Check out the link from IRIS Seismon.
Curious as it seems anomalous. Can it herald another big one?
Check out the link from IRIS Seismon.
Curious as it seems anomalous. Can it herald another big one?
In Arizona::
In the Great Plains, the Midwest, and the Big Apple
What Are the Mysterious Booms?
© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe
June 7, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico – After filing several 2011 Earthfiles reports about loud and mysterious booms in several states, I have received more emails about unusual and loud booms from California, Texas, Northeast Philadelphia, Indiana and Oklahoma.
Red dots are locations from White Rock, British Columbia, Canada (upper left circle) to Woodville and Crawfordville, Florida (lower right circle), where residents have heard “loud booms like a cannon” or “rolling, low thunder,” or a “low flying jet,” or “the first half of a lightening strike.” Recent unidentified, mysterious booms have been reported several times since December 2010 into May 2011, and the unexplained boom
phenomenon goes back to reports in 1804.
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AIR-RAISING SOLAR ACTIVITY: Over the past few days, amateur astronomers have recorded some of the most photogenic solar activity in years. Onlookers describe huge prominences of magnetized plasma rising above the stellar surface as “Unbelievable!”–“Hydrogen at its best”–“Massive and incredible!” This shot was simply hair-raising:
Alan Friedman took the picture from his backyard observatory in Buffalo, New York, on June 5th. “There are more to come,” he promises. And why not? The show is still underway. Latest images from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory reveal at least three regions of continued activity. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to train their optics on the limb of the sun
for more, go to
Images John Montgomery Copyright 2011
to read more and see more images go to: cropcircleconnector.
May 30, 2011
Skateboarder Brendon Hill managed to capture on film some strange flashing lights in the Tasmanian sky over Mayfield . Plane, UFO? No one seems to know.
A Tasmanian man has described as “spooky” an unexplained flashing object he saw in the night sky above Launceston last week.
The lights flashed white and green for several minutes before turning out in the sky high above the tree line, he told theLaunceston Examiner.
Moon’s interior water casts doubt on formation theory
By Jason PalmerScience and technology reporter, BBC News
The analysis, reported in Science, has looked at pockets of volcanic material locked within tiny glass beads.
It found 100 times more water in the beads than has been measured before, and suggests that the Moon once held a Caribbean Sea-sized volume of water.
The find also casts doubt on aspects of theories of how the Moon first formed.
A series of studies in recent years has only served to increase the amount of water thought to be on the Moon.
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Check out more of the reports, plus see some images and watch the video, at:
ScienceDaily (May 22, 2011) — Earthquake scientists trying to unravel the mysteries of an unfelt, weeks-long seismic phenomenon called episodic tremor and slip have discovered a strange twist. The tremor can suddenly reverse direction and travel back through areas of the fault that it had ruptured in preceding days, and do so 20 to 40 times faster than the original fault rupture.
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According Christian tradition, the rapture is the day when believers will ascend to heaven and be rewarded with everlasting life. CREDIT: Dreamstime |
According to the predictions of Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping, May 21 will be the day of the rapture, when God calls believers to heaven to live in everlasting paradise.
By Camping’s estimation, that means the Earth will be 200 million souls lighter by Sunday morning. [Infographic: A Brief History of Doomsday]
While there’s no reason to believe that Camping’s doomsday predictions are more reliable than the hundreds of failed end-of-the-world predictions throughout history, the loss of 200 million people all at once would be the largest single population decrease in human history. It’s safe to say the world would take notice — but the effects of such a mass disappearance would depend on where believers were concentrated.
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