Your Color VIbe for 07/08

Monday, July 8:     Buff Yellow

There are shadows and there is sunshine, and you can move seamlessly from one to the other today.  That can leave you feeling somewhat displaced and confused.  This is not a good time for making decisions.  You will find yourself looking at way too many alternatives.  Some are real and some just seem real.  It is all okay.  This is an energy that invites you to see what is meaningful in your life and what can be passed over.  You have seen these kinds of decisions before, but there was never any urgency in how you dealt with them.  That has changed.  Decisions made today can affect how you move forward in the rest of the year.  And this year is pivotal.  Critical.  So when you face things today, take time to ground, to go within, to consult with your deepest heart’s knowing before taking a step.  The benefits of the decisions that are made from the core will reverberate from this time forward.

Your Color for the Week

June 23-29

Just a note:   This week is bringing massive changes on all levels.  These will be glossed over completely or mentioned briefly only to have the reference and all supporting and data removed.  It is important from this time forward to look to local sources as they interact with other local sources all over the globe.  This is the way information, true and accurate information, will be passed on as things heat up more and more.  Communities are forming through this.  Groups are solidifying,  New friendships and alliances are being made.  All based on truth and transparency.  This is the new foundation of the world of the people, the world that is now being created.  The ones who have held the ropes for so long are so blinded by their own sense of power and control as well as contempt for the masses that they cannot, will not see or acknowledge what is truly going on at the grassroots level.  Things are changing.  We are the change.  Forget the politicians.

The theme this week is lead yourself to your bliss.  This may sound strange, but it is time now to recognize that each and every one of you is amazing and has the whole world, the Universe inside of you.  It is time to tap in and stand in your power, walk in your truth, and be in your light.


Overall Color for the Week:     Lavender

What are you seeing?  What are you hearing?  What are you touching?  What are you tasting?  The senses are alive this week, and along with that, perhaps even because of it, you can find yourself doing things, being things, saying things that can surprise yourself.  Be alert when these happen — Freudian slips on all levels for yourself and those with whom you come into contact have messages. The worlds are bumping up together, and in that contact, you are opening to levels of yourself that are within other dimensions.  These are all parts of WHO you are, and they define your reality even as your life in this 3D world is defining it also.  You will be seeing through some issues this week also, the illusion of it all.  Some can be in relations with people, in commerce, at work, in doing things in your home alone.  These will be both surprises and gifts.  Surprises because they seem to come out of nowhere, gifts because they will give you the comfort of knowing of your own power, your rightness, and your direction.  Listen to your intuition also as you traverse the world.  There are bumps in the energy that can trip you up if you are not open to them.  Take time each morning to ground and set an intention.  Then go within to your deepest heart’s knowing, to the very core of yourself and be at peace there.  When you carry peace in your heart, then your perspective shifts, the veils are opened and you can see things for what they are.

On the larger scale more and more is coming out on all levels.  The powers that think they be will be doing quite a dance to attempt to keep a lid on all the stuff they had put together which is now beginning to swirl out of control.  They have lost their glamour, their appeal, their allure.  Their popular approval is at an all time low, and there are deserters in their ranks.  This is all part of the general chaos that is beginning to swirl throughout all levels of this Earth.  Gaia has had enough, and the grounding that she had given selflessly to all to act as they will has been largely removed.  It is as though things and people are on their own.  This is a time for action, but that action, if it is not heart-centered and grounded in respect for Gaia, will have no structure.  It will ultimately fail.  Even as these things happen on the level of societies, the Earth is awakened, stretching, and attempting to make things right again for herself.  Never doubt that Gaia is alive.  There will be places where all of the elements land with a boom in one location.  Then there will be other areas where things seem so quiet, but then, a totally unexpected natural event occurs.  There is no predictability in the weather these days.  It is largely pegged to the energetic fields of the people in the various areas on the globe.  There have been those who have been able in the past to keep the weather at bay around centers in which they held their power.  This is no longer true.  Things will starting opening up also, even into the layers beneath the surface of the Earth.  Gaia supports those who have her best interests at heart.  She comforts and protects them.  This is a time when false powers will be seen for what they are and the true power of the formerly meek, the dedicated, the enlightened ones, the heart-centered ones will be creating the new earth.

Your Color Vibe for June 13

Thursday, June 13:    Yellow Green

Pay attention to your physicalities today as they will be giving you messages.  Listen well for the messages are coming on many different levels.  At the present time, the energies are dragging through with them some elements of other dimensions.  As a result you might be seeing things, hearing things, feeling things that have no source in the regular 3D.  As the energies shift and churn, there are more and more hints of where you are going coming in towards you.  Be open to these.  You are needing to learn some new things.  They will be like tools, even weapons, to assist you as the times grow more turbulent.  Today brings synchronicity and the hints of greater joy to come.  Take time to relish in those moments.  They will relax and renew you in ways so many other things cannot do anymore.

Chromoscope 6/07

Friday, June 7:     Crazy Blue

So, once again, you have let yourself get involved with some things that you had thought you had given up.  Take time today to see what that means for you and to take action to get rid of all of that.  You have/you are moving beyond so many things right now.  To fall into someone else’s agenda and someone else’s plan is not going to benefit you.  This is a tough one, and there can be some equally tough moments today.  It is hard to make a change.  It is scary to move out of a comfort zone.  It is hell to give up the blanket, but you know, you know it has to be done.  Do it or not.  That is the question.  Today present \s you with choice, challenges and opportunities   it is up to you to see what you will do with all that.

Jim Self on Recreating Yourself

Changing Your Past, Recreating Your Future – Part Two

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Wednesday, 17 April, 2013

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As this Shift of Consciousness unfolds, there are many, many events that are being stripped from your consciousness and your memories. The first Wave* clears away beliefs in your past that have been projected into your future. These sets of beliefs say, “This is my truth. This is all I have ever been, and this is all I am ever going to be!”

In the third dimension, the past is experienced in the mental body and the emotional body.  But in the fourth dimension the past is observed, not experienced.  You don’t run your past through the emotional body.  When you can stand in the fourth dimension present-time, right now- and decouple the emotion from the thought, you can simply perceive the past, “I was yelled at, abused, and insulted.” You can decouple the strong emotion that went along with it and simply observe that, “In my past, my father abused me; but I’m not in my past; I’m standing right here and I do not have to be the result of my past if I do not bring the painful emotion with me present-time.

The minute the emotion is coupled with the information or thought, you drop back into the third dimension and relive that painful past again in this moment.  Your past can be viewed as simply two distinct components: a piece of information that once had an emotion attached to it. When you can separate the emotion from the thought (the information), the ability to perceive your past will change instantly.  Everything that you have believed about how you’re “not Okay” begins to release its hold on you.  You may have participated in events and you may have experienced outcomes that you didn’t desire; but you’ve never failed at any part of the lesson.  It’s when you can separate the information from the emotion in this present-time moment that the old charged memories are cleared from your past.  You are changing your past!  That pain from the past that has been projected into your future is also being cleared at the same time.  It is a very big deal how the Shift is taking away everything that is not you!

Now, that is why remembering and practicing your tools, skills and strategies is so important right now.  One of the most important skills you can develop is the ability to determine what is your concern and what is simply Shakespeare’s theater surrounding you.  The Rose tool, which I have referred to in webinars and articles, is designed to allow you to identify that space from the Rose to you is who you are; and from the Rose away from you is Shakespeare’s theater to entertain you.  Incorporating this simple, significant tool into your daily life will allow you to instantly rearrange how you understand yourself: ” This is me here, and that is the theater that has nothing to do with me!”

As that point is determined, the first Wave has more room to dissolve who-you-are-not and clear it away.  The second Wave will then begin to increase your wiring capacity; bringing in more Light, more knowledge, more wisdom, and more of you (the multidimensional part of you) into the body.  The noise, the drama, and the past and future simply cease to happen.  You begin to know yourself here, in this moment in the present time.

Another transformative tool is a geometric energy field.  It’s called an octahedron.  When you put the octahedron back together and wear it, what happens is that you begin to hold a consistent tone that is outside of the third dimensional reality’s grasp.

As you step into present-time and choose to look at your past simply as a combined emotion and thought- “I was yelled at by the Blue Shirt”–and recognize that the blue shirt you’re looking at in present time has nothing to do with the emotion once experienced, the event loses its charge and becomes neutralized, which in turn allows the emotion that you’ve been reliving over and over every day to dissolve from your present-time space.  You are now more neutral and can ask a better question-e.g., “What else might have been going on in that past situation?”  Instead of approaching all of life from a charged place, you will simply view it from a place of neutral curiosity.

Putting yourself back together

So why is it so important to begin to put yourself back together?  In the third dimension we have been trained and conditioned to respond to what is outside of us.  And, what’s outside of us directs much of our reality.  Just take a look at advertising!  Do you really need that seventh pair of shoes?  And, “Oh, that’s so cute I think I”ll get another pair in green” etc.

In the externally motivated third dimension an interesting dynamic occurs.  Let me use the example of hunger.  You’re driving along, You’re not even aware of being hungry, and there is an ad for Sushi, Wendy’s, KFC, Soup n’Salad, whatever, and you find yourself saying: “I think I’ll go and get a meal.”  You were not even hungry a moment ago, but the conditioning pulls you into that location!  You were powerfully affected by the external world.

As the memories of the past fall away, and as the programmed thoughts of who you will be in the future dissolve, the conditioning is also falling away.  Have you noticed that the dreams and desires, the hopes, goals and wishes that you once had don’t even feel important anymore?  Also, you can’t even remember some of the things that you were told and believed would drive your life?  That specific observation is very important!  As you put yourself back together, the who-you-are-not dissolves and who-you-are begins to shine.


As time is collapsing into a singular present moment, many people are getting bored.  Bored as in “I don’t know what to do! I’m not sure who I am anymore.  I don’t have anything that’s important to me.  And I’m really not sure what to do with myself.”   Do you know this place?  As we forget who we are not, a conditioning is also being stripped away.  And now, the reference points of the conditioning no longer exist!  But we’re so conditioned on “Wendy’s = eat hamburger,” and “advertising = buy shoes”, that when those reference points go away, we don’t know what to do with ourselves.  And this is a great thing that’s happening.  You are surely stepping into a fourth dimensional place!

As you begin to play in the fourth dimension, (with diminishing reference points) you are (metaphorically) standing naked with nothing to do until you decide what you want to do.  You are treading water until you choose to create an event.  So, let me give you an example.  I now no longer have an external stimuli to tell me I’m hungry, and I’m starting to actually feel hungry, but I don’t know what I want to eat.  If you can switch this to: “I think I’d like to create something really wonderful to eat; I wonder what I would like to have?”  If you begin to ask the right questions-  Universe, what would be very interesting to eat? – you will begin to get some new ideas.  Instead of the old conditioning, the Universe begins to give you what you put your attention on.  All you have to do is pay attention in present-time and notice what is presented to you: mangoes, Japanese cucumbers, fresh spring peas.  Notice what your asking brings to you.  Boredom is a choice.

I know you have had the experience where you casually say something like, “Well, I wonder where I could get a delicious, Hawaiian salmon burger that is very juicy and on a tosated bun and has a big slice of tomato and very fresh lettuce and a thick red onion on it.”  Then all of a sudden, a picture will appear in your mind accompanied by the thought: three weeks ago when I was at dinner with my best friend, and we were having a wonderful, laughing time, the waiter walked by with this really nice looking salmon-burger.”  That sandwich will come right into your awareness because it’s part of your creative mechanism rather than your reactionary mechanism.  This will begin to happen more often to all of us, because we are forgetting who-we-are-not, and we are being given an empty palette on which to re-create our selves on our own terms and according to our own desires.

Since many of us have not been trained well, nor given permission to validate and grow our creative nature, we are, in a sense being given back our childhood.  We are being given back the opportunity to create.  And the Shift is stripping away more and more.  The anger, frustration, resentment, and the always-and-never aspects of the rigid third dimension are dissolving.  As they are going away they are taking who-you-are-not with them.

As you begin to put yourself back together and re-access your Higher Mind, re-connect with your Soul, anchor it  back into your Heart, and begin to activate the Light Body, you discover you can choose different and new options.  You can choose co-creation and compassion; well-being and beauty.  You begin to find the internal smile in the Heart that has been forgotten a long time ago, and you begin to create and co-create with your community of friends.

This is happening and it is going to continue.  As you use your tools, and start putting yourself back together, you begin to experience yourself as being “in the world but not of the world.”  As the wiring comes back together, the access to whom you have always been starts to lock into place, you not only remember whom you have always been; you also do not remember that you never remembered!  You simply become once again what you have always been.

This is a remarkable game that we are playing in, and there is a tremendous acceleration as you put yourself back together!  This is something that is not experienced very often by many beings!  What you are doing is creating something that has never even been thought possible in the higher realms.  And you are doing it at an accelerated rate.  Superbly!

So even though you look in the mirror and say, “I don’t know what that guy was talking about” it IS an exciting adventure!  As you put yourself back together, you’re going to be thrilled with what you find!

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Evita Ochel on Heart-Centered Living

Awakening to Heart-Centered Living

12th March 2012

By Evita Ochel

Our world is in the midst of a major change, and we are awakening. Awakening today from years, decades and centuries of living stifled by illusions and limited by controlling beliefs and unconscious thoughts. Today, we have the chance to step into the light of consciousness and see the world, life and ourselves through a lens of clarity like we never have before. We have the chance to see through the illusions, the drama, the propaganda and all that has kept us asleep, busy and distracted from the truth of all that is.

But what will we do and how will we react as we wake up? For many around the world, the awakening is a rude one and it is bringing about various levels of anger, resentment, frustration and despair. Many of the things, people, organizations and systems we put our trust and faith in have failed and betrayed us. Many of our first responses thus are to strike back, get even, attack, retaliate and expose that which has enslaved us for so long. And while all of these actions may have some merits and many of us may feel justified taking them, there is something else to consider, something very fundamental about this awakening that is much more powerful to put into practice.

At the root of this awakening is a very important foundation—the foundation of the heart. For eons humankind has led life ruled by the mind, which has to this point been largely untapped and unconscious where its full potential lies. Despite this, logic, reason and rational thinking were valued over empathy, compassion and emotional feeling. We were taught to be strong, competitive, the “fittest” and focus on personal desires without regard for how it will impact others or nature. Yet something about this did not feel “right” – did not feel natural to many of us, and is today one of the biggest factors driving this awakening.

In the midst of evolving as life on this planet, we neglected one of the most important aspects of ourselves. We have denied, suppressed and alienated our heart. And so today, we are not just awakening, we are awakening to heart-centered living.

The Meaning of Heart-Centered

Love doesn’t need reason. It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart.”  – Deepak Chopra

The foundation of heart-centered living is love. Pure and simple. Therefore, when we embrace or step into heart-centered living, we are allowing love to be the guiding force for all that we think, say and do. We are moving out of fear-based paradigms and moving into love-based paradigms. How this plays out in everyday life on a practical level is huge, and has massive implications for all life on this planet. Our hearts are starved and we are finally coming back to ourselves, healing ourselves and healing our planet. For example, it is no coincidence that heart disease today is our number one killer. While I will be the first to say that healthy eating is vital to our physical survival and quality of life, beyond this physical nourishment is something much bigger. Our overall energetic frequency of the thoughts, words and actions we experience influences our mind-body connection and this is reflected in the state of our personal health, and collectively in the health of our planet.

Therefore to understand what heart-centered living is all about, there are three main areas that are the building blocks for putting a heart-centered approach into action on every level of our existence.

Compassion for Self

For starters, it means growing in and nurturing self-love. Yes, we actually start to put ourselves first, but not from an Ego perspective, but from a heart perspective. When we wake up to heart-centered living, we understand that we are the central point of creation of our personal reality. Until we understand love personally and experientially, and learn to love ourselves, we are of little value to ourselves, others and our world. Until we learn to really love ourselves, we will continue to engage in destructive behaviors that harm the self, others and our planet. This applies to everything in life.

A person who has a high degree of self-love is incapable for example of being in a destructive relationship, or over-eating, or using toxic substances, or subjecting themselves to any other physical, mental, emotional or spiritual harm. The higher your level of self-love the more compassion you exercise in all of your thoughts, words and actions towards the self and all of life’s creation. And in case it is not yet clear, this has nothing to do with selfishness, but with being awake and aware enough to know that we can only give what we are and what we have. Therefore if we do not have love within us, how can we give love to others? Or kindness? Respect? Compassion? Etc.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”   – Lucille Ball

Compassion for Others

Secondly, it means a unity-centered attitude in how we interact with others. We begin to value things like community. We come to understand that we are all from the same source on this planet, and thus one human family. We begin to see ourselves in all of the “others” with whom we come into contact with everyday. And because we would not hurt, cheat or abuse the self, we would not do this to any other being. But again, for this to take effect, we have to first apply the point above with respect to increasing our self-love. And when we do apply the highest level of self-love we can at any given time, we immediately change our thoughts, words and actions towards others, for we take on the highest level of empathy no matter who we are dealing with.

We realize that only peace is natural in how we interact with others, releasing fear-based behaviors that are centered in violence, war, and oppression. We begin to understand the real meaning of justice and equality, knowing that it just does not make sense for one to have more than enough, while the other struggles with not enough to survive. Discrimination, judgement, and prejudice get released as we come into full awareness of what it means to be one. We stop fearing our differences, and instead celebrate our unique diversity.

Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity, no matter who or what they are: ultimately these are all we need.”   – Dalai Lama XIV

Compassion for Nature

Thirdly, it means a high degree of stewardship when it comes to all of nature and our planet. The more we love ourselves, and love the communities that we share this Earth with, the more we make sure that our home—planet Earth—is kept in the healthiest state it can be.

Living from the heart means we know that every body of water on this planet is like the blood that runs through our body, and in order to be healthy, we cannot pollute either. We begin to be mindful of our actions in how we preserve clean air, both inside and outside our homes. We begin to show the highest level of compassion for all animals, and plants and all other species of life on this planet. Nothing is seen as worse than, or more worthy than. We stop discriminating between species as to which ones we call our pets, and which ones we abuse or kill. We begin to take a high degree of reverence for nature knowing that it has a sacred balance, and we learn to work with it, rather than against it.

Living from the heart and being stewards of this planet also means that we do not try to impose our will or control nature or any of its species. We are just one aspect of nature that has the choice to either live with the sacred harmony, or destroy the harmony of life on this planet.

There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet.”   – Brooke Medicine Eagle

From Mind Wisdom to Heart Wisdom

In closing, I wish to share with you my personal philosophy for my life, which today I keep as simple as possible – live consciously using the wisdom of the heart and the power of the mind.

May we remember that living from the heart does not mean that we abandon the power of our mind. To do so, would be to enter a new imbalanced way of existing on this planet. We cannot deny any part of ourselves to live from our highest potential – not our mind, not our heart and not our soul. We are multidimensional beings, both on a physical and spiritual level and we are today learning how to truly put that into action and live our lives from the most holistic and balanced foundation.

Ultimately, at our essence we are love. We are not fear, or anger, or greed, or competition. As we continue to awaken, may we continue to grow in love, and exercise all that we are in how we relate to ourselves, others and all living and non-living things on this planet. May we always focus on the solutions, rather than the problems, and truly be the change we wish to see.

About the Author

Evita Ochel is an author, speaker and holistic living expert. She is the editor of two online – to awaken and inspire people to expand their consciousness and connect with a heart-centered way of life, and – to awaken and inspire people to attain optimal health and wellness through natural health and nutrition. Evita is also the founder of the Healthytarianmovement and author of the newly released book “Healing and Prevention Through Nutrition”.


November 20-26

Overall Color for the Week:   Moss Green

This week there is much in the air that indicates the direction of things as the year winds down and the Holiday Season begins.  Take time to see what it is that you wish to have as your culmination for 2011.  Look around at things that are and are not working in your life, and know that in the crescendo of the energy at this time, there is the potential for great and quick change.  This is not a time for over-thinking things, that can just lead to some overlooking.  This is a time for truly being in the flow and in the know, the know being that you are taken care of and if you allow the best you deserve, it will happen.  Trust your intuition.  That cannot be stressed enough.  Intuition will get you through many tough situations.  Do not fall into judgment about yourself or others. You will see more and more odd behaviors from those whom you have known for quite some time.  As this month nears it close, more and more unions are being shaken up and more and more health situations are arising.  Again, if you go within to your heart, you will feel what this is all about.  Know that in all things you have both power and choice.  Use them wisely.  You will also be finding that more and more things are going bump, as odd noises and occurrences happen.  Your senses are changing.  You see things that cannot be there, but are.  The same with sounds, hearing odd things.  Taste preferences are changing.  Smells are affecting you differently.  And even the feel of things is shifting. Continue reading

Andrew Weil on Happiness

Dr. Andrew Weil

Founder and director, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine 

10 Ways to Have a Happier Life

Posted: 11/8/11 08:13 AM ET

In my new book, “Spontaneous Happiness,” I write about lifestyle practices that can help people achieve and maintain happy lives. Bear in mind that by “happy,” I am not referring to endless bliss. Despite what many in the media proclaim these days, such a state is neither achievable nor desirable. Instead, these practices are designed to help most people reach and maintain a state of contentment and serenity. From there, a person can still experience appropriate emotional highs and lows, but knows that he or she will soon return to a pleasant state that might be termedemotional sea level.

I’ve summarized information about 10 of those practices. These will, I believe, be of particular benefit for those who struggle with mild to moderate depression, but can also potentially benefit nearly anyone who follows them:

1. Exercise: Human bodies are designed for regular physical activity. The sedentary nature of much of modern life probably plays a significant role in the epidemic incidence of depression today. Many studies show that depressed patients who stick to a regimen of aerobic exercise improve as much as those treated with medication. Exercise also appears to prevent depression and improve mood in healthy people.  Many exercise forms — aerobic, yoga, weights, walking and more — have been shown to benefit mood.

Typical therapeutic exercise programs last for eight to 14 weeks. You should have 3 to 4 sessions per week, of at least 20 minutes each. For treatment of depression and anxiety disorders, activities of moderate intensity, like brisk walking, are more successful than very vigorous activity.

I am a particular fan of integrative exercise — that is, exercise that occurs in the course of doing some productive activity such as gardening, bicycling to work, doing home improvement projects and so on. Many people find it far easier to stick to activities like this than to lifting weights or running on a treadmill.

2. Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Normally, inflammation occurs in response to injury and attack by germs. It is marked by local heat, redness, swelling and pain, and is the body’s way of getting more nourishment and more immune activity to the affected area. But inflammation also has destructive potential. We see this when the immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues in such autoimmune diseases as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Excessive inflammation also plays a causative role in heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as other age-related disorders, including cancer. More recent research indicates that inappropriate inflammation may also underlie depression — so controlling it is key to both physical and mental health.

Perhaps the most powerful way to control inflammation is via diet. My anti-inflammatory diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods that are especially selected to reduce inappropriate inflammation, as well as provide abundant vitamins, minerals and fiber. It consists of fruits and vegetables, fatty cold-water fish, healthy whole grains, olive oil and other foods that have been shown to help keep inflammation in check.

3. Take Fish Oil and Vitamin D: Adequate blood levels of these nutrients has been strongly tied to emotional health. They are so necessary and deficiencies are so common in the developed world that I believe everyone, depressed or not, should take them. Take up to three grams of a quality, molecularly distilled fish oil supplement daily — look for one that provides both EPA and DHA in a ratio of about three or four to one. I also recommend 2,000 IU of vitamin D each day.

4. Take Depression-Specific Herbs: Specifically for those with mild to moderate depression, I suggest trying:

  • St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum): This European plant appears to work well for those affected by low mood. Look for tablets or capsules standardized to 0.3 percent hypericin that also list content of hyperforin.  The usual dose is 300 milligrams three times a day.  You may have to wait two months to get the full benefit of this treatment.
  • SAMe (S-adenosy-L-methionine): A naturally-occurring molecule found throughout the body, SAMe  (pronounced “sammy”) has been extensively studied as an antidepressant and treatment for the pain of osteoarthritis.  Look for products that provide the butanedisulfonate form in enteric-coated tablets.  The usual dosage is 400 to 1,600 milligrams a day, taken on an empty stomach.  Take lower doses (under 800 milligrams) once a day, a half hour before the morning meal; split higher doses, taking the second a half hour before lunch.
  • Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea): A relative of the jade plant native to the high northern latitudes, it appears to improve mood and memory. Look for 100-milligram tablets or capsules containing extracts standardized to three percent rosavins and one percent salidroside.  The dosage is one or two tablets or capsules a day, one in the morning or one in the morning and another in early afternoon.  This can be increased to 200 milligrams up to three times a day if needed.

5. Do Breathing Exercises:  Conscious breath control a useful tool for achieving a relaxed, clear state of mind. One of my favorite breathing exercises is the 4-7-8 (or Relaxing) Breath. Although you can do the exercise in any position, sit with your back straight while learning the exercise. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise. You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue; try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward. Then:

  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.

Hold your breath for a count of seven.

Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.


Note that you always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in position the whole time. Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. The absolute time you spend on each phase is not important; the ratio of 4:7:8 is important. If you have trouble holding your breath, speed the exercise up but keep to the ratio of 4:7:8 for the three phases. With practice you can slow it all down and get used to inhaling and exhaling more and more deeply. This exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.

Andrew Weil, M.D., is the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicineand the editorial director of


11/11/11 — 11:11

Sarah-Jane Grace
a message from Sarah-Jane Grace
Friday, 11 November, 2011

The 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year of the 21st century. How often can we have a moment like this is our lifetimes?!

There is a great deal of focus and energy being placed on this moment in time; a great deal of hope and expectation. What does it represent? What does it mean? There are lots of theories and ideas bubbling around the globe, from portals opening to a shift in DNA. In essence though, perhaps the most significant focus of this day is to simply bring together like minded souls who collectively share a vision of hope, healing, love and evolution.

The more people that come together and unify, the more we can truly understand the nature of all of the cosmic shifts, twists and turns that we have witnessed and will continue to witness. Unity is one-ness, the Uni-verse is one-ness and the more we connect to, and live, this one-ness, the more we realise just how magnificent we truly are.

The nature of being human sees us define ourselves by the sum of our past; what happened before shapes us, moulds us and makes us whom we are today. We look back to spiritual knowledge and to the wisdom of the past to give the present (and the future) meaning and purpose; we seek a full awakening from our seemingly long dark nights of the soul.

Yet, can the past truly shape and define us? Have we not reached a point in our evolution where we need to define ourselves by the present moment? Can we always find an answer from the past? In some ways, of course we can, but if we are truly evolving now surely we need to stop looking backwards and start looking forwards!

In essence, it seems to be a time to stop seeking meaning from the outside world and to go within in order to find the answers and solutions to our lives. We may not have ‘all the answers’, but no one has, not on this earth. Yet, if we are to grow and evolve, isn’t a part of that making ‘mistakes’ and learning from them? Like a baby finding its feet; it will fall and bump, but after each fall comes not only a determination to try again but an evolving learning process to make the next attempt a step closer to its goal.

We are being re-born now, and it is time to have trust and faith in our own abilities to learn and to find our own ways forwards. This is not about isolation, but it is defining ourselves from within not without. Groups are a powerful way to manifest change and transformation, healing and love, but in order to find Truth, we need to go within our Selves and not define ourselves through the collective. is a special moment, perhaps mainly because we decide it will be. This may sound twee or a little light-hearted, but it is not. At the end of the day, it is our intent that is the most important gift that we have. Intent and personal power are our guiding lights and are the forces in our lives that can transform, destroy and create. Imagine what we can do personally and collectively if we believe that we can. If we can make special, then we can do anything!

Portals may open and our DNA may change, but perhaps the most significant things we can embrace is unity, self-awareness and the power of intent, for once we have these, then life can be truly wonderful…

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Copyright © 2006-2011 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved


November 6-12

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Grey

Is it at all possible that you are not yet aware of all the shifts and changes that are happening all around you, and at times, even within you? There is so much going on, and that is leading everyone ot feeling a bit unsettled, testy, and not quite with it.  There can be times of intense distraction, when all of a sudden you will snap out of it and wonder where you were and what just happened.  Your sense of what is important is shifting.  Time seems out of whack.  Pay attention to when these things happen, for there is meaning in it.  You will begin to see in others certain patterns and behaviors that can either attract you or turn you off.  People are shifting and changing, just as you are.  This can lead to changes in friendships and relationships.  There are many choices to be made at this time, and one of them is whether or not you wish to remain where you are, when, you are and with whom you are.  This is not a time for precipitate action, .  Slow and steady, in this case, will more than win the day, it will assist you in making the changes you have been wanting to make, and in becoming the WHO you chose to be at this time.  Trust your intuition and do not let go.  There is comfort and assistance if you will call upon it and accept it Continue reading