Big Winners – Health Insurance Companies

Startling Revelation: Health Insurance Companies Make 400% More than Big Pharma

Medical industry expert Brigham Buhler says that the ‘big five’ insurance companies make over 400% more in revenue than pharmaceutical companies! The average American is on four or more prescription drugs that only treat symptoms. Medicare/ Medicaid spends $500 billion per year on pharmaceutical drugs, and when all government programs are combined, the US government spends $1 trillion on drugs and products.

Determining the root cause of disease and preventative care are ignored. 1.7 million Americans die per year from chronic disease. Most chronic disease is preventable.

Insurance companies tell doctors what, when, where, how and what they are allowed to do for patients.

Buhler explained that the cycle of corruption and profit includes the NIH, FDA, the drug manufacturers and insurance companies. Pharmacy benefit managers were brought in to drive down the price of drugs, but they were captured by the big five insurance companies that turned the savings into a profit center for the companies. The insurance companies buy up large supplies of drugs and then they profit by 30% on the sale of the drugs.

Incentives drive the pricing of drugs and insurance companies make only high profit margins drugs accessible for patients.

Out of 365 ‘blockbuster’ drugs that hit the market form 2010 to 2019, zero were created by Big Pharma; instead, 100% of those drugs originated at the National Institute of Health (NIH) that is funded by American taxpayers. Once the compounds have a certain potential, they are sold off to Big Pharma that sells them to the American public that funded the products.


Cholesterol, Statins, & Heart Disease

This is a highly abbreviated version of the total article.  Go to the Link ( to read the rest:


The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins

Exploring the Actual Causes and Treatments of Heart Disease

Story at a Glance:

•There is a widespread belief that elevated cholesterol is the “cause” of cardiovascular disease. However, a large body of evidence shows that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death.

•An alternative model (which the medical industry buried) proposes that the blood clots the body uses to heal arterial damage, once healed, create the characteristic atherosclerotic lesions associated with heart disease. The evidence for this model, in turn, is much stronger than the cholesterol hypothesis and provides many important insights for treating heart disease.

•The primary approach to treating heart disease is to prescribe cholesterol lowering statin drugs (to the point, over a trillion dollars have now been spent on them). Unfortunately, the benefits of these highly toxic drugs are minuscule (e.g., at best taking them for years extends your life by a few days) and the harms are vast (statins are one of the most common pharmaceuticals that severely injure patients).

•In this article we will explore the specific injuries caused by statin drugs, the forgotten causes of cardiovascular disease, and our preferred treatments for heart and vascular diseases.

The more I study science, the more I come to see how often fundamental facts end up being changed so that a profitable industry can be created. In the case of heart disease, I very much believe that is the case and in this publication, I’ve tried to expose the erroneous information that predominates our understanding of this subject (e.g., previously I’ve discussed why our model of how the heart pumps blood in the body is incorrect and in an article that will be released in a few weeks, I will detail the major misconceptions about blood pressure management).

Within cardiology, I believe one of the most damaging falsehoods is that cholesterol causes heart disease and that taking statins (or their newer equivalents), which lower cholesterol, are the key to preventing heart disease. This is because, in addition to those “facts” being incorrect, statins are also some of the most dangerous and widely used pharmaceutical drugs on the market.

The Forgotten Side of Medicine is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. To see how others have benefitted from this newsletter, click here.

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Frequently, when an industry harms many people, it will create a scapegoat to get out of trouble. Once this happens, a variety of other sectors that also benefit from that scapegoat existing will jump on the bandwagon. Before long, a false belief that harms society becomes an unquestionable dogma that becomes very difficult to overturn because many corrupt parties have a vested interest in maintaining the lie.

For example, various easily addressable factors (which often exist in the first place because they benefit an industry) are responsible for the chronic diseases we face in society and our vulnerability to infectious diseases (e.g., the obese and diabetics were much more likely to catch COVID-19). However, by saying all diseases result from insufficient vaccination, it gets all those destructive industries off the hook and creates a huge market for selling vaccines and treatments for these illnesses. Thus, since there are so many vested interests behind the vaccine paradigm, it is very difficult to overturn—despite the fact the existing evidence shows vaccinations are responsible for the massive epidemic of chronic disease that is sweeping our country.

In the 1960s and 1970s, a debate emerged over what caused heart disease. On one side, John Yudkin effectively argued that the sugar being added to our food by the processed food industry was the chief culprit. On the other side, Ancel Keys (who attacked Yudkin’s work) argued that it was due to saturated fat and cholesterol.

Note: a case can also be made that the mass adoption of vegetable oils lead to this increase in heart disease. Likewise, some believe the advent of water chlorination was responsible for this increase.

Ancel Keys won, Yudkin’s work was largely dismissed, and Keys became nutritional dogma. A large part of Key’s victory was based on his study of seven countries (Italy, Greece, Former Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Finland, America, and Japan), which showed that as saturated fat consumption increased, heart disease increased in a linear fashion.

However, what many don’t know (as this study is still frequently cited) is that this result was simply a product of the countries Keys chose (e.g., one author illustrated that if Finland, Israel, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, and Sweden had been chosen, the opposite would have been found).

Fortunately, it gradually became recognized that Ancel Keys did not accurately report the data he used to substantiate his arguments. For example, recently an unpublished 56 month randomized study of 9,423 adults living in state mental hospitals or a nursing home (which made it possible to rigidly control their diets) that Keys was the lead investigator of was unearthed. This study (inconveniently) found that replacing half of the animal (saturated) fats they ate with vegetable oil (e.g., corn oil) lowered their cholesterol, and that for every 30 points it dropped, their risk of death increased by 22 percent (which roughly translates to each 1% drop in cholesterol raising the risk of death by 1%)—so as you can imagine, it was never published.

Note: the author who unearthed that study also discovered another (unpublished) study from the 1970s of 458 Australians, which found that replacing some of their saturated fat with vegetable oils increased their risk of dying by 17.6%

Likewise, recently, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world published internal sugar industry documents. They showed the sugar industry had used bribes to make scientists place the blame for heart disease on fat so Yudkin’s work would not threaten the sugar industry. In turn, it is now generally accepted that Yudkin was right, but nonetheless, our medical guidelines are still largely based on Key’s work.

However, despite a significant amount of data that now shows lowering cholesterol is not associated with a reduction in heart disease (e.g., this studythis studythis studythis reviewthis review, and this review) the need to lower cholesterol is still a dogma within cardiology. For example, how many of you have heard of this 1986 study which was published in the Lancet which concluded:

During 10 years of follow-up from Dec 1, 1986, to Oct 1, 1996, a total of 642 participants died. Each 1 mmol/L increase in total cholesterol corresponded to a 15% decrease in mortality (risk ratio 0–85 [95% Cl 0·79–0·91]).

Note: when people are diabetic (which leads to the liver having to process too much sugar) the liver will convert to fat and then create more cholesterol to transport some of that fat. In these instances, I would argue the actual issue is an excess of sugar rather than elevated cholesterol levels it causes.

Statins Marketing

One of the consistent patterns I’ve observed within medicine is that once a drug is identified that can “beneficially” change a number, medical practice guidelines will gradually shift to prioritizing treating that number and before long, rationals will be created that require more and more of the population to be subject to that regimen. In the case of statins, prior to their discovery, it was difficult to reliably lower cholesterol, but once they hit the market, research rapidly emerged stating that cholesterol was more and more dangerous and, hence that more and more people needed to be on statins.  …

Here is the link for the continuation of the article :

Prejudicial Treatment for the “Unvaccinated”

A Comment by A Midwestern Doctor at the end of his article:

“While what we all saw happen during COVID-19 was a tragedy many of us are still struggling to come to terms with, I instead feel it is miraculous we have come as far we have because we were facing a vast and almost insurmountable apparatus I never thought we could succeed against. Much of that is because of how many of you also stood up to oppose it, and I am hence incredibly grateful to each of you who have given your support and allowed me to have a platform like this and actually be able do something to stop it. Unfortunately, these people are relentless (e.g., consider the conduct of the leaders at Dr. Miller’s hospital), and unless we use the window we have now to hold them accountable, it is almost inevitable what we witnessed over the last few years will happen again.”

Here is a link to the body of the article, and it is long, but even skimming will give you a sense of what has been and probably is going on:

Spiritual? Religious? Not Any More!!!

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections

The VMAT2 gene is a protein that carries several vital neurotransmitters to synapses in the brain. It basically controls the central nervous system. Deleting it, known as a knockout, would greatly reduce these neurotransmitters creating an endless list of chronic health issues. CRISPR technology, which is sold online, can edit and delete VMAT2. Dr. Ariyana Love asks, “How long have pharma and the government been reducing our humanity through VMAT2 knockouts?”

Link for video:

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote that. “In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated… so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit… He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.”

A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist, Dean Hamer, shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines.

“Excuse me, on the left over here, we have individuals who are religious fundamentalists, religious fanatics. And this is the expression, RTPCR, real time PCR, expression of the VMAT2 gene. Our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people, that they have overexpression of the VMAT2 gene and that by vaccinating them against this, we’ll eliminate this behavior.”
~ Dean Hamer (Fake)

In 2021, former NEWS anchor, Ryan Harper, claimed in the San Francisco Chronicle that he created this video as a short film. But has provided no clear evidence to substantiate this claim. And if it is a hoax, then it appears to be disinformation, False information deliberately spread to employ strategic deceptions to advance political, military, or commercial goals. Because in 2009, Dean Hamer lectured at Marlboro College about this same subject.

“Well, it turns out at least one gene that’s involved in spirituality has now been identified. It's one of many different players. The next slide shows it. It's something called The Vesicular Monoamine Transporter number 2.”
~ Dean Hamer (Real)

And in 2004, Hamer published the book, “The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into our Genes,” where in he argues that a variation in the VMAT2 gene dictates one’s openness to spiritual experiences, and without it, we can not feel God.

Not only is this information accurate, but it appears to have been deployed. In a recent article by Dr Ariyana Love, it is shown that this technology has existed for years.

The VMAT2 gene is a protein that carries several vital neurotransmitters to synapses in the brain. It basically controls the central nervous system. Deleting it, known as a knockout, would greatly reduce these neurotransmitters creating an endless list of chronic health issues.

VMAT2 deletion is accomplished using the “SLC18A2 cDNA ORF clone” where “cDNA” is “Complimentary DNA.” Which is used in human cloning and genetically modifying an organism. In 2013, Supreme Court judges ruled that cDNA added to target cells in the human genome, makes a person patent eligible. And there are patents for using this to genetically edit the human VMAT2 gene and delete it. This can easily be done using simple CRISPR technology and is even sold online.

In a 2020 study on mice, VMAT2 gene deletion caused schizophrenia. In a 2022 study it caused Parkinson’s disease. In the American Journal of Human Genetics, a study on deleting the VMAT2 induces an “Intellectual Disability Syndrome” in humans. It causes autoimmune disorders, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes, and several other illnesses. Begging the question, as Dr. Love asks, “How long have pharma and the government been reducing our humanity through VMAT2 knockouts?”

VMAT2 deletion also causes fearfulness, psychiatric disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, cancer, and accelerated aging. While it’s unlikely that these sadistic mad scientists can cut us off from God, they are definitely doing their best to murder us.

Read full article here…


The “Cost” of Doing Pharma Business

NIH Scientists Tried to Hide $710 Million in Royalty Payments from Drug Makers During ‘Pandemic’

Dr. David Morens, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s top aides at the NIAID. Video screenshot
OpenTheBooks was forced to sue the government to obtain data that revealed that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its scientists collected $710 million in royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists. Almost all that cash — $690 million — went to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the subagency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and 260 of its scientists. Fauci relentlessly pushed harmful COVID vaccines.

Bombshell emails were also discovered that were sent by one of Fauci’s deputies, Dr. David Morens, that described in-house strategies to circumvent the federal Freedom of Information Act. The strategies included misspelling words to evade scrutiny and using a physical courier to exchange messages to avoid an electronic record.



During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma.

Now we know just how close they were.

New data from the National Institutes of Health reveals the agency and its scientists collected $710 million in royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists.

Almost all that cash — $690 million — went to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the subagency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and 260 of its scientists.

Information about this vast private royalty complex is tightly held by NIH. My organization,, was forced to sue to uncover the royalties paid from September 2009 to October 2021, which amounted to $325 million over 56,000 transactions.

We had to sue a second time, with Judicial Watch as our counsel, to pry open this new release.

Payments skyrocketed during the pandemic era: those years saw more than double the amount of cash flow to NIH from the private sector, compared to the prior twelve combined. All told, it’s $1.036 billion.

It’s unclear if any of the Covid vaccine royalties from Pfizer and Moderna, the latter of which settled with NIH by agreeing to pay $400 million, is even included in these new numbers. NIH isn’t saying.

The American people have one last crack at getting some candor from Fauci, the face of our COVID response, when he testifies Monday before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

There’s plenty to answer for.

He’s spent years scoffing at questions about potential conflicts of interest between COVID policymakers, who relentlessly pushed vaccines, and recipients of private royalties.

Now he’ll also need to account for bombshell emails sent by one of his deputies, which described in-house strategies to circumvent the federal Freedom of Information Act.

Fauci won’t be able to misspell words to evade scrutiny or have folks physically courier messages — just two of the FOIA-avoiding actions described by Dr. David Morens, a key Fauci deputy.

Instead, cameras from around the world will be trained on Fauci and he’ll be answering for information he gave in a sworn deposition earlier this year.

It’s a chance to either come clean or further cement the public’s perception of him and the NIH as secretive and self-interested.

Beyond this small cabal of scientists covering up discussions of the virus’ origin, NIH has consistently treated FOIA requests like viral attacks of their own. No wonder, then, that we’re plaintiffs in six ongoing FOIA cases.

Characteristically, NIH is still redacting pieces of the data that would help us more easily connect therapeutics with their government-paid inventors. For example, they refuse to show us the amount of royalties paid to each individual scientist. So we still can’t entirely follow the money.

In the meantime, Sen. Rand Paul has sponsored the Royalty Transparency Act, which sailed unanimously through the committee process and deserves a floor vote immediately.

There’s plenty Fauci could do in the meantime, too. He could indicate he supports bills like Paul’s. He could call on NIH and CDC to voluntarily “unmask” the royalty payments. Then we could see whether their decisions have advanced the general welfare or their own.

Fauci could also support fixes to the FOIA law that create real consequences for those who purposely violate it.

Read full article here…


There is A Vaccine for Everything

Are you ready for the CLIMATE VACCINES about to be unleashed by anti-human globalists?
05/31/2024 // Ethan Huff /

Unless We the People stop them, climate fanatics like billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates are planning to inject you and your family with climate change and global warming “vaccines.”Right now, they are already injecting meat animals with climate jabs, claiming these are necessary to keep the animals “safe” from fictitious diseases. Eventually, they will proceed to start jabbing you and your family with the same “vaccines,” assuming you let them. writer Yudi Sherman warned back in January that the only way to stop these “genetic maniacs” from destroying the human race with their mystery chemical injections is to “take away their keycards and their containment suits, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any other scientific research for life, and then raze the buildings to the ground.”

If it sounds extreme, consider the fact that a company called ArkeaBio just raised $26.5 million in Series A seed funding to begin developing climate jabs for the human masses. You can be sure that once these injections are ready to go, there will be another “pandemic” or “emergency” to predicate their forced use.

“If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation,” warns the editor.

(Related: Bill Gates cannot wait for “Pandemic 2” when he hopes to forcibly inject the entire planet with climate jabs.)

“Vaccines” to prevent cows from passing gas

This might sound like something from The Babylon Bee, but the reality is that ArkeaBio has already begun developing a new “vaccine” that mad scientists say will stop cows and other meat animals from releasing methane emissions, i.e., passing gas.

The claim is that the shots will alter the animals’ immune systems in such a way as to create antibodies that target methane-producing microbes.

ArkeaBio secured its first major investment in late 2022 from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

“Our vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture,” the company’s website explains.

ArkeaBio has not announced any plans to create a human version of its anti-fart injection, but another company called Gingko Bioworks has. Gingko, which is also funded by Gates, is pushing to develop mRNA (modRNA) injections that it says will help to stop the planet from warming.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has expressed support for the plan, stating it is a “critical response to the climate crisis.”

“In the face of climate change, vaccines play a crucial but underestimated role,” wrote British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) back in December on its website.

AstraZeneca, maker of a shamed and now-pulled-from-the-market viral vector Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, also wants in on the gravy train by manufacturing its own climate jabs as well.

Two months prior, Thomas Triomphe, executive vice president of vaccines at rival Sanofi, wrote an entire article called “Vaccine innovation is a critical response to the climate crisis” that expresses the same interest in developing climate injections.

The only type of “climate change” these demons are trying to stop is their own change from rich to poor as their corrupt financial and war empire implodes on itself. Big Pharma will die unless it continues to churn out new injections for every made-up disease under the sun, the latest being so-called climate change.

“This madness has to end now,” one angry commenter wrote about the insanity coming from Big Pharma and the Bill Gates brigade.

“I’m immensely comforted to know the flood Gates of biotech are unleashed, to wash us in redemptive waters of climate salvation by delivering us from the ubiquitous evil of carbon,” joked another about the religious cult aspects of climate change.

Climate change is a scam designed to separate you from your assets and wealth. Learn more at

Sources for this article include:


Ivermectin — Another Benefit !!!

Cancer Surgeon Reveals the Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is a member of Front Line Covid19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCCA) and a retired cancer surgeon trained at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She is conducting her own observational study on the effect on late-stage cancer patients who use Ivermectin. Dr. Ruddy explained that Ivermectin comes from a single cell organism discovered in soil in Japan. She said that Ivermectin can kill parasites and it can dismantle viruses. She believes that the majority of cancers are caused by tumor viruses yet to be discovered. She discussed three patients who had astonishing reversals of cancers and metastatic spread after using Ivermectin.

Disclaimer:  NeedToKnow.News is a media outlet. We do not give medical advice, but instead report the news. Please contact your own doctor or medical expert for any health issues.

Watch the full video with Dr. Kathleen Ruddy here:

Link for video:

Epoch Times transcript excerpt:

