December 11-17

Overall Color for the Week:    Grainy White

This week will bring surprises on every level.  Do not believe everything you hear or see.  This will be brought home to you again and again as the week progresses.  Use your discrimination and intuition.  People are getting confused messages and being confused by the energies that are playing out all around them.  There is a clash of vibrations going on at this time as old and new start to come into closer and more immediate contact.  Look to your health and be generous with yourself in that regard.  Do not overdo it.  Your body is reacting to the new energetic shifts.  This can result in aches and pains and emotional upsets.  While these things can be disconcerting and cause you some anguish, remember that it is merely a reaction to what is going on outside of you and does not necessarily reflect an inner condition.  This is a week for staying within your power, for taking care of yoruself, and for observation.  Before going out, it is a good idea to ward yourself against influences outside of you.  Step back from things and do not react.  Regard, reflect, and only then, respond.  Stay within your heart center and listen to the wisdom there.  It is your connection point with Universal Consciousness.  It is the ultimate perspective giver.  This is a time also for forgiveness.  Remember, though, that forgiveness is about you.  It will not change the other, so do not look for it to do so.  You must walk your path and show your light. Others have to take care of themselves.

On the larger scene, there will be oddities everywhere.  Strange noises in the environment will take place.  It will be difficult to pinpoint their source.  Meanwhile the weather will be crazy, out of sync, and out of season.  Expect more Earth movements in odd areas, and expect the strength to increase.  Animals and birds will be acting differently.  Look to them.  Their patterns are shifting and the direction of those shifts can indicate to you how things are going in the natural world.  The fish world also will have some odd occurrences, particularly in the usually ice bound areas.  There will be mention made of clearer communication with the sea mammals.  People will begin to speak of messages from whales and dolphins that will bring a kind of perspective as they tell tales of how this Earth was at the time of Atlantis and Lemuria.  The financial picture will be shifting behind the scenes, as news reporters tout the positive  nature of the  holiday season spending.  While those in power speak of peace, there are rumblings of war beginning to be heard, particularly in the Mid East.  Along with that will come some information concerning the role of that area in the development of history and influence from Extraterrestrials.  Things will be happening in the U.K. that are going to lead people to wonder.  The good news is that things are beginning to fall into place for a transformation on all levels.  Things have not been able to be hidden for quite some time now, and this week will bring more old stuff to the surface.

Sunday, December 11:    Sea Blue

Many things have been drifting about in your life, thoughts, ideas, images, stuff, people, plans, and things. This is a day for gaining some perspective on all of these.  Center and ground, then take a look.  What do they all mean?  It is time to prioritize and clear out.  What are the things that you cannot, will not, want not live without.  Those should be the first items on your list, then go down from there.  Oh, and in the process, it is important to know where you belong.  It is time to see, feel, understand, appreciate, and be true to WHO you are and where you are within your life.  You should be Number One on your list.  True selflessness at times comes out to be sincere and authentic selfishness.  There is no guilt here.  If, first and foremost, you are good for you, then you can be good for everything else.

Crystal energy:     Blue Tiger Eye—The energy of this stone grants vision without judgment and knowledge that opens accepts, and understands, and the discrimination to know how to react.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Monday, December 12:    Lime Green

There is a shadow on some of the things that you are dealing with.  It is time for clarity.  People have been keeping you in the dark about events and items that you are wanting to clear up.  Today is a day for knowing what is right and just.  Your intuition is strong today, and if you feel that things are being kept from you, then it is time to speak out and ask for reasons, clarity, and guidance.  There is someone who has some answers to give you.  You could be surprised to know just who this person is.  Look for signs in the air today. The energy shifts are stronger and odder.  It is time to be aware of what is around you. You have always known more than you give yourself credit for.  Open to that and you can see the meaning in the signs and symbols you encounter.

Crystal Energy:    Serandite—-This mineral allows for connections to be made on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, being channeled through the energetic systems of the body.  At the same time it works to heal points and issues that could otherwise act as blocks to connectivity.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper Chakras.

Tuesday, December 13:    Dark Sky Blue

There are messages in the winds today.  Along with those, are words and statements made by others.  This is a good day for sorting out truth from fiction.  The overall energy has a number of different layers.  Some are related to truth and others are related to illusion.  This is a day for staying in your Core Self in order to know which is which. Listen to the knowing of your heart.  It will not lead you astray.  There can be some difficult moments today when you come to grips with stuff in your life.  Some of the things you already knew but were unwilling to accept.  Others can really surprise you.  There is much in the way of emotional energy around.  It is time to give in to the urges to cry, to laugh,k to be joyful.  This is not a time for holding onto, but allowing the flow.

Crystal Energy:    Azurite-Malachite—-The dynamic synergy of these two enegied brings about a movement into, or at leas,a sense of the greater whole and where you belong.  It brings a sense of calm and perspective to the troubled heart.  Resonates with the Heart and Third Eye Chakras.

Wednesday, December 14:    Barely Blue

The energy of the day favors goodness and compassion, understanding and brotherhood.  It is a time to look at people, places, and things that you have some kind of grudge or ill feeling about and see them in a new light.  Perspectives are changing.  What seemed one way in the past can be different today.  This is a time for being aware of the total picture, remember the story of the blind men and the elephant.  Step back from things.  Give them time.  You have plenty more opportunities for dealing stuff.  Today is a time to engage yourself in reflection. Take time in nature, listen to soothing music, close your eyes, dream, meditate — whatever allows you best to go within and connect with your true essence,  There is much you can teach yourself.  Today is a good day for a lesson.

Crystal Energy:    Sapphire—-The energy of this stone wards off negativity.  It assists one with centering, and though that activity with knowing one’s truth.  It is a good protection stone.  Vibrates to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Thursday, December 15:     Golden Amber

Hearing, seeing, touching, tasting.  The senses are at the forefront today.  This is a good day to take things easily, quietly, slowly.  Let things be what they are and then taste them.  You have much to learn from that. There is no hurry.  If you choose to rush thing, then the magic can very easily fall apart.  The dimensions are exceptionally leaky today and you can see, hear, and feel things from times past, other places, and those who have moved on.  Listen closely to your inner knowing, your intuition, there are messages there for you.  It is time to realize what means most to you.  Take time to look around before you act.  Know the territory.  Sense the blockages.  There is nothing in the air today that can hold you back unless you allow it.

Crystal Energy:    Almandine Garnet—-This stone opens one to the wonder of life, awakening the passions and the joy in life.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Friday, December 16:    Light Magenta:

Take a breather today.  Allow yourself some fun.  The current energy allows for inspiration and understanding to come through enjoyable activities.  Look around and listen.,  You will know your real friends.  There are things that you have not been willing to look at because of the emotional upset that they have for you.  Let the energies of transformation that are in the air at this time run through you, and you will find yourself seeing things in a new way.  You need to let go of more and more old stuff as the Solstice approaches.  It is time for a change.  You have known that for quite some time.  Your power, strength, and resolves are growing.  Take time to meditate on what it is that you truly want.  Be centered and grounded.  That way you can follow through as you never have before.

Saturday, December 17:    Dark Lavender

This is a day for contrasts and noticing the relationships of one thing to another.  Questions can arise today that have no easy answers, and there will be those who become angry because the answers are not there.  Moreover, there is a sense in the air that things are more complicated and difficult than you thought they would be.Know that when you feel that way, it is merely a reminder to go within and see the larger picture.  There will be many themes that are run through today and you have the opportunity to choose which ones you wish to focus upon.  By making one or the other your point of reference, you allow the others to take care of themselves.  This is a day for seeing things one at a time.  If people or situations attempt to force you to do otherwise, know then that this is not the best place for you at this time.

Crystal Energy:    Psilomelane—-This mineral grants protection and grounding in times of need.  Resonates with the Root and Navel Chakras.

November 20-26

Overall Color for the Week:   Moss Green

This week there is much in the air that indicates the direction of things as the year winds down and the Holiday Season begins.  Take time to see what it is that you wish to have as your culmination for 2011.  Look around at things that are and are not working in your life, and know that in the crescendo of the energy at this time, there is the potential for great and quick change.  This is not a time for over-thinking things, that can just lead to some overlooking.  This is a time for truly being in the flow and in the know, the know being that you are taken care of and if you allow the best you deserve, it will happen.  Trust your intuition.  That cannot be stressed enough.  Intuition will get you through many tough situations.  Do not fall into judgment about yourself or others. You will see more and more odd behaviors from those whom you have known for quite some time.  As this month nears it close, more and more unions are being shaken up and more and more health situations are arising.  Again, if you go within to your heart, you will feel what this is all about.  Know that in all things you have both power and choice.  Use them wisely.  You will also be finding that more and more things are going bump, as odd noises and occurrences happen.  Your senses are changing.  You see things that cannot be there, but are.  The same with sounds, hearing odd things.  Taste preferences are changing.  Smells are affecting you differently.  And even the feel of things is shifting. Continue reading

Norma Gentile on Time & Creation

Time and Creation

By Norma Gentile

I sat down to write and asked what one message would be most useful to share. I had asked this after inviting Archangel Michael into the room. To my surprise it was Mary Magdalene who identified herself to me and who then began to help me form thoughts. Below is a transcript of what was shared with me.

Time is an illusion. You have been told this, and some of you have had the experience of stepping beyond your agreed upon definition of time as linear. If you consider that time may bend itself, much as you can turn your face to one side and allow your body to remain stationary, facing forward, so too can time be at once both linear and non-linear.

Your hearts are not linear. Your soul is not linear. Your bodies are not made to function solely within a linear timeline. Only one of many types of thought processes within your minds can conceive of things in a linear manner. To use a metaphor from you current life: the linear timeline that you refer to is a result of one program among a multitude of software programs that your brains agreed to have installed within it.

Why is this important?

Because at this point in time your ability to utilize many other ways of reasoning that include other aspects of who you are (your heart, your soul, your spiritual network of helpers and your physical body) are being called upon. They are being called by the changes of the cosmic winds to step into your awareness and offer their own unique counsel.

You are not alone. But for thousands of years you have let your brain function as if it were all alone. You have believed that your very consciousness resided in that lovely round globe which rests upon the upper portion of your torso; but what of the remainder of your body? If indeed it were only your brain that held your consciousness, then there would be no need to animate your body. However, it is the loving presence of your consciousness that brings life-force into your entire body.

The bucket is empty without water. So too your body is a vessel waiting to be filled by you. Thinking merely identifies that the bucket exists. Actively engaging in your body fills it with water.

Let us address the issue of linear and non-linear time.

Consider this metaphor: Time is the action of moving the bucket to fill it with water. In order to fill a bucket with water one usually must turn the bucket to dip it into water. Turning the bucket on its side and filling it with water means allows the bucket to enter the water. Here the water is linear time, and the bucket represents your ability to bend time and let the bending of time enter into and pass through linear time.

This metaphor represents how linear and non-linear time interpenetrate each other and co-exist within your reality. In this moment those of us who are Spiritual Teachers place a great importance upon your understanding of time as a result of where your thoughts originate from. Not just the thoughts of your head, but the reasoning process and resulting thoughts that travel through your entire physical body create your experience of time.

Thinking with aspects of yourself that include your body, your soul, your spiritual support network and your heart allow you to access the multitude of software programs within you that create non-linear time. Thinking as you have been taught to think, with your head, limits you to experiencing time only in its linear form.

When you exist in linear time you are limited to creating within linear time and in a linear fashion. When you think using all of who you are, you access the possibilities of creating outside of linear creation. This means engaging the thought process with your heart, your soul, your spiritual network of helpers and your physical body.

And it is not we of the Spiritual Realms who hold the key to how you experience time. You alone are the guardians of your own time. When you choose to follow the principles of time in its linear form, you continue to think within the limitations of the physical brain. The bucket is defined but empty of water.

As you explore your entire body, and how thought moves through your body as well as your soul and those Beings of Consciousness who comprise your spiritual support team, you open yourself to experiencing the other manners in which time expresses itself in your dimension.

For now, notice when time seems to stand still. And when it passes quickly. Notice how your body feels and how you experience yourself in relationship to your Spiritual support team and your soul. All these give subtle clues about what you are doing and what you are not doing

Why is learning to experience non-linear time important?

When you experience non-linear time you are in a position to create your reality in a non-linear fashion. Have you ever wondered why your world has seemingly developed so much maturity (in some ways) in the past 500 years? It is because various humans have, for a moment here and there, stumbled into experiencing themselves as comprising wholly their soul, heart, body and spiritual team members.

And these moments of non-linear time and creation, like the bucket, have been dipped into the water of your ongoing linear creation. Those things which were created in a non-linear fashion were brought into your linear reality and filled with your linear reality. Much like the bucket was filled with water.

We said at the start that your thought identifies the bucket. And your active engagement in the world fills it with water. Now we would add that the quality of your thought is now able to change the water in the bucket from reflecting linear creation principles to reflecting non-linear creation possibilities. You are now a participant in the generation of non-linear reality and hence creation.


About Norma Gentile

Norma Gentile


Norma Gentile, sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. To see and hear her sound healings, articles and podcasts at her website


3 New Galactic Portals Open

Late last night or early this morning, three new portals to the interstellar areas opened up.  They sent out bursts of energy that ar coming into our solar ayatem at this time.  The energies that they portend are new energies, while at the same time begin very old.  They radiate out from the very center of the Universal Constant, that which the Universe truly is, its very essential nature, and they have passed through our energy flux vortex twice in the past.  This is the third passage of these vibrations, and being a third they bring with them a completion that has not been felt before.

In the historic periods of your early Earth, when these energies first traversed this system, they brought with them bursts of light and invention.  In those energies there were times of great seeding and flourishings on the earth.  Then some of the energetic  sustenance that they carried moved away, and actually some of it was taken away by those from other areas who felt that your development here needed to be gradual and controlled and not instantaneous and of increasing and never ending creativity.  This new burst brings with it a new kind of connection to the Universe, to the Mind of The Universe.  Moreover it is driven and intentional.  It falls within the great time of things.  There is a propriety and rightness of when things happen, and in that proper timing what is meant to be happen will be.  It cannot be changed.  This is not a kind of determinism, for there are may layers and levels on which this is working out, rather it is a choosing of where one wishes to be actualized.  It comes about through a choice of connection.

This connection allows people to know and understand their place in the greater whole and their part of Universal Consciousness.  As such, the illusion of the physical is revealed to be what it is, illusion and not truly real. The sense that this is more of a game, and we use the word somewhat guardedly, for we do not wish to use in in the sense of winning and losing, but more in the sense of this being a kind of experimentation, one that you have chosen to play out.  It allows one to see through the activities of daily life to the greater schemata behind the whole thing.  Is it not Beautiful and wondrous?

This Earth is a most marvelous plave.  It is one of the best places within the galaxy to view the wonder of All That Is.  There is a potential that is now becoming real on your Earth, and it is time to seize that potential;.  Three new portals are now opened for those who are sincere and desirous of seeing their place as part and one with Universal Consciousness, of becoming actualized in their very WHO, of moving on within the Ascension process. As Jacob with his ladder, these portals are gates to the new knowledge and potential of each and every person. The challenge is there.  It is important to be aware that with this new energy now streaming in from the opened portals, things can become more chaotic as individuals do a push and pull dance within its vibration.

There are so many who have become stuck in the illusion of this dimension, of this earthly plane, and it will be ever more difficult for them to accept what is streaming forth from these new portals.  More and more dimensions will become obvious to those who are alert, and it is time to know that what you are seeing is what you are seeing.  As you are energized and as these portals continue to pour forth their energies, your very senses will begin to respond to more and more dimensions.  You can feel yourselves with odd physical blips and charges. These are your ordinary senses expanding and opening up to the expansion of the energy field around you. Where once the ground was firm, it is now both firm and soft at the same time.  This can cause some confusion and dis-orientation at first, but know that with time, you will begin to recognize when your senses are responding to the opening of the dimensions, and with time, you will learn to enjoy, expect, and even desire this new connectivity piece.

Be well, and know that in all cases you have the power, the wisdom, and the ability to open and be part of the changes that are happening.  It is time for meditation, for seeing through the little concerns, and for you to know your power.  You can create and do create.  It is the intention, choice, and connection that you are needing to keep you centered and at one in all things.,  We are here and we hear you.  Call on us and we will answer.

Transmission terminated at this time.  Lines always open.

Council of 12 Through Selacia on Energies of 2012

Prepare for 2012’s Energies

a message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia
Friday, 2 September, 2011  (posted 7 September, 2011)

No one really knows exactly how the energies of 2012 will unfold. To be sure, though, 2012  will come with unique challenges and an unprecedented acceleration of revolutionary change. The sense of urgency in the air, building for the last few years, will grow.

Most likely you are feeling more anxious now and you have more questions that don’t seem to have answers. Regardless of what you think will unfold in 2012, you know deep within your bones that you and humanity are at a crucial crossroads. You know that much needs to change within people and within society – otherwise the light-filled reality you want to inhabit cannot come into being. You understand, of course, that you are an integral part of the mix and that your own spiritual transformation is vital.

You know that there is nothing ordinary about this juncture. You can sense this even if you don’t watch the news and even if you pay no attention to the plethora of prophecies about 2012. Since you reside within such extraordinary moments of time, how can you best prepare for what’s coming next?

Tips for 2012 Preparation

The following are some guidelines to help you prepare for the changes of 2012. You can work with these ideas now and as 2012 unfolds. Begin your preparations early so that you can move through the chaos with more ease. You then will be more peaceful – helping yourself and others. Do not underestimate the potency of one peaceful person in a family, work environment, or other group. You can and do make a difference by generating peace.

Become friends with change. As a divine changemaker your role during these pivotal times is to be at the forefront of society’s changes. Your task is to master the art of consciously facing and moving through change, being the example, and showing others how to do the same. To do this, you must learn to become more comfortable with change. To be where you are right now on your spiritual path, you had to open your mind to view change in a radically different way. Compared with some other people in your circle, therefore, you likely have an easier time with some of the changes occurring now. The next step is to embrace change as though it was a true friend. That is more challenging but you are encoded to do it. You know at your core that the most progress happens in times of greatest change. Inquire within daily to discover how you can lighten up about the changes that you encounter.

Update your relationships. As you move into increasingly chaotic energies it becomes more vital to keep your relationships up to date. Reevaluate them now and regularly over this coming year. Consider how you can improve your communications – including words you say and feelings you express. How consciously you communicate with others will determine the quality of the relationship and how well it serves you. Space is important too. Consider whether your relationships allow you and others enough space. Respecting your own and another’s space is a key ingredient in a successful relationship. To weather the ups and downs of these times, you will need more alone time, more contemplation time, and more breathing room than before. When you come together with someone, you want to be present and a good listener and to feel that same response from the other person. Regularly explore the dynamics of your relationships, inviting your intuitively guided reason to show you needed adjustments. Strive to be as genuine as you can as much of the time as you can – with everyone.

Calm your mind and body. This is easier said than done when you are facing a constant stream of stressful events and unknowns. Most likely you have learned a number of methods for coping with stress – like meditation, breathing, and shifting your focus away from worry. You may work with at least one such tool regularly, and yet with today’s level of chaos, you can still feel anxious. Having power over your own mind and emotions will become an essential skill in 2012 and beyond. As a divine changemaker, you are learning to master life’s turbulent waters and find the calm. You can calm yourself like no one else can. When your calm state comes from within, generated by your own internal shifting, you connect with an unshakeable peace. No drug can give you this. No other person or thing can give you this. The parade of change in 2012 will give you ample opportunities to further master how you respond to chaos. Set your intent now that you will be an ongoing voice of grounded reason and calmness. Invite your higher wisdom to give you daily guidance and help in mastering this light-filled way of being.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved *





Lee Carroll Kryon on “The Humanization of God”

The Humanization of God

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Saturday, 16 July, 2011  at Totowa, New Jersey  (posted 6 September, 2011)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So I return again with a message about perception. The shift that is going on now within this planet, at the moment, is about you. It’s about communicating. For that which is inside you called your Higher-Self, which remains unidentifiable, simply cannot be defined properly in three dimensions. So it’s often misunderstood.

It is time for all to hear this message, even though there will be pieces and parts of it you may not understand. The box that you are in is a survival box in three dimensions. It’s all you know. So you will base all things you see and make decisions only upon that which you think you know. In fact, for you to base things on that which you don’t know, is impossible – yet we ask you to try.

Multidimensional things are difficult for humanity to ponder. If you step outside the paradigm you were born in and the reality you have survived in, it would be a confusing experience. How then, can we ask you to think in ways that are beyond what you know or have experienced?

The energy on this planet is changing. You might say the toolbox of the Lightworker is being enhanced. So the new toolbox is the key to having the ability to do what I am saying is now possible, and to start thinking in a multidimensional way even without knowing that that’s what you’re doing. You see, part of the toolbox is new help. It starts with the increased intuition of the old soul.

Let us begin, therefore, with an affirmation, a statement of intent for understanding. As you sit before Spirit in a group like this, or alone and listening or reading as some of you are now, ask for a dispensation of wisdom: “Dear Spirit, help me to understand at a multidimensional level the concepts that are being presented.” For if you can enhance your wisdom, it will increase communication between the two sides of the veil.

The Humanization of God

I’m going to title this channelling so that my partner will not. I don’t always title them, for labeling items is something done for 3D reasons. In your reality, you want a label for the message you’re about to hear. So I’ll give it to you, just as a dichotomous exercise. Its title will be, “The Humanization of God.”

to read more, go to: