Ah, Equinox, the sublimity of being in the balance. BUT do not let it rock you into some kind of lethargy. This Equinox is not placid. It is active. It is not allowing. It is demanding. Choices have to be made today and direction set. Where will you go from here? What is most important? What to keep and what to let go of? Arrrggghh. This can be a day form hell or a day form heaven. It all depends upon your readiness. It is too late now to make the preparations. That is what the past few months were for. It is time to move forward into the next phase. So, the balance is tipping today and you have the option of making it go and be and do what you wish it go and be and do, regardless of the outcome. I hope this is not overly cryptic, but it is what it is.
The theme this week is the old versus the new. There can be things remembered, perhaps things regretted, all to be offset by things that are there in potential. You will be becoming more aware of the patterns around you and what fits (the new) and what will need to be jettisoned (the old).
Color of the Week: Natural Beige
This is a week when a lot of things will be coming out for you. You are going to see, and perhaps be surprised by, some of the revelations that people will be making to you. The energies that are entering into the grid this week are such that people are finding themselves off-center. In an attempt to gain some sort of equilibrium, they are bringing out things in their pasts that they may have kept hidden or left unsaid. It is as though the secrets of the past are establishing the foundation, the point of stability for dealing with what is going on. It is important this week to be centered and grounded in all you do. The current energies are very supportive of core work. Take advantage of this. There are going to be some moments of déjà vu as elements from your past lives cause reverberations in the current energy fabric. These can leave you feeling unsettled, dizzy, unsure of your own sanity. But that is okay. The shake-up often precedes the establishment of a stronger basis. There are some revelations that will be coming your way this week. Be open to them and accepting. They are lessons and assists on your path as you move forward in this energy. Listen to your intuition, especially as your body does whacky stuff. This is a week to get through, and when you have done so, if you stay within your heart center and open to receive, you will find yourself stronger in WHO you are and more aware of the process, the Shift, that is happening around you and of which you have chosen to be a part.
On the larger scale, there is the potential for the tops to be blown off of things in all areas. The shells are being broken, and out of them can come all sorts of unexpected actions, responses, emotions, disasters, joys, etc. This means that this week will bring a lot of activity in all areas, especially the political as there will be some Earth related events that will lead to large challenges for the leaders of the countries in which they occur. There is also a conspiracy that is coming to the surface in one country that will cause a great deal of turmoil and spill into other areas, particularly as the year goes on. The Earth is moving in new ways, almost as though there is a contrary spin beginning to develop beneath the surface. This will lead to odd and unexpected Earth tremors, movements, geysers, even volcanoes. Additionally, it can cause problems with magnetic movements, even affecting the electro-magnetism of human bodies. This also is something that is beginning now and will continue to grow in intensity. The Sun is throwing off a new kind of radiant energy. This is not well understood, however there will be some mention made in the news media, merely as a curiosity. The stock market will be shivering and shaking as more and more people turn their focus from that towards other ways of prosperity. The coming eclipse is going to bring a lot of things out of the shadow, moreover it has the potential to change the foci for many. There is a new health issue that can affect the globe. It is being incubated in an area around India. There will also be mention made of the odd things being done by birds and animals. They are letting us know that there is something shifting in Nature herself. This week will bring many signs and symbols of what is to come. Depending upon how you relate to these, this can either be a nothing week or a most enlightening one.
Sunday, April 21: Amber Yellow
There are questions in the air today as you are feeling yourself somewhat put upon as though things are focusing on you just when you want some private and away-from-it-all time. When you find yourself feeling this way, it is an opportunity to remove yourself from the outside influences and go within. Take a moment to breathe and center. Listen to the flow of your blood and the beat of your heart. There is that inner knowing then that can come to the surface. Moreover you can find the sense of peace in the midst of chaos that will be your best refuge as the times go on. Mark that place and that feeling. There is much in the air today on many different levels. You can choose the level you wish to acknowledge, but know that choices you make now are beginning to be somewhat critical in terms of your development as we move further in the second quarter of the year.
Monday, April 22: Chocolate
So, take advantage of the deliciousness of today. It is time to know what it is that truly pleases you, that makes you feel whole, that brings you a sense of peace, that lets you know what community means to you. This is a day for finding in your joy just how things have shifted for you, how your perspective has changed, and how you have grown through all of this. It is all good. Celebrate yourself and your union with Nature, with Gaia. Take time to honor her and acknowledge your desire to be part of her in this crazy time. Take some time to meditate, create, whatever brings you in touch with your core. The energy is open for bringing you the knowing of your oneness with the Universal Consciousness.
Tuesday, April 23: Orange
There is something that you have left undone and you are going to be bothered by this today. It can color all of your actions, hence it is well to take care in all that you do. You can find yourself distracted from what is going on around you, so if there are times today when you need to be 100%, it is a good idea to prepare for these, take notes, and refer to them often. Also, do your grounding ritual this morning and connect with the All. This is important as you will need your cheering section around you today and your connection is what lets you know on an instant by instant basis of your power and the love that surrounds you in all you do. There is, in the evening, some sadness, some darkness on the horizon. Let it be what it is and stay always within your heart center.
The theme this week is whole lot of shaking going on. This includes values and allegiances. It is time to see things for what they are. Open the vision of the heart. Stay centered and grounded in the core and listen to the truth out there. If you can do all that, you can make it through.
Overall Color for the Week: Sea Blue
This is a week of shake-ups in all areas. It is well to start out each day with a grounding ritual and a centering. It is time to know all the things that you are, that you can do that make you powerful. This is a time in which it is no longer advantageous at all to try to follow the world views of others. All those imposed guilts and fears need to be seen for what they are. This can involve some really difficult, yet ultimately liberating, soul-searching. This is a week for seeing the sun come out of the shadows and for knowing that the shadows only exist where you have not allowed the sun to break through. There is no thing that is too much for you. Yes, things can be overwhelming, but there is that light inside that will take you through it all. You have prepared for these times, and you know instinctively what it is that you are to do. Honor your intuition. Listen to the clues. There are people out there for you. Your community is moving together inevitably. There is joy in the recognition of that. Heed those times of déjà vu, of synchronicity, of serendipity. These are assurances, signs if you will, from the Universe that all is well. You are not alone. There is something you need to be learning this week, the book, the medium, the element will come to you this week. Embrace it. Accept it. This is a time for receiving. One other thing, the physicality is shifting more and more. There can be some physical issues this week. Go within and know them for what they are. Some might require some additional care or action. Also perspectives are shifting and this can cause some tough moment
On the larger scale, the hidden dragon is awakening, stirring. All things are responding on and within the Earth. Gaia has come forth in her compassion and love and care of self to begin the times when things truly begin to shift and find their centers. This week will bring this out in quite dramatic contrast. There will be startling incidents happening, while seeds of greater events are being sown. This is part of this great and undeniable shift. You will see things going on within the world of politics on all scales and in many different countries that will lead you to question just what is going on. Covers will be ripped off of some of the secrets that ‘they’ thought were so well disguised. There is a groups of people who will be making themselves known on the Internet who have information to give concerning the larger frame of reference and the existence of extra-terrestrials in the history of the world. This will reach a larger audience and may get some peripheral coverage in the media. Meanwhile there will be jumps in the stock market this week that will be countered and twisted as time goes by. The Sun will be exerting a sideways influence on the Earth, and with this will come some interruptions in the electronics. Be prepared for this. There is something in the water that will be brought forth. There is a cloud over the Koreas that will begin to rain. This is a week when there is uncertainty in so many different areas. The ley lines and power points on the globe are beginning to light up and activate, and as this happens, places in which there have been attempts in the past to cover the light will find themselves in the midst of the shake up, particularly in Asia Minor through to Nepal. There will be a number of travel issues occurring this week, so if you are going somewhere, listen to your intuition. This is truly a time for being grounded.
Wednesday, April 10: Light Turquoise Blue
There are many things that you had been planning for today, but it is best just to let that all go and allow things to unfold as they will. There are messages that you have been missing, and the current energy is lining them up in such a way that you will no longer be able to ignore them. Look to nature, the movement of the wind, the flight of birds, the cries of animals, they are reacting to what is going on vibrationally. They are moving into a closer kind of communication with the human species as the energies of Gaia gather together those who are listening. There is much to hear. Know that you will be given an opportunity today. Think on it before making a decision. It is related to some long held desires, but you must be clear in what it is that you are wanting, and decide based upon your highest good. Your are not alone in the decision-making process. You deepest heart’s knowing is connected to the Universal Consciousness. There is wisdom there.