Arcturian Message 5/21/12

Message from the Arcturian Group – May 21, 2012

Arcturian GroupThe Arcturian Group channeled through Marilyn Raffaele.

(Oneness Of All)

May 21, 2012

Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now taking place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious, allowing them for the first time, to experience the light of truth. These are the dear ones that you will soon find yourselves helping as you explain to them what is taking place on the earth and in their lives at this time. Awakening humanity is making this shift happen, dear ones. Your light is manifesting in the outer as the higher forms that you interpret as change– higher levels of truth and understanding within all peoples and all facets of every day living.

Many are rapidly becoming aware of the literal stupidity of war. In truth, all life is in and of the One Life. Therefore to treat each other as enemies and evil; killing, torturing, and maiming is simply the continuation of a very unevolved and now obsolete facet of duality and separation. Soon there will be outcries from more of the masses as is already happening in many countries regarding the end of war which lines the pockets of the powerful, and depletes the life force of all the rest.

It is time to embrace means of interaction that honor the differences between cultures, Means that reflects an awareness of all life as Divine and valuable. You say that war is necessary for many do not respect the rights of others and wish harm upon us, but we say to you that war is a very unevolved tool presented to you by those who benefit by war. Much of what you have been told about your security is simply false, made up to keep the masses locked into fear, served on a platter of courage and rights. We also remind you that that which you do to another whether personally or through your support, you do to yourselves for there is only ONE LIFE.

Many of you still carry in cellular memory, warrior energy from lifetimes of the past and still feel its resonance. There is an excitement and a comradery in war that still resonates with many but if you wish to ascend, then it is time to release this now, and experience excitement and comradery on higher levels. That period of the evolutionary journey is finished for any choosing the Light of Truth.

Give permission and intention within yourselves to release all that is old and finished, for much that you are ready to move beyond can seem very true and real as you experience energies still active within cellular memory. Many of you are experiencing aches and pains, rashes, and mysterious physical issues that seem to come from no where. Most of these are temporary; the clearing of old physical, emotional, and mental energy with the accompanying integration of the new, the release of blocked energy streams (blocks can occur through surgeries or injury), and the opening of energy portals within the physical body. Remember this, and simply allow the process, for most of it soon fades and is gone. However, we are not saying that if fear enters in, and you have health concerns you cannot consult your doctor, we do say that it is important to remember that much of what you are experiencing at this time is in and of necessary physical preparation for ascension.

You are in the process of a giant evolutionary process. Nothing is the same as it has been nor will it be again, so as the unawakened keep promoting the pushing of more cards into the many third dimensional houses of cards, there will be disappointment and frustration because the energy is no longer there to support or manifest that which is finished. It is extremely important that you recognize and accept that truth if you have chosen to move forward.

This can for the newly awakened be a difficult time because an unawakened society continues to promote all that which is old and finished through your news, TV, magazines, film,etc. Day after day you are bombarded from all sides with beliefs and concepts that have worked in the past. You may begin to question as to whether or not this whole shift business may simply be another giant hoax being once again played upon the world for the benefit of those who would keep you in bondage.

Not giant hoax dear ones. Gaia, who is a living soul has chosen to ascend and all have been given the choice of going with her or not. Take this within your hearts, those of you who may question, for in your Center you will feel the rightness of it. Always go within for your answers and should you choose ascend with her, you will, but know that you cannot carry suitcases full of the past with you.

All are all feeling the new and increasingly intense energies. It is bringing up all past and present issues needing to be looked at. Many of you are experiencing a sense of failure as you see parts of your life suddenly fall apart. This is not failure but is a graduation, dear ones. Rejoice in what the unawakened world may see as failure, for you are moving beyond the old and finished concepts and beliefs regarding facets of your lives. Know that if these things are to be a part of your experience, they will reform in higher and better ways because consciousness is the substance of all form. You are moving to the next rung of the ladder and doing it bravely and lovingly.

Begin to trust your intuition for this is how you are directed by your Higher self and your guides. It is fine to consult others who may have more information about what you are concerned with, however make sure that the bottom line of any decision you make comes from you. This is the taking of your power back from those it has been given to–organized religions, government, experts, family, friends etc.

The world is experiencing an integration of the Divine feminine (receptive, intuitive) and the Divine masculine (active, be-er, do-er). Divine Consciousness embodies both qualities in perfect balance and harmony and therefore all living things also have both qualities. This is causing problems and resistance with those who benefit from a patriarchal society. There must be the balance for each quality compliments the other, and in this balance is empowerment. A female does not need a male to give her the masculine energy, it is already within. A man does not need a female to give him the feminine energy, he already embodies it. This realization can cause problems in an established relationship if only one partner understands that he is whole and complete with or without the other. The realization of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine as being two halves of a perfect whole can and will disrupt all facets of life that heretofore have thrived on the imbalance created through the promotion of the masculine as being more perfect than the feminine.

Be aware that like it or not, change is here dear ones, embrace it and sing with joy the songs of new and higher experience.

As always, we are with love, the Arcturian Group


March 11-17

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Amber Orange

No, you are not going crazy.  The energies are coming together right now, old and new, and the result is confusion, chaos, and oddities.  Step back from things this week.  Use your sense of humor as a defense.  It carries a certain kindness and acceptance that will be appealing to those out there who are looking for reaction. There is a strong urge these days towards purging a lot of the old.  This can manifest itself in bouts of throwing things away or crying your eyes out or laughing hysterically.  The important thing now is to let things happen as they do and then let them go.  Not always so easy, but helpful and healthful in the long run. There can be some physical issues this week, so listen to your body and do not attempt to overdo,  You will pay for it in the end. Oh, this is not a good time for second guessing or making decisions for yourself based on other’s opinions, the lure of the media, or the spur of the moment.  There is time.  It is good to remember that.  There is time to get the important things done.  The rest, well they are not that important after all.  Mercury goes retrograde Monday. This can be a tough retrograde, so stay centered and grounded in your own knowing and personal strength, and listen to your intuition.  You are,after all, part of it all.  Please, also be aware of your power.  It is growing, perhaps with growing pains inside of you — some of those physical issues.  See things for what they have to say to you.  Again, listen to your intuition and the voices in your head.  You are connected to Universal Consciousness, and as you take time, through meditation,, centering, grounding, opening, being WHO you are, its voice, gentle and true, will speak to you. Continue reading

January 22-28

Overall Color for the Week:    Canary Yellow

This week will be quite conflicted in so many ways.  An introductory note that I would like ot make is that electronic devices and anything that is plugged in — regardless of how you read that —- will be challenged this week.  When you find yourself in a situation where that happens, step back and think about what went before.  There are patterns that are developing at this time and there are many clues out there as to how they are forming.  YOu will know them if you are willing to do a little sleuthing.  Or just pay attention.  This is a week in which a keen sense of wonder will serve you well.  Also, you can find that your body is doing strange things.  Analyze that also.  It too has a pattern to it.  Listen to your body.  Honor it, and do as it requests, a nap, a snack, a meditation, a removal from a situation…. It will benefit you in the long run.  Do not worry about having to make excuses for your actions.  Things will flow in a new and different way and a lot of the old niceties are not necessary right now.  There are new and different energies coming in at this time, and they require a new response.  We are all learning. Continue reading

The Group via Steve Rother

Note: The following message has been rechanneled and edited with the groups oversight for clarity in this format.

Greetings from Home

This day is a very magical time. Toward the end of your years, you celebrate and you do so in many different ways. Yes, you have a holiday called Christmas. You also have many of your completions at the end of this time as you begin to step into a new energy. Each one of you starts evaluating what you have just stepped out of, what you have just moved from. We tell you that when you are moving forward,  there is an aspect that can part all the seas for you and clear your path more easily than any other. That is what you are experiencing during these times…gratitude. It is the greatest creator that you have, for that is the energy that creates just in front of you even when you are not aware of it. That which you give thanks for, increases every time; that which you focus on automatically grows, for you are creators. You cannot not create. It is not possible. Yet, you have incorporated different aspects of creation to re-mind yourself of your spirit. Often the decorations that you have around your holidays, such as the colors of Christmas, carry more significance than you may realize.  Red and green seem to be used as Christmas colors all around the world, no matter the country or culture. We Red is the color that humans believe represents the heart, but the heart chakra color is actually green. In reality that blending of the humanness with the spirit is what this is all about. This is a time when you stop in your path and you look at your experience on planet Earth…where you have been, where you are going, what your joys are, and what piece of that can become a little more comfortable as you step forward.

New Possibilities of Spiritual Creation

The times of 2012 have already happened in all of your dreams. What was going to take place on the 21st of December, or whatever date you had in mind, has already been pulled forward. This is very typical of Lightworkers. We tell you that something will happen on a certain date and you say, “No, we will have it happen now.” You bring it forward, just as you have many times throughout your history, but we also tell you else something. In that vac-ancy of what you have pulled forward, you now have the capabilities of reaching levels that were never dreamt of, that you never thought were possible. This is now possible not only because of the alignment of all of the energies in the cosmos, but because you have created the vacuum. You have already received those aspects which you are ready to move into, and which you thought would come in to magically change your world. You have changed this world and that is the beauty of what is going forward, for each one of you are creators. When you hold a thought in your head and it mixes with another bit of emotion from your heart, the thought manifests. There used to be a long time lag between thought and manifestation, but  now it is simply  the act of holding a pure thought that begins to manifest everything that you have seen. You have known this truth in your heart, but now you will begin to see phy-sical evidence of it. Now you will begin to see the effect of your power of creation on the world around you. You do it with love; you do it with these times of gratitude. If you wish your power to grow on planet Earth, give thanks for the power you have. Find ways of nurturing this power as you all learn to use it consciously. Share your power with others to exercise it and help to awaken it in every person you encounter. Then as you begin to trust yourselves to carry that power, you will naturally begin to slowly create for yourself.

There came a time on planet Earth when humans developed communications outside of their small local and family groups. News started to tra-vel along a communication grid, for that is the way we perceive all of this. It was a connection from one point to another that originally began in the days of ancient Greece, when a run-ner would run from one city to the other carrying information. That track between this city and the next one became the beginning of a communication grid. Over periods of time the technology changed. You developed telegraphs and eventually telephones. Not the phones you use today, but the ones that actually used wires – do you re-member those? Yes, we tell you that was a phy-sical manifestation of the communication grid, for it literally was a way to connect all of you when it felt like you were disconnected. Now, what has taken place is that communication grid experienced difficulties, because it is not everywhere. It is in your populated cities, but there are gaps in the grid on the outskirts; in some areas it is very strong and in others it is very weak. That was a problem you had to work with, but you have now taken technology to a different level entirely. You no longer need the wires to the degree you needed them before. You are moving this communication grid from one form to another, evolving it with each step.

The Singularity and Deep Contact

There is coming a time soon that has been known in the scientific worlds as the “singularity.” There have even been lots movies made about this subject; scary movies, of course, for those are the ones that sell. The idea of the singularity is very simple: it is a point at which computers can outthink humans. There has been much speculation about it; many projects, and fun little science fiction stories have come from singularity. What will take place? Will computers take over your world? No, this is actually the point where the communication grid goes to the next level, where you no longer need the wires. It is not a re-sult of your wireless technologies.  Instead it is because you hold that ability to communicate in your heart, and this no longer knows the boundaries of big cities or unincorporated areas. It is now a communication directly from your heart to another. We have told you this was coming, and mentioned it many times. We have called it “deep contact,” and we simply said that there will come a point on planet Earth where you will no longer need all the communication devices. You will be able to communicate with very few words and eventually with energy alone. In the meantime, the first expressions of this deep contact are simply communicated from the heart and through using fewer words. Many times your words get in the way of your meaning, because sometimes there are not words in your language that describe what you are feeling.. These challenges will begin to erase themselves as you move to this next level, and that is a possibility that was never there before. This is one of the greatest pieces that you have created on planet Earth as a real possibility. We still describe it as a possibility rather than a reality, for we cannot tell the future. You are creators, and you are writing it every day of your lives. We can tell the direction you are going and we can see what is a little further down the path ahead you, but you are in charge every moment and we love it when you suddenly take a turn. You suddenly say, “This does not feel good anymore. I am going to turn.” And you come to us and ask, “Which is the best direction? Should we turn right or should we turn left?” And we tell you to turn right and watch as you take a left turn, for we tell you that also works. We will make the best of any path you are on. We work with you as best we can to help you understand there are no right turns or wrong turns. There is your path which is now led from your heart in a different way, in a different form of communication than was ever dreamt of.

You are closing a very magical year; 2011 produced more vibrational changes on planet Earth than we have ever seen and you are just getting warmed up. That is the beautiful part, for you are starting to carry this energy and it is no longer about hiding. The days of, “Oh, I cannot tell anybody about this,” or “I cannot share anything about this,” are over. Now you are seeing everything coming out in the open. You are seeing a blend of your scientific world and your metaphy-sical world, which was never before dreamt to be possible. The scientific and metaphy-sical concepts reside in totally different worlds; one can be proven while the other cannot,  yet they are starting to agree with one another. They are starting to find the commonalities of love on planet Earth and how to grow love, for that is the piece that you are all discovering in front of now. You have the oppor-tunity to create a new world in the next year, a world of your choosing. We talk not about the entire world, for it is your world; it is your daily path that you will be choosing and every part of that. What would you like in your world? What is important to you in that perspective? What would be the most important pieces if you were god and you were designing a new planet Earth? Look at that now, for you are creating your own reality. You are the center of your own universe, and that has always been the way. The first thing that you do as the center of your own universe is take responsibility for being the center…take responsibility for who you are on this planet. It is a joyous piece, not a difficult piece. Once you accept that responsibility, you own who you are. There is no right or wrong about that; there is no adjusting to make people understand. You simply put your message out to the universe. You carry it in your smile and in your language, even your common everyday words. You even carry it every time you lau-gh, sending out a new vibration.

The changes that are taking place in the year 2012 are beyond your understanding on many different levels. It will take you almost 27 years to realize the connections that are being made in this next year, and to fully unfold them and see what is really taking place. So we ask you, do not concern yourself with what is going to happen or how it is going to happen. Simply walk into it with your arms open and with a smile on your face. Let it have the highest potential possible. If you hear us yelling to turn right and you turn left, you are going to hear the lau-ghter as well for there are no wrong turns. It is a path of your own choosing. You have been looking for this path of least resistance into your spirituality. We tell you the path is created just before your foot hits the ground, for you are creating so much now.

Speak Your Truth

The biggest piece we wish to share with you about the year 2012 is that the entire focus of humanity on planet Earth is changing. It has already begun in many small ways, and this is why you are seeing so much upheaval on planet Earth. Almost every time you turn on your tele-vision, you can see some big, dramatic event taking place in some part of the world. You are evolving it and you must find what you are unhappy with, in order to evolve. If you come together and express your dissatisfaction, even though you may not know the complete answers about what would bring you satisfaction, still speak your truth of where you are at that moment even if it is difficult. For that is what is clearing the deck and making it possible for you to create this new world that you are stepping into. As you step forward one other part is changing, which is that you are the center of your own universe. That will never change again. What is changing is how you harmonize your universe with the other gods on planet Earth. This has always been part of getting along on Earth: “How do I harmonize with other people? How do I work with other people? How do I get along?” It is much more than that now, for they are a part of you and you are a part of them. That connection is actually going to be seen more on the other side of 2012, and it is happening day by day. The veil is beginning to thin. The connections that you have with each other will become more visible and more usable; you will become aware of the possibilities for anchoring that energy in many different ways. The idea is to play with it and to know that these changes will be happening. You have seen people that have been psychic, who can communicate by literally sending something from here to someone there without the challenges of distance or time. Now you are going to learn how to use it within yourself, how to be responsible for using and sending your own energy to connect with other people. Sometimes it is a simple connection and you will make a big difference in their lives by helping them make a course correction. Other times you will simply be helping them to step up a step. Whatever it is, your success on planet Earth after 2012 will have to do with how you get along with the other gods on planet Earth. That is the reason we call this the Age of Empowerment, not just your personal empowerment. How well you empower the people around you will have a lot to do with your next steps, and your connections to yourself and this new energy.

There are many pieces of that are starting to unfold little by little. Yes, you will still experience some course corrections and see some changes that need to come to planet Earth…the planet herself. You have had a little breather in between your tsunamis, your earthquakes and similar challenges in these areas. This has been the Earth making her adjustments to get to this next level, and there are some more adjustments that need to be made. What we tell you about this is that the more you work with yourself, the easier it is for the planet to make these corrections. It does not need to have an extremely negative on this planet or be a tragedy. You can walk into this energy with your eyes open and many of you are beginning to do that. You are walking daily with a cosmic connection of your own spirit of who you are, and this was never before dreamt to be possible on planet Earth. It is the reason there is so much attention on Earth now, for you are creating miracles on a daily basis. You are changing all that is; you are the masters of the ga-meboard.

Each step that you experience will put you in a new place. Becoming comfortable anchoring in the new energy will bring with it some challenges for many people. Many of you feel as if you are on unstable ground, and you do not know how to anchor yet  or understand what is taking place. The truth is that you have stepped in to experience that, so that once you do find the anchor and stop moving the first thing you do is to reach out your hand to someone else to help them stabilize. This is the new planet Earth, the new connection. You will look out there for oppor-tunities as you always have, but instead of the oppor-tunities that you have found before you will be looking for oppor-tunities to help others in some way. We tell you it is not measured; it is not a collect-ion; there is not a certain mark where you have helped other people enough to get into heaven. Instead it is a lifestyle, a way of working with each other in order for all of you to step into this energy. You do not need to wait for heaven when you die. Create it right here, right now. That is the part that each and every one of you have carried from Home.

When you start connecting these pieces and experience this new communication, you will understand that unique piece that you have and making it easier to bring all the pieces together to create heaven here on Earth. It is underway. It is happening. Are you ready? The energy will be a conscious step for each and every one of you. You will have to answer that question in your own heart. It is here and our hands are out to you, for every step that you take is changing planet Earth and changing the love energy here. You have shifted this planet far beyond your understanding and you are just getting started.

It is with the greatest of honor that we address the masters of the ga-meboard. We ask you to treat each other with the greatest respect for you are looking in the mirror. Nurture one another every cha-nce you get. Hold your hand out as often as you can to make a difference in someone’s life. Re-member it is a beautiful ga-me. Play well together.


The group

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January 8-14

Everything is changing, and this week expect big, even huge, shifts in energy throughout.  Even if you think you are not being affected, think again!  Take a look at how you are reacting to things.  Moods and emotions will be two major themes this week.  You can find yourself reacting to things way out of proportion to what just happened.  Because this will be a trait in all areas, it is good to keep centered and grounded.  Take time, count to ten, breathe, whatever before you judge, criticize or react.  Some of what you are thinking or doing is not what you truly feel, rather it is a momentary blip as you buy into all the ups and downs around you.  Remember that we are all connected, and in this connection, we can mirror or even express the outside attitudes and opinions if we are not firmly grounded in our Cores.  Also, be aware of what your body is saying to you.  The energy is affecting the physicality, and as a result you may find yourself with body issues that can cause you some concern.  This is a week also in which you can learn much about your strength and your personal power.  Be aware for those lessons.  Take them to heart, and use that as a basis for moving forward as this year progresses.  And, as always, trust your intuition.  And one further note, this is a time for doing what yu love.  It must be your focus and your priority.  If you are not sure what it is that you truly love, then take a look at what you are doing at any given time.  Step back and see whether or not this is the thing that makes you feel yourself, your power, your creativity, and most of all your joy.  If it is not, then it is not your true passion.  Oftentimes we can only discover things through a process of elimination.  Do not get discouraged if you cannot find your passion right away.  Joy comes sometimes silently and unexpectedly.  It will happen. Continue reading

December 25-31

This last week of 2011 will be full of bouts of deja vu and all the emotions, oddness, and wonder that these entail.  Look around yourself and be aware of your environment.  There are subtle shift and changes going on there, as well as in your personal life and with friends and family.  These are all part of a larger wave of change that is beginning as the energies crescendo into the coming year.  Be aware of the expectations of those around you and do not take them as your own unless you are truly feeling the same way.  At this time, many of the old illusions are shattering.  This can lead to feelings of anger , fear, and discontent among many.  Do not fall into it. This week, stay grounded and centered.  Have for yourself a mantra or talisman or other centering device that can get you away from the craziness around you.  Trust your intuition.  It can lead you out of sticky situations.

On the larger scene, change, change, change.  Emotions will run high which can lead to volatile political, social, and economic situations.  The anticipation that something was going to develop by year’s end is going to bring about disappointment, blame, and name calling.  Earth movements and weather events will continue, but on a smaller scale.  This is not because they have stopped or are quieting, rather it is because things are moving towards a crescendo which will unleash as the New Year begins.  There can again be strange signs in the skies, some of which will easily be explained away, while others will be commented upon and dismissed as a real explanation cannot be found.  There will be an individual in the news who will be making weird and out of character comments.  They can be laughed away, but the truth of those words will eventually come out.  Also, many people, friends, and animals will be choosing this week to leave.  There is a finality in the energy of this week that many are recognizing.  They do not chose to deal with the new energies coming in and have decided they need to move on.

Sunday, December 25:    Surprise Blue

Merry Christmas to All!!!  this is a great day for surprises and surprising, so be open to it all.  You will find yourself both nostalgic and excited at future prospects at the same time.  Look for some unexpected behaviors and giftings from people you know.  There is wonder in the air today a things fall into place, only to shift again into something else.  You can find this fun and wonderful or scary, it s all a matter of perception.   the energies are merging and melding, it is time to be observer and participant.  With what is happening now, you can take a directing hand in what is coming your way.  WIsh for and only accept what you truly desire.

