Essential Oils are a great tool to help with physical ailments and spiritual growth.
These oils have been around for centuries and are making a comeback into our modern day lives. Use these oils in addition to other tools like yoga, to help bring balance to your chakra system.
The essential oils can be mixed with coconut or olive oil, and applied topically by rubbing on the feet or corresponding chakra area. Alternatively, try an aromatherapy approach by using a diffuser, or or diluting in tea or water. You can also ingest these oils in capsule form.
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Located at the base of spine in tailbone area, this is where our sense of security lies.
Use patchouli for an enhanced sense of grounding and stability.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana)
The lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in — our creativity and sexuality.
Ylang Ylang and sandalwood both act as an aphrodisiac to aid in our sexual and reproductive energies.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The upper abdomen, in the stomach area — our self-esteem and confidence.
Use cinnamon to help heat up this power center, or peppermint to cool any excess fire in the system.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Located in the center of chest just above heart.
The scent of rose is related to our heart, and enhances romance and love. It is also helpful for alleviating depression and insomnia.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishudha)
Located in the throat — the center for self-expression.
Use eucalyptus to help clear sinuses and cure a sore throat or coughing, allowing this passageway to become free and clear for self-expression.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
At the forehead and in between the eyes is the gateway to our intuition.
Lavender oil is incredibly calming and great for headaches; a common occurrence whenever your third eye is blocked. We can calm the active mind with lavender to reach a higher state of consciousness.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The very top of the head is our universal connection to beauty and spirituality.
Frankincense is one of the most spiritually-charged oils. It has been around for thousands of years, and brings us mental peace and clarity.
Meme – There are seven main chakras, or energy centers, in the human body. They are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body. Each chakra is associated with a certain part of the body and a certain organ which it provides with the energy it needs to function. Additionally, just as every organ in the human body has its equivalent on the mental and spiritual level, so too every chakra corresponds to a specific aspect of human behavior and development.
The Human species has begun an evolutionary leap that is exponentially more abrupt than any known previous leaps – and it is happening to you. It is the work of the Shamans to help us navigate this extreme course.
The prophecies of my Q’ero shaman lineage speak of the evolutionary leap that humanity is undergoing at this time. And this evolutionary leap is unprecedented not only because of our current level of awareness and understanding as a species, but also because the overall trajectory of all previous evolutionary leaps is exponential. This means that each leap has happened sooner and quicker than the previous. My teachers speak of the fact that this leap isn’t just happening from one generation to the next, but within our generation.
Modern science and medicine is barely scratching the surface of the possibility that we can change our existing DNA and bodies within one lifetime. But modern science is only coming to a full understanding of just 5% of the known or theoretical Universe. The other 95% of everything is “dark” or unknown, and currently un-measurable.
Shamans not only see into that unknown, but actually have techniques to work with it and apply it to facilitate change in the 5% known experience. We see that the 95% of “dark energy and matter” as modern science calls it, and causay as the Q’ero call it, informs the 5% of the energy and matter that make up our conscious and sensory experiences. It is essentially a working and changeable blueprint for reality.
With this understanding, we can see that the evolutionary leap in our human bodies and minds as a species is and has been preceded by accelerating changes in the energetic blueprint that are being facilitated in many humans right now. And it is helpful not only to know that this is possible, but to help explain and deal with the implications in the most graceful way possible.
With all evolutionary leaps, one can only imagine that it comes with a certain amount of upheaval, shedding of many facets of the old paradigm, and varying degrees of discomfort, confusion, and even downright fear. It is our work as shamans to help humanity through it all with healing, vision, comforting, clarity, and even celebration.
The main thing to remember is that the you that is 95% of who you really are is not limited to this lifetime, this body, this mind, and this story- or perhaps even this planet or this Universe. In the English language, the you the feels like you and comprises your conscious awareness, personality, and tons of information and “coding” is called the Soul. In Sanskrit you’re called the Aura and Chakras, in Italian your called the Anima. Every language has a name for the you that is really you. So physical life and death, bodies, brains, and DNA are all relatively and extremely temporary vehicles by which you play in the theater of the Universe once again, and again, and again, and again.
Shamans understand that evolution and expansion are very desired aspects of the consciousness within and throughout all aspects of this theater for the simple reason that boredom is worse than annihilation. In other words we, or consciousness in general and in all forms and formless, keep evolving in to greater and greater complexity to keep it interesting and to see where we can take it through the creative process. And of course as a part of it all there are fits and starts, fear and back peddling, dead ends, destruction and construction, millennium of rest, and exhilaration filled leaps and bounds.
So if you are feeling like the old ways of looking at things and doing things is no longer cutting it, and/or you know children and adults that do not fit our current understanding, lifestyle, and constructs, then you are likely witnessing the evolutionary leap in progress. You may also being experiencing nothing short of the personal and collective revolution/upheaval that often accompanies such leaps, and which often comes with the extremes of feelings and emotions such as fear, pain, love, and pleasure. And to the extent that you can allow your mind to go along with it, to blow open and expand, to accept the unknown and the unknowable, to surrender to the inevitable evolution of who you really are and all that comes with it, then you may actually enjoy this part of the ride.
Call on your shamans to help you gracefully and quickly jettison any unnecessary baggage and stories that will no longer be necessary or useful in the new paradigm, and that would only hurt worse to be ripped away the hard way. And together let’s align the 95% blueprint with the ideal vision that we manifest by dreaming it into being as co-creators of the Universe(s).
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-01-2014
Beloved masters, you are presently in the midst of becoming your genuine, authentic Self through the process of ascension, which involves ever-expanding cycles of Soul growth. Your OverSoul-Higher Self is ever urging you onward and upward into the Light of more complex and powerful fields of consciousness. The quality of your life’s experience is determined by the frequencies of your thoughts moment-by-moment. The more energy you put into a thought, along with the repetition, determines how quickly a thought pattern will manifest, and how it will affect you in your present reality. Your thought forms radiate outward in an Infinity pattern where they join with compatible energetic fields of consciousness–a specific level of mass consciousness energy within the sub-dimensional hologram of life in which you presently exist. The frequencies of fear and negativity are very powerful in the third/fourth-dimensional stream of mass consciousness. Whatever negative emotions are the strongest in any situation will constantly be presented to you in different ways until you transmute the discordant energy into higher vibrational Light patterns.
As more and more of your old reality fades away and you move deeper into uncharted territory, you must learn to trust and have faith that the future is unfolding perfectly no matter how chaotic and disruptive it may seem at times. First, you must learn to trust yourself and this can be the most difficult step, for you have been taught that others are wiser than you, and they know what is best for you. This may have been true when you were a child; however, you are now adults with a golden opportunity before you, for the wisdom of the higher universal truths is now available to all humanity. We of the higher realms are here in great force to assist you to attain Self-Mastery and to reclaim your rightful state as a Spirit-infused, human Being.
In some form, all of you have given away your power in most of your incarnations on the Earth. You became conditioned and accustomed to what has been called the “herd-state,” whereby others in positions of authority set the rules and told you what to do. Like it or not, you adhered to the accepted, restrictive dogma of the time, for it felt safer than to resist and try to chart your own course.
A vital component of Self-mastery is learning to function through the intellect of the Sacred Heart. As you strengthen the connection between your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart, you will begin to access the wisdom of the Soul, your Higher Self and the multidimensional facets of your Self. Your Soul, your Higher Self, your guides, guardians and angelic helpers communicate with you through your Soul Self and your Sacred Heart. The whispers of Spirit in the unawakened become a mighty voice of loving wisdom and comfort as you awaken to the strength and majesty of your own divinity.
Your chakra system was designed to draw forth and integrate Creator Light/energy into the human body, as well as to contain all of the attributes, qualities and virtues of your godly Self. The function of the glandular system is to transfer that energy into material substance to be used by the physical vessel. You are relearning how to breathe the way you were originally designed to breathe, which gives you access to Prana, the breath of Life, and also assists in the integration of the pure Creator Essence of life called Adamantine Particles. In those first golden ages, these wondrous tools and techniques were used without distortion to manifest unlimited energy, and they facilitated the creation of everything necessary to live in comfort and abundance. In those wondrous times, the Earth was a true paradise called the Garden of EDON.
In order to gain access to and connect with the higher mental body, you must strive to stay centered within the Sacred Heart. This process can only be initiated once you have a firm control on your physical-emotional body. The conscious mind must have periods of silence in order to attune to the subtle whispers of the Soul and your Higher Self. You will attain peace of mind by consciously breathing through the Sacred Heart (the Infinity Breath), which becomes a natural way of breathing once you establish the Infinity Pattern within your physical vessel, and practice the technique until it becomes a habit. It is vitally important that you learn to breathe mindfully. Through the process of focused breathing–by following the path of the breath–you will gradually become aware of the different parts of your body. Your Body Elemental’s signals of discomfort or dis-ease are very subtle at first. If you do not heed these signals, they will gradually evolve into pain or possibly a serious illness.
While existing in the restrictive vibrational fields of the third- / lower-fourth-dimensional world, humanity has access to only the half-spectrum Primal Life Force Energy–energy which creates crude matter and creates evolutionary boundaries. We have spoken before of the structures of the material plane of consciousness, and how the structured beliefs you have created imprison and restrict you just as effectively as can any physical structure. Your physical body can be a vessel of delight, joy and freedom, or it can be a prison of pain and limitation. Your relationships, job, family or spiritual beliefs can be beautiful, rewarding and bring a sense of self-worth, satisfaction and accomplishment, or they can be a heavy burden and make you feel unappreciated, worthless and dis-empowered.
We have often said that moving out of your comfort zone and the collective conscious belief structure is a very courageous thing to do. Bravely going forth to seek and live your own truth is the first step in taking back your personal power. As you release the shackles of the past and come to the understanding that you are in control of your future, you begin the process of awakening to your potential as a master cocreator. As you gain wisdom and begin to enjoy the positive results of your endeavors, you begin to trust yourself and your judgment. Your multi-sensory perception expands and becomes stronger, and you learn to view both the positive and negative results of your choices from a higher vantage point, thereby gradually learning to make decisions from a heart-centered point of view.
You are learning that in order to create your new reality of joy, harmony and abundance, you must endeavor to discover and integrate your own highest truths, and then live your personal philosophy to the best of your ability. Through experience, you have learned the rules of karma, the painful cause and effect results of distorted thought and action. Down through the aeons of time, you have become proficient cocreators in the material realms of existence. Through much effort and practice you have learned to mold Primal Life Force Substance into a multitude of forms, many of which were elegant and inspiring, and others of which were distorted, for they were a reflection of your diminished vibratory force field.
The process of ascending into the higher-dimensional realms of greater Light requires that you strive to unify your earthly consciousness with each higher vibrational level of God-consciousness. The Grand Plan was designed so that your reentry into the higher realms would be accomplished through the integration of the White Fire Seed Atoms stored within the Diamond Core God Cell of each more advanced, facet of your Higher Self. One-by-one, step-by-step, you are integrating the will power, the wisdom, the attributes and qualities of each vaster facet of your OverSoul. How quickly and easily you accomplish this is up to you, for you were given the gift of FREE WILL, which is an important component within the grand design for this Sub-universal experience.
Every facet of Creator consciousness in this Sub-universe has experienced Soul-body fragmentation, and every Soul, at every level and station of Beingness, is now in the process of healing and reuniting with the many facets of Itself. You will integrate as many facets of Self as is humanly possible while in your present physical vessel, and the process will continue as you traverse the higher realms of existence. You are bio-computers with harmonic resonance. Each of you is a complex vibratory Being. You have become accustomed to the slower, denser energy of the third/fourth dimensions; however, you are in the process of balancing, harmonizing and lifting the resonance of your force field in order to ascend into a more refined, higher-dimensional state of Being. You must remember that you are a unique facet of the Creator, and you should treasure your uniqueness as you strive to return to the Oneness of your Divine Self. You have a wealth of experience and wisdom to share with the multiple facets of your Self, and your successes have been duly recorded in the Cosmic Records for future reference. You are learning to erase from your memory and free yourselves from the confines of the collective consciousness belief system; and via your Pyramids of Light in the higher dimensions, you are also learning to soar into the more refined realms of awareness. Each time you do so, you gradually bring back with you into your physical vessel and your auric field a portion of the uplifting, harmonious frequencies of the higher realms, which build a stronger, more radiant and expanded force field around you.
When you are filled to overflowing with Love/Light and your OverSoul-Higher Self is the director of your life and experiences, you no longer worry about getting your share of love, wealth, respect and so on, for the validation of who and what you are radiates forth from within. That is when you move into the higher vibrational mode of a Self-master, and the little self or ego desire body returns to its proper role as a servant of the Soul Self. You know without a doubt that you have access to the riches, virtues and talents of your Divine birthright, and that you create your own reality via your seed thoughts, intentions and actions. Group consciousness and interaction become more important to you than individual friendships. You are developing all-encompassing, unconditional love and compassion for everyone, and you are no longer totally dependent on anyone person or any thing in the physical realm.
When you call upon your Higher Self each day before you arise, and ask that your will be aligned with the Will of your Divine Self for your greatest good, a shaft of golden/white Light will surround you, each and every moment, as you go out into the third/fourth-dimensional world. In this way, you are giving your Soul-Self permission to guide, inspire and direct you. You will be strengthening the connection between your Higher-Self, the angelic realm and the great Beings of Light so that they may begin to communicate with you through your intuition, and they will assist you in making the highest choices each and every moment of the day.
Everything expands from the center outward, including all creation. The closer you are to the center, the more God Power and radiance you will possess. As you progress on the path of higher Self-awareness as a shining Being of Light, sacred love, a joyful, serene demeanor, along with an intense desire to be of service to others will prevail.
Diligently make it a habit to focus on what is right in your everyday life and the world, and begin to envision yourself as you desire to become. We have emphasized that you must practice nonjudgment and that includes judgment of Self. Remember, you now have access to all of the Creator Particles of Light/Life that you can draw forth into your Sacred Heart, and always be aware that these Adamantine Particles of Creation can only be activated by your pure loving intention.
Faith is an intrinsic facet of trust: faith in yourself and your judgment, faith in those around you who have proven themselves trustworthy and honorable, faith in our Father/Mother God, the universal laws, and the Divine Blueprint for the future of humanity. We are not speaking of blind faith, for that is another way of giving your power away to someone else–their teachings or rules. In your material world, faith is built through actions and positive outcome, a function of the mind filtered through the heart. The heart is both a magnetic and radiating vortex, and it is the storehouse for the true source of human power. Your Sacred Mind holds the seed thoughts of your past and the future, and it is your personal source of the Divine will and power from our heavenly Father/Mother God. Your seed thoughts for the future must be incubated within the Sacred Heart, and the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light ignited by your altruistic love. Thereby, through your pure intention and actions they are manifested in the world of form. Abundance of all kinds is a natural manifestation when you are in harmonious attunement with Spirit and the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.
Dearly beloved ones, it may seem as though the world and your personal life are falling apart. Your personal reality is shifting and changing so quickly that you feel as though you are living on “shifting sand.” The tests and challenges are so dramatic and are happening so quickly that you feel overwhelmed and often wonder: “What am I doing wrong and when will it end?”
Remember what we told you about the Dweller at the threshold and the Angel of Presence who stands guard over the Portal of Light? You, the Wayshowers and designated Vanguard, are clearing the Sacred Pathway, and you are laying the foundation for the Divine Blueprint/frequencies of the New Age. In order to do so, you must clear and harmonize the major portion of discordant vibrational patterns that remain within your four lower-body systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric.
This is necessary in order for you to integrate as much of the “radiance” of the new, more powerful God Rays as possible–the powerful and transformative Essence of the Creator- –which is now bombarding the Earth and humanity. We have told you that the situations you are now experiencing are not specific “karmic actions” that you are clearing, for millions of you have moved into a State of Grace, and are no longer affected by the past. They are a refinement process or a “Ritual of Passage,” which is a necessary cleansing and clearing process, so that you may step through the doorway or “Portal of Light” into the rarified realms of your future world. The Angel of Presence is slowly opening the Portal so that more and more Light may shine through and assist you to complete this Ritual of Passage. You are nearing the end of the “tunnel of transformation,” beloveds, and we encourage you to “HOLD STEADY.” Your daily and nightly prayers/mantras should include: “I SHALL PREVAIL.”
We are ever near to give you strength when you falter, to share our wisdom when you are confused and do not know which way to turn, but first and foremost, we are here to love you now and forevermore.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.
Opening Psychic Potential Within Your Body: A channeling from Norma Gentile blended with Shesat
Story by: Norma Gentile
Improving our psychic ability is not about learning to manipulate energies around us, so much as recognizing that we are already manipulating energy. In Western culture we have been taught that thinking is the ultimate way to control our lives. If we think hard enough we will solve the problem or manifest a result. Our minds are on overload trying to do it all by themselves!
The other partners in creation, our heartfelt emotions, our body’s embrace of the physical pattern of form, and our soul’s expression of love through us, have been left untapped. What would happen if we allowed the mind to be occupied with something long enough that these other aspects of our creative and psychic abilities could step forward?
Our mind has been trying to organize our lives and tell us what to do and when to do it for our entire lifetime. We can congratulate it on a job well done! Now we want to listen to our body, our emotions and our soul. We have reached the point in our evolutionary journey where our brain, the mass of cells that make up the physical aspect of our mind, can become the translator of the impulses of energy arising from our body, heart and soul. These other aspects of our being are constantly sharing their experiences with us. We need only quiet the process of thinking we are accustomed to in order to hear their wisdom.
This wisdom speaks to us as pictures, such as memories, images or symbols arising out of meditation. Sometimes our body speaks to us psychically as sudden twinges of discomfort or itchy skin or odd sensations. These are merely physical interpretations of energies that no longer vibrate in the same manner as our physical body.
Kinesthetic sensations such as a smooth easy breath or feeling stillness inside of our body are ways that our mind translates the energies that are in tune with each of us. The mind is not creating into the world of form, making something manifest externally, but rather into the world inside of our body. From there all facets of who we are support manifestation into our life.
As the world external to us is shifting and changing so dramatically, the one constant we have is our physical body. The intelligence wired into our physical form is the one constant that has connections to all the possibilities, potentialities and plans that our soul might choose for us.
The brain is but a tiny portion of our physical form. Information is brought to it from all of the nerves in our physical bodies. Within each layer of our aura we have equivalent nerves that bring us information. This information can only be heard and fully translated by engaging with the psychic abilities of our entire physical body.
In fact, each chakra brings us information at its own psychic level. Each cell of our body translates the energetic impulses of spirit for us so that we can feel, see, sense, taste and smell these spiritual energies. And the psychic ability that exists within each cell exists because that cell recognizes the divinity of each physical molecule of our body. We are not spiritual brains. We are indeed spiritual beings.
May your journey be so blessed,
Shesat and Norma
This is an excerpt from a blended channeling of Norma and Shesat (Thoth’s female consort). A recording of the complete meditation is offered freely on Itunes (Podcasts>Norma Gentile > #38 Weaving Creation into Time) or at Norma’s website under Meditations.
Norma Gentile
Sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She trained as both a professional singer and energy worker.
The Navel Chakra – a quick primer
The primary way that the body generates its own prana (energy or chi) is through the navel chakra and your breath. As you breathe in there are two vortexes located at your physical navel; one in front and in back. With each breath prana is drawn through the back and front vortexes of the navel chakra into the core of your body. To the extent that the navel chakra (both front and back vortexes) are tuned to your soul and body accurately you generate prana that is usable by your body now.
Just like any of the multitude of major and minor chakras in our body, our navel chakra is probably somewhat out of tune with our soul’s journey in our body. One of the most common causes of not having enough ‘get up and go’ or ‘seeing it through to the end’ is having the navel chakra not tuned to your body, to your soul, or tuned into this moment in time. Too often our navel chakra still reflects the umbilical cord connection to our mother or our family. It can also be tuned to generate energy for our body as it existed during another period of our life. Or even be tuned to generate life force for a spouse or other person we deem more needful or more important than our self.
As the navel vortexes, both in back and in front, are tuned to your body and soul in this moment now, energy is generated that is usable by your entire chakra system. This energy is often referred to as prana or chi. Great Masters of various spiritual traditions have the ability to generate large amounts of prana within their body. This amassing of prana allows them to relate to the physical world without being bound by all of the physical world’s rules. They can, at times, choose to use this prana as a means of moving outside of the rules dictated by our physical universe.
Prana exists all around us. Our personal prana, tuned specifically to our bodies, exists within the pranic tube (running up and down in the center of our bodies) and in pranic spheres located in and around our body. We have the ability to store prana that our body can use within pranic spheres located in our head, heart, and navel. There appear to be other spheres of pranic energy above and below the physical body as well. At the present moment I am seeing the three pranic spheres within the body as being the most active.
The pranic sphere related to the body center lies deep within the body at or just under the navel chakra. Its center point varies from person to person. I see it either directly behind the physical navel or hovering an inch or two lower in the body. This lower position is the most common; where the upper part of the pranic sphere intersects with center of the navel chakra.
The pranic sphere located at your navel is the equivalent of your magic ball. It is the basis of the prana within your pranic tube and hence the entire chakra system. It is from this sphere that prana (energy, chi) is distributed to every major chakra in your body through the pranic tube. Sometimes a depletion of energy in your life or body stems from an inability to generate sufficient prana at the navel chakra.
Each of the major chakras has its center within the pranic tube. Each chakra is supplied with prana from the central channel or pranic tube. Each chakra then collects its own appropriate energies by drawing additional energy or prana from the outside into the core of the chakra through the webbing of the vortex that make up each chakra. The prana provided in the pranic tube mixes with the prana drawn in and tuned by the vortex of the chakra. This prana, unique to each chakra, is then dispersed from the chakra’s core into the pranic tube to other chakras and to layers of the aura surrounding and interpenetrating the physical body. In this fashion the prana generated at the navel chakra becomes the basis of all prana available to your body.
If there is a lack of this most basic navel prana, the entire process of creating energies for the body to use at each of the chakras is greatly diminished. In my private practice I am routinely finding that it is not individual chakra issues we are addressing now, but overall issues related to simply not generating enough navel chakra prana in our daily living.
As a singer I am fortunate because I can set aside time to sing each day. As I sing I naturally breathe deeply and generate prana. When I do yoga or swim I am also generating prana. But how often do we give ourselves permission to do something that has us actively engaged in conscious breathing? For most people the answer is never.
Breathing Practice to Build Prana
Let’s change that with a simple conscious breathing practice you can do on your own. This is especially good to do when needing to move out of boredom or stagnation. Don’t do this while driving as it might make you light-headed or distract you. Do try this while seated and in a location where you feel comfortable.
Find your navel chakra. You may need to put your hand on your body to do this. Now imagine or feel where your navel’s pranic sphere might be. You don’t have to know this exactly or even be sure of it. Just let yourself explore the possibility that there is a sphere of energy within your body at or slightly below your physical navel.
Breathe out all the way. Feel the muscles of your abdomen and lower torso move inward. You may feel the upper abdomen directly below your ribs move inward and also upward a bit. This is the diaphragm moving upward and expelling air out from your lungs.
Now relax and allow the air to move back into all of the areas of your body that it just moved out of. While our intake of air is of course limited to our lungs, the process of breathing can involve almost every muscle of our body. For now, let’s focus on our torso, and allowing all the areas that want to move with the breath to be free to move.
Start with a slow count of two.
One – Two breathe out.
One – Two breathe in.
Repeat four times
Now go to a count of three.
One – Two –Three breathe out.
One – Two – Three breathe in.
Repeat four times
Now do the same on a count of four.
One – Two –Three – Four breathe out.
One – Two – Three – Four breathe in.
Repeat four times. You may continue this pattern of breathing as long as you feel you want to, up to ten minutes.
If at any time you feel you are getting out of breath and need to breathe more quickly do so, and start the breathing pattern over again at One – Two. As you practice this you will find that you can slow down the counting more and more. This type of breathing, inhaling and exhaling at the same speed and amount, generates a lovely quality of balance in the overall energy field of your body. It creates prana that is tuned to your own body’s balance. This breathing pattern done daily will help to supply your body with its own source of well refined prana.
After you finish breathing, or even during the process, you may notice that the pranic sphere appears to be growing larger or brighter. For those who do not see energies, your body may feel fuller or warmer around your navel. This indicates you are successfully generating more of your own prana as you breathe.
You may also notice discomfort in your body or a sense of unease. As you are filling the navel sphere and your pranic tube with your own prana there is less space for energies that are not in tune with your body and soul. As a result these energies are pushed up into your conscious. They are often interpreted as odd or repeating thoughts, relatively sudden emotions or emotionally charged memories, heaviness or quickly arising body aches. These are all interpretations made by your body, mind and heart of energies that no longer fit you and your life.
Ask each thought, emotion, memory and body ache if it is really yours. Is it really yours now, in this moment? I find it best to keep as much of your attention as possible on the breathing process and ask the questions silently as the sensations arise. These questions coming from your consciousness indicate to the energy behind the thought, emotion or physical sensation that you are ready to release it onto its own journey now. There is no need to follow it as it leaves, and most of the time there is no need to know what it is.
If there is something more you need to know please trust that you will get it from within spontaneously or from the Universe at a later point in time. This process of breathing is meant to bring you out of your head and into your body…so stay in the body with the process as much as possible.
Why Build Prana Consciously? To hear your Spiritual Helpers more clearly.
As you breathe you generate more and more energy that perfectly supports your body. This pranic energy acts as a medium that fills the space between your body, your guides and angels, and your soul. The more this space is filled with your pranic energy, the easier it is for you to hear the messages that are coming to you from your soul, your guides and your angels.
I am sure you have had the experience of being faced with a decision. And as you are presented with the possibilities, one jumps out immediately as being the appropriate choice for you. It feels like a fit to you, and often there is a sense of relaxation or expansion when you are presented with this option. As you build more prana throughout your lifetime your soul’s connection into your body is enhanced. The sensation of what fits and what doesn’t fit is magnified by the presence of this prana, tuned to your body.
What doesn’t fit for you eventually doesn’t fit literally within your body or your aura. For myself, I experience options that don’t fit me as a twisting sensation in my gut. Those situations and choices that do fit me feel comfortable, even though they might appear to be physically difficult to undertake. There is an innate expansion in my auric field when I consider a choice that is appropriate to my soul and body. Acting upon this choice results in my creating more of this same quality of prana to fill my aura.
When we are considering different choices, it is our navel chakra that experiences each of the options first. The pattern of each choice is tested within the navel chakra, and our body tells us the resulting ‘yes’ or ‘no’. We can do this while being presented with the choices (by someone speaking to us, for example “Do you want to go see a movie tonight?”), as well as while we are in a meditative state and holding each option within our mind as a thought or mind’s eye as a picture. For most people feeling their navel chakra and body response to different choices is at first a very subtle art, best done in meditation.
Ideally when we sit quietly and breathe we are generating prana which is accurately tuned to our bodies. Then, as we are faced with a decision, enough prana is present in the various layers of our energy field so that we can feel which option fits best. Without sufficient prana, a means to generate it, and an ability to sit quietly, there is no medium to carry the communication between our body, our guides and angels, and our soul.
Sitting in deep stillness and focusing on our breath is one of the ways we build prana. While it seems to be the simplest, the art of meditating on the breath is quite vast.
In our culture we are seldom exhorted to enter into meditation or a conscious state of deep stillness. We are seldom expected to notice how our buttocks are interacting with the chair or surface upon which we are sitting. In fact, we are seldom praised for being consciously within our bodies much at all, especially that part of ourselves below our waists!
As you breathe while consciously aware of stillness, your heart chakras open more. As your upper thymus gland and traditional heart chakras both open, each breath generates prana, tuned to your soul’s journey, which in turn allows a greater ability for you to be connected from your heart with all that surrounds you.
With this meditation you have linked your heart to your body center. You are beginning to regain the conscious awareness of your body that you had as an infant. This awareness of the physical body ceased as you lived within your culture, but it can be regained. As you do regain it you open into numerous possibilities of sensing and feeling connections to others and to all that surrounds you, both in form and not in form.
Validate the changes you have made…this process will continue!
This essay comes out of thoughts and meditations shared during a recent live channeling. The meditative channeling itself is available as a free podcast #37 Breathing Stillness, Generating at Norma’s podcast page
Norma Gentile
Sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She trained as both a professional singer and energy worker.
In our purest form, we are consciousness; we are the light that experiences everything. The instrument through which we experience our light – the human body – is essentially created by sound, i.e. atoms vibrating on different frequencies. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter that constitutes the Universe, from the finest elements to the coarsest.
Lumen is defined as the total amount of visible light emitted by a source.
When the white light of consciousness enters the body, it refracts and travels through seven different organs and glands with seven different frequencies. Each frequency regulates the characteristics and color of light emitted. For example, when the consciousness light enters the pineal gland, the energy emitted is violet due to the specific vibration of the gland.
By that standard, The LumenOctave is the light of consciousness experienced through an octave of sound frequencies: the seven frequencies plus the origin of the octave.
The explanation behind this can be found in music theory. In a musical scale, there are seven notes: Root, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh are the scale degrees relative to the root note – the origin of the octave. The seven-tone scale is the formula of a cosmic law defined by ancient schools applied to music. However, studying the manifestations of the law of octaves in vibrations of other kinds shows that the law applies to everything else in our reality; that light, heat, chemical, magnetic, and other vibrations are subject to the same principles as sound vibrations. For instance, the light scale is known to physics; in chemistry, the periodic system of the elements is closely connected with the principle of octaves.
Sunlight entering and leaving a drop of water to create a rainbow is a simple natural phenomenon exemplifying this law. When the light of the sun leaves the prism, it is no longer white, but spreads into seven rays of different color: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, depending on the angle though which is enters and leaves.
How does this apply to the Human Experience?
Musical sounds are organized into patterns of harmony. Noise is random, disorganized sounds. A harmonious sound is called a tone, and is produced by vibrations contained in an organized way for the performer to control the loudness, quality and duration of the tone.
Similarly, the harmony of the LumenOctave – essentially the interplay between body and spirit – is determined by a person’s intentional ability to take charge of the tones within the octave and create harmony in life instead of disruption and noise.
The eight tones of the LumenOctave
Each tone of the LumenOctave is the native sound to a specific aspect of the human experience, e.g. finances, sex, relationships, personal boundaries, love, communication, independence, mental clarity and purpose, etc. By that definition, each tone communicates in clear messages about what works within that aspect – and what doesn’t. Below is an overview of each tone, its native region, color and purpose, and most importantly, how it communicates.
Purpose: To establish a strong connection to the higher self
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Bipolar disorder, ADD, dyslexia, epilepsy, MS, Parkinson’s, memory loss or a personal history of strokes or brain tumor
You know your first tone is harmonious when you feel an unconditional love for yourself and everyone around you knows it. You are connected to your higher self and are living out your purpose, expressing your work on the planet on a daily basis. You are fully aware that your purpose is unique, focused and specific to whom you are. Your radiance is evident to others.
You know your first tone is disharmonious when you feel stuck in a dull repetitive job – like you are called to do something great, but unable to identify what it is. You don’t have the courage to break away from the secure monthly paycheck, opening the space to discover your special contribution to the world. You feel abandoned by God.
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent headaches, sinus pressure around the eyes, bad eyesight, cataracts, glaucoma, insomnia, paranoia or depression
Your second tone is active when clarity of mind is a regular and natural state for you. Having a calm, primed mind gives you a powerful presence in this world. You don’t need any external means to stay sharp and clear – in stead, you easily tap into the unlimited resources of your intelligence. Other people respect you for your quick mind and ability to see things clearly. Your life is a series of synchronicities and you feel the flow of life on a daily basis.
You know your second tone is inactive when you feel a lack of mental clarity, good memory, or the ability to handle stress. You are unable to stay focused and efficient, and unable of relaxing your mind to heal negative thought patterns that cloud your life. You feel confused and often lose sight of the big picture. You wish could get a bird’s eye view of what is going on in your life.
Purpose: To ensure that messages from the pineal gland are communicated and integrated within your body. The home of DNA programming and re-programming
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Teeth-grinding, issues with mouth, teeth, or gums, nervous breakdown, neurosis, psychosis, anxiety disorders
You know your third tone is active when you realize that living out your true potential is not defined by right or wrong, good or bad, normal or strange. You live your life in harmony and balance, unaffected by the opinions of others – even if they represent a majority. You have the courage to follow your dreams, free from “I shouldn’t”, “I ought to” and “I must”.
You know you need to focus on your third tone when you are caught in a situation because it is expected of you, or in a relationship because it’s ‘wrong’ to get a divorce. You feel uneasy with the unconventional and easily get embarrassed when those around you act out of the norm – especially in public! You care about what others think to a point where you will change your path to conform, even if deep down, you don’t really want to.
Tone 4: Communication
Physical Location: Thyroid Gland
Native Energy: Electro Magnetic
Native Aspects: Ether, Truth Aura
Color: Sky Blue
Purpose: To give you the gift of clear, truthful verbal and non-verbal communication
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Weakened immunity, swollen throat glands or frequent sore throat or laryngitis, hormonal imbalances, neck or upper back pain, thyroid problems, chronic sinus issues, lymphedema or hypothyroidism
When your fourth tone is active, you are not afraid of voicing your opinion, and those around you value what you have to say. They know you speak the truth, even if it is uncomfortable to some. You feel comfortable talking in front of large groups of people and know how to captivate them with your messages. You are a great judge of character, and are able to decode non-verbal as well as verbal communication.
You know your fourth tone is inactive when you feel uncomfortable delivering a difficult message, to yourself as well as to others. You often find yourself accepting things to be true, even if you know they’re not – “I’m OK with this”, “I’m glad I lost my job”, “It probably happened for the best”.
Tone 5: Love
Physical Location: Thymus Gland, Lung Region
Native Energy: Electrical
Native Aspects: Air, Happiness, Environment
Color: Green
Purpose: To create contentment, happiness, love and freedom
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent upper respiratory ailments, chest pain, high blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, lung issues, breast problems, poor circulation, carpal tunnel, or problems with shoulders or arms
You know your fifth tone is healthy when you feel happy and loved. You know that you are complete in your own being, happy just the way you are, and no one can take that away from you. Loneliness is not a part of your life, but the sense of freedom to do what your heart desires is. You know the true meaning of forgiveness – of yourself and others.
You know that your fifth tone is inactive when you often feel a sense of abandonment and wish that people were there for you. Loneliness and the dominant desire to find the one true love that completes your life are recurring themes in your thoughts. Even if you want to let go and forgive, pain and hurt linger on in you, even years after.
Tone 6: Personal Power
Physical Location: Solar Plexus
Native Energy: Thermal
Native Aspects: Fire, Confidence, Strength
Color: Yellow
Purpose: To create a strong personal foundation and the power to say NO
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Diabetes or low blood sugar, digestive difficulties, liver problems, hiatal hernia, gallstones, varicose veins or stomach ulcers
When your sixth tone is active, you see the importance of taking care of your own needs before helping others. You are admired for your confidence and charisma and like to empower others to feel the same. You master the balance between staying true to yourself and working cohesively in a team. You never let anger bottle up inside, but make sure to address a conflict straight away.
You know your sixth tone is unhealthy when others cross your personal boundaries time and time again. However, you can’t let them know. You either feel very angry or completely powerless when a conflict arises. You put the need of others before your own, even if they don’t truly appreciate your help. You often feel like the scapegoat – as if people are out to get you.
Tone 7: Beauty
Physical Location: Womb or Sacrum
Native Energy: Chemical
Native Aspects: Water, Relationships, Emotions
Color: Orange
Purpose: To create sensations of beauty, gentility, femininity and creativity. The home of sensuality and sexuality
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Gynecological problems (such as fibroids, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, or ovarian problems), prostate problems, bowel disorders, low back pain, or bladder or urinary issues, eating disorder or intestinal parasites
You know your seventh tone is active when you cherish the relationship with yourself as your most important one. You embrace all aspects of your intimate and emotional life, and let yourself feel vulnerable and cry if you feel sad. You are happy with your body and know that it is beautiful because you made it so. Your sense of creativity is expressed in different areas of you life: when cooking, when playing with your children or when making love, just to mention some.
You know your seventh tone is inactive if your sense of perfection overrules your sense of creativity. You feel uncomfortable with the unknown and prefer to stick to the plan. Intimacy is a challenging area of you life, and you don’t like showing emotions. You rarely experience a sense of good chemistry with people you have just met – it takes a while for you to let people in.
Tone 8: Abundance
Physical Location: Rectum
Native Energy: Physical
Native Aspects: Earth, Blood, Sex, Money
Color: Red
Purpose: To make money with what you love. Have great sex. Manifest abundance
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Foot or leg pain, spinal problems, low bone density, adrenal issues, colon problems, hemorrhoids, sexual dysfunction (impotence or frigidity)
You know your eighth tone is active when you are making money, doing what you love. Other people admire you for your ability to create abundance and opportunities in all aspects of your life – money, sex and love – and to act on them with swiftness and grace. You feel safe in life and never let fear get the best of you.
You know your eighth tone is inactive when you feel trapped in money matters – no matter how much you work, there never seems to be enough. You work to live – not live to work. Your sex life doesn’t bring you joy, and neither do spiders, snakes, small rooms or large crowds – phobias are not unknown territory to you.
As we approach the first Equinox of 2012, the energies on Planet Earth are becoming very active and intense and a little unstable. Many people have noticed this, especially in the wake of a series of Solar Flares that have brought new information and new Light Codes for Evolution into our Planetary and Personal Light Body Fields. But, at this time, there is more going on than simply Solar Flare activity. The Earth is preparing herself for the alignments and passages of 2012, we are being brought “up to speed” in a very literal way.
Firstly, the Solar Flare activity brought through the new Light Codes that would begin anchoring in the 8th and 9th Dimensions of Consciousness and begin the structuring of the Earth Keeper Councils. This information is received by the Pineal Gland and then the Pituitary Glands in the Body. Both of these glands are in “hyper” mode right now. This can be compared to a major “download” or “upgrade” in a computer, where the new information requires extensive re-patterning and rebooting. Our cells are receiving new instructions and out neural networks receiving new patterns. We need some “down time” to reboot. I personally spent the week-end in bed just allowing the process. The most likely symptoms of this process are dizziness, as the Pineal is activate to the maximum, inability to sleep also due to Pineal activation, and mood swings and depression, this related to pressure on the emotions and hormonal system via the Pituitary gland.
This energy is being felt by everyone on the Planet in some way, whether conscious or not. And, as if that were not enough, there is another process happening right now. Archangel Michael informs us that the Earth is raising her “base frequency” right now, which means that on the holographic level the frequency rate is rising and everything is accelerating. This is to facilitate the Earth’s passage through the 2012 Portal at the end of the year. You can imagine it like the Earth lining up to pass through the eye of a needle, the aim has to be just right and the speed just right, so that we all make it through.
What this means on the physical level is that the lower chakras, the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus, are all accelerating their spin. Which in turn means that any old “stuff” still lurking there is being spun off and there is pressure on these chakras. This in turn means that you may feel pain and stress in your body as the body gets used to the increased frequency. The good part of this, of course, is that the higher frequencies will support the manifestation of the New Earth in the physical plane at the same time that the old stuff is getting spun out of the cycle. We can expect more of the old to fall apart and more of the “new” to start to manifest.
You may feel, a bit like I have, that you are being spun out of the cycle yourself, but hold in there, it is just a time of change, transition and acceleration, like changing gear as you head out onto the open road!
I would also like to say that it is our beautiful children who are assisting us with this change….there are so many beautiful Crystal Starchildren now who have been born in the last ten years and who are “wired” for this acceleration. In fact, they are leading it, and that is why so many children are having a difficult time physically right now.
And another point is that as we accept this acceleration and seek to bring it into balance within ourselves, we are assisting the planet in not having to experience a “disaster” to release this energy. Remember this time last year, with Japan and the tsunami? This year, let’s hope we can work to balance this energy together with the Elementals and the Dragons so that the Earth can stay in balance.
So, to everyone reading this, hang in there for the next few days and stay balanced. Rest when you need to, look after your physical being, and know that this will pass in a few days! This is our privilege, to carry the energy as Earth Keepers and assist our beautiful Planet in her Journey of Ascension.
Deepak Chopra is making a video game about your chakras
By Winda Benedetti
Many different kinds of stars have had video games made about them. Sports stars like Tiger Woods, exercise gurus like Jillian Michaels, and even the Black Eyed Peas have all had video games created around who they are and what they do.
And now Deepak Chopra — controversial spiritualist, alternative-medicine guru and self-help author — is getting in on the video game action too.
And no, he isn’t making a first-person shooter.
Chopra has joined forces (both metaphysical and real) with THQ to create the game “Leela” — which means “play” in Sanskrit and is due to launch Nov. 8 on the Xbox 360 and Wii. The game will use the Xbox 360 Kinect motion sensor or, in its Wii version, will have players hold a Wii Remote controller as it guides players through meditation exercises.