Where do we go from here? An Astrologer wants to know
Story by: Sharyn Norwood
The vibrations of the Universe are assisting us now more than any other period in our lifetime.
This is an era of great transformation to uncover the truth, whether in ourselves or the world around us, and it is taking place on all levels. The connection with the energy of the planets is like a dance to perfection, with PLUTO, URANUS, and NEPTUNE as partners of influence, playing a major role during this time of drastic change.
In 2009, Uranus and Pluto made a square, and then Neptune took it to a new level as it moved into its own sign in April of 2011. Our society was challenged even more by the deep waters of tears, and for awhile, any illusions were washed away. Pluto is the powerful driving force of renewal; Uranus brings in the higher mind with lightning strikes, as well as a search for freedom and the unexpected. Neptune takes humanity deep down in the depths of Poseidon’s watery home and gives us the ability to find our true connection with humanity.
It may seem at these times everything is falling apart, as we face so many challenges. Pluto takes us down underground and breaks things down to the bone – to help us see what is truly valuable, just as it is portrayed in the Death card in the Tarot. Meanwhile, Uranus gives us sudden insights and the courage to start anew, as depicted by the Fool in the Tarot.
The four cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are the pillars in our astrology chart. They are the action signs of the Self, Family, Relationships, and Life Purpose. The Pluto-Uranus squares of the past have brought in an age of change, where governments and nations fall, allowing new ones to grow. The last one was in the 1930s, and before that, the American Revolution of 1776. It is like a garden in the winter right now, but when Pluto leaves Capricorn on March 24, 2023 and moves into Aquarius, it will bring about a springtime. This growth process that is taking place will also bring us closer together in the years to come, as we prepare for a New Era.
May you see the love and blessings in your journey.
Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.
Because of Pluto’s elliptical orbit that on occasion, runs inside the orbit of Neptune, it will stay in any given sign from 13 to 30 years.
With the exception of possibly Pluto in Cancer, it is highly unlikey that a parent and child will share the same generational energy.
Back in 2008, during the banking collapse, I released a video called, “Banking Collapse Announces the Beginning of the Golden Age” and a lot of people didn’t see the big picture on how the collapse of all of these banks was actually a blessing because they were too tied up in 3rd dimensional thinking and could not envision a world without money, which means they can only envision a world where they’re forever being an economic slave tothe system.
My mother (born at the end of Pluto in Cancer) has a hard time with this concept and you’ll find that people who were born with Pluto in Cancer or the early years of Pluto in Leo on their birth charts are pretty much set in their ways. The Pluto in Cancer generation were born between May 26, 1914 through June 14, 1939 and the Pluto in Leo generation were born between June 14, 1939 through August 19, 1957. I’m not saying it’s everyone, because all generations are waking up right now, but when you’re talking about the Pluto in Cancer generation, they generally are more set in their ways than the Pluto in Leo generation.
The Pluto in Leo generation brought us rock n’ roll, the hippie movement and peaceful protests against government tyranny and oppression but many of them ended up conforming to society and are now the leaders of the banking industry or are politicians or are leaders of the mainstream media and are the ones responsible for keeping us suppressed as a society.
Also keep in mind that many of the people toward the end of the Pluto in Leo generation have a lot of the same energies as the Pluto in Virgo generation. These are the “Make love, not war” flower children who led many protests and radically changed the way of thinking for many people. Unfortunately, the hippie movement was too disorganized and despite having the best of intentions, it fell to the wayside only to be revived in a more organized fashion, right now. Many of these people who were born in the latter part of the Pluto in Leo generation stand true to their values and refuse to comply to a society that is not in harmony with humanity’s best interests.
Many of the Pluto in Virgo children of the 1960’s can remember the feeling of the energies of the “Summer of Love” that was planted by the Pluto in Leo generation but were too young to understand what it meant.
The Pluto in Virgo generation have many of the trailblazers who began questioning the system and were the first generation who truly began looking outside the box and all of the subsequent generations afterwards, which includes Pluto in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn will be the beneficiaries of the Pluto in Virgo generation. If you look at many of the leaders within this spiritual and metaphysical genre, you’ll find an extremely high percentage of people that have Pluto in Virgo, myself included, and from the Pluto in Virgo generation moving forward, we’re all here to make a huge difference in this world and we will all be considered the founding mothers and fathers who led future generations into the Golden Age.
We are the generations who dared to be different in such a radical way, that we didn’t conform to society… society conformed to us.
With the seed planted, all of the subsequent generations following Pluto in Virgo will be known as the people who forever changed our society from one that is ruled by tyranny and oppression to one that works in humanity’s best interests. Those in power are trying to do their best to keep these generations distracted through cell phones, video games, television, etc… but at some point, it will just “click” within these generations that they’re here for a much greater purpose.
The Pluto in Libra energy is centered around partnerships and relationships, and many of these children born into this generation experienced parental divorces. The children are known as the Gen-X kids and unlike their parents who divorced during this time period, they are more likely to find balance within their relationships once they settle on finding a lifelong partner. Many of these kids either excelled in the arts and music or have an affinity for either.
This is the time when a new breed of children started incarnating to this planet.
Many of these people are known as being the indigo children and the crystal children and while we, as parents, may not understand their obsessions for texting, planking, batmanning, etc… these are the children who are rebelling in their own ways. They are more apt to work things out on their own rather than receiving help from others and this is a blessing because it teaches them how to problem solve at an early age.
The Pluto in Scorpio generation is a good example of this. Many of these kids will hit the “Dark Night of the Soul” at an early age, which is a blessing. At some point, it will seem that life couldn’t possibly get any worse than it is for these kids, but they’ll learn a lot from these experiences and will exponentially grow as spiritual beings from it. There is a good chance that many of the Pluto in Scorpio generation will experience the Dark Night of the Soul around the same time that their parents are experiencing it.
The Pluto in Sagittarius generation is very philosophical and rebellious. They seek action and abhor boredom. This is the generation that will take current ideas and turn them into something so amazingly unfathomable that it will completely change life as we know it. From this generation, we are going to see many new ideas and inventions from kids who have limited educations in any given areas of life, yet are able to figure things out without the need of a formal education. In other words, it will seem as though their minds are wired a little bit differently as they are able to access both hemispheres of the brain with relative ease.
The Pluto in Capricorn generation were born with the energies of complete restoration and will take that which was created to control humanity and turn it into something that is in humanity’s best interests. They were born into the energy of being controlled and find it very discordant to their demeanor. With this energy locked into their cellular DNA, they will use it to further the ideas from the Pluto in Sagittarius generation and turn something that was previously thought of as being amazingly unfathomable into some well beyond that!
