Towards Conscious Awakening

Stages of Conscious Awakening

by Zen Gardner Jul 12, 2015


It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we are. The problem is that even when physically awake, we can still be mentally asleep, unaware of ourselves and entirely absorbed in whatever mechanical impulse or external stimulus captures our attention. This state of confluence, or mental absorption, keeps us in an unproductive dream state.

The common understanding of what it means to be “awake” disguises the truth, which is that despite walking around with eyes open, people tend to nonetheless be hypnotized, dimly conscious, sleepwalking, daydreaming, or in a state of trance. What all these states have in common is that the conscious core of the individual is absent or passive, blowing like a leaf in the winds of environmental stimuli.

In dreams we might make the strangest “logical” associations that amount to no logic at all, have little say in what happens to us, do things impulsively, and fail to question our reality or observe ourselves. Compare this to how people tend to behave in everyday life, the anecdotes and gossip they speak, how they might communicate via recitations of lines from movies or TV shows, speak in trite memetic phrases without conscious thought or originality, engage in ludicrous programmed behavior, engross themselves in petty dramas, and switch between goofy or borrowed personalities. For them, dreams do not end in the morning.

The world is an insane asylum but society is too asleep to notice the insanity. Just as you may not question insane dreams while having them, some people never question their insane lives. The implications of mass somnambulism is obvious: with billions of people asleep, those in power who are awake have the advantage. Sleeping people are easily controlled. Their conscious core exists within a mental prison, harvested for time, labor, and energy. They possess little or no freewill because they have abandoned the awareness necessary to harness it.

The mind and body can be asleep or awake independently of each other. With mind and body awake, one is truly awake. With mind and body asleep, one is dreaming. With mind awake and body asleep, one is lucid-dreaming. With mind asleep and body awake, one is sleepwalking. Gradations exist between these four states, ranging from hypnotism and trance to daydreaming and dim consciousness.

Stage 1: Breaking Negative Confluence

The first step to awakening requires breaking out of this negative confluence by gaining a degree of lucidity, a measure of self-awareness. At any moment you can turn your attention inward and observe yourself, placing your attention firmly in the present moment. You can notice your thoughts, analyze your feelings, pay attention to the sensations in your body, feel your breath, engage in self-examination, and survey your situation and surroundings from a higher perspective.

In doing so, you quickly become aware that all these perceptions ultimately originate from outside of you even if they are playing out inside your own mind. That is because at the very core of your mind is a center of perception that defines the true you, while the peripheral territory of your mind is populated by thoughts that may or may not be your own. This inner core is the silent observer, the consciousness watching through your eyes and thinking through your mind. It is that which experiences, chooses, realizes, and lives. The rest is just machinery.

Becoming lucid depends on being cognizant of your own awareness. Some call this self-remembering since confluence is the state of self-forgetting. Lucidity is as simple as turning within and remembering yourself in the present moment. Remembering yourself stops confluence, and stopping confluence is the first step to snapping out of what suffocates your spiritual identity. It is one thing to know that you are, but quite another to know who you are. In time, the first leads to the second.

Being consciously present in the moment is easy to implement but difficult to maintain. Books have been written on just this task alone. The problem is both physical and metaphysical. Initially, heightening one’s state of awareness requires both vital energy and an adequate supply of neurotransmitters. These deplete after a short period of exertion and one slips back into lowered consciousness. But like a muscle, mental focus grows with training because the physical and subtle bodies adapt to a greater demand for energy.

Maintaining lucidity becomes easier with practice, as with practice one gradually increases the length and depth of focus. By practicing lucidity in a controlled setting, the same state of heightened awareness can more easily be reached and maintained under more natural circumstances. Hence some forms of meditation assist the training of self-awareness.

One common method of exercising lucidity is mindfulness meditation, where you pay attention to your thoughts and sensations by being a calm and lucid third party observer. Unlike transcendental meditation where chanting a mantra for hours leads to self-hypnosis and a lowering of consciousness, mindfulness meditation raises consciousness.

Another practice called Vipassana requires that you relax and then pay attention to every sensation in your body, starting with the top of your head and working your way down to your toes, then back to the top. The primary benefit of this type of meditation is that we become conscious of signals that are otherwise ignored and forgotten. This is useful because in this modern age not only do we normally forget ourselves, but we tend to forget our own bodies. For instance, watching television or using the internet places our attention into virtual bodies that displace our own. This causes a schism between mind and body in addition to the already prevalent disconnection between self and mind. Dissociation of this type is antagonistic to higher awareness. Observing physical sensations goes toward mending the schism, which in turn assists conscious integration between self and mind.

Interestingly, the practice of such lucidity literally changes brain structure over time and increases the activity of gamma brainwaves, which are 40Hz oscillations of the entire brain resonating via quantum coherence.

Additionally, Vipassana and related exercises such as Robert Bruce’s New Energy Ways or the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation of Taoist yoga all have the effect of stimulating nonphysical structures and circuits within the etheric body, which if nothing else can help remove blockages and stagnant energies. If properly executed with sufficient regularity of practice, however, these can also awaken certain extrasensory abilities.

Dealing with Negative Emotions

Becoming mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations is also useful in transmuting internal negative emotional energy. By observing negative emotions as they arise and objectively noticing the physiological sensations they evoke, one keeps from entering into a runaway feedback loop between thoughts and emotions that would otherwise explode into over-reactivity and generate a skewed sense of perception and judgment. In other words, this practice can break your confluence with external provocations.

If the negative emotion is triggered by some button-pushing event, lucid awareness of the emotion itself (rather than where it points, or the person/event that triggered it) is a way of defusing the negative energy without suppressing it. On the other hand, if negativity is more a constant pressure without any specific trigger, then self-awareness helps you stand upright against the pull of this emotional gravity.

In the midst of such storms, through lucidity you will find that you are the eye of that hurricane, an impersonal observer who stands above and beyond. That is the pivot point that disarms and transmutes the energy.

So, lucidity is the key to keeping one’s composure. Only when you have gotten the upper hand over an escalating emotion are you in a position to make an informed choice as to whether to go with it or reign it in; without awareness, that choice is never made and one simply reacts like an animal.

Suppressing emotions by allowing them to fester as you turn to look the other way will cause them to flare up in unexpected ways at unexpected times. This is not healthy; emotions must be dealt with, not ignored. By becoming aware of the raw emotional energy, you can instead harness it — when appropriate. This includes anger in cases where the imminent action fueled by that anger is both wise and necessary, meaning if one is too weak to take care of needed business otherwise.

If a negative emotion and its associated action is not appropriate, then awareness of that energy and remembrance of yourself as the transcendent observer will defuse the energy and transmute it into a higher grade of spiritual fuel for your soul.

Thus whether you harness the energy toward needed action or toward transmutation into a higher form of positive energy, either way you are dealing with it instead of suppressing it.

Stage 2: Positive Confluence

In summary, observing yourself expands the bandwidth of your awareness, breaks negative forms of confluence, and has enhancing effects on your brain and soul. Returning to your center allows you to choose in the moment what to think, feel, or do next. Without self-awareness there is no choice, just a mechanical reaction to a given stimulus. By default we behave like machines, but at any moment we can regain lucidity and disengage the autopilot.

It would therefore seem that self-remembering, mindfulness, or lucidity is all we need to develop spiritually, but unfortunately that is not sufficient. Some esoteric schools of thought stop there and become preoccupied with deprogramming and self-remembering in an effort to pick the weeds of the mind and soul. However, without planting the seeds, adding water and sunshine, what remains is an immaculate but ultimately barren field of dirt.

Notice that by itself, lucidity is merely a state of mindfulness that squelches mechanical reactivity and lets you think on what to do next, but it doesn’t necessarily offer a transcendental or transjective influence to direct you toward the ideal outcome. The sword is liberated from the stone but no map or compass is provided for the quest.