Dr. Ruddy: The opening act in this story is that I began to do the scientific research that was in peer-reviewed papers, and I read them chronologically. I wanted to understand what everyone was thinking, as they made their discoveries and what questions they asked. Here was all this research that showed that ivermectin had great potential as an anti-cancer agent. Having seen for myself and being very well persuaded by the work of Doctors Kory and Marick and others, plus the data coming out of South Africa and India that ivermectin was safe and effective in treating patients with Covid, I began to wonder to what extent it might it be effective in treating patients with cancer.
I understood that the pharmaceutical industries were not going to invest in a $0.10 pill. If the pharmaceutical industries were not willing to do that, no one else was going to do it, because pharma funds everyone that is doing research. I was introduced to a patient with stage 4 prostate cancer. He had received two vaccines. He was perfectly healthy and a marathoner, and had no history of cancer in the family.
He worked for the government, and he was going to lose his job and his pension if he wasn’t vaccinated. Two months after his second Pfizer shot, he was diagnosed all at once with stage 4 prostate cancer. He tells a very compelling, melodramatic story about that 24-hour period of time in his life.
He went through the traditional protocols; radiation, chemotherapy, pharmacologic, castration, all of it, over a period of nine months. His name is Paul Mann. His doctor said, “There’s really nothing else we can do. He said, “Can’t you give me more radiation? Can’t you give me more chemo? Aren’t there any other drugs? Are there any clinical trials? The answer was, “No, there’s nothing. There is only hospice. Send for the priest.”
A friend of his knew me and said, “Would you give Paul a call? He just needs some moral support.” I began calling him and we spoke about once a week for three weeks. The poor guy was suffering and had cancer in 11 bones in his body. His right leg was completely swollen and obstructed with a tumor. He was miserable.
I said, “Paul, I don’t know if this is going to help you, but I know it’s not going to hurt you. I just can’t imagine based on my judgment and understanding of the scientific literature and all of the work that Doctors Kory and Marik have done that ivermectin would hurt you. It might help, but I can’t say.”
He said, “I’ll give it a try.” He drove to Tennessee where you could get it without a prescription. He drove from where he lives in New York to Tennessee and paid cash for his ivermectin. He didn’t submit it to an insurance company. He didn’t tell his oncologist back in Missouri.
His ivermectin prescriptions were listed in his medical chart. How did that information get from the pharmacy in Tennessee to his chart in Missouri? They don’t know. But actually, somebody does know, and I’d like to know myself.
Anyway, he starts taking ivermectin. He doesn’t have any problems with it. I talk to him every week, “How are you feeling? How’s your leg? How’s the pain? He says, “No change. But I don’t know. It’s not quite as swollen. There’s pain everywhere. Maybe it’s getting a little bit better. It’s not necessarily getting worse.”
Fast forward to a two-month follow-up appointment at the clinic. They didn’t expect to see him. He’s feeling a little bit better. They do a PSA [Prostrate-Specific Antigen Test], which in the beginning was off the charts, maybe 700 or 800. At the time, they recommended him to hospice.
Mr. Jekielek: What exactly do those numbers mean, for the layperson?
Dr. Ruddy: Over four would be abnormal. What are we talking about here? Prostate cells normally secrete a protein, a prostate-specific antigen. It’s one of the things that they do. Cancer cells that originate in the prostate that are dividing rapidly and growing fast are spitting out PSA. It’s not that they’re contributing to the body economy in any way. It’s just they just want to multiply and divide. That’s the end of the story.
Your PSA levels start to rise, which is a screening marker. They will say, “Your PSA was four, and now it’s eight. Let’s do a prostate ultrasound.” The PSA can be a screen for the emergence of a tumor, but it can also be used, particularly at high levels, as evidence for cancer, response to cancer, or recurrence of cancer. His was supposed to be four, but it’s in the hundreds.
He goes back for a two-month appointment and it’s 1.3. They said, “You’re in biochemical remission.” He was not in complete remission, because he still had the bone metastasis, but this was good news. Slowly, he begins to improve. There is less pain and the swelling is down. He has a lot of other vaccine injuries, but he’s getting better.
They are giving him nutritional support and other supplements. He was sometimes having a TIA [Transient Ischemic Attack], which is a little mini-stroke. But he didn’t tell me about that because we were talking about cancer. But over a period of time, I was asking him, “Are you having TIAs?” His wife said, “Yes, he’s having TIAs.”
I asked, “What do the cancer doctors tell you? She said, “They say it’s not related to my cancer.” I got a call from his wife one evening and he was in the emergency room. He had this catastrophic TIA. I said, “Paul, what are they doing for you?” He said, “They did a CAT scan of my head, but they didn’t see anything specific. It’s a TIA and not related to my cancer.” Then they send him home.
I asked, “Did they do anything? He replied, “No.” I said, “You need to see a cardiologist. There are things they can do.” I looked it up really quickly. and of course, there are things they can do. They get him to the cardiologist, get him on blood thinners, and then no more problems with TIAs. That’s an indictment of the healthcare system.
Then he is getting better. Nine months later, he’s out dancing for four hours, three nights a week. He gets a head-to-toe rescanning and three of the bone mets are gone. There’s no growth of the mets that are there, and no new lesions. There’s only one hot spot and that’s where he received radiation therapy. The radiologist really could not distinguish whether that was a tumor hotspot or a radiation hotspot.
He is doing very well. The vaccine injury is a problem, but the cancer is no longer a problem, except for the fact that it’s still there and we want to get rid of it completely. He called me from a hockey game and said, “If I didn’t already know I have cancer, I would not know I have cancer. That was patient number one. I said, “Now, that’s interesting.”
A second patient crossed my path, a guy in his seventies who lost 40 pounds over a year-and-a-half, was not vaccinated, was a smoker and drinker, and all he did was fish. He could no longer swallow and he could hardly talk. I got on the phone with him and said, “Eddie, tell me a little bit about your history.” He knew someone with prostate cancer who had taken ivermectin and cured himself from prostate cancer with it.
Eddie began taking ivermectin. I have no idea what the dosing was. He was just taking it. I gave him some advice about diet and how to get the weight back on. In a couple of weeks, he sounded stronger. He could swallow, his voice was better, and he had gained six pounds. I followed him for another month or so.
I said, “Eddie, we need to get a scan.” He doesn’t have insurance. He doesn’t like doctors. He had been diagnosed in that interval with two unresectable esophageal tumors. The surgeons wouldn’t go near it. The doctor said, “We’ll give you chemo and radiation.” He said, “No, you’re not.” He just takes his ivermectin.
About six weeks later, I said, “Eddie, you need to get a scan.” I had to argue with Eddie to get a scan. We got the scan. No tumors. Gone. The biggest problem was that he had sold his fishing boat. He was getting better and his tumor was gone. Now, he needed to go out and buy another fishing boat. That was the second patient. Again, I said, “Now, that’s interesting.”
The third patient was a woman who was referred to me. Her husband called me. He said, “Could you talk to my wife? I think she’s got a problem.” She could feel a lump in her lower pelvis. She had had that for a while. I asked her, “Do you have any vaginal bleeding?” She replied, “Yes, a little bit, but not much.”
I said that the best thing to do would be to go to the doctor and get a CAT scan. She doesn’t like doctors. She doesn’t have insurance. She’s not getting a CAT scan. I was able to convince her to at least get an ultrasound. She gets an ultrasound. She has a 6-centimeter tumor in her pelvis. It’s close to the colon, it’s close to the ovary, it might be near the uterus, who knows? It’s just wedged down there.

Who Will You Listen To? Truth vs Spin

The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent

Millions of dollars were spent to weaponize the public against all of us

by:   A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:
•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

•Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” (and its sister United Nations initiative “Team Halo”) were hucksters who faked their own credentials. My overall impression from looking at everything was that this group operated in a very similar manner to many of the sleazy internet marketing operations I’ve seen in the past. Fortunately, the public appears to be seeing through what they did.

Almost any viewpoint can be “proven” using the “correct” evidence and logic. Purely as a challenge, I’ve successfully done this in the past with beliefs I consider to be abhorrent and completely disagree with. Once you become familiar with the process, you begin to gain an appreciation for how ephemeral the truth is and how problematic it is that most people have filters they see through reality through that lead to them doing this even if it’s not deliberate (although if you watch carefully for it, you’ll often see non-verbal signs that show they are somewhat aware they are lying to themselves).

For some reason, this realization directly conflicted with my deepest values (which to this day I don’t know the source of as they just existed long before I had learned about the world), so my own way of seeing the world reoriented around trying to discern what was actually true rather than proving I was right (e.g., to hold onto the illusion I know what was going on) in the hopes the truth could become something tangible rather than this ephemeral fiction our hands and minds constantly passed through. In turn, a major reason why I approach most topics I present here by fairly presenting both sides is because I found it was one of the things necessary for me to pass through that ephemeral layer of truth that clouds almost everything.
Note: after going through this process for years, I started being able to tell if what I was exposed to had a “solidity” to it or an “emptiness” and a large part of how I filter reality now is by focusing my attention to the things that appear to have solidity (rather than them conforming to what I want to be true). In the past, I’ve mentioned how I will constantly debate and scrutinize each idea I am considering before deciding which one to adopt (which is important to do), but I view this discernment of solidity and emptiness to be much more important for arriving at what rings true.

Despite this publication being about medicine, I’ve repeatedly focused on highlighting the work of public relations (PR), a massive invisible industry (e.g., 20 billion was spent on it in America last year) that continually shapes our perceptions of reality for its corporate and government clients. Briefly, PR is the incredibly refined science of manipulating the public, and essentially is what lies between propaganda and marketiing.

(Check out the link for the video:

Note: this is not that different from how many people who have an ulterior financial motive will inevitably arrive at the conclusion which supports their financial interests regardless of how hard you try to convince them not to. For example, listen to this talk below the co-founder of Shots Heard gave about why no one online could possibly have a valid reason to question vaccine safety, that no doctor who promotes vaccines is being paid off to do so, and why it was necessary to censor all of those opinions—while conveniently neglecting to mention he’s received over $200,000.00 from vaccine companies.

The “miracle” of PR is how effective it is, and I’ve now lost count of how many times an abhorrent policy that few Americans wanted was pushed through by a well financed PR campaign. In turn, I would argue PR has effectively altered policymaking from being a process of crafting an idea which is acceptable to the public (this is essentially how Democracy is supposed to operate). To simply making sure what is being done isn’t so far out of line it will be prohibitively expensive for a PR firm to sell it to the public.

For reference, some of the common PR tactics include:

1. Organizing a massive amount of coverage of an event which supports someone’s narrative and was crafted to go viral. For example:
•The founder of PR was infamous for convincing women across America to take up smoking by staging a women’s suffrage (right to vote) protest and having them all smoke their “liberation torches” as part of the protest).
•The Gulf War was sold to America by a fake testimony from a Kuwaiti girl (who was the daughter of the ambassador) who was coaxed to say the rampaging Iraqi army was invading hospitals and “taking babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor,” a line which was then repeated again and again by politicians (e.g., Bush) around the world.
•In 2022, one actor made a joke about Will Smith’s wife having hair loss due to alopecia (a known side effect of the mRNA vaccines) which quickly went viral on every network.

This was very usual. However, it just so happened that Pfizer was sponsoring the Oscars, and had just announced a positive result in their pivotal phase 2b/3 trial clinical trial for their new alopecia drug, and had recently begun the marketing push in anticipation of its FDA approval (which happened exactly a year later, with an annual course of the drug being priced at $49,000.00). While it’s impossible to know what actually happened behind the scenes, individuals did come forward alleging the whole thing was scripted.

2. Hiring focus groups to determine what language is the most effective in persuading people to support your position and then blasting it on every public announcement and news station (e.g., the local ones) simultaneously. This often goes hand in hand with producing news programs for the stations (which are effectively PR productions for their sponsors). To illustrate one example of this approach being used:

3. Creating an endless number of “non-profit” organizations with nice names that actually advance the interests of the sponsoring industry. For example, the “non-profit” Foundation for Clean Air Progress is an industry front group that has aggressively lobbied both the public and the government to reduce the existing air quality standards mandated by the Clean Air Act. Likewise, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society took in 172 million dollars last year and is notorious for blocking many proven treatments for MS from seeing the light of day, while continuously supporting lucrative new drugs to “manage” the disease.

4. Paying off an endless number of experts to promote your message and having them be hosted on networks that are already in your pocket.

I cannot state how effective PR is and how depressing it has been to watch each candidate I supported get torpedoed by the media industrial complex.

However, while the effect of PR is remarkable, many of the people who work in the industry aren’t that talented, and as a result, they will just copy existing (and proven) PR tactics for the current campaign. Because of this, once you’ve seen enough PR campaigns, it becomes very easy to recognize one being enacted.
Note: two things allowed me to accurately predict most of what happened during COVID-19. One was being familiar with the same script having been followed during the HIV epidemic, and the other was seeing the PR campaigns for it be enacted in real time and recognizing the implications of each stage I observed (as the campaigns are typically structured in a sequential series of steps which eventually arrive at their sponsor’s desired outcome).

Censoring the Internet

The primary thing which has allowed the existing PR model to work has been the fact there is an (ever increasing) monopoly over the mass media. Because of this, a chosen PR campaign can be rapidly disseminated across the country while simultaneously, no dissenting narratives are allowed to air that challenge it.

Recognizing that the internet was the fatal weakness of the existing system, I suspect (but can’t prove) that a decision was made to have large internet companies become gatekeepers of information online, and in turn, as these large platforms attracted a large enough audience to become the “trusted sources” of information, they slowly transitioned to censoring things.

In turn, we saw a tug of war occur between the increasing pushes for censorship and the increasing ability of the internet community to bypass the attempts that were made to censor them. This eventually hit a tipping point, when in October 2016, Obama gave a speech at Carnegie Mellon where he declared:

“We’re going to have to rebuild, within this Wild, Wild West of information flow, some sort of curating function that people agree to,” “[T]here has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world.”

Parallel to this declaration, various campaigns were launched. This began with “Fake News” being blared everywhere until Trump attached the label to CNN, at which point the media pivoted. We saw an endless number of media messages about the dangers of “misinformation” ( followed by anything challenging the existing narrative, in turn receiving that label).

Note: public officials (like the instance of Obama mentioned above or Biden throughout the COVID vaccine push) are frequently involved in PR campaigns. For example (as discussed within a recent article on Dermatology’s disastrous war against the sun), in the 1980s, the struggling profession of dermatology spent 2 million dollars hiring a public relations firm to inflate their status and were suggested to rebrand themselves as cancer doctors. This in turn was accomplished by:

1. Offering campaigns beginning in 1985 to provide skin examinations to bring awareness to “skin cancer” and having widespread strategic media coverage of those campaigns.

2. Convincing Ronald Reagan to sign proclamations for “National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Week,” and “Older Americans Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Week.

3. Creating a mortal fear of the sun (which persists to a truly absurd degree these days) despite the fact people that who avoid the sun are 60-130% more likely to die than those who get moderate or high amounts of it (e.g., smokers who get regular sunlight have the same risk of dying as nonsmokers who avoid the sun).

4. Equivocate melanomas (which are rare, dangerous, and caused by a lack of sun exposure) to basal cell carcinomas (which are common, never fatal, and caused by sunlight) since both are “skin cancers” so people can be corralled into regular skin examinations where those skin cancers are identified and quickly surgically removed.

5. Dermatology became one of the highest paying specialties in medicine, and the number of diagnosed skin cancers greatly increased, but there have been minimal changes in the actual death rates of skin cancers. Simultaneously, since those surgeries pay a lot, the profession lost all motivation to determine the actual causes of skin cancer, safe and effective non-surgical treatments for skin cancer, or how to make the sun heal rather than damage the skin.

What I find particularly interesting about Obama’s announcement was that it happened at the same time a coordinated campaign (spearheaded in California) was being conducted to push vaccine mandates across the nation, which were part of a coordinated push by Bill Gates, the WHO, and the WEF (amongst others) to launch a “decade of vaccines” as much of what we saw later throughout COVID-19 was laid out in their documents. Since they knew the public, through the internet would likely oppose this, a lot of investments were made to preempt that. For example:

Note: in this 2020 talk (and many others) PGP’s CEO explains how they monitor all anti-vaccine messages online 24/7 and their plans to pay off local influencers around the country to promote vaccines and to use counter-terrorism tactics to turn everyone on the internet against the anti-vaxxers (who are “not nice people”)—discussed further in this article. Finally, in a later 2023 webinar about inoculating the public against misinformation, the CEO also mentions they regularly use PR techniques. What I personally find amazing about his numerous talks is that he characterizes things being said online (e.g., that monkeypox was a non-issue) as “dangerous misinformation” which has since been proven true. Likewise, I suspect this project was inspired by past pharmaceutical initiatives like this infamous one.

Twitter () and PR

One branch of the misinformation campaign was Peter Hotez going on a national media tour in 2019 about the dangers the country was facing from online vaccine misinformation, which in turn laid the foundation for rapidly censoring any voices online that dissented against the COVID narrative. Because of this, we saw an escalating level of censorship from all the major internet platforms after Obama’s 2016 speech which then kicked into overdrive during COVID-19 to protect us from dangerous misinformation.

At the time this began in 2016, it became very clear to me that major online censorship was occurring, some of which was happening behind the scenes (e.g., shadow banning) and some of which was happening overtly towards easy to target groups (e.g., the alt-right) which I took as a sign more and more aggressive censorship was going to happen, much of which we would not see.

Simultaneously, since the censorship was very selective in who it targeted, based on who it targeted, while I couldn’t “prove it,” I assumed it had to be some type of collaboration between the government and the pharmaceutical sector. This was eventually confirmed by two things:

Discovering numerous major investments being made by Big Tech into the pharmaceutical industry.

•Elon Musk buying Twitter () and making the choice to publicly release Twitter’s correspondences with the Federal Government, which in turn showed a consistent pattern of Twitter complying with (illegal) requests from the Federal government to censor anything that threatened its narratives. Those documents in turn led to a landmark case that placed an injunction against the Federal Government (which Biden is currently trying to appeal at the Supreme Court).

From my perspective, Elon buying Twitter and making free speech on it was monumental as in addition to it being a large venue for free speech, it’s structure was such that it allowed ideas with merit to spread very quickly, and again and again, I saw well packaged bits of truth reach millions of people (and sometimes make national headlines)—something I’d never witnessed before on any media platform.

When I reflected on why this is, I realized that this frequently cited internet quote described it.

It’s not [that] the left can’t meme per say, it’s that their viewpoints rely on a carefully constructed denial of reality, to a far greater extent than any of the cults or religions they seek to supplant. This doesn’t lend itself to simple, easily conveyed messages, because if you rely on your viewers to see things as they are, without providing several layers of carefully selected context, they’ll interpret it the wrong way. The left can’t meme because memes are the antithesis of how they communicate.

Note: I describe myself as “liberal” but the current definition of “the left” is very different from what many of us signed up for when we became Democrats.

Private Social Media Groups

to get the rest of the article, go to the link:

Taking Care of Your Health

Protect Yourself From Disease and Outrageous Medical Costs

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

In the U.S., 66.5% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills, which amounts to 530,000 medical bankruptcies each year.1 Among those who file bankruptcy due to medical expenses, 72% have health insurance,2,3 highlighting the outrageous state of health care in America.

If you end up in the hospital, you know you’re going to receive a bill — but you don’t typically know how much that bill will be. It’s no wonder that two-thirds of adults worry about being able to afford surprise medical bills like these.4,5

In fact, in a survey of public financial worries, being able to afford unexpected medical bills topped the list, followed by concerns about paying for health insurance deductibles and prescription drugs.6 Staying healthy by taking control of your health is key to avoiding this medical bill debt trap.

Big Pharma Manipulates Patents to Drive Up Drug Costs

If U.S. medical costs seem sky-high, it’s not in your imagination. Big Pharma keeps drug costs elevated due to patents, which last 20 years, and sometimes up to 40, preventing competitors from introducing less expensive generics to the market.7 A report from I-Mak analyzed the 12 best-selling drugs in the U.S., finding that their makers file hundreds of patent applications, most of which are granted.8

While U.S. patent law intends patents to provide 10 years of protection, the mass patents allow drug makers to monopolize the market and drive up costs. “These patents are used by drugmakers for the purpose of forestalling generic competition while continuing to increase the price of these drugs,” I-Mak reported.9

On average, among the top 12 drugs studied, there were 125 applications filed and 71 patents granted per drug. Prices also increased 68% since 2012. According to I-Mak, “There are 38 years of attempted patent protection blocking generic competition sought by drugmakers for each of these top grossing drugs — or nearly double the 20-year monopoly intended under U.S. patent law.”10

Hospitals Charge You Up to 18 Times Over Their Cost

It’s not only drug costs that are bankrupting Americans. Hospital stays can also lead to financial ruin — and it’s easy to see why when you realize the price-gouging going on. In “Fleecing Patients,”11 National Nurses United highlighted that the 100 most expensive U.S. hospitals charge patients from $1,129 to $1,808 for every $100 of their costs.12

That is 11.3 to 18 times what their actual costs are. Many companies, like grocery stores, typically operate on margins of 1 to 3% profits,13 or 0.1 to 0.3 times their costs.

“There is no excuse for these scandalous prices. These are not markups for luxury condo views, they are for the most basic necessity of your life: your health,” Jean Ross, RN, president of National Nurses United, said in a news release, adding:14

“Unpayable charges are a calamity for our patients, too many of whom avoid — at great risk to their health — the medical care they need due to the high cost, or they become burdened by devastating debt, hounded by bill collectors or driven into bankruptcy.”

It’s gotten so bad that 30% of adults in one survey said they had to choose between paying for medical bills or necessities like food and housing.15 Hospitals then go after patients who can’t pay. In Maryland alone, one of the only states to publish such data, hospitals have filed more than 145,000 medical debt lawsuits in the last decade, trying to recover $268.7 million.16

5 Keys to Take Control of Your Health

I’ve long recommended staying out of hospitals as much as possible to protect your health. But doing so will also protect your pocketbook. While you should always seek medical care when you need it — especially in cases of emergency — I am going to list the most powerful lifestyle strategies I know that you can take to radically reduce your likelihood of getting sick and ending up saddled with oppressive medical debt that can lead to bankruptcy.

Assiduously following these recommendations will go a long way to immunizing you against all chronic diseases that are the primary reason most people wind up in the hospital.

1.Get one hour of daily sunshine — Head outdoors for a daily dose of sunshine as often as possible. Ideally, seek to get one hour of sun exposure daily with minimal clothing. If you spend more time in the sun, the rates of many types of cancers would radically decrease and there would be fewer cardiovascular disease deaths.17

One of the primary benefits is that your skin produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure. Vitamin D upregulates your ability to fight infections, as well as chronic inflammation, and produces over 200 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), one of which is cathelicidin, a naturally occurring broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or CAMP, is made by immune cells and skin and gut cells, which act as a barrier to infection.18,19 Beyond vitamin D, which may serve as more of a marker for proper sun exposure, getting out in the sun is involved in melatonin production.

Near-infrared rays from the sun penetrate deep into your body and activate cytochrome c oxidase, and also stimulate the production of melatonin inside your mitochondria. Your mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of your body. A byproduct of this ATP production is reactive oxidative species (ROS), which are responsible for oxidative stress.

Excessive amounts of ROS will damage the mitochondria, contributing to suboptimal health, inflammation and chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and thrombosis (blood clots). But melatonin essentially mops up ROS that damage your mitochondria. So, by getting plenty of sun exposure during the day, your mitochondria will be bathed in melatonin, thereby reducing oxidative stress.20,21

2.Eliminate seed oils from your diet

You might be concerned about getting skin cancer from all the sun exposure in the first recommendation, but it turns out that the primary reason for getting skin cancer is related to the amount of linoleic acid (LA) that is in your skin. It is really hard to get any cancer, including skin cancer, if you have low LA levels.

I would strongly recommend that you view the video above even if you have previously seen it, as it will remind you of the vital importance of this strategy and, more importantly, how to properly implement a low LA diet.

Linoleic acid is the primary fat found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including vegetable/seed oils. It accounts for about 80% of the fat composition of these oils. Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.22

The single best comprehensive rule to follow is to avoid virtually all processed foods. If you simply do that you will be in the ball park and will only need some fine tweaks that are reviewed in the video above.

3.Avoid all processed foods — LA is found in virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods, sauces and salad dressings, so to eliminate it you’ll need to eliminate most processed foods and restaurant foods from your diet — unless you can confirm that the chef only cooks with butter.

Processed convenience foods are linked to an increased risk of developing and dying from cancer,23 and they contribute to premature death.24 Yet, 61% of Americans’ food intake comes in the form of highly processed foods and drinks. The amount is similar in Canada (62%) and the U.K. (63%).25

When you cut processed foods from your diet, not only will you drastically reduce LA but also other toxic additives, such as emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners, which can lead to pathophysiological changes such as impaired glucose tolerance, neuroinflammation and oxidative stress.26 Eating processed junk foods is also linked to metabolic syndrome and all-cause mortality,27 along with cognitive decline28 and depression.29

One caveat, because animals are fed grains that are high in linoleic acid,30 it’s also hidden in “healthy” foods like chicken and pork, which makes these meats a major source as well. Olive oil is another health food that can be a hidden source of linoleic acid, as it’s often cut with cheaper seed oils.

4.Walk one hour a day — Daily movement is another critical element of health and longevity. Ideally, walk outdoors, so you can combine No. 1 — sun exposure — with your exercise. Walking is a powerful form of activity for a number of reasons. It’s free and accessible — you can do it virtually anywhere. And it’s gentle enough that most people can engage in it, even if you’re out of shape and haven’t exercised in a while.

Walking even 8,000 steps once or twice a week is associated with significantly lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk.31 People who participate in outdoor walking groups also enjoy significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, body fat, depression scores and body mass index, along with increases in VO2max, a marker of fitness level.32

Any type of walking appears beneficial, but if you want to increase intensity, Nordic walking, which involves walking with fixed-length ski poles, leads to even greater increases in functional capacity — or the ability to carry out activities related to daily living — compared to other forms of exercise, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-to-vigorous intensity continuous training (MICT).33

5.Improve mitochondrial function — Your mitochondrial health plays a vital role in longevity and disease prevention. To put it simply, if your mitochondria are not functioning well, nothing else will either. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells, producing about 85% of the energy generated in your body.

There are a number of ways to optimize your mitochondrial function, but one element is niacinamide (aka nicotinamide), a form of niacin (vitamin B3) that plays a vital role in energy metabolism. It’s essential for the mitochondrial electron transport chain to function. Without it, your mitochondria cannot make energy.

Niacinamide is so important because it is a precursor for NAD+, which is involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring proper cell function. NAD+ is also a primary fuel for PARP, which is an important DNA repair enzyme. NAD+ also fuels the conversion of cortisol to its inactive form, cortisone.

Niacinamide at a dose of 50 milligrams three times per day will provide the fuel for the rate limiting enzyme for NAD+, NAMPT. Niacinamide also has potent antiobesity effects, can help prevent neurodegeneration and heart failure, and reverse leaky gut.

I recommend getting niacinamide in powder form because the lowest available dose in most supplements is 500 mg, and that will decrease NAD+ due to negative feedback on NAMPT, which is the opposite of what you’re looking for.

Niacinamide will only cost you about 25 cents a month if you get it as a powder. Typically, one-sixty-fourth of a teaspoon of niacinamide powder is about 50 mg. There is a company, though, that has just created an inexpensive 50 mg tablet for convenience.

I also recommend taking about one aspirin tablet daily. Aspirin plays a role in mitochondria function34 and also has other health benefits. Importantly, it helps increase the oxidation of glucose as fuel for your body while inhibiting the oxidation of fatty acids, specifically linoleic acid. I know this one seems silly, but it really does work to prevent so many diseases and it is dirt cheap. Aspirin has been (and still is) the target of a massive discrediting campaign by Pharma as it competes with newer, far more expensive blood thinners and pain relievers.

I will have a very comprehensive article in the future describing the justification for this recommendation. It is important to understand though that you want to take a very pure aspirin as frequently it is the other ingredients in the cheap aspirin tablets that cause complications. I take one that is 99.5% USP which is a pharmaceutical grade and take three of their scoops a day.

If you are taking it for blood thinning the dose is a baby aspirin (85 mg) per day. If you are using it for disease prevention it would be one regular aspirin. Ideally get a clean version of aspirin. You can find a bottle of 1000 on Amazon that only has corn starch. If you are sensitive to aspirin, it would be best to use a salicylic acid or willow bark supplement, as this is the active ingredient. Look for a clean, high-quality willow bark supplement.

By taking the five steps above, you can significantly improve your health — inexpensively — and reduce your risk of chronic disease. In turn, you’re less likely to require expensive medical treatments that put both your physical and financial health at risk.

How Much Money Is In Your Kid’s Vaccine?

Is This Why Pediatricians Push Vaccines?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
why pediatricians push vaccines


  • Primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid doctors $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental jab
  • Doctors have been financially incentivized to vaccinate children for a long time. In 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $400 bonus for each patient that completed 10 vaccinations before their second birthday, provided 63% of their patients were fully vaccinated
  • “Client and family incentives” also exist. In 2015, the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommended boosting vaccination rates by giving small, inexpensive incentive rewards to patients
  • Bribery is also par for the course when it comes to vaccine mandates. Pfizer paid undisclosed sums to front groups that advocated for COVID jab mandates, thereby hiding their conflict of interest
  • While the COVID-19 pandemic furthered many globalist goals, it inadvertently tanked childhood vaccination rates. To get childhood vaccination rates back on track, a global alliance has launched “The Big Catch-Up” initiative. It’s touted as the largest childhood immunization effort ever

In April 2023, I reported how primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. Since there was no medical malpractice liability, doctors profited while patients risked their lives as participants in an unprecedented medical experiment, all while being lied to about the safety and effectiveness of these injections.

Even more egregiously, once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the COVID shot for children, similar vaccination incentives were extended to pediatricians as well. As detailed in an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid provider bulletin1 dated July 2022, doctors received $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental jab.

Pediatricians Are Financially Incentivized to Vaccinate

As it turns out, doctors have been financially incentivized to vaccinate children for a long time. According to a 1999 JAMA Pediatrics article,2 the average patient load of American pediatricians is 1,546, although the number of patients was “significantly higher in less populated areas and solo practices.”

Of these, 8.3% were younger than 1 year, 9.5% were 1 year old and 8.6% were 2 years old.3 That means approximately 26.4% of the average pediatrician’s patients were 2 years old and younger. More recent data,4 published in 2021, show 75% of pediatricians have between 1,000 and 1,800 patients and 21% have around 1,200 patients; most practices, 65%, are in the 1,000 to 1,500 range.

As shown in the 2016 provider incentive program document from Blue Cross Blue Shield below,5,6 pediatricians were getting $400 for each pediatric patient that completed all the 10 vaccinations listed — 25 doses in all7 — before their second birthday. (Keep in mind that incentives can vary by state. The example provided is part of Michigan’s Blue Cross Blue Shield Performance Recognition Program.)8

How Much Money Is at Stake?

The math from there is pretty straight-forward (although keep in mind that we’re dealing with presumed averages and aged statistics here). Just multiply the number of patients under age 2 times $400. Using the average statistics from 1999, if a pediatrician has 1,000 patients, 264 can be expected to be 2 years old or younger. If all are fully vaccinated, the pediatrician would be eligible for a $105,600 year-end bonus.

childhood immunization - combo 10

While $400 per fully vaccinated child might seem incentivizing enough, there’s an added pressure here, because Blue Cross Blue Shield also has (or at least had, in 2016) a “target” level of 63%.

This means that if the pediatrician fails to vaccinate 63% of his eligible patients, he or she gets nothing. So, the pediatrician has a VERY high incentive to get as many toddlers fully vaccinated as possible, so as not to miss that target. It’s not just $400 that is at stake when parents decline one or more shots. Tens of thousands of dollars could be on the line. As noted by Dr. Bob Sears:9

“Such incentives … end up forcing a doctor to consider the financial implications of accepting patients who even just want to opt out of one vaccine … Maybe a few such families wouldn’t make them fail the chart reviews, but if they have too many, there goes their year-end bonus.”

Why Pediatricians Become Adversaries

Anytime financial incentives are part of the equation, one can reasonably assume that the lure of self-enrichment will win. With tens of thousands of dollars at stake, pediatricians can easily be lulled into complacency when it comes to digging deeper into the science.

After all, who wants to see evidence that what they’re doing is causing more harm than good? These kinds of incentives also encourage pediatricians to simply toss questioning parents out of their practice, to make room for more compliant patients that don’t put their income at risk. As reported by Children’s Health Defense back in 2018:10

“… the 11 well-child visits recommended by the AAP over a child’s first 30 months (with annual visits thereafter through age 21) ensure a steady stream of repeat customers and revenue for pediatricians.

In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine schedule, pediatric practices are expected to administer vaccines (often as many as six at a time) at about half of well-child visits through the adolescent years, making vaccination a foundational bread-and-butter component of pediatricians’ job description …

It is quite common for pediatricians (and family doctors) to encounter parents who refuse one or more infant vaccines, most often due to safety concerns. These concerns also mean that pediatricians frequently get requests to modify or delay the vaccine schedule — nearly three-fifths (58%) of pediatricians reported such requests in a 2014 AAP survey …

Rather than recognize the validity of parents’ safety concerns or admit to their own ambivalence about some of the newer vaccines, many pediatricians — nearly two in five according to some estimates — choose to boot uncooperative families out of their practice …

Ultimately … subtle and not-so-subtle financial incentives and social pressures are likely to maintain widespread adherence by pediatricians to the vaccine schedule — even in instances where contraindications are present.

Although pediatricians have a legal duty to fully inform patients about vaccine risks and side effects, the lure of monetary perks and the desire to fit in may lessen their motivation to do so.”

Patients Are Bribed Too

In addition to the financial incentives given to physicians, “client and family incentives” also exist. A nongovernmental panel of public health and prevention experts called the “Community Preventive Services Task Force”11 in 2015 published a guide12 on how to boost vaccination rates using incentive rewards for patients.

The task force was established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 1996 “to develop guidance on which community-based health promotion and disease prevention intervention approaches work and which do not work, based on available scientific evidence.”13 As explained by this task force:14

“The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends client or family incentive rewards, used alone or in combination with additional interventions, to increase vaccination rates in children and adults.

Client or family incentive rewards are used to motivate people to obtain recommended vaccinations. Rewards may be monetary or non-monetary, and they may be given to clients or families in exchange for keeping an appointment, receiving a vaccination, returning for a vaccination series, or producing documentation of vaccination status. Rewards are typically small (e.g., food vouchers, gift cards, lottery prizes, baby products).”

The scientific evidence supporting bribery of patients with food vouchers, gift cards and other products of limited value was said to be 4 out of 4, meaning very strong. In other words, incentives, even near-worthless ones, work.

Indeed, we saw this during COVID-19 as well. People were lining up for experimental COVID shots in return for a doughnut, hamburger and fries or even a free lap dance at the local strip club. The pattern is the same. Throw the patient a bone and they’ll agree to things that bring others big profits.

As patients, we need to get savvier about these kinds of tricks and interpret them for what they are. These kinds of “gifts” are not given out of kindness or concern for your well-being. It’s a compliance bribe, and your compliance is making someone rich. Meanwhile, any risks involved are on you.

Bribery and Vaccine Mandates

Bribery is also par for the course when it comes to vaccine mandates. As detailed in a previous article, Pfizer paid undisclosed sums to front groups that advocated for COVID jab mandates, thereby hiding their conflict of interest. In part due to the fake “grassroots” work of these groups, Pfizer was able to rake in a record-breaking $100 billion in sales in 2022.15

Of course, the U.S. government also paid news media a staggering $1 billion to promote and build public confidence in the jab, and Pfizer itself spent $2.8 billion on ads in 2022 alone.

But the pressure from consumer groups, civil rights groups, patient groups and doctors’ groups — all of which had been paid off — was probably why COVID jab mandates could even be officially considered by the government. They created a false consensus that people desperately wanted vaccine mandates to keep everyone “safe.”

Special interest groups paid by Pfizer16 to push for COVID jab mandates and coercive vaccine policies included the Chicago Urban league (which argued that the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, liver diseases, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations.

Each of these organizations received anywhere from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars from Pfizer in 2021 alone. Is it any wonder, then, that more than 50 major health care organizations called for vaccine mandates that year, including for their own workers?17

Childhood Vaccination Rates Tanked During COVID

While the COVID-19 pandemic furthered many globalist goals, it inadvertently tanked childhood vaccination rates, as many parents ended up missing routine well-child visits due to clinic closures, lockdowns and fear of taking their children outside. As reported by the American Medical Association (AMA) in November 2021:18

“… recently published research sheds new light on how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted some of those routine vaccinations, as parents and their children didn’t just stay home — they stayed away from the doctor.

The JAMA Pediatrics study19 … found that vaccine-administration rates were significantly lower across all pediatric age groups as the pandemic first surged in the U.S. … For example, only 74% of infants turning 7 months old in September 2020 were up to date on their vaccinations, a drop from 81% in September 2019.

And just 57% of infants who hit the 18-month mark in September 2020 were up to date, down from 61% the year before. The proportion of children up to date for routine vaccinations was lowest among Black children, with inequities more pronounced in the 18-month-old group.”

The Big Catch-Up Initiative

To get childhood vaccination rates back on track, Chelsea Clinton is now making the rounds promoting a new vaccine initiative called “The Big Catch-Up.” In a recent interview with Fortune Magazine,20 Clinton promised it would be “the largest childhood immunization effort ever.” Over the next 18 months, this initiative will attempt to “catch as many kids up as possible,” she said.

Partners in this effort include the World Health Organization, UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Immunization Agenda 2030, and several other “global and national health partners.” As reported by the WHO, April 24, 2023:21

“The pandemic saw essential immunization levels decrease in over 100 countries, leading to rising outbreaks of measles, diphtheria, polio and yellow fever. ‘The Big Catch-up’ is an extended effort to lift vaccination levels among children to at least pre-pandemic levels and endeavors to exceed those …

While calling on people and governments in every country to play their part in helping to catch up by reaching the children who missed out, The Big Catch-up will have a particular focus on the 20 countries where three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live …

The 20 countries where three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live are: Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Chad, DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea], DRC [Democratic Republic of the Congo], Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Viet Nam.”

Vaccine Program Is Run ‘Soft Mafia’ Style

When you look at all these areas of bribery and financial incentives, doesn’t it seem as though the entire vaccine program runs on financial coercion? A sort of “soft mafia” kind of operation, where the threats and promises all revolve around money and public/professional shaming versus accolades.

What would happen if all financial incentives were removed? All the performance bonuses paid to doctors, the freebies given to patients, the “charitable donations” to industry-friendly organizations and payments to front groups?

What would happen if parents were simply given unbiased evidence and no one was financially driven to pressure them either way? I don’t have the answer. It’s a thought experiment. But I suspect that vaccination rates would drop dramatically.

