Mt. Etna Eruption Sped Up Time

Mt. Etna eruption put clocks in the local area forward by 15 minutes

Published on July 12, 2011 10:10 pm PT
– By Jim Duran – Writer
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

No larger image

( — Mt. Etna erupted this week. The volcano is to blame for speeding clocks up by 15 minutes.

People turned up for work early and noticed that their clocks were 15 minutes fast. The volcano stopped flights at Catania’s Fontanarossa airport.

The clock thing is a mystery to some, saying aliens, ghosts, or other events of the supernatural caused it. However, our lead scientist says other wise.

“Since only digital clocks seemed to be affected, then one must consider the fact that digital clocks (like any other clock) do not measure time, but rather measure an event, such as the vibration of a cessium atom, and relate it to the passage of time,” said Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin.

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Dragonfly Drones

Part 1:  Dragonfly Drones, Oltissis and Ethos

© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe


“Those from Oltissis are downloading their life essence
into the dragonfly drone craft in order to control (from afar?) and do
the tests that they need to do with these (dragonfly drone) craft.”

– “Ted Connors,” Security Specialist, Montgomery, Alabama


Dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Chad
on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.

More complicated dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Ty Brannigan
on June 5, 2007, in Big Basin Redwood State Park near Saratoga, California.


June 30, 2011  Montgomery, Alabama – Four years ago in May to June 2007, a series of eyewitnesses in California submitted photographs to Earthfiles and other websites of strange,
dragonfly-shaped aerial craft that seemed to flicker in and out of visibility in the sky. Here is a list of Earthfiles reports about the dragonfly drones in the Earthfiles Archive.

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Oltissis ET Connection?

Earthfiles Viewer Letters About Oltissis

Kubaba is the Hurrian Goddess of the city of Carchemish, Turkey,
on the Euphrates River, at the Syrian border. She was usually depicted
as a regal woman wearing a long robe, either standing or seated on a throne.
She holds a mirror in her left hand and a pomegranate in her right hand,
symbols respectively of magic and fertility. She was adopted by the Hittites
after the fall of the Hurrians, and eventually evolved into the Phrygian Goddess
Cybebe, later known as Cybele to the Romans. Source:
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey.

July 7, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico – Since my Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio reports on June 30 – July 1, 2011, I have received many viewer and listener emails about dragonfly drone eyewitness “Ted Connors” and the library book he says was confiscated by NSA and Homeland Security agents at his work place on December 22, 2010, concerning the subject of “Oltissis” referenced in the confiscated book. Ted says he looked through old books on a table at a local library and checked out one entitled, Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisited © 1962 by Fredrico Ionnides (words/spellings as remembered by Ted Connors, who is searching for original checkout information.) Ted found three references to Oltissis in the index. One reference was a footnote that the name Oltissis referred to historic pleasure palaces in Greece and China’s Xanadu. See Websites below.

The following emails are from Earthfiles viewers joining the book search with valuable insights of their own about the once-great, ancient Greek civilization on this planet lasting from the the 8th to 6th centuries B.C. through the beginning of the Early Middle Ages with the rise of the Byzantine era following Justinian I.

to read more, go to:


Hawaiian Halo Video

Missile ruled out as being culprit in Hawaiian halo video

Published on June 30, 2011 7:40 pm PT
– By Kevin Martin – Senior Meteorologist
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

( — A halo was seen over Hawaii that would coincide with a launch of a Minuteman III missile launch.

An article was released on by Betty Johnson stating that a comment could not be made. However it has come to my attention to review the video for answers.

to read more, go to:

to see the video and read another take on it, go to:

MUFON Reports Midwest Cylinders 6/28

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Midwest UFO `Cylinders’ Of June 28th – MUFON Reports

Hello Clockers and new visitors too. Today’s look at the latest MUFONreports had two of the last three (most recent) reports about high flying Cylinders over Indiana and Illinois yesterday; here’s the reports:

While smoking in the parking lot of my business, observed a large dull silver/gray cylinder flying at high altitude from E – W high in the sky. It was a nearly cloudless day, and I was with my co-owner, who also witnessed the craft. She went inside and grabbed binoculars – which I used to observe the craft in more detail. No wings, no tail, no contrail. A large cylinder, at least twice the size of a large jetliner, with rounded ends vs pointy nose and tail. Estimated altitude 30,000 ft. There was no sound, but from that altitude and distance, not surprising. We watched as the cylinder crossed the sky over Kokomo slightly to our North from East to West – a total of maybe two minutes – last seen heading over Burlington due West of Kokomo.

for reports of more sightings, including the Russina  Mothership of March 2011, go to:


Shallow Earthquakes in Japan Cause Injury

Very shallow moderate earthquake injures 9 people in Matsumoto (Japan)

Last update: June 30, 2011 at 9:40 am by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell 1 Comment


Earthquake summary : A seemingly harmless moderate earthquake has caused havoc in Matsumoto Japan (Nagano prefecture).  Due to the extremely shallow depth and the proximity of a town of 220,667 people, these kind of earthquakes are always a danger for modern cities.

to read more, go to:


Uncontacted Tribe Found in Brazil

Existence of Uncontacted Amazon Tribe Confirmed

Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 24 June 2011 Time: 05:34 PM ET
Home belonging to an uncontacted Indian tribe are surrounded by crops in a clearing in the Javari Valley of the western Amazon.
CREDIT: Uncontacted Amazon Indians, Javari Valley, Brazil © Peetsa/Arquivo CGIIRC-Funai

Brazilian officials have confirmed the existence of approximately 200 Indians who live in the western Amazon with no contact with the outside world.

This uncontacted tribe is not “lost” or unknown, according to tribal advocacy group Survival International. In fact, about 2,000 uncontacted Indians are suspected to live in the Javari Valley where the tribe’s homes were seen from the air. But confirming the tribe’s existence enables government authorities to monitor the area and protect the tribe’s way of life.

Uncontacted Tribe

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