Who Is Pulling the Strings?

Who is THEY? /Corey Lynn

Good summary of who runs the world with tons of links and references

(Here is the link to the full article at coreysdigs.com)


Here is just a little bit of this report:

People want names, so let’s start here. This is a big part of the hierarchy, leaving some unknowns hidden behind the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In Corey Lynn’s 3-part report on Laundering with Immunity, it explains in explicit detail as to how and when BIS came about and how BIS and 63 central banks devised a plan to hold immunities and privileges. Shortly thereafter, in 1945 the UN was manifested by some of the plotters for this grand takeover, and immunities and privileges came right along with it the following day. This was the beginning of the control framework and how they would be able to carry out their agendas while operating entirely outside the law. All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organizations working with them. Long before the UN being established, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created. They too were the first to receive immunities and privileges, alongside the UN, as they work in conjunction with one another. And, they too can extend these immunities to organizations they work with. In addition to the banks, the UN and OAS, the Global Fund, Gavi, and WEF were also given these immunities, and numerous other key international organizations as well. In total, there are 76 international organizations that hold these immunities and privileges, and that’s on top of BIS and the central banks.

Whereas the UN and OAS hold treaties with a slew of countries giving them ironclad layers of protections, the other international organizations hold immunities, privileges, and headquarters agreements independently with each country who opted to do so, and there are many! The U.S. set the stage for this, doling them out to 76 organizations throughout every presidency except for Trump and Biden.

Read Laundering with Immunity to grasp the full scope of what these immunities and privileges entail. For starters, all of their archives are inviolable, their property and assets are immune from search and seizure, they are exempt from every kind of tax regular people pay, including property taxes, officers and employees are exempt from legal suits, employees and their family members can travel the world without checks from customs, military and police are not allowed to enter their headquarters, and much more.

Once people understand that THIS is the control framework – the structure that was created nearly 80 years ago so that they can operate outside the law and never be held accountable, it’s easy to see how all of the other pieces fall into place.

Who is THEY? That alone is the key list of 76 organizations, BIS, and 63 central banks at the top of the pyramid, bearing in mind there are wealthy, strategic players behind this pyramid whose names we may never know. Those leading these organizations are the key names purposefully put in a position of power to carry out specific agendas. Those key players move around within that group of organizations and sometimes head up affiliated organizations in order to maintain their strategy. Some of those agendas come straight from the pyramid organizations, while others are contracted out to their affiliates at NGOs, corporations, universities, lawmakers, governments, 3-letter agencies, news media, and private equity firms. For example, CIA agents often move into news media positions, FDA directors often move over to big pharma, CDC directors move over to Rockefeller Foundation or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and so on.

They keep their key players in positions they need them in at specific times and then move them around to other leadership positions when they need certain actions carried out. Jim Yong Kim is a prime example of this, from co-founding Partners in Health to advising the Director-General of the WHO and Director of HIV/AIDS department, then fulfilling outcomes required at Harvard in various positions, on to President of Dartmouth College then to President of the World Bank – coincidentally resigning early in 2019, and now a partner at Global Infrastructure Partners. Kim has been instrumental in nefarious actions in Haiti, the AIDS agenda, vaccines, Covid contact tracing, pressuring countries in order to receive funding from the World Bank, and the climate agenda, and each position was timed right. It is no coincidence that BlackRock is acquiring Global Infrastructure Partners in the 3rd quarter of 2024. You can read more about Jim Yong Kim’s connections and involvement in Corey Lynn’s reports herehere and here. They have done an incredible job trying to bury his childhood and family. CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, also went above and beyond to hide his family connections and childhood, with a father who would appear to be a ghost. It’s understandable to want to keep family from the public eye when in high profile positions, but there is far more than meets the eye with these cats.

There are countless smaller companies who have had good intentions to provide great products and services to people or the land, but as they began to grow and gain attention, these corrupt organizations stepped in trying to co-opt them and eventually acquiring them. Whole Foods being gobbled up by Amazon is a good example of this. These organizations, including so-called billionaire philanthropists, are behind every major industry and “reimagining” it to essentially cut out everyone else from financial prosperity so that everyone can fall prey to their planned enslavement system.

Ultimately, Congress needs to revoke these immunities and privileges. Any lawmaker saying that the U.S. needs to defund the WHO (part of the UN) or the UN itself, clearly isn’t aware of this control framework because if they were, they would know that defunding isn’t going to solve anything…



FROM:  https://merylnass.substack.com/p/who-is-they-corey-lynn?publication_id=746368&post_id=146296117&isFreemail=true&r=19iztd&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

This is Information Everyone Needs —Take Some Time to Listen

This is really important information for EVERYONE to pay attention to. It is time for everyone to wake up because all of our lives are at stake, and it is not because of some virus .  It is because of the manipulators behind the curtain:

CERN & The Bump

ALL POINTS ALERT CERN LHC: New Physics Beyond The Higgs?


yellowstone idaho cern-SPACEWAR-LHC=HARRP= sandhook g 32

June 8, 2016 — https://tatoott1009.com/

Late last year, when most people were getting ready for the holidays, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, made a startling announcement: Their two massive detectors had identified a small bump in the data with an energy level of about 750 GeV.

This level is about six times larger than the energy associated with the Higgs particle. (To go from energy to mass divide the energy by the square of the speed of light.) For comparison, the mass of a proton, the particle that makes the nuclei of all atoms in nature, is about 1 GeV. The Higgs is heavy — and this new bump, if associated with a new particle, would be really heavy.

The high energy physics community answered with verve. In a few months, hundreds of papers have been published with hypothetical explanations for the bump.

Last month, physicists at CERN released a bit more information, slightly strengthening their claim for the reality of this new data point. Right now, the bump has a 1 in 20 chance of being just a spurious statistical fluctuation, something that happens from time to time, even if rare.

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When do scientists declare that something is “real,” that is, that something belongs to the collection of other particles we have found so far that make up all the material diversity we see? It’s a tricky question. There is an agreed standard, that the signal for a new particle must be certain to a level of 1/3,500,000. That’s very far from 1/20, and that’s why physicists are not announcing a new discovery just yet. However, if all goes well with the LHC operations, by late fall we should have enough data to decide whether the bump is real.

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Then comes the fun part: If it’s real, what is it?

The editors of the prestigious physics journal Physical Review Letters published an editorial explaining how they selected four representative papers from the deluge they received trying to make sense of the bump.

The exciting part of this is that the bump would be new, surprising physics, beyond expectations. There’s nothing more interesting for a scientist than to have the unexpected show up, as if nature is trying to nudge us to look in a different direction.

The four papers propose different explanations for the data, assuming, of course, it doesn’t go away. Three of them suggest the bump does indeed signal the existence of a new particle. A fourth suggest that the event signals the fragmentation of a much heavier particle:

One paper suggests the existence of a new force of nature, so, a fifth force, that acts like the strong force that glues atomic nuclei together. The strong force also glues quarks into protons and quarks and antiquarks into pions. (I know, it starts getting weird quickly. Antiquarks? They are mostly like quarks but with opposite electric charge.) The idea is that these two quarklike particles are glued into something like a new pion (which looks a lot like a very heavy Higgs) that eventually decays, releasing the two photons that were detected.
A new Higgs-like particle that couples to new kinds of particles.
A particle predicted from a thus far elusive symmetry of nature known as supersymmetry. If real, supersymmetry demands that every particle has a partner, like a mirror image with some properties reversed. The simplest version of supersymmetry is practically ruled out by data, but more convoluted extensions are still game. Expectations are high that this could be the case, as supersymmetry has been around for more than 45 years and needs some experimental support to remain credible as a physical theory of nature — and not just a nice idea.
Finally, the fourth paper suggests the bump is not the signature of a new particle at 750 GeV, but the remains of a much heavier particle that breaks down into a cascade of fragments. The two photons are the detectable signature of one fragment, like catching a movie in the middle.

It will be interesting to see how this plot unfolds as new data are gathered and released to the community. The exciting part is that we have this amazing tool that is opening windows into completely new territory. The Higgs was just the beginning, it seems.

Why should one care? There are different reasons, from the practical to the sublime. To engineer a machine like the LHC, compile and analyze the mountains of data it generates, and then interpret the whole thing takes not just pushing technology to the limit and beyond, but also the development of community rules of engagement in teams of thousands of physicists and engineers. Who calls the shots? How are decisions made? The World Wide Web was created at CERN to facilitate the exchange of data between scientists, a pretty critical spinoff from a particle physics experiment. Data storage and management technologies are being invented all the time at such facilities, as are detector and radiation technologies.

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At the more abstract, a new physics event at energies six times higher than where the Higgs was found would mean that we are edging a bit closer to the Big Bang, the event that marks the origin of the universe. There is a huge gap in energy between the Higgs and the Big Bang, of course, but getting new data at higher energies can clarify how to move closer. This kind of fundamental physics has a very noble heritage, as it traces its origins to the beginnings of Western philosophy and even beyond — to questions related to our origins. If we picture creation as a puzzle, every new piece we discover helps us understand our origins a little better. The new bump may not give us a final answer (it’s not clear we can ever get there), but it’d certainly make the picture clearer.

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As Tom Stoppard wrote in his play Arcadia, it is wanting to know that makes us matter. And fundamental physics is all about wanting to know.

Marcelo Gleiser is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist — and a professor of natural philosophy, physics and astronomy at Dartmouth College. He is the co-founder of 13.7, and an active promoter of science to the general public. His latest book is The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected: A Natural Philosopher’s Quest for Trout and the Meaning of Everything.

from:    https://tatoott1009.com/2016/06/08/all-points-alert-cern-lhc-new-physics-beyond-the-higgs/

Sarasota Tornado, Geoengineering, & Stargates

Geoengineered Tornado In Florida Was An Attempt To Open A Major Closed Stargate

January 22, 2016

Geoengineered Tornado In Florida Was An Attempt To Open A Major Closed Stargate

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

Irrefutable proof that rare Siesta Key, Florida tornado was manmade

A rare tornado with a peculiar energy signature swept through Siesta Key, Florida on January 17th, 2016 raising questions on geoengineering and ulterior motives as to why this happened.

Local television meteorologists even stated that they had never seen such an odd signature to several tornadoes that were spawned in Sarasota County.

I was awake, working at 3AM when the tornado went through. Even though the tornado was 2-3 miles away from me, I could hear an odd howling sound in the atmosphere, perhaps from these waves that triggered the tornado on Siesta Key.

Many metaphysical circles have spoken about the portals and stargates being closed off. CERN has played a huge role in trying to open these stargates and portals in order for the malevolent extraterrestrial species to leave the planet but as of now, they remain trapped here.

In the metaphysical community, it is well-known that there is a major stargate here off of Siesta Key, Florida which is why Lisa Renee was one of our keynote speakers for our In5D Conference here in Sarasota in 2013. During the conference, she mentioned that her main reason for attending was to close a major portal residing off of the Siesta Key beach, prohibiting those who have enslaved humanity from escaping while preventing malevolent backup forces from entering.

It’s become apparent that CERN has failed to open up any stargates which would allow these malevolent forces to enter and exit. In a last ditch attempt to open a major earth portal, a manmade tornado was created off of the coast of Sarasota, Florida.

The irrefutable evidence is the energy signature to this tornado in conjunction to the time it passed through Sarasota.

The photo below shows the energy wave being emitted from Antarctica and extending northwards through the United States, in particular, right through the middle of Florida.

The photo below shows the energy wave being emitted from Antarctica and extending northwards through the United States, in particular, right through the middle of Florida.

The event occurred at 8AM GMT, which is 3AM Eastern. The tornado hit around 3:15AM.  Coincidence?  I seriously doubt it.The event occurred at 8AM UTC, which is 3AM Eastern in Florida.

Tornado warnings were issued as this energy signature hit Florida:

Tornado warning were issued as this energy signature hit Florida:

As I’ve outlined in the article, “Pyramid Of Death: Who REALLY Runs This World?“, there are a number of malevolent forces above the shadow governments of this world who are pulling all of the strings.

What we are seeing is a desperate attempt by those in power in trying to escape the same planet that they have imprisoned for thousands of years.  This is a sign that the end of their tyrannical reign is nearly over as humanity is about to enter a new age of peace, prosperity, and abundance for all.

from:     http://in5d.com/geoengineered-tornado-in-florida-was-an-attempt-to-open-a-major-closed-stargate/

What in the Galaxy is Going On?

Our Galaxy Awakens!

by Zen Gardner

If anyone needs a confirmation of this energetic change we’re experiencing as well as expecting more of, scientists have just confirmed it. This is big news and should be an encouragement to many that what we’ve been sensing does indeed have a confirmed, identifiable physical counterpart.

Three orbiting X-ray space telescopes have detected an increased rate of X-ray flares from the usually quiet giant black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy after new long-term monitoring. Scientists are trying to learn whether this is normal behavior that was unnoticed due to limited monitoring, or these flares are triggered by the recent close passage of a mysterious, dusty object. [Emphases mine]

By combining information from long monitoring campaigns by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton, with observations by the Swift satellite, astronomers were able to carefully trace the activity of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole over the last 15 years. The supermassive black hole, a.k.a. Sagittarius A*, weighs in at slightly more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun. X-rays are produced by hot gas flowing toward the black hole.

The new study reveals that Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short) has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every ten days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2.

“For several years, we’ve been tracking the X-ray emission from Sgr A*. This includes also the close passage of this dusty object” said Gabriele Ponti of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany. “A year or so ago, we thought it had absolutely no effect on Sgr A*, but our new data raise the possibility that that might not be the case.”

Originally, astronomers thought G2 was an extended cloud of gas and dust. However, after passing close to Sgr A* in late 2013, its appearance did not change much, apart from being slightly stretched by the gravity of the black hole.   This led to new theories that G2 was not simply a gas cloud, but instead a star swathed in an extended dusty cocoon. (Source)


A Cloaked Star?

An interesting idea there, even though we know NASA and related agencies are filled with deceptive and false information. But I find it compelling that they’d announce finding a cocooned or cloaked star that unexplainably passes near the massive black hole at the center of the galaxy, which as we know is where the energetic forces emanate from and enlivens the stars and other bodies and all energetically connected aspects in our the milky way.

We know that the position of the stars and planets directly influences our lives. How much more then do massive energy shifts and pulses coming from the gigantic center of our galaxy?

There are many ideas about the nature of this energetic change many of us have been feeling some time. David Icke called them truth vibrations decades ago, while it’s recently been termed “Wave X” as well as ascension facilitating energy and many other things having to do with our spiritual growth and empowerment by helping to raise our vibrations and hence conscious awareness.

The Wave, CERN and Geoengineering

Certainly hidden science has known about this and other similar phenomena for a long time. That this information becomes available right now is rather prescient just as we see the attempt to put these last pieces of the global takeover into place.

We know the geoengineering agenda has many purposes. It’s been thought by many that chemtrails are being put in place to block this energetic change from reaching us. It cannot succeed of course but it may hinder some influences, I don’t know. Now think about CERN with a magnetic force 100,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field, according to their own website. That’s a lot of power and extremely disruptive, the full use and effects of which we’re yet to see.

Is one of CERN’s purposes to deliberately tamper with our magnetic field, and is this an attempt to jam these incoming, empowering frequencies? At the least it will alter the very resonance of our planet and everyone on it. One thing we can be sure of, their mad intentions are not for humanity’s benefit.

Surf’s Up!

Whatever these energetic changes emanating from the center of our galaxy are, we certainly could use further empowerment and it sure appears Universe is supplying it! But remember, this nor anything else will be some kind of the cavalry coming to our rescue. It’s fully up to each of us individually us to utilize whatever is available to us. This and other influences already at our fingertips won’t do anything by themselves. It’s up to us to activate them in our lives.

So let’s see what it brings!

Surfs up! Enjoy the ride and look for the manifestations in your own life and let them unfold.

Much love, Zen

from:  http://www.zengardner.com/our-galaxy-awakens/

LHC and Asteroids

As always — Do your research

SHOCK CLAIM: Large Hadron Collider magnetic field could pull asteroids towards Earth

The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could be responsible for drawing an asteroid that could destroy the planet towards earth, according to a wild conspiracy theory.

By Jon AustinThe Large Hadron collider and an artist impression of an asteroid heading to earthGETTY
The Large Hadron collider and an artist impression of an asteroid heading to earth
The LHC could generate a magnetic field that could somehow pull an iron-laden space rock off course towards Earth with catastrophic consequences, according to the crack pot theory which is doing the rounds online.

Another theory dreamed up by conspiracists is the LHC could even open up a portal from another dimension through which an unexpected comet or asteroid could suddenly appear before hitting Earth out of the blue.

Some have even bizarrely claimed the LHC could summon the Anti-Christ to earth to cause an apocalypse.

Scientists have readily dismissed these suggestions as ridiculous, but the LHC has long caused fear among certain quarters following claims it could potentially create a black hole which swallows up the planet.

The collider is within miles of tunnels, 75 metres under the French-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland, where scientists are smashing atoms to try to discover a parallel universe.

It is accepted by scientists that the LHC could cause a small black hole, but there has been no suggestion it could actually devour the earth or affect the movement of asteroids in space.

Atoms colliding in the LCHLCH

Atoms colliding in the LCH

Various YouTube channels predict the Large Hadron Collider is about to ‘unleash hellfire destruction’ on the world, possibly while magnetically summoning a whacking great asteroid to destroy America’s east coast


This has not deterred Nostradamus style predictors.

One blogger suggested the LHC was a much more sinister machine, stating: “The CERN logo is 666 – the sign of the beast – in a circle.

“The CERN collider looks like the all-seeing eye or stargaze we see so much of.”

In a video, YouTube channel Paranormal Crucibale said: “We hear a lot of talk about CERN – portals and asteroids lately. CERN is creating a portal in space in anticipation for this event they are creating rumours of an asteroid strike when really they are not sure of the implications when cern removes the veil bet above and bel what might come out of that portal.”

There has been so much speculation over CERN drawing an asteroid towards Earth, Yahoo.com cited it as one of its top 11 craziest conspiracy theories.

The article said: “It seems that Christian conspiracy theorists haven’t forgiven the machine for finding the ‘God particle’ and now predict it’s going to bring about Doomsday.

“Various YouTube channels predict the Large Hadron Collider is about to ‘unleash hellfire destruction’ on the world, possibly while magnetically summoning a whacking great asteroid to destroy America’s east coast.”

COMMENT — Pretty far out!

Dolores Cannon & The Shift

Dolores Cannon: We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

Dolores Cannon: We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

by Jeff Roberts,

Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which time she has worked with thousands of clients in regressive hypnotherapy sessions. With over 17 published books on the subject, Dolores Cannon can easily be considered one of the world’s most sought after professionals in the field. Popular subject matter touched upon in her numerous books includes: past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and more. According to Dolores, each book has the tendency to “bend the reader’s mind like a pretzel.”

One of her books, titled The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, is an ensemble of regressive hypnotherapy client sessions which narrates a “behind the scenes” look at Earth’s current paradigm shift. During the sessions, Dolores hypnotizes her clients, bringing them into the “super-conscious” brainwave state, one of the deepest trances one can experience. Dolores elaborated on her technique in an interview with The Edge:

“I developed my own technique down through the years. It’s not like any other hypnosis technique out there. We are able to contact what I call the greatest force there is, and it’s a source of all knowledge. I found the way to have it come through every single person that I work with, and I’ve worked with thousands of people.”

The results of her technique are astounding to say the least. Through the years Dolores began to notice a correlation among her client sessions, one that bridges the journey of the souls incarnating on the planet at this time.

“When you see thousands and thousands of clients, as I do as a therapist and a counselor, you begin to see a common thread going through many of the cases. Earlier on, it used to be that everybody would go back to a past life and I’d find some of the answers there, and then I’d explore the source of all knowledge to answer all of their questions and do the healing. Just in the last five years or so, I began to see clients who weren’t all going into a past life on Earth. I began to find they had never been on Earth before and that they had come here directly from God, from the Source, from other planets, other dimensions, where they were light beings. That’s the common thread that I have been finding, and that’s where I came up with the theory of the three waves of volunteers.”

Dolores’s theory proposes that a series of souls are traveling from other planets and dimensions to assist Earth at this time. Many of these souls, which are of a higher vibration than the resident Earth souls, are incarnating on the planet for the first time. She affirms that the souls that have spent many lifetimes reincarnating on Earth are stuck in a karmic cycle, repeating the same patterns of mistakes and lessons, which is ultimately leading to the destruction of the planet. Thus, there has been a calling for purer souls to come to Earth to cleanse and raise the planet’s vibration.

But now, inhabiting bodies, these people have no memory of why they came. “They come in and an amnesia descends on the person, losing the memory of why they are here. But this group has an energy that they have to project. It is a loving energy that will change the mindset here on Earth. It will change history, just them being here.”

Throughout her clients’ journeys, Dolores discovered that Earth is one of the densest planets in the entire universe. A soul that incarnates here is considered brave because life on Earth is a very challenging experience to come into, especially for souls coming from higher realms and planets of a higher vibration. Nevertheless, all of her clients have the same answer when asked about their reason for coming to Earth, they simply “heard the call.”

The Earth is going through a major transformation, one that Dolores’s clients state has never happened before. For the first time, an entire planet is shifting its vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many souls or groups of souls have experienced a shift like this in the past (i.e. the Mayans), but never has an entire planet shifted at once. Therefore, Dolores explains, the entire Universe has front row seats to one of the grandest shows ever seen. However, help is needed, because man has polluted the planet with a vibration so dense that it threatens the survival of the planet as a whole. Dolores reveals that if the planet blows itself up, it will reverberate throughout the universe affecting and disturbing all beings. Therefore, the call for help was made, and the souls quickly jumped on the wagon to assist.

In The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

  1. The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger, and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
  2. The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of simply sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
  3. The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.

Interestingly, through her many client sessions Dolores has also written extensively on the lost civilization of Atlantis. She discovered that, like Atlantis, there have been numerous civilizations that have been destroyed in the past.

“Each time when people got to the point when they were using energy in the wrong way and couldn’t control it, they had to be stopped. And every time, everything would be reset on this planet. The civilization would go back to the primitive stages and start all over again. That’s why they don’t want to have it happen this time. They don’t want to start over with the planet and begin life for humanity one more time.

During a hypnotherapy session, a woman went back to Atlantis and was telling me the prime reason for Atlantis being destroyed. I was told that there were scientists at the time of Atlantis. There were others who were fooling around with what they called Dark Matter. I was told that this is the same thing scientists are doing now when they are fooling around with what we call Anti-Matter. They said we have to know this, because the scientists are doing the same thing now.

The Large Hadron Collider experiment in Switzerland is the same thing. They are messing around with Anti-Matter. The scientists who are now fooling around with the Collider experiment don’t have any idea what they are really doing, and it’s very dangerous.

If those experiments had continued at that time in Atlantis, it would have broken down the grid of the planet, causing an implosion of the Earth, and it would have reverberated to the point where it would have broken the grids down of the entire Universe. But they stopped it before it got to that point, but destruction took place.”

When asked about people’s criticism of her work, Dolores says she finds humor in people’s remarks stating she is a “great science fiction writer.”

“There’s no way on Earth I could make this stuff up. I have [17] books out there now, and all of it has come through the cases I have worked on with the average person just walking in off the street. I did not know these people until they came through the door of my office, from every walk of life you can imagine: CEOs of companies, professors of colleges, priests, shamans, and many ordinary people. I have not found anyone who has not had a past life. When I began writing The Convoluted Universe series, I wondered if anybody out there would be able to understand it, because I said that book is for people who want their minds bent like pretzels. People when they read it say, ‘I know this and I don’t know how I know it, but I know it and I know it’s true.’”

In the final segment of her interview with The Edge, Dolores was asked if there were any final thoughts she wanted to leave people with regarding the shift in consciousness.

“We are moving into a new frequency, a new dimension where it is going to be the New Earth, and it’s going to be extremely beautiful. They have described it in the books – the beautiful colors, that everything is total love.

We’re moving away from the negativity of the Old Earth, and it’s going to be a complete turnaround, beyond belief, and we’re all going there now. The New Earth is where it’s at. The Bible in the Book of Revelations talks about the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s the same thing we’re having now. It’s just that St. John, when he had the vision on the Isle of Pathos, didn’t realize it was going to take another couple of thousand years before it was going to happen.

The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, ‘I was there when this occurred.’ This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

For a fascinating read, check out Dolores’s book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth as well as her The Convoluted Universe series.

from:    http://in5d.com/cannon-most-important-time/

Dr. Simon Atkins on the Coming Frequency Shift

HERE IT COMES! The Frequency Shift Into September 2015 – Dr Simon Atkins’ Predictions

June 28, 2015 

HERE IT COMES! The Frequency Shift Into September 2015 - Dr Simon Atkins' Predictions  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

by   Transients.info

The purpose of this long article is to bring together a number of independent sources of material that together point to the next three months being a highly significant time period culminating in a ‘frequency shift’ towards the end of September.

The initial focus that begins this article is a recent interview with Dr Simon Atkins, a climate risk economist and planetary threat forecaster, whose work Laron has previously covered here on the site.

Building on the subject areas Simon covers in the interview, I’ll then move on to additional material that I’m come across elsewhere – some of which I’ve already written about in the Transients Facebook Group that further points to the second half of September potentially being of huge and unprecedented significance.

These include the CHANI Project, Clif High’s webbot, time-specific events relating to September, prophecies relating to the Pope and, lastly, the prophecies, messages and paintings of Transients’ very own guest contributor Valiant.

So without further ado, let’s begin……

Interview with Dr Simon Atkins on Phoenix Rising Radio 7th May 2015

To provide some context and particularly for those of you who haven’t come across Dr Simon Atkins before, Simon is the CEO of the Advanced Forecasting Corporation (AFC) and author of the Skyaia books, the first volume of which is available here. He also runs his own program the Skyaia Show, the homepage of which more information can be found about him.

Exactly seven weeks ago now, on the 7th May, he guested on Phoenix Rising Radio, a show that he’s appeared on previously. Over the course of this particular broadcast Simon made a series of startling predictions. The entire broadcast can be listened to here on SoundCloud with Simon coming in at just before the 12 minute mark.

I encourage everyone reading these words to listen to what is a quite riveting near two hour show. For the benefit of this article however, I’ll summarize Simon’s key predictions as follows:

  • an acceleration and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the sun and other cosmic energies that will build especially from late August into late September that will cause, circa 23rd-24th September, what he describes as a ‘frequency shift’ in consciousness. [the current and ongoing earth-facing solar CME’s and the resultant geomagnetic storms here on Earth are certainly a real-time manifestation of this – see Laron’s recent post here for more.]
  • a resultant change in the pressure field on the planet’s already weakening magnetic shield whereby a higher incidence of seismic activity and extreme weather patterns is likely whereby he specifically forecasts,
  •  a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurring very close to Iran before the end of September that will cause what he calls a ‘planetary threat spin.’
  •  a massive volcanic eruption on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula late this year that will cause dramatic cooling in the Northern Hemisphere this coming winter and more especially the following winter of 2016/17.
  • a 6.9 magnitude earthquake occurring in Northern California before the end of September as a consequence of the continuing drought in Southern California which is recalibrating the tectonic plates as the water tables continue to deplete. He forecasts this with 80% confidence.
  • a major rise in floodings in the US this summer [the recent unprecedented flooding in Texas is one consequent example of this prediction bearing out] with a drought in parts of China [headlines here have been flood-related of late, but as this recent CCTV piece explains drought is certainly being experienced in some parts of China.]
  • returning to the accelerating energies and the frequency shift in consciousness, he foresees this having resultant effects on the mental functioning of some people, of financial markets and organizations to the extent that,
  • there’s going to be news events in July and especially into August where people cannot control their own thoughts that will lead to societal events where people ‘just lose it.’
  • some leaders of governments and corporations becoming hallucinogenic whereby they’re going to be imagining things that could lead to a “leader being taken away by the public because of this behavior.”
  • in step with the accelerating energies he foresees the Earth’s frequency (known as the Schumann Resonance – which historically rests at 7.83Hz but is currently estimated to have risen to 11Hz) rising even further to possibly as high as 13 or 14Hz by the end of September.
  • these accelerations leading to a 2-4 day period in the 3rd or 4th week of September whereby shops may be closed and governments becoming increasingly dysfunctional.
  • related to all of this, he strikingly predicts an intergalactic electromagnetic wave (which, he says, some equate to Planet X/Nibiru) that will arrive from another galaxy and sweep through the planet; this, he states, is instrumental to the raising of consciousness and it will consequently stun the world for a few days leading to between 10-17% of the population experiencing the aforementioned delusions and hallucinations.
  • the Northern Hemisphere experiencing the accelerating energies more due to the larger land mass and magnetics therein; he says the Southern Hemisphere is already experiencing this [at the time of broadcast] but it’s milder and stretched over a longer period of time.
  • the potential for further viral outbreaks as the frequencies pass through.
  • The Powers That Be (who are aware of all of this) seeking to capitalise, manipulate, suppress and control this frequency shift through structuring or adding in elements behind the natural events, be it more chemtrailing, weather warfare, more mind control through the use of technological weapons – all as a means of restricting consciousness awakening.
  • further, in response to a caller, Jade Helm is discussed in more detail (it’s mentioned in passing earlier in the show.) Simon states that this exercise is very much connected to the frequency shift whereby the lower states where the exercises are being carried out will be experiencing a higher frequency field in July and August – the purpose being of learning from and managing the resultant effects on the population there before it heightens further in the upper states into September.

Essentially, as I see it, this frequency shift is leading to a heightening of polarities so while, as Simon says, there will be rising societal chaos for a period, with consciousness continuing to expand and awaken, welcome breakthroughs will also arise with the arrival and more widespread acceptance of, for example, new forms of technology and healthcare modalities.

Simon cites the acceleration and growth within the Open Source community and how this is leading to the free sharing and development in the likes of these aforementioned areas. These include the potential for free energy sources being rolled out in three years or less, electromagnetic cures for the likes of cancer as well as more natural medicines that will consequently challenge Big Pharma.

In relation to this he says the more that you share with others, the more abundance you receive because what you’re in effect doing is releasing fear energy through this medium of exchange.

He also expects in the next few months, leaders in certain countries to come out and initiate a new peace forum that will, amongst other things, encourage the continual blossoming of Open Source platforms.

Lastly, at various points through the show, he encourages people to make sure they’re getting more sleep so your overall health, nervous system and immune system is better equipped to better cope not only with the heightening energies but also in interactions with those around you.

So, all in all it’s quite a show that I definitely encourage listening to. Since this broadcast, Simon actually returned to the show back on the 5th June the broadcast of which can be found here with further monthly appearances scheduled – his next may well be in two weeks time.

In this last show he expands on the areas covered in the May interview while also venturing into new areas such as discussing CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), part of the agenda of which, he has concluded, is to stop the aforementioned intergalactic wave from reaching Earth. He states that he does not believe that this attempt will succeed.

Also discussed in more detail is the likely turmoil that will occur in the financial markets and what individuals can do to shield themselves from the effects of this.

Standing alone, the predictions made by Simon over the course of these two shows may be too fantastical to believe but there is further independent corroborating material, that is either time or content specific (or indeed both) pointing to this timeframe moving into September as being highly significant within the ongoing shift in consciousness. I’ll now change gears and bring some of this other material in to explore.

About the Author:
Martin, the author of this article, resides in the Scottish hinterland. This is his first public foray into the fickle world of prophecy and prediction dot-connecting – a foray that, due to the sheer amateurish pretenses of this piece, is likely to be all too short-lived. An assorted array of alphabetic salvos are welcome and can be launched in the general direction of the following receptacle – martin.transients@gmail.com

In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

A lot of people have been talking about 2017 as a very promising year of spiritual change.  As I mentioned in the article, “Beyond Imagination! The Cosmic Wildcard“, there are a number of cosmic wildcard possibilities that exist which could change our world for the better in the literal blink of an eye, including several things mentioned in the above article such as the Schumann Resonance and the Galactic Superwave.

While I’m personally unable to put a specific time frame on any of the cosmic wildcard events, I find it very intriguing how some people are seeing these events happening in the very near future.  I firmly believe that many of us feel as though these will happen in our lifetimes and feel as though we’re on the verge of something magnificently amazing!

Perhaps this is it?  Let’s hope so!

Here is one of Dr Simon Atkins’ interviews with Phoenix Rising Radio:

from:    http://in5d.com/2015-frequency-shift/

Gulf of Aden Vortex

As always, Do Your Researh

Gulf of Aden vortex

“A bizarre report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Admiral Maksimov of Russia’s Northern Fleet states that a ‘mysterious magnetic vortex’ currently centered in the Gulf of Aden has “defied” all the combined efforts of Russia, The United States and China to shut it down, or even to ascertain its exact origin or “cause for being”. The Gulf of Aden [photo 2nd left] is one of the most vital waterways in the world located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa that sees over 21,000 ships sailing through its waters each year. According to this report, US scientists began noticing the “formation” of this vortex in late 2000, after which the Americans established a base of operations on the Horn of Africa in Djibouti, the capital and largest city of the Republic of Djibouti. After the 9/11 attacks on America, Djibouti then became the home of the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) which is a joint task force of United States Africa Command. After remaining ‘relatively stable’ since its discovery in November, 2000, this report continues, the Gulf of Aden vortex began to “expand” in late 2008 prompting the United States to issue an “extraordinary” warning to the entire world about this mysterious occurrence and which in response the following Nations rushed their Naval Forces to this area: Royal Australian Navy, Belgian Navy, Bulgarian Navy, Canadian Navy, Peoples Liberation Navy (China), Royal Danish Navy, French Navy, German Navy, Greek Navy, Indian Navy, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, Italian Navy, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, Republic of Korea (South Korea) Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy, Royal Netherlands Navy, Pakistan Navy, Portuguese Navy, Royal Saudi Navy, Russian Navy, Republic of Singapore Navy, Spanish Navy, Swedish Navy, Royal Thai Navy, Turkish Navy, British Royal Navy and the United States Navy. Using the pretext that these Naval Forces were needed to protect the Gulf of Aden from Somalia pirates [who are actually nothing more than lightly armed youngsters looking for food since this mysterious vortex has destroyed their fishing waters], Admiral Maksimov states in this report that this buildup is the largest of its kind in human history and that Russia is “prepared” to join with the Americans to “defeat” what many world officials believe is an attack upon our planet by “forces” previously unknown, but described as possibly being “inter-dimensional” or WikiLeaks has not released the information it has on this but it is rumored that his arrest is meant to contain the information he has. There has been a news black out on this information. I noticed the never before seen earth quakes in this area and tried to get more information and came up with this. Very strange!

from:    http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-524411

Interesting report fr/Pete Santilli on the above and more:

New Particles Discovered at LHC

Never-Before-Seen Particles Discovered at Swiss Collider