The systems of control are all on the verge of collapse. These systems are being run by the Pluto in Cancer and the Pluto in Leo generations and as they pass on to the other side, they will be replaced with more radically positive people from the subsequent generations who are more willing to work in humanity’s best interests than in the name of greed, power and control.
We are already seeing this in the mainstream media as the Washington Post was recently sold to the founder and chief executive of Amazon. Perhaps the Washington Post will become the first newspaper to refuse publishing state sponsored propaganda? It will be interesting to see how this plays out!
As we all transit through Pluto in Capricorn, we are going to see monumental changes in religion, money and politics as all of these systems will collapse because they are not in harmony with humanity’s best interests. The current system is broken beyond repair and it’s time to replace it with something that works in best interests of humanity, not against them.
While Pluto is in Capricorn, we’re going to continue to see an awakening in exponential numbers, but it’s from this point forward whether we create the change we want to see or whether we allow those who have kept us living in tyranny and oppression to make that decision for us.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.
On July 29, 2013, a powerful planetary alignment – a very rare Grand Sextile –will form in the skies above us. It follows weeks of an unusual and powerful Grand Trine in Water signs involving three planetary giants — Saturn, Jupiter (now conjunct Mars), and Neptune.
When the Moon moves into position at about 1pm EDT, a second Grand Trine in Earth signs (involving the Moon, Venus and Pluto) will form and activate a Grand Sextile, a rare aspect pattern formed by two Grand Trines with six planets moving into position around the dial at 60* from each other (pictured above).
Trines bring ease of energy flow and sextiles bring opportunity. A Grand Sextile points to harmonious relationships among the energies symbolized by the planets in the pattern.
This Grand Sextile creates what is commonly known as a “Star of David” and will be with us for about 7 hours until the Moon, which travels quickly through our skies, moves off. The pattern symbolizes the harmonious union between masculine and feminine and involves the two feminine elements, Water (highlighting emotion) and Earth (highlighting physicality), as well as both of the major feminine planets, Venus and the Moon. It has been called by some “The Return of the Divine Feminine Grand Sextile.”
What makes this day interesting, though, are the two T-squares and a Yod that appear in the solar system along with the Grand Sextile. T-squares are often challenging energy patterns that create dynamism in the energies symbolized by the planets involved in the aspect pattern. They are created by two squares and an opposition. A square brings conflict and an opposition brings confrontation as the energies of the two planets mirror each other and reflect qualities that, when confronted, bring about growth.
A Yod, also called “The Finger of God,” is an interesting aspect that includes both challenging and supportive elements which create opportunity for laser-focused action in a particular area of life. In this case, Pluto and Neptune afford the opportunity to shine out from our center (Sun in Leo) in whatever area of life (house) Leo falls in your natal chart.
When I study a chart, the first thing I do is sit with the image and see how it comes up off the page — that tells me so much about the energy of the chart. The image of this Grand Sextile is simply exquisite. A perfect hexagon holds two opposing equilateral triangles and four rectangles move beyond the spaces created by the points of the star. When meditating with the image, I see movement in the form, beautiful, free-flowing energy swirling around the center — the Earth upon which we stand.
So, what are the potentials for this pattern? What are the energies coming together in these trines?
Simply put – breakthrough, and the opportunity to step across a threshold from one way of being into another. Saturn in Scorpio has the potential for intense, private, and deep truth, discipline, and boundaries. Neptune in Pisces invites poetic and imaginative creativity, spirituality, and dreaming. Jupiter/Mars in Cancer will make everything bigger, more expansive, more generous and active, courageous, strong, and passionate in nurturing and emotionally-connected ways. This is a soft place for Jupiter and Mars to fall. Pluto in Capricorn has the potential for transformation around structures and stepping into our power in structured and disciplined ways. Venus in Virgo invites us to bring in love, art, and beauty in discriminating and healing ways. And the Moon in Taurus allows us to attract sensual, loyal, and practical energies in order to ground all the other energies.
The T-squares add a significant bit of turbulence and an incredible amount of dynamism to the chart. Without the T-squares, the day would promise to be a little unreal. The T-squares make it a very human day. They promise to both ground us in reality and sweep us away into the storms they create.
A paradox? Certainly. The chart points very much to paradoxical energies.
The Moon in Taurus is opposite Saturn and both are square the Sun in Leo. On a day that promises harmonious union between masculine and feminine, the chief symbols for the masculine and feminine are in conflict in ways that might create restriction and constriction. On the light side, it could lead to a deeper sense of truth. Pluto is opposite the Mars/Jupiter conjunction and both are square Uranus in Aries. The Pluto-Uranus square that has been such a big player in the solar system for the last year also has a role in Monday’s aspect pattern. That, in relationship with the Mars/Jupiter conjunction will strengthen and expand the energy. And, somehow, all this will dance with all those lovely trine and sextile energies.
In reading what others have written about the planetary energies for July 29, so many of us are coming to similar understandings of this time — an incredible time of opportunity and energies that encourage us to step forward into our creativity, truth, and power. Still, the challenges of transformation continue.
At times I find myself simply closing my eyes, breathing, and allowing the waves of whatever all this energy is to just pass through me. As I have been studying the chart for Monday, and the Grand Sextile, I am feeling energetic storm energy and seeing each of us needing to be grounded, with Earth – Gaia – in the center, the still eye of the storm. As above so below. Yes, we are mirroring these energies. Macrocosm and Microcosm.
I think part of what will be key is not judging the energy, which is one reason why I think the deepest wisdom is not to analyze the chart by trying to “figure it all out” but just being with the energy, just being still, the eye, as the energies swirl. It is liminal time, threshold time — as is the energy.
I feel affirmed in this impression by what is not in the chart. There are no major planets in the air signs — Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius, which are associated with thinking and intellect. This tells me that it is not a day to be up in our heads. It’s a day to sink into our hearts and allow ourselves to be deeply in our bodies. This will help us to manage the ejections of fire that will come with the T-squares and Yod, as well as any temptation to over-think. And as many of these aspect patterns will continue for some days, it may be something to “keep in mind” as we move through the week.
Key to astrology symbols:
About the author:
Kate Knodel is an explorer of the landscape of poetry, myth, and our fractured, expanding and healing selves. She is a speaker and workshop leader, writer, astrologer, empowerment coach and transformational training designer.
As our global awakening intensifies, and as our awareness of all kinds of truths increases, it is only natural that any energy that feels threatened by that or has fear around that, also increases. We always see this on a personal level whenever we are ready to jump into a new level in any aspect of our lives. Our inner doubts, fears and any remaining remnants of old patterns flare up in response to our decisions to commit to new actions and pathways.
Energy works the same way whether it’s an inner personal experience, or an outer collective one. So, we are seeing this type of response now on a global level with the sense that the net of control around humanity and human behaviour is feeling more and more like a choking stranglehold. The increase in this type of energy is always a good sign, not a negative one (even though it can feel very unpleasant). It is indicative of the degree to which something is expanding in its nature, the degree to which something has outgrown its old form. The ‘stranglehold’ we are seeing and feeling, is an attempt by those collective aspects of us to retain an illusion of control, to retain a sense that all is ‘business as usual’. This is making people feel more than ever like they have no choice in anything, and no power. Now, more than ever, it is important to look deeper and realise that this ‘stranglehold’ is not a sign we have no choice and no power – it is a fear response to the growing realisation that we DO have choice and we DO have power.
This is not about an ‘us against them’ tug of war. We are all part of the one energy. The collective manifestation of humanity is exactly the same as the inner manifestation of our personal aspects, only amplified. So when we see this stranglehold occurring it is helpful to realise, oh okay, I see what’s happening. That is exactly what my old wounds were trying to do that time I tried to get up the courage to leave my job or change a relationship pattern.
Very often when old issues flare up people get very disheartened that all their inner work has not been working, when in fact it is a clear sign your inner work HAS been working. The intense flaring up of fear is a clear sign that something has shifted on an energy level and is about to quantum leap on a physical level. It is important of course to address the fear response, but at the same time don’t jump in and let it suffocate you into thinking that is the dominant or expanding reality. It is the old reality leaving.
Now is a time to keep holding your focus on the reality you have committed to, and act accordingly in whatever ways you are choosing to do so. This week we have come across some information about an ingredient in certain foods, so we are immediately changing the brand we choose to buy. We all have choice. We can all say no to things, we can say yes to other things. Despite appearances to the contrary, we all have freedom of choice in what we do, say, think, eat, consume, in how we live.
The Lunar Eclipse this Friday night/Saturday depending on your time zone is in Sagittarius. Lunar Eclipses are about letting go (to let in something new) and Sagittarius is the freedom loving adventurer and truth-seeker. So this is a perfect time to let go of any fears or illusions you have that you are not in control of your life and reality, and that the powers that be are tightening the reins more and more every day. You have choice. You have power. You have freedom. Take it, own it, and use it well.
If you are free within yourself no amount of bars and guards can make you feel imprisoned. Likewise if you feel imprisoned within your own mental constraints and self-imposed restrictions, you will not feel free anywhere, not in your home, or workplace or relationship, not in the largest field or widest ocean. – Dana Mrkich, A New Chapter
(c) Dana Mrkich 2013. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.
As of April 12th, 2013, the first Pluto retrograde of our newly christened Golden Age has officially begun! The significance is both profound and sublime as its evolutionary force will eliminate all which obstructs the purification of our planet and of our individual lives from coming into form. Until September 20th we will witness great turmoil in the highest echelons of the Babylon system as their leaders and captains are decimated in position and influence. Coupled with Saturn’s retrograde, which has yet to reach its midpoint, powerful cosmic forces are working ever-so intensely to uproot every evil from our world.
Love Evolves
Within our individual lives and spiritual journeys we will be forced to evolve beyond crippling or corrupt ways of being so that beyond the retrograde the most luminous versions of life can emerge. Love is the key factor in determining how successful one will be in evolving in this irresistible plutonic way that God wills for us. Those who sincerely wish to create a radiant life, purge internal darkness, and heal from past trauma, physical disease, and pain must remain centered in love, the safest energetic vibration to live in with such titanic forces active on our planet. Consider love to be both a refuge and a gateway into a paradise life. When we center ourselves in love we can learn to evolve beyond mundane circumstances and traditional human experience that we may venture into a profound internal realm of infinite mystical experience and potential.
Alchemy Intensified
So that there is no confusion know that Pluto’s retrograde is the most alchemically demanding of any planetary retrograde. Alchemy is the ancient and marvelous science of transmutation. It is the science of finding the Kingdom of Heaven within, something that God taught when He walked the Earth as Jesus Christ. The pressure for us to transform ourselves internally will now become impossible to resist. The ways in which we must will be obvious. Not one person will be left wondering how or why. Evolution has intense periods and one has just begun! Life or death choices will begin to manifest throughout our lives. The highest course is to transform in the ways in which life requests, beckons, or demands us to. When we do our worlds will enter new realms of divine experience.
Ultimate Exposure
Corruption on every level of life will be exposed very publicly during this retrograde, to include, and especially, internal corruptions of the human mind, body, and soul. With these exposures will come the expectation for all of us to work individually and harmoniously with others, with great diligence and integrity, so that lasting healing and the rebirth of life may occur. At times our greatest battles are the ones which we fight within. This retrograde energy provides us the energetic environment and cosmic opportunity to successfully purge all internal negativities for the sake of life and future. As Pluto’s wave works upon our planet evil in all forms will be forced into sight, unmasked, and left without recourse or retreat in the most unforgiving ways. As God remakes our world anew consider Pluto’s force to be a filter of sorts that bars entry for those who have hated Him and attacked His beloved planet and children.
Resonant Experience
Within Pluto’s domain is found a great polar spectrum of life experience. These experiences can range from hellish to divine dependent upon where our own vibration interfaces with Pluto’s spectrum. One can gauge their spiritual standing through the nature of their Pluto experiences. Am I gravitating toward pain or promise, nightmares or dreams, poverty or prosperity, hate or love? Am I transcending obstacles in life or descending into them? Regardless of our place in the world the incentive is infinite to transform ourselves internally so that our external lives transform the same. It is a profound mystical truth that who we are and what we carry within determines the life we experience without. This is why through alchemy we can find God within and live a divine life without. He has left the keys to His kingdom inside each of us. What a blessing and journey in one!
Laser Focus
It is vital that we purge all things which afflict us in negative ways throughout this retrograde phase. In particular we should bring focus to fear, mental disturbances, physical disease, corruptions of character, forms of psychosis, abusive relationships, nutritional deficiencies, ego-based personality disorders, traumatic memories, environmental stressors, emotional extremism, neuro-chemical imbalances, addictions, obsessions, degradation to our energy bodies, and in extreme cases, demonic influence or possession. Without the release of these things one will walk crippled into an environment where we are to flourish as a race and planet in the most liberating, astonishing, and joyous of ways. Why carry such things through life and why waste time living impaired or in anguish? With laser-like intensity we should all focus on the core issues which plague our lives as the cosmic time for it has come.
The highest measure of Pluto is purity, within and without. When one strives to this standard their lives begin to take on divine qualities. The greatest blessings are reserved for those who strive toward Pluto. By aligning our lives toward purity we can qualify to receive a cornucopia of the most sacred types of healing and blessing imaginable, some so divine that they must be held in total secrecy. Here are some practical methods one can use to begin their journey into purity: adopting a vegan diet, conducting oneself virtuously, and filtering out forms of darkness like drugs, nutritional or environmental toxins, corrupted writing, media, or music, corporate or government propaganda, negative thoughts and emotions, destructive ideologies, non-loving sex, hateful speech, and low-vibrational people or social settings. We can also purify ourselves metaphysically through the use of certain crystals, gemstones, and minerals. I endorse kunzite, charoite, and herkimer diamond to be used in combination throughout Pluto’s retrograde to quicken the release internalized negativity – and more. They are a sublime trio.
Death and Rebirth
Death and re-birth are governed by Pluto’s cycle in the Zodiac. We can all expect certain aspects of our lives to become destroyed so that new and profound aspects may emerge. We should not fear this destruction or any metaphorical deaths that transpire because these experiences can serve our highest spiritual purposes and enable incredibly positive transformations to happen. Although the process can be extremely intense the results far exceed any temporal price. As Pluto regresses in Capricorn there will be secret enrichments blessed to the most dedicated servants of God that will enable them to heal, transform, empower, and influence in the most impressive ways. New authorities will also be granted. The world is in need of healing because the devil’s wrath has been great. Those who find themselves in positions of strength are expected to serve those in need of strength. Evil is real and it wanes beneath Pluto’s retrograde so fear nothing that Babylon mounts that attempts to distort the truth of their permanent and terminal decline.
Archetypal Implosion
The term “archetype” refers to a cosmic pattern that expresses itself through the Earth plane. As Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn those who contain these archetypes and who are of a negative vibration will experience forms of implosion and disintegration. Observe in the world as the following archetypal patterns implode throughout Pluto’s retrograde: the plutocrat, the tyrant, the rapist, the black magician, the warlord, the aristocrat, the propagandist, the statesman, certain high-ranking demons, and the devil himself. An example of someone who carries the negative Pluto in Capricorn archetype would be Bashar Al-Assad, the demonic, blood-stained president of Syria. Those of his class and peerage will experience the worst of Pluto throughout this year, and in some cases, survival is not part of their future. Many yet live oblivious to the wickedness which masks itself as honorable stewards of society. Watch as the masks of these serpents crumble causing a great effect of popular awakening from mass hypnosis. It will be impossibly difficult for them to deceive the world while their lives are being unraveled.
For The Mystics
There are worlds beyond our own which can only be accessed by traveling within ourselves. Life transforming experiences will happen to many of us without any external showing. There will be mystical initiations occurring across the globe as Pluto’s energy sublimates us into the future. Inner portals will yield profound wealth to be shared wisely. Those who walk the Earth with ancient souls will relish forms of remembrance that will confirm and empower divine purpose. Some of us will die and be reborn again as rites of passage are fulfilled. The Masters of old may speak now that Pluto is retrograde. The most dedicated of us will receive profound tutelage. The mystic tradition will thrive the world over as this energy envelops us. Expect the most divine and bewildering things to come as planets make aspect to Pluto. As the wise are enriched and strengthened in secret the divine agenda for the Earth will advance in stealth.
Divine Contributions
A new social order is rising as the old one falls. This process is as inevitable as sunrise. We must all unite and divest from the dying world and invest in the things which hasten the growth of the new one, the paradise world which God has promised us but which we must all work to create, together, each contributing our own divine portion. We are all here to raise ourselves and our planet. The manner is unique but the goal is common. Beneath Pluto’s retrograde contemplate what your role is in this grand scheme because we all have one, just as surely as we all have the power to change the future. For so long Babylon has tried to deceive us into thinking that we have no choice or power in what happens to us. The truth is so frightening to them, the truth that we all have divine power to raise our future and transform our world in glorious ways, so put fear to rest and live life with zest.
Pluto’s Gate
Once upon a time, in a vision, one of mine, I saw a spire so grand in height, crowned atop with golden light. This light at peak was God I know, it spoke to me where souls must go. The journey up was a spiraled one, the steps were lit by the glory of sun. Each loop around was one Earth year, a quick glance up and it became clear. This feat could not be done without, some way to live long life no doubt. The journey up had centuries price, with no chance up through average life. I thought this through, my God, how can, someone climb this path so grand? I wondered on beyond this day, I thought it through without delay. The answer came like lightning sweet, like keys to make a song complete. As we climb we’re blessed to keep the climb, with strength and life and grace sublime. This truth is sealed in word and rhyme, the steps unfold in cosmic time. Ascension yields God’s infinite grace, in life it’s wise to keep natural pace. I’ll never forget, this vision remains, when Luna met Pluto through Taurus it came. I want so much that you’ll climb with me, so we all can see God’s majesty. I share this so you can all relate, to the inward journey beyond Pluto’s gate…
In devotion,
Astrologer Salvador Russo
To help discover your divine purpose consider my “Destiny” service found at www.starseedastrology.com
Last updated on February 22, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d
Santos Bonacci interviewed astrologer Dr. Louis Turi who revealed many amazing revelations of what we can expect with upcoming astrological alignments. Please keep in mind that none of this is fear-mongering. It is very important to learn from the stars and the cycles of time.
The Hidden Dragon
Dr. Turi talks about the Hidden Dragon, particularly the South Node of the Dragon in Aquarius, which is represented as the north and south node of the moon. The Crocodile Hunter, Princess Diana and Dr. Martin Luther King all were born with the “Hidden Dragon”.
“There are no accidents. There are only cosmic circumstances”
“The Dragon stays in one sign between a year and a half and two years,” sated Turi, “so the cycle could be 12-14 years, depending on the retrograde motions and so forth…”
“Nobody in the scientific community is using their 5 human senses. They’re using telescopes, microscopes but nobody is there to teach them how to use their spiritual eyes, their 3rd eye. There is such an imbalance between the physical and spiritual manifestation that it has produced a huge chaos. When you go against Universal Laws, when you go against God’s initial specific order, you bring a very heavy penalty and the situation is going to get much worse before it gets better.”
Turi believes the use of astrology was co-opted by the Illuminati and the leaders of the major religions to keep us all in subservience and control.
He also recommended to view his article on the real truth behind the Dead Sea Scrolls, which includes pictures of the Pope being taught astronomy by the Vatican Council, along with the Pope being enthroned under the sign of Leo and mastering the Scorpius Dragon.
Coincidentally, the U.S. was founded in 1776, which was also at the same point in the “Hidden Dragon”. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was also under this “Hidden Dragon” alignment. Today, we find the U.S. at the same point of conjunction.
He also mentions two sets of specific dates: February 23rd ,24th and 25th of 2013 along with March 7th, 8th and 9th of 2013. Turi stated, “This will be energy that will be practically impossible for you to miss if you watch the news.”
In February, he says the Scorpius Dragon will be very eccentric and foresees a possible earthquakes, tsunami’s, explosions and cosmic news (anything to do with UFO’s) will take place.
In March 2013, Turi states that there will be a “very deadly dragon, which will affect the police force and humanity’s psyche. It brings death and drama.
The Golden Age began in 1945
Dr. Turi believes that the Golden Age began in 1945 as evidenced by how our technology has skyrocketed since this date. “The good news is the Age of Pisces, which started at the birth of Christ has ended in 1945. As of 1945, the new Age of Aquarius is now kicking in and this is why humanity has made much more discoveries under Uranus and Aquarius than we did in the 2,000 years under the Age of Pisces. The Age of Pisces is ruled by the planet called Neptune. Neptune rules deception, religion, drugs, alcohol, chemicals, oil, jail, confinement, church, the synagogue and the Middle East.”
“The Age of Aquarius is being ruled by a planet that is more intellectual” which is why mankind has made such a huge leap in technology since the end of the Age of Pisces.”
Why YOU are Unique!
Turi stated, “No man is born equal, period. What is different is the cosmic program based upon the very moment you reintegrate yourself on this dense, physical world and you take you first breath.” According to Turi, the instance that the umbilical cord is cut and when you take your first breath is when you signed your “first impression into the superconscious in time and space” where a snapshot is taken of the specific galactic alignments which becomes your “personal programs, your unique celestial identity.”
Odds and Ends
Turi on our global youth: “We are building a society of morons who have lost the essence of spirit, of God” through religion. Turi believes our celestial identities need to be acknowledged when teaching and raising our children.
Look no further than some of these viral fads such as Gangnum Style and Harlem Shakes, where people’s attention is diverted from seeking truth and their divine purposes for being here in exchange for stupidity and mundane activities that foster the ego and materialism.
Your Life Purpose
Turi believes we need to move away from religion and “swim to the feet of the Creator”, where we will not fear the Creator and realize that you “are made in the image of God and with it, the potential to have a wonderful life and to spend time creating. that’s the main reason we are on earth, is to have a good time and to create. If you do not follow your destiny written in Light, chances are you are going to have a miserable life.”
(if link is not available, go to: http://in5d.com/astrologer-dr-turi-6-dark-days-ahead.html)
In the above interview, Dr. Turi recommends the following video:
for more and the captioned interview go to: http://in5d.com/astrologer-dr-turi-6-dark-days-ahead.html
Last updated on February 10, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative New
ach zodiac sign has a corresponding cell salt that is deficient under that sign. When you learn about yourEparticular cell salt, you will be well on your way to optimum health!
There is surprising amount of benefit in diagnosing and prescribing by the zodiac. Remember, as with all works of astrology, that to be truly accurate you should look up your moon and rising sign too.
Taking the cell salts daily is an excellent practice as they act as a regulator and organiser of tissue.
Wearing your gemstone to preserve health is a tradition going back many hundreds of years, particularly in Asia and the Orient. If you can, wear the stone so that it touches the skin. The message is that once you start wearing your gemstone, you never want to take it off.
Likewise the use of the sun sign colors is guaranteed to put more energy into your day. Try also wearing the colors of your ascendant and moon sign.
Body Parts: Head and brain, The arterial blood.
Color: Bright Red.
Gemstone: Ruby.
Cell Salt: Potassium phosphate.
Aries is prone to over-stimulation and dissipation if forces. Even with only a slight cold it may produce feverish disorders and high temperature. Also subject to facial eruptions, head colds, headaches, dizziness, nosebleed, facial neuralgia.
Potassium phosphate is the cell salt of vital energy, and is strongly associated with brain nervous tissue and vitality states.
Its found in many foods – celery, lettuce, cauliflower, silverbeet, spinach, onion, mustard, radish, tomato, carrots, dates, apples and lemons are good sources.
Body Parts: The neck and thyroid, The cervical spine.
Color: Bright green, rose, rich brown.
Gemstone: Emerald.
Cell Salt: Sodium sulphate.
Taurus is subject to the throat ailments, especially affected in illness, and the mucous membranes there are more sensitive than in other signs. The thyroid effects Taureans warmth through its regulation of metabolism, and is prone to under-activity.
Sodium sulphate is the Taurus salt, and acts mainly as a regulator of body fluid, a tonic to the throat, and a good liver detoxifier.
Good sodium sulphate foods are spinach, silverbeet, swiss chard, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, celery, pumpkin, onion, apples and strawberries.
Body Parts: The lungs, arms and hands, The nervous system.
Color: Pale Yellow.
Gemstone: Citrine. Cell Salt:
Potassium chloride.
Gemini under affliction runs to insomnia, nervous exhaustion, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy and tuberculosis. Change is essential to the Gemini recuperation and their best environment for healing is new surroundings, away from the cares and worries of the world. The best therapies are breathing exercises and long walks in an unhurried setting, dry climate, and adequate sleep.
Potassium chloride has a strong action as a nerve stabiliser, and aids the health of blood protein and lung mucous membrane.
Strong foods are beans, asparagus, silverbeet, carrots, cauliflower, sweet corn, celery, apricots, peaches, plums and pineapple.
Body Parts: The stomach, uterus and breasts.
Color: Silver, pale blues and greens.
Gemstone: Moonstone.
Cell Salt: Calcium fluoride.
Cancer is prone to disorders brought on by emotional states. The stomach and uterus are affected principally, giving rise to indigestion, poor secretion of gastric juices, sensations of fullness and heaviness. With the uterus the complaints run to prolapse, retroversion, and infertility. The rulership of the lymphatics can give trouble with fluid accumulation.
The cell salt calcium fluoride is strengthening to connective tissue and has much to do with cross linking and general tissue strength. It is also useful in conditions such as prolapse.
Good sources of the salt are rye bread, cabbage, pumpkin, onions, grapes, oranges and lemons, though, as in all these cases, much depends on the nature of the soil.
Body Parts: The heart, blood, and dorsal spine.
Color: Yellow, orange and gold.
Gemstone: Golden Topaz.
Cell Salt: Magnesium phosphate.
Leo is prone to lack of moderation, drawing excessively on the vital stores. Illnesses are usually due to exhaustion of vital energy, which then effects the heart, spine and spleen. Blood pressure is a good measure of Leonine health, as is the straightness and flexibility of the spine. Severe Leo complaints are heart disease, hardening of the arteries, curvature and arthritis of the spine, disorders of the red and white blood cells.
Magnesium phosphate is excellent for Leo and helps maintain the health of the heart, the spinal muscles, and in fact all muscle.
Good foods are peas, oats, all citrus fruits, plums, apples, lettuce, almonds, cucumber.
Body Parts: Small intestine, digestive enzymes.
Color: Browns, beige, autumn tones.
Gemstone: Peridot.
Cell Salt: Potassium sulphate.
Virgo health has much to do with the condition of the mind: worry, anxiety, and environmental influences can slowly deplete the nervous system, leaving a ragged, irritable state. The digestion suffers also, with malabsorption, constipation, wind, diarrhoea, and dyspepsia. Yoghurt and food combining often suit.
The cell salt is potassium sulphate, known as a strong purifier and a regulator of oxygen use in tissue.
Good sources are chicory, endive, cress, wheat, oats, rye, cheese and almonds.
Body Parts: Kidney, ear, Fallopian tubes.
Color: All pastels, but particularly rose and aqua.
Gemstone: Diamond, Turquoise.
Cell Salt: Sodium phosphate.
Libra is usually temperate in eating and drinking, and throws little strain on the kidneys and endocrine system, but can overdo it with gourmet foods and delicacies. When under stress the hormonal balance may be affected. Overindulgence in food gives kidney trouble mainly, and the skin may be affected through impure blood, and Librans should drink plenty of water. There is often a lack of muscle and nerve tone, and exhaustion will result when Libran balance is disturbed.
Sodium phosphate has much to do with body balance. Its particularly involved with the acid-alkali balance and charge balance maintained by the kidneys.
Good foods are carrots, asparagus, silverbeet, corn, rice, figs, apples, strawberries, peaches, almonds and raisins.
Body Parts: The sex organs and hormones, All orifices.
Color: Dark red.
Gemstone: Garnet. Cell Salt:
Calcium sulphate.
Scorpio being a magnetic sign often tends to attract disease, and it is only by utilising the self-cleansing, eliminative side of the sign that good health is maintained. Scorpio governs the reproductive organs, and the final channels of elimination from the body – the anus, the urethra, the colon, ears and nostrils. It has much to do generally with the elimination of toxins from the blood, and if the excretory systems break down, Scorpio is more prone to toxaemia than any other sigh. Excesses of appetite and desire are a particular source of toxic trouble, and may lead to venereal disease, hernia, piles, boils, fevers, appendicitis, menstrual irregularities and discharges.
Calcium sulphate has much to do with the effective discharge of toxins.
Foods high in this salt are onions, asparagus, garlic, watercress, mustard, greens, leeks, radishes, cauliflower, figs, black cherries, prunes and gooseberries.
Body Parts: The liver and sacral spine, The thighs and haunches.
Color: Deep blue, purple.
Gemstone: Amethyst.
Cell Salt: Silica.
Sagittarians have a love of speed and adventure, and a great affinity with horses, with the consequence of frequent accidents – cuts, injuries, bites and kicks from animals. There is also a tendency to overindulge in the good things in life, imposing a toxic strain on the liver and pancreas. Common illnesses are sciatica, lumbago, hepatitis and diabetes. Under stress, the nervous system may be easily depleted.
Silica is important in the strength and endurance of tissue such as ligament, tendon, nails, skin and hair.
Silica is found in oats, rye, rice, figs, strawberries, prunes, parsnips, cherries and the skins of fruits and vegetables.
Body Parts: All bones, but especially the knees.
Color: Brown, black.
Gemstone: Blue sapphire, Jet.
Cell Salt: Calcium phosphate.
It is said that Capricorn grows younger with years, the health improving and the outlook brightening. Certainly hypochondria and gloom afflict the sign; morbid tendencies, despondence and discontent are often seen. Hence the illnesses are those of cold and limitation; crystallization problems such as arthritis, disorders of bone and teeth, poor circulation and constipation. The knees are often affected.
The cell salt calcium phosphate is important nutrition of bone, and helps stabilise the nervous system.
It is found in dairy products, cabbage, asparagus, lentils, beans, spinach, eggs, meat, wheat, parsley, strawberries, figs, blueberries and plums.
Body Parts: Energy circulation, The wrists and ankles.
Color: Electric blue.
Gemstone: White zircon.
Cell Salt: Sodium chloride.
Aquarius is liable to nervous and energy disorganisation through worry, anxiety and nervous stress. The illnesses are often peculiar, having few tangible symptoms. The are primarily diseases of etheric flow, and are best treated by acupuncture, homoeopathy, spiritual healing and energy balancing. The circulation is especially affected, varicose veins, cold hands and feet, and cramping of the calves being common disorders. Extreme affliction may lead to such conditions as excessive constriction of the arteries of the hands, epilepsy and circulatory failure.
The cell salt Sodium chloride, and Aquarius may often be addicted to salt, which can cause fluid retention and blood pressure problems. The best approach is to cut dietary salt down to no more than about a gram a day, and use the cell salt as a balancer and normaliser.
Good food sources are seafoods, meat, cabbage, corn, spinach, asparagus, celery, radishes, lentils, strawberries, apples, figs, almonds and sesame seeds.
Body Parts: The feet, The immune system, Blood protein.
Color: All the colors of the sea.
Gemstone: Aquamarine.
Cell Salt: Iron phosphate.
Pisces suffers from scattered disorganised life energies and emotionally induced disorders, anxiety and apprehension being common causes. The sign is highly suggestible and the illnesses are often produced by psychic states, as often the aura can be strongly affected. There is liability to drug taking and self-indulgence. The movement of fluids in the body under the special rulership of Pisces, and disorders of oedema and fluid retention are common – especially in the feet. There is a notable tendency for the sign to look either dried out or soggy, although Pisces should always drink plenty of water. There is a liability to hormone imbalances.
The cell salt is iron phosphate, having much to do with the blood protein and resistance to infection.
Good food sources are spinach, lettuce, parsley, liver, beef, strawberries, radishes, cucumbers, almonds and raisins.
for more information, go to the article source: http://in5d.com/medical-astrology-medicine-by-the-stars.html
The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. As a tool that thousands are using, your Human Design chart reveals an optimal way for you to operate in the world as yourself. It’s like discovering the laws of physics, but at a personal and interpersonal level.
Unlike astrology, derived from only one calculation, Human Design uses two calculations thereby illuminating both the conscious and unconscious aspects of your being. For many years psychologists have been searching to define the unconscious, as clearly over time they’ve discovered people have “hidden” parts. We ourselves know that as we move through life, more and more people have commented about aspects about ourselves that we’re not aware of. Over time we’ve come to accept these aspects of ourselves even though we have no conscious access to how they operate. Your personalized chart reveals your unconscious nature, which is keyed at a point in your fetal development, as well as your conscious nature, which begins at the moment of your birth.
Taking these two data points, your conscious birthday (the one you’ve been celebrating since you were born) and your unconscious birthday (approximately three months earlier), a chart is drawn up showing the specific planetary imprinting at those times. One could ask, “Why should I care where the planets were when I was born?” In the grand scheme of things, it actually turns out to be quite significant.
Neutrinos, as one of the most frequently occurring sub-atomic particles, are penetrating us all the time. Created in the stars themselves, these neutrinos have mass. Because of that they are endowed with the ability to transfer information from the various objects they are penetrating. It’s like when the white car scrapes the red car in the parking lot; each drives off with paint from the other. Thus, the movement of neutrinos throughout our Solar System and its planets creates an informational landscape that is specific at each moment of the day as delineated by the planets’ positions. The database that is created from your two birthdays shows the exact planetary snapshot of those two crucial moments in your history.
For millennium the position of the planets has been tracked using the 360° of the zodiacal wheel. Unlike astrology, which is focused on the relationships between objects on the outside (i.e. their mathematical relationship to each other), Human Design brings the information from the outside, inside and into the body. As a new science, Human Design has established the relationship between the zodiacal wheel and another ancient study, the 64 hexagrams of the I’ Ching, which are also related to the 64 codons of our DNA. Thus, through the synthesis of ancient methods with current sub-atomic particle physics and modern genetics, Human Design shows us our unique individual place in the larger whole. Like acupuncture, which relates primal elements to meridians in the body, these 64 hexagrams relate specifically to the Nine Centers depicted in the bodygraph, as illustrated below.
Distributed throughout the Nine Centers, these hexagrams (or “gates”) in pairs create the channels in the bodygraph connecting centers in specific configurations. When planetary imprinting activates both gates at either end of a channel, the result is called “definition.” This is very recognizable in the bodygraph, as the centers on either end of that channel, as well as the channel itself, are now colored in. Transferring both your specific conscious and unconscious data to the bodygraph creates your individualized template. The energetic system represented by the bodygraph is comprised of Nine Centers or “hubs,” each representing a particular aspect of what it means to be human. Like DNA, which determines our differentiation, the way these centers are defined shows your uniqueness or how you are differentiated from others. Four of these centers are motors and therefore the source of our energy.
The Head Center is where we find the mental pressure of inspiration that fuels the conceptualizing of the mind.
The Ajna Center, as an awareness center, is the conceptualizing system that makes sense, understands, or knows what
the inspiration from the Head Center is all about.
The Throat Centeris metamorphic taking those concepts and turning them into language and thereby creating our
ability to articulate. When this center is connected to one of the four motors through definition, physical manifestation
i.e. to act rather than just speak, is possible.
The Splenic Centerhouses our immune system. As our primary awareness center, it is focused on our survival
and serves to protect us.
Our identity and direction in life come from the G Center. Guiding us along the line of our geometry in life, it is both
movement and love.
The Heart Center(also known as the Ego Center) is responsible for establishing the vitality of communities in the world, which takes courage and will power. As one of the four motors, it is a powerful source of what drives tribal life on the material plane.
As the prime motor of the body, the Sacral Center, generates life itself as a response mechanism.
The Solar Plexus Center has two aspects. As a motor, it drives our human life and its cyclical process, as well as our sexuality. But it also contains the chemistry of our emotional system, which we interpret and live out as a wave that goes from hope to pain and back again.
The other pressure center in the body, the Root Center, is a physical pressure system. As a motor, it produces adrenaline and stress hormones that fuel our survival, sexuality, and the life force itself.
Four blood types that have evolved over time in humanity. Interestingly enough, Human Design has validated that at the genetic imprint level, there are also four types of human beings. There are specific strategies for the individual types in Human Design.
Since Human Design deals directly with our energetic systems, we begin by seeing that the four types fall into two categories: energy types and non-energy types. Together they are what makes the world operate in harmony, as each needs the other, neither being better or worse, but each essential for humanity’s development. The energy types come from two possible configurations within the bodygraph:
Any time the Sacral Center is defined (colored in), one is a Generator type
When one of the three other motors (Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center) is connected to the Throat Center through definition, one is a Manifestor type.
Individuals with either of these configurations are endowed with a consistent energy source, which becomes a driving force in their life.
The other two types of human beings are part of the non-energy category.
One is the Projector, whose definition configuration can range from the very simple to complex. The Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center may be defined, but not to the throat. The Sacral Center is not defined.
Someone with none of the centers defined is a Reflector.
Each of the four types has a specific strategy to follow that will eliminate the resistance in their life. Though there are only four strategies, each is within the context of the uniqueness of each individual’s chart.
GENERATORS: Life is about the Right Work
Want to know themselves; self knowledge; discover inner world; “know thyself”Wait to Respond, life is a response.
Go to bed when you are exhausted.
Get a job; it’s about their life’s work.Can respond moment to moment.Can respond to anything.
THEME: frustration. Can feel stuck or trapped.
MANIFESTORS: Looking for the Right Life
Wants to know the outside world, the resistance field, what has been in their way, what has been opposing them.
Go to bed before you are tired.
Get them to ask “who do my actions impact?” They often don’t realize nor are they conscious of it.
Anything they have or want, they have to go and get “it” as it doesn’t come to them; they must “do it”
Informing let’s them take advantage or have an advantage in the situation
Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Need to know the outer world
THEME: Anger
PROJECTORS: Looking for the Right Life to live
“Who is the Other? How do they impact me?”Don’t be the first to speak.
Go to bed before you’re tired – read, watch television.
Need their own space to get away from the sacral buzz, especially when sleeping
They are the natural students of mankind; need to study in detail. Need the details
Knows who the other is and whether or not the other is for them; they just recognize it
Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Looks for recognition and in turn recognize the other. Who they are.
THEME : exhaustion and bitterness
Annoyed at wasted energy The first conservationists
Can be “cheap” and over control resources
REFLECTORS: Looking for the Right Place to be
“Who are they?” – conditioned by the environment not by an individual
“How am I?- not “Who am I?” – they are the place not the person
They are the barometers of society – the weather report.