And thus there is need for a second stage in conscious development that goes beyond mere self-remembering. While the first stage aims to interrupt negative confluence, the second stage involves initiating positive confluence with the higher aspects of your being. Speaking from your heart, following your intuition, tapping into your subconscious, virtually “channeling” your Higher Self — these are all examples of positive confluence.

Here, you willingly seek out these higher impulses and let them flow as your self-awareness takes a back seat. Reflect upon times when words flowed from you that must have come from something higher. What you said was wiser and more helpful than anything you could have come up with solely on your own. And while they were flowing, you were unaware of yourself as though in a trance (not unconscious, just not self-aware). This is a state of being in the flow, in the so-called “zone”.

This type of confluence is productive and happens from time to time even without being trained in self-observation. However, self-observation helps you make these connections more consistently and intentionally by reducing interruptions by periods of negative confluence, mainly through your noticing them and nipping them in the bud.

The main function of the second stage is to strengthen your connection with the higher centers, the higher chakras, the uplinks to your Higher Self or Higher Mind. By grooving a conduit to these higher aspects through regular use, their influences become more permanent. This is important because at this second stage, becoming lucid while being in the flow will momentarily interrupt the flow. For instance, speaking from your heart but then suddenly becoming aware of yourself temporarily breaks the connection.

Lucidity hampers all types of confluence, even the positive ones. That is, unless the flow is sufficiently strong such that lucidity does not interrupt it. To illustrate, consider how when we first drift off to sleep at night, if we catch ourselves falling asleep we immediately wake up again. In this case, the initial sleep state is not strong enough to withstand the conscious mind suddenly withdrawing from confluence. However, once one has entered deeper sleep and begun dreaming, it is possible to become lucid and continue dreaming. Those who are unskilled in lucid dreaming have difficulty either maintaining their lucidity, whereupon they continue dreaming unaware, or maintaining their dream state, whereupon they break out of sleep upon realizing they are dreaming. But with practice the state of lucid dreaming can be prolonged.

Stage 3: Positive Lucidity

What does this say about positive confluence? It says that positive confluence is merely a means toward making the connection with one’s higher aspects sufficiently permanent (through repeated exposure and practice, which in turn changes the structure of the brain and soul to create a more hardwired connection) so that one can eventually have self-awareness and not break the connection.

This is the third stage: being simultaneously connected and lucid.

There are two categories of meditation, one lowers consciousness and the other raises it. Both seek to unify the conscious mind with the subconscious and thereby achieve integration of the whole being. But while the first category is regressive, the second is progressive.

Regressive meditation seeks to dissolve the ego into the subconscious so that, in theory, one becomes an unconscious extension of higher sources. If one thereby enters into positive confluence, then that is good.

But with the subconscious merely being a doorway to anything and everything outside the lower self, without deliberately setting a genuine positive destination that doorway could just as easily lead toward becoming a puppet of subconscious complexes, power tripping gurus, or negative entities.

This means that regressive practices carry the risk of losing ego in favor of potentially malevolent influences. Mindless chanting of a mantra, focusing on an external guru, practicing channeling with no filters in place, and slipping into altered states of consciousness for the sake of novelty are examples of things that carry this risk. If you are not engaged in positive confluence with your spiritual core by being and feeling it, then there’s no telling what you’re entering into confluence with.

Some forms of meditation marketed to the West should be called mindlessness meditations because that is precisely what they accomplish: a lowering of awareness into a murky state of unconsciousness that only ends up creating habitual mindless trance states and susceptility to manipulation by delusional or malevolent forces; it works for stress relief the same way psychiatric drugs take the edge off, but it is inappropriate for spiritual development since at best it merely inebriates and tranquilizes and at worst leads to becoming a mindless puppet.

Technically speaking, positive confluence is regressive because it puts us back into the naive childlike state of divine innocence as before the Fall. Self-awareness is lowered into mere awareness as one becomes an expression of a higher will. But as long as this remains a means rather than ends, that is okay. This state has its uses and is better than being in negative confluence, which is the sleepwalking state society seems to be in or the mindless puppet state that certain meditators and channelers enter into.

Despite being regressive, positive confluence is also better than being in a sterile state of lucidity not connected to anything positive, as happens with those who practice self-remembering for years without ever training their capacity for love, empathy, intuition, and other faculties of spirit. They become very lucid but also very cold and hardened, signifying the onset of ossification or Ahrimanization of the soul.

So as a means, positive confluence (Stage 2) is more useful as a stepping stone toward emerging into active divine consciousness (Stage 3). The goal is operating with self-awareness intact so that rather than being an unconscious extension of a higher source, one evolves into that higher source.

In this third stage, one practices self-awareness without interrupting the flow of impressions flowing from the higher centers. This amounts to a passive observation and gentle allowance of the influence your Higher Self exerts over your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Why is lucidity important again after it was set aside in the second stage? Because staying lucid while letting positive influences work from within is simply an act of supervising the process so that you can step in as necessary to correct deviations or initiate a new line of inquiry and action.

The problem with Stage 2 is that positive confluence easily passes into negative because one is not always self-aware enough to catch the switchover. Think of a dreamer who is heartful and wise in one dream, then quickly sinks into stress and anger when the dream changes to something negative. There is no consistency. That is why I said positive confluence is fragile, just as Adam and Eve were in a fragile state that was good while it lasted, but ignorance is bliss and that ignorance allowed them to be easily swayed by interceding negative forces.

It is difficult enough to gain lucidity without interrupting the flow, which is why lucidity must at first be passive in the beginning of the third stage, meaning “watch yourself but do not interfere with the expression of your heart.” This, as distinguished from the “express your heart and higher wisdom by forgetting yourself” aspect of the second stage. The latter is a means toward achieving the first, however, so anyone stuck in Stage 1 to the point of having become more lucid but simultaneously colder inside, should practice entering into positive confluence. That means loosening up and absorbing yourself into positive, productive, creative, empathic, revelatory, and generally spiritual activities.

Once the lower self is free of negative confluence and the Higher Self has a clear and permanent communication link (achieved through brain and soul structure enhancements brought about through the aforementioned exercises) and both higher and lower are present at the same time, a mutual flow of communication is possible. The lower self becomes an adept assimilating the wisdom and essence of the Higher Self, thereby rising to its level. In this way, the lower finally merges with the higher and achieves total integration of being.

This is different from the higher sinking into the lower during positive confluence; it is different from annihiliation of ego and the return to a primitive pure state. Rather, it is a forward progression, an entelechy of human consciousness.

Nonlinear Evolution

In practice, these stages of conscious awakening are not discretely sequential like grades in school. Rather, we occupy one of the stages as a primary center of gravity yet can spontaneously spike into the higher levels or drop into the lower.

The higher stages are trickier to access and maintain, but that does not mean we are barred from accessing them, just that without practice we access them less frequently. The glimpses we catch of the higher stages should motivate us to acquire them permanently as our new center of gravity. This is much like regular dreamers being motivated by spontaneous lucid dreams to practice and have them more frequently until it becomes the normal mode of dreaming. Higher awareness happens in flashes, like a fluorescent bulb flickering before fully igniting.




Your Color Vibe for SUnday, July 12

Sunday, July 12:   Silver

There are some big changes in the air, and you will see some indications of that today. These can come in odd ways – through synchronicity, memory lapses, things seen out of the corner of your eye, etc.. Be aware of where you are when these things happen. The key to it all can be linked to a certain place or even people there. It is time again to appreciate yourself for all the things that you know. You can be surprised today as people find you to be an expert in areas that you thought you were just a novice.   Take some time also to appreciate the beauty, awe, the wonder, and the power of the natural world around you. Send energy and thanks to Gaia for all she is.

Consciousness, Co-Creation & You

Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator

  Robert Torres, Contributor
Waking Times

Synchronicity: is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner [to the observer]. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.

If you believe synchronicity is simply coincidence, then you haven’t read any of the top experts in the field. The famous psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung coined the term synchronicity in the 1920s to reference the alignment of universal forces with a person’s experiences.

These forces have been sought out for centuries in many spiritual traditions as a means of aligning with the “flow.” This usually takes years of disciplined meditation, study, ritual or other means to navigate this journey toward a harmonic “individuation.” To some the search is inward for the self, yet for others it’s an outward search for spirituality.

My first experience with synchronicity was on March 21st at 3:03am which is the 3rd month, 3rd week, 3rd hour, 3rd minute or 3333, on the equinox and the moment of my birth. It was my alignment with the universal forces, the planet, space and time.

My awakening was also through no effort of my own and came by way of a supernatural encounter with an entity of light. It began my involvement with and research into the metaphysical nature of reality – I became “enlightened.” Because of this I have an inherent understanding of many esoteric concepts like the flow, the spirit, one-ness and even divinity.

My experiences are not entirely unique, but the way in which this window of understanding opened for me is. There was no journey, no explanation as to why – the knowledge was just revealed. Things that to many are never more than concepts and metaphors, I actually see as having real form. I’ve witnessed many paranormal phenomena unfold with me seemingly being the only connection. However, because of my earlier encounters I’ve never attributed much of it directly to myself. I’ve always sensed a presence around me. So unlike many others who seek the path, I feel that for some reason the source found me.

Being human however leaves me questioning: “Who or what is this presence?” Abilities like ESP, clairvoyance, telekinesis are all real along with the concepts of a sub-stratum or pre-space. But what is our connection?

In Jung’s book “An Acausal Connecting Principle” it is subjective meaning that connects us. Without an observer (YOU) there is no mind, no synchronicity, no meaning. Thoughts connected to events, mind connected to movements of matter, absent of a cause (acausal). Thinking something before it happens, remote viewing, telekinesis, where do these abilities come from? Since scientists don’t accept the mind as a cause. How then do we prove any of this?

I say that we are using a flawed science because it is incomplete. Physicist, Dr. William Tiller proposes that consciousness is what’s missing from the equation. It’s the unifying integrator of all the individual constituents. Bohm says there is a hidden variable implying that neither relativity nor quantum mechanics should be accepted as a conclusive nor exclusive solution.

My research began with Carl Jung but for millennia prior to Jung man has experienced synchronicity. Theoretically it begins outside of our space-time in the flow where all knowledge exits and our material reality takes shape. It then unfolds into our dimension only to return back to the flow. This is described by David Bohms theory of “the implicate order.” However prior to synchronicity, ancient humanity used words like sympathy, harmony and unity.

In the fourth century B.C., the Greek philosopher Heraclitus viewed all things as being inter-related, nothing is isolated and that all things are linked. Similarly Hippocrates said: “There is ONE common flow, a common breathing. Everything is in sympathy.” A bond – and even between inanimate objects. A form of “animism” or the belief that all matter has consciousness. This is a classic idea whereby separateness is an illusion.

Now what you should know is that Jung had a lifelong interest in and many experiences with the paranormal. Working with him was the Nobel Prize winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli who also had experiences with telekinesis. Catastrophic breakdowns of experimental equipment would inexplicably occur when he was around. It was often joked about, but other scientists feared his presence during experiments because it was commonly believed he was the cause. This is well known in physics as “The Pauli Effect.” 

Together they helped pioneer the study of parapsychology. Others studying non-material or fringe science also advanced the field (sometimes unknowingly) by the very nature of their work. Pauli’s early work in quantum physics had a strong influence by changing how we think about matter itself.

A great example of good solid theory is Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic fields.” He shows us how fields create relationships. Physicist David Bohm’s “Implicate and Explicate Order” as previously mentioned. Michael Talbot’s famous “Holographic Universe” or Physicist David Peat’s “Meaning and Form.” All of these hypothesize a substratum beneath our material and temporal reality.  Much of quantum physics is competing theory and it’s the same with non-material science.

Consciousness itself cannot be scientifically quantified – there is no explaining it. Many believe it exists outside the brain, perhaps the Akashic field. Psi-fields, source fields, the flow, these are all conceptual dimensions bound together by abstract relationships. Where consciousness and matter are two aspects of the same thing. These are the domains of the trickster gods where Hermes and Loki conspire to fool us using mind, matter and meaning.

Ok, and although I’m in agreement with many of these theorists about some hypothetical matrix. What is the intelligence behind the curtain?

Since before recorded history humankind has recognized the existence of a greater intelligence. Ask any believer of any esoteric system and you’ll get many different answers. The spirit, God, the Goddess, Sophie, Allah, the Demiurge, The One. History’s greatest scientists came to this same conclusion. Einstein said: “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

Also Max Planck the father of quantum physics said: “All matter originates and exists, only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Isaac Newton believed the universe was mechanical, set into motion by God and then left to run. There are others who believe that all existence is an emanation of God. Some don’t believe there is an external intelligence at all. This is not my belief!

What many of these theories and beliefs have in common, is that your own thoughts can alter the outside world in relation to you. Though, you alone are not the creator within the flow of the source field. You are simply part of the process. The biggest secret is not that there is a co-creator, but that it’s YOU! Ultimately there is a separate coordinating intelligence in control.

This is what causes events to coincide without your thoughts, like for instance, the moment of my birth: 3333. That’s why we pray or chant, recite mantras, sing praises and invoke – expecting a particular outcome. Deep down inside we’ve always known we were being watched, even in an empty room, we are never really alone. How many times do events align that seem so strange and statistically unlikely to have occurred by chance? They must originate externally. This means, that The Source or The-One controlling it all is out there and not within…

“Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Albert Einstein

About the Author

Robert Torres is the author of the non-fiction book “Sin Thesis” available at Amazon. Please visit

This article was written using excerpts and concepts from the non-fiction book “Sin Thesis” available at Amazon written by the author Robert Torres.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Things are just Not in Control

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner

What a farce. Telling everyone “everything is under control” is perhaps the most dulling and disempowering phrase ever uttered.

My fascination with language just keeps expanding. I love looking at expressions, words, colloquialisms, so-called “sayings” and the like with fresh awakened eyes. I can’t help it. The supposed, accepted and unconscious meanings of these imposed “expressions” are what direct our minds and turn our attention.

So much of what we’ve been handed down is contorted, manipulated and eventually nestled in the collective mindset to twist our hearts away from simple truth.

How many times has this expression been used to bring seeming comfort to someone; “Don’t worry, everything’s under control.” Really? What control? Who’s controlling what? And why?

So often this is used to imply some powerful force is behind everything directing what’s going on. Remind you of anything? Yes – religion, hierarchy, and social, political and economic so-called “controllers”. How debilitating can you get when it comes right down to it, playing on people’s insecurity and lack of conscious awareness?

“It’s under control” is comforting to people? It’s the picture of personal disempowerment!


External Control? Or Creative Freedom!

Sure, there is a wonderful creative Source we are all intrinsically part of, but it’s not “controlling” anything in a living, expanding Universe with beings of all sorts with free will and self determination in an alive multidimensional environment. If anything, this Creative impetus is tearing down control systems that attempt to foist themselves on its process, put there either by conscious intent or the manifestation of hardening mindsets in the social fabric.

Earth processes attest to this, as well as our spectacular expanding and ever changing Universe. Nature itself is alive with new sprouts of life in the animal, plant and mineral worlds, never mind other realms of existence.

Look at earthquakes and volcanoes, or the sun and astral influences. As much as some try to analyze or predict major events that affect earth that still brings no control, only a measure of preparedness on rare occasion. And that type of insecurity is good for us. It’s humbling and keeps us in check.

This process is what the awakening is all about!

While some earth changes may be exacerbated by human activity, the big stuff is way out of our control. Thankfully. That’s what makes life life, and also why the insane would-be captivators of humanity and its planet work so feverishly in their mad pursuits to try to control natural processes. Control is their yardstick and without it they have no temporal security or power, which to them equates some weird form of normalcy or equilibrium.

How upside down can you get.

Be it geoengineering our climate, genetically modifying the natural progression of life forms, or attempting to install artificial intelligence to run their soulless programs, these maniacs are desperate for control in every shape and form. Why? They cannot meld or harmonize with what’s natural since their psychopathic, demonic intentions have nothing to gain, all while the rest of us thrive on being part of the fantastic empowering natural processes of Creation Itself.

Therein lies the rub. Quite apparently we’re in a world of conflicts of interest. That’s our current playing field, if you will. Or won’t. It’s just the way it is.


Let Go Into Conscious Anarchy

I like the anarchy approach. Anarchy is an example of another twisted word. It’s doesn’t mean putting a society into deliberate chaotic destruction, it means living without hierarchical control mechanisms. Something most groomed humans are scared spitless of thanks to generations of social programming.

You mean to tell me if we didn’t have so-called “government” that everything would fall apart? Baloney. People are resourceful and essentially responsible, at least their inner nature is, that hasn’t been perverted by all of this programming to the contrary. That very dependence on external control systems is what the hierarchy is literally banking on which is why the repeated memes of fear of scarcity or personal security.

There’s plenty for everybody. All we need to do is work together locally and share with other communities in a range of sizes and distances. Real commerce in loving cooperation, not the regulated systems that have been foisted upon us. We’ve been weaned from personal responsibility into a system of statist dependence, like someone who’s stopped using their muscles and is dependent on some mass produced contraption for their mobility when there’s nothing wrong with them at all.

They just need to exercise their innate capabilities.

Just because people have become spiritually atrophied in large numbers doesn’t mean that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Exactly like waking up, it’s time to arise and use the magnificent body of capabilities we’ve all been given, and let go of these false crutches and systems of hierarchy and walk into life and live!



That false assurance that everything’s under control by external forces as if we individually have virtually none has got to go. Being comforting in times of stress and turmoil is one thing, but propping people up with some external dependence reinforcement is fundamentally wrong.

It’s time to be conscious – in our words, our thoughts and our actions.

It’s really not that difficult. The main thing you’ll confront is ignorant, unenlightened opposition from those who’ve grown deeply accustomed to this dependency programming, as if it’s some form of respect for the “great ones” who rule them.

It’s very deep and will take time to overcome for most. But remaining in that conscious space, no matter what ridicule or obstacles assail you, is the very solution we each are longing for.

It begins with each of us. Standing our ground and then moving forward in conscious, loving action.

Do it. Bravely. The time for humanity to arise is now.

Much love, be well, and fully empowered,



Soul-Net or Soul Catching

Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?

by Makia Freeman


The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net

that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the global conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the global conspiracy rabbit hole ends. Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet? Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.

Why? Because the conspiracy is all about suppressing your idea of Who You Are. It’s about convincing you that you are nothing, no one. It’s about convincing you that you are just a biological machine, fit to serve as no more than a cog in a machine or as Pink Floyd put it just another brick in the wall. Mainstream science to this day still denies the existence of consciousness just because it can’t get a handle on it with the 5 senses. Its simplistic solution is to disregard anything it can’t measure.

There are many researchers who will be unable to contemplate this topic, or refuse to go there, because it clashes with their belief systems, such as religious belief systems (the afterlife is either Heaven or Hell, or 100 virgins, but not a soul net), scientific/materialistic belief systems (there is no such thing as a soul or consciousness) or various other belief systems (there are no such things as aliens or extraterrestrials, etc.). If you have read this far, you probably are ready to go beyond those belief systems, having realized they are set up to create a false dichotomy, and to limit and disempower you. You have probably also realized that the true manipulators at the helm of the conspiracy are non-physical entities, which various religions and cultures have referred to the Archons (in the Gnostic tradition), Djinn or Jinn (in Islam), Demons (in Christianity), the Mud Shadow (in the books of Carlos Castaneda) or by other names.

What is the Reincarnation Trap / Soul-Catching Net / Soul Net?

The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is. The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.

Remember also The Matrix series of films. Morpheus shows Neo the shocking truth that we are raised as a food source for the Controllers. He shows Neo a symbol of the battery. While this is a good symbol, a battery implies a storage of energy. In actuality, we act as generators of energy for the Archons, so a generator you see at a construction site might be a more accurate symbol.

However, because we are powerful beings, the Archons can’t just rely on force for all this. They need to trick us into giving them consent. How do they do that? How do they get us to go willingly into the soul net? With the trick of the white light …

The Soul Net Relies on the Trick of the White Light

We have been told through various sources that the white light at death is something to head towards. Hollywood films such as Ghost promote this. People who have experienced OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) mention it.

Yet what if, as David Icke, Wayne Bush and others have suggested, the white light at death – and light itself (in this context) – is the trick? What if light is the source of the deception? After all, the Illuminati and other Secret Societies worship Lucifer, the Light Bearer. Michael Tsarion talks about the occult weaponization of lightCameron Day talks about why he is no longer a lightworker, because of the false duality and the fake “light”. What if the New-Age talk of “light” is another trap? What if light is the source of the matrix prison planet? What if light is the mechanism for the soul net?

Sounds far out? It is, so let me now introduce the various sources, old and new, which are suggesting this concept. When independent sources, especially from different time periods, all come forth with the same idea, it’s a good sign that the information has validity.

ET Contactee Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes is an incredible modern day ET contactee. If you listen to his interviews it is clear he is a rational, level-headed man, who even holds a position in local government in England. Parkes states that alien intervention and genetic manipulation occurred earlier in humanity’s history, where our DNA was tampered with and our psychic abilities repressed. This was done so that no one could challenge the prison guards (the Archons). In presentations such the video above, Parkes also mentions the trick of the white light and the soul net.

WingMakers Neruda Interview #5

The WingMakers story is an astonishing creation, full of stories of humanity’s history, poetry, paintings and music, well worth checking out. To me, one of the most powerful of the stories – which are written as fiction but come across as completely factual – is the Neruda Interview #5, where we learn of how all of us humans – who are divine, infinite consciousness – came to be trapped inside physical bodies that die. The deception came about through the conspiring of 3 separate alien races (the Annunaki, the Serpent Race and the Marduk) who found a way to trick the Atlanteans (our ancient ancestors) to inhabit biological vessels (the human body). Part of the deception involves Anu, the reptilian king of the Annunaki, ruling over humanity as king, and setting up planes of existence to ensure we never get out – including the soul net reincarnation plane.

The World as “Maya” (Illusion)

A theme in Buddhism and Hinduism is that this world is Maya or illusion (i.e. the matrix). Another Buddhist teaching is that life contains suffering, and that reincarnation is an endless cycle of suffering (the wheel of Samsara) that can only be broken through spiritual practice (i.e. the raising of one’s consciousness). Although some people may see this as pessimistic, it exactly fits into what we know the grander conspiracy and the soul net. The millennia-old Tibetan Book of the Dead is an instruction manual for monks on how to prepare for the point of death and attain liberation by avoiding reincarnation.

Val Valerian

Val Valerian is a former CIA agent (real name John Grace) started writing about the idea of a soul net in the 1990s, before The Matrix trilogy of films. In his books he writes:

“It is they [Grey aliens] who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again… Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice… these entities view Earth as a big farm.”

— Val Valerian, Matrix II & Matrix V

Tanaath of the Silver Legion

Tanaath of the Silver Legion also talks about the existence of the soul net or reincarnation trap. She describes it as a holding pen designed to look like whatever the particular individual or soul would expect the afterlife to look like. For instance, if you were a Christian and expected to see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, you would see that; if you were a Muslim, you may see 100 virgins. She also makes reference to the fact that your memories are wiped before you are sent back to Earth to reincarnate

There are various other people who know of (or believe in) the existence of the soul net, such as Wes Penre, ET contactee Peggy KaneGregg Prescott of in5d.comGreg Calise and many others.

How interesting that soul netsoul harvest and soul trap are all magic card games, books or video games. The idea of a soul net is out in the public consciousness. The question remains: is enough of humanity ready to confront it and investigate it? Can enough people grasp the magnitude of the soul net – that forced reincarnation into a prison planet is the ultimate enslavement – and raise consciousness about it?


Incoming energy Waves = Planetary Changes

Current Incoming Intergalactic Waves Of Energy Predicted In 1953!

July 5, 2015 

Current Incoming Intergalactic Waves Of Energy Predicted In 1953!  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In a 1953 book entitled, “Other Tongues, Other Flesh” contactee George Hunt Williamson made some pretty astonishing revelations about what is happening currently to our planet regarding the influx of intergalactic waves of energy.

The following is an excerpt from this book:

Dr. Schein believes that maybe all of the cosmic radiation bombarding the Earth comes from outside of our Solar System. However, it appears that nearly all cosmic rays come from our own Sun–the only rays coming from outside of our System are possibly those consisting of high energy particles. The fact that too many electrons are showering down on us and present theories won’t account for them and the fact that certain cosmic rays bombard the Earth from outside our own Solar System tends to support the idea that our entire Solar System is entering a new possibility area of the Universe. Every phase of Earth life will be greatly influenced–Economics, Religion, Education, Politics, Science, Social life, Medicine, Eating habits, etc. Virtually everything will change, and for the better!

In a lecture given by Williamson in 1954, he stated:

They say that our entire solar system is moving into a new area of the universe and that cosmic ray bombardment will increase at a fast rate. Recently a very famous American physicist announced to the scientific world that the electron count has speeded up and that the cosmic ray bombardment was increasing at a tremendous rate and that present theories would not account for it in any way. He was very alarmed. His work did not get into the newspapers. It did appear in a few scientific journals and was immediately hushed up. But, if you look in some of the back issues of Science News Letter you will find the facts. The space people told us about this even before it was announced.

The space people said that as we move into this new area of the universe there are going to be some very strange things take place on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Peoples’ minds are going to change for one thing. Also, there will be tornadoes and earthquakes. Volcanoes that have never been active in recent history will become active and erupt.

They also told us that under the new cosmic ray bombardment all falsity and hoaxes will pass away. We will not have to wonder, is this or that true. We will know! This is one of the mental changes that will come about.

The unprecedented earth changes have been well documented recently. Volcanic activity, alone, has increased 500%.  For example, Mount Hakone hasn’t erupted in over 800 years:

Dramatic climate changes have been noted throughout our solar system as well.  Additional notations provided by David Wilcock on GaiamTV:

Sun: The Sun is the center of our Solar System, and all life that is on this Earth came from the Sun. If there were no Sun, we would not be alive. This is simply scientific fact. And so any changes that occur in or on the Sun will eventually affect every person alive. The solar activity is the highest recorded in the past 8,000 years.

We know that the Sun’s magnetic field has changed in the last 100 years. There’s a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories, in California. Dr. Lockwood has been investigating the Sun, and reports that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become stronger by 230 percent.

Moon: Earth’s moon is growing an atmosphere . Around the moon, there is this 6,000- kilometer- deep layer of Natrium that wasn’t there before.

Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, magnetic tornadoes, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field.

Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness (more oxygen) between 1978-99, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 40 years.

Mars: “Global Warming,” huge dust storms, disappearance of polar icecaps.  Also, clouds and an ozone layer have been detected since 1995.  NASA declared global warming on Mars.

Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds.(Huge belts in the giant planet’s atmosphere have changed color, radiation hotspots have faded and flared up again, and cloud levels have thickened and dissolved, all while space rocks have been hurtling into it the gas giant.) Plasma torus not seen before 1974.  Raging red thunderstorms beginning in 2008. The moon closest to Jupiter, Io, experienced 1000% increase in its ionosphere between 1973-96. Io’s surface became over 200% hotter between 1979-98. The moon, Europa, Is literally glowing since 2003.  The moon Ganymede is 200% brighter as noticed between 1979-95 while its atmosphere became 1000% denser.

Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only 30 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator.  Saturn grew a plasma torus which became enlarged by 1000% between 1981-93. A new and larger plasma torus has just been discovered as well.  An aurorae appeared in Saturn’s polar regions in 1995.  In 2004, massive x-ray emissions were also detected near the equator at the 19.5 degree point. In 2011, a massive solar storm encompassed much of Saturn’s northern hemisphere, causing an “unbelievable” temperature spike.  Additionally, Saturn has 100x more ethylene gas than previously thought possible.

Uranus: Big changes in brightness, increased global cloud activity (This planet used to have a very calm atmosphere. )

Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness.

Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun.

Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes. Earth’s Axis has changed. On Earth, the overall volcanic activity increased 500 percent from 1875 to 1975, while the earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent since 1973. Dr. Dmitriev says that comparing the years 1963 to 1993, the overall number of natural disasters — hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, etc. — has increased by 410 percent.

Additionally, MANY people have noticed a significant change in the color of the sun, which has gone from an egg yolk yellow to a bright white light.

According to Dr. Simon Atkins, CERN is being used to prevent these incoming energies from arriving, adding that no matter what they try, it will not prevent these waves of intergalactic energy from transforming our entire solar system. He talks about this around the 1:09:20 marker of the following video:

Regarding Williamson’s remarks in the 1950’s, we have since seen a number of events and incidents that have corroborated his material.

For example, in 1952, there was a mass UFO sighting over the White House in the United States, showing how our extraterrestrial neighbors have been ready for an official “First Contact” for over 60 years.

In the 1960’s, we witnessed an incredible shift in consciousness through the peace and love movement that culminated in 1967 during the “Summer of Love”.

In 1987, the Harmonic Convergence brought together tens of thousands of people who helped to usher in these new energies.

While the Harmonic Convergence may seem “New Agey” to some, please keep in mind that we did not have access to material about some of the New Age practices and the channelings of some archontic entities.  It is my firm belief that the Harmonic Convergence was done with honest intentions and greatly magnified the current spiritual movement to where it is today.

2012 marked the end of the Mayan Calendar as well as the completion of the 25,772 year cycle known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.

While some people have stated, “nothing happened” in 2012, MANY others have either witnessed or experienced nominal societal and spiritual changes on the micro and macro levels. These changes could very well be attributed to the incoming intergalactic waves of energy that have been transforming our entire solar system.

The proof is all around us, literally! Massive changes are happening to those who have the eyes to see them. Even the scholars who rely on empirical data cannot deny the interplanetary climate changes that not only affect our solar system, but us, as individuals.

Just about everyone within this genre can literally feel as though we’re on the verge of something truly incredible, despite those in power trying to keep us living in subservience, control, and conformity through tyrannical and oppressive measures.

Some people, such as Dr. Simon Atkins, believe that this year is the year that the intergalactic wave of energy begins to transform humanity, while others have predicted 2017 as the year of consciousness transformation.

Personally, I cannot place a specific date on any of this. What my own discernment is telling me is that whatever changes are to come, they’re already happening. In my heart, I hope a complete transformation of consciousness happens in the literal blink of an eye, but my gut is telling me that it is like the change of seasons. It’s already begun and will continue to get stronger as each day passes.

What I HOPE for is that we all become light beings or move into a higher dimension of consciousness. In the meanwhile, I can envision a world without the need for economic subservience and hatred toward other countries, as well as towards ourselves… where governments are no longer needed as a “Council of Elders” will work in humanity’s best interests. In this world, all suppressed technologies are revealed and catapult us into a way of living that will make today’s standards look like the Stone Age.

Is any of this possible? YES, ALL of it is!

What do YOU think?


Ram Dass on Mantras

Open Heart Extra – Mantras


A mantra is a phrase, or it could be a sound or a phrase. It is a phrase that you repeat over and over and over again. Take for example the phrase Om Mani Padme Hum. This phrase is perhaps one of the most widely used mantras in the world today. In fact in Nepal you’ll see rocks 20 feet long and 10 feet high with Om Mani Padme Hum written in tiny letters all over the whole rock, so you can just read it like a letter. And there are prayer wheels at the temples where written in them ten million times is the phrase Om Mani Padme Hum, and you see lamas going around stupas saying Om Mani Padme Hum. 

