Traveler’s Diary 3/17/25

Once again things are turning and churning.  It is as though the wheel has been turned and a new combinations coming up. This once includes more weather ‘anomalies’ along with more physical symptoms.  It is well to consider the response of the body to ehe environment — both physical and energetic – before getting panicky about things happening within.  You must remember that the body aligns with the environment, ii is physical, and it is motivated by the spiritual and the mental.  Now know the there is much power in the mental that can overwhelm the spiritual and the physical not because it is necessary stronger, but because of the attention that is being placed in t hat arena.  So, when you feel yourself being drawn into a strong consideration of what is going on in the body, it is well to sit back and see whether that consideration is a distraction or whether it is the body going into survival mode.  As a distraction what is happening is that there is an outside force at work on you and perhaps the whole of the humanity —- we thought to say ‘the physical’ because in most cases it is dealing with all the people in the physical world, and in fact, it can also be affecting the natural world, however in order to make things clearer and to bring focus back to the physicality we chose the other word, ‘physical;’. 

The physical as you know is but once facet of the individual and not necessary always the most…. Effective or…….. we are looking for a word and we cannot at this moment find it n your vocabulary however the physical has its place, but the determiner of the body is a team.  You need all the various elements, but at one time one element takes over and at another (time) a different one.  However the importance in this level, in this dimension is for the body to continue on, and therefore one thinks mainly of the physical, but as you have seen in spiritual….. and energetic healing, what can be done is that a new alignment of the physical can be achieved through dealing with the energy body. This body’s one of the layers of the person, can change the physicality if , and of course, this is is important, if it is so allowed for the physical motivator always is watching what is going on and at times will override what is best for the totality of the body/bodies.

We know this is off the subject a bit, but allow its to make an analogy with the weather.  When the environment, particularly the weather is being manipulated, then the alignment of the various areas of the environment is out of whack, and there can be extreme events that were not actually part o the real motivation of the weather.  These things can be caused by the atmospheric heaters that are in action all over the world.  As we have mentioned earlier, they have reached a point, a tipping point, at which these technological means will be thwarted by the earth, yes, but also by the actions of these terrible individuals.  They will be thwarted because things are so out of balance that they are toppling and can no longer be righted by technological means, so look for unexpected, (???) unexpected, (parts) of the earth to work towards righting the imbalance.  Know that this alway will (affect) humankind.  It is well to look for alternative remedies and keep them close at hand for they posses an energetic component that can help the body respond to the rocking and rolling..

We go.

The Travelers’ Diary October 30, 2024

We have been waiting… “in the wings” as you tend to say, and while sometimes that is well for observation, at other times it means that messages that might rightly have come out earlier are left behind, but we know how you humans work, and that not paying attention is often a skill that you have honed much more than we.

Ah, well, but here we are now, and the s is not to reprimand or to remind, rather a comment that sometimes we like to give.

And now is now, so here we have to say that things are indeed rocky and to become rockier so it is well not to open any conversation that could lead to any sort of potential conflict, not that you would mean it that way but so many have become mind controlled that they tend to twist and mold comments into controversy for the very joy of feeling that they are right and that others are not.

It is not an easy time for conversation, but it is an excellent time fo observation.

Watch what is going on (not listen, you know we are saying) to what people are saying for there is a message oftentimes in their movements which will tell you what they mean to say or how they are feeling, and so many are feeling dispossessed, uncared for, unloved, and they feel that there is a possibility (that) something in this cycle will fulfill those needs.  Ah, how misinformed they are,  but it just shows you how pervasive the media is.

And there is much in the way of fraud that is being perpetrated and explored and experimented on the people in general.  The very air holds the … (not sure of the word used here) of these messages, and as a result, and interestingly, because of this things will be …  (not sure of word) more fair shall we say in this election then in the lsat one when there were crimes committed that have yet to be rectified and even acknowledged publicly although people are aware that there was much wrong with what happened.

It is well for those of good will to hold to the light and to be strong in the midst of this current.

Interestingly any of the steered “natural’ events will help many undecided to make up their mind and to see that there is much being done the is against the goodness of human nature and that this control is moving towards a precipitous fall.  And soon.

There is much to come out, and things can no longer be hidden nor will they be.

Prepare for some revelations in the coming days.  Many can shake things up wildly, and it is well for those who work for the light not to become swayed by the currents of evil that are floating around.  Nor is it necessary to respond to them for they will show their true colors, as you say, within the next few days, as the wave of revelation and realization flows over your country

Be swell stay strong, pray and walk in the light.

We go

Travelers’ Diary. August 26, 2024

Oftentimes, perhaps even more than often it is best not to pay attention to things on the air waves or, even better, to research what is being said.  If one person says it… Perhaps it is a prophet calling forth in the wilderness.  If there are two, well, perhaps that prophet has a friend, but when three or more are articulating an agenda, it is well to start looking into that agenda for that is the time in which some kind of push is being made.  The question is whether it is for good or for ill.

You need to know and even better trust that your own spiritual and energetic connection to the Universe will never guide you on the wrong path.  The problem is and has always been that so many are troubled by what comes to them through that medium and they tend to turn from it to pay attention to the greater whole that is telling you one thing or the other. 

This is a very critical time for there are many who are prophesying, many who are saying things are one way or the other., many who are telling you this is the truth, the is the way to go, but you cannot take them at their word without first going within and seeing how it affects you. If you are to find a kind of dislike =- we were going to say revulsion for sometimes it is an actual physical essence of revulsion, then you know it is not correct.

Oftentimes we have spoken of what is correct for you and looking for that message in your dealings with things.  Now, we are noting that in much of what is going on today, there is much that is not good for you but more so tan that, there is much that is not good fo people in general, and it needs to be shown.

There is so much show going on within the politics of the various countries, but there comes a time when the show shows itself for being merely that — a seeming, something that does not exist in reality but merely in the script that is being played out o]r being attempted to play out.

You can see the puppet master behind the scenes, and it is time for all to develop that sense of acuity, even more that sense of discernment that allows them to step back from what is going on in front of them and to see within the steps and lines to the script that they are reading and agenda they are promoting.

This is difficult in all times but now these agendas are becoming more and more transparent as those who follow those masters are trying harder and harder to fulfill their roles, but know that that’s individuals are no longer serving their purposes as before, ad they will find themselves becoming more and more marginalized.

The puppet masers are gathering a new round of actor and players – marionettes, and as this occurs, there will be a momentary lapse in their control.

This is the time to take hold of and to allow the positive individuals, those who are motivated by true love for people, true compassion to come forward to take centerstage and work their change.

This is tough.  We are not seeing where it will go from here.

The good always seem to have so much evil to deal with.

You wonder about this, the power of evil, and what we can say now is that while good allows for all to happen, evil will still be on the stage, but know that good is not powerless and much of its power is a kind of spiritual power that is in the air and works within the _____.  We cannot find the right word.  It is kind of an atmosphere of the world within which good works, and as such it is subtle, but ultimately pervasive.

Be wise in your choices,

Be kind in your actions

And be strong in your self.