THEME: disappointment
Design of Forms:
All forms have a design and activations consistent with the bodygraph. There are cross-specie connections between humans and mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and plants. All of these bring their own frequency of conditioning to our human process and we to theirs. We create hybrid plants, breed animals, and are beginning to clone our own species.
Splenic fear of:
18 – Authority
28 – Death
32 – Failure
50 – Responsibility
44 – The Past
57 – Tomorrow
48 – Inadequacy
Seven Gates of Love:
41 – Love of dreams
58 – Love of perfection
40 – Love of work
28 – Love of life
44 – Love of talent
10 – Love of self
55 – Love of loving
Randy Richmond
Is the Chairman of the Human Design Standards Board (from 2000), and is the Registrar of the International Human Design School in charge of certification of new Human Design analysts. Randy was educated privately in the Human Design System by Ra Uru Hu in 1999 and has continued his education in all the classes taught by Ra since that time. Randy has worked in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction for 35 years. He uses the Human Design System to tailor recovery strategies with the unique definition of the individual chart. (see www.recoverybydesign.com) He is the author of Side by Side, a synthesis of the 12 Step Programs and a Course in Miracles. He is an Egyptologist with the University of Arizona and a life member of Mensa.
Many people can innately feel that something big is about to happen but are not sure exactly what that event might be.
Astrologer Carl Boudreaux made a few interesting statements in his October 2012 Astrology report where he stated three fascinating possibilities:
Existing trends will veer suddenly and rapidly in new directions
New trends and phenomena will spring suddenly and forcefully into existence and
The whole chart seems like a portal into an entirely different time line
I have spoken to other astrologists and psychics who also feel that something huge is about to happen this month.
As for myself, I keep getting the feeling that a bank run might occur this month as we near the end of the Federal Reserve’s 100 year charter at the end of the year. The Fed will either need to create some false flag event or help to perpetuate a war in order to survive.
As we know, history always repeats itself, so it wouldn’t be surprising if there was a bank run sometime this month, possibly on October 19th or 26th. Another couple of numerological dates might be on either October 16th or 25th, which in numerology equals 13.
On a more positive note, it is quite fun to speculate the meaning of a portal into a different timeline. To me, this means the end of the cabal and the beginning of a new age of truth and compassion for one another. Perhaps it might even mean some sort of vibrational shift where mass awakening occurs?
Whether this event occurs this month or sometime in the near future, many people are feeling like we are on the verge of something really big.
At 07:20 UT (Universal Time) Thursday, November 24th, 2011, Mercury the wise communicator—and universal trickster—turns retrograde at 20°06′ Sagittarius in the sign of the Archer, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! The retro period begins some days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until December 14, 2011, when the Winged Messenger reaches his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac.
Everything finally straightens out on January 1st, as he passes the point where he first turned retrograde. Mercury normally turns retrograde three times a year, but last year he turned tail four times, which is unusual, and his shadow phase was still active in early January 2011. The effects of each period differ, according to the sign in which it happens (see box for Retrograde Periods in 2011).
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. According to modern science, this traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth with relation to other planets in our solar system. It’s a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. Planets are never actuallyretrograde or stationary, they just seem that way due to this cosmic shadow-play. Click here for some neat graphics and more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. Although a powerful astrological influence, Mercury is quite a small planet that travels at a relatively fast speed through the zodiac. Despite being the closest planet in our solar system to the Sun, Mercury is not always in the same sign as the Sun. This time Merc turns in Sagittarius while the Sun too is in Sagittarius and both of these celestials remain in Sagittarius till the end of the retro phase on Dec 14. However, by way of illustration, Mercury turned retrograde last time in Virgowhile the Sun was in Leo, then moved back to Leo on the 8th to join the Sun, but the solar orb moved into Virgo on August 23 (with Mercury by then back in Leo). Mercury turned direct in Leo on August 26 with the Sun still in Virgo, but Mercury remained in Leo till Sep 9, when he entered Virgo again. The Divine Messenger remained in Virgo until Sep 25.
Fated Events
As a rule, the planets are more emphatic during their retrograde phases, marking periods of seemingly inevitable or fated events that relate to their spheres of influence. By fated events I mean those that circumstances thrust upon us, rather than matters we have consciously decided to implement or resolve. In particular, unresolved issues from the past tend to rear their heads and demand to be dealt with.
Retro phases present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no conscious control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs—although this need not mean that our responses are outside our control! By way of example, Mercury retrograde in Virgo (analysis; critical ability) awakens quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when he retrogrades into Leo (dramatic; generous; egocentric).
A retrograde period is best seen as a cycle, beginning when the planet begins to slow to a halt before travelling backwards through the zodiac, and ending when it returns to the point where it first paused. However, during the cycle, a planet’s energy is at its most powerful—and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance—when it is travelling slowly, and particularly when it makes a station: appearing motionless in the sky.
How conscious are you? Mercury’s stations reveal much! Stations occur twice during the cycle, beginning with the
retrograde station near the start when Mercury first halts ready to hit reverse gear
and then again midway through the cycle at the direct station, when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again.
The direct station is the most powerful and can be used for maximum benefit. It is often thought of as the psychological peak of the retro phase, rather than the end, thanks to the shadow phase.
Mercury Shadow Phases
Many astrologers consider that the “Mercury Shadow” begins between two and three weeks before the actual retro station; so the shadow phase begins this time on November 5, when Mercury passes the point of direct station for the first time in this cycle (see the date for the beginning of each shadow period in the table). Weird things often start to happen then, but the really noticeable peculiarities begin when Mercury slows significantly, a few days before the retro station.
The Mercury Shadow extends to the return date, something under three weeks after the direct station. Bear this in mind, because experience shows that the effects of the retro period are still marked during the shadow phase. Some of the most characteristic annoyances often occur just after Mercury makes the direct station, while he is crawling forward before picking up speed.
What does Mercury affect?
In general, Mercury rules thinking and perception, processing and disseminating information and all means of communication, commerce, education and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially those who work with their minds or their wits: writers and orators, consultants, commentators and critics, gossips and spin doctors, salespeople, teachers, travellers, tricksters and thieves. Mercury also has an occult side, so healing, astrology and the transmission of spiritual knowledge are also in his area.
Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray or awry.
It is not exactly wise to make important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. Mercury is all about mental clarity and the power of the mind, so when Mercury is retrograde these intellectual characteristics tend to be less acute than usual, as the critical faculties are dimmed. Make sure you pay attention to the small print!