On Meridians & Emotions

Meridians And Emotions

Find out how closely your health is related to your emotions

by: Evelyn Mulders

A meridian story relating the emotions to a situation that you may be able to relate to. If this is you, then look at the meridian attributes for reassurance. This confirmation offers you insight on knowing which meridian in your body needs the most attention.

Balancing choices for the meridians could be meridian tracing or vibrational remedies.

Meridians and Emotions

The approach to disease in Western allopathic medicine can be likened to the bug spray approach to garbage. You can spray the garbage with bug spray all week but as long as there is garbage, there will be bugs and flies and their eggs. The Eastern meridian approach to disease is to simply get rid of the garbage, the flies will disappear with the garbage.

Let’s consider the notion of disease or discomfort by comparing the philosophy between western allopathic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. With the teachings of allopathic medicine, the belief is that we get sick because of germs. If this was true then we would be dead the minute we were born. Germs remain dormant rather than a threat to us as long as we have a healthy immune response.

Discovering the fundamentals of the immune response, three dimensionally by observing the eastern meridian approach is the key to body balance and your health.

The Eastern Five Element theory teaches us that we have two immune responses. One physical immune system with the endocrine and lymphatic system, same as the allopathic model but also an energy immune system; the meridians. By following the teachings of Allopathic medicine only the physical immune system can be strengthened to gain health, but by considering the effects of meridians from the Traditional Chinese medicine, a secondary resource is adopted to enhance our well being. The flow of the meridian is as critical as the flow of blood; your life and health depend upon it. If meridian energy is blocked or unregulated, the system it feeds is jeopardized.


that exist in our personal environment. The Eastern Meridian and Five Element approach to health theorizes that sickness is caused by “weather conditions” that exist in our personal environment. The weather conditions are described as “external weather”; physical exposure to the outside climate and “internal weather”; emotional vulnerability to your internal atmosphere.

External weather is simply being over exposed to the five elements. Heat, Damp, Dry Cold and Wind. As an example: Being form Canada and going to the equator in the middle of winter may be too much heat, often shown up as small intestine imbalance or loose stools or worse, diarrhea. What about sitting in a fishing boat on rainy day?? Too much damp creates the sniffles. Being over-exposed to dryness often creates breathing issues and being too cold can set off infections in your kidney and bladder and being exposed to constant wind takes toll on the liver.

Internal weather, is emotional stress from being caught up in our personal drama, causing us to fester about scenarios and propelling us into a state of emotional imbalance which eventually affects the physical body in the way of pain or discomfort. The five elements filter emotional themes: with fire it is joy.. too much or too little, if it is out of balance the fire element meridians have to fluctuate to bring resolve to the integrity of the meridian flow. For earth it is sympathy, for metal it is grief, for water it is fear and for liver it is irritation and anger.

Emotions are meant to stir us and move us into appropriate action, this is defined inside the word emotion: emote is to feel and motion is to take action. Emotions move through us every second of the day, it’ s what we do with them that guarantees balance. It’s when we get caught off guard with an incident or situation and we let it fester that the emotion gets stuck and adversely affects a meridian that ultimately affects our harmonious balance. This is what the traditional chinese medical practitioners coin “internal bad weather”.

“Bad weather” from emotional disturbance (internal environment) or overexposure to environmental elements (external environment) causes the body to become sick. The micro-organism balance in the body becomes upset, hence bacteria, fungus and viruses invade the body. This is the time we seek Western medicine but there are no longer the signs of “bad weather” just symptoms. The allopathic medical model then proceeds to treat the symptoms of bacteria, fungus and virus, but never explores the cause or “bad weather”. By understanding the importance of the meridians in regards to our immune system, we can explore the reasons for the bad weather and prevent the micro-organism imbalance in the body. This is like taking the garbage out.

In Energy Kinesiology we can easily explore the causes of bad weather by assessing the integrity of the meridians, offering physical balance and knowing the basic emotional theme of the elements. With further training in kinesiology the knowledge expands to understanding that each meridian portrays a kaleidoscope with shades of emotions, which brings the client closer to moving a stuck emotion.

Offering the body balance on all three dimensions is the new frontier of health. Balancing the physical body with kinesiology techniques (physical dimension) combined with discovering client awareness (emotional dimension) to the blocked emotion and assisting the emotion to take motion, eventually results in a new outlook spiritual dimension) on situations and with life.

This is ultimately a forecast of “good weather”, for both the “external environment” and the “internal environment”.

To follow are 14 meridian personalities representing the meridian emotional status. Pick the one you most resonate and support that meridian. Use the meridian tracing wheel or use vibrational remedies such as Meridian Sound Essence oils

This information is taken from “Western Herbs for Eastern Meridians and Five Element Theory” by Evelyn Mulders.

from:    http://www.naturalhealthcommunity.org/meridians-and-emotions/13630/

Leon Lewis on Your Earth Calling


By Leon Lewis

Each of us, whether we are aware of it or not, has a unique, sacred Earth calling via which we discover, assimilate and express aspects of Earth’s legacy that we have come to explore, both individually and collectively. Life is offering each of us the opportunity to rediscover our original promise that was made on a soul level. This calling and the power to bring it forth, is available for each of us to explore by paying conscious attention to the relationship we have with our environment and the messages we receive from it.

Having lived in Southern Africa for all of this lifetime, my attention has to a considerable extent been focused on the Earth legacy of this part of the world. Ever since I can remember I have had a deep respect for the First Peoples of our planet and the magical aspects of their relationship with the environment. An alternative term to describe these First Peoples might be ‘the people of nature’.

Many correlations between groupings around the world can be found within the context of the expression of Earth wisdom. There are also distinct differences, specific to each particular group, which define their unique contribution to the tapestry of our human experience. The correlations unite and bond not only all of the World’s First Peoples around the common aspects of their wisdom and legacy, but also incorporate the peoples of contemporary society – who might be described as ‘the people of technology’. Some, from within this context, have been exploring the various indigenous legacies, from the ancient as well as the contemporary viewpoint.

If we regard Mother Earth as a living being and teacher, then it stands to reason that we acknowledge her many ways of communicating to each living entity its encoded purpose, which has been held in safe keeping, to be released as and when the time is right. The earth is guardian to a fragile and exquisite legacy that records the sum total of all experience since her primordial beginnings; a legacy which each of us has helped to create and which contains many clues that we left for ourselves as markers along life’s ancient road. These serve as stepping stones to greater awareness, to be gathered up as ‘pieces of the puzzle’ and put together to create a more expanded picture.

As we grow in the profound realization that we are here to seek and become the harmony between heaven and earth – between the world of energy and matter, or between masculine and feminine aspects – we discover a simple truth, namely that the five elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether have to be in balance within our lives. We establish this balance through the medium of all of our relationships.

The First People of Southern Africa lived in harmony with the elements for thousands of years. Their descendants generally refer to themselves by the collective names of “Bushmen” or “San”. As with many of the First Nations upon our planet, who nowadays mostly constitute minority groups in the lands of their origins, the cultural traditions of the Bushmen are greatly threatened. Dispossessed of most of the land that nurtured their forefathers for countless generations, and destabilized as a result of westernization, the few Bushmen groups who have to some extent remained connected to the natural ways of their ancestors struggle to thrive. Most have moved off the land, to nearby towns and villages, and have thus become assimilated into relatively westernized communities. Some still remember the old ways, but many have forgotten.

In times gone by, their respect for the land equaled their respect for the Great Spiritual source, and it was understood by all that Spirit lives in everything. The spirit within sang in worship of the trees, the sky, the wind, the animals, fire and rain. They were a nation of great story-tellers, hunters, rainmakers and healers. Each individual had a sacred calling, a special gift. One person could see into the future, another could communicate with the spiritual realms and ancestors; some could communicate with the animals and, through this communion of souls, hunt food for the people. There were those who were gifted in the magical ways of the trance dance, in which the Shaman would experience entry into spiritual dimensions and from this perspective assist in healing the sick. Sometimes the healer would ‘become’ the animal by assuming particular qualities of its being. This special gift, sometimes referred to as ‘shape shifting’, has often been depicted in the numerous examples of Bushman rock art to be found throughout Southern Africa, as therianthropic beings (part human, part animal). Still others were blessed with intuitive knowledge about herbs and plant medicines.

These gifts were all understood to have come from the spiritual realms and were intended to maintain the ‘love connection’ they had with the Creator. The healing dance – the dance of the ancient consciousness of the land – has always been the dance of community, the dance that invokes the life-giving legacy of nature. Thus it was that the First Peoples of Southern Africa lived in peace with Mother Earth, sharing all that they had with one another. Their love connection – the simple communion with the animal and plant spirits, the sun, the moon, the stars and the ancestors – was their natural way to balance and share energy in order to live in harmony with all life everywhere. They always understood this essential interconnectedness of all life – that one member of the group is diminished by the lack of the other.

It is the Oneness of all of life which forms a common thread and establishes a bridge, from the spiritual perspective, between individuals and between countries – beyond borders and boundaries. If this Oneness is held as the common guiding principle in all that we do, think and say, it has the power to help us unite more deeply within our search for harmony, truth and light.

In order to embrace Oneness as inhabitants of Mother Earth, we are now challenged to recall the ancient memory, which is beyond language. The experience of the First Peoples suggests to us that collective memory be accessed via the feeling nature, by consciously acknowledging our pain and our joy (past and present), and then expressing this primal experience in symbolic ways that are meaningful to us. The sum total of a multi-dimensional inner journey of this nature is too vast and too intricate to be effectively conveyed between people solely by means of the intellect. If communicated via the heart and heart connections, we might authentically share with each other and with Spirit, who it is that we are.

The shared results of this re-awakening, sensed in the energies and feelings that form part of the experience (including feelings of love), have the power to bring about an acknowledgement in each individual of the fundamental nature of being human upon our planet – ‘god-man, god-woman’, with the potential for conscious awareness, within the context of the microcosmic and macrocosmic aspects of our universe.

As we recognise the significance and power of sacred sites associated with the ancients, we have the opportunity to honour these places as pilgrims. Furthermore, we are encouraged to become re-acquainted with natural medicines and to revive our intrinsic respect for natural law, thus regaining the knowledge that is necessary to thrive and live in harmony with the land.

As we remember, we release ourselves from time – from ‘the beginning and the end’ – and return to our essence. Resonating more harmoniously with the song of Mother Earth, we become more familiar with the intimate dance of relationship with our higher and lower nature, as well as with others around us. In honoring the Oneness of humanity, nature and Spirit, we begin to radiate creative vitality and the wisdom of the ages, which has always been our birthright.

Leon Lewis

from:    http://www.spiritofmaat.com/jul12/ancient_legacy.html