Chromoscope for August 16-31

August 16-31

The theme for these days is Roses Amidst the Thorns. So there will be good times, love, and light to be found in the shadows and grey in these times.

Overall Color:    Green Grey

Be good to yourself these days, but not so good that you are blinding yourself to what is happening around you. There is a lot of conflicting energy out there right now, and it is clouding up what is the real import of things. You will be feeling this as you find yourself changing your mind almost instantaneously. If you are one who was always sure of the next step, you will find that your certainty is becoming very cloudy. Actually, this is good because it affords you the excuse to look at things from a different perspective, to be more considerate about what you are doing, where you are going, and with whom you are hanging. All of this will lead to a kind of inner conflict these days as you find yourself not quite knowing what is right. The thing is that it is time to judge things from the vantage of what is right for WHO you are. Not always easy. You can find that in some of the things that you are doing there is a kind of aha moment which can lead you to feel out of control and a bit overwhelmed, just because it was so unexpected and at times seemingly unrelated. These are AHA days, so it is best just to get used to it. You will begin to see yourself from different levels right now. You are getting to know WHO you are versus the person with whom you have been identifying for so long now. This is a time to truly like yourself, to take a moment every day and congratulate yourself for being you, You are unique. There is no one like you. This is also a time to be aware of your body. There will be signals from your physicality these days that will alert you as to what it wants and what its best for it. It is time to become best friends with your body. Respect what it is asking you to do. If you are tired, rest; if you are hungry, eat; if you are in the wrong place, go. By accepting and allowing the clues form your body to alert you to what is going on, you not only save some wear and tear on it but you also are able to sync the physicality with the higher being that is WHO you are. Take time these days always to ground and center every morning. If you do not have a waking, ritual, this is a good time to establish one. It is a way of bringing yourself into the present as you emerge from the realm of dreams.

On the larger scale, things are heating up more and more. You will be seeing outbursts on all levels. These can happen through weather events, volcanic activity, Earth shifts, undirected anger, acts of violence, etc. There is a new energy coming through right now that is showing itself in the unexpected. It is a novelty that has been preparing for its entrance onto the sphere of the Earth, and it is shifting and changing and shaking things up.   This is a time to look deeply into what you are hearing and seeing on the media. Check out other independent sources. There is much conflicting information coming through right now. Some of it is meant to confuse the general population as the powers that think they are have developed a policy of constructive confusion as a way to keep people guessing. You will know the truth of the matter if you will center, ground, and go into your inner knowing, that which is connected with the Universal Consciousness. This is a time also for a sense of humor as things come and go with no real sense. News items one day will be quickly replaced by other distractions. Speaking of distractions, there will be a big push among those who are dealing with the celebrity world to bring out some more sensational gossip as a way of moving focus from what really matters. There is a charismatic individual who is coming more and more on the scene in the East. There have been rumors and they will be continuing. Finances are getting more shaky even as alternatives to the old system become more discussed. The extra-galactic energy is causing some energetic bubbles with this solar system as waves of it begin to wash over all the planets. The Sun will be reacting in odd ways, however there will belittle talk of that. Watch the oceans for messages in the water. There is much going on right now, as sides become somewhat polarized. This will continue as the year progresses.


Chromoscope April 7-13

April 7-13

The theme this week is whole lot of shaking going on.  This includes values and allegiances.  It is time to see things for what they are.  Open the vision of the heart.  Stay centered and grounded in the core and listen to the truth out there.  If you can do all that, you can make it through.

Overall Color for the Week:    Sea Blue

This is a week of shake-ups in all areas.  It is well to start out each day with a grounding ritual and a centering.  It is time to know all the things that you are, that you can do that make you powerful.  This is a time in which it is no longer advantageous at all to try to follow the world views of others.  All those imposed guilts and fears need to be seen for what they are.  This can involve some really difficult, yet ultimately liberating, soul-searching.  This is a week for seeing the sun come out of the shadows and for knowing that the shadows only exist where you have not allowed the sun to break through.  There is no thing that is too much for you.  Yes, things can be overwhelming, but there is that light inside that will take you through it all.  You have prepared for these times, and you know instinctively what it is that you are to do.  Honor your intuition.  Listen to the clues.  There are people out there for you.  Your community is moving together inevitably.  There is joy in the recognition of that.  Heed those times of déjà vu, of synchronicity, of serendipity.  These are assurances, signs if you will, from the Universe that all is well.  You are not alone.  There is something you need to be learning this week, the book, the medium, the element will come to you this week.  Embrace it.  Accept it.  This is a time for receiving.   One other thing, the physicality is shifting more and more.  There can be some physical issues this week.  Go within and know them for what they are.  Some might require some additional care or action.   Also perspectives are shifting and this can cause some tough moment

On the larger scale, the hidden dragon is awakening, stirring.  All things are responding on and within the Earth.  Gaia has come forth in her compassion and love and care of self to begin the times when things truly begin to shift and find their centers.  This week will bring this out in quite dramatic contrast.  There will be startling incidents happening, while seeds of greater events are being sown.  This is part of this great and undeniable shift.  You will see things going on within the world of politics on all scales and in many different countries that will lead you to question just what is going on.  Covers will be ripped off of some of the secrets that ‘they’ thought were so well disguised.  There is a groups of people who will be making themselves known on the Internet who have information to give concerning the larger frame of reference and the existence of extra-terrestrials in the history of the world.  This will reach a larger audience and may get some peripheral coverage in the media.  Meanwhile there will be jumps in the stock market this week that will be countered and twisted as time goes by.  The Sun will be exerting a sideways influence on the Earth, and with this will come some interruptions in the electronics.  Be prepared for this.  There is something in the water that will be brought forth.  There is a cloud over the Koreas that will begin to rain.  This is a week when there is uncertainty in so many different areas.  The ley lines and power points on the globe are beginning to light up and activate, and as this happens, places in which there have been attempts in the past to cover the light will find themselves in the midst of the shake up, particularly in Asia Minor through to Nepal.  There will be a number of travel issues occurring this week, so if you are going somewhere, listen to your intuition.  This is truly a time for being grounded.

Wednesday, April 10:    Light Turquoise Blue

There are many things that you had been planning for today, but it is best just to let that all go and allow things to unfold as they will.  There are messages that you have been missing, and the current energy is lining them up in such a way that you will no longer be able to ignore them. Look to nature, the movement of the wind, the flight of birds, the cries of animals, they are reacting to what is going on vibrationally.  They are moving into a closer kind of communication with the human species as the energies of Gaia gather together those who are listening.  There is much to hear.  Know that you will be given an opportunity today.  Think on it before making a decision.  It is related to some long held desires, but you must be clear in what it is that you are wanting, and decide based upon your highest good.  Your are not alone in the decision-making process.  You deepest heart’s knowing is connected to the Universal Consciousness.  There is wisdom there.