What is the All Seeing Eye?

The All-Seeing Eye: Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol

Is the all-seeing eye a symbol of divine omniscience or sinister influence? Today it symbolizes control and domination by a shadowy elite, but its original use was quite different. This article traces its use and meaning back to ancient times, when it was a symbol of divine providence, powerfully representing spiritual truth and awakening.

Humanity is Losing Its Precious Symbology

The all-seeing eye is a powerful esoteric symbol which is widely misunderstood and misused today; few know what it originally stood for. It was originally symbolic of a higher spiritual power or God, a watchful caretaker of humanity or an awakened spiritual part within. But these days it has quite different associations.

Today the all-seeing eye is more likely to be seen as an “Illuminati” symbol of control and surveillance by elites who to a large degree run the show on this planet at this time. This is because, over time, dark sinister forces have taken over esoteric symbols that for thousands of years were used to convey positive, helpful, uplifting spiritual messages and principles.  The all-seeing eye is a prime example of how spiritual symbols have been hijacked and inverted. There has not really been much push to understand the symbol’s original meaning or to reclaim it for the spiritual significance it first conveyed.

This is the first in a series of articles I am presenting that will take a closer look at individual symbols, and delve into their origins and history to uncover their deeper esoteric significance. I am writing these as part of an effort to reclaim these positive esoteric symbols and restore them to their previously esteemed state.

Universal Nature of Symbolism

Symbolism has long been used by humanity to communicate ideas which are best crystallised in a compact form. As the well-known saying goes, a picture tells a thousands words! Esoteric symbols are alive today as they were in the ancient past, but there is much confusion surrounding their usage, history, intent, and meaning.

In ordinary life we use symbols to show at a glance important information such as traffic and road signs amongst many other symbols which are widespread and common today. Some other examples are corporate logos and certification statuses.

Symbolism is also especially used in the communication of non-physical, spiritual ideas, phenomena, and processes.

The all-seeing eye is one of the most powerful and widely used  and misused  symbols of all. In this article I trace its use from the earliest of times through to the 18th century, and show what the symbol originally stood for. My next article will examine its use from 18th century freemasonry onwards, and show how it has since been hijacked and misused.

Use of the All-Seeing Eye in Ancient Cultures


Shiva’s third eye

We perhaps find the precursor to what eventually became known as the all-seeing eye in the Rig Veda, a sanskrit text thought to have been written over 3,000 years ago and one of the oldest known texts. In it there are many references to the sun and to other deities as being an eye in heaven, as an eye which reveals creation, or an eye which never closes.

One can liken this to being symbolic of a high level of awakened consciousness that advanced spiritual beings have and which an ordinary person can potentially attain.

The Hindu god Shiva has three eyes. The third eye or brow chakra eye is known as the eye of Shiva, possessor of all knowledge, which when opened will destroy anything it sees. Thus it is a symbol of knowledge which destroys evil and ignorance.

This again can be likened to an awakened higher spiritual part of a person which sees the truth of things and can then eliminate within a person’s psyche that which is opposite to and blocks divine consciousness from manifesting more. In this way it is a “creative destruction” of evil to transform it into higher consciousness.

Even in modern times, the eye of Shiva is used in jewellery to give protection against evil to its wearer and to gain wisdom and understanding from the world, from life events and from the self, for positive transformation.



Buddha’s all seeing eye

In Buddhism, Buddha is referred to as the Eye of the World. It is typical for temples in Nepal to display a graphic of the “Eyes of Buddha” as shown to the right – notice it includes a mark for the “third eye” as well. The eyes are also known as the eyes of wisdom and compassion.

Statues of Buddha typically show a dot in the mid-brow to represent the third eye.

Ancient Egypt

Eye of Osiris

It is interesting to find that the Egyptian hieroglyph for their god Osiris contains an eye as shown below. So as with  Hinduism and Buddhism we find a spiritual deity being represented in ancient times as an eye.


Hieroglyph for “Osiris” contains an eye

Eye of Horus

In ancient Egypt, the all-seeing eye was known as the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra and also formed part of the symbology of Wad-jet. Through various myths they were symbols of protection, healing and restoration. The left eye of Horus was said to be the moon and his right eye the sun.


The all seeing eye is a major part of Egyptian spirituality / Image credit: Hajor

Horus was a falcon-headed sun god and it could be said the Eye of Horus was styled like an eye of a lanner falcon with its marking beneath the eye.

Could the Eye of Horus represent parts of the brain used to manifest consciousness?

It is also very interesting to note that the drawing of the Eye of Horus very much matches the cross section of the mid brain where the thalamus, the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. The pineal gland is often said to be the “third eye” and a centre of spirituality and of spiritual insight, which can be developed in a person.

It’s as if the Eye of Horus could be a depiction of the thalamus as the eye ball with the corpus callosum the eye brow above and the medulla oblongata (brain stem) and the hypothalamus being the two markings below. If this is what they were drawing but calling it the Eye of Horus, does it suggest they considered the mid brain to be the seat of consciousness or even of divine consciousness or “Horus consciousness”? Horus being a sun god and symbolic of the universal Christ, a spiritual force which a suitably prepared person can merge with.

Middle East/Asia – Hamsa


A Jewish Hamsa

In the Middle East the all-seeing eye has been known in the form of a hand-eye symbol called either Hamsa, Khamsa or Hamesh.

It’s the symbol of an eye in the palm of a hand, usually the right hand. Again it is a symbol of protection against the evil eye (bad luck caused by jealousy from others) and danger in general and can been seen as a good luck charm in that way.

Detail from “The Divine World” by Kahil Gibran

It is also known as the hand of Fatima in Islam and the hand of Miriam in Judaism. In India it is known as Humsa Hand. The Jains also have a form of the Hamsa in their symbolism with the word ahimsa (meaning non-violence) inside a wheel instead of where the eye would be. The Hamsa has been used for thousands of years and is still in use today as amulets, charms or wall hangings. It would seem to have its origins from ancient Mesopotamia with the hand of Ishtar being a symbol of divine protection although it did not contain the eye in the palm.

A more Christian-themed representation of the Hamsa is an art work called “The Divine World” by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese Maronite Catholic prominent in the early 20th century as a poet, painter, writer, philosopher, theologian.


A Nazar / Image credit: Alborz Fallah

In Greece and Turkey they have something similar to the Hamsa which they call a “Nazar”. It is just an eye without the hand but it is used in the same way and has the same meaning as the Hamsa, that is, to ward off the evil eye, in the form of amulets or hanging ornaments usually made from blue glass.

Similarly in Buddhism there is the “eye of Buddha” amulet to ward off the evil eye.


The enigmatic rattlesnake disc  Image credit: Dennis Vesper

The symbol of an eye in a hand also appears in Aztec and Mayan cultures and in Native American artworks although archaeologists are not sure what meaning it had for these cultures.

To the right is a Native American example referred to as “The Rattlesnake Disc” which was unearthed by a farmer in Moundville, Alabama in the 1800’s. Some archaeologists think its symbolism may have represented a portal to spiritual dimensions. It is the most elaborately decorated artwork found at Moundville giving rise to the belief it was of the most importance to its creators. Other artworks found there also contain the hand-eye symbol.

Ancient Ecuador

There is also the amazing discovery in 1984 in La Mana, central Ecuador, of an ancient artefact referred to as the Black Pyramid amongst 300 artefacts found there of unknown origin.

It is not known what culture they come from and the many objects found are baffling and seemingly out of place for this part of the world, such as an object designed as a hooded King Cobra of south east Asia. Cobras don’t exist in South America.

The so-called Black Pyramid is made from black stone with an eye at the apex. The stone has gold inlays forming 13 levels of “bricks” and an eye at the top. These inlays glow when under black light. Overall it looks like a representation of the great pyramid of Giza (7,470 miles away) and also amazingly just like the eye pyramid symbol used on the Great Seal of America and the US $1 bill.

It is also interesting to note the cobra artefact has another similarity with ancient Egypt where the raised cobra is associated with the Eye of Horus/Ra and Wad-jet in their protective aspects with it being worn on the foreheads of Pharaohs at the mid-brow right where the third eye is located.  This symbolises the raising of a person’s energies to a higher vibration which internally leads to the awakening of psychic faculties such as those latent in the third eye.


Images via YouTube user Wellington Marin – Illuminati Pyramid from Ecuador

It is not known how old these objects are as dating them has not been possible but they are thought to pre-date the known ancient cultures of the region. There is also a pre-Sanskrit type language (making it very old) engraved on some of the objects including on the underside of the black pyramid where there are also markings which appear to map out the stars of the Orion constellation, which the pyramids at Giza also map. The 4 pre-Sanskrit markings are thought to translate as saying “the son of the creator comes”.

Given the care taken to create this object it would seem to have been an important symbol for its creators although it is not clear how they interpreted it.

Ancient Greek

In the Hymns of Orpheus, the hymn To The Sun describes it variously as thus;

as an “eternal eye with broad survey” ;

and compares it to being the “Father of ages” ;

and as “Immortal Jove, all searching, bearing light” ;

then later as the “Great eye of Nature and the starry skies” ;

followed by “Faithful defender, and the eye of right”

So here we see in an ancient text of the western world similar representation of the sun like that presented in the ancient text of the east, the Rig Veda, as being an eye of the creator and an all-seeing never closing eye watching over and protecting the good.


“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Jesus in Matthew 6:22)

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry;” (Psalms 34:15)

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)


Does the Talpiot tomb display an all seeing eye?

A possible first known use of the all-seeing eye symbol in Judeo-Christianity is the so-called “Jesus tomb” from 1st century AD discovered in 1980, which uses a similar symbol over the entrance to the tomb. Regardless of whose tomb it is, could this be a first known or early use of the eye-pyramid symbol in the Judeo-Christian tradition?

In Christianity, the all-seeing eye or “Eye of Providence” or “Eye of God” has been used as a symbol from at least the 16th century as seen in the following painting below which depicts a scene from Luke 24: 13-32 where after his resurrection, Jesus has supper with two disciples.


16th century Christian painting – dated 1525 by Italian artist Pontormo (student of Da Vinci), called Supper in Emmaus – depicts Luke 24: 13-32

The eye is inside a triangle, and surrounded by rays of light, with the triangle representing the holy trinity and the whole symbol meaning God’s omnipresence and all-seeing eye watching over creation.

Some claim that the eye in triangle symbol was added to the painting soon after the Council of Trent 1545- 1563, to conform with its canons and decrees but even if that is so that would still place its use in the 16th century.

In Alsace, France, the fresco painted above the altar of the Abbey Church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste (1763) shows a large example of the eye-in-pyramid symbol, with the rays of glory breaking through the clouds.

Another example is on the Aachen cathedral in Germany. It was originally built in the late 8th century under the Emperor Charlemagne and then enlarged in the middle ages with various other changes and updates along the way. It would seem the all-seeing eye symbol was placed on the cathedral in 1766 to mark the renovations done that year.

Note that these first two examples pre-date the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati (1776) although Freemasonry already existed in England and Europe by this time. Perhaps it was a masonic influence that saw these symbols used on these cathedrals yet it was not until about 1797 that masons are regarded as beginning to use the eye-in-pyramid symbol.

The eye-in-pyramid symbol also features prominently on the front facade of the Hartegbrugkerk Church in Leiden, the Netherlands, built in 1835-36. The Latin words “Hic Domus Dei est et Porta Coeli” translates to “This is the House of God and the Gateway to Heaven.”


An all-seeing eye in the St. Jean-Baptiste Abbey Church / Image credit: Ralph Hammann


Aachen Cathedral all-seeing eye / Image credit: Trexer


Another all-seeing eye atop Hartegbrugkerk Church, Netherlands / Image credit: Robbiedoes









These are just some Christian examples of many that appear in Europe.


As we have seen, throughout history there has been a strong tradition across time, continents and cultures of using eye symbolism to generally represent a benevolent creator force watching over, helping and protecting humanity and to represent a spiritual part within.

In my next article I will continue to trace the use of the all-seeing eye symbolism over the last 240 years and reveal how it has been inverted and increasingly used for sinister aims in current times.

[ You can see the video of my interview with Total View on this topic here:                          Total View interview: All-Seeing Eye – Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol ]

from:    https://consciousreporter.com/conspiracy-against-consciousness/corruption-sacred-symbols-all-seeing-eye/

The Tri-Faith Initiative

Berlin to Build a Mosque, Synagogue, and Church—All Under the Same Roof

“We want to show that faith doesn’t divide Jews, Christians and Muslims, but instead reconciles them.”

Photo by Lia Darjes, courtesy of house-of-one.org.

In 2009, archaeologists working in the heart of Berlin excavated the foundations of what is thought to be one of the city’s first churches, St. Peter’s Church, built in the early 12th century, in what is now the Petriplatz area. The church was destroyed during WW II and in its aftermath. The site where the once-grand Romanesque building stood is now little more than a wasteland—but that is set to change.

Due to the religious significance of the site, city planners asked local Protestants if they would like to be involved in the site’s redevelopment. But representatives of the Protestant community thought that another church was not necessarily the way to go.

“It became clear that we didn’t want to build another church,” said Anna Poeschel, member of the local Protestant community. “We have two big churches in our parish already, the Jewish population has exploded in the last 20 years, and the Muslims in the city need a mosque.”

What emerged instead was the the House of One—an idea for a new building hosting a church, a mosque, and a synagogue—all under the same roof. If all goes according to plan construction will begin next year and the doors will open in 2018.

Pastor Gregor Hohberg first put forward the idea of multi-faith building, and Rabbi Tovia Ben-Chorin and Imam Kadir Sanci have now joined him in the project.

House of One may be the first purpose-built building to have three religions come together under the same roof.

Each religion will have its own practice space, all equally sized but with different designs. There will also be a central room connecting the prayer rooms and providing an area where Christians, Muslims, and Jews can all meet, along with those of other faiths.

“We can see all over the world that faith can divide people,” said Markus Dröge, a Protestant bishop in Berlin. “We want to show that faith doesn’t divide Jews, Christians, and Muslims, but instead reconciles them.”

House of One photo by Michel Koczy

A model plan for the House of One. Photo by Michel Koczy/House of One.

In 2012, local architect Wilfried Kuehn won a competition to design the building. To raise money for construction a crowdfunding campaign is under way, with a target of $58.6 million. So far donations amount to just over $47,000 from more than 600 donors. But failure to reach the project’s goal will not deter planners, who say a basic version of the building could be built for $13.5 million. If planners are unable to raise that, they still plan to fund smaller projects that promote understanding between religions.

“The project in Berlin is exciting and beautiful, but in no way the first to go this direction,” said Paul Chaffee, editor of The Interfaith Observer. “There are lots of sanctuaries serving more than one tradition. You could write a whole book on the experiments to date.”

“As a Jew, I associate Berlin with memories of pain and deep wounds, but that is not the end of the story.”

In Omaha, Nebraska, the Tri-Faith Initiative is aiming to build a church, mosque, and synagogue in the same park by 2015, although each building will be separate. There are also several examples of two religions using the same space. In Ontario, Canada, for example, the Westminster United Church and Temple Shalom share a building. Many university campuses, hospitals, and airports also incorporate multiple places of worship into their buildings. However, the House of One may be the first purpose-built building to have three religions come together under the same roof.

Those working on the project hope that their example can be followed elsewhere. “The House of One is not only for Berlin…the idea will spread to different countries all over the world,” said Tovia Ben Chorin, a rabbi and chair of the House of One board.

“As a Jew, I associate Berlin with memories of pain and deep wounds, but that is not the end of the story,” said Chorin. “A place that has darkness in its past has the potential for peace in its future.”

Tom Lawson wrote this article for YES! Magazine, a national, nonprofit media organization that fuses powerful ideas with practical actions. Tom is a production editor at Positive News UK and a freelance writer living in the United Kingdom. Follow him at @Tom_Lawson88.

from:    http://www.yesmagazine.org/happiness/berlin-to-build-a-mosque-synagogue-and-church-all-under-one-roof

Tomb Suggests Early Evidence for Christianity

Possible Earliest Evidence of Christianity Resurrected from Ancient Tomb

Wynne Parry, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 28 February 2012 Time: 10:00 AM ET
An engraving depicting a large fish thought to represent the story of the Biblical prophet Jonah found on an ossuary in a Tomb. It and an inscription found elsewhere in the tomb may be the oldest archaeological evidence of Christianity, excavators say.
An engraving depicting a large fish thought to represent the story of the Biblical prophet Jonah found in a tomb. It and an inscription in the same tomb may be the oldest archaeological evidence of Christianity, excavators say.
CREDIT: Simcha Jacobovici

In an ancient tomb located below a modern condominium building in Jerusalem, archaeologists have found ossuaries — bone boxes for the dead — bearing engravings that could represent the earliest archaeological evidence of Christians ever found.

The tomb has been dated to before A.D. 70, so if its engravings are indeed early Christian, they were most likely made by some of Jesus’ earliest followers, according to the excavators.

One of the limestone ossuaries bears an inscription in Greek that includes a reference to “Divine Jehovah” raising someone up. A second ossuary has an image that appears to be a large fish with a stick figure in its mouth. The excavators believe the image represents the story of Jonah, the biblical prophet who was swallowed by a fish or whale and then released.

Together both the inscription and the image of the fish represent the Christian belief in resurrection from death. While images of the Jonah story became common on more recent Christian tombs, they do not appear in first-century art, and iconographic images like this on ossuaries are extremely rare.

“If anyone had claimed to find either a statement about resurrection or a Jonah image in a Jewish tomb of this period I would have said impossible — until now,” James D. Tabor, professor and chairman of religious studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and one of the excavators, said in a news release issued by the university.

The excavators acknowledge the discovery and their interpretation are likely to be controversial.

This tomb was originally uncovered in 1981, but the original excavators were forced to leave by Orthodox Jewish groups who oppose the excavation of Jewish tombs. The tomb was then resealed and buried beneath the condominium complex in the neighborhood of East Talpiot. Almost two decades later, Tabor and colleagues got a license to go back into the tomb; however, because of the condos on top of it and the threat of protests from Orthodox Jewish groups, they took an unconventional route into the tomb.

They inserted a robotic arm, developed for this project, carrying high-definition cameras, through holes drilled in the basement floor of the building. The cameras photographed the ossuaries inside from all sides.

This tomb is located adjacent to another one, uncovered in 1980, that contained ossuaries with names some have associated with Jesus and his family. That tomb was thoroughly excavated at the time.

An article by Tabor describing the discovery is scheduled for publication online at The Bible and Interpretation today (Feb. 28). A book, “The Jesus Discovery: The New Archaeological Find That Reveals the Birth of Christianity” (Simon & Schuster, 2012), co-authored by Tabor and filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici, is also being published today. Later this spring, a documentary on the subject will air on the Discovery Channel.

from:    http://www.livescience.com/18697-christianity-evidence-tomb-inscriptions.html

Earliest Christian Engraving Has Pagan Elements

World’s Earliest Christian Engraving Shows Surprising Pagan Elements

Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor
Date: 30 September 2011 Time: 10:09 AM ET
museum holding the earliest christian inscription
Scholars have identified what appears to be the world’s earliest Christian inscription, dating to the second century. It is in the collection of the Capitoline Museums in Rome which could not release an image at press time. Also shown, examples of other early Christian inscriptions, copied in 1880.
CREDIT: Left: © Zach123 | Dreamstime.com; Right: Christian Archaeology, Charles Wesley Bennett

Researchers have identified what is believed to be the world’s earliest surviving Christian inscription, shedding light on an ancient sect that followed the teachings of a second-century philosopher named Valentinus.

Officially called NCE 156, the inscription is written in Greek and is dated to the latter half of the second century, a time when the Roman Empire was at the height of its power.

An inscription is an artifact containing writing that is carved on stone. The only other written Christian remains that survive from that time period are fragments of papyri that quote part of the gospels and are written in ink. Stone inscriptions are more durable than papyri and are easier to display. NCE 156 also doesn’t quote the gospels directly, instead its inscription alludes to Christian beliefs.

“If it is in fact a second-century inscription, as I think it probably is, it is about the earliest Christian material object that we possess,” study researcher Gregory Snyder, of Davidson College in North Carolina, told LiveScience.

Snyder, who detailed the finding in the most recent issue of the Journal of Early Christian Studies, believes it to be a funeral epigram, incorporating both Christian and pagan elements. His work caps 50 years of research done by multiple scholars, much of it in Italian. The inscription is in the collection of the Capitoline Museums in Rome.

“Assuming that Professor Snyder is right, it’s clearly the earliest identifiable Christian inscription,” said Paul McKechnie, a professor of ancient history at Macquarie University in Australia, who has also studied the inscription.

As translated by Snyder, the inscription reads:

To my bath, the brothers of the bridal chamber carry the torches,
[here] in our halls, they hunger for the [true] banquets,
even while praising the Father and glorifying the Son.
There [with the Father and the Son] is the only spring and source of truth.

Details on the provenance of the inscription are sketchy. It was first published in 1953 by Luigi Moretti in the “Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma,” an Italian archaeological journal published annually.

The only reference to where it was found is a note scribbled on a squeeze (a paper impression) of the inscription, Snyder said. According to that note, it was found in the suburbs of Rome near Tor Fiscale, a medieval tower. In ancient times, the location of the tower would have been near mile four of a roadway called the Via Latina.

How was it dated?

Margherita Guarducci, a well-known Italian epigrapher who passed away in 1999, proposed a second-century date for the inscription more than four decades ago. She argued that the way it was written, with a classical style of Greek letters, was only used in Rome during the first and second centuries.

to read more, go to:    http://www.livescience.com/16319-earliest-christian-inscription-pagan-artifacts.html

July 30 New Moon

Site Last Updated July 30, 2011: So here we are the New Moon in child-like and risk taking Leo (exact @ 11:40 AM PDT or 2:40 PM EDT).
Barbara Hand Clow alerts us to the deeper activation that is happening with this lunation
as Night 5 of the Unity Wave is kicked off in spectacluar fashion.

Leo New Moon: July 30, 2011
The New Moon in Leo has arrived, and with it comes our moment to awaken courage in our hearts and stoke the fires of unconditional love. This New Moon is the top of a Yod  that activates and deepens the powers of the sextile between Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune/Chiron in Pisces. Yods are great directors of our energy, so this year’s Leo phase is full of fire and creativity. Venus in 3 Leo is moving toward the Sun, so the goddess inspires the flames of wisdom. Also, the New Moon conjuncts the lunar North Node in the USA’s founding chart (1776), so this heart opening reveals deep implications for Americans. Many now realize that time acceleration is a real influence; things are going so fast that most people can’t remember what happened last week. Well, this New Moon is the hot match that ignites the voracious field of constant change.
Day Five opens July 31, one day after this New Moon, when the new world we’re creating will be in its budding phase. Day Five of the National was 40-434 AD, when Roman Christianity was adopted in the West. Therefore, radical shifts in Christianity are very likely in August, such as the exposure of Josef Ratzinger’s lack of concern about child abuse in the Church. [See The Pope’s War by Matthew Fox.] Day Five is when the new creations become visible, so this Leo lunation may be the most influential one during the Universal Underworld. Let’s also note that Night Five opens August 18, a few days after the August 13 Full Moon in Aquarius, during this lunation cycle. Night Five is when we see the greatest destruction of the old systems that have to go, and the Aquarius Full Moon is equipped to do so. It forms a mutable grand square with Mars in 7 Cancer closely opposing Pluto in 5 Capricorn; and both are squared by Uranus in 4 Aries opposing the asteroid Juno in 5 Libra. (Saturn in 13 Libra is a partial influence in this grand square as well.) Events triggered by this potent configuration will force the world to see that the nuclear, financial, and Middle Eastern abuses are destroying our planet. Of course, famine and climate stress are also building. What do you expect when the planet is used for human disposal because supposedly God told our ancestors to use Earth for the chosen ones?

from:    http://www.aquasoul.com/index2.html