CDC whistleblower confesses to publishing fraudulent data to obfuscate link between vaccines and autism
Friday, August 22, 2014 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff write
(NaturalNews) A medical conspiracy of epic proportions stands to bring down the entire vaccine house of cards following the revelation that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) censored key data linking the MMR vaccine to autism. A top CDC researcher-turned-whistleblower has come forward with the truth about a study that the CDC has long claimed proves the safety of MMR, when in fact it actually shows the exact opposite.
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the CDC whistleblower told Dr. Brian Hooker from the Focus Autism Foundation (FAF) that a 2004 CDC study published in the journal Pediatrics, entitled “Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta,” contains data that was deliberately manipulated to conceal the vaccine-autism connection.
Drs. Frank DeStefano, M.D., Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, M.D., and Coleen Boyle, Ph.D., all employees of the CDC, published the joint paper that looked at 624 children with autism living in the Atlanta-metro area of Georgia. These children were evaluated alongside 1,824 children without autism, all of whom were matched according to age, gender, school and time of vaccination.
Between the two groups, similar proportions of children were vaccinated both before 18 months and before 24 months, with the bulk having been vaccinated between 12 and 17 months of age. And based on this analysis, researchers say they found no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, a claim that Dr. Boyle, who currently holds the position of Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the CDC, reiterated during a 2012 Congressional hearing.
CDC altered study sample size to obscure autism link, particularly in black boys
The implication, of course, is that these findings prove once and for all that MMR does not cause autism, a claim heralded by the mainstream media as undeniable fact. But according to the CDC whistleblower, everything is not as it seems when it comes to what the study actually found.
Early on in the research, it was apparently discovered that African American boys who received the MMR vaccine at three years of age or younger were 340 percent more likely to develop autism than other children. This is obviously not what the CDC wanted to find, as it betrays the loyalty that the agency has to the vaccine industry. So the CDC basically scrubbed it by paring down the sample size, excluding children who did not have a State of Georgia birth certificate.
“CDC researchers excluded children that did not have a valid State of Georgia birth certificate — reducing the sample size being studied by 41%,” explains an FAF press release on this groundbreaking discovery. “[B]y introducing this arbitrary criteria into the analysis, the cohort size was sharply reduced, eliminating the statistical power of the findings and negating the strong MMR-autism link in African American boys.”
Dr. Wakefield’s new film exposes MMR-autism coverup by CDC
What the CDC did, in essence, was recreate the original study design after it was discovered that the original one showed adverse effects associated with MMR. In other words, the CDC deliberately withheld the truth about MMR, manufacturing a false study after the fact in order to arrive at what appears to have been a predetermined outcome.
“The results of the original study first appeared in the journal Pediatrics which receives financial support from vaccine makers via advertising and direct donations,” adds the FAF announcement. “[This fraudulent study] is widely used by the CDC and other public health organizations to dismiss any link between vaccines and autism — a neurological disorder on the rise.”
For people like Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist who had his career stolen from him over similar findings, this revelation is timely. No longer will the mainstream media be able to claim that no link between vaccines and autism exists, as this grand deception by the CDC proves that MMR isn’t nearly as safe as we’ve all been led to believe.
“We’ve missed 10 years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism,” admitted the CDC whistleblower, who says he deeply regrets his previous involvement in the MMR-autism coverup. “They’re not doing what they should be doing because they’re afraid to look for things that might be associated.”
A new short film directed by Dr. Wakefield provides a visual timeline of the CDC’s misgivings concerning MMR and autism, linking the original experiment to the heinous Tuskegee syphilis experiment, which was foisted on unsuspecting African Americans back in the 1930s.
You can watch Dr. Wakefield’s film for free on Vimeo:
Before reading the featured article take a minute to review this package insert, which can be found on the FDA’s official website, for “Diphtheria and Tetanus DTaP Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed” which has the brand name Tripedia®. This is a direct link to the insert and this is a video walk-through from the front page to find it yourself.
You will find a shocking admission on page six that looks like this:
It reads, “Tripedia vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.”
Additionally, on page 11, you will find the admission of a relationship between Tripedia and autism as well as SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome.)
“Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting.“ [emphasis added]
It makes you wonder: How many doctors administering these vaccines have actually taken the time to read the insert?