Now, when you first start to say a mantra, the first involvement is in hearing it outside, through your ears, saying it aloud and hearing it and thinking about it’s meaning. That’s the first game you play with mantra. So, if I give you that mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, you think about it and you think, “Well, what does it mean?” Now, there are many meanings – there’s a whole book written about its meaning by Govinda. One of the ways of understanding its meaning is that Om means, like Brahma, that which is behind it all, the unmanifest. Mani means jewel or crystal. Padme means lotus, and Hum means heart. So, on one level what it means is the entire universe is just like a pure jewel or crystal right in the heart or center of the lotus flower, which is me, and it is manifest, it comes forth in light, in manifest light, in my own heart. That’s one way of interpreting it. You start to say Om Mani Padme Hum and you’re thinking, “God in unmanifest form is like a jewel in the middle of a lotus, manifest in my heart.” You go through that and feel it in your heart – that’s one trip.

Ok, that’s the first, and lowest level of operation of mantra. It’s putting one set of thoughts into your head in place of another set of thoughts. Instead of thinking, “Gee, it’s hot out. Shall I have a milkshake at the next stop? Gee, this engine sounds a little strange. Those new Chevy’s don’t look very good at all. Boy, I’ve been on this trip!” Instead of that, all of that stuff, which is terribly profound and important, but isn’t really that relevant, you go into the mantra. Once the mantra has been going on that way for a while, it starts to change in its nature. You stop thinking about what it means; you just sort of get hooked or addicted on the Tibetan sound of it. And then it starts to move into your head, and then from your head down into your chest, until pretty soon it’s going around like a little wheel, going around inside your chest, just Om Mani Padme Hum, right?

Now, at that point it has stopped meaning anything to you. Any time you want to bring it back into consciousness, you can rerun its meaning, which will do that thing for you again, but you can keep it down in the place where it’s just running off. Now it’s got another quality to it. That is, when a mantra is done sufficiently it gets into a certain kind of vibration or harmony with the universe in a certain way which is its own thing. The conscious beings who evolve certain languages such as Sanskrit specifically evolve the sounds of these languages to be connected with various states of consciousness – unlike the English language- so that a Sanskrit mantra, if you do it over and over again, will take you to a certain state of consciousness.

The idea of a mantra is that it just sits there, and all that stuff goes by. It’s like a bridge on which you stand, looking down into the water in which you see your own life going by. It’s a training device to break you out of your attachments. When I’m driving and doing mantra I’m not attached to my driving. I’m doing mantra, and driving is just happening. So in other words, the mantra is a technique for bringing me into a place in myself which would be called the eternal present; that is, a place where nothing is literally happening at all. It’s a device for calming my mind.

Mantra gets so far out, that after I did it for two days and two nights solid in Nepal once, I stopped to go to sleep and of course it continued going. But instead of it continuing going just in my voice it continued going, what it sounded like was a cross between the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the O Heavenly Day Chorus. It’s that huge of a thing except it was made up of all old voices and they stretched back in time and space in infinite direction, you know, distance. All I heard was Om Mani Padme Hum and the wind was Om Mani Padme Hum and the air conditioner was Om Mani Padme Hum, the whole thing. I had tuned in on that place where that was all I could hear. But it was no longer my voice. I went rushing to a yogi and I said, “What’s happening, I’m going crazy!” He said, “You’ve tuned in on the Om, that’s that place. You’ve tuned in on that place. There it is. That’s where they’re all hanging out.”

– Ram Dass, excerpt from the book Doing Your Own Being, 1973


Prophecy of Peter Deunov

70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Up-coming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity

70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Up-coming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity

Story by: Beinsa Douno

The following is the prophecy of Peter Deunov which regards the end of our civilization as we know it and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth.

Also known under the spiritual name of Beinsa Douno, the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a being of a very high level of consciousness, at the same time an incomparable musician, that gave during his whole life an example of purity, wisdom, intelligence and creativity. For years he was established close to Sofia where he lived surrounded by numerous disciples, he, by his radiance awakened the spirituality of thousands of souls in Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe.

Some days before his departure to the other world, he was in a profound mediumistic trance, he made an extraordinary prophecy in regards to our troubled epoch that we are crossing today, a prophecy about the “end of time” and the coming of a new Golden Age of humanity.

Here is this deeply moving testament. It is current and so vibrant that one doubts that these words were spoken over 70 years ago.

“During the passage of time, the consciousness of man traversed a very long period of obscurity. This phase which the Hindus call “Kali Yuga“, is on the verge of ending. We find ourselves today at the frontier between two epochs: that of Kali Yuga and that of the New Era that we are entering.

A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by “Ascension“.

Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere.

Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos.

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him.

The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed.

Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison. Understand your situation and liberate yourself from it. I tell you this: exit from your prison! It is really sorry to see so much misleading, so much suffering, so much incapacity to understand where one’s true happiness lies.

Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance.  Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomena, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe.

Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. This region is called “the thirteenth zone”; one also calls it “the zone of contradictions”. Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live.

The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave.

The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, it is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended upon it. In the future, all will be subjugated to Love and all will serve it. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man will be awakened.

The terrible predictions of the prophet Daniel written in the bible relate to the epoch that is opening. There will be floods, hurricanes, gigantic fires and earthquakes that will sweep away everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions; terrible explosions will resound in numerous regions of the earth. There where there is earth, water will come, and there where there is water, earth will come. God is Love; yet we are dealing here with a chastisement, a reply by Nature against the crimes perpetrated by man since the night of time against his Mother; the Earth.

After these sufferings, those that will be saved, the elite, will know the Golden Age, harmony and unlimited beauty. Thus keep your peace and your faith when the time comes for suffering and terror, because it is written that not a hair will fall from the head of the just. Don’t be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection.

You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem. Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe.

The New Era is that of the sixth race. Your predestination is to prepare yourself for it, to welcome it and to live it. The sixth race will build itself around the idea of Fraternity. There will be no more conflicts of personal interests; the single aspiration of each one will be to conform himself to the Law of Love. The sixth race will be that of Love. A new continent will be formed for it. It will emerge from the Pacific, so that the Most High can finally establish His place on this planet.

Also see: The 20 Universal Laws



The founders of this new civilization, I call them “Brothers of Humanity” or also “Children of Love” They will be unshakeable for the good and they will represent a new type of men. Men will form a family, as a large body, and each people will represent an organ in this body. In the new race, Love will manifest in such a perfect manner, that today’s man can only have a very vague idea.

The earth will remain a terrain favorable to struggle, but the forces of darkness will retreat and the earth will be liberated from them. Humans seeing that there is no other path will engage themselves to the path of the New Life, that of salvation. In their senseless pride, some will, to the end hope to continue on earth a life that the Divine Order condemns, but each one will finish by understanding that the direction of the world doesn’t belong to them.

A new culture will see the light of day, it will rest on three principal foundations: the elevation of woman, the elevation of the meek and humble, and the protection of the rights of man.

The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principal, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base!

The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now, beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that “each flesh shall glorify God”.

Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain.

There is not any place on earth that is not dirtied with human or animal blood; she must therefore submit to a purification. And it is for this that certain continents will be immersed while others will surface. Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one’s liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.


The words “If you are not born again.” apply to the sixth race. Read Chapter 60 of Isaiah it relates to the coming of the sixth race the Race of Love.

After the Tribulations, men will cease to sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will once again become pure, the same for water. The parasites will disappear. Men will remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of noticing that they are finally liberated from their previous condition.

In the same manner that one gets rid of the parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved Beings to prepare men to serve the God of Love. They give to them good conditions to grow and to develop themselves, and to those that want to listen to them, they say: “Do not be afraid! Still a little more time and everything will be all right; you are on the good path. May he that wants to enter in the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare.”

Thanks to the idea of Fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and that will not wait. But before, great sufferings will be sent to awaken the consciousness. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The ardent wave emanating from On High will contribute in liquidating the karma of peoples.

The liberation can no longer be postponed. Humanity must prepare itself for great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism.

Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it!

It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth.”


Reprinted with permission by


About Consciousness

10 Consciousness Facts

| July 2, 2015

10 Consciousness Facts  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Josh Richardson,

Consciousness has been defined as many things to many people, but there can never be one encompassing definition to what it really is. However, there are several factual components that assist in its definition and allow us to assess our own level of consciousness. What level are you at?

Before reading this list, it’s important to understand that every person is at the level they are supposed to be. The is no good level or bad level, inferior level or superior level. The following is only a guideline and whether you reside in force or power, you are learning the lessons you have come for:

  1. It is the formless, invisible field of energy of infinite dimension and potentiality, the substrate of all existence, independent of time, space, or location, of which it is independent yet all inclusive and all present.
  2. It encompasses all existence beyond all limitation, dimension, or time, and registers all events, no matter how seemingly miniscule, such as even a fleeting thought.
  3. It allows for the registration of all events occurring in and out of time and space, and these events are timelessly accessible due to the unique qualities inherent to the energy field of consciousness itself.
  4. It is the irreducible substrate of the human capacity to know or experience, to perceive or witness, and it is the essence of the capacity for awareness itself.
  5. It represents a field of infinite power and potential, out of which the manifest universe as Creation arises as a continuous, ongoing process.
  6. It exists along with the universe independently of human description and is essentially one unified, total field within which there are variable levels of vibrational frequencies that appear as the observable universe. As in the physical domain, the higher frequency of the vibrational energy, the greater the power.
  7. It is the the universal, all-encompassing vibrational field of energy which is descriptively omnipresent and is therefore omniscient and all-powerful (omnipotent). The presence of the field of consciousness is known by all sentient beings as the subjective awareness of existence itself. Thus, the awareness of the presence of consciousness as the substrate of existence is the primordial subjective reality underlying all possible human experience.
  8. Its levels are identifiable by use of a simple quality of consciousness itself, and the omniscience of consciousness recognizes and responds to that which has existence and is true by virtue of the fact of that existence. Thus, consciousness, like a mirror, impersonally reflects actuality, which is unchanged and unaffected by that process. Consciousness, therefore, does not “do” anything, but, similar to gravity, it provides the context out of which potentiality actualizes from formless to form, from non-experienced to experienced.
  9. It is part of life itself which is not capable of being destroyed but can only change form by shifting to a different frequency range (in human experience, the “etheric,” the “spiritual,” and other energy realms described throughout time).
  10. It is all that exists representing varying levels of energy vibrations. A scale of consciousness can be constructed that is internally consistent and of pragmatic value. A logarithmic scale of consciousness from 1 to 1,000, which starts at number “1″ as the existence of life itself and continues to 1,000 (the highest level of consciousness ever reached by mankind), is sufficient to include all possible frequency ranges of human consciousness.  Such a scale can be demonstrated to be highly informative and of great practical as well as theoretical value in understanding mankind, the question of divinity, and the universe.

It is merely a representation of the awakening process. For the first time there is a large scale awakening on our planet. Why now? Because if there is no change in human consciousness now, we will destroy ourselves and perhaps the planet. The insanity of the collective egoic mind, amplified by science and technology, is rapidly taking our species to the brink of disaster. There is probably enough of a critical mass right now to bring about a new earth. So the transformation of consciousness is truly happening even though they won’t be reporting it on tonight’s news. Is it happening fast enough? Here are some of the levels of consciousness many are still going through.


10 Consciousness Facts  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit


Each level of consciousness (LOC) coincides with determinable human behaviors and perceptions about life and God. Each level represents a corresponding attractor field of varying strength that exists beyond our three-dimensional reality. There’s a critical point within each LOC from which its field gravitates (or entrains).

The numbers on the scale represent logarithmic calibrations (measurable vibratory frequencies on a scale which increases to the tenth power) of the levels of human consciousness and its corresponding level of reality. The numbers themselves are arbitrary; the significance lies in the relationship of one number (or level) to another (e.g., Dr. Hawkins’ scale is from 1 to 1000; a similar scale could be devised from 1 to 10 where 2 is courage and 5 is love).

Dr. Hawkins points out that the two greatest spiritual growth barriers seem to be at level 200 and 500. Two hundred, the level of courage, represents a profound shift from destructive and harmful behavior to life-promoting and integrous lifestyles; everything below 200 makes one go weak using kinesiology. Currently, approximately 78% of the world’s population is below this significant level. The destructive capacity of this majority would annihilate mankind without the counterbalancing effect of the 22% above 200. Because the scale of consciousness is logarithmic, each incremental point represents a giant leap in power. As such, one person calibrated at 600 counterbalances the negativity of 10 million people below 200.

The second great barrier is level 500–Love. Love in this context is a way of being in the world–not an emotionality as most of us perceive it. According to Dr. Hawkins, the reason the level of love is so difficult to achieve is because our ego is so rooted in the physical domain as opposed to the spiritual domain, which emerges at 500. The 400s represent the level of reason, guided by the linear, mechanistic world of form (our modern society that includes advancements in medicine, science, government, etc). Interestingly, the top echelon of intellectual genius, including Einstein, Freud, Newton, Aristotle, etc., all calibrated around 499. The 500s represent a very difficult hurdle as only four percent of the world’s population calibrates in the 500s. This level denotes a shift from the linear, provable domain (classic physics or Newtonian physics) to the nonlinear, formless, spiritual realm.

It is important to understand that no level is better or worse than another. There are no opposites. The Map of the Levels of Consciousness represents a gradation of consciousness–degrees of the experience of Reality, the existence of God, and the level of lovingness that is present. The 500s (love) are not “better” than the 400s (reason); they simply represent another gradation (and a higher level of truth) on an infinitely growing scale.

A person’s LOC remains rather steady through the lifetime. Emotions come and go like the passing wind, but a person’s calibrated LOC is governed by specific energy fields in the nonlinear domain which generally doesn’t waver. Over the course of a lifetime, the average person’s LOC will change approximately five points (this is not a statistical derivation, but an average discovered through Dr. Hawkins’ kinesiologic research). However, it is possible for an individual (such as a spiritual aspirant) to have their LOC jump (or drop) hundreds of points in a single lifetime.


Big Events on the Horizon – Get Ready

So What’s Really Happening Now?

by Zen Gardner Jun 25, 2015

by Zen Gardner

There’s been something of a lull in truly major developments of late, despite all the garish noise and typical bravado of global figureheads and their complicit media and a few events here and there. Sure, there are skirmishes worldwide and economies continue to crumble as governments continue their draconian crackdowns, but the urgency of many regarding our ongoing situation is apparently suspended in some sort of strange holding pattern.

While it’s encouraging that the awakening is keeping TPTB’s machinations at bay and forcing them to change directions and tactics, I find it nonetheless a bit foreboding.  It’s clearly not a time to let our guards down.

The indicators that this September and October hold some interesting confluences is nothing to ignore. The signs are very clear and it’s obvious they’re up to no good.

If you think back to 9/11, there were no warnings as to the vast dimension of what was about to transpire on the world stage. That particular sudden shift in the collective consciousness and the subsequent restructuring of society within that emotionally charged atmosphere were unprecedented. Surely the beginnings of the World Wars and the false flag events that were used to justify them as well as draw in US participation such as the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania and then the infamous Pearl Harbor set up, were similarly traumatic for their day.

But in this modern era of instantaneous communication and media dominance and global interconnectedness the 9/11 events were exponentially more drastic, which portends for further such engineered catastrophes.

The Russian Gambit

Since the Muslim terrorism meme seems to be running out of relative steam, especially now that it’s clear the West is again using these same elements they groomed from the start to foment their wars, they’ve now resurrected the Russian demon. Russia and the US have been working in close cooperation for decades on many levels, especially after the West imploded their economy and their previous Union was drastically dispersed.

Russia has needed outside help to get back on her feet so we know there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye. Over time the tables have turned somewhat as they’ve gained more economic independence and exploited their vast natural resources, something the West has had their eye on all along. Ukraine is one such gem of natural wealth, as outlined in globalist architect Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard in 1997 where the allusion to the need for a new Pearl Harbor was first coined and where he also names the countries and states of that entire region as the prize the West should strive to control.

Never discount the fact that this entire play we’re witnessing is fully staged. At the very least it is being carefully manipulated to create just the atmosphere that will take the New World Order plan to its next level. The TTIP and coming UN meeting in September to put their imprimatur on the next stage attests to this.

Similar to the global economic take down to bring about a one world digital currency, the hidden powers behind the scenes know exactly what they’re doing, despite any setbacks their interim plans may have taken.


The Doors for Major Events Are Wide Open

Unfortunately a variety of options are now available as lynch-pins they can yank out at any moment that would make the wheels fall off of our current societal structure and drastically change humanity’s course. Not only could this orchestrated cold war simulation burst into some kind of military conflagration, whether limited or an all out nuclear war thus changing the course of humanity profoundly, but the undermining of Syria continues, as does the pugnacious Israeli hate for Iran that apparently cannot be satisfied, just to name two such vectors.

Add to that the descent of the United States into a totalitarian 3rd world state with a first world military and the potential for another major false flag event, not just to distract from domestic issues and the clearly seen unraveling at hand, but to galvanize the mass American mind into the next level of hysterical jingoism. In that climate the US machine can go after any named culprit it wants, having saturated the Middle East and Eastern Europe with military installations, especially over the past 14 years, and now gaining massive impetus.

This may be stating the obvious but this is our real time predicament. And we must be prepared for any eventuality. We won’t be warned by them, that’s for sure. The value of just such a drastic manipulated event is in the emotional impact, massively supported by government propaganda via their mainstream media mouthpieces, dutifully filling in the blanks as to whodunnit and why we need more war and domestic controls. This scenario then bleeds into the NATO countries the fastest and travels the world in new restrictions and mind traps, all based on fear.

The Walking Dead

These are not very pleasant scenarios, but if we can’t see the handwriting on the wall by now we’re in even worse shape already.

Despite the sabre-rattling and economic, military and police crackdowns, most think the world will just keep trundling on with little adjustments here and there, but all will be fine. Their faith and reliance on authority refuses to be shaken. The consequences of such thinking may require individual action and that option was engineered to be discarded in most cases since birth.

If anyone isn’t aware of the grand plan to institute global governance they are seriously hindered from connecting the dots of this worldwide meltdown. Once you understand the plan, everything from the Agenda 21 driven land grabs, gun control false flags, and the plethora of other One World driven programs, to the deliberate evisceration of the world’s food and water supply while toxifying anything that brings life to the planet and its inhabitants come into focus.

Depopulation, disempowerment and gulag type city incarceration are plainly stated plans of these megalomaniacs. The slightest bit of open minded research will prove that to anyone willing to investigate.

Spiritually It’s Anything But Calm

Many are experiencing very trying times as this transition continues. As I’ve said repeatedly, for those not spiritually prepared, the next major storm is going to hit very hard and turn their worlds upside down in a moment. For those aware of the forces at work and sensitive to spiritual conditions the great war is already here and well under way. Is is already World War 3 by the technical definition of world wars and depopulation is also well under way.

When the ocean comes to life and the waves and currents become tumultuous, everything in and on the sea is greatly affected. Perhaps the deeper levels under the sea feel the impact less immediately, but everything is part of the whole experience. Similarly, as the waves of global tension rise and manifest in all walks of life, so our spirits sense the deeper changes working behind the scenes both causing and reacting to these pressures and disruptions.

I know I and many others have been experiencing such changes. Perhaps it’s difficult to concentrate, your sleep pattern is disrupted, or waves of emotion and questions pass through seemingly without reason, even to the point of anxiety and depression. If you’ve been on a boat in rough seas it’s not easy to do much of anything, be it writing, eating or hardly any normal activity while being tossed by a storm. This is what many are experiencing.

So before you get all introspective and down on yourself, remember almost all of this is being brought on by external influences. Know, too, that you are not alone in much of what you are experiencing. We’re all in this turbulent bathtub together. There are some very dark forces, both earthly and spiritual, deliberately trying to make things confusing and conducive to fear, a very suggestible state to be in.

This is why the media is pounding on the tropes they’ve embedded into the mass mind harder than ever – humanity is very susceptible in times like these.


Abandon Their Stinking, Sinking Ship

A story was told last year of how the passengers of a sinking ferry boat were told to put on their life jackets but stay where they were. Do not jump off the ship, even as it was listing they were told. 302 people died needlessly as a result, while those who did abandon ship, following their basic instincts, were rescued from the water. Those who didn’t, died in their mind-frozen, authority-obeying seats, if you will, holding on to their so-called life jackets, a token gesture of care from rulers who don’t give a damn for who dies or how many. They only want to preserve a semblance of order as long as they can while their perfidy in perpetrated.

Don’t fall for the life jacket ploy. It’s like waiting for FEMA to come to your rescue. It’s all a sham to keep you quiet and staying in the boat. And just waiting for them to take the initiative.

When people wake up to the reality that today’s authorities do not have mankind’s well being or even survival at heart, and are in fact working feverishly for its demise into controllable factions of a vastly reduced number, they start to approach the point of taking action.

This begs the question: will such activation be in time to thwart their Machiavellian plan?

The Sleepy Sound of the Alluring Sirens

The Sirens of Greek mythology were beautiful, singing bird-like maidens said to put unwary sailors to sleep as they lured their ships onto the reefs and their ensuing destruction. There couldn’t be a more fitting illustration of the shallow, mind numbing spewings of the likes of of Obama, Cameron, and a host of other puppeteered so-called first world leaders. It’s all essentially a sleep inducing lie with a very disturbing, destructive motive, dressed in syrupy sing song platitudes.

It seems the more they lie the more people believe them. As the adage goes, tell a big enough lie and everyone will believe it. That apparently applies to quantity of lies as well.

History bears this out. Yet do we learn from it? Does anyone know any history? Is the history that they have been taught the truth, as in real, true history? These questions come front and center as individuals proceed through the wake up process.


Steady As She Goes

Spiritual disciplines and communing with nature are very healing, comforting and strengthening in times like these. As is drawing close to those you love and who love you, as well as forming active community with other awakened souls in whatever form we can. Remembering that most of these strange phenomena are outside spiritual attacks and influences will help clear the mind and heart from confusion. This is also why alternative information must include the so-called “bad” news with the good; it’s important to keep track of these trends, as well as continue to expose them to the unwary.

Our accumulated voice is rescuing and empowering people by the day. Never ever let that be minimized in your mind and heart.

Do your best to be “steady as she goes” as we all traverse this next phase. A major event is on the horizon in some shape or form. It’s their trump card, having worked so well in the past. They even brag about this fact. As David Rockefeller infamously stated years ago, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order.”

They cannot control us all, especially as the awakened grow in strength and numbers. They’re aware of this, which is why they’ve become somewhat slipshod in their execution of their plans of late. They know time is of the essence, which, as I said, may be why they moved straight for the Russia confrontation, temporarily bypassing their thwarted efforts to go after Syria and Iran as was their admitted original plan. But they’re still in play and obviously active.

Stay alert and prepared – physically, mentally and spiritually. And do your best to help prepare those around you, and inspire even more to get prepared.

The storm that’s coming following this relative lull will be earth-shattering. The US would gladly nuke one of its own cities if it has to. Jade Helm is no innocuous drill. Insane Israel would be happy to attack and nuke anyone or everyone to push their self-serving genocidal program. These self proclaimed controllers are all psychopaths, so never expect anything to make sense or follow any sort of path of reason, as much as they try to create scenarios to justify their actions.

Don’t be lulled into complacency by contrived rhetoric. It’s all a lie.

Very strange dark powers are at work. Stay supple, stay sharp, stay acutely conscious – but keep your dukes up.

Much love, Zen
