Travelers’ Diary. August 26, 2024

Oftentimes, perhaps even more than often it is best not to pay attention to things on the air waves or, even better, to research what is being said.  If one person says it… Perhaps it is a prophet calling forth in the wilderness.  If there are two, well, perhaps that prophet has a friend, but when three or more are articulating an agenda, it is well to start looking into that agenda for that is the time in which some kind of push is being made.  The question is whether it is for good or for ill.

You need to know and even better trust that your own spiritual and energetic connection to the Universe will never guide you on the wrong path.  The problem is and has always been that so many are troubled by what comes to them through that medium and they tend to turn from it to pay attention to the greater whole that is telling you one thing or the other. 

This is a very critical time for there are many who are prophesying, many who are saying things are one way or the other., many who are telling you this is the truth, the is the way to go, but you cannot take them at their word without first going within and seeing how it affects you. If you are to find a kind of dislike =- we were going to say revulsion for sometimes it is an actual physical essence of revulsion, then you know it is not correct.

Oftentimes we have spoken of what is correct for you and looking for that message in your dealings with things.  Now, we are noting that in much of what is going on today, there is much that is not good for you but more so tan that, there is much that is not good fo people in general, and it needs to be shown.

There is so much show going on within the politics of the various countries, but there comes a time when the show shows itself for being merely that — a seeming, something that does not exist in reality but merely in the script that is being played out o]r being attempted to play out.

You can see the puppet master behind the scenes, and it is time for all to develop that sense of acuity, even more that sense of discernment that allows them to step back from what is going on in front of them and to see within the steps and lines to the script that they are reading and agenda they are promoting.

This is difficult in all times but now these agendas are becoming more and more transparent as those who follow those masters are trying harder and harder to fulfill their roles, but know that that’s individuals are no longer serving their purposes as before, ad they will find themselves becoming more and more marginalized.

The puppet masers are gathering a new round of actor and players – marionettes, and as this occurs, there will be a momentary lapse in their control.

This is the time to take hold of and to allow the positive individuals, those who are motivated by true love for people, true compassion to come forward to take centerstage and work their change.

This is tough.  We are not seeing where it will go from here.

The good always seem to have so much evil to deal with.

You wonder about this, the power of evil, and what we can say now is that while good allows for all to happen, evil will still be on the stage, but know that good is not powerless and much of its power is a kind of spiritual power that is in the air and works within the _____.  We cannot find the right word.  It is kind of an atmosphere of the world within which good works, and as such it is subtle, but ultimately pervasive.

Be wise in your choices,

Be kind in your actions

And be strong in your self.

Signs of the TImes

There is Something Extraordinary Happening in the World

Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening.

A few months ago I freed myself from standard-procedure society, I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that.

Why is the world changing? In this post I’ll point out the 8 reasons that lead me to believe it.

No one can stand the employment model any longer

We are reaching our limits. People working with big corporations can’t stand their jobs. The lack of purpose knocks on your door as if it came from inside you like a yell of despair.

People want out. They want to drop everything. Take a look on how many people are willing to risk entrepreneurship, people leaving on sabbaticals, people with work-related depression, people in burnout.

2. The entrepreneurship model is also changing

Over the past few years, with the explosion of startups, thousands of entrepreneurs turned their garages in offices to bring their billion dollar ideas to life.

The vortex of entrepreneurship was to find an investor and get funded. To be funded was like winning the World Cup, or the Super Bowl.

But what happens after you get funded?

You get back to being an employee. You may have brought in people not sharing your dream, not in agreement with your purpose and soon it’s all about the money. The financial end becomes the main driver of your business.

People are suffering with it. Excellent startups began to tumble because the money seeking model is endless.

A new way to endeavor is needed. Good people are doing it already.

3. The rise of collaboration

Many people have figured out that it doesn’t make any sense to go on by yourself. Many people have awakened from the “each man for himself” mad mentality.

Stop, take a step back and think. Isn’t it absurd that we, 7 billion of us living in the same planet, have grown further apart from each other? What sense does it make to turn your back on the thousands, maybe millions, of people living around you in the same city? Every time it crosses my mind, I feel blue.

Fortunately, things are changing. Sharing, collaborative economy concepts are being implemented, and it points towards a new direction. The direction of collaborating, of sharing, of helping, of togetherness.

This is beautiful to watch. It touches me.

4. We are finally figuring out what the internet is

The internet is an incredibly spectacular thing and only now, after so many years, we are understanding its power. With the internet the world is opened, the barriers fall, the separation ends, the togetherness starts, the collaboration explodes, the helping emerges.

Some nations saw true revolutions that used the internet as the primary catalyst, such as the Arab Spring. Here in Brazil we are just starting to make a better use out of this amazing tool.

Internet is taking down mass control. The big media groups controlling news by how it suits best what they want the message to be and what they want us to read are no longer the sole owners of information. You go after what you want. You bond to whomever you want. You explore whatever you may want to.

With the advent of the internet, the small is no longer speechless, there is a voice. The anonymous become acknowledged. The world comes together. And then the system may fall.

5. The fall of exaggerated consumerism

For too long, we’ve been manipulated to consume as much as we possibly can. To buy every new product launched, the newest car, the latest iPhone, the top brands, lots of clothes, shoes, lots and lots and lots of pretty much anything we could our hands on.

Going against the crowd, many people have understood that this of way off. Lowsumerism, slow life and slow food are a few excerpts of actions being taken as we speak, pointing out by contradiction how absurdly we have come to organize ourselves.

Fewer people are using cars, fewer people are overspending, and more people are swapping clothes, buying used goods, sharing assets, cars, apartments, offices.

We don’t need all of that they told us we needed. And this consciousness of new consumerism can take down any company living of the exaggerated end of it.

6. Healthy and organic eating

We were so crazy we even accepted eating anything! It only needed to taste good, and everything would be alright.

We were so disconnected that companies started to poison our food and we didn’t say anything!

But then some people started waking up, enabling and strengthening healthy and organic eating.

This is only to get stronger.

But what has this got to do with economy and work? Just about everything, I’d say.

Food production is one of the basic fundamentals of our society. If we change our mindset, our eating habit and our way of consuming, corporations will have to respond and adapt to a new market.

The small farmer is getting back to being relevant to the whole chain of production. Even people are growing plants and seeds inside their homes as well.

And that reshapes the whole economy.

7. The awakening of spirituality

How many friends do you have who practice yoga? What about meditation? Now think back, 10 years ago, how many people did you know by then who practiced these activities?

Spirituality, for too long, was for esoteric folks, those weird-like and mystic people.

But fortunately, this is also changing. We’ve come to the edge of reason and rationality. We were able to realize that, with only our conscious mind, we can’t figure out everything that goes by here. There is something else going on and I’m sure you want to get hold of that as well.

You want to understand how these things work.

How life operates, what happens after death, what is this energy thing people talk about so much, what is quantum physics, how thoughts can be materialized and create our sense of reality, what is coincidence and synchronicity, why meditation works, how it’s possible to cure using nothing but bare hands, how those alternative therapies not approved by regular medicine can actually work.

Companies are providing meditation to their employees. Even schools are teaching the young how to meditate. Think about it.

8. Unschooling trends

Who created this teaching model? Who chose the classes you have to take? Who chose the lessons we learn in history classes? Why didn’t they teach us the truth about other ancient civilizations?

Why should kids follow a certain set of rules? Why should they watch everything in silence? Why should they wear a uniform? What about taking a test to prove that you actually learned?

We developed a model that perpetuates and replicates followers of the system. That breed people into ordinary human beings.

Fortunately, a lot of people are working to rethink that though concepts such as unschooling, hackschooling, homeschooling.

Maybe you’ve never thought of that and even may be in shock. But it’s happening. Silently, people are being woken up and are realizing how crazy it is to live in this society.

Look at all these new actions and try to think everything is normal we were taught so far is normal. I don’t think it is.

There is something extraordinary happening.


Pluto in Capricorn – BAM!

HUGE Changes Are Upon Us With Pluto In Capricorn

February 18, 2015 Astrology

Pluto In Capricorn - HUGE Changes Are Upon Us!

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

With the ushering in of Pluto in Capricorn, the breaking down of all that is corrupt has begun and these changes will allow that which is in humanity’s best interests to replace those control objects that have kept us economic slaves for hundreds of years.

By now, many of us know about the rare astrological alignment, Pluto in Capricorn, and how it brings about huge changes in society. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in 1776, the year of the American Revolution. If you look around the world, there are many revolutions going on right now and this is not a coincidence!

Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and it breaks down everything that is bad so it can be replaced with that with that which is good.

The society we currently live in will look like the Stone Age in the near future as all suppressed technologies are released.


  • abundance for everyone
  • never having to pay an electric bill
  • being able to teleport anywhere in the world
  • an end to all diseases, including cancer
  • pure water without fluoride and chemicals
  • clean, fresh air with a significant reduction in pollution
  • healthy, organic food for all
  • being able to follow your true, divine reason for being here
  • a world similar to the Venus Project

These are absolute realities in our very near future!

Those who were in control (The Powers That Were <TPTW>) will continue to maintain their illusion of control but what are they really controlling? The One People’s Public Trust movement already has more net worth than every corporation and every person on this planet, combined, so what is left to control? Only their illusions…

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, I originally posted a video called “Banking Collapse Announces The Beginning Of The Golden Age” on YouTube. At that point in time, many banks were collapsing and if you were to read between the lines, the message was clear. These banks, and ALL banks, were on a collision course of self-destruction.

Money has always been the product of economic slavery which has kept us bridled in debt while encouraging egoistic and materialist pursuits, many of which are based on controlled obsolescence, which requires us to buy the newest or latest gadgets with no concern about the environment.

We are at the juncture of an important era in time. As we exit out of the Age of Pisces and enter the Age of Aquarius, new energies will continue to infuse the planet which will bring about many positive changes as the old systems decay while new systems are implemented in the best interests of humanity.

Many unawakened people will want to continue holding on to the old paradigm because this is the only way of life that they know. Other people may resist change because their belief system is unable to visualize the New Earth that is being born right now.

Those who are awakened (yes, YOU that are reading this article!) will play an important role in helping others make this transition, such as helping your family members and friends understand what is going on and what options they will have.

If you are unsure what to say, you can always refer them to to catch up on the latest news and information regarding these changes.

TPTW have known about the importance of astrological alignments for many years. It is quite possible that the reason they built numerous underground bunkers is to hide as a result of these changes. There are many people who have been complicit in keeping us all as economic slaves and while all people should be forgiven, some people may have a harder time doing so than others.

What we will be looking at is reeducation system that helps people transition into this new paradigm. Many of us will volunteer to become teachers.

Other changes may involve the ideas mentioned in this video:

Despite still being shackled in economic slavery and in the midst of numerous wars, the end is near, my friends! In the future, we will look back at these days and will be grateful for the opportunities we had for spiritual growth despite the plethora of challenges we faced.

Know in your mind that we have already won and now, it’s just a short waiting game for TPTW to relinquish their illusion of control and for us to begin a new chapter in humanity!


Kingsley Dennis on the ‘New Normal’

Welcome to the “New Normal”

We have entered a time which I refer to as the New Normal, and we need to understand that things are never going to be the same again. We have to get used to doing things differently – for these ‘different things’ will become our normal ways soon enough. This shift from older patterns and structures that once served us well, into a space where some things are no longer working for us can be unsettling and disturbing. Yet don’t waste time with old energy patterns that are no longer working. We may feel frustrated in not knowing what to do – and yet this is only just the beginning. In terms of the longer time scale we still have a long way to go, for this change is going to be many years in the making.

Things may now change faster than they have ever done before – we are living in a reality that is on the move. It is likely that many of us have already experienced this – a sense of rapidity and uncertainty unlike previous years. There is no need for this feeling of ‘shifting ground’ to cause anxiety. Change does not mean something negative – people are only afraid of what they don’t know. The easy part in all of this is accepting the need for a ‘new normal’ – the more difficult part is to actively engage in change, in a way that is balanced, stable, and not strange. Being a part of the ‘new normal’ also means normalizing ourselves: there is no more need to stand apart; that is, to use ‘difference’ as part of your personality or identity. You cannot express your full potential when imbalanced. The ‘new normal’ is not here to alienate oneself and others – it does not support divisive energies.

Sometimes change needs courage – courage to accept this change as the new normal. Some people are more used to and adaptive to change than others – each person must find what is right and comfortable for them. However, we are not starting from scratch – arriving to where we find ourselves now is also part of the change.

In fact, it is stability which is the illusion as everything is in flux. Life is one complete flux-engine – if we can put it that way – and the human body is equipped for constant change. When there is imbalance in the body it naturally seeks to find balance: physically, emotionally, and energetically. We already instinctively know this, and how to practice it. By re-adapting to change and flux we propel ourselves forward – it is a force of momentum within our lives. The new re-balancing is not about going back to the old – it is about finding new positions and definitions. We have to re-define for ourselves what is the new normal.

We have to learn how to operate the new tools we have, and which we are expected to use. Religious belief and unquestioning faith were old tools, for example. Now we need to figure out what are the new tools we have, and how to use them. And within this period of new learning we may also need to do some personal ‘clearing’ – to get our own personal house in order.

So let’s be clear: the new normal is consistent change – and this normal can change on a daily basis. Is this so difficult to accept and understand? It seems that many of the young people can work with this; it is not difficult for them to grasp the essentiality of change. For many young people, it seems obvious that change is an essential, and necessary, part of life. It is only us, entrenched in our years of conditioned stability that fear such flux and flow.

If anyone reading this is feeling a connection to this theme it is also because they sense the need for change within their own lives. They sense it is right – that there is some urge within them that is telling them that something needs to change – there is intent to know more. There’s no better time than now for re-engagement – to reflect upon the question of ‘what is “life” for me? – and how can I participate?’

The following are some of what I consider to be at the basis of change:

  1. Release the fear conditioning

  2. Re-calibrate the definitions of what is ‘normal’

  3. Observe emotions and emotional responses and needs

  4. Get used to change – it is the only normal there is

  5. Be joyful with change and changing habits/patterns – learn to love it

  6. Don’t try to get back to the old ‘normal’ – adjustment is not a return, it’s a moving forward

  7. Waiting for the ‘old’ is not an option

  8. Change works better when you are pro-active – so activate your engagement/participation. Get involved with your own changes!

  9. Trust your intuition and intuitive feelings

It can be unsettling at first when trying to get used to something that is always moving! It is like a radio station that constantly shifts its broadcast frequencies – and every day you have to re-tune your radio to find the new frequency. Yet this constant shifting is also a way for us to find meaning and significance in our lives. We may find that many of the shifts that we choose to activate/act on will have a direct influence upon our need to find a renewed meaning in life. Another way to consider these changes is to view them as being part of the shift from survival mode to creation mode – creating a new way of living more suitable to how we wish to live life in creative and meaningful ways.

As we gradually (or even suddenly!) shift into the era of the new normal we may discover that we fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Manifestors

  2. Facilitators

  3. Nurturers

Each role is equal in importance – and yet each is different in how it relates and engages with others in life. The new normal is going to have a strong influence upon the values of connectivity, communication, consciousness, and compassion.

Our social, local, and global networks will be ever more important for us. Whether we manifest things in life, facilitate for others, or nurture others – each involves conscious participation. That is the core of the new normal – balanced, stable, conscious participation in finding meaning for ourselves and others; and to be creative and active in pursuing a positive future for all.


On GLobal Transformation

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Keynote Address at the 2nd Edition of the DEEEP Global Summit: Towards a World Citizens’ Movement – Learning from the Grassroots [Johannesburg, November 19, 2014]

Yesterday, holed up in a stubborn chair somewhere in the reception of this hotel, I was casting about for an appropriate title for my speech. I knew what I thought I’d like to say, what I’d like to conduce to today’s rather unwieldy discourse on global transformation, but I wasn’t comfortable with the ways my mind sought to frame it. Something nameless and deep within resisted my frantic attempts to simply chug along with rather unremarkable options like ‘The Urgency of Slowness’, ‘A Different Politics’, ‘The Utility of Shared Inquiry’ and so on. That same ‘something’ invited me to wait. So I left the matter unresolved, and entered into a ‘Whatsapp’ text-based conversation with my wife, who is in Richmond, Virginia at the moment. Just as I made to leave the conversation, Ijeoma – my wife – sent me an undecipherable series of alliterated alphabets, smiling icons, and nonsense syllables, patched together with the enigmatic abandon only a non-adult could master. It was Alethea, our 1 year old daughter. My wife told me she had grabbed the phone from her, typed the ‘message’, and returned it to her – saying ‘Dada! Dada!’ as she did so.

I got the message.

Perhaps the universe sought to sanction my conditioned fondness for tame and manicured titles – and, in doing so, hoped to broaden my vision of what is possible; perhaps there is more to be learned from that which resists representation, coherence or meaning – what Foucault called the ‘unthought’, what I call ‘the wilds beyond our fences’; and, perhaps, it is true after all – that the crises of our times invites us to acknowledge our imprisonment to the politics of adulthood by listening intensely to our children, to the weak, to those who have failed, to the so-called stupid, and thus learn from their expansiveness.

So this is my title. I fought the urge to stick in a subtitle beneath, or to reduce its rawness by bracketing it with quotation marks. I do not think it is an appropriate title, but I think it is powerful because it means nothing, because it has no immediate utility – except maybe to introduce a little turbulence to our treasured cognitive rituals, to humiliate our established ways of knowing (and thus to humble us), and to trick our exhausted minds into relaxing a bit. Into slowing down.

Last year, at the first edition of this fine gathering, I ended my talk by sharing the insights of some West African elders: “The times are urgent”, they say. “Let us slow down”. I have since echoed the same words wherever I have been invited to speak – and the responses from my audiences have been somewhat similar: there is a collective sigh of recognition and appreciation, the kind that is attended by a closing of the eyes, as if to acknowledge that a deep elderly truth has walked across the room. Then later, much later, there is confusion and there are furrowed eyebrows – and this happens when people seemingly try to activate this sentiment in their lives, as is the case with my brother Tobias, the convener of this event, who wrote to me shortly after the first Summit expressing his frustrations with slowing down. ‘How do you slow down when there are so many memos to write, so many reports to put together?’ I didn’t have the clearness of mind at the time to respond convincingly to his queries. Today, however, I am going to try to honour those unvoiced and wordless feelings, the greying elephants in our rooms we are trying our hardest to avoid. In doing this, I hope not only worry the convenient binaries and orthodoxies of activism, but to deepen the conversation and weave a poetic scheme that might nurture our imaginations about a world citizens’ movement – and what that could look like.

I am not an activist – at least not in the conventional sense of the word – but in the past four years, I have increasingly found myself in the midst of conscientious people, wise people whose work and writings have inspired our shared intention (Ijeoma and I) to live an enchanted life in a wider spectrum of values.

Once safely ensconced in the academic bubble of the intelligentsia, I am awakening to a wild world that does not easily fit into the neat boxes of a questionnaire. From the stern mountain faces of the Himalayas to the tired suburban mazes of downtown Chicago, the concerns – the questions – are thematically the same: ‘what needs to happen for a more humane world to arrive?’ ‘What do we need to focus on in order to usher in a social arrangement that is conducive to our deepest aspirations as a species – a world that is home for our children?’ How can we realize the world Alethea dreamed of?

Around the globe, the responses to these questions are as varied as the stars in the sky – though there are important convergent points, constellations if you will. For most active organizations today (or those in nations caught up in the globalizing currents of economic growth), the traditional response has been to ask what ‘we’ can do, or to point out a mutual enemy to inspire collective action. The logic of this advocacy framework – in broad strokes – is to articulate a superior argument, to mobilize popular support, and try to force the hand of those with the power to make decisions on behalf of the populace. The recent large-scale climate justice march of September 21, a colossal gathering of more than 300,000 people, is a case in point.

Some of the implicit (and not so hidden) assumptions of this theory of change are that we can change the system – because the system is merely a passive epiphenomenon, a dead mesh of regulations and laws that no longer works in our favour. This assumption coincides with another – the idea that the world is out there, the problems are out there, that we are quite removed from it, and that all we need to do (as my brother, Charles Eisenstein, often says) is apply this Newtonian force of will in order to rearrange the blind billiard balls on the table. And yet another kindred postulation is the myth of human rationality: the notion that people will change if they understand the facts. The bare facts. Let’s get practical, we often insist. Hence our growing obsession with statistical reduction computational analyses and convenient expertise. With tables and spreadsheets and reports and memos. With our eternal infatuation with the correct answer.

But the final popular assumption about social transformation I emphasize here is perhaps the most invisible – and therefore, potentially, the most insidious. It is the idea that only conscious effort, more doings, can get us out of the mess we find ourselves in. It is the tyranny of human agency, the human will to power – or what Jane Bennett calls the ‘fantasy that we really are in charge of all those ‘its’’, a denial of vibrant materialities with agency and action that flow within and around us.

Maybe this partly explains the exhaustion and disenchantment I am seeing in activist circles around the planet, the themes of cynicism I am listening to in the stories of the once chivalrous army for good. I have also felt this numbing despair, this irredeemable feeling that we are doomed beyond our best efforts to save the day. More recently, in New York, I listened to a seasoned environmental activist from Brazil as she shared her insights about the shadows of the World Social Forum, about the establishment of carbon exchanges where emission credits – or the right to continue to pollute the environment – are traded. She chuckled when she noted, with a hint of despondency, that these regulations are a direct result of climate justice movements pressing for low carbon emission rates. She also noted how young, well-intentioned persons dressed like hippies infiltrate villages in Brazil to teach them how to value their forests, their trees, under a carbon metric system – thus imposing an ideological standard that is in cahoots with today’s economic monoculture of mind, and devaluing the indigenous wisdoms that taught those people the mystery of the ancestry and their affinities with the nonhuman world. As I listened to her, it became clearer to me how our best efforts often end up being coopted by the dominant logic, how continuing with the same linearity, with the same rituals, with the same presumptions – while commendable and necessary – can often be counterproductive.

I think it is also becoming commonplace knowledge that the ongoing professionalization and bureaucratization of counterculture means that our voices are losing their subversive tones. We are learning slowly that the system endorses its own critique. That the more assiduously we resist the empire, the more like the empire we become.

Where does this leave us? Where does this leave our assumptions about the world, about our dreams for fonder landscapes, about the value of the work we do to realize those dreams and urge them towards realness? I think today’s widespread despair, today’s disillusionment with change, is the amniotic chamber, the alchemical depths where our vision of what is possible is being transformed, where we are being remade…slowly. Where we are realizing that our theories of change need to change. Where we are seeing that our reality paradigms – the ones that burden us with the sole onus of transformation, with heavy halos that impel us to ‘otherize’ the enemy, the faulty logic, the wrong answer – are no longer enough to bear the weight of our multidimensionality and incredible diversity. The genius of today is that we no longer know what to ask, speak less of knowing the right answers.

And this is how the invitation to slow down makes sense. Because our notions of agency, action and vitality are being stretched – so that we cannot continue to claim that the world is a corpse graciously animated by our presence. Because we are active conspirators with, and participants in, the system we resist – and, though we might like to deny it, this!, this pageantry of exclusion, this auto-erotic quest for supremacy, is our story, our saga. And to deny it is to deny a part of ourselves that needs to be heard. Because there are many ways of knowing and being in the world, and the myth of rationality is not enough to comprise them all.

We need a different kind of politics, one that resonates with the leitmotifs of our ongoing emergence. We need a meta-movement of some sort, not one that necessarily is caught up in the highfalutin, media-enhanced, neon-lit, caricaturization of the ‘top’; not the 100 million dollar movement with a set agenda; not one that is caught up with debates about gun laws and the sins of the ‘other side’; not one that necessarily has a logo, a stringent budget and clear outcomes, but one that is based in lived experiences, one that is underlined by a lot of ‘we don’t know’ moments, and one that is dependent on the gifts, the voices, and the place-based wisdoms of people. As Chris Hedges noted, quite recently, at the launch of the International Alliance for Localization in New York, ‘politics is no longer the concern of traditional political institutions. The chatter about guns, borders, and gay rights is not politics – it is the manipulation of emotion for corporate interests.’

I call this ‘grandmother politics’ – inspired by my brother and ally, Manish Jain, whose disenchantments with global education and schooling motivated him to seek out and learn from his grandmother how to live wisely with oneself, with others, and with the world. This notion of politics suggests we adopt a ‘more’ sacred kind of activism, a big picture activism which is so called because it allows us focus on the little things more keenly.

A world citizens’ movement, activated by a ‘compass’ of shared reflection and mutual inquiry seems more in tune with my feelings about what needs to happen. By a compass, I mean a techne that facilitates local practices of inquiry, an unfurling of questions, a reluctance to govern or impose standards, a willingness to observe and listen to circles of renewal and their explorations of how to live life more fascinatingly, a scaled down trans-local sharing of plural wisdoms.

Does this mean we no longer need spreadsheets? Does this mean we must do away with macro-level advocacy practices seeking to alter exploitative policies? Does this mean that those good people involved with articulating anti-fracking laws, correcting income inequalities, fighting the monolithic superintendence of corporate power in ecological devastation, countering the upsurge of whaling and desertification, insisting that genetically modified foods be properly labeled as such, and arguing for debt relief for less industrialized nations are wrong? I cannot bring myself to think that.

We need spreadsheets and, perhaps, civic advocacy will continue in its present form for a long time to come. But they are not enough. As noted earlier, it can be counterproductive and even dangerous to continue to act out the fiction of the practical as what ‘we do’ to the ‘world’, as the conquest of the right answer, as consensus, as monologue, as a silencing of what many might call the trivial, inchoate non-issues.

A compass reinforces the wisdom of localization, and restores the confidence that people themselves – not their representatives, not lobbyists, not agencies, not policies, and certainly not corporations – can be social actors, not merely social outcomes. If such a technology beats at the heart of a citizens’ movement, it might inspire a more subversive, creative, playful, and elegant hack of our current operating system. Instead of a declaratory documentation of consensus, a compass invites participation, supports diversity, valorizes uncertainty, and initiates community.

This is, as I see it, the ‘heart’ of the matter. Of course, how we make a ‘compass’ actionable is somewhat different, but not too severe a task if we can hold the spirit of the technology close to our considerations. A world citizens’ movement or ‘big picture activism’ can be something radically different, coexisting with orthodox advocacy, but operating from different assumptions. I am led to think that even if we could win all our counterculture wars, it would matter little if we have not evolved a politics that acknowledges the little things, that helps us heal together, and that engages us in ways that trusts us to find our own way through the messiness of human sentience.

We must slow down today because running faster in a dark maze will not help us find our way out. We must slow down today because if we have to travel far, we must find comfort in each other – in all the glorious ambiguity that being in community brings. We must slow down because the correct answer is not adequate. We must slow down because trust, the emerging currency of the ‘next’ story, is not an issue of efficiency, but a creature of intimacy. We must slow down because that is the only way we will see – in a series of alliterated alphabets, smiling icons, and nonsense syllables, patched together with the enigmatic abandon only a non-adult could master – the contours of new possibilities urgently seeking to open to us.


The Hathors – Chaotic Nodes (via Tom Kenyon)

Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

Due to time-acceleration and cosmic forces far beyond your control you are in the midst of a crescendo of interlocking Chaotic Nodes.

In past messages we have referred to the interaction of chaotic events as a Chaotic Node, singular, but in this instance we are referring to a more complex phenomenon—what we are calling Chaotic Nodes, plural.

Depending upon your vibratory resonance you will be affected in unique ways by the escalation of chaotic events. Those of you sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be experiencing extreme duress as you witness the degradation of the ecosystem and the loss of many species of life.

Another Chaotic Node, in addition to the Chaotic Node of your ecosystem, is the stress of interpersonal communications. This is a very complex situation, and it is partly due to the shifts in magnetic fields upon your planet, making short-term memory and cognitive sequencing difficult during energetic shifts—and these energetic shifts are accelerating. Irrational behavior, desperation and feelings of utter hopelessness are on the rise. As the deterioration of both the ecosystem and interpersonal communications increase we anticipate even more cultural and social instability.

There is a growing sense among many that something is terribly wrong, and along with this is the feeling that there is no solution. In this instance we agree with something Albert Einstein once said, which is that the solution to a problem cannot be solved at the level of the problem.

From our perspective, the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is creating tidal waves of intense chaotic energies that many of you are finding difficult to contend with. Furthermore, your automatic reflexive ways of dealing with change are increasingly ineffective.

There is a fork in the road, so to speak, that you have entered both individually and collectively. One path from this fork will lead you into a type of madness and an inability to function in practical ways. For those who take this fork, escapism will be on the rise. Self-destruction both individually and collectively will also increase in this period.

Many of you who have an opportunity to transition out of third-dimensional reality into other dimensions will take it.

Without mincing words, to use one of your phrases, we would say you are entering one of the more difficult passages of planetary transformation.

At this fork in the road, one path leads to self-destruction, madness, despair and hopelessness while the other fork leads to a deeper connection with your interdimensional or spiritual nature. It is this fork in the road we wish to explore.

It is not an either/or proposition. Many of you who possess a transcendent and interdimensional or spiritual sense of yourself may find yourselves, from time-to-time, on the path to madness and self-destruction in spite of your self-knowledge.

This is because your 3-D reality is oscillating. And the rapid changes in your third-dimensional existence are accelerating at a faster rate than your biological organism might be capable of handling. The extreme stresses upon your biological nature must be dealt with if you wish to avoid the path to madness and self-destruction.

In its simplest terms the requirement to successfully make this passage through the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is deep authentic contact with your interdimensional or spiritual nature and the self-renewal that arises from such contact.

We are therefore sharing a sound meditation for this purpose. There are no complex geometries involved. There is nothing that needs to be done when engaging this sound meditation other than placing your awareness in your entire physical body.

The sound patterns are a direct transmission from the light realms into the language of your biology. It is a counter-force to the chaos and the confusion that is creating stress within your biological nature. It is short in length because many of you are time-stressed. You have too much to do in too little time because you are trying to hold the old world together as time accelerates. All we can say to you from our perspective is that holding the old world together is “mission impossible.” Letting go of the old world, and your attachment to how you think you need to be, is part of what is required to take the higher path.

Our suggestion is that you listen to this sound meditation as often as you wish and when you listen to the sound patterns, focus your awareness in the physical reality of your being (your physical body).

All that is required to successfully engage this sound meditation is to listen to it with awareness in your physical body and the cellular structure of your body will unwind and release stress and delusional states of perception giving you a greater possibility to enter a higher path.

We are calling this sound meditation The Elevatron, because the root of the word means to elevate, and it also refers to the electronic nature of your biological reality. This sound meditation is a direct transmission of energy from the light realms into the bioelectric, bio-chemical and quantum realities of your body for the purpose of elevating your vibratory rate in consciousness.

In the final analysis, your personal experience of the escalation of interlocking Chaotic Nodes will depend solely upon the vibratory resonance you have attained or failed to attain. The responsibility for this passage as an individualized being, embodied in time and space, is solely and completely your responsibility.

We wish you a good journey on the high road.

for the meditation and the link, go here:

The Group via Steve Rother on Heart’s Hologram

Hologram of the Heart

Steve Rother
a message from Steve Rother
Monday, 15 September, 2014  (posted 17 September, 2014)

Greetings dear ones. I am eM.

A New Energy of Balanced Power

I have come with the very special intent to help you land energy on planet Earth, to help you bring your higher self in connection to everything you are doing. I have come in with a balanced energy. Many of you think that means that there is no sexuality. That is not the case, however. This energy is balanced in all areas. When you pretend to be a human, you must decide which side you will be on. When you have many incarnations in one area, you tend to come back in that over and over again, which is the challenging part of it, even as a spirit. Right now you are seeing more influx of the feminine, more raising of the balanced energies on planet Earth. This triggers the discord, force, and takeover that you are witnessing today, because the old energies – the masculine energies are here. How do you work with this? Many of you turn on the television and get so discouraged you turn it off again. Yes, dear ones, there are many difficult energies that you see on your planet right now as a result of this wave of light that came in. It came in from a number of different sources, but basically you brought it in with you. All the new energies that are here – including the Crystals, the Indigos and every part of it – have come in at a higher level of this connection. As so, you have brought in a new energy of balanced power, which is the challenge for many of you but you foresaw this. Many of you saw what was going to take place on planet Earth and have positioned yourselves accordingly. Now we tell you that there is more of the E-Family on this planet than ever before. This is as it should be. These are the reasons you came. Many of you have brought yourselves in at this exact junction of time and space; many of you even chose not to come in through your first set of parents but chose another set of parents that you may not completely harmonize with in order to place yourself at an exact junction where you could make a difference. Approximately 20 percent of the planet is in what we call a backup plan right now. It is very simple and very beautiful;  it means that you put yourself on the game board at a very specific time.

The Redefining of Power

How do you carry this balanced energy? How do you express your power as a balanced being? Ahh, that is the question. That is what you are all wrestling with right now. You see power being played out in many ways on your planet; you see it being redefined in many ways. Now, we tell you that force is not power. This has always been this way and all governments, not one single government or one single energy, have played this game to some degree . Right now, it is playing out in many parts of your world. The masculine energies, the masculine powers that be, are claiming and grasping at everything that they can grasp at thinking that this is the last opportunity to make those plays. Their greed is what motivates them in many ways. Now, this does not have to be this way. It is up to you to change it. Dear ones, soon you will find the collective vibration of humanity, the collective heart, and that is what we wish to speak of this day.

Spirit Rights and the Collective Heart

You came in to bring in the collective heart , which is the beauty of the balanced energy that I get to represent to you. It means not being masculine or feminine or even being human, but allowing your spirit to come out. This is why we are so excited about the spirit rights that you speak of for this is what is truly taking place. Each spirit on your planet has a whole set of undeclared rights. Would it not be nice if your governments knew about them? They will shortly. Even though they will not necessarily read what you are writing, the collective vibration will have its day on planet Earth. The balanced energy of the masculine and feminine will come back together as one both in full power. That is the beauty and the truth of this.

Times of Change

Of course, there are several who are still invested in the old ways.  This situation will continue for some time until you reach a collective vibration where you have had enough. You will change it when humanity is done with it; when you have learned all that you can and see your own reflection enough in all these different ways. We ask you to hold that thought, to hold that energy in your heart and hold it as your truth. Project yourself down the road in the timeline. Understand that it has already been resolved and that you are simply going through the mud puddles to get there. These are the times that you came for. You have all been on planet Earth at various times before. None of you on Earth right now are new. You have all been heavily invested in planet Earth and its growth. Now you have the opportunity to carry more light in your own physical being to integrate more of who you truly are without the density of it all. There will be many who grasp at the old ways, pull you back down and say, “No, that is not the way. That is not what is written.” Dare to write again. Dare to claim your future. Dare to set it into motion and watch what happens.

When a collective vibration reaches an understanding, everything changes. That is the truth of what is taking place. Your technologies are in full support of this change, which is why you have so many of them. We also tell you that this is the reason why there will be many who will try to control your technologies; who have tried to block certain things in their countries so that their people will not be too empowered. We tell you that this also happened in the sixth century with Constantine and the rewriting of the bible. Many of the truths that you had known, were rewritten because of the fear that you might take your power. Well, you are back and that is the beautiful part of it.

So the question is, “Why did you need to be here this day? Why were you called specifically and what was your agreement before you came in?” That is the beautiful part of what I get to do because I work in what you call the Tavern of Light. This is the beautiful place where every spirit goes before an incarnation. They sit at the table and draw in all of their spiritual family—past, present and future. They make contracts, they make agreements, and they make opportunities to get something done. Now, we tell you, dear ones, that you are part of a large contract: . being on the planet of free choice at the times of change. We cannot tell you that this change will naturally go toward its highest level but that is why you incarnated in so many numbers. That is why the E-Family is back with such energy to make a difference in the collective vibration of humanity. Do not be discouraged when you see the difficulties on planet Earth. Do not be discouraged when you turn on the news and see the old masculine ways of using force over power or in the place of power. You hold the power. That is the part that we are here to tell you. You hold the power of creating your reality right in front of you. Do that in a balanced way and share it with your neighbors. Share it with all those who will listen to you and you will bring your light to home. As you start to do that, everything starts to change.

Encounters with Spiritual Family

Dear ones, many of you will be calling in members of your spiritual family which you have not met before. It is a beautiful energy to watch as it takes place because all of you have been in a reunion of sorts on planet Earth. Now you will start to see even more of this happening. It is very magical, so welcome these people as they come through your life in the most beautiful ways . Not all of them will stay within your boundaries or work with you on a daily basis; some with simply come through and pass by. Take what they have to offer you; take the reflection they will bring you and thank them for the memories they help you re-member and move forward in the collective. Hold a vision of yourself as the highest being. Hold a vision of your light being held within a physical being and it will start to connect. These are the holograms that are creating the new planet. These are the new energies which you are working with.

A Hologram of Heart Light

Dear ones, if you shine a beautiful beam of light from an angle, photons move without density at the highest possible speed in your universe. Yet if you take a second, even a third, fourth or fifth beam of light and cross it with it, you have the opportunity to create a hologram, a full three-dimensional projection which can create reality. Now, we are not actually talking about a beam of light as you know it to be, but about a beam of your heart light. We ask you to focus your heart light on this projection, because the more people who focus on it from different angles, the more concise this new hologram is becoming. You have done this before in the days of the Magna Carta. You have done it in the days of the Declaration of Independence. You have done it so many times on your planet. You have actually done it back in the early days of Babylon as well. There have been many times on your planet when a critical mass reached a certain level but simply could not move past it. You are at one of those junctions right now. Come together in some way. Hold the vision of this new planet and hold the vision of why you came here, even if you cannot see it because you will be one of the last to see yourself in the mirror. That is the nature of the veil which you have devised. You have agreed to play this game blindfolded, which you have done over and again. But now is the time you can start to re-member. Begin in your heart and hold it there for that is the place where you make a difference. When you connect with others and everyone focuses their heart’s desire, you create a new hologram. That is what is taking place.

Now, there are many who feel this energy and feel this change, and wish to hang onto the old ways. You will feel pull backs from those who are grasping at the old ideals and the old ways of success on your planet. Be very cautious of what you give your power to, dear ones. You brought something in which is very unique and a custom of planet Earth. You would come in and find something to reflect your power. Because of the veil in front of you, you could not see yourself. You could not see your own shadow or the light coming from your heart. For that reason you created these reflections. Some of them were religions, some of them were belief systems, some of them were experiences that you had that allowed you to take yourself and step down a new path. Anyone who has ever had a near-death experience comes back with a whole new vision of what life is about. These are the types of reflections that many of you have gone through. Now is the time when you can reflect each other’s light in the most beautiful way and focus that energy to create a collective vibration of Home.

Repositioning your Lives

These are the times when you are carrying more of your light. It is not easy and it doesn’t always seem to fit in the world. Even though you cannot always see the reflection of it, you are the greatest beings that have ever lived. You are the Family of E; you are the truth behind the empowerment words and as such, you will create everything in front of you when you work together in harmony. Although these are the most difficult transitionary periods on the planet, all of you can start moving. We ask you to start repositioning your lives during the next several months, to look at new opportunities and at what you need to be happy on this planet. If you have been playing the game of putting one foot in front of the other, consider what it would be like to take a right turn or a left turn. Consider what it would be like to change your dance, to shift your rhythm, to change something intentionally. Ahh, but then you play the old human tapes, “Well what if I change my direction and it is the wrong direction?” We say there is no wrong direction. You will learn something no matter where you go. Once you learn the power of being in charge of yourself, it will all come together. These are the connecting points for all of you in the new energy.

The best people for the job are on the job

It is a beautiful time to be here. No one said it was going to be easy, but we are not worried. We are watching planet Earth from afar and are not concerned because the best people for the job are on the job. You have already incarnated; you are there and you are finding each other. Does it mean that you must all come together in one belief system? No, dear ones. That will not happen. A little bit of success will go a very long way. What you are seeing now is people grasping at the old ways. Set your intent. Set your heart that this will change and that you will start seeing a world that is kinder and gentler – a world in which you know how to harmonize with each other. The day that you start looking at ways you are alike rather than the ways you are different, is the day that everything shifts. That day is closer than you think because you have such great hearts, which is the beauty. Find that passion. Step into it in some way even if you think it has no value, because if it makes your heart sing, you are part of the collective. If everybody did that, the world would change in an instant.

Preparing for a Shift in the Energy (March 2015)

The reality is, dear ones, that there are more from the E-Family on the planet than ever before. Right now, you have some of the most powerful creators on this planet, holding this light and this beautiful energy. Some of you still doubt yourselves. That is okay. That is not the important part. The important part is that you are here and holding a light and that you brought something from Home that only you could carry. We tell you, dear ones, that the tides are changing. In the time that you call March of the coming year—especially toward the end of March – there will be a shift in your energy. There is an energy coming in at that time which will help you reset. Position yourselves in the highest place now. Find where you wish to be to let your heart out and start creating that hologram of light. Where are your dreams? Many of you have been in survival mode and as such, have lost your dreams. When you are fighting day to day to make something happen, you lose sight of the larger vision. These are the times to bring it back and as you do, you will find help from the other side coming through you very strongly. You will find other members of your family finding you. They are spiritual family that comes out of nowhere and will cross and intersect your life to help reflect you for just a moment to remind you that you are on the most beautiful path and the most beautiful, magical moments of your life. Look at your own histories and your own biases because each of you will have to determine that yourself. All of you have been slightly out of balance one way or another on planet Earth. It is part of the nature of duality which you have been living in. Now, you are living in a field of triality which is quite different from what you have stepped out of.  Yet you do not have all the pieces. Hold it in your heart first. Know that you are not alone. Do what you can to connect in any way possible with the others. That is what focuses the heart energy and forms the new hologram that creates the new planet. This is more possible today than it was even last week.

Share your light in the collective

We know that you cannot see these advances; we know that you get very downtrodden and drained by many of the energies which are forcefully on planet Earth right now. In the past, these have succeeded. They will not succeed this time. It is not the way of the new energy, dear ones. Support your light and share it in the collective in the most beautiful ways; this is how you will start to create this hologram and step into it. The greatest hologram creators are here and we call them the Family of E. We thank many of you for being here. Many of you have actually amassed enough energy and wisdom to move onto other experiences and yet you brought yourselves back here so you could be a part of this beautiful energy. Now is the time to awaken from the dream and hold it deep within you and position yourself for the wind at your back. Position yourself for a new coming, a new energy and a new hologram of light.

It is with the greatest of honor that I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Know that you are whole and complete beings balancing in a new way. And play well together.

Espavo.  I am the Keeper of Time.

The group

Chromoscope for August 16-31

August 16-31

The theme for these days is Roses Amidst the Thorns. So there will be good times, love, and light to be found in the shadows and grey in these times.

Overall Color:    Green Grey

Be good to yourself these days, but not so good that you are blinding yourself to what is happening around you. There is a lot of conflicting energy out there right now, and it is clouding up what is the real import of things. You will be feeling this as you find yourself changing your mind almost instantaneously. If you are one who was always sure of the next step, you will find that your certainty is becoming very cloudy. Actually, this is good because it affords you the excuse to look at things from a different perspective, to be more considerate about what you are doing, where you are going, and with whom you are hanging. All of this will lead to a kind of inner conflict these days as you find yourself not quite knowing what is right. The thing is that it is time to judge things from the vantage of what is right for WHO you are. Not always easy. You can find that in some of the things that you are doing there is a kind of aha moment which can lead you to feel out of control and a bit overwhelmed, just because it was so unexpected and at times seemingly unrelated. These are AHA days, so it is best just to get used to it. You will begin to see yourself from different levels right now. You are getting to know WHO you are versus the person with whom you have been identifying for so long now. This is a time to truly like yourself, to take a moment every day and congratulate yourself for being you, You are unique. There is no one like you. This is also a time to be aware of your body. There will be signals from your physicality these days that will alert you as to what it wants and what its best for it. It is time to become best friends with your body. Respect what it is asking you to do. If you are tired, rest; if you are hungry, eat; if you are in the wrong place, go. By accepting and allowing the clues form your body to alert you to what is going on, you not only save some wear and tear on it but you also are able to sync the physicality with the higher being that is WHO you are. Take time these days always to ground and center every morning. If you do not have a waking, ritual, this is a good time to establish one. It is a way of bringing yourself into the present as you emerge from the realm of dreams.

On the larger scale, things are heating up more and more. You will be seeing outbursts on all levels. These can happen through weather events, volcanic activity, Earth shifts, undirected anger, acts of violence, etc. There is a new energy coming through right now that is showing itself in the unexpected. It is a novelty that has been preparing for its entrance onto the sphere of the Earth, and it is shifting and changing and shaking things up.   This is a time to look deeply into what you are hearing and seeing on the media. Check out other independent sources. There is much conflicting information coming through right now. Some of it is meant to confuse the general population as the powers that think they are have developed a policy of constructive confusion as a way to keep people guessing. You will know the truth of the matter if you will center, ground, and go into your inner knowing, that which is connected with the Universal Consciousness. This is a time also for a sense of humor as things come and go with no real sense. News items one day will be quickly replaced by other distractions. Speaking of distractions, there will be a big push among those who are dealing with the celebrity world to bring out some more sensational gossip as a way of moving focus from what really matters. There is a charismatic individual who is coming more and more on the scene in the East. There have been rumors and they will be continuing. Finances are getting more shaky even as alternatives to the old system become more discussed. The extra-galactic energy is causing some energetic bubbles with this solar system as waves of it begin to wash over all the planets. The Sun will be reacting in odd ways, however there will belittle talk of that. Watch the oceans for messages in the water. There is much going on right now, as sides become somewhat polarized. This will continue as the year progresses.


On Losing Your MInd

How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

20th July 2014

By Katrin Geist

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Breaking the habit of being yourself requires – dare I say it? – discipline. Daily discipline. And once you embark on it, it’s the most wonderful process in the making. It is exciting and fun, and it becomes easier and easier with every time you practice, just like training a muscle. You do indeed create your life! You’re in the driver’s seat, entirely. And if that’s not great news, I do not know what is! You absolutely have the power to change your life in any way you desire. You create your life every day, with volition or without, on a nerve cell/brain structure and thought/quantum level.

So why not actively create your life, instead of mostly running in automatic-reactive-survival mode? Why wait to change your life until crisis hits? A crisis can be a great catalyst – yet we’re free to choose change now. So why not create out of joy instead? We all can. And lasting change is not only possible, it is fun to set in motion. The following article shares ideas from a fabulous book by Dr. Joe Dispenza (see review below).

Interacting with the quantum field

Nobody is doomed by their genetic makeup or hard wired to live a specific way for the rest of their lives. YOU mold the clay that is the quantum field, and you do so by aligning your thoughts, feelings and actions (refer to my website for more information on the quantum field, or ‘the field’ for short).

Says Dr. Joe Dispenza, successful chiropractor with postgraduate training and continuing education in neuroscience, biochemistry, brain function and memory formation:

“You… broadcast a distinct energy pattern or signature. In fact, everything material is always emitting specific patterns of energy. And this energy carries information. Your fluctuating states of mind consciously or unconsciously change that signature on a moment-to-moment basis.“

In essence, we influence the quantum field through our Being-states (and not only through what we want).

Vision and creative mode

A brain region called the frontal lobe plays a key role in envisioning the life you desire. Ask yourself: Who do you I see myself as? How do I show up every day? What would I choose as my predominant Being-state, and how much am I living it on a daily basis? What’s the greatest ideal of myself? Who do I want to be? What would I have to think and feel in order to express that? The clearer you see this, the faster you can change into it. The universal quantum law applies to finances as much as happiness, health and relationships. No exception.

If you can hold a vision regardless of what’s going on around you, you are in creative mode, i.e. you refuse to respond to any triggers in your environment, and you KNOW with 100% certainty that your vision must come, as it already happened in the quantum field.

This is exactly what we admire in great leaders: Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, etc. Their vision made a difference. They refused to give in to circumstance, did not blame their spouse nor the weather – they did not suffer from ‘excusitis’. Holding a vision is a means to achieving a Being-state which transcends circumstance.

Mechanics of change and the art of ‘becoming familiar with’

Repetition is the mother of all skill – and it is what wires brain cells together to create new neurological pathways. Contrary to the paradigm I grew up in which said that brain cells cannot regenerate nor change, we know today that this is completely false. The brain is highly adaptive (neuroplasticity), and changes occur all the time. The moment you learn something new, your brain makes new connections. A long standing habit can be seen as a broad, very well trodden path, a super-highway where neurons fire when a habitual thought or behaviour triggers them. A new thought or behaviour (i.e. nerve cell circuit) becomes established through use.

The more you practice a new thought or behaviour, the better you get at it, just like training a muscle. Paying attention to where you want to go is key. Become aware of how automated (in terms of thoughts, feelings, and actions) your life really is. Keep what you like, and change the rest. Not all automated brain circuits are negative. Some of them are exactly what you want. Others are not. By withdrawing your attention (i.e. quitting to walk the established path) and thinking about how you would rather be (breaking into new territory and establishing a new path), you dissolve those old highways, bit by bit (they disconnect when focus is withdrawn). Self-love is when you respond differently to what you’ve practiced all your life.

In order to truly change, we must think greater than we feel. Remember your vision. If you have none for your life, develop one! Now. Not tomorrow… and it’s not about painting some grand picture of your life straight away (but feel free if this feels good to you now).

Instead, you can pick out single aspects and start with those. Know what you want, and then assume the corresponding Being-state. This is completely scaleable, i.e. you can expand your vision as you go. But start having one! Having no vision is like going to the airport saying: ‘I want a ticket’, or saying to a waiter: ‘I want food’. You’re going nowhere fast and nothing can come to you if you don’t specify what you would like, and expect it to come. Vagueness equals standstill. In other words, in the context of creating, it’s a no-no, and you must know your target.

If you truly can do this (thinking greater than you feel), you have mastered your life. That’s how big this short sentence really is. To envision means to see something into existence. It means to create something with volition and expecting to see it, without having any idea of the ‘how’. That step is up to the field and not your job. Your job is to hold the vision and feel its fulfilment. Your job is to become familiar with the feeling-states of your desires.

See it and rehearse it over and over, daily. This process rewires your brain (creating new and wanted super-highways, replacing the automatic old ones). By the way: the Buddhist definition of meditation is ‘to become familiar with’. Meditate on desired feeling states. Familiarize yourself to the n-th degree with them. Live as if. Until it is second nature. Or first. =)

Why we get stuck in repetitive patterns & how to overcome them

Mind is what the brain does. Psychologists tell us that c. 95% of our mind is subconscious. Yet it runs us, 24/7, 365. And that’s good! Because if we had to do it all consciously, good luck surviving even a single second, trying to orchestrate our some 50 trillion cells that constitute the body. Not to mention regulating heart beat, digestion, detox, breathing… our innate intelligence takes care of it all and frees us up to create consciously. A marvellous set-up.

Some unconscious patterns do not serve us. So how do we change them for good? This is the essence of the process Dr. Dispenza proposes, detailed further in his book (see below):

First step: make them known.

Second step: undo them and replace them with what you prefer.

Third step: practice the new state.

We have many unconscious patterns that we did not choose ourselves, i.e. they arose from our environment (parents, peers, culture, etc) at a young age and were accepted as true. If unchanged, they still operate. That is how people become stuck in repetitive patterns without knowing why.

Experiences and events in life produce emotions, which eventually dictate how we behave, unless we intervene. When you think negatively, you feel bad. Feeling bad gives rise to more negative thoughts, which result in feeling worse…do you see the cycle? Most of us are trapped in it, without ever questioning it, living a very reactive life with little room for creating the life we truly desire. Most people do not know how to do this, and that it’s even possible. And it is.

Our brain cannot distinguish between something we imagine, and something that is really happening. As far as the brain is concerned, it’s one and the same. So there’s little physiological difference between remembering a negative situation and actively being involved in one. In other words: every time you beat the drum of how bad it is (in response to an observation or a memory), you activate and reinforce those thought and feeling patterns. Eventually, they become automatic, and we forget why we emotionally react as we do – we just react. The perfect stuck state. And it leads to an identity we think is us. But is it? Of course not. A question worth exploring is: What have I memorized emotionally that I live by that I think is me?

In this automated state, the body becomes the mind: it knows exactly how to respond to a situation and just does it. A good example is driving a car. When you first learned it, you concentrated a great deal (making new neural pathways). And before too long, you habitually arrive at work, with the car seemingly driving by itself. Your body knows very well what to do. And yes, you take in traffic, etc. and respond accordingly. But it’s all well practiced and smooth, and you don’t think about it. When the body becomes the mind, we live in reactive, unaware mode. This is good for some situations, and not so good for others.

The power that you have is one of focus. You can change from a reactive state to a creative one by disconnecting the dots that produce a specific reaction. You do so by focusing on what you prefer instead. When thought becomes the experience, you’re there. When your vision is so compelling and so real you forget everything else, and it feels as if five minutes elapsed instead of three hours, then you’re a creative powerhouse.

We all have been in those situations. Whether it’s playing music, reading a great book, participating in an engrossing conversation – time just flew and we could have done it all day. Harness those situations by tagging them with a little intention for your life. The feeling state is perfect – add some directive thought and watch what happens. Mind and body must be aligned, i.e. thoughts and feelings must be congruent to effect real change.

To sum it up: what you think and feel today determines how you live tomorrow. Your thoughts and feelings are that important and potent. So why wait learning how to think and feel right? Learn how to dance with your thoughts. It’s fun!

I invite you to experiment with influencing the quantum field to your liking. Have FUN! And let me know your outcomes.


Here’s the video”



Moving Into The Shift

Slipping Into The Cosmos

Slipping Into The Cosmos30th May 2014

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Shift Is On

You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, much less classify.

Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting people in different ways, and most may not be fully aware of what’s going on.

While world events can make us feel so disempowered and degraded, something else is urging us on. It’s very strong, subtle and beautifully powerful. The energetic and information supply line we’re receiving is a huge boost, but more than that there’s a connectivity we’re each experiencing, a sense of not just awareness, but a collective desire to help bring about a shift in the world to which we’re being subjected. What we’re experiencing is deeply coupled with this innate hunger to be connected to each other, and to the wonderful spiritual and vibrational sources with which we’re aligned.

Intuitive connectivity with kindred souls, Gaia, and ultimately the wonderful, overarching Cosmic Universal Reality is what our hearts crave, however one may perceive or even explain it. Huge forces are at play and we’re in the midst of and participants in this changeover. Hence some of the forces you may be sensing.

Ear To The Ground

This is how the native Americans knew what was coming. Listen to the earth. She resonates. She does not lie. She is constant and trustworthy. She is honest, and when she shrugs there’s a purpose.

Such should be our attitude toward all true natural resources, both physical and spiritual. As well as our interactive relationship with these marvelous sources. This is a time to connect with what is trustworthy – family, true friends and trusted sources, and the true understandings we’re being given. Much of this is intuitive but it’s nevertheless just as, if not more, profound.

Listening is key to our spiritual strength. The encouragement available is almost overwhelming when you tap into it. Without that sense of trust and grounding we’re going to feel “lost at sea” and very confused and disoriented. Dig into it.

Forget The Past – Now Is All That Matters

If you’re suffering from personal condemnation from past failures or unconscious living,  you’re not alone. None of us are up to the perfection level we innately sense should be our standard. However, it’s not meant to be that way. Nothing is expecting perfection or “attainment” of any sort. We are encased spirits in human form attempting to grasp the Universe. Parts of us get it, and other parts are digging their heels in. This conflict is our predicament and challenge.

It’s apparently meant to be part of our growing process.

We can only assume these events to be so because this is what we experience.  While we realize we’re living in a contrived matrix of deceit, our rooting and budding within this earthbound form is a very natural process. As we grow, we leave previous forms behind. Letting these go can be a dilemma but it’s actually quite simple.

Let them go. Release them. New awarenesses and awakenings are budding and that’s all that matters. While we can always learn from the past, we must not be condemned by it. Time is a river, and it moves on, just as you are not the same person dipping your foot in the river now as you were before, nor is the river the same. It moves on.

All is in flux.

The Practical Application

While this all may seem somewhat esoteric, it’s not completely. The decisions we make, as well as personal resolutions, are what determine our current reality. Our next decision is based upon our current understanding. That’s how we grow.

When we find ourselves awakened in a hostile environment it’s only natural to want to escape. When we’re confronted with untruths that beg to be addressed, we do so naturally. Not to offend, but to inform. As well as stand our conscious ground.

It’s not always easy, I know that. My point is that to respond consciously is being true to our response-ability. It’s that simple. Those who do so will see their lives directed accordingly. Those who don’t also will – but with a much less enlightened outcome.

We Each Are The Difference

When you look at society today it’s important to realize it’s an accumulation of social and spiritual cause and effect. All built on individual responses. This of course explains the mass media; mass educational indoctrination drastically affects our current populace. Our separation from it also does.

We need to break free from these accumulated influences. And have confidence in doing so. There are lot of psycho-spiritual influences working on each of us, and they’re important to identify, but more importantly shun their current and after-effects. We are free conscious being here having an experience. Learn from everything, deal with what needs to be dealt with, but most of all we must affirm our absolute freedom.

Slip on by to the other side. It’s a fun ride. Unhook the hinderances and let it go!

Give it a go; now’s the time to do it as the winds pick up. Leave unneeded baggage behind now. You’ll be glad you did.

Much love, Zen