Crystal Vibration:    Green Vesuvianite—-Ah, the potent energy of Isis is alive in this stone. It links you to the stars, bringing calm and realization, and a feeling of being home.  Resonates with the Heart and Upper Chakras.

Monday, December 26:    Matte White

This is a good day for kicking back and just relaxing.  It is time to do something that you want to do because you wish to do it and not because of anyone or anything else.  There is a kind of hinting in the day’s energies os be alert to subtle signals and voices on the wind.  There is much you can learn from these things.  Plans can change today and it is best to go along with the changes.  As the year come to an end, there are lessons that you still need to learn and the blips along your way for the next few days are telling you of what to expect in the coming year.

Crystal Vibration:    Aurichalcite—-The energy of this mineral is conductive and can bring energies into the body, while at the same time regulating other seemingly unrelated energies.  Resonates with the Crown and Eleventh Chakras.

Tuesday, December 27:     Yellow Rose

There is a sense today that everything is returning to normal, but that is merely an illusion.  Things that come and go today, though seemingly familiar, will leave you questioning.  Look for a message that indicates a new direction.  It is something you have known about but have been waiting for because you were not trusting your intuition.  It is time to stop questioning when those messages come your way and accept the advice they are giving.   This is a day for hearing the meaning behind the words, seeing the movement behind the obvious, and feeling the truth behind the seeming.  Stay in your power, and go to your heart’s knowing.

Crystal Vibration:    Pyrophylite—-The energy of this mineral creates a vibration between the Root and Crown Chakras.  It assists in balance.

Wednesday, December 28:    Light Pink

Watch out for excess today.  There will be times when you are going to want to say too much, do too much, eat too much, drink too much….  You get the idea.  But you can find that these things will come back to haunt you. The energies today favor observation, consideration, and patience.  Step back from things going on around you. Do not give your opinion unless you are sure it is what you truly mean.  If possible, stay away from people who push your buttons.  There are those out there who are just looking for a reason to blame someone else for their stuff.  As the day winds down, there will be a quiet calm developing in the evening hours.  You can encounter some amazing things in that energy if you are alert.

Crystal Vibration:    Sphalerite—-The energy of this mineral assists in the removal of toxins, through vibrationally focusing on and targeting blockages.  It can aid when one needs to sort the message out from the chatter.  Resonates with the Root, Throat, and Ninth Chakras.

Thursday, December 29:    Periwinkle Blue

Celebration is in the air today.  You will feel it as you awake.  The feeling is more gentle than  uproarious, and you might feel that it is something you would like to keep to yourself and treasure.  Honor that sense, for as the day moves on, you will find just the right people to share it with.  Or perhaps you will choose to infuse that feeling into a creative endeavor.  Who can tell.  there is something special there, and it is good to take it in and know it. It will bring solace to your heart, and then share it if that seems right.  Take time today to center and ground.  Meditation is good right now, it can bring some clarity.

Crystal Vibration:    Pyroxmangite—-This mineral resonates with the heart, bringing strength and healing.  It also hums in tune with the aura and the Grandmother frequency.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper Chakras, while tuning into the Root.

Friday, December 30:    Light Grey Blue

You can be heaving a sigh of relief today as things that you were dreading have not materialized the way you expected.  Take this as a lesson in intention and expectation.  By putting too much angst into things that are on your calendar, you can actually blow them out of proportion in terms of what they ultimately mean. You do have more control of matters in your life than you thought.  Take a look around yourself today appreciate the things that you have created.  Honor yourself.  Do not be humble, and do not give credit to others.  Oftentimes people cross our paths to give us direction, learning, and help, but you are the one with the choice to heed or not. There is  pattern there, a warp and weft, that intermesh to expose the greater pattern that is your life.

Crystal Vibration:    Pyroxmangite—-This vibration continues into the energy of today, working with the heart, bringing strength and healing.  It tonifies the aura, bringing new light into the physicality.   It hearkens to the wisdom of the Grandmother.  Resonates with the Heart, Crown and Upper Chakras, while tuning into the Root.

Saturday, December 31:   Dark Cerulean

You are looking at today with either a sigh of relief or a feeling of anticipation.  Both approaches are correct.  The energies of the day are somewhat cyclonic.  Things are whirling around and around, and you have the opportunity to choose what it is that you are wanting to pull out of the whirlwind.  If you are wanting to create something, be brave enough to make the request then let it go.  It will come back according to your desire.  Again, watch what you wish for.  The vagaries of fate at times take over, but you have the power to shape and mold things to what you truly in your heart are desiring.  That which is in harmony with the vibration of Universal consciousness and in your bet and highest interests is what will manifest in this energy if you allow.

Crystal Vibration:    Ajoite—-The energies of this stone call forth the hidden elements in one’s nature, bringing them forth from times in which they were beaten down and hidden.  Resonates with the Higher Chakras.

December 4-10

Overall Color for the Week:    Cloudy Green

Expectation, excitement, and energy shifts will be part of this week’s theme.  You are beginning to feel a bit more lighthearted one moment, but the next you might just find yourself crashing and burning.   But look into this. The sense of happy expectation is also part of the low period.  Because of this, the crash and burn is not so devatsating, moreover it becomes just another point to move through.  There is something different in the current energy, and ti does not allow you to dwell on anything.  This is because things are shifting and changing so much on a vibrational level that if you are to attempt to hold on to one thing, you can find yourself blocked, and some of this can show itself as physical symptoms, exhibiting as colds or flu or stomach distress.  So just let go this week.  Take nothing too serioiusly.  Listen to your heart’s deep wisdom, especially when others are attempting to convince you of things.  Look around.  Your own perspective is changing and it is up to you to acccept and allow. There is much to be learned and much to be done this week.  Let yourself go.  Stay centered. Trust your intuition. And always, remain grounded.  Oh, and it is a good time to discover your talisman.  It can be anything — a stone, a key, a piece of fabric, whatever speaks to you.  It can be your reminder of going within and calming when things get weird.

On the larger scale, weird weather conditions will persist throughout most of the week.  The movements of birds, animals, and water creatures will be out of character but in tune with what is going on within the Earth.  Look for more large Earth movements and possible extreme events, like tsunamis or tornadoes out of season.  If someone attempts through the media or whatever to convince you of a certain pattern or predictability of what is going on with these things, do not believe them.  At this time, the patterns are shifting and old predictions no longer hold. You will find that there is a merry-go-round kind of theme with the political candidates, up and down, and all around.  Look for some unexpected announcements in this area.  The financial picture is just weird.  The stock market will continue its up and down, without any real stability.  Meanwhile, we will be told that all is well.  There are more unsettling financial; issues coming out of Europe.  They have been going on for some time, but they will be hinted at, if not made public this week.  There are going to be some odd events around the whole conspiracy thing  which will bring to the fore some of the things those theorists have been saying.  Those who choose to believe that all is well and that the Emperor’s outfit is stylish will have a hard time defending their positions this week.  There is the potential this week for a falling apart, even a disaster unrelated to the weather, on some level, but it is not clear at this time just what that means.

Sunday, December 4:    Light Pink

There is a lighthearted breeze in the air today.  Take advantage of it, and do not take things too seriously.  If you do, you will find that you will be misunderstood and misunderstanding.  Things are pretty much as they are on the surface.  Below it, there are other agendas and objectives, but today they will pretty much remain out of sight.  It is a good day for being the observer.  In this energy things can be said and done that reveal something of what has not heretofore been acknowledged.  Know what it is that is important for you, and regardless, do not compromise that.  Your inner knowing and your personal power come together in lighting your direction.

Crystal Energy:    Fire Agate—-This stone brings a cleansing energy to blocked areas, burning out debris and attachment.  Resonates with the Heart and Crown Chakras.

Monday, December 5:    Baby Blue

There is a lot of confusion in the air.  Add to that those people out there who purposely are trying to cause chaos and uncertainty, and there is a lot of stuff going on.  This is a day to step back from all the action and just let it do what it is going to do.  If they ask you questions or want answers, just let them know that you have nothing to say right now.  There is too much going on to look at anything as a final answer.  Interestingly, there is some enjoyment ot be had here.  You do not have to commit.  You do not have to decide.  You do not have to take any action.  Just be WHO you are and let everything else be as it will.  Actually, there is much to be learned from just watching.  There is a pattern, and it is falling into place.  Now is not the time to say exactly what it will be.

Crystal Energy:    Axinite—-The energy of this mineral attunes one to the vibrations of the earth energy.  It can enhance connectivity.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Tuesday, December 6:    Yellow Orange

St. Nicholas Day:    Perhaps you wake up feeling not quite right, sore throat, dry eyes.  Time to look at your dreams of the night before.  There are messages there.  Your expectations at this time are not corresponding with the reality you are seeing.  In many ways, you feel that you are being taken for granted.  This is a time to recognize just WHO you are, your own power, and all that you can do.  It is time to let others know about it.  It is time to stand up for yourself, and if you cannot do that, then stand up for what you believe in.  That is a first step. You cannot fail if you do what comes from your innermost heart.  The Universe and all around you acknowledge what it is that you desire if you will just let yourself do what you want to and be WHO you are.  You are amazing. It is time that you know that.  And when you know just how powerful you are, then all will agree.  Hey, it is St. Nicholas Day, and you deserve a gift.

Crystal Energy:    Pink Snowflake Obsidian—- The energy emitted by this stone brings a sense of joy and a knowing of the impermanence of things.  It connects with the vibration of the fairies.   It attunes with the frequency of the Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, December 7:    Cobalt Blue

There is a need to get things straightened out today, and there will be more than one opportunity for that to happen.  First, however, you need to be clear that you are wanting things to be clarified.  Sometimes it is better to be left in the dark.  It is another parameter of the ‘watch what you wish for’.  In the current energy people you know will be a bit out of sync.  You., yourself, are out of sync.  There is a time delay in what is occurring today. Schedules can be disrupted.  Take heed of this and do not obsess if things do not happen according to plan.There is a greater plan that they are fitting into.  Oh, and there can be some laughter about some of the mishaps of the day.

Crystal Energy:    Morganite—-This mineral aids one in connecting with the higher energies.  As part of this process, when you listens, you find understadning of the larger picture and a sense of belonging.  Resonates with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Thursday, December 8:     Magenta

This is a good day to be centered within the knowing of your heart and to stay out of your head.  There are a lot of rocky roads ahead today, and it is best to navigate with your intuition.  If you overthink or overdo, you can find that things just become more complicated.  Let stuff be what it is. A lot of what is going on outside has nothing to do with you and if you try to interject yourself into it, you might just get hurt.  Step back and watch.  there is much to be learned.  And if those you care for find themselves learning tough stuff, the best you can do is to be there for them.  Oh, and synchronicity.  It is there today.

Crystal Energy:   Schist—-This category of mineral aids with change and alignment.  According to color, it can resonate with various chakras.;

Friday, December 9:    Moss Green

Things are hiding directly in sight, and some of the things you think you see are actually there.  This is a day when lots on interesting and amazing things can happen.  Do not lose your sense of surprise and wonder.  There is a kind of joy bubbling up today that can come forth in the most unexpected ways and circumstances.  Look to what people have to say.  Listen well to what is going on around you.  There are lots of messages oon all levels. Things begun today will take time to germinate and grow.  They are indications of what the new energy is bringing in as we approach Solstice.  This is a time of change.  The themes are being given to you now.  Watch and listen.

Crystal Energy:    Chalcedony Rose—-The energy of this stone brings calming and healing vibrations.  IT can assist in focus.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Upper Chakras.

Saturday, December 10:    Dark Amber

Full Moon:  Total Lunar Eclipse:    It will be hard to get a grip on what is going on around you today.  That is because nothing is settled and everything is in flux.  People will make plans, just to change them at the last moment.  You will decide on something, and then change your mind.  This is a good day for keeping your sense of humor.  There is nothing that will be that momentous that it cannot be remedied another time.    Stay away from negative energies, as some people will react with anger when things do not turn out the way they want them to.  Then they look for someone to blame.  Step back from the center of things and watch what is going on.  Change your perspective. You can learn a lot..

Crystal Energy:    Aurichalcite—-The energy of this mineral brings calm and understanding.  It serves well in bringing clarity and perspective to situations of the heart.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

November 27-December 3

I was away all last week, and was unable to finish the Chromoscope before now.  It will be updated shortly.

Sunday, November 27:    Yellow Gold

There is something in the air today that will surprise you while at the sane time bringing you revelations and understanding about an issue, or possibly more, that has been bothering you for sometime.  Along with that, if you are open there is something within people in general today that can bring about an appreciation for the greater whole.  As that happens, you can find yourself moving more and more towards community.  All of the energies are open to awareness and self knowledge.  This is a good time for going within,. meditating, creating, and knowing things within your Core Self that you had not before realized.  The energy of the day is strange and new, but comforting.  Allow yourself to be with it.

Monday, November 28:    Bright Yellow

Things are getting very bright all around you, and it is important not to allow yourself to be blinded by the light. Rather use the extra illumination to see things for what they truly are.  There are those out there who are playing games and they feel that they can have the upper hand because people do not know what they are doing. You are in charge of what you do and what you choose.  Do not allow yourself to be swayed by others for any reason, especially because it is being nice.  Nice ultimately does not get you anywhere.  This is a time to honor and come into your own power.  You know what is right for you, and you must follow your intuition.  The deeper messages that are coming your way will help you see the patterns and the meanings behind all that is going on at this time.  It is important now to be aware of things.  That way, you will understand the movement of the energies as they cascade in with the times.

Crystal Energy:    Brown Tourmaline—-This stone casts a healing vibration on the lower abdomen and the legs, allowing one to move forward in things that were stuck.  Resonates with the Navel Chakra.

Tuesday, November 29:    Bright Orange

Issues will be arising today concerning your life path, what you are doing,m what you are wanting, what you are proposing, and what you are lacking.  You know these are all conversations and issues that you should have dealt with a long time ago.  The current energies favor looking at things straight in the eye, knowing what you are doing right, what you are doing wrong, what you can change, and what you cannot.  There is help for you in this endeavor, and from the most unexpected places.  Today is a day of mystery and unfolding.  Take hold of the frequency and let it move through you.  You can find that much is clearer.  And at the end of the day, there is some fun.

Wednesday, November 30:    Deep Blue

Things that you have not/had not thought about for a very, very long time are coming to the surface now.  This can cause emotional outbursts, confusion, and sentimentality.  You need to deal with each thing individually and for what it is.  You have changed.  That does not change the past, but it changes how you look at and are affected by the past.  This is a day for moving ahead or staying where you are.  The choice is, as always, yours.  There is no right or wrong, there is only what you are wanting at this point in time and what you are willing to accept.   Take time with things today and allow yourself the space to know what is truly right for you.  This can be the beginning of a lot of very new and very exciting things.

Crystal Energy:    Elbaite Tourmaline—–This stone works to unify all the disparate and varied elements of the self into a consistent whole through the energies of the knowing heart.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Thursday, December 1:    Bright Blue

Dreams begin today.   And expectations.  Let it roll.  Dreams can come true, but who knows how, who knows when.  So take time out today to dream.  There is nothing to be lost, and much to be discovered.  Speak your truth and you will be heard and understood by those who, in the long run, truly matter.  Hedge, pretend, make nice and you will hear the emptiness of it all, but there are those who will take it seriously.  This can become an issue later on.  Know your heart.  Go within.  You know more than you give yourself credit for.  ANd you know it clearly and unequivocally.  It is time to sing your song, live your dream, and be your WHO.  Look around.  There is assistance if you will just allow.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Topaz—-The energy of this stone focuses purpose, when modulated with peace and compassion, to bring protection and fulfillment.  It hears and takes care.  Resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Friday, December 2:    Opera Blue

Go with the flow, both today and tomorrow.  If you have made plans, then take time to know what it is right to do, what needs to be done, what can be overlooked, and how you feel about the whole thing.  It comes down, basically, to you, to what you want, what you honor, what you desire, what you will and what you will not.  This is not a time for fear, and if you will take time to analyze your fears, you will discover that many of them are tagged to old programs and beliefs —- many of which you are choosing to release.  So take time in the energy of this day to do and be what is right for WHO you are.  There is no one you need to impress.  Those who are truly your friends, family, and community accept you always for yourself.  Take time to know that, to let go of a lot of stuff, and to relax.  It can all work out if you will just allow.

Crystal Energy:    Scolecite—-The energy of this mineral works with those who are feeling less than, fearful, and guilty to allow them to see through these things to the truth behind them.  Resonates with the Crown Chakra.

Saturday, December 3:    Lime Green

Things are going to be shifting and changing almost on a moment to moment basis today.  Just let it be, and take time to go withing.  There is a lot of uncertainty in the air today, much fueled by expectations from the past. You can accept them or not.  There is nothing wrong in either option today.  The important things here is to be centered and to work from your core self.  Where there is authenticity, there is knowledge. and where there is knowledge there is acceptance and manifestation.  Yes, you can do it all.  You just need to know that.  But first, be certain of what it is that you desire.  Once again, be careful what you wish for…

Crystal energy:    Albite—-This mineral works with that which is fluid on all levels.  It assists in moving things through.  Resonates with all chakras.


November 20-26

Overall Color for the Week:   Moss Green

This week there is much in the air that indicates the direction of things as the year winds down and the Holiday Season begins.  Take time to see what it is that you wish to have as your culmination for 2011.  Look around at things that are and are not working in your life, and know that in the crescendo of the energy at this time, there is the potential for great and quick change.  This is not a time for over-thinking things, that can just lead to some overlooking.  This is a time for truly being in the flow and in the know, the know being that you are taken care of and if you allow the best you deserve, it will happen.  Trust your intuition.  That cannot be stressed enough.  Intuition will get you through many tough situations.  Do not fall into judgment about yourself or others. You will see more and more odd behaviors from those whom you have known for quite some time.  As this month nears it close, more and more unions are being shaken up and more and more health situations are arising.  Again, if you go within to your heart, you will feel what this is all about.  Know that in all things you have both power and choice.  Use them wisely.  You will also be finding that more and more things are going bump, as odd noises and occurrences happen.  Your senses are changing.  You see things that cannot be there, but are.  The same with sounds, hearing odd things.  Taste preferences are changing.  Smells are affecting you differently.  And even the feel of things is shifting. Continue reading

Tom Kenyon Hathor Message re: 11/11/11

Transmissions of Light: 

A Hathor Planetary Meditation Reminder from Tom Kenyon

The World Meditation on 11/11/11

The actual “Transmissions of Light” World Meditation (as our group together in Seattle will experience it) will run from 9 pm until 10 pm November 11th PST. Note: This is 5 am – 6am Saturday, November 12, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

During this specific hour Hathors from the 5th through the 12th Dimensions will be bringing in light through sound. Hathors who reside in the higher dimensions (i.e. 9-12) are the ancient masters of their culture.

In past Hathor events, Hathors from the 5th through the 8th dimensions have participated, but this will be the first event where Hathors from the 9th through the 12th dimension will bring in light and sound.

While the concept of dimensions is a very complex affair, in this instance the central idea is that each dimension upward means that it is subtler in its nature. And the subtler the dimension, the more potential power there is to be accessed. As a result of this multidimensional orchestration on the part of the Hathors, I fully expect a profound and potent experience for all of us.

If you choose to ride the energetic wave during this specific hour-long meditation, the Hathors suggest you listen to the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement seven times and then sit in silence for twenty to thirty minutes with your attention in the area of your pituitary. If possible, they suggest that you then lie down and rest. (Note: a link to the audio file for the Pituitary Attunement and instructions on how to use it, are at the end of this message.)

The transformational energies around this Meditation will extend for a three-day period. The portal will initially open when we begin working with the group in Seattle at 7 pm on November 11th PST and continue until November 13th at 4 pm, PST, when it will close.  Meditation on the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement will be particularly potent during this entire time period. (To find your time corollary go to

The energetic of the Meditation, as well as the three-day gathering in Seattle, will transcend both time and space.  In other words, you can enter into profound states of inner awareness using the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement at anytime while the portal is open during the three-day period, regardless of where you might be physically located.

If you follow the Hathors’ suggestion regarding the meditation, you would set aside about an hour when you won’t be disturbed. You would then listen to the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement seven times back-to-back (from your own computer and/or mp3 player). Then you would sit in silence with your attention in the area of your pituitary gland for twenty to thirty minutes. And finally, you would lie down, if possible, and rest for a while. Many of us will, no doubt, fall asleep during this rest period, and this is a good thing. If it happens for you, my suggestion is to just go with it.

If you feel drawn to do the meditation more than once during the three-day period of the energetic, monitor yourself. If you start feeling more weird than usual, stop the meditation and rest.

I anticipate a profound and deep experience for everyone who joins us in this meditation wherever they may be. And I welcome all of our world sangha to The Table of the Great Mystery.

May we all be nourished and enlivened by the realms of light that will be opened. And may these transmissions of light extend to all beings who wish to receive them.

Note: To listen to this file seven times, you must download it onto your computer and/or mp3 player. Do not continuously listen to it on our website. Too many people trying to listen to it on our site by clicking “play” over and over will literally freeze the audio file, and no one will be able to listen to it. Please download it to your computer. Also, you cannot download directly to a smart phone or an MP3 player. You must first download to a computer.

Click here to read the instructions for the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement, as previously given, as well as to access the free audio file.

On an unrelated topic:
An independent documentary is being made about Tom’s life and work in sound healing. To see a preview of the film:

© 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media you wish as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.