Rejected Ben & Jerry’s Flavors

More Rejected Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavors (PICTURES)

The Huffington Post First Posted: 10/12/11 03:19 PM ET   Updated: 10/12/11 03:52 PM ET

Earlier this year, Jimmy Fallon was bestowed the highest honor that a popular ice cream franchise can bestow: his very own Ben & Jerry’s flavor.

Soon after, we had some fun coming up with what we’d imagine are “rejected” Ben & Jerry’s flavors, including tributes to Justin Beiber, Snooki and Muammar Gaddafi, and asked our readers to make their own.

Since then, we’ve seen more ridiculous Ben & Jerry’s flavors than we could even dream up. One real one being “Schweddy Balls,” a callback to a classic Alec Baldwin “SNL” sketch, and one fake “Arrested Development” themed flavor we only wish was real.

So we figured, why stop there? We added a few more flavors (including some excellent submissions from you, our dear readers) and are looking for more would-be “rejected” Ben & Jerry’s flavors to add to the mix.

to see the rest of the slideshow, and have your own opportunity to create a flavor, go to: