Bank Spying on You?

Spy on Your Customers … or Else

Freda-Digital-CreepsBy Mark Nestmann

Do you distrust the banking system? Prefer to do business in cash? Complain about the encroachment of Big Brother into every facet of your life?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’d better watch out. You’re a “person of interest” – and a growing number of businesses must report your “suspicious activities” to the feds. If they don’t, they can be fined and the responsible parties even imprisoned.

These requirements originated in a law called the “Bank Secrecy Act” (BSA). Of course, this Orwellian law has nothing at all to do with protecting bank secrecy. Indeed, the BSA has all but eliminated confidentiality.

Regulations issued under the BSA require financial institutions to notify the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a Treasury Department bureau, of any unusual transactions in which their customers engage. Reporting is mandatory for transactions that exceed $10,000 and are not the sort in which the particular customer would normally be expected to engage. For money transmitter businesses, a $2,000 threshold applies.

The businesses covered by these requirements must file “suspicious activities reports” (SARs) secretly, without your knowledge or consent. FinCEN makes the reports available electronically to every US Attorney’s office and to dozens of law enforcement agencies. No court order, warrant, subpoena, or even written request is needed to access a report.

What exactly is suspicious? According to official Treasury guidance, suspicious behavior includes:

  • Paying off a loan;
  • Objecting to completing Currency Transaction Reports (required for transactions over $10,000);
  • Changing currency from small to large denominations;
  • Buying cashier’s checks, money orders, or travelers’ checks for less than the reporting limit ($10,000 for a cash transaction);
  • Making deposits in cash, then having the money wired somewhere else; and
  • Withdrawing cash without counting the cash first.

Now, FinCEN has issued preliminary regulations that could extend these rules to investment managers. All SEC-registered investment advisers would be required to design and implement an anti-money-laundering program. They would also need to file SARs with FinCEN.

Once these rules come into effect, investment advisors would no longer be accountable to you, their client. Their highest duty, reinforced by civil and criminal sanctions, would be to act as unpaid undercover agents for the US Treasury.

But FinCEN’s suspicious transaction reporting rules are just the tip of the iceberg. For instance, official guidance from the FBI and other government agencies indicate that all of the following actions make you a terror suspect:

Then there’s the “drug courier profile” developed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The following profiles are all court-approved reasons to search you and your property:

  • Having a pale or dark complexion;
  • Having a Hispanic appearance;
  • Being between the ages of 25 and 35;
  • Acting too nervous or too calm;
  • Carrying $100, $50, $20, $10, or $5 bills;
  • Wearing casual clothing;
  • Wearing perfume;
  • Having window coverings on your personal residence;
  • Buying a one-way or round-trip airline ticket; and
  • Being among the first, last, or middle group of passengers off of an airplane.

As Richard Miller expressed in his landmark book, Drug Warriors and Their Prey,

[B]eing a citizen is sufficient cause to suspect a person of criminal conduct, thereby constricting civil liberties protections for that person. That situation is hard to distinguish from the legal status of citizens of Nazi Germany.

In a world that views virtually everything you do as suspicious, there aren’t a lot of options to protect yourself. Indeed, simply by expressing your interest in privacy, asset protection, precious metals, or any of the other topics I cover routinely, you’re likely on one government watch list or another already.

However, you can take steps to avoid having a bank or other financial institution – including an investment manager – file an SAR on you. If you’re considering doing anything out of the ordinary in your account, talk to an officer at the bank, brokerage, or other financial institution first. For instance, you might want to let someone know before you pay off a loan or make or receive a large transfer.

If you have a reasonable explanation for the transaction, it’s much less likely to set off an alarm. And in a country in which all citizens are considered criminal suspects, that’s definitely something you want to avoid.

Image Credit: Anthony Freda Art

You can read more from Mark Nestmann at


On Bitcoin

Bitcoin: The Technology That Could Phase Out the Fiat Central Banking System and Free Humanity From Debt Slavery

| January 8, 2014


Flickr Commons: Image provided by Antana

Every decade or so, a group of like-minded people will invent something so revolutionary that it will change our life and how the world operates. The last time something that incredible happened was during the invention of the internet. Fast forward to 2014 and we are living in a time when incredible changes are occurring so fast that they are happening right in front of our eyes. Whether we are aware of these great changes or not, they will alter how we view our financial, religious, educational and political systems. One of them is known as the Bitcoin Revolution

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a research paper on cryptography that sparked the movement of Bitcoin. He stated that he found a way to create a decentralized network that can achieve consensus or agreement without the use of central authority systems, such as a central bank. Before he published his work, no one has been able to solve the byzantine generals problem, which was the obstacle that was preventing a decentralized network to achieve consensus.

I first heard of Bitcoin in early 2013, but I decided not to investigate it and brush it aside. Big mistake! Why? Because Bitcoin is one of the signs that I have been waiting for many years. Bitcoin isn’t just a digital currency. More importantly, it’s a cryptography technology that has amazing potential. If used correctly, it could phase out the central fiat banking system and free us from debt slavery! Bitcoin can do this because it’s an open source technology that isn’t controlled by anyone, just like the internet. However, certain greedy and controlling wealthy elites will try to control it, but the chance of them succeeding is slim.

Who controls the current central banking system?

The people who control most of the central banking systems of the world are part of a secret organization known as the New World Order (NWO). This organization is made of many different groups of secret societies. Fortunately, not everyone who is a part of the NWO supports its dark agendas. The controlling groups of the NWO need a highly controlled system to survive, which is why they love the fiat central banking system. This banking system is the main entity that allows them to steal our wealth through inflation and enslave us through debt. It also gives them the power to bribe politicians into supporting their phony wars and dark agendas.

Since the current centralized financial and political systems are heavily controlled by controlling factions of secret societies, if we want to achieve success or accomplish our goals, we have to overcome many of the obstacles set in place by them. For example, to make it big in the entertainment industry in the current state of our society, you need to sign a contract with major media companies. The problem is that they are mostly owned by secret societies; therefore, if you want to succeed, you will have to become their puppet. This is why most famous celebrities are tools of the NWO. If you want strong evidence of this, read this empowering article.

The dark forces or NWO can’t thrive in a society that uses peer to peer cryptography technologies in a responsible way. As more of these systems emerge, the dark forces will lose more of their controlling power, because these systems don’t rely on a centralized system to operate. These decentralized system will also motivate us to become more responsible. As we become more responsible, the NWO will have a harder time controlling us. It’s hard to control a responsible society that doesn’t rely heavily on controlling systems, such as a centralized government that answers to corporations and banking elites. Once the controlling systems of the NWO phase out, it will become a lot easier for us to achieve success and accomplish our goals.

The cons of Bitcoin

The cryptography technology that Bitcoin is based on is so revolutionary that if used correctly, it could help establish world peace and stop poverty. However, in the wrong hands, it could do the opposite. Fortunately, it’s hard to control a technology that is powered by the people, which is why the dark forces will have a hard time winning this battle.

Like the internet, some people will use Bitcoin for negative purposes, but it’s only a small percentage so they shouldn’t be able to disrupt the Bitcoin Revolution. A lot of people who hack computers to steal personal information are employed by certain controlling factions of governments; therefore, without large centralized entities to support them, a lot of these people won’t have the funds to support them to continue their work. In addition, cryptography technology is nearly impossible to decode.

Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin still has a lot of evolving to do, just like how the internet had to go through a lot of tweaking before it became reliable and useful. Even though it is still in its early stage, cryptocurrency is already more secure and has more potential than credit cards or any other digital currency. Remember, Bitcoin is a technology that utilizes the awesome power of cryptography to create pretty much any digital system, including but not limited to digital currency and stock programs.

As Bitcoin evolves, it will become harder and harder for corporations and centralized governments to control it, just like the internet. If we, the people, can unite and support cryptocurrency, we can help create a world where we can compete with big corporations and the elites, because it levels the playing field by shifting financial power back to the people.

Benefits of Bitcoin

  • No third party
  • Decentralized (no bank and government control)
  • Super secure (more secure than credit cards)
  • Central banks can’t manipulate or destroy its value through printing fiat money
  • Very little fees

For more information on Bitcoin, visit

Check out these videos also for more information:


A. Bartzis’ Spiritual Contract Removal Doc

I call to all beings of earth mind sentience. Hear me as I speak my hearts truth. Hear me as I speak these words.
I now revoke all soul family immigration status for the 15 multi dimensional beings who inserted them selves into our grid with out expressed consented permission with all of my past, present and future lives.
I now revoke all soul family relations to the 15 tangible and intangible primary beings who have hi-jacked our incarnation process. I now revoke all immigration status in the astral world to any of the pieces parts of the 15 primary beings who intend to become soul family through deception or the use of fine print in soul contracts.
I now state with all power from my heart, I do not consent with any interaction, covert or overt. I do not consent to any interaction with any parts of the broken system of incarnation. I now banish all forms of the 15 primary control beings from the entireness of my soul family until such time as the 15 primary beings and all pieces parts come to the fundamental understanding and acceptance of EQUALITY FOR ALL SENTIENT KIND………
I call forth all spiritual contracts the involve limiting the unified aspect of our global dream-time society. I revoke all Tacit consent, uniformed past life consent, cultural uniformed consent and all situations that limit ‘ME’ as being with a complete soul family with all the capability of living with in the unified global dream time as a sovereign earth centric soul with infinitely complete soul family circuitry.
I hear by revoke all soul family decision making process from false spirit courts and hi-jacked incarnation grid employee’s in tangible and spirit form.
I now revoke all captured or assumed powers by all beings in the entire system of domination and control
I now revoke all interaction, or assumed powers with all energy harvesting beings. I demand instant remedy and repayment of all stolen energy for life times past present and future.
I do not give consent in any way shape or form to be apart of the system of domination and control. I invoke the power of the soul family spiritual court of equity to act as the medium of contractual interactions with any being in the system of domination and control.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sign wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I call forth all soul Ancestors to begin reading the record of recording in the sacred neural point of view. All dogmas, political, spiritual or religious are here by permanently expelled from this neutral reading of all spiritual contracts with all time lines visible and invisible.
All dimensions interacting passively and actively are hereby informed that time does not exist as a social agreement. The counting of time returns to the natural universal format.
At this ever present co-creative and pro-creative moment I hear by inform all entities that have territorial issues in spirit on solid form; the rules of this spiritual court of equity prohibit all territorial assertions of knowledge, wisdom or enlightenment that exclude all sides from witnessing the reading of the record in the sacred neutral point of view.
Contract removal for the media systems
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal. I revoke all spiritual contracts with earth based media systems using domination and control as a means of energy harvesting, fear instigation or reality manipulation with energetic propaganda technologies.
I call forth all ancestors of all soul relations to hold space in this spiritual court of equity. I call to Earth Mother and all her light denizens within all inner and outer space to come forward and occupy this spiritual court of equity. Oh great mystery who is the source of all power, I call to you. Come with your sacred synchronicity so all beings may hold space with unity consciousness.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media personalities that do not have full use of freewill and full knowledge of our DNA ancestry. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media agencies, corporations, and media based family crests.
I here by revoke all spiritual contract assumptions, presumptions and statistical models that predict my habit patterns through the use of commercial advertising intertwined with the system of domination and control. I do not consent to Etheric grid broadcasting over Public airwaves, television, internet, radio or any other means or methods that propagate propaganda for mass consumption.
I do not consent to predictive modeling by Etheric or commercial means. I hear by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media based sacred geometry buildings.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the sacred geometry media presidents, shareholders, news anchors, news reporters, pundits, talking heads and all representations of government officials with in the entire global media network. You have no power over me with your presumptions of knowledge. We are manifesting co-creating spirits. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all news regurgitating systems, crawlers, websites, search engines, print media and all forms of Etheric propaganda used with in all these systems.
I revoke all presumptions of consent with all media agencies. I revoke all assumptions with all advertising agencies that are funded by the system of domination and control. I do not consent with any advertising systems targeting soul groups, soul migrations, or the spiritual incarnation process. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that limit the genetic free willed expression of all sentient kind. I revoke all spiritual contracts that define the media as our tellers of oral traditions or generational teachers.
I revoke all contracts with the sacred geometry satellite broadcasting system. I revoke all contracts with Etheric artificial intelligences that use sacred geometry satellite systems as a means to hi-jack my information stream. I do not consent to psychic monitoring or influencing from any media system that services the system of domination and control.
I here by demand the instant removal of all broadcast based psychic parasites and their propagation and harvesting system that creates herds of psychic parasites. I revoke all contracts that use my life force as a false-form of consent for the propagation and spreading of psychic parasite with all my DNA soul relations.
I here by revoke all soul contracts that grant the media power to last beyond one generation of history. I demand all rights of generational knowledge be returned to the soul family structure. I demand the return of our history in a complete and transparent manor, so there with never be any more secrets from our people.
I here by revoke all rights, duties, responsibilities and current actions of all media personalities. Your services are no longer required. I revoke all privileges that grant the media families any power over my soul contracts, soul family or soul based migration patterns.
I revoke all rights to any media system based in domination and control from ever returning within my soul family structure of all past, present and future lives.
I hereby demand the instant cessation and removal of all false information from all media.
I hereby demand that any and all future distribution of information over all forms of media absolutely embodies truth, integrity and transparency in perpetuity.
I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all local or mass media information exchange systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.
Revocation of banking systems.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I call to the 4 elements, Air, Earth, Water and Fire. I call forth the the spiritual court of equity with all ancestors in union with the migration patterns of all soul family’s incarnating on earth mother. I call the primary ancestor spirits of earth mother to come into this spiritual court of equity to hold space for the reading and removal of all contracts dealing with the energetic exchange of value systems.
I call forth the earth global dreamtime. I call to the unified dreamtime societies of all earth to come to this spiritual court of equity too provide their complete wisdom to this sacred moment in which I reclaim my sovereign spirit authority for all exchange of energy for value systems.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the primary banking family’s. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking family crests. I revoke, remove and dissolve all banking family trusts that use my name as a number for energy harvesting. I revoke all assumed rights used by the DNA based king-ship, lordship, or manor roll contracts that function with in all banking families. I here by state I do not consent to rule by the few. I do not consent to rule by the banking families.
I do not consent with the assumed authority of the banking families funding the free court systems. I revoke all rights, privileges and rules created by the family crest based or DNA linage based banking families to dominate and control the free court system. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that define the bank system as being intertwined with my freewill. I revoke all fine print with in all of my soul contracts past, present and future that deal with any banking system as a 3d-matrix debt collection or energy harvesting system.
I demand the instant repayment of all energy and 3d matrix representations of value. I do not consent to the use of corrupt courts as a means of judgment. I revoke all rights of 3d based courts assumptions of power with any 3d exchange for value systems created for the follies of the banking families.
I here by revoke all consent of ink based, web based or energy based signature harvesting systems. I revoke all rights to use my 3d matrix signature to represent me in any court system, spiritual or 3d matrix.
I do not consent to the use of my soul contracts as a means of energy harvesting from any of the primary banking systems created by the primary soul contract holding banking families. I revoke all rights to use my name in any form of banking family coat of arms contracts. I demand the instant and permanent erasure of all signatures used to represent me in the banking exchange for value system.
I do not consent to the use of my life-force for any exchange for value banking system that is not completely transparent with all transactions, spiritual or 3d-matrix.
I here by state that all bank based buildings using sacred geometry have NO POWER over my sovereign free will. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking systems that use sacred geometry as a means of energy harvesting or a tool for domination and control.
I revoke all rights, privileges and assumptions with all buildings that use sacred geometry as fine print soul contract enforcement systems. I do not consent to any sacred geometry building to house, hold or transfer any of my life force to any banking system on all of earths time lines and or co-existing dimensions. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all sacred geometry systems that use my life force with out direct consent from me and all of my soul family ancestors in complete agreement.
I revoke all rights, assumptions and rules that create a new sacred geometry banking system. I here by declare that all banking families and systems are now banished from operating in secret, covert or overt ways to harvest my energy in any way shape or form.
I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all energy exchange for value systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.
Revocation of Government.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that deal with all government personalities elected and un-elected. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all family crest based government systems. I revoke all rights, duties and responsibilities to all government entities that use my vote as a means of energy harvesting. I revoke all spiritual contracts with every senator, congressman, ambassadors, supreme court members, presidents, vice presidents and all cabinet members. I revoke all spiritual contracts with every branch of government for all of my past, present and future lives. I do not consent to the rule of the privileged few.
I revoke all rights, responsibilities, assumptions, presumptions, and signatures that retain me within the entirety of any or all governmental organizations, family crests, sacred geometry buildings, monuments, memorials or military bases. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with a corporate run government. I do not consent to any form of corporate government that harvests energy from its people.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the federal reserve families. I Revoke all rights, assumptions and responsibilities with every member of the federal reserve and exchange for value systems run by any government or corporate officials. I revoke all spiritual contracts hidden with in our government exchange for value systems.
I revoke all spiritual contracts with all government offices that use sacred geometry crests to retain power or insert fine print in soul contracts. I revoke all rights, privileges, powers, assumed and un-assumed, consented and un-consented with every federal law enforcement branch that uses federal reserve energy to support the system of domination and control.
I revoke all spiritual contracts that create consent for the government committees that determine quality of life. I revoke all rights, duties, responsibilities for all government systems that write laws that effect my spiritual contracts with out my direct consent from my total DNA linage ancestors, past, present and future.
I revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to use time travel as a means of domination and control. I revoke all rights and duties of all time traveler personalities, operations, systems, past present and future. I demand the immediate return of all government time travel personalities to their right and perfect time line. I revoke all rights with all technologies that alter dimensions, manipulate time streams or do harm to any sentient life forms co-existing on earth in all time lines and dimensions. I do not consent to time line wars. I do not consent to mass propaganda. I do not consent with war based industrial complexes. I do not consent with the use of military to dominate and control.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts secretly interwoven into each and every law, past present and future. I do not consent to the passing of laws that effect soul family migrations, soul family immigration or systems that prevent me from uniting my complete and total soul family. I demand the instant return of all my soul family that has been denied the right to co-exist with me for all my past, present and future lives. I revoke all rights, rules and laws that define soul family on a 3d matrix level. I return all definitions of soul family status to Earth mother. I revoke all rights to label soul families with sacred geometry linguistics that cross dimensions or realities. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all forms of sacred geometry linguistics past, present and future. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry linguistics as a means of energy harvesting. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry cities, infrastructure, linguistics or artwork for the purpose of domination and control.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to dominate and control all people on any time line or dimension in earth mothers realm. I revoke all assumptions and presumptions of power and caste systems. I revoke all spiritual contracts that define sentient life as cattle, or commerce. I do not consent to my life force being used for any purpose that does not heal earth mother and promote unity consciousness among all sentient kind living and co-existing within earth mother.
I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all forms of global government, interpersonal relations or galactic relations for all sentient kind existing and co-existing on earth mothers realms. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.

Debt Elimination Coming?

All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months
All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Right on schedule, banking systems are collapsing and will result in the elimination of all debt, according to Bix Weir, who has 30 years experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies.

As mentioned numerous times on In5D,  we are currently under the energies of Pluto In Capricorn, which will continue to bring an end to all sources of control and manipulation, including the banking systems, governments and religion. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and, right on schedule, we saw the collapse of hundreds of banks.

For those who question the power of how astrological alignments dictate what is happening right now, look no further than the last time when Pluto was in Capricorn.  During that time period, we saw both the French and American Revolutions.  If you look around the world, there are revolutions either currently going on or are about to explode, so it is NOT a coincidence that we are seeing this happen once again.

“We are at a point in our system and in the manipulation where there are people within the Fed, and within our government, who are ready to pull the plug on the game and basically crash the system,” stated Weir.

Many people will question whether this is a controlled demolition of the financial system in order to All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months | in5d Alternative News | |implement a one world currency, which is a valid concern, but the current financial system based on fiat currency cannot sustain itself as it creates money out of thin air and charges interest on it.  In other words, it is going to collapse whether you want it to or not.  The most important issue is deciding what form of currency will be its replacement and if there is any assurance of whether this new system will inevitably collapse as well.

Right now in the United States, the U.S. debt is more than all of the money on the planet so it is impossible to repay.  The only other solution is to eliminate all debt and create a new asset based currency that does not rely on creating money out of thin air.

During the last bailout in 2008 after the housing boom, we saw a huge derivatives explosion which is due to crash the system in a few months. Derivatives are basically when a bank sells the obligation of the mortgage holder to another company and in essence, bets on the failure of the homeowner to fall into foreclosure. There is no way the Fed can bailout the trillions of dollars in derivatives so the only other option will be to eliminate all debt and create an asset based currency.

The Fed still continues to pump fiat currency into a rising stock market that should have begun collapsing in 2008, create a false sense of security for those who have stocks.  This too, will collapse.

Will this happen in other countries as well?

Once the big banks fall in the United States, all other banks will follow.  Weir stated, “If you take down the banks, you take down every individual checking, savings, 401K (etc…).  Everyone holds their money in banks, even the brokerage houses.  The derivative situation is such a mess that once a couple of those big banks go (under), every other counter party will fall, too.  So you’re looking at a complete wipeout of all debts in all banks.”

Greg Hunter added that we have $10.8 trillion in deposits with (only) $33 billion in the FDIC deposit insurance fund and a line of credit worth $100 billion in the Treasury.  In other words, there isn’t anywhere near enough money to back all of the depositors.  Weir added that the FDIC also insures all of the derivatives for JP Morgan and the Bank of America for hundreds of trillions of dollars.

What will happen to any money we have in the bank?

All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months | in5d Alternative News | |Weir mentioned an example where a person might have $10,000 in the bank along with $200-300,00 mortgage IOU’s.  In this situation, the person would lose the money in their account, but would not have to pay off the mortgage to his or her home.

Weir added, “The people who will lose out the most are those people who are completely out of debt with a savings account in a bank that they thought was AAA rated.”

When will this happen?

According to Weis, the collapse should happen anytime from August to October of this year.

Will Federal Reserve notes be honored until the new currency arrives?

According to Weir, he believes that this would be a good plan but it would only work for those who have physical Federal Reserve notes versus having money in the bank, “at least for a little while.”

Gold and silver

Hunter added to be sure to buy rolls of quarters and half dollars because they are printed by the All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months | in5d Alternative News | |Treasury and not the Federal Reserve.

As his number one investment, Weir recommended to buy pre-1965 silver coins because “everybody will be scrambling for gold and silver.  It would be the last theoretical form of money that people have.  People are starting to wake up now and when they can’t get money out of their bank that defaulted, that’s when you’re really going to se people scrambling for physical gold and silver in your possession.”

The moment the banks are no longer manipulating the gold and silver market is the moment that these metals go “limit up.  You will not really know the price of silver and gold for a while because it’s the anti-dollar.”

Redistribution and reallocation of money

The US Dollar is the longest lasting currency that is not backed by assets and history will dictate, every previous currency that was not backed by assets has collapsed.

In the United States, people will receive new currency based on how much money they paid into Social Security, where those who worked the hardest and paid into Social Security while those who are young and working will get more as they work more.

At this time, it is unclear how other countries will allocate and redistribute money.

The elimination of debt should create numerous immediate benefits, such as the significant lowering of rent due to the owner no longer having debt on his building, house or apartment along with a lower cost of goods and services for the same reason.  In other words, prices for everything will drop significantly from what we are paying today.

According to Weir, it might take “a few weeks to reallocate money” so there might be a transition period where grocery stores and other businesses may temporarily close.  You want to be sure to have enough food and water stored up to cover you and your family for up to several months.

“The government knows that this is going down quickly.  These banks cannot survive much longer.  They are literally on their knees and the main stream media is not going to tell you about it, but in the financial world, we all know about it.”

Whether or not the banking collapse happens between now and October remains to be seen.  What we already know is that our current system is unsustainable and its collapse it’s inevitable.  It’s only a matter of time.
