Dr. Rita Louise on Fear

Fear – The Thief Of Dreams

by Dr. Rita Louise

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.”
H.P. Lovecraft

Fear is defined as an emotional response to an unknown or impending danger, or as an expectation of evil. Fear can create feelings of apprehension, anxiety, alarm, dread, fright or terror. When you are in fear, you are scared of someone, something or a potential outcome.

We all experience fear at one point in time or another. Actually, fear is a great way to keep us from hurting ourselves. Fear has a limiting effect on our behaviors and ourselves. Fear keeps us from putting our hand on the hot burner of the stove. It keeps us from jumping from high places, or leaves us tentative when going into a darkened room. These types of fears are good. They keep us safe. They make us think before we act, knowing full well the potential outcome and repercussions of our actions. Even with activities such as fire walking, skydiving and bunji jumping, a major component-or should I say thrill-of these activities is saying hello to and overcoming fear.

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. In extreme cases, individuals find themselves afraid of closed in spaces such as elevators. They may be afraid of insects such as spiders or bees; they may be afraid of heights, afraid to fly in airplanes, or even afraid of the water. Fear is elicited as a response or reaction to some previous life experience or trauma. It can be experienced when we look to venture into uncharted ground, especially when the outcome is unknown. We can also experience fear when we lose our jobs, look to end a relationship, or even when we try to express our needs and desires.

Fear can impact us in many ways. It was once said, “Fear is the thief of dreams”. The truth to that statement is unbelievable. Bottom line … fear takes away our choices. It can keep us from doing the things we want or need to do for ourselves. It limits us, constrains us, and can end up ruling our lives. It consumes our energy and enjoyment of life, leaving us experiencing additional unexplainable stress, frustration, or feeling just plain stuck.

When it comes to health, the role of emotions, especially the emotion of fear, is not something to be taken lightly. Fear causes the body to contract. Fear causes our life force energy, or chi’, that flows through our bodies to slow down, creating distortions in its flow. The impact or sizes of these energetic distortions are dictated by repetition, intensity, and our reaction to the negative/fear causing factor. These energetic distortions can be likened to an imaginary button within ourselves. The impact or size of these distortions is equated to how many times or how hard the button(s) gets pushed, multiplied by our unique reaction to the event or situation. It is like finding out that you owe the IRS money. Some people take it in stride, with little to no reaction. In others, it may evoke an intense reaction – one that will be remembered for years.

As these energetic distortions grow, our life force energy slows down proportionately, until it finally stops. Once stopped, disease is only a step away. When we are in fear, we are hesitant to take steps forward. Our minds are filled with thoughts of a traumatic experience, a negative outcome, or the potential repercussions of our choices and decisions. We manifest these fears as procrastination, where we choose to do nothing. Sometimes we go into resistance, digging our heels in and holding on tightly to our current position or situation. Some of us go into denial about our fears, choosing to blame others or the situation for their choices. Others just avoid putting themselves into scary situations, thus eliminating any possible threat.

Being in or living in fear is all about choices…you can choose to move forward, or you can choose to stand still, marking time. Again, while some fears are good and essential for our basic survival, many of the ones we face daily have nothing to do with any real threat or danger. For many of us, the only real peril we experience are the thoughts and ideas we conger up in our minds.

Fear can be thought of as a scary old-time black and white movie poster of the Werewolf or Dracula hanging on the back of a door in a darkened room. As we look ahead, the only thing we can see is this scary creature obstructing our passage and forward movement. What we don’t realize is that the threat isn’t real. Once we turn on the lights in the room, we can see that it is only a poster and no danger at all. What’s more, as we sit in this darkened room, unable or unwilling to either turn on the lights or step through that door, we will never know what is on the other side. We will be forever trapped by our own reservations, worries and uncertainties and will never come to know the freedom and sense of power that is experienced as you step through its limitation and into the light of a new day. Addressing fear, saying hello to it, is a major component in overcoming it. It is like turning on the light in that darkened room, the unknowns become known, what was once scary becomes mundane and may even seem trivial.

Miraculous things happen to those who consciously choose to overcome their fears. As they begin to move forward in this new life journey, many find deep, long lost, feelings of inner strength and renewed self-confidence. They gain certainty in their skills, abilities and even downfalls. They have the good fortune of learning more about themselves, their wants, needs and desires, thus opening new doors of opportunity and enjoyment.

What do you fear? Perhaps it is time to turn on the light and step through the door of empowerment and behold a new and brilliant day.

from:    http://www.soulhealer.com/fear.htm

Chris Bourne on Ascension

Nine Essential Questions on Ascension

25th April 2012

By Chris Bourne

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution.

Our planetary system is moving to a higher vibrational reality – one founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The Soul of the Earth, a vastly more evolved being than ourselves is ascending.

What exactly does this mean? How does it effect you?

Here are some essential questions on Ascension which frequently get asked…

It is important to say I am not offering these views as absolute truth. They are my own interpretations from my own inner exploration. I offer them to encourage a deeper exploration of your own truth…

1. What is meant by the term Ascension?

The Universe exists as a vast ocean of consciousness – in other words light energy. It is arrayed in layers of decreasing vibration – what many call “dimensions” or “densities”. Dimensions array together forming “dimensional realms” of existence. We live in the lower Physical Realm (comprised of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Densities).

We may consider it like a pond: we as the ‘creator’ cast a pebble into the centre and ripples flowed outwards steadily increasing in size until they form waves at the edge of the pond. Each ripple represents a dimension. As you get further out from the centre, the amplitude (size) of the waves gets bigger so their wavelength gets longer and therefore vibrational frequency lower. It is exactly the same in our Universe where the further we get away from the centre (the Source), the lower the vibrational frequency of the dimensions get and therefore the denser “heavier” they are.

The consciousness of most people is currently centred in the lower Physical Realm – we have a physical body and tend to be attuned to these dimensional frequencies. Many evolving people believe that Gaia herself is ascending, and moving into the 5th Density, a process due to complete in 2012. It is a natural process which has been unfolding for some time.

Put simply, you might say the “New World” exists in the 5th Dimension and the “Old World” exists in the 3rd. The two are inter connected by the 4th Dimension. When we get out of the mind and into the Heart, our consciousness expands and we begin to feel the energies of the New World expressed as joy, love, expansiveness, completeness, wholeness, lightness and timelessness. Because the dimensions overlap we experience the new paradigm here and now all around us.

2. Why is it that society does not view the Universe in this way?

The human brain is bombarded with hundreds of billions bits of information about our reality every second and yet can only deal with a small fraction of this. To cope with the overload, it superimposes a map of the reality it expects over the incoming information and filters out the rest. Since our experience of life is created by our consciousness – our thoughts and beliefs – we continually recreate the reality we expect and have become used to. It is a bit like tuning in stations on a radio – people have become so addicted to a particular station, they’ve stopped looking for other ones!

3. So how do we experience the new reality?

The key is to get out of the mind and into the Heart. In other words to let go of our attachments and need for an outcome in the external drama of life. If we can rise above this self imposed victimisation, then we discover the essence of our being – our spirit, consciousness or soul. Every single event and circumstance in the Universe is designed to reveal this; the Universe acts as a mirror to see that which could not otherwise be seen.

So if we let go of our fears and doubts about life then we can let go or out attachment to the drama, the Heart opens and we begin to connect with the true essence of life itself. We experience the infinite and simple joy of living – we touch the soul.

4. What happens when we connect to the soul?

The soul connects us to a super conscious field of energy – what some call “Unity Consciousness”. It is the awareness that arises from the Source of all life – what some might call “God” and what we at Openhand call the “Seer”. The Seer is in and through all things and in our truth, we are that.

When we connect to the soul, we are infused with energy which raises our vibrationary state. If we can keep connecting, then over time our energy rises, our consciousness expands and we begin to unfold into the new vibrational reality. The new paradigm actually becomes a part of our consciousness and we begin to create that more and more in our lives. In a way, we are dissolving from this dimensional realm and forming in the new one (although we are likely to experience both simultaneously until we’ve made the full internal transition – our Ascension).

5. So how do we raise our vibration?

Basically we raise our vibration by attuning to those inner feelings of profound joy, love and completeness. If we return to our pond analogy, on the surface the waves flow outwards from the centre to ever increasing separation which we witness in our Universe as increasing disorder and dis-ease; because we are moving further away from our connection to the Source inner doubt, fear, separateness and selfishness intensify. However under the surface of the pond – and in our Universe – is an undertow, a flow of energy pulling back to the centre. It takes place in what we might call “consciousness space” (also known as ‘negative time space’). It is the flow back to increasing order, ease and harmony. Science calls it an ‘increase in negative entropy’ but we know it by a much more powerful name – “love”!

It is not always simple however to tune into this ‘consciousness space’ and feel the guiding hand leading us on a pathway of increasing order, internal harmony and love. We are living in a society that continually conditions us with false desires, illusionary needs and distorted behaviour patterns – leading to increasing separation. Our society is sustained by consumerism first generating and then feeding off our ever spiraling habits and addictions. It is one based on fear and manipulation. Fear that there isn’t enough for all and then manipulating us into struggling to get our fair share. Our true passion – our authentic inner longing for unity with the Source – gets lost in thought control programs. It is this that is causing the wholesale destruction of the planet in this dimension.

6. How do we release ourselves from this programming?

If we can pause for a moment in life and begin to connect once more with those things that really give us joy and a sense of ‘rightness’, then we reconnect to the soul and receive infusions of energy – downloads from our soul ray harmonic. It infuses causing distorted patterns of behaviour to be brought to the surface. In other words it recreates patterns of experiences in our lives where a choice is exposed to us: either give in to the old addictions and fear based behaviours or instead embrace a higher choice – that which really expresses the essence of our being. If we keep doing this in every moment, then our conditioned behaviours dissolve over time and our vibration rises.

7. What do we experience when our vibration rises?

On the road to Ascension, we pass through five key milestones – what we may call “Five Gateways”. In summary…

  • Gateway 1:”Awakening” – the magic of the soul and its unmistakable quiet inner voice is unveiled to us.
  • Gateway 2:”Realignment” – we surrender to the supreme governance of the soul in our lives. We align with the Divine Purpose.
  • Gateway 3:”Transfiguration” – a dramatic shift of perception from identification with the personality to being the Seer expressed as the soul through the bodymind.
  • Gateway 4:”Enlightenment” – ‘fragments’ of the soul still identifying with karmic filters are released and “reconnected”. The soul becomes fully integral within our being.
  • Gateway 5:”Resurrection” – our seven bodily vehicles of expression are finally cleansed, reactivated and re-energised. We unfold into multi dimensional living.

8. Is everyone ascending?

Ascension is a choice – currently a window of opportunity is open for us. Our destiny is to ascend but if current patterns of behaviour on our planet continue, it is highly unlikely that everyone will. What is beyond doubt (to us) however is that our planetary system IS ascending, the Soul of the Earth is gathering her energies into the new realm as we speak. That is why we are witnessing an increasing polarity between the darker forces – those of fear based manipulation – and those of the lighter ones – based on profound unconditional love. The energies are separating and therefore becoming more obvious.

However, the fear based reality will not exist indefinitely especially if society continues to pollute, rape and destroy Mother Earth in this plane the way it currently is. As this old consciousness fragments, peels away and is dissolved, those souls that ascend will taste eternal life as a unique expression of the One Life.

For the souls that do not ascend, there are a number of possibilities for what might happen. Firstly, because many souls have not been progressing within this difficult and dense environment, it’s highly likely that some will be dissolved and reintegrated with the source. Others will be held in the Angelic Realms (within the 4th Density) until another reincarnation possibility happens.

9. Do we need to heal Mother Earth?

In our view it is not necessary to heal Mother Earth – her Ascension is her healing. She is shaking off an old skin so to speak. However it is still important for our own evolution to treasure and cherish her. In my view, the only way to ascend is to transcend this plane by becoming completely at one with her – by respecting her and all life, not exploiting her or the animal or plant kingdoms, not manipulating but surrendering – trusting in the divine and riding the wave of unconditional love that is our soul.

It is counterproductive to struggle against the darker energies in this realm. To try to do so is a distraction, it can create emotional inner efforting that lowers our vibration. In any case, as we explore our own attachments and inner darkness, we process out our attachments to the lower consciousness. Over time, the outer density peels away.

In order to progress, it helps to notice the effects of the darker energies but not to dwell on them. Once we’re processed our lower distortions, it becomes progressively easier to attune to the lighter frequencies of harmony, at-one-ment and love.


We do indeed stand on the brink of a miraculous transformation and a choice lies open to each and everyone of us: the chance to let go of the old fear based reality of control and instead embrace the new paradigm of unconditional love for all life.

from:   http://wakeup-world.com/2012/04/25/nine-essential-questions-on-ascension/

Barbara Marx Hubbard on Peace

Replacing Our ‘War Rooms’ with ‘Peace Rooms’

Posted: 06/29/11 09:38 AM ET
Barbara Marx Hubbard —  Foundation for Conscious Evolution, President
Evolution is evolving from unconscious chance to conscious choice. We are entering the first age of conscious evolution.

Why? Because we obviously affect our own evolution by all the choices we make — from the food we eat, the number of babies we have, the cars we drive and the weapons we build.

Humans have no experience at being responsible for global change at this level. We are facing, as Bruce Lipton and Deepak Chopra recently wrote, the possibility of the collapse of our life support system. Or, I believe, the emergence of something new, something better than we have ever known before.