The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

About that fellow, yes there is energy from the Pleiades and we are honored to have them as our friends and compatriots.  People receive their messages according to how they are tuned to the energy.  You rare tuned more to our energy and he is tuned to theirs.  This is a composite.  Not one thing is the answer, but it is a whole collage which is why things at times turn out differently than expected.  We cannot know the whole cloth without being part of it all, and even as we are part of the whole, we as one are not the whole, hence things must be taken in a group way, and then the various strands are worked out with the dominant ones being those that show themselves the most.

Right now, the movement display on your planet is being set out.  We cannot see how it will turnout. Yes, he feels there is no election, but we cannot see that strand as being the dominant one yet. Yes, it is a strand even as the election is a strand, but we are seeing much violence happening before that all takes place.  The intervening events will determine in many ways what will be occurring later one

It is time to step back and allow nut in yours stepping back and in your allowing, always set your sights on the greater good as the possible outcome. 

Hmm, perhaps we should just say as the outcome, because the higher good for all is what we are hoping for, even as you do. 

There are many elements from all over at work within your dimension.  Call them angels or devils as you will, but they are elements as we see them, and they pull and push your world according to their intention.  Unfortunately, it seems that those you might consider negative or dark are the ones who push the hardest.  It is that they are the loudest, and as such more people who are inclined to that side are listening and acting

We cry at the evils happening right now on your planet.  They are ….  We cannot think of a word in your vocabulary to accurately describe the evil that is going on on so many levels, but we see also that there is a …. Rising up of other forces.  Many who were too tired or too oblivious to stake a stand are moving now. 

There is much to happen through this month and the next.  Pay attention your inner promptings, your inner meditations for that will bring clarity in this terrible morass that is brewing.

It is time for all to be strong and determined and set on the ways of the good and of love.  Love is stronger than ever anyone anticipated.

December Beacons of Light – the Group

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day to share with you from our perspective what it will be like for you on the path ahead. Oh, you have so many changes happening. Yes, planet Earth is all about change. That’s very challenging for humans who don’t do well with change. Typically,you have all sorts of challenges with it, especially when you become hung up with your belief systems and believing that you cannot change in some way. Well, I will tell you a little bit of what’s coming and you can choose if you wish to change.

A Time of Mastery

The focus of the game here on Earth can be summed up in a single word called “mastery.” In reality you are pretending to be separate from Home, and from all of the connections that you have with all of us. You’re pretending to be a human inside that physical bubble of biology. As you pretend to be human, you are learning how to master everything one piece at a time. That’s typically why you take life lessons as you come into the game. Not only do you take on life lessons, but you work with them over and over and over, lifetime after lifetime, to make sure that you have a level of mastery. As you are well aware, everything is changing very rapidly now. The biggest challenge that we see on planet Earth right now is that all of you can be a part of the very simple separation.

With so much separation occurring people go into fear, that’s what they do. They step back in their belief systems, start separating, and begin focusing on taking care of themselves rather than connecting with the whole. That causes its own set of challenges down the road, with everyone acting separate. Let us give you a different view of what’s going on. You’re seeing a lot of confusion and frustration. People are using the energy in different ways, and you’re experiencing manipulation on so many different levels right now. It’s incredible and most of it is actually happening right out in the open, because that’s the only way it can.

Even though you truly have no more secrets, you can always choose to believe what you wish to. Your beliefs are at the base of much frustration and that is in turn causing separation. We find it fascinating that humans have these systems set up to share their wealth, and to work toward common goals. Consider the very simple illustration of insurance in any type of situation, whether life insurance, health or any type of insurance. The basic idea is to spread out the risk so that no one has to pay an absorbent amount. As you move into this type of separation that you’re in right now, people start seeing the smaller picture instead of the larger one and start re-examining. Some rightfully ask, “Why am I paying for that person over there? Why should I pay for them to have a benefit out of my own pocket?” And so these systems begin to fail.

2019 A Year of Change

The year will be filled with a lot of shifting and change. We tell you that is happening and you will not have to deal with those same initial issues. However, the planet is changing. As you witness that change, you will see people go into fear. As they go into fear, they will step back into their own belief systems and isolate themselves. They will disconnect themselves intentionally from others for fear that they’re going to give too much away. Unfortunately, that is a norm with humanity. When you go into fear you separate, but that is what we’re asking all of you to start working with.

Small Empowerment Groups

Find ways that you can unify even in small groups, because they can make more of a difference now for humanity to step to this next level. When spirits gather the energy is amplified exponentially. But when that energy is harmonized in small groups it becomes like a focused laser. This is a time when that can make a huge difference, especially with the Earth changes ahead. Have a small group of spirits come together on a regular basis. You will start to ground light in a profound way and those will actually be the markers for others to follow.

In other words, you have the opportunity to step out of the difficulties and challenges. It doesn’t need to affect you in that way. So, do you have a part to play there? Yes, some do. Some of you have come in with very specific jobs. Your contracts are that if this happened in a certain way, then you would awaken from the dream showing up at the perfect time with your part of the puzzle. Others may stay in the confusion, but when that happens please do not think that you are doing something wrong or that somehow you are not good enough.  Generally, it simply means that you have a contract.

Follow your heart and that will shift the outcome of your world. Re-member, in some cases your contracts are completed with just a sentence, smile, or pat on the back. Sometimes it is just to be there to remind the person that they are not going through something alone. Yes, you can all connect and walk through this together. How does one move through the quicksand, which will quickly sink everything if forward motion is stopped? The only way to do it is to hold hands, for that is unity.

2019 Positioning for Higher Ground

As you move into 2019 several things are going to happen. First, you’ll have a lot of opportunities for things happen in ways that you never dreamt possible before. You’re at a stage now where things are not working very simply; people are clearly manipulating things behind the scene. Most of the time people can even see them, they’re right out in the open. What is happening here is you’re working with planting the seeds for the collective vibration of humanity, which is carrying a new dimensional reality. It is absolutely astounding. You see, dear ones, the progression of things seems to be falling apart. Why? Because what happens if and when you fall completely apart is that you begin anew. Why would one want to begin again? Ah, now you get back to this word mastery and that’s a key element. From your very first lifetime on this planet, you were pretending to be separate and your intent was to master the art of mastery. Yes, this is how to master everything as it comes up. It has taken you lifetime after lifetime. Some of you are perfectionists and even though you’ve reached very high levels of mastery in certain areas, you’ve decided to take that life lesson again so that you could really perfect it. When you are complete with it, then you simply move onto another life lesson that you’ve signed up for. You have opportunities this next year to start mastering things very quickly, much faster than humans ever thought possible before.

Usually, to master even one of the 12 primary life lessons could take up to 40 or 60 lifetimes before you would actually move on to the next. What if you were able to speed things up and suddenly were able to master several at once. Can you imagine how life on planet Earth would change if that were the case? We tell you that is the case and it begins in 2019 and the opening will peak in 2022. But how can you move into this unity consciousness in the fifth dimension from where you currently are? We have already mentioned spiral time and soon you’ll start thinking in those terms as well.

Spiral Thought

As humans begin thinking in spiral thought and focusing in a different way, things will be faster for you. You will have a way of being able to communicate very similarly to the days of Lemuria, with open hearts. They had always connected to each other and felt every emotion and thought from everyone. Teachers will have opportunities to work with their students who will be forsaking questions and seeking answers. Although you may not always have their answers, you can help them to perfect their questions. Dear ones, that is what mastery is all about. Master healers are awakening from the dream at an incredible pace right now, and you can do several things to work with this. First, you can be there to offer assistance in any way that you can. Your teachings, your truth, and all those things that you have learned over all of your lifetimes as a spirit can be of service.  You are starting to come back together and access all those multidimensionality pieces as one. If you start using that gift, you can heal one-on-one in so many ways.

Many of you will leave imprints, even different types of energetic imprints. Some will leave these imprints in things that you touch and leave for others to find and pick up. For example, some will have a magical ability to touch a door knob and leave a beautiful energy so that everyone who follows you, touching that door knob in some way, will light up.

Gardeners of the Heart

Another way that many of you will be working with others is through the planting of seeds. Dear ones, some of you are marvelous gardeners of the heart. You have this ability to help people awaken from the dream, to heal themselves and clarify their own energies. Many of you are quite good at it, actually. Much of this is happening not only because you wish to master, but so do your students. You can teach them how to master one thing after the next, which is what you are doing during this remaining time on your planet. You are mastering everything that you can, so that as you step up into this next level you don’t have to carry those lessons with you. You don’t have to try to go through all those difficulties to recreate those situations again. A New Harmony with Earth.

There’s one key element that we’d like all of you to focus on, especially during 2019, and that’s your connection with the Earth. All humans are experiencing a massive change, but so is the Earth and you’re a part of her as well. You are carrying a dense physical body which is actually made up of the Earth, for the physical body is not yours. When you look in the mirror, you see that body reflected back to you. But you are not that body. In the future humanity will step up into a higher form with much less density. In the meantime what is happening now is that humans have an opportunity to master things, one right after the other to step up to this next level.

This mastery of a connection with the Earth will be an incredible focus for 2019. We told you some time ago that by the time 2022 arrives, you will be in the midst of another solar cycle. Those cycles can start sending solar flares or “CME” as you call them, coronal mass ejections. Basically, these are particles of the sun which are coming to you. Some of them you already know quite well, x rays, gamma rays, etc., and light rays in all forms of visible light. There are also new particles arriving now, but you have a weakened defense shield. The magnetic field around planet Earth has been decreasing drastically and is now down by some 26 percent of what it used to be only a century ago. So, that is drastically reducing the amount of filter that provides protection. As the sun spews out these particles, normally your magnetic fields diffuse and neutralize them. However, this time it could be different. If the Earth becomes too charged up from the solar flares coming in during through 2022, that could trigger some significant challenges.

What can you do about that? Well, you don’t have an influence over the Earth or her magnetosphere in a physical form. But you do with her heart, because you love the Earth and that can heal the planet if only enough energy is spent to do so. Many of you are still going through the grieving process of learning that the next steps are coming from all of you.  Just like moving into a perfect and brand new home, there will be space for you to grow with your family and it is everything that you need. But then one day you’re packing everything up out of your old house, as you prepare to move once again. You walk around from room to room, remembering all those beautiful memories that were made in this house. You remember all the events, everything that happened, and all the smiles that took place there, but in doing so you also grieve for it.

Well, dear ones, planet Earth and her people are not very well versed at grieving. People simply have no idea what to do with these emotions. In your next game we hope you teach this in your schools, because that grief process can either elevate things very quickly or slow down the progression of everyone. There are different phases of it, such as times when you become fed up. You get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and then you go through the anger phase. But don’t try to cut it short or think that you must resolve the entire grieving process so you can move to the next level.

Star Gazing

Right now many of your scientists are focusing their research on Mars, but how can a human build an entire life on Mars? How can we expand our consciousness? You will find out much more about the systems around you, particularly about what used to be on Mars. Dear ones, it was you that used to be there a long time ago before your memories and certainly before any recorded history of those times. What we tell you dear ones, is that you do not need to go there again. You can step up right where you are and create a new game. What will that look like? Does it mean you’ll have to release the body? Will you have to go through a death process? No, you won’t. You can literally step up in vibrational increments to achieve what is needed.

So, will it be confusing? Yes, we can pretty much guarantee you it’s going to be confusing. Gradually what will happen is that you no longer have physical difficulties. It doesn’t happen instantly, but over time it’s happening more quickly. However, if your vibrational frequencies do not match this, at certain times you’ll become somewhat invisible. Now, this may be difficult for many of you that came in with an incredible sensitivity and empathic ability. That actually gave you the gift of learning how to become invisible, but this will happen quite by accident now.

There’s no more waiting. It is possible to start stepping up into these higher vibrational bodies and into the new game. Most importantly, use the time you have remaining in your dense physical body to master everything that you can. Look for every opportunity to learn something new to grasp something new, to play and even dare to fail at something. Oh, we love that there are so many possibilities. These next few months can be quite exciting for all of you. So, don’t be afraid. Step up,try to come back together in any way possible, even if you are all separate. Or even if you are invisible in that group, send love, because you will never be disconnected. That is the one piece that we wish you always to know, dear ones.

That is why you have always been attracted to hearing messages from the other side of the veil, because you re-member them in your heart. It doesn’t have to ring true in your head or even your ears or eyes, but in your heart it always will. We remind you of who you really are and that’s our job. It’s our only job, for we’re not here to change your world or show you the open door. However, you will be experiencing a lot of that soon, especially from other beings that have been working with you for quite some time. Know that you’re never alone and you will have help. When you feel that separation, step up because there is something that you can master in that instant. Step up to the next level and watch what happens, then teach your students to do the same.

It’s a changing world, dear ones. You came here specifically with this to give, so the greatest of honor is that we help you re-member who you truly are. Hold this mirror in front of you, until you can carry it yourself. Then help all of your students to take that step and to treat each other with respect, as you walk through this new game. Nurture one another and play well together. Hold that door open as you create a whole new set of rules. It is a magical time to be a human on planet Earth. We are watching every step that you take with love, honor and gratitude.

Espavo, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time.



Latest Message fr/The Hathors via Tom Kenyon

A Stream from the Higher Worlds

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.

In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity.

As your world enters an ever-larger Chaotic Node there is a corresponding increase in hostility and antagonism. Indeed, this emotional toxicity is so pervasive it can affect even the most spiritually advanced among you.

Before we get to the instructions on how to use this meditation, we would like to address a very important but complex concept. For the sake of brevity, we will do so in as short a space as possible.

Dimensional Tendencies

Whenever you enter a strong emotional response and its corresponding thought forms you have entered a specific dimension of consciousness. This is a vibratory field of energy that exists independently of you and is co-created by all sentient beings who are experiencing the same emotions and thought forms—including yourself.

Let us take two emotions as an example: anger and hatred. From our perspective your collective is experiencing an extreme polarization. If you experience anger at something that has occurred (as you perceive it), the neurochemical reality of your body changes. If this anger response escalates into hatred then you have entered a very toxic dimensional reality, and due to the nature of the interconnectedness of dimensional realities you will be sharing the same energetic with all beings who are in the same energetic and emotion.

We want to be very precise in how we address this. There is nothing wrong with anger. Indeed, at times anger is the correct response to a situation. It sets a needed boundary. When, however, anger escalates into hatred it becomes a toxic poison to your psycho-spiritual nature.

By the term Dimensional Tendencies, we mean that all human beings (and many animals as well) have perceptual and emotional habits that are deeply ingrained—thus the term Tendency.
These tendencies can lead you into habitual emotional responses such as depression, hostility or hatred—just to name three “negative” emotional dimensions from the cornucopia of human experience.

The challenge with Dimensional Tendencies is that they can color your life with thought forms and emotional responses that are not of your conscious creation, but rather they are driven by forces (i.e., habits) in your unconscious mind.

Some Dimensional Tendencies—such as the tendency to loving kindness, compassion and self-love—are positive in their effects. We will have more to say about this in future messages, but we wish to focus, now, on the negative impact of Dimensional Tendencies so that you can be aware of these in yourself.

Dimensional Tendencies are also meme-like and in that sense they can be contagious. If someone is caught up in hatred, for example, anyone with a Dimensional Tendency to hatred—whatever the reason might be—will be prone to be stirred by hatred as well.

From our perspective your world has become venomous and is overflowing with emotional and spiritual toxicity. The purpose of this sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds, is to assist you in a most vital task as we view it, which is to purify yourself of your own deeply held emotional and spiritual toxicity.

These impressions come to you from every negative experience of your life (as well as all other lifetimes). The culminated history of your life/lives is encoded into the cellular memory of your body and mind and/or your energy field. This sound meditation utilizes the sound of a stream as well as sound codes that we (the Hathors) generated from the realms of light and the voice of Mary Magdalen, who also brings forth sound codes she has created from the realms of light. This orchestration of these elements to gently and profoundly release deeply held psycho-spiritual and emotional toxicity was created to assist you.

This meditation has two aspects, the personal and the collective. We wish to address the personal use first.

How to Work with This Sound Meditation

There are two ways of working with this sound meditation: passively or actively.

The passive method is for when you are too exhausted to focus your attention. In this instance you simply listen to the sounds and the music, letting it take you wherever.

The active form of listening is the most powerful way to work with this meditation.

Imagine that there is a diamond at your crown, at the top of your head. You do not have to see this; just imagine it in whatever ways seem natural to you.

As you hear the sound of the stream, sense, feel and imagine a crystal clear stream of liquid white light entering your body from the diamond at the crown of your head. Allow this stream of light to flow downward from your head through your entire body, allowing the stream to exit from the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.

Imagine that this stream of light is flowing through every organ of your body, every cell and tissue, even through the very atoms that comprise your body. You may find it helpful to relax into your exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it. The central idea is to relax into the stream and the sound codes. They will do the work. You just relax and give the stream and sounds permission to move through ever-deeper levels of your being.

The meditation itself is 8 minutes 44 seconds in length. If you have the space and time to do so, you could listen to it multiple times, back-to-back for deeper purification, release and healing. Working with this sound meditation on a regular basis will assist you, especially if you alternate it with the Aetherium that we gave earlier.

Using this Meditation to Benefit the Collective

For those of you who feel aligned with imparting to the collective a calming purifying energy field, we invite you to use this meditation not only for yourself but also for the elevation of all humanity and for the benefit of all sentient beings—since all sentient beings experience benefit or harm from human emotions and thought forms.

The use of this meditation for the collective is not a substitute for working with it for yourself. This is because you cannot give what you do not have. You must maintain some level of calmness and clarity without toxic elements if you are to serve the collective this way.

Having said that here are the instructions for the use of this meditation for the benefit of the collective consciousness.

Imagine the Earth in front of you in whatever ways feel natural. The perspective may be that you are close or at a great distance. It does not matter. Imagine that a large diamond sits at the North Pole. As the sound of the stream begins, allow a stream of clear white light to descend from the diamond through the central axis of the Earth, flowing through and out the South Pole. Allow the stream and the sound codes to move outward throughout the entire planet imparting a calming and purifying effect.

After you have completed the meditation, either for yourself or for the world, we suggest you rest for a few minutes, if possible, in order to let the subtle energetics settle into your body and mind. This will have very beneficial effects. So our suggestion is not to rush out of the meditation too quickly.

The World Sound Meditation

We are calling for a world sound meditation using A Stream from the Higher Worlds as a means to introduce into the collective a calming and purifying effect as a direct antidote to the venomous psycho-spiritual toxicity that is moving like a plague on your planet.

The nexus point of this mediation will be in New York on October 2 at an event called The Inner Streams: Worlds of Healing. The group that will have gathered for this one-day event will spend the last thirty minutes in the World Meditation we described above.

During this sound meditation an extended version of A Stream from the Higher Worlds will be played, and we (the Hathors) will alternate with Mary Magdalen to sing on top of these sound codes. This triad of sonic and psychic forces will strike the energetic of calm planetary purification and healing.

The reason Mary Magdalen has joined us in this is due to a simple and compelling fact. The domination and subservience of women must come to an end. The feminine must be raised in balance to the masculine. The alchemical iconographic symbolism of the full Moon must be in balance to the Sun. This refers to the internal symbolism of the psyche and not to astronomical objects.

The energetic of this first striking will last for twenty-four hours. This means you can fully participate in the first energetic anytime within the first twenty-four-hour period from wherever you are.

The second harmonic will last for forty days. If you feel the deep calling to serve the higher good in this way (and have the fortitude to do so) we would ask that you engage the world meditation, whenever possible within your schedule, in that forty-day period.

Do not forget, however, in this forty-day period to engage this meditation for yourself first. In other words, clear yourself before you engage this meditation for the world.

The third striking is for those of you who are Adepts and Initiates or for those of you who are on the threshold of becoming one. You will know and sense through the power of gnosis (direct knowing) when it would be advantageous for you to engage the World Meditation.

For some of you this action will continue for many months or years. More details about the timing of the World Meditation are given below, including a link to the sound meditation itself.

We hold within the highest realms of our being, which includes the Aethos—the non-dual realms of our collective realization—and within the realms of our deepest hearts that this action will benefit you and all living beings upon your planet.

We bow to you, the co-creators of your destiny.

May the light of your own higher realizations illuminate your way.
The Hathors
August 15, 2016


Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

I think the Hathors’ instructions on how to work with this unusual sound meditation are clear and straightforward. Having listened to it multiple times now, I think it is more effective if you make it the sole focus of your attention. Avoid the temptation to multitask on this one!

I have also found that listening to this sonic piece multiple times, in one listening session, takes it to much deeper levels of cleansing and purification. One of the paradoxes of this sound mediation is that although its purification can be quite deep, it does so in a deeply relaxing and nurturing manner.

When I was first approached by the Hathors to bring forward this sound meditation so close to their release of The Aetherium, I balked a bit. But then they informed me that it would be a synergetic co-creation between them and Mary Magdalen. Intrigued, I asked for more details and was told that the purpose of A Stream from the Higher Worlds was to gently cleanse and purify the body/mind from deeply held toxicity and emotional negativity by imparting unique energetics from the “higher realms of light.” They also told me that Magdalen would direct the recording process.

As far as the recording itself is concerned…the stream in the background was recorded at a remote location on Orcas Island where I often experience nature spirits. The main voice you hear is that of Magdalen, while the surrounding voices are those of the Hathors. The core of this evolutionary catalyst is actually from a short sound meditation that was recorded during The Spiral of Ascension workshop in 2015. For me this fascinating weaving of sound creates openings in my energy field for higher dimensional energies that are both purifying and healing.

While I found the meditation to be truly profound, I was stupefied by the Hathors’ and Magdalen’s request to call for a World Sound Meditation during the one-day event on October 2nd at Symphony Space in New York City titled Inner Streams: Worlds of Healing.

When I chose to create this event—many months ago—I felt there would be some very potent and healing energies released for the benefit of those who attended the New York workshop. But I never ever imagined that the Hathors would ask to add their energy to this event, much less M (as I refer to Magdalen), or for their combined energetic to be extended to the world.

Upon further dialogue, it became clear that both the Hathors and M are of the opinion that our world is so wracked with negativity and hostility, we are on the verge of self-destruction. They are thus joining forces—so to speak—to introduce a purifying and healing energetic into the human collective. This is being done for the benefit of all sentient beings on Earth, not just human. It is not an energy that is to be imposed upon humanity, rather it is an energetic of purification, release and healing that all persons can draw upon. I consider this to be a very important aspect of the World Sound Meditation. As in past global meditations directed by the Hathors, nothing is being imposed on the collective or on any individual. Rather a field of purifying and healing energy is being emanated throughout the world. All beings are free to draw this beneficial energetic into themselves or not.

In their message the Hathors addressed M’s participation in this highly unusual sound meditation, but I would like to add a few things to the mix. Many of the problems our world is facing are a direct result of the patriarchy and its domination of the feminine in all levels of existence—from the economic and social treatment of women to their perceived inferiority in many (if not most) of the world’s major religions and spiritual traditions.

At a symbolic level the Earth is our Mother, and as a collective, humanity is raping her.

Our oceans are increasingly toxic and the very fabric of our ecosystem is on the verge of collapse as reported by a growing number of the world’s ecological scientists. While many of the physical challenges to the continuation of life upon our planet are driven by physical processes created by mankind, there is a subtler force at work here. I would call it the philosophical/religious and symbolic devaluing of the feminine principle in all its many forms.

It is not, however, just the biological expression of the feminine that is so devalued and in some cases outwardly attacked. The internal and psychological expressions of the feminine are also suspect in our current patriarchal worldview. By this I am referring to the feminine part of our human psychology, which Carl Jung referred to as the anima. The anima (internal feminine) dwells in both women and men, just as the internal male, or animus, also lives in every man and woman. These are dynamic forces that affect our choice-making as humans in very real ways.

In my opinion, until the internal anima and animus are brought into balance within our human psychology we will continue to make unbalanced choices that disregard or denigrate the feminine aspect. This antagonism against both the outer and inner feminine affects us as well as other life forms in perilous ways.

Both women and the planet are suffering from our cultural over-emphasis of the animus (male principle), which is firmly rooted in our dominant philosophies, religions and socio-economic systems. But it is not just women who suffer from this imbalance. Men also suffer because we are denied a whole range of human potentials such as depth of feelings and intuitive knowledge.

For those readers unfamiliar with “the” Mary Magdalen that will be adding her spiritual weight to the upcoming World Sound Meditation, I suggest you take a look at the Mary Magdalen Section of our website to get a feel for who this powerful feminine presence is. This Magdalen is not the prostitute of the New Testament that many Christians believe her to be.

If you are interested in more details about the ecological crisis facing our planet as well as some fascinating information about the ascension process in relation to what are called “operations of increasing order” go to the Articles section and click on The Spiral of Ascension—Class Handouts.

Returning to the sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds is a subtle weaving of potent energetics for personal purification and healing, but it is also for the human collective when engaged with that purpose in mind.

Instructions for The World Sound Meditation on October 2nd 2016

The World Sound Mediation will begin on October 2nd 2016 at 8:00PM EDST or at Midnight between October 2nd and 3rd GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). (Check the World Time Clock to determine the exact time in your area.) The group in New York will be in meditation for 30 minutes. During this period, an extended version of A Stream from the Higher Worlds will be played as I channel sounds from the Hathors and Magdalen. The energetic from New York will move quickly throughout the planet, and it will last for twenty-four hours, which means you do not have to meditate with the gathering in New York when we engage the global mediation. You can do it anytime within this twenty-four-hour period and still fully participate in its intended outcome, which is to introduce a gentle, purifying and healing energetic into the human collective.

If you choose to join the World Sound Meditation during this twenty-four-hour window, I suggest you listen to it twice for yourself according to the instructions given by the Hathors under the section sub-titled How to Work with this Meditation. Then listen to it two times for the collective—as directed by the Hathors above, in the section titled Using this Meditation to Benefit the Collective. After you have gone through the meditation four times—two for yourself and two for the world—rest for a few minutes (or longer if you have the time) to let the subtle energetics settle into your body/mind. Please do not listen to the meditation from our website but download it onto your computer.

At the level of consciousness where the World Sound Meditation unfolds, there is no separation between us in time or space, so you can fully participate wherever you live or whatever your individual circumstances may be. As you engage the sound mediation, you will enter a sphere of being that transcends the limitations of our embodied existence. For those of you who will be joining us in this World Sound Meditation from afar, I extend to you my deepest appreciation and acknowledgement.

Finally, I think I should mention an important aspect of this rare occurrence.  As some of you who have worked with me know, I often get a sense of the energetic before an event takes place. Based upon my psychic perceptions of this gathering in New York on October 2, I feel that when the Hathors and Magdalen conjoin their energies, both during the event and the World Sound Meditation, they will release a potent energy-field that will be a profound and life-changing experience for those who are physically in the room.

In other words, if you have the space and resources to get to this event in New York, I would seriously consider it.

For more information about the event, click here or go to the Calendar at

Click here to listen to and/or download A Stream from the Higher Worlds. You will then be taken to the Listening Agreement page. After agreeing to the terms of usage, you will have complete access to all of the audio files in the Listening section for your personal use only.

©2016 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
You may make copies of this message and share it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter its content in any manner, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. Do note that the sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds, as well as all audio files in the Listening section may not be replicated or posted on any Internet website as it is copyrighted intellectual property.


Re-thinking Channeling & Channelers

Discernment Lessons: Who’s Really On This Channel?

There have been many things I have wanted to write to you over the last couple of months, so I will focus on the most important topics as I see them in the moment.  Today we are going to go further with discernment and addressing the high “noise” to “signal” ratio that is being intensified at this time.

Every day I skim emails I receive pertaining to some “very near” wonderful or even transcendent event that “we all just have to wait for” according to the authors.  Unfortunately, their dates come and go without any physical occurrence.  The people who had believed in the message usually sigh in resignation and go back to their daily lives somewhat disappointed, but maybe still hopeful.

Why is there so much inaccurate “noise” out there right now?  Precisely because something *transcendent* IS approaching, and more people are feeling its approach than ever. Everywhere you look, someone is going to tell you that they know what is coming and when.  Often they are channeling some source who claims to be a “higher being” that you “need to pay attention to.” Sadly, most of these channelers are receiving their information from beings that are NOT who they claim to be.

This brings us to discernment point #1: It is very easy to fool the human mind, especially if you exist in a higher level than our 3rd density.

(Please note, I use density and level interchangeably.)

The 4th density of consciousness is wondrous and magical compared to the sluggish 3rd density where we currently reside, but the beings who populate this density are still polarized in their consciousness.  They are actually much MORE polarized than most humans, who tend to be a “mixed bag” of energies.

This means that within the 4th density there are “selfish and manipulative” entities (Service to Self), and also “kind, loving and nurturing” beings (Service to Others).  There don’t seem to be many (or any?) 4th density beings who are sometimes kind, other times selfish like 3rd density humans.  On the 4th density, they seem to polarize to one extreme or the other, which is very significant to our discernment process.

Discernment point #2: Your free will is one of your greatest sources of power and energy.

If you can be tricked, conned or brainwashed into choosing of your own free will to believe in a false prophet, that prophet will receive some of your power and energy.  This trickery is abundant on 3rd density, and much of it is broadcasted from 4th density “Service to Self” (STS) beings who have polarized as far towards selfish, manipulative, dominance-oriented behavior as possible.  They made this choice while in 3rd density, and used the power and energy gained by this extreme polarization (and energy stolen from others) to propel themselves to the 4th density.  However, they are dependent on feeding off the energy of others for sustenance, unlike their “positive” counterparts in the 4th level that have polarized towards “Service to Others” (STO).

If a false prophet can convince you to be in fear, your false belief in that fear will feed them.  At the same time, if they can convince you to do nothing, your false belief that you need not do anything will also feed them.  This discernment stuff is tricky business, but we all need to get very good at it, very quickly.

You may be wondering, “Who is telling me to do nothing?” This is coming very strongly at this time through channels spreading messages that essentially tell people: “Your Big Brothers & Sisters are coming back from off-planet to clean up your mess.  You have done all you can, so just sit tight, “spread your light” and wait for us to bail you out.  The situation is too complex and difficult for you to solve, but it is easy for us to do, and we’re happy to do it for you.  No action is required of you at this time, but you ‘true believers’ will be needed once we appear on your planet to fix things.”

This is a strongly disempowering message, and it is a manipulation of our innate (and societally programmed) desires to have a benevolent, central authority that actually has our best interests at heart, to take care of us. Most lightworkers are very tired at this stage of the game, and would welcome truly loving, positive, “Service to Others” oriented beings to show up and “clean house” on this planet.

However, when I look at most of the numerous channels that are telling people they don’t need to do any inner-clearing work because they have already done all the work needed, and should just “send light in meditation” while waiting for the ET calvary to arrive, I do not sense the intent of a truly Service to Others being.  What I sense is a very clever manipulation that reinforces the human desire to be told what to do by a more wise and powerful being.   This type of manipulation is a classic example of “Service to Self” beings masquerading as a positive, “Service to Others” being instead.

This is one of the reasons that I do not channel.  Instead, I go within to access my Higher Self which is actually my INNER, True Self.  I do occasionally “say hello” to the Service to Others polarized beings on 4th, 5th and 6th densities and sometimes I will ask them for energetic support for certain clearing activities.  However, I do not ask them to do all the work for me, as that is not how they operate.  They “serve through support” by energizing our positive, “Service to Others” actions.

Notice I wrote actions, not wishes. The real “good guys” will most likely not show up and solve our problems for us, even if we wish they would do so.  Anyone trying to sell you on the belief that they can solve all your problems usually has an ulterior motive.  Truly serving another being means empowering them so they can solve their own problems and eventually help others to do the same thing.

Discernment point #3: The true test of ANY spiritually-oriented message is whether or not it empowers you through knowledge and helping you to access your OWN innate wisdom.

There are many blockages to accessing our own true self built right into the fabric of this density, and even into the DNA inside our bodies.  In order to transmute these blockages, we have to first become aware of them through gaining knowledge and self-examination, then apply transformational energies to dissolve the blockage / false belief / limiting identity, etc.

This is why my primary role in “Ascension Help” is to teach energy-clearing techniques that empower you to overcome blockages.

If you read a message that says you don’t need to continue to delve into the depths of your being to release limiting beliefs and embody your true self, please be careful.  If a message gives you hope that everything will be OK because help is on the way, but does not give you new information that helps you to understand the workings of the universe on a deeper level, please be careful. If a message read today looks and feels almost exactly the same as the message from one, two or more years ago, please be careful.  If you’re not sure, do some comparison of older and more current messages from the same source to see if new information is being given in a progressive manner, or if the messages seem to sound the same with a few small changes here and there regarding current events.

Please remember that whatever you believe in, you give some of your energy to.  This is one reason 4th density STS beings work so hard to “hack into” legitimate channels and impersonate the angel/master/high density being who was originally coming through. It is a significant coup for a 4th density STS being to usurp a legitimate channel and transmit subtly altered dis-information through it.  They get the double benefit of receiving the belief energy from the followers of the messages, as well as convincing those followers that they don’t need to take any action towards self-growth or to help improve the quality of life of the people in their environment.

In the future, when you read a message that tells you that there is no need to take action, no need to delve deeper into accessing and embodying your true self, that your inner work is done and you only have to wait for blessings to be bestowed upon you from an outside, higher authority, my hope is that you will not choose to believe this type of disempowering manipulation.

I hope that you will instead reclaim all energy that you had previously put into those false, yet somewhat comforting belief systems and instead choose the path of the Initiate, recognizing that YOUR truth comes from deep inside of you where your Higher Self resides.  I hope that you will disengage from false prophets who try to convince you that you need to be aligned with an external group in order to ascend to the next level.

To reach the next level will require the accrual of knowledge, the expansion of your inner Power of Love that comes from knowing your True Self, and the giving of this love to others through forgiveness, compassion, understanding and sharing empowering knowledge.  These are the gifts of light that need to be spread, and spreading them requires connecting to other people “at their level” to find out how you can empower them to take their next step in self-discovery, self-healing, self-clearing and self-love so that they can help others in the future.

As each of you empowers yourself and shares this empowerment with others to the level they want to receive it (remember their free will), your inner light will grow and show you more ways to extend the Infinite Love of your Higher Self to others.  As you become a conscious conduit for your true power, you will sense the best way to help others, which at times may be to say “No” to their ego-based desires.

The more you embrace the idea that “to love is to serve” you will be presented with many opportunities to uplift those around you and help them to heal their old wounds.  At the same time, maintain awareness so that you do not acquiesce to another person’s ego-based manipulations, while also rising above your own ego’s desire to control or manipulate.  (Remember to minimize that ego.)

So yes, there is still much work to be done.   It starts inside of you, me and all of us. As we heal and dissolve the old blockages, we can more effectively render loving service to our brothers and sisters that are ready to receive and act upon it.  Soon, almost everyone will be seeking this inner healing, so ready yourself to make sure you are prepared to give the gift of self-empowerment to the best of your ability.

I thank you for your service to humanity, and I look forward to the eventual Transcendent Event that will propel us to the next level of consciousness.  It is going to be a collective effort to bring this major shift into our collective awareness, but the work is done through loving acts of service that uplift and empower everyone involved, creating a frequency of win-win in all of our endeavors.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

p.s.  If you are wondering if I am subtly singling out any particular channel, the answer is no.  If you are concerned that a channel you are following might be compromised, please apply the discernment points above to the messages coming through and draw your own conclusions based on the wisdom of your Inner/Higher Self.


Selacia on TIme

Working with Time Distortions

The winds of change have shifted this month, allowing more forward movement and a reprieve from October’s erratic energies. If you’re not yet feeling like it’s smooth sailing, one reason is the time distortion we’re experiencing.

Clock time can tell you one thing, yet your own inner sense of time may have you feeling either behind time or urgently wanting to be ahead. The overall effect can be a sense that you aren’t quite in tune with where you need to be. You may simply want to stop the merry-go-round of time altogether!

You really cannot stop the march of time, of course, but there is plenty that you can do to keep your equilibrium. In fact, in this last stretch of 2014, it is essential that you discover how to make friends with time and change.

Divine Changemakers and Time

Your empowerment as a divine changemaker is integrally linked to mastery of the two connected energies of time and change. Empowerment, after all, is experienced as you become practiced navigating life’s fluctuations – increasingly finding your center and an inner place of calm regardless of circumstances. Only in a state of calm can you effectively meet the next surprise or challenge and respond in the highest way. Only by being present and in your heart can you have clarity about what you face and wisdom to know how to meet what you see.

3 Reminders about Time

Here are three reminders about time. Keep these in mind during this hectic season in order to have more inner peace.

First, realize there indeed is clock time and there are many practical reasons for synchronizing clocks – like to meet your friend for dinner or arrive at the airport before your plane departs.

Second, clock time is a linear measurement. You are a quantum being, so don’t measure your potentials by clocks – think bigger. Apply a quantum perspective to the hour you have before a meeting, allowing a vast reservoir of creativity to bubble up into your consciousness – doing in one hour what could have taken you all morning.

Third, consider the cycle or season. This time each year, holidays and end-of-year deadlines can distort the sense of time. There is often a flurry of activity, everyone around you busy with something, perhaps excited, and seeming in a rush. This comes with a palpable feeling and it can be catching!

3 Tips to Master Time

Here are three ways to master time in these moments. Work with these daily between now and the end of 2014 to become more resourced creating the life of your dreams!

First, do your best to ground and center several times a day. If you aren’t sure if you are grounded, you probably aren’t. Sitting or standing, focus on your heart and a line of red energy running down your body into the sacred Earth.

Second, when you consider timed activities, decide that you will approach the clock in a quantum way – this means you are both practical and respectful of self and others and also means you refuse to let your creativity be enslaved by time. You remember that your creativity and inner wisdom sourced from spirit come in unbounded ways!

Third, you remain mindful of pack mentality and the tendency to get caught up in the season’s senseless rushing. If something is truly urgent, of course, then apply your best efforts to attend to it with high importance. Remember, however, that many things really aren’t that big a deal!

Your Color VIbe for Frisday, 8/22

Friday, August 22:    Payne’s Grey

Well, as the pictures are showing, the energy in the yard is cranking up, even so you will feel the energy around you going into a higher gear. There is much that is happening right now, and you can feel yourself in the middle of it all, not knowing what to do, not knowing whether to go or to stay where you are, not sure whether you should try to grab one of those things whirling by or play it safe and keep you hands by your sides. Well, observation is actually the best option today. There is too much happening and too many thigns that can open up new trajectories that very possibly will spin out of control. If that were to happen, you would feel the effects but not for a few days. Let it all be. You might feel dizzy, confused, somewhat unsettled. Take time to go within, breathe, relax, center. You have all the resources you need to see things for what they are, but that takes time and quietude. So, again, take a few moments today and just be WHO you are. Things can make a little more seen from that vantage point.

A photo of a plasmic event in the yard here in New Mexico 8/21/14:


Latest Info fr/The Group via Steve Rother

November Harvest ~ Re-seeding Planet Earth

Steve Rother
a message from Steve Rother

Wednesday, 15 May, 2013

Greetings from Home.

Dear ones, it is such an honor to be in the essence once again of what Steve calls the collective of the group. But do you know who you are? We know who we are; it is no problem for us. We know exactly where we are going and what we are doing. The challenge is that most of you need to put some sort of label on us,  so that you can bring us into your world. The name he gave us was the group. Where did he get that name? What a strange name. We never introduced ourselves and said, “Welcome. We are the group.” What group? Whose group? What a name. Where did it come from? What does it mean? We wish to tell you much of it this day, for we will share a lot of the important pieces of what is ahead for all of you. There is so much that is taking place and it is rather interesting. But let us take you back to last month when the Time Keeper opened up a whole series of interesting pieces that we are going to bring in wherever we can. We will speak of this today so that you can understand from a larger perspective of what is taking place.

Are you aware that every human that has ever been on earth has looked for something outside of themselves to reflect them? All races throughout Earth have come up with a god, a deity, a master being that they have looked up to. Some of the races have drawn them into great edifices or made them into a master story that they have passed down from generation to generation. Humans would reflect their power in this way, which was actually much needed on planet Earth. All of you are creators; for the most part all of you are unconscious creators just awakening from the dream to understand what your real power is on planet Earth. Now you are starting to grasp that and own it, and there are some things that are taking place because your reflection in the world has changed. That was the message that we brought in through the Time Keeper last month, but let me explain a bit further so I can branch this out for you to grasp it in your world.

All of you have something special that means a lot to you. Whether it is a deity that reflects your own creation, a belief system, a lucky pen, a lucky coin that you carry in your pocket, whatever it is. Whether you get up in the morning and read your astrology forecast, or you tune in to your own energies to find out where you are going to be that day. All of these are reflections of your power and all of them have just moved; they have released you. All of the powers that you have been seeing in these energies have now let go and moved further back. This is absolutely incredible, because it means that all of you can start to see more of your power in who you truly are on this planet for perhaps the first time. It is very difficult because you are carrying egos. We do not have to deal with those at Home. You need a sense of self so, therefore, you must be constantly balancing your ego. What is mine? What is theirs? Who is this? Where am I supposed to be? Well, we tell you that your heart knows the answer to those questions. That is why we are going to send you in this direction today, because you have been given the path; you have been given the road map way ahead of time just to see what has happened.

Last month we told you there has been a release of all these energies. Please do not think they are gone forever because most of you love those reflections. So you will bring them back into your life, but you may have to adjust them ever so slightly to make them really work like they did even a short time ago. The adjustment is to reflect your power, more of who you are so you can start to see yourself everywhere you look throughout the world. That is very difficult when you are carrying an ego. You have a tendency to puff up the ego to the point at which it can actually cut you off from your source, but we tell you that the opposite is also true. Because if you do not have enough ego to stand up and carry our message, you are robbing the world and yourself of your own energies that are coming through.

We told you a very long time ago that all beings on Earth have always channeled. It is such a strange and mysterious thing to so many of you on planet Earth, and yet it is not mysterious at all. You all have guidance that you listen to regularly and the more you learn to listen to it as you grow up, the easier life becomes so we ask you to find those reflections in your life. Find those belief systems and look at them carefully to adjust them to make sure that you can see your reflection in the magic that is in front of you. We also spoke last month about the release of the energy which has allowed the comets to come into your planet. You have no idea how much there is a celebration on this side of the veil over what is taking place on planet Earth. We will speak more clearly so you can hear it in a different way. This is the reason that we wanted to come back as a collective in this particular session and speak to all of you without the rhythms, accents,  and the other challenges that sometimes cause resistance. The Time Keeper will be back; he is certainly still here. He will never go away, even if we asked him to. His part of the energy and all of that love is reflected here for you.

Three Sisters: Venus, Earth and Mars

Earth has been on a gradual decline as all things ebb and flow.  We find it rather fascinating that humans are studying Mars right now, because the Earth was about to be the same as Mars by losing its magnetic field. Therefore, the solar winds would have turned it into grains of sand and erased most of the beauty and the life forms that are naturally abundant here. We think it is interesting that you are studying Mars because what we have told you is that you will find that there was life on Mars. And eventually you will find out that it was you; the planet was originally one of the areas that you came from, and we will speak more of this as we go forward.

There were some rather catalytic events that were happening, which allowed Mars to share its envelope of carbon dioxide with planet Earth that was needed at one point so that the life that was forming could shift to a new growing ground. It has been very successful. Your sciences are on target and when they finally go to Venus, they will find that there were three sisters in unison that have worked together to form the life that we are speaking to at this moment. You will find out more of all of this because all of these energies have been here on planet Earth, but have been largely misunderstood and misinterpreted because of the larger belief systems that circulated throughout humanity. When you open your eyes and look at something, you only see what you expect to see. That is exactly the way creators work, so what we are doing is allowing you to see some other pieces that you normally would not be able to envision. When you feel this release, it is scary to some of you. Many of you have based your lives on this reflection; you honored it, prayed to it sometimes, and have given it your power. To find out that it is only a reflection of your energy sometimes deflates your ego rather quickly.

There could be no greater reflection in the universe than yours. Does that surprise you? You are carrying some of the greatest information from Home within your being right now, walking around on Earth and most of you are not even aware that it is there. Trust us when we say there is an absolute test to find out whether you are finished on Earth or not, because there is no room for planet Earth for stragglers or those that just want to hang around and watch the game. All of you are carrying something important. The test? That is easy. Find a little mirror and stick it under your nose, and if it fogs up then you are not done. It is real simple. You are not finished yet; there is more to do.

The BIG Mirror

Now let us speak about the release of this information, and the release about your attachment to your reflections. Is it not interesting that many organized religions are experiencing major challenges right now? They are reforming so people can reflect the energy of empowered humans.  It is more than just organized religions, dear ones. It is every form of human collective, for it is your expectation that has formed all of this. You are the creator even if your egos cannot handle that; you have created everything in front of you every part of the way. So, let us speak of the larger picture. This release of information and of the attachments has opened the door, because planet Earth has been on a slow cycle of degradation. She has been losing species on a regular basis and slowly dying over the last 150 years, as your sciences will prove. Most of your biologists and botanists are quite concerned about this, because they see the planet dying and do not know what to do about it. It has already changed and they will see evidence of this soon. All of humanity has turned a corner, and in doing so your attachments to those things that reflected your power has been quietly released.

Many of you have seen the remnants of those who put the protective shields in place originally to protect Earth.  This is when you talk about who built the pyramids. Much of the unexplainable becomes explained when you see from where humanity is now. Many of the artifacts of Earth still have no traditional explanation about where they came from or what they are doing on Earth. These shadow memories have been intentionally blocked from you by your own design.  The pyramids have always formed a protective shield around Earth, even though they have been covered and forgotten in many places on Earth. These are not all pyramids because some are manmade pyramids that have copied the original designs with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Pyramid Power

The network of pyramids on Earth have formed a protective shield around the planet, which has kept specific meteors and comets from hitting it. That has been released and for a very specific reason. You have heard about the two big meteors that have come in and made the front pages of your newspapers, but you are not aware of all the small ones that are coming in now. Because  this protective shield  that was in place from almost the beginning of Earth has been released, you will receive a planting of these comets in November of this year toward the end of the month. You will have a comet that will come by and sprinkle life on Earth. We tell you that specifically, because all life was planted originally from comets. Your scientists do not agree with us on this point, but we will tell you, you are not from Earth nor is anyone. You have been very carefully placed here by yourselves.

Now you are going through an evolution. It was always necessary for you to die and leave the physical body, then go Home to recycle and reincarnate to come back and do it again. This is the first time that humans walked through the gate without going Home, without dying. You are walking in an ascension process right now and every step of the way you are higher than you were yesterday; all of this is a beauty that you hold in front of you. All of you have control of this. Do not fear these comets, as they are bringing a new form of life for they are sprinkling life forms. You have been losing life forms on planet Earth for a very long time and now it is being re-seeded in a new way so watch and celebrate the November comet.

You have already given it a name, but I will hold off on telling you because my names are not the same as yours. Your scientists know of this comet that is coming and it is sprinkling dust along the way. It is basically disintegrating every time it passes and when it does, it will sprinkle cosmic dust on planet Earth. In fact, your scientists are now trying to calculate to see if you will actually be able to see the dust falling. That is how much dust they are expecting from this November comet. In fact, the comet would have never hit Earth except that you went through the portal and released every part of it. It is not going to hit Earth; it is going far away from it and hooking around the sun, but it will sprinkle all these beautiful seeds of life on planet Earth.

You are here, dear ones, at an incredibly beautiful, critical time in all of humanity and all the timelines of Earth herself, the entire energies of Earth are being re-energized—even the ley lines, the magnetic ley lines that form the magnetic grid that carries your Earth are reducing. Your magnetic structures on planet Earth have reduced 12% over the last 100 years. That is also leading to your awakening from the dream. Very beautiful. You have done well; you have carried it here and you are here. You made it. Not only did you make it, but you are sitting here asking what can you do next? You are in the perfect position to be conscious creators of planet Earth and we hope that you enjoy this journey, dear ones, for you have signed up and waited an eternity for the opportunities that now lie in front of each of you. You know the way Home and if you will stop thinking with the brain and start feeling with the heart, it will lead you Home. You know the way and we will greet you with the most incredible open arms and welcome you Home when you finally do decide to shed those bodies to re-turn. Dear ones, even now you are the greatest angels that have ever lived and we mean that in all sincerity. We have never seen what has happened on Earth and we are so proud of you. You have created magic with your eyes wide open.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and hold those doors open every chance you get and play well together.


The group

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