Furthermore the occurrence of autism in males is much higher than females. The CDC reports, “ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder] is almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 42) than among girls (1 in 189).” Something must be causing such a dramatic difference. What could it be?
This might completely blow your mind so make sure you’re sitting down.
Boyd E. Haley, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky points out that, ”[T]he differential effects of estrogen versus testosterone on mercurytoxicity to neurons may explain the increased susceptibility of males to autism.” [emphasis added]
Now where in the world is all this toxic mercury coming from? As you may be aware, Dr. Haley states, “The mercury sources we consider are from dentistry and from drugs, mainly vaccines, that, in today’s world are not only unnecessary sources, but also sources that are being increasingly recognized as being significantly deleterious to the health of many.”
Now that you are armed with this information consider the following article which takes a look at pertussis vaccinations in relation to pertussis outbreaks. Hopefully this knowledge will help you make the decision that’s right for you and your loved ones.
Infectious diseases that the system insists have been mostly eradicated due to the advent of vaccines are starting to reemerge, with much of the blame for this being levied on the unvaccinated, who are automatically assumed to be the culprits. But a deeper look into the history of vaccines, how they work and what level of long-term protection they truly provide reveals that these golden calves of modern medicine are actually the vehicles through which infectious disease is being spread, with vaccinated individuals as the primary disease carriers.
It is the opposite of what we have all been told for decades about the nature of vaccines — that they produce immunity to diseases that might otherwise kill you, is one common claim, as is the assumption that refusing vaccines leaves one prone to both catching and spreading otherwise uncommon infectious diseases. These and other modern medical myths about vaccines pervade mainstream thinking, and yet they have absolutely no basis in sound science.
In an extensive rebuttal to a 2012 article written by Forbes‘ Steven Salzberg that blamed a whooping cough outbreak in the Northwest on unvaccinated children, Dr. Paul G. King, Ph.D., of FAME Systems deconstructs the popular misconception that infectious disease reemergence is the result of people not getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it is the vaccination schedule itself, which the federal government has been coercing people into complying with for nearly the entire last century, that is ultimately leading to and driving these outbreaks.
“Salsberg is simply using a longstanding ‘straw man’ created long ago by his fellow vaccine apologists to divert the public’s attention from the reality that… the current pertussis vaccines are neither effective in providing those inoculated with them long-term protection from contracting whooping cough nor… cost effective,” explains Dr. King in his paper.
Vaccines as destroyers of natural immunity
One thing that few people, including many health professionals, fail to understand is that vaccines override the body’s innate, or mucosal, immune system. Also known as non-specific immunity, innate immunity is our bodies’ primary line of defense against all types of bacteria, toxins and other harmful invaders — the gatekeeper, if you will, that protects the body’s adaptive immune system from having to face these intruders directly.
Under ideal conditions, the innate immune system kicks into high gear at the first sign of a threat, blocking pathogens from getting past the nose, mouth, digestive tract or other bodily entry point. If for some reason the innate immune system fails at this task, the adaptive immune system picks up where it left off, adapting, as its name implies, to tackle the specific threat.
But this natural immune response is thwarted by vaccines, which intentionally bypass the innate immune system and go straight for the adaptive immune system. The resultant immune response is both unnatural and completely out of order, generating only temporary and often incomplete immunity as opposed to the lifelong immunity garnered from natural exposure.
“Whereas natural recovery from many infectious diseases usually stimulates lifetime immunity, vaccines only provide temporary protection and most vaccines require ‘booster’ doses to extend vaccine-induced artificial immunity,” says Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center.
The same is true for vaccines against pertussis, or whooping cough, which Dr. King, through his extensive research, found only provide a few years of limited protection as opposed to a lifetime of full protection in unvaccinated individuals who contract the disease naturally. The former have to continually get booster shots to maintain their immunity, while the latter are essentially immune for life after contracting the disease once.
“[A]t best, the current views are that the ‘protection’ provided by ‘pertussis’ vaccination lasts no more than 3 years in some percentage of those who are ‘fully’ vaccinated and initially protected,” wrote Dr. King. “In the pre-vaccination era, having a case of whooping cough and recovering from it conservatively provided 10 to 50 years of protection from a re-infection that resulted in a clinical case of whooping cough caused by either B. pertussis or B. parapertussis.”
In other words, unvaccinated individuals who contract mild whooping cough at a young age end up developing lifelong immunity to the disease without the need for a vaccine, and they also never become carriers of the disease. Vaccinated individuals, on the other hand, will never develop lifelong immunity, and will continually have to receive “booster” shots as protection, which the data shows is not always reliable or foolproof and can even lead to vaccine-induced health problems.
“Unlike the natural disease which appears to confer lifelong immunity, present day pertussis vaccines confer only partial and relative transient protection,” wrote Drs. James W. Bass and Stephen R. Stephenson in a 1987 study entitled The return of pertussis. “A high degree of protection persists for 3 years, decreasing thereafter for 12 years after which little or no protection is evident.”
Vaccines as carriers of disease
If subpar, temporary immunity was the only downside of getting vaccinated, it would be one thing. But the fact of the matter is that vaccinated individuals often end up becoming carriers of the diseases against which they were vaccinated, which is evident from decades of scientific data showing that the current vaccination schedule is directly responsible for bringing back all of these diseases that the media insists were eradicated by vaccines.
“[T]he current DTaP/Tdap vaccination program in the USA is increasing the percentages of cases of whooping cough that are either caused by B. parapertussis or, as some are beginning to claim, caused by mutated strains of B. pertussis that evade the protective effects of multiple time-displaced inoculations with the current DTaP/Tdap vaccines,” explains Dr. King. “[V]accination with a ‘pertussis component’-containing vaccine produces some low level of ‘B. pertussis’ carriers [‘Pertussis Harrys’] who… can and do spread B. pertussis to others.”
The recent whooping cough outbreaks in California, Washington, New York and elsewhere also serve as proof of this, as the vast majority of infected individuals in each of these cases had already been “fully” vaccinated for the disease. Not surprisingly, health authorities have been quiet about this inconvenient truth, leading the public to erroneously assume that the unvaccinated are responsible.
“[T]he reality is that more than 75% of the cases of whooping cough in outbreaks in Washington State since 2002 reportedly have been occurring in ‘fully’ vaccinated individuals, and this reality continues to be true in the 2012 ‘epidemic,’” adds Dr. King. “Further, the percentage in the current outbreaks that have a confirmed case of B. pertussis has not been disclosed – nor is the percentage reported that have a confirmed case of B. parapertussis or another organism that can cause whooping cough.”
For those already infected, Dr. King suggests supplementing with high doses of vitamin C, which he says eliminates the “whoop” and reduces the duration of the disease, as well as taking high doses of natural vitamin D3, which enables the body’s immune system to produce site-specific antibiotics to target whooping cough organisms in the respiratory system while protecting gastrointestinal flora, which would otherwise be destroyed by synthetic antibiotics.
Be sure to check out Dr. King’s full study on vaccines here:
Do vaccines cause autism? Must-see new video reveals the systematic suppression of evidence of vaccine-damaged children
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
NaturalNews) There is systematic suppression in the United States on the truth about the links between vaccines and autism. Drug companies and the federal government have conspired to deny parents of vaccine-damaged children their day in court by creating a kangaroo “vaccine court” that offers no due process whatsoever (and therefore violates the civil liberties of Americans).
This systematic suppression of the truth about vaccine-damaged children is revealed in a must-see new video just released by the Canary Party ( and narrated by actor Rob Schneider, an outspoken advocate of parental rights when it comes to medicine.
I urge you to share this video with everyone you know! It explains, in clear, rational language, an important part of the true story of how the vaccine industry suppresses the truth about vaccine-damaged children.
Brought to you by the Canary Party
The Canary Party is a fast-growing movement of parents, doctors, scientists and everyday citizens who want to put a stop to the systematic poisoning of the population by drug companies, vaccine manufacturers and other corporate pushers of toxic substances that damage humankind (and the planet).
Click here to read the position paper of the Canary Party. You’ll find that it is based on the scientific “precautionary principle” as well as fundamental parental rights and individual responsibilities. In summary, the Canary Party seeks to reveal the truth about how we are all being poisoned by unethical corporations and then find constructive ways to stop the poisoning and end the human suffering caused by it.
Regular readers of NaturalNews will find these principles to be quite familiar, as we share these same goals. I plan to work with the Canary Party in the near future to find other ways we can help support their cause for humanity.
The entire vaccine industry — including all its bought-and-paid-for doctors, authors, “scientists” and PR flaks — has for decades knowingly lied to the world in claiming that vaccines have “zero risk” and “zero side effects.”
All of these substances are toxic to human biology when injected. There is no rational doctor or scientist in the world who can say they believe injecting infants and children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum is somehow “safe,” yet doctors inject children with these substances every single day in the form of vaccines.
Vaccine industry far worse than Big Tobacco
Just as the dental industry has for decades ridiculously denied the toxicity of mercury in dental fillings, the vaccine industry is also living in delusional state of total denial about the toxicity of mercury. What we are witnessing today with modern medicine is a vaccine holocaust that is killing and maiming our children in record numbers. And the “circle the wagons” strategy of suppressing all the scientific evidence to support this makes Big Pharma look even worse than Big Tobacco.
At what point will autism reach 1 in 10 children? It’s not that far off (it’s already over 1 in 100 children born today). If this level of disease were caused by anything other than vaccines, the CDC would have long declared it an epidemic and tried to push a vaccine for it. But because autism is linked to vaccines and mercury, the CDC downplays it and ridiculously pretends children aren’t being harmed. The FDA plays the same game of denial, hoping no one will notice as the condition multiplies to the point where one day potentially every fifth child in America will be autistic after receiving the hundreds of “required” vaccines that will be mandated in the near future.
We are talking about the downfall of a nation here, folks. If this vaccine holocaust is not stopped, America will not survive. No nation can survive the collapse in the health of its citizens. Injecting mercury into the population of America is just as idiotic as feeding the citizens of Rome drinking water laced with lead. Many historians say the lead poisoning of the citizens of Rome exacerbated its downfall. Today, vaccines are strongly contributing to the same sort of downfall of modern civilization.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
NaturalNews) You won’t hear anything about it from the mainstream media, but the federal government’s kangaroo “vaccine court” has once again conceded, albeit quietly, that the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine does, indeed, cause autism. In a recently published ruling, part of which was censored from public view, a young boy was awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars after it was determined that the MMR vaccine led to a confirmed diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Ten-year-old Ryan Mojabi’s parents say he first suffered an encephalopathy after being vaccinated for MMR on December 19, 2003. Known as a “table injury,” encephalopathy is a recognized, compensable adverse reaction to vaccines, and one that the kangaroo vaccine court has previously linked to vaccines. According to Ryan’s parents, the MMR vaccine caused their son’s encephalopathy, which manifested as “neuroimmunologically mediated dysfunctions in the form of asthma and ASD.”
After being bumped around from court to court, Ryan’s case was eventually heard by the vaccine court’s Autism Omnibus Proceedings, according to The Huffington Post. And in the end, the federal government agreed that Ryan’s encephalopathy had been caused by the MMR vaccine, a landmark ruling that confirms what Dr. Andrew Wakefield found more than 15 years ago when studying gut disorders in children given the MMR vaccine.
“Ryan suffered a Table injury under the Vaccine Act — namely, an encephalitis within five to fifteen days following receipt (of MMR),” admitted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the case. “This case is appropriate for compensation,” it added, in full agreement with the court’s decision.
Of particular note in the case is the fact that concession documents by the government remain under seal. While the court and the government at large openly admitted that the MMR vaccine caused Ryan’s encephalitis, it did not make public its opinion on whether or not that encephalitis led to Ryan’s other injuries, including those that fall into the category of ASD. But the fact that these documents remain censored shows that the government is hiding something of importance from the public, which most definitely has to do with the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Concerned parents everywhere were right all along: MMR vaccine can cause autism
In a similar case heard during the same month, young Emily Moller from Houston, Texas, was also awarded massive compensation for injuries resulting from the MMR vaccine. According to reports, Emily experienced a severe reaction after receiving not only the MMR vaccine but also the DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), HiB, and Prevnar vaccines. Like with Ryan’s case, the government conceded that these vaccines led to Emily’s autism and other developmental problems.
These two cases, combined with numerous published studies out of the U.S., South America, and Europe, prove that the MMR vaccine is not the harmless vaccine that the conventional medical industry claims it is. In fact, everything that Dr. Wakefield found back in the late 1990s concerning the MMR vaccine — findings that cost him his career and reputation, by the way — are proving to be undeniably true.
“There can be very little doubt that vaccines can and do cause autism,” Dr. Wakefield recently stated from his home in Austin, Texas. “In these children, the evidence for an adverse reaction involving brain injury following the MMR that progresses to an autism diagnosis is compelling. It’s now a question of the body count. The parents’ story was right all along. Governments must stop playing with words while children continue to be damaged. My hope is that recognition of the intestinal disease in these children will lead to the relief of their suffering. This is long, long overdue.”
In the wake of several months of testimony from doctors and experts in medical ethics, a Belgian Senate committee will on June 12 examine the possible extension of the country’s euthanasia law to include children.
“On both sides of the linguistic border, liberals and socialists appear to agree on the fact that age should not be regarded as a decisive criteria in the event of a request for euthanasia,” notes De Morgen. They want doctors to decide on a minor’s capacity for discernment on a case by case basis.
The daily points out that the Christian Democrats may not approve the change, but the Flemish nationalists of the N-VA have said they are ready to vote in favour of the proposal to ensure that it is backed by a majority.
In yet another example of how an out-of-control Goliath state system can cause more harm than good, a teenage boy who was diagnosed with autism at a young age has risen to stellar heights after quitting the special ed system with the help of his concerned mother.
State therapy specialists claimed Jacob Barnett would never tie his shoes, read or function normally in society. But the boy’s mother realized when Jacob was not in therapy, he was doing “spectacular things” completely on his own.
She decided to trust her instinct and disregard the advice of the professionals. Instead of following a standardized special needs educational protocol, she surrounded Jacob with all the things that inspired passion for him – and was astonished at the transformation that took place.
Don’t fix what’s not broken
Following a diagnosis of autism at age two, Jacob was subjected to a cookie cutter special education system that focused on correcting what he couldn’t do compared to normal children. For years, teachers attempted to convince Kristine Barnett that her son would only be able to learn the most basic of life skills.
When exposed to the state system of educational therapy, Kristine noticed Jacob would withdraw deeply and refuse to speak with anyone. Even though she found it “terrifying to fly against the advise of the professionals,” she knew in her heart “that if Jake stayed in special ed, he would slip away,” Kristine relates in her memoir, The Spark: A Mother’s Story of Nurturing Genius.
So began a journey for Jacob that would lead to such unexpected achievement that the whole premise of standardized therapy for this ‘special needs’ child would be blown to bits.
A path of passion and discovery
After years of frustration and little progress, Kristine made a radical decision in the eyes of the special ed system — she took Jacob out of school and prepared him for kindergarten herself. As described in the New York Daily Times:
She let him explore the things he wanted to explore. He studied patterns and shadows and stars. At the same time, she made sure that he enjoyed “normal” childhood pleasures – softball, picnics – along with other kids his age.
“I operate under a concept called ‘muchness’,” Kristine said “which is surrounding children with the things they love – be it music, or art, whatever they’re drawn to and love.”
By the time Jacob reached the age of 11, he entered college and is currently studying condensed matter physics at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis. According to an email Professor Scott Tremaine wrote to Jacob’s family:
“The theory that he’s working on involves several of the toughest problems in astrophysics and theoretical physics … Anyone who solves these will be in line for a Nobel Prize.”
Jacob also has an IQ of 170 — higher than that of Einstein. He is history’s youngest astrophysics researcher, has spoken at a New York TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) conference, and appeared on a variety of news interviews, including 60 Minutes and the Time magazine website.
Not bad for someone who was classified by state experts as so severely disabled that he would never tie his own shoes or learn to read. If Jacob had stayed within the system, the prediction may very well have come true.
Merck Accused of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness
July 10 2012
Story at-a-glance
Two virologists have filed a federal lawsuit against Merck, their former employer, alleging the vaccine maker overstated the effectiveness of their mumps vaccine, which may have cost the US government hundreds of millions of dollars over the past decade. They claim they “witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings”
Chatom Primary Care has also filed a federal antitrust class action lawsuit against Merck, alleging Merck went to great lengths to manipulate test procedures and falsifying results to prop up fraudulent efficacy claims, thereby maintaining its monopoly on the MMR vaccine
These two lawsuits couldn’t come at a more precarious time for Merck, as the Italian Health Ministry recently conceded the MMR vaccine caused autism in a now nine-year old boy—albeit this news has been effectively censored in the US
A recent review of the varicella (chickenpox) vaccination program in the U.S. concluded that the vaccine has not proven to be cost-effective; increased the incidence of shingles; failed to provide long-term protection from the disease it targets―chicken pox―and; is less effective than the natural immunity that existed in the general population before the vaccine. Vaccine efficacy was found to have declined well below 80 percent by of 2002
By Dr. Mercola
Things aren’t going so well lately in the litigation department for Merck, which stands accused of lying according to not just one, but two class-action lawsuits.
In the first case, two former Merck virologists accuse their former employer of overstating the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in Merck’s combination MMR shot, which may have cost the US government hundreds of millions of dollars over the past decadei.
Merck’s mumps vaccine was originally licensed 45 years ago. Since the 1970s, it’s been part of the trivalent measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which is part of the recommended childhood vaccination schedule. The case, which was initially filed in 2010, was unsealed late last month. As reported by the Courthouse News Serviceii:
“… Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski were Merck virologists who claim in their unsealed complaint that they “witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”
… As the largest single purchaser of childhood vaccines (accounting for more than 50 percent of all vaccine purchases), the United States is by far the largest financial victim of Merck’s fraud,” according to the 2010 False Claims Act complaint.”
According to Nasdaq.comiii:
“Merck–which stressed that none of these allegations relate to the safety of its product–said the lawsuit is “completely without merit”, and that it plans to “vigorously defend itself.”
It’s quite interesting to note the chosen language in Merck’s rebuttal. It in no way addresses the issue of the vaccine’s effectiveness, which is the core issue of the lawsuit and the allegation by the two former Merck employees that the drug company purposefully used improper testing methods and falsified data to make the mumps vaccine appear highly effective when the opposite was true. Instead, Merck responds by saying that none of the lawsuit’s allegations relate to the safety of its products. Such evasive maneuvering certainly gives the appearance of an admission of guilt.
Second Lawsuit Filed
A mere week after the first case was unsealed, a federal antitrust class action lawsuit was filed by Chatom Primary Care. According to Courthouse News Serviceiv:
“Merck has known for a decade that its mumps vaccine is “far less effective” than it tells the government, and it falsified test results and sold millions of doses of “questionable efficacy,” flooding and monopolizing the market, a primary caregiver claims in a federal antitrust class action.
… Chatom says in its antitrust complaint that Merck falsely claims its mumps vaccine is 95 percent effective. That claim “deterred and excluded competing manufacturers,” who would enter the risky and expensive vaccine market only if they believed they could craft a better product…
Merck is the only manufacturer licensed by the FDA to sell the mumps vaccine in United States, and if it could not show that the vaccine was 95 percent effective, it risked losing its lucrative monopoly… That’s why Merck found it critically important to keep claiming such a high efficacy rate, the complaint states. And, Chatom claims, that’s why Merck went to great lengths, including “manipulating its test procedures and falsifying the test results,” to prop up the bogus figure, though it knew that the attenuated virus from which it created the vaccine had been altered over the years during the manufacturing process, and that the quality of the vaccine had degraded as a result.”
According to these two lawsuits, Merck began a sham testing program in the late 1990’s to hide the declining efficacy of the vaccine. The objective of the fraudulent trials was to “report efficacy of 95 percent or higher regardless of the vaccine’s true efficacy.” This program was initially referred to as “Protocol 007,” the Chatom claim states, and instead of testing the vaccine’s efficacy against a wild mumps virus, as is the norm, Merck used its own attenuated strain of the virus—the identical strain with which the children were being vaccinated!
That’s as brilliant as it is devious, and a perfect example of how medical research can be manipulated to achieve desired results. Suzanne Humphries recently wrote an excellent summary for, explaining in layman’s terms how the tests were manipulated (see Sources). The two virologists bringing the lawsuit against Merck claim they witnessed firsthand this deception and were asked to directly participate in it.
As reported by the Courthouse News Servicev:
“That “subverted” the purpose of the testing regime, “which was to measure the vaccine’s ability to provide protection against a disease-causing mumps virus that a child would actually face in real life. The end result of this deviation … was that Merck’s test overstated the vaccine’s effectiveness,” Chatom claims.
Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.
Chatom claims that the falsification of test results occurred “with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck’s senior management.”
Health versus Profits
Considering the extent of the allegations here, it is really shocking that the conventional media has not picked up on this story. About the only major media source reporting on it was Forbes Magazinevi
to read more and see the video, go to: