What is Human Dignity Worth?

SIgns of Change


10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control

Last updated on April 3, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Eric Blair

Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing.

Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over the world. It’s always been their plan like some evil villain in a comic book, but after 9/11 the plan went into overdrive and then turbo charged during the financial crisis of 2008.

Yet it’s doomed to fail because humans are meant to be guided by their own free will, not controlled like livestock. The more the elite try to control humanity, the more entropy occurs. Entropy, for those who don’t know, is the lack of order or predictability; a gradual decline into disorder.

Although the elite still enjoy a huge wealth advantage over the masses, they are now resigned to behaving like tyrants to maintain control. This, in turn, exposes their dark side which has been cleverly concealed for ages. Not anymore.

People are waking up in droves, at least as fast as the elite can build their full-spectrum prison matrix. Let them try. To paraphrase Victor Hugo, “No army can stop an idea whose time has come.

Here are ten signs that the elite are losing control over the people

1. Official lies no longer effective: The lies they tell simply don’t work anymore. There was a time when official lies, especially about war and peace, were believed. Because, after all, how evil would it be to lie about such things? Generally people want to believe they are being told the truth when life and death is at stake. The boy who cried wolf has cried one too many times. Even if they told the truth at this point, very few would believe them.

2. No confidence in politics: US politicians have a paltry approval rating. The trust in government is at all-time lows here and around the world. Mainstream polls show only 10% of the public has confidence in Congress. In other words, 90% don’t believe in them to be competent to govern.

Watch this Town Hall exchange below where a man threatens US Senator John McCain with arrest for treason to his face. This would have never happened just a year or two ago:

3. No confidence in media: The most recent polls show that 77% of the population no longer trusts corporate TV news. Is it any wonder why the establishment media failed to sell the lies about the alleged Syria chemical event? With all their monopoly might over the airwaves, they can no longer claim that black is white simply because officialdom says so.

4. Bankers rejected: Hungary recently became the first country to follow Iceland’s lead by shedding international bankers (IMF) and is considering pursuing prosecution of past prime ministers who enslaved the people with debt.

Look for this trend to continue even if nations decide to default to break free.

5. Vatican abruptly cleaning up its act: Under the previous Pope, Pope Benedict, scandals erupted from the Vatican ranging from covering up pedophile priests to money laundering and fraud. Benedict, in an unprecedented move, abruptly retired to make way for a seemingly much more likable Pope Francis. Pope Francis by all measures is working furiously to reclaim the church’s peaceful and humble reputation. Whether this is genuine or a PR move, it’s telling that the church was forced into such a drastic turnaround to save itself from losing all credibility.

6. Mutiny among soldiers: Finally. Soldiers, who are outlawed from making political statements, are steadily speaking out against US military adventurism. As Einstein famously said “The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service.”

7. Militarized police state: One of the darkest signs that the elite are losing their grip on power is the construction of the militarized police state specifically trained to combat domestic civil unrest. Local cops with tanks and other combat gear are working with Feds at Fusion centers, active Army units are on American soil for the first time in history, the NSA spy grid is being used by the IRS and DEA, and the elimination of due process for Americans under the NDAA are just some of the tyrannical moves made to secure the elite criminals from public backlash. They’re clearly scared, and they should be given what they’ve done to the American people and the Constitution.

8. Serious secession movements everywhere: A state seceding from a larger political entity used to be an ultra-fringe concept, until now. In America, secession movements are winning over the public in parts of Colorado and California. In Europe, serious secession movements are happening in Spain and Scotland, as well as several EU nations flirting with the idea of dropping out of the euro. Decentralization = Entropy!

9. GMO food being rejected everywhere: Control the food and you control the people. True in theory, but much more difficult in practice. GMO leaders like Monsanto are being exposed. All of their economic and political strength cannot defeat the spread of knowledge about the dangers of pesticide-soaked Frankenfoods. GMO fields are being burned in protest in America and around the world, informed nations continue to reject their products, and labeling laws are gaining traction.

10. Cannabis liberation: Many reading this will think marijuana legalization is a superficial development. However, it is a major signpost that the elite’s grip is fading. Enormous resources have been spent to keep cannabis illegal. Cannabis has been a powerful medicine for physical, mental, and spiritual health throughout the ages. This single plant represents a huge threat to the power structures and their industries, hence its seemingly senseless illegality. The approaching global reversal of the tyrannical policy of prohibition is the first of many concessions to come.

from:    http://in5d.com/10-signs-the-global-elite-are-losing-control.html

Sol Luckman’s Predictions for 2014

SPRING SUN by Sol Luckman

SPRING SUN by Sol Luckman

By Sol Luckman

I don’t consider myself an expert on anything. That’s a good thing. In my book, to borrow an old saying, an “expert” is someone who knows more and more about less and less—until he ends by knowing everything about nothing.

Also, I don’t have “insiders” telling me their secrets. That’s really a good thing as well. As we’ve seen abundantly in recent years, whenever predictions are made based on “insider” information, there’s virtually a 100% chance said predictions will come to nothing.

I’m also not a fortune teller, financial advisor or political analyst and don’t play any of these roles on TV. I’ve been wrong many times in the past—and will probably repeat similar mistakes in the future.

With these caveats, I do fancy myself a keen observer of people, events, and trends. I mean, I knew the first time I saw Justin Bieber the guy was going to be a superstar. It was written all over him.

Call me “gifted.” Of course, it helps that I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Seriously. Take the following fourteen predictions for 2014 with a grain of salt, and perhaps a pinch of pepper, and—if all else fails—go make yourself some popcorn to eat while watching AMERICAN IDOL.

Drumroll please …

1. Banksters and goldbugs are going to hate this one, but bitcoin will break the $2K barrier on its way to the stratosphere and—not without a fight from the crumbling Powers that Be trying to keep their fiat monetary system on life support—gain increasing acceptance worldwide. Yes, we’re seeing the Cabal go after bitcoin—but that’s like trying to stop an avalanche with an umbrella. Simply put, bitcoin, an idea whose time has come, is the currency of the resistance. Get used to it. If you still haven’t heard of bitcoin, I’m really glad I’m not reading your predictions for 2014.

2. On another technology note, by the end of the year, 3D printers will start to become a household item. This trend is happening already—but expect it to really begin following in the footsteps of the PC and HDTV by year’s conclusion. You can print just about anything—including many items of questionable legality—with even a halfway decent 3D printer. Look into it and discuss.

3. Joining bitcoin and 3D printing, crowdfunding is the third of a triumvirate of disruptive technologies that will begin to do a lot more … disrupting in 2014. Bankster-bashing MP George Galloway plans to fund his London mayoral bid through crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is democracy in action, where people directly control what their money supports: something that has been a long time coming and is a revolution in itself. Combined with decentralized crypto-currencies such as bitcoin, and the incipient cottage industry for fabricating everything from handguns to automobiles enabled by 3D printing, expect the world economy to shift in dramatically people-empowering ways throughout 2014 and beyond.

4. Former professional wrestler and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura will announce his bid for the US presidency. Howard Stern will be his running mate. Their platform will be revolutionary and center on ending American aggression against the world by putting the kabosh on the NSA and bringing our troops home, like, immediately. Of course, the Powers that Be and the mainstream media they control will attempt (ironically, as it were) to paint Ventura and Stern as buffoons. But support for the message—if not the messengers per se—will rapidly build as libertarian heavyweights like Ron Paul and millions fed up with the status quo get behind the ticket. Expect to watch bitcoin and crowdfunding play a significant fundraising role as well. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, eventually seeing Ventura, who isn’t exactly known for pulling his punches, in the presidential debates would be, as Mastercard says, priceless!

5. The year 2014 will see a global currency reset of some sort as the moribund petrodollar is officially abandoned as world reserve currency. The dollar could lose half its value in rapid fashion and Americans could face some tough sledding for a while, much like Russia did after the fall of the Soviet Union. Herein lies our collective challenge as well as reason for hope: if Russia could get back on its feet and restore something resembling democracy, so can we. (Cue Leonard Cohen’s Democracy Is Coming to the USA.) What will replace the dollar remains to be seen. My vote is on bitcoin.

6. Obamacare will prove to be a complete and unmitigated disaster. Wait. That already happened. As a result, more and more states will follow South Carolina’s lead and simply nullify this monstrosity of fascist legislation. “If you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom.” Make this mantra viral.

7. On the subject of nullification, this pushback strategy will be a major trend in 2014’s resistance movement. Do yourself (and all of us) a favor by researching and getting behind this historical brain child of none other than Thomas Jefferson, who designed nullification as a last resort for We the People to say no to government tyranny and idiocy. Seeing as how we live in a veritable Golden Age of government tyranny and idiocy, I highly recommend that you check out the Tenth Amendment Center, the OffNow Coalition, this recent edition of the CORBETT REPORT, and these videos on jury nullification—and then roll up your shirtsleeves and lend some elbow grease to the cause.

8. Increasingly, along with drones, American airspace will be filled with the sounds of secession. Secessionist movements are popping up like wildfires from California to Colorado and Texas to Vermont. The only thing most of these disaffected would-be secessionists can agree on is that they agree with absolutely nothing the Federal Government is doing. (See historically low and plummeting-as-we-speak approval ratings for the president and Congress.) This common ground may be just enough to initiate a groundswell to break apart the Union and create the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA, returning decision-making power to more grassroots levels. One can only hope. Stay tuned.

9. After much ado about nothing, comet ISON (what’s left of it anyway) will finally leave us humans on planet earth alone again with our own problems and all the doomsdayers, fearmongerers and Armageddon-heads out there will have to find something else to obsess and panic over. But have faith: this shouldn’t take very long. All that’s needed to get the stress hormones flowing again is a little bad news blown completely out of proportion. Expect the Cabal to explore creative ways to capitalize on this truth.

10. That said, there’s a high likelihood that one or more federal alphabet agencies will finally be caught red-handed perpetrating a false flag attack on the US so much so that even the mainstream media will have no choice but to report on it. The Cabal’s plan to use manufactured problem-reaction-solution to further enslave the people might very well backfire on a scale that will dwarf the Boston Scareathon Bombing and Syria Scam. This might be like the first domino falling in an avalanche of public awakening that will initiate the dismantling of the New World Order in earnest.

11. Good news came on the GMO labeling front recently when the island of Hawaii basically banned GMOs and Connecticut signed into law a still somewhat symbolic bill theoretically requiring Monsanto and other perpetrators of biotech abominations against the populace to (gasp!) actually label their genetically monstrosified products as such. Expect a torrent of GMO outlawing and labeling initiatives, both at the state and local levels, in 2014, accompanied by the slow but steady implosion of the biotech industry. Good riddance. I propose a bill to relegate GMO proponents to their own tiny island, where their penance is to subsist solely on Golden Rice for eternity.

12. In addition to GMO labeling, cannabis legalization, which is an integral part of the global political awakening long feared by the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski, will make a lot of headlines in 2014. Following in the footsteps of the brave states of Colorado and Washington, we just saw Uruguay become the world’s first country to terminate the failed policy of prohibition and the genocidal war on drugs and simply “legalize it.” It won’t be the last. Regardless of what you think about marijuana, it has been proven to be a remarkably safe substance; a medical miracle for conditions ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer; and (in the case of hemp) a multiuse industrial cash crop capable of sustainably revitalizing local economies—while simultaneously diverting resources away from dehumanizing, environmentally devastating corporations worldwide. Now, that’s what I call a win-win situation!

13. The truth is, they’re out there. Thanks to high-quality media productions such as ANCIENT ALIENS and Stephen Greer’s SIRIUS, combined with the tireless efforts of ufologists and exopoliticians around the globe, more and more people are becoming aware of the ongoing ET cover-up and the need to uncover it ASAP. The results of disclosure, which I see gathering steam in 2014, will eventually culminate in the release of suppressed free energy technology and absolute proof not only that we’re not alone—but that we have friends we never knew we had. Oh, and I almost forgot: genuine disclosure should greatly speed up the toppling of the Cabal’s global control system, which is really just a house of cards to begin with.

14. If there’s a connecting thread to the predictions outlined above, it has to be freedom consciousness rising in the people. We’re currently witnessing an unprecedented acceleration of awareness of what’s happening in our world to limit our freedom and what needs to be done to correct what’s happening. My own contribution to this massive Collective Consciousness Shift in 2014 is a new novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, the epic tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. All of our dreams are potentially world-changing; we just have to be willing to follow them. My humble prediction is that at least one person will be inspired by SNOOZE to implement a dream with the potential to make the world a freer place to live. And if only one person is so catalyzed, that’s good enough for me.

Copyright © 2014 Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Sol Luckman is a prolific visual artist and critically acclaimed author. His books include the international bestselling CONSCIOUS HEALING and its popular sequel, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA. Sol is also author of the BEGINNER’S LUKE Series of seriocomic novels characterized by Reader Views as a “modern-day ALICE IN WONDERLAND” and by Apex Reviews as a “mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast.” His latest novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, set for release in 2014, is the riveting, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. View Sol’s paintings, read his blog and learn more about his work at www.CrowRising.com.

from:    http://consciouslifenews.com/2014-preview-buckle-wild-ride-freedom/1169472/