Astrology of the 9th Wave

MAYA’S COMPLETION: The Astrology of the 9th Wave

By Salvador Russo

An awakening is taking place upon planet Earth that will forever change the course of our future as a civilization. At long last mankind will begin to fulfill its Divine potential and create a world of peace, prosperity, and ever-increasing achievement. Central to this collective ascent is that human consciousness is evolving in revolutionary fashion. Although darkness blankets the nations a great cosmic truth is dawning: that cycles and order are inherent in Creation and that on October 28th, 2011, as the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar completes, humanity will have finally become qualified to receive Cosmic Consciousness.


The Mystery

For millennia, the Mayan priesthood has kept a powerful secret. This secret is encoded within what today is loosely called the Mayan Calendar which the average citizen aptly equates with impending catastrophe. An agenda of insidious design has deceived the populace as to what the true nature of the Mayan Calendar is: a sacred system that reveals the relationship between the evolution of human consciousness and Creation itself.

The Mayan Calendar emerged during what is called the Mayan Classic Period which extended from approximately 250AD to 900AD. During this time the Maya most notably distinguished themselves from neighboring civilizations by conceptualizing two remarkably advanced calendric achievements: the Long Count and the Great Cycle. These concepts form the crux of the Mayan system and permit one to understand the evolutionary nature of Creation since its advent.


The Cycles

The Long Count is in essence a system of cyclical increase which culminates in what is called a Hablatun. The Hablatun is a cornerstone in the Mayan Calendar and it corresponds with what is referred to as a Heaven. A Great Cycle, also known as a Wave or Underworld, consists of 13 Hablatuns, a number that is very sacred to Creation. Furthermore, and of vital importance, exists the Sacred Round, also known as the Tzolkin, which is a 260 day calendar comprised of an interrelating sequence of 13 and 20. It becomes evident upon study that the Maya were intimately aware of the harmony that exists between the cosmos and our Solar System.

Before one can appreciate the synergy between these cycles, one must first understand our own. In doing so we must first travel back to ancient Greece and become acquainted with the work of their finest astronomer, Meton. His name graces the Metonic Cycle, which is one of our most important cycles and is defined as follows: the number of lunar cycles, otherwise known as lunations, required for a New Moon to return to its exact astronomical point of reference, to the precise degree. Though Meton’s estimations of this cycle are admirable he was disadvantaged by the lack of modern telemetry systems that we enjoy today. His estimation of the lunations required to complete this cycle fell short; he theorized 235 when in truth the count is 260.

The mystery of Maya unravels with Meton. Consider that the length of one lunation is 28 days and that there are 13 such lunations in each Solar Year. If we divide the Metonic Cycle’s lunation count of 260 by 13 we are left with 20, meaning that it takes 20 Solar Years to produce one Metonic Cycle. Our luni-solar math perfectly mirrors that of the Mayan Sacred Round which consists of 13 Tzolkin Trecenta Cycles and 20 Tzolkin Day Cycles which permute to produce 260, the same number of lunations in a Metonic Cycle. The Metonic math parallels the Tzolkin math.


The Reckoning

This connection has remained hidden because the true length of our year has been long corrupted. As was given to the great prophet Enoch by the holy angel Uriel a year is comprised of four equal 90 day quarters which are partitioned by the four equinoxes. The seasons combine for 360 days and when the four equinox days are added the result is an eternally perfect solar year of 364 days. Without dispute we understand a lunar cycle to be a perfect and eternal 28 day period. Wouldn’t the solar cycle also be perfect and eternal? See that 28 by 13 is 364 and not 365! Is Creation not perfect? Has anyone ever lived a partial day?


Mirrored Math

Further correlation can be seen between the lunation count of a Solar Year and the Hablatun count of a Mayan Underworld – mysteriously they are both 13. Further still our seven day week corresponds to the seven day Mayan Creation Cycle. Our 52 week Solar Year matches the length of the 52 year Mayan Calendar Round. Our 13 lunations per Solar Year parallel the 13 Trecenta Cycles in the Sacred Round. The 20 years in our Meton match the 20 Days in the Sacred Round. The 260 lunations in our Meton pair to the 260 Days in the Tzolkin. While the parallels are striking they don’t end here.

Remarkably there is also an extraordinarily synchronistic display that occurs between the sequence of the Metonic Cycle and the aspect ratio between the Mayan Underworlds – they are perfectly equivalent. The sequential reduction of time between each subsequent Mayan Underworld is always a divisible of 20 and a multiple of 13 which you will recall are the core numbers that formulate the Metonic Cycle. The planets in our Solar System also play their part; our cast of nine compliments the nine Mayan Underworlds. As well, another connection is uncovered, hidden in the synodic cycles of our planets. A synod is the time that elapses between successive planetary conjunctions from our Earthly point of reference. When we sum the mean synods of our planets and divide by the sacred number 13 we arrive at 260, the count of the Mayan Sacred Round.


Universal Alchemy

By far the most staggering parallel that exists between the Mayan Calendar and our own Solar System is revealed when we compare our equinoxes to the Mayan Great Cosmic Cycle. The Great Cosmic Cycle represents the evolution of consciousness from creation to cosmic, from Zero Point to Ninth Wave, as well as a way to measure eternity. The number of this cycle is 819 and its factors are seven, nine, and 13, numbers that correspond to the seven day Creation Cycle, the nine Underworlds, and the 13 Hablatuns. To the Mayans the 819 cycle represented a quadrant of the universe. Naturally, this would mean that their cycle for the entire universe would be 819 by four, leaving us with the sum of 3,276.

Our Solar System’s microcosmic relationship to the universe becomes exceptionally clear when we divide the Mayan Universal Quadrant Cycle of 819 by our Solar Year Quadrant Cycle of 91 – the answer is nine, as in, nine levels of consciousness. When we divide the Mayan Universal Cycle of 3,276 by nine we are left with 364, the precise day count of our reckoned Solar Year. What we are seeing is alchemy on a universal scale, the above being the universe and the below being our Solar System! A rational mind is left to conclude that only an unfathomably resplendent power could be conducting such an ineffably majestic celestial symphony. This power is none other than Adonai, the Most High GOD.


Cosmological Constancy

The true nature and operation of the universe has been long contested by the great minds of times past. These minds searched for an irrefutable pattern that could prove that the expansion of the universe is intelligent and orderly, a theory called Cosmological Constancy. I humbly present through my analytical discoveries that Cosmological Constancy not only exists but that it is exemplified by the mathematical correspondences found between the cycles of the Mayan Calendar and the cycles of our Solar System. The synchronicities are undeniable and serve as a testament to the truth that there is order in Creation, Cosmic Order. After all, cosmos is Greek for ‘order.’


October 28th and Beyond

On October 28th, 2011 the world will shift. A deathblow to the false paradigm will be dealt and as it collapses a new, spiritually brilliant civilization will begin to emerge. As these Divine energies cascade throughout our planet profound personal and societal changes will occur. It is important to understand that there is nothing to fear, that the changes should be welcomed, and that fear of these changes will sabotage one’s ability to succeed in the coming world. Now is the time to align with the Order that one may grow instead of dwindle. Now is the time to cast off ways that obstruct ascension that one may embrace the opportunity of enlightenment that dawns. Remember always that the end of the Mayan Calendar is a reason to rejoice!

As sure as there are cycles in the cosmos there are death and rebirth cycles here below. Accept that the death of the world we have known all our lives is a necessary and infinitely beneficial part of the Divine Plan; welcome it wholeheartedly as it leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. As some are more advanced than others now is the time to come together as a human family to help one another through this process. As the dynamics of social power become cosmically aligned new leaders will emerge. Spiritual power will lead to public power, as was always intended. Remember that we must show compassion for those who are maligned because in truth it is only they who will suffer; lead by example. For those who are awake this will be an era of personal and public glory unlike any other where increase will be experienced in all ways, within and without, above and below.

Mother Nature will also prosper as she will begin to be healed and come alive in ways never before seen as a result of this energy. The rise in consciousness will prompt benevolent extraterrestrial intelligences to view humanity as equals instead of subordinates. They will begin to select ambassadors to serve as intermediaries between races. Like all things, diplomacy will soon go cosmic.


My Message to the World

If there were one message I could deliver to the hearts and minds it would be this: look to the Heavens as there is great wisdom there! The life of the cosmos mirrors our life here below. The greatest mystery I have ever discovered unfolds for us all, eternally, each day, perfectly, and invisible to naked the eye. Raise your minds to the celestial sphere and your eyes below will change. You will begin to see perfection in all directions, purpose behind every problem, and opportunities to ascend at every angle. Astrology is the science which enables us to perceive the Order. It is a gift, a treasure, the language that translates above and below. A language kept hidden and ridiculed for long, a language I’ll deliver as sweet as a song. To the best of my ability you will see what I see, my work rests in humility, repeat after me.

In service to Our Father who art in Heaven,

Astrologer Salvador Russo

Copyright © 2011 Salvador Russo. All rights reserved. This article may be shared freely so long as it is mirrored exactly, cited in full, and linked back to


Monthly Earth Changes Update fr/Aquarian Solutions


October 2011 will host extreme weather, volcanic eruptions, super jor quakes, hurricanes, severe cold fronts, hyper solar actvity, tsunamis, floods, perilous cyclones, sink holes, strong deluge of water, land and mudslides, extreme weather around the world
floods will continue along with droughts, still chances for dangerous tornadoes,while weather records will broken.
The month was actually kicked off with a New Moon in Libra on September 27th @ 11:09 AM UT
which continues to initiate major weather events from typhoons to hurricanes along with seismic and volcanic eruptions
Then on October 11th a fiery Full Moon in Aries @ 19 degrees on 7:06 PM PDT or 10:06 PM EDT leads to massive seismic and volcanic events.
Events will happen quickly after the Full Moon:
Mercury will enter Scorpio on Oct. 13th. the same day that the Sun meets Saturn in Libra bringing in cold winter weather
Venus already in Scorpio by Oct. 8th. will oppose Jupiter on October 14th. for major storms and seismic events
Then a double whammy with Mercury opposing Jupiter in Taurus on October 17th.
The month ends with the Scorpio New Moon on October 26th in the 4th degree of Scorpio occuring @ 12:56 PM PDT or 3:56 PM EDT –
for more, go to:

A Bit on This Mercury Retrograde

with Barbara Hand Clow and Gerry Clow in

This Mercury retrograde pattern really catches my eye, and I think there’s a message in it: As soon as Night Five opens August 18, and possibly during the Full Moon at the end of Day Five, the financial wizards will run out of rabbits to pull out of their banking hats, while the people get jangled by shocks. The New Moon is on the 1776 USA North Node, so the focus of the world collapse will be the US, not Europe. Aspects to Mercury from Pluto, Neptune/Chiron, and Uranus will help us turn to spiritual matters and seek love in our families, the only real solution for money problems. These aspects indicate we will be highly susceptible to mystical breakthroughs, as well as very good at trusting our spiritual guidance during August. There are to be seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto during 2012 through 2015, the period when the world will create new ways of life for a viable future. This square is very close during July/August 2011 amidst the high rate of change during the Universal Underworld. Time acceleration will build through October 28, 2011 (when our world will experience the imposition of a new fractal and holographic field), and then the structural adjustments will be continual through 2015. We are transmuting our minds in a hot alchemical furnace as Neptune and Chiron soften Pluto and spiritualize this difficult process. Mars in 28 Gemini is right on the point opposite the Galactic Center (GC), where Venus was located during the previous New Moon. (In the July 1 reading I made an error and said it was on the GC, not opposite). So, Venus opposite the GC opened our consciousness to cosmic realms during the previous lunation, and now Mars activates this point. Mars (which also sextiles the New Moon) guards the visual pathway out of our Galaxy.

Saturn in Libra is in a wide opposition to Uranus in Aries, and the influence is moving off. However, Saturn in 12 Libra quincunxes Jupiter in 9 Taurus while Jupiter trines Pluto, which is a stabilizing factor during this New Moon. Jupiter in Taurus is grounded and creates good future, which helps us during this unstable phase. And, the trine from Pluto (exact July 7) aids the transformation of structures. For example, this trine is causing the financial wizards to be more aware of the destruction they may cause, so they are cautious and respectful for a change. The quincunx from Saturn in Libra approaching its third and last hit of the USA’s eighth Saturn Return (exact August 28) causes Americans to get real about wanting to be the last empire. The exact Jupiter/Saturn quincunx does not occur until May 2012, because Jupiter retrogrades back to early Taurus starting in late August. This Jupiter retrograde period (August 30 to December 25, 2011) will occur during the most intense financial jitters, so the structural changes are going to be deep. The best thing the Roman Empire used to do was declare a Jubilee every fifty years, when all debt was forgiven. Maybe this is what the whole world needs now? Thank the goddess Jupiter is in Taurus until June 2012! Regarding personal finance, Jupiter in Taurus says take care of your essential needs first, since choice will be very limited for most during the great restructuring of our world.

Day Five (July 31-August 17) begins one day after this New Moon and will be an exciting life-changing time; there is no doubt it will be overwhelmingly stressful. The Full Moon on August 13 will add astrological fuel to radical transformations. If at all possible, be as calm and receptive as possible, so that you can receive the spiritual directions coming to Earth during Day Five. Be present, and nurture the strength of courage in your hearts through unconditional love; only you can do it.

Interestingly, earlier in the post, his analysis of the astrological significators indicated the following:

Mercury in early Virgo is a big player this month. The chart is cast for Washington, DC, home of the current world empire, and Mercury is right on the mid-heaven. Mercury exactly opposes Neptune (and closely opposes Chiron); trines Pluto; and is quincunxed by Uranus. This means we will be visionary (Mercury opposite Neptune) about the huge transformations (Pluto), while extreme change (Uranus) will push and push. But Mercury’s action is much more intense than that, and the dynamic suggests the financial crisis is deepening. Mercury will exactly oppose Neptune late on July 28 (after this reading gets posted) and will turn retrograde on August 2 (when the US may begin to default); then Mercury opposes Neptune a second time on August 8. Mercury gets back to a third opposition to Neptune on September 8. This suggests the US will be struggling with either a default or a downgrade on its debt rating during this period; the negative elements of Mercury opposite Neptune are fantasies and illusions about resources.

to read the full report, go to:

Earth Update fr/Aquarian Solutions

Site Last Updated August 11, 2011: We have passed the mega energized Mid-Point of the Mayan 5th Day
and today with Galactic Tone 13 it is a time of ascension as the earth is awakening big time .
The deeply primal energies of the Mars-Pluto opposition are separating and have triggered major earth changes .
Volcanic activity is starting Southern Hemisphere with Java and Coral Sea plumes to Ascension Island
to the Canary Island magma plume in the Northern Hemisphere along with Mt. Etna and now Undersea off Oregon along with the Cleveland volcano in Alaska

Magma plume report: A barometer of the planet indicates earthchanges are accelerating

Deep recycling in the Earth faster than thought
The most frequent question I’m asked is how much time do we have left before something major occurs? Not long, as you’ll shortly see. I included this map in my book so everyone could know that magma plumes are the planet’s geologic thermal dissipative features and as such, they are an early-warning sign that entropic processes are accelerating and magma levels are rising uniformly across the planet. Let’s start with Indonesia’s 18 volcanoes that are now on alert and showing above-normal activity- Because of the Java and Coral Sea plumes, we can expect growing unrest from the Merapi Sundoro Dieng volcanic complex, the Taboro, the Gunung Ranakah and Sirung volcanic complex which comprises about 28 volcanic cones.

to read more, go to:

July 30 New Moon

Site Last Updated July 30, 2011: So here we are the New Moon in child-like and risk taking Leo (exact @ 11:40 AM PDT or 2:40 PM EDT).
Barbara Hand Clow alerts us to the deeper activation that is happening with this lunation
as Night 5 of the Unity Wave is kicked off in spectacluar fashion.

Leo New Moon: July 30, 2011
The New Moon in Leo has arrived, and with it comes our moment to awaken courage in our hearts and stoke the fires of unconditional love. This New Moon is the top of a Yod  that activates and deepens the powers of the sextile between Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune/Chiron in Pisces. Yods are great directors of our energy, so this year’s Leo phase is full of fire and creativity. Venus in 3 Leo is moving toward the Sun, so the goddess inspires the flames of wisdom. Also, the New Moon conjuncts the lunar North Node in the USA’s founding chart (1776), so this heart opening reveals deep implications for Americans. Many now realize that time acceleration is a real influence; things are going so fast that most people can’t remember what happened last week. Well, this New Moon is the hot match that ignites the voracious field of constant change.
Day Five opens July 31, one day after this New Moon, when the new world we’re creating will be in its budding phase. Day Five of the National was 40-434 AD, when Roman Christianity was adopted in the West. Therefore, radical shifts in Christianity are very likely in August, such as the exposure of Josef Ratzinger’s lack of concern about child abuse in the Church. [See The Pope’s War by Matthew Fox.] Day Five is when the new creations become visible, so this Leo lunation may be the most influential one during the Universal Underworld. Let’s also note that Night Five opens August 18, a few days after the August 13 Full Moon in Aquarius, during this lunation cycle. Night Five is when we see the greatest destruction of the old systems that have to go, and the Aquarius Full Moon is equipped to do so. It forms a mutable grand square with Mars in 7 Cancer closely opposing Pluto in 5 Capricorn; and both are squared by Uranus in 4 Aries opposing the asteroid Juno in 5 Libra. (Saturn in 13 Libra is a partial influence in this grand square as well.) Events triggered by this potent configuration will force the world to see that the nuclear, financial, and Middle Eastern abuses are destroying our planet. Of course, famine and climate stress are also building. What do you expect when the planet is used for human disposal because supposedly God told our ancestors to use Earth for the chosen ones?
