidental or can change the course of a person’s life.

7. Synchronistic events affect our emotions the way random coincidences don’t. A synchronous event creates the experience of emotional fulfillment and joy.

8. Synchronistic events allow us to discover the meaning and purpose of our life.

9. Synchronistic events are personal. In effect they are messages from our non-local self.

Taken together, these principles enable us to receive clues about the essential unity of two realities that seem to be separate: the inner world of thoughts, feelings, memories, fantasies, desires, and intentions, and the outer world of spacetime events.  The inner and outer are the same field, one non-dual consciousness that simultaneously creates both the subjective world and the objective world.

Therefore, synchronicity isn’t simply a passing anomaly that can be shrugged off. Something crucial is happening. In the next post we’ll discuss the implications of that something as it applies to everyday life.


Some Old Tapes to Get Rid Of

15 Things You Should Stop Putting Yourself Through

By: Luminita D. Saviuc, Purpose Fairy, where this was originally featured.

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

A lot of people put themselves through unnecessary pain because of the many unhealthy thoughts, beliefs and behaviors they have. They are so unconscious of their unconsciousness that they blame outside forces for how unhappy they are… They want the world to stop hurting them, when in fact they themselves are hurting themselves.

We are the center of our own personal universe. The thoughts we think, the words we speak, the beliefs we hold and the things we do, they all set the tone for how people, and life in general will treat us… If we want the world to stop treating us unkindly, we have to make sure that we ourselves stop doing the things that cause us pain and suffering. We have to make sure that we ourselves stop hurting ourselves.

Here are 15 things you should stop doing to yourself, things that will help clear out your mind, your heart, your body and your life of everything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy, allowing only good things to come your way.

1. Stop postponing your happiness for the future

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. And if you can’t be happy in this moment, right here, right now, chances are that you will never be happy. Always remember that “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special. And remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Saturday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you’ve had a drink, until you’ve sobered up, until you die, until you are born again, to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.” ~ Unknown

2. Stop polluting yourself with negative thoughts

The quality of your life is in direct proportion with the quality of your thoughts.If you want your life to get better, to look better,  and to feel better, you have to stop intoxicating yourself with all kind of negative, self-defeating and toxic thoughts.

3. Stop arguing for your limitations

There are no limits to what we can be, do and have in life, expect the ones we choose to impose on ourselves. And those who continue to argue for their limitations, they will continue to create their life from a place of limitations. Because just like Richard Bach said it, “when you argue for your limitations, sure enough they’re yours.”

4. Stop telling yourself that you’re not ENOUGH

Have you heard the saying, “Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening”? Well, guess what. If you continue to tell yourself the same old sad stories about you not being good enough, smart enough, young enough, valuable enough, rich enough, and so on, you will continue to act upon these toxic beliefs and you will continue to attract people and experiences in your life that will prove to you that you are right. Because guess what? Life always gives you the experiences that you yourself think, and feel, worthy of receiving. Because that’s how much life loves you.

5. Stop hanging out with the wrong crowd

Jim Rohn once said that you are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with, and from personal experience I can tell you that that’s true. If you surround yourself with all kind of negative and toxic people, people who loooove to complain about everything and everyone, and who expect the whole world to change so that they can finally be happy, then you will start to mirror their behavior. And without you even knowing it, you will start to believe the same things that they believe, and behave in the same way that they behave.

6. Stop waiting for life to begin

This moment is your life. And if you waste this moment by waiting for life to begin, then you will waste your whole life waiting. Failing to realize that while were waiting for life to begin, your life was already unfolding.

“Waiting is a state of mind. Basically, it means that you want the future; you don’t want the present. You don’t want what you’ve got, and you want what you haven’t got. With every kind of waiting, you unconsciously create inner conflict between your here and now, where you don’t want to be, and the projected future, where you want to be. This greatly reduces the quality of your life by making you lose the present.” ~ The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

7. Stop complaining

If you don’t like something, change it. And if you can’t change it, change the way you look at it. Change your attitude, change your perception, but stop complaining. Because trust me, complaining won’t make things better, on the contrary, it will make them worse.

8. Stop comparing yourself to other people

Your job here on this Earth isn’t to be better than other people, but better than you used to be. Better today than you were yesterday. Your job is to be better than yourself, not better than other people.

Instead of looking to your left and to your right to see what other people are preoccupied with, and instead of wasting your precious time and energy to compare yourself, and your life, to everyone else, you might want to save that energy and channel it into something that will make you happy, and bring you peace of mind.

9. Stop dwelling on the past

Each day offers you a new chance to start all over. To leave the past behind you and start a new life. So learn to treasure this beautiful gift that life is offering you. Leave the dead bury their own dead, and move on with your life.

10. Stop seeking for love in all the wrong places

Why are you looking for love in all the wrong places when there is so much love hidden deep within you, eagerly waiting to be discovered? Find the love that lies within you. Become one with it, and then the whole world will shower you with love. Just like you always wanted.

11. Stop worrying

Leave your worries behind you, they serve you no good.

12. Stop being ungrateful

Those who are ungrateful for what they have, they will lose the gifts that were bestowed on them by life. And when those gifts will be taken away from them, then they will realize how much they had to be grateful for. There is so much to be grateful for in this world, so much to appreciate. And the more you get into the habit of expressing your gratitude for the life you are living, and for the many wonderful things that are present in your life, the more life will give you to be thankful for.

13. Stop trying so hard to make everyone like you

If you want people to like you, stop trying so hard. Yes, you heard me. Stop trying so hard. If you want the world to rave about you, and if you want people to like you, instead of chasing and begging for their love and approval, get busy living your life in a way that will make people curious about you and your life. Get busy with creating things that you are passionate about, things that make your heart sing with joy, and if you do this, not only will people love you, but you yourself will love yourself. And that my friend, will make you very happy. :)

14. Stop doubting yourself

Have faith in who you are. Know that there is a force in you that is more powerful than anything you have ever known. Stop doubting yourself, and learn to trust this force. Learn to trust yourself, your inner wisdom, your inner power, but also the wisdom of life. Know that none of us is here by accident, none of us is flawed. We all have unique gifts and talents that are needed in this world. Who we are matters. Who you are matters.

“Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.” ~ Serbian Proverb

15. Stop taking your sense of worth from outside of you

“Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you?” ~ Rumi

There are things in life that we do, and things that we are. That which we are, is eternal, and that which we have, is temporary. Never look outside of you for things, people and experiences to confirm your sense of value and your worth. Never get your sense of worth from outside of you, for that will only enslave you, putting at the mercy of things, people and experiences you have little or no control over.

P.S. I know there is a lot of stopping but I guess we all need to be reminded of how much we are damaging ourselves and our lives because of our thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors. And I guess that’s a lot more harmful than me using the stop word.


Remembering What is Really Important

The 12 Biggest Life Secrets Forgotten By Mankind

The more I ponder about life, the more I come to one solid realisation: The biggest curse and predicament of modern Man is forgetfulness. Like a creeping malaise, forgetfulness has seeped through all of Man’s being and doing. Individually, collectively, historically or culturally, we are spellbound to forget.

We haven’t only forgot our past but also our place in the present and our responsibility of the future. On a personal level, our ego-based state of consciousness is on a mission to keep us in this state of forgetfulness – to break the link to our being as a whole and to the interconnected web of life and universal consciousness. On a collective level, this forgetfulness is perpetuated and reinforced by social and cultural means – mainly by being tranced into a reality of unconscious consumerism, inauthentic lifestyles and a materialistic mindset.

The brighter side of it is that we all have the chance to re-member and re-connect to ourselves and the universe at large. The power of remembering is at the centre of the spiritual path to self-discovery and realisation.

Here is a list of what I believe we have forgotten, or more importantly, a list of things to remember:

1. We forgot our place in the natural world:

In the last couple of hundred years we have detached ourselves from nature. We have exploited, ravaged, consumed and attempted to control nature to appease our greed driven by self-absorbed madness. We tried to distance ourselves from the natural circle of life. We forgot how to listen to and understand the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth – its signs and languages. We forgot to follow nature’s path and live in balance with it.

2. We forgot our connection to life and the cosmos:

By detaching ourselves from nature, we forgot that we are deeply connected to it and to the cycles of the universe. Some tribes on the outskirts of ‘civilisation’, and who still follow ancestral ways, have preserved this connection with respect and reverence. We, on the other hand have instilled a sense of separateness which drove us out of balance and in dis-ease.  We forgot how all consciousness is interconnected and weaved into a delicate and beautiful dance.

3. We forgot our ancient wisdom:

We forgot our ancestral wisdom. In the quest to gain scientific knowledge through the rationalisation of our mind, we forgot the wisdom through the opening of our heart. We forgot the ancient stories and folk wisdom that was handed down from from seers and wise men of antiquity who lived in harmony with the universe.

4. We forgot our path and our dreams:

By stirring away from our inner path we forgot to dream the dream of life. More importantly we forgot how to awake in that dream and see our true nature as co-creators of life – as the dreamers. We forgot that we have the power to weave dreams and use our power of intention to direct those dreams into manifestation.

5. We forgot our purpose:

With too much chatter, noise and distraction in this dense reality we forgot what we came here to do. We forgot our purpose. We are caught in the mass trance of fabricated consensual reality. We lost sight of our authenticity, that inner spark that drives us towards our happiness and self-realisation. We forgot that we are here to be realised as spiritual beings embodied in a physical form and embedded in a congenial universe.

6. We forgot that everything is Love:

This is perhaps the deepest mystery of all that only some seers came to understand it as an all-embracing truth. That truth however is hidden somewhere deep inside of us. We knew it at some point but have lost touch with it. We forgot that everything is ultimately energy and consciousness and that love is the fundamental fabric of existence that runs through all energy and consciousness.

7. We forgot to Forgive:

By being made to believe that we are separate and disconnected from the others and from everything else, we forgot to forgive. In its deepest sense forgiveness is the act of reminding ourselves that we are one with everyone and everything and that there is no victim or perpetrator. It’s just all of us together moving together in a dynamic web we call life.

8. We forgot to be Free:

Remind yourself one thing everyday: You were made to be free.

We were born and raised in a ‘reality’ where freedom is only a concept. We were bound to the shackles of fear, misconceptions, false ideologies, material reward and held ransom to rules and laws laid down to safeguard the interest of the few. We were made to forget that we are free agents of change. We are free to be who we are without fear or guilt.

9. We forgot our real power:

Living in fear has made us forget how powerful we are. We forgot the massive power of our will and intention to change our reality. We have been tranced into sleepwalking and following the ready made signs like automatons.

10. We forgot our lessons from history:

If there is something that history has taught us is how fast we are at forgetting our lessons. Time and time again we keep on repeating the same mistakes, stuck in the same patterns of greed and self-destruction. We cannot be blamed individually for the mistakes done by humanity in the past but we are responsible as individuals to to remind ourselves of the past mistakes and pass it on to the collective psyche.

11. We forgot to be simple:

Human life got more complex and complicated. We are seduced by the glitter of more and not by the power of less. We forgot to be simple and the meaning of simplicity. Life is simple really. Simplicity means discarding all the inessential stuff and ideas that clutter the view to our life purpose and the other truths we have forgotten.

12. We forgot to trust, believe and wonder:

We lost our enchantment with the world. We forgot to be wondered by the miracle of life. We do not stand in awe at the majesty of it all anymore. Our skepticism and cynical view of the world has made us lose trust in ourselves and the magic of the universe. We forgot how to believe. This is perhaps the biggest tragedy of all. It weakened our spirit and impoverished our soul.

Credits: “The 12 Biggest Life Secrets Forgotten By Mankind,” from, by The Mind Unleashed Contributing Author Gilbert Ross
