The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

About that fellow, yes there is energy from the Pleiades and we are honored to have them as our friends and compatriots.  People receive their messages according to how they are tuned to the energy.  You rare tuned more to our energy and he is tuned to theirs.  This is a composite.  Not one thing is the answer, but it is a whole collage which is why things at times turn out differently than expected.  We cannot know the whole cloth without being part of it all, and even as we are part of the whole, we as one are not the whole, hence things must be taken in a group way, and then the various strands are worked out with the dominant ones being those that show themselves the most.

Right now, the movement display on your planet is being set out.  We cannot see how it will turnout. Yes, he feels there is no election, but we cannot see that strand as being the dominant one yet. Yes, it is a strand even as the election is a strand, but we are seeing much violence happening before that all takes place.  The intervening events will determine in many ways what will be occurring later one

It is time to step back and allow nut in yours stepping back and in your allowing, always set your sights on the greater good as the possible outcome. 

Hmm, perhaps we should just say as the outcome, because the higher good for all is what we are hoping for, even as you do. 

There are many elements from all over at work within your dimension.  Call them angels or devils as you will, but they are elements as we see them, and they pull and push your world according to their intention.  Unfortunately, it seems that those you might consider negative or dark are the ones who push the hardest.  It is that they are the loudest, and as such more people who are inclined to that side are listening and acting

We cry at the evils happening right now on your planet.  They are ….  We cannot think of a word in your vocabulary to accurately describe the evil that is going on on so many levels, but we see also that there is a …. Rising up of other forces.  Many who were too tired or too oblivious to stake a stand are moving now. 

There is much to happen through this month and the next.  Pay attention your inner promptings, your inner meditations for that will bring clarity in this terrible morass that is brewing.

It is time for all to be strong and determined and set on the ways of the good and of love.  Love is stronger than ever anyone anticipated.

Green Policies – OOPS – Not SO Much

NASA Scientists: Green Agenda Policies May Be Causing ‘Global Warming’

NASA scientists published a study in Nature claiming to have discovered the primary cause of (alleged) global warming in the past few years and attributed it to a climate/ green policy that decreased sulfur dioxide emissions. In 2020, the International Maritime Organization forced the sulfur content in shipping fuel to drop from 3.5% to no more than 0.5%. The process involved sulfate particles, formed from sulfur dioxide, which can mix with clouds and make them brighter, reflecting the sun’s rays back into space instead of heating the Earth. With a reduction in sulfur dioxide, there is less cloud brightening. The NASA researchers attribute 80% of recent global warming to the drop in sulfur dioxide emissions.

A group of NASA scientists is raising the alarm after a study found that globalist green agenda policies to supposedly fight “climate change” may actually be causing “global warming.”

The NASA scientists believe that efforts to supposedly cool the Earth, such as Bill Gates’s atmospheric aerosols experiments, are having the reverse effect and are dangerously warming the planet.

For decades, globalists have been promoting conflicting narratives in an effort to use the environment to push the public into accepting a collectivist agenda.

The 1970s saw scientists warning of a coming Ice Age in which “arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of our planet into a polar desert.”



At the end of the twentieth century, it was the alleged threat of the exact opposite – “global warming.”

“Global warming” fear mongering then accompanied government campaigns urging the adoption of new regulations.

Then, at the start of the twenty-first century, when people were not fully embracing the fear of “global warming,” so-called experts ambiguously warned of “climate change.”

“Climate change” would conveniently cover all eventualities, including temperatures that sometimes went down.

This was especially convenient as science has long proven that Earth’s climate has been constantly changing over the last few billion years.

Now, NASA scientists claim to have discovered the primary cause of (alleged) global warming in the past few years: Green agenda “environmental ” policies.

Interestingly, they do not address the controversial question of whether or not global warming is actually occurring.

Specifically, curbs placed on sulfur dioxide emissions in 2020 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) forced the sulfur content in shipping fuel to drop from 3.5 percent to no more than 0.5 percent.

Sulfur dioxide is one of the gases targeted by green activists as it is considered a pollutant contributing to acid rain as well as various respiratory problems.

Environmentalists appear, however, to have been taken off-guard by one consequence of the drop in atmospheric sulfur dioxide: a potential global increase in temperatures.

In their research paper, the NASA scientists note:

While IMO2020 [the new regulation] is intended to benefit public health by decreasing aerosol loading, this decrease in aerosols can temporarily accelerate global warming by dimming clouds across the global oceans. IMO2020 took effect in a short period of time and likely has global impact.

The process involved sulfate particles, formed from sulfur dioxide, which can mix with clouds and make them brighter.

These bright clouds then reflect some of the sun’s rays back out to space, so that less heat reaches Earth.

The scientists estimate that the drop in sulfur dioxide emissions means fewer bright clouds with the result, they claim, of a doubling (or more) of the warming rate:

Here we estimate the regulation leads to a radiative forcing of +0.2±0.11Wm−2 averaged over the global ocean.

The amount of radiative forcing could lead to a doubling (or more) of the warming rate in the 2020 s compared with the rate since 1980 with strong spatiotemporal heterogeneity.

They claim that we saw this rise in temperatures last year.

They attribute 80 percent of recent global warming to the drop in sulfur dioxide emissions:

The warming effect is consistent with the recent observed strong warming in 2023 and expected to make the 2020s anomalously warm.

The forcing is equivalent in magnitude to 80% of the measured increase in planetary heat uptake since 2020.

The study also mentions the implications for general weather patterns across the globe.

The scientists argue that the issue is making the weather more unstable, particularly this decade:

The radiative forcing also has strong hemispheric contrast, which has important implications for precipitation pattern changes … [and] can create significant perturbations in precipitation patterns.

Had they not been scientists from NASA, the media would probably have ignored the findings.

After all, a single corporate news outlet did not pick up a recent study revealing how carbon dioxide’s current and future impact on global warming is likely zero.

This time around, the study was published in Nature and picked up by no less than 120 news sites.

However, what the mainstream media outlets focused on was a tangential issue raised by the research findings.

The NASA scientists had mentioned in their work a process called marine cloud brightening which Bill Gates is championing.

This involves spraying sea salt into the clouds to create a similar bright-cloud effect to that created by sulfates, possibly cooling the planet.

In response, The Washington Post headlined its article, “Could spraying sea salt into the clouds cool the planet?”

In fact, it dates back to 1990 and has been investigated for almost two decades.

The Post did not make a single reference to the discovery that “carbon emissions” are not, after all, causing temperature increases.

No more did the New York Times, which hid the (partial) results of the study in an obscure paragraph tucked away in an article headlined, “Hanging by a Thread: U.N. Chief Warns of Missing a Key Climate Target.”

In fact, NYT omitted to mention that the study was conducted by NASA scientists, only mentioning that:

Other contributors [to global warming] might stick around for longer. In a study published last week, a team of scientists led by Tianle Yuan, a geophysicist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, estimated that the planet could be experiencing additional warming right now for a counterintuitive reason: recent regulations that slashed air pollution from ships.

NYT then dashed back to the accepted narrative of normal, everyday human activity being the main driver of alleged “global warming,” stressing that:

To scientists, the foremost driver of warming remains clear: Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, the three most important human-caused heat-trapping gases, have continued their steady upward climb.

At current rates of emissions, it might only be five or so more years before humans have altered the atmosphere’s chemistry so significantly that it becomes extremely difficult to stop warming from surpassing 1.5 degrees Celsius, scientists have estimated

Evidently, NYT esteems the views of scientists from Imperial College London and other institutes more than the views of researchers from NASA.

Forbes, too, in an article titled, “Shipping Pollution Curbs Made Climate Change Worse, Controversial NASA Study Claims,” quotes random climate scientists who cast doubt on the study’s findings.

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the research findings is that they shouldn’t have been news at all.

The effects of sulfates in the atmosphere have been known for decades.

An article dating back to 1999 states:

… the effects of the sulfur dioxide from industry might be countering the greenhouse effect created by carbon dioxide …

When fossil fuels are burned, both carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are released.

As demonstrated in the ship tracks study, sulfate particles produced from sulfur dioxide create brighter clouds, which may cool the atmosphere.

Any light that is reflected cannot reach the ground and heat the surface of the Earth.

This means there is less heat for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to trap in the atmosphere.

This article was written by NASA scientists.

Today’s NASA scientists suggest in their study that the important question to address now is the “trade-off” between improving air quality and “global warming.”

They also imply that, in the future, scientists should exercise more caution in their efforts to control the climate, given the complex and often contradictory issues involved:

Read full article here…

Study published in Nature:


Digital Earth Twin = Real Trouble for All

‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth Being Created To Predict The Future, Micro-Manage Everything

You can run, but you can not hide. The humongous new AI data centers, satellite networks, ground sensors, cell phones, and all the data on earth will combine to create a “Skynet” scenario to control everything, and all life forms. Driven by a lust to get to “net-zero”, this will far exceed anything related to climate change.

This simulation of satellites has now largely been fulfilled, but plans for more launches are in the works. This blanket of surveillance will monitor every square inch of the planet as systems are layered on. As the industry graphic above depicts, the payload for Technocrats lie in the “interventions.” — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

By: Frost & Symons via Euronews

How do you know when a small-scale farmer in Africa, Latin America or Asia has sufficiently adapted to longer droughts or shifts in traditional monsoon seasons?

The complexity of this question means it is often left unanswered, with funding for such adaptation in developing countries dropping to around just a quarter of total climate finance provided by developed countries.

Delegates gathering at the Bonn Climate Change Conference to prepare for this year’s UN climate talks will be anticipating such questions, with COP29 already dubbed the “finance COP”.

In Baku, Azerbaijan, later this year, countries are expected to discuss a new climate finance deal after reaching the target of $100 billion (€93.2bn) a year in finance for developing countries two years later than agreed.

Historically low-emitting countries across much of the Global South desperately need more financial support to improve their climate defences across key sectors such as agriculture.

Less than 1% of international climate finance was spent helping smallholder farmers adapt to climate change in 2021, with many forced to spend up to 40% of their own incomes to cope with floods, droughts and crop pests.

However, in addition to more finance, countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America also need ways of measuring adaptation to direct investments more effectively.

The solution that works already exists

While efforts to transition to sustainable agriculture across Europe have sparked protests among farmers this year, adapting to the evolving impacts of climate change is already a matter of survival for those in the Global South.

One emerging solution is an adaptation index, which scores resilience to climate shocks to highlight where finance for climate adaptation is most needed. Such models can quantify levels of adaptation and preparedness, giving policymakers, development agencies, investors, and donors clear guidance on where and how to invest in adaptation finance.

Water scarcity is the most common climate risk for crop farmers in Guatemala and Honduras across the different commodities.

Adaptation indices, developed at a country or commodity level, complement other work to consolidate climate data and research, such as CGIAR’s Africa Agriculture Adaptation Atlas, which provides interactive data insights and forecasts.

This new methodology is already providing actionable insights to direct adaptation funding and have the best chance of increasing the resilience of some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Over the past two years, the first-if-its-kind Adaptation Equivalency Index (AEI) has been developed for Guatemala and Honduras by Heifer International, Conservation International and local partners, supported by the Global Environment Facility. Guatemala and Honduras have both ranked among the top 10 countries most affected by climate change over the past decade, with heavy rains, floods, droughts and hurricanes becoming more frequent and affecting agriculture.

The index ranks the adaptation levels of the countries’ major agricultural commodities: spices, cacao and coffee.

Evidence-based investment means tangible impact

What makes this index novel is that it starts off with the farmers themselves, identifying the real-world climate threats that producers are already experiencing and anticipating, as well as their capacity to adapt.

This work has already uncovered the fact that water scarcity is the most common climate risk for crop farmers in Guatemala and Honduras across the different commodities.

Read full story here…

Sourced from Technocracy News & Trends 



Is Your Home On the Chopping Block???

Quiet Backroom Deal Just Approved – 40,000,000 Homes to be Seized

This month, the Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin offering second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America. The loans are capped at $78,000 and most will be for far less than this amount. Even a small loan will result in the FHFA or Freddie Mac being named on the title. By autumn, Freddie Mac is projected to loan $2 trillion. If the homeowner defaults, the second lienholder could make a deal with the first lienholder to foreclose quietly and FHFA and Freddie Mac will be enabled to take over the houses. Williams says the housing market will continue to be inflated, and property tax and homeowners insurance will continue to rise. New laws to force green energy systems and upgrades in homes are planned. 

Note: Any investment advice in this video is not endorsed by Need To Know News as we simply report on the news.




The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

There is much in the air these days.  We are seeing a huge cloud of unrest coming your way.  What this can be related to, we are not sure.  There is so much going on the the trends get confused and mixed up and, because of that, there is no clear path.  As a result also, people become neurotic and without center.  They act and then the question why they are acting, so they act in a different ways, sometimes diametrically opposed to the way they were acting previously.  There can be much dissension and unrest among friends and families for people are beginning to feel the need to take sides, and to be very definite in their choice of which side/s to take.  This can lead to strife on all levels, and it can be that you will find that there seems to be no clear path in which to walk, and in fact, the paths are not clear for they are covered overly much of the muck of these days.

You are wondering about others —- from our side —-s topping in.  Know that we cannot do so unless asked, at least that is true for those of s who will follow the … hmm, dictates is too strong a word, but the laws (still too strong) f the Universe in which we alll share.

It is not our place to coerce and cause to happen, however we can and will give pushes and even aid on various levels to those who ask and those who have the greater good in mind. 

You are thinking of it as miracles, and perhaps it is. 

Know that the trends of the Universe are many, and that in the end, the Universe desires only what it good, bu there is no law of interference that we can use for our actions.  Those who do so are working outside the realms of law, making their own laws and ways and confusing the tides of energy that surround you .

There are many things approaching that will bring sadness to those of your world, but know that even though this sadness comes, it brings with it — in the actions that evoke this sadness —it brings a kind of resolution, a revelation of what has been going on, and more and more people will become aware of it.

Before taking any definite action, it is always best to feel the flow of the energy and to look through things with the eyes of truth and clarity.  Much is coming now that will be appearing one way, but which in truth is totally something else.

Do not be fooled.  Go within,  seeking inner guidance and stop before you act, especially before you react.

The Toll of the Covid Jabs

74% of ALL Deaths ‘Directly’ Linked to Covid Shots, Autopsy Data Shows

A damning new study has revealed that autopsy data shows Covid mRNA shots have overwhelmingly contributed to all-cause deaths around the world.

The bombshell study found that Covid shots are “directly” linked to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths.

The research team behind the study was made up of some of America’s leading oncologists, cardiologists, doctors, and scientists, including:

  • Nicolas Hulscher
  • Paul E. Alexander
  • Richard Amerling
  • Heather Gessling
  • Roger Hodkinson
  • William Makis
  • Harvey A. Risch
  • Mark Trozzi
  • Peter A. McCullough

The study found that 73.9% of all deaths were “directly due to or significantly contributed to” by Covid mRNA injections.

The autopsy data exposes a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death,” the researchers note in their study’s paper.

In the “Background” section of the study’s paper, the researchers explain:

“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity.

“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.”

In the “Methods” section, they note:

“We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.

“All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included.

“Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.”

The research team initially identified 678 studies.

After screening for our inclusion criteria, the researchers included 44 papers for the study that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case.

The mean average age of death was 70.4 years.

The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%).

Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.

Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.

A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Among those directly linked to Covid shots, the primary causes of death include:

  • Sudden cardiac death (35%)
  • Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)
  • Myocardial infarction (12%)
  • VITT (7.9%)
  • Myocarditis (7.1%)
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)
  • Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).

In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the authors write:

“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.

“Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.”

The researchers warn that findings “indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.”

The study comes amid a growing body of evidence linking the Covid mRNA injections to multiple deadly health conditions and related sudden deaths.

As Slay News recently reported, another bombshell new global study of 2.7 billion people has just determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world.

However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.

The study’s comprehensive 521-page report contains hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries.

The dataset analysed by the researchers comprises approximately 2.7 billion people which is about 35% of the world’s population.

The researchers calculated that the global death toll associated with Covid mRNA shots, up to 30 December 2022, was 16.9 million people.


Hey, IRS Employees —Time to Pay Up!!!!

IRS Audit Report Reveals that IRS Employees Owe $50 Million in Back Taxes: ‘Double Standard’

A report, requested by Republican Senator Joni Ernst and conducted by the Treasury Inspector General, found that while 96% of employees were compliant with tax obligations, over 5,800 IRS and contractor employees owed nearly $50 million in overdue taxes! Only 20 of the agency’s employees who were failing to pay taxes were terminated. The IRS also knowingly rehired individuals who committed criminal and sexual misconduct. Ernst is introducing the Audit the IRS Act that would require regular tax audits of agency employees and prohibit the IRS from hiring or continuing to employ tax evaders.

Ernst wrote: “There is absolutely nothing fair about forcing hardworking Americans to pay the salaries of tax evading tax collectors while the IRS targets lower-income and middle-class Americans with nearly two-thirds of the new audits.” She said any repeat employee offenders should be referred to the Justice Department to be subjected to the same imprisonment and fines that are listed as punishments for tax evasion on the IRS’s website.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) is pushing for a regular audit of the Internal Revenue Service after a new inspector general report found that nearly 6,000 employees owe nearly $50 million in back taxes.

The July 24 report, requested by Ernst and conducted by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, found that while 96% of employees were compliant with tax obligations, over 5,800 IRS and contractor employees owed nearly $50 million in overdue taxes, and only 20 of the agency’s employees who were failing to pay taxes were terminated.

“When IRS auditors can’t even pass my audit, it’s clear they can’t be trusted by the taxpayers,” Ernst said in an exclusive statement to the Washington Examiner. “Between their tax evasion and rampant misconduct, the Biden-Harris administration’s army of IRS agents can’t even clear the most basic of hurdles. I’m working to end the double standard and hold these bureaucrats accountable to the same rules they enforce on hardworking Americans.”

Ernst is introducing the Audit the IRS Act on Monday afternoon, which would require regular tax audits of agency employees and prohibit the IRS from hiring or continuing to employ tax evaders, according to bill text obtained by the Washington Examiner. The junior Iowa senator asked the agency to support the bill in a letter sent to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel on Monday.

“I would also like to know what actions you are taking to ensure 100 percent tax compliance by IRS employees and contractors,” Ernst wrote to Werfel. “To hold the IRS accountable and to demonstrate the agency takes its own warning that ‘tax evasion is a serious crime,’ I would strongly urge you to routinely check the tax status of every employee and fire every employee and contractor who is delinquent on their taxes and not enrolled in a payment plan.”

Washington Examiner:

Senator Joni Ernst:


You’ve Been CrowdStruck

Was Global Microsoft IT Outage, Caused During CrowdStrike Update, a Trial Run for The Great Reset?

CrowdStrike was founded in 2011 by two former McAfee executives, the company sells cybersecurity software to Fortune 500 companies and federal and state agencies. Its first product, Falcon, an update of which was cited for Friday’s outage, detects security breaches in Windows or Mac computers.

Max Blumenthal called CrowdStrike “the shady firm hired by the DNC to find Russia responsible for hacking its server.” In 2016, CrowdStrike was hired by the Democratic National Committee to investigate the hacking of DNC computers a year earlier.

Dan Dicks of Press for Truth said that BlackRock and Vanguard are the top owners of CrowdStrike. The World Economic Forum (WEF) predicted in 2023 that geopolitical instability would lead to a catastrophic cyber event within 2 years and they provided a “solution” and called for a global response and cooperation. He said that this outage was a trial trial run in preparation to take out global supply chains or it was used implanted code to be utilized for a larger cyber attack to kick off The Great Reset. He warned against central bank digital currency CBDC and recommended tangible assets and exiting the globalist system.


Link for video:

Links that were recommended in the Video

Bracing For “Cyber 9/11” With James Corbett:


“Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023” Plans For A Cyber Attack To Take Out Global Supply Chains!!!:

Ending Anonymity: Why The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens The Future Of Privacy:


From Mashable

If your Windows computer is currently serving you the Blue Screen of Death, take heart in the fact that you aren’t alone. Windows outages are being reported across the globe, apparently caused by a CrowdStrike issue.

And if your banking app is down or doctor’s appointment was canceled, well, you’re not alone there either.

The problem first arose overnight for the East Coast of the U.S.

“CrowdStrike is aware of reports of crashes on Windows hosts related to the Falcon Sensor,” the cybersecurity company wrote in an alert confirming the outage at 1:30 a.m. ET on Friday. CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor is software designed to prevent computer systems from cyber attacks.

“Symptoms include experiencing a bugcheck\blue screen error related to the Falcon Sensor,” CrowdStrike’s alert continued. “Our Engineering teams are actively working to resolve this issue and there is no need to open a support ticket.”

Though the CrowdStrike issue is specifically causing Windows to crash, the problem seems to be having further reaching implications. Considering that Windows is an incredibly popular operating system and CrowdStrike an incredibly popular cybersecurity company, companies and services worldwide have had massive issues all of Friday.

Microsoft acknowledged the issue as well. “We’re aware of an issue affecting Windows devices due to an update from a third-party software platform. We anticipate a resolution is forthcoming,” a Microsoft spokesperson says.

Around midday on Friday, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella issued a statement on the outages as the world continued to reel with the ramifications.

“Yesterday, CrowdStrike released an update that began impacting IT systems globally,” Nadella wrote on X. “We are aware of this issue and are working closely with CrowdStrike and across the industry to provide customers technical guidance and support to safely bring their systems back online.”

The outages are global, and massive. Here’s what’s affected

Reports of outages have rolled in from several countries around the world, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, and the UK. As of writing, crowdsourced outage monitor DownDetector is indicating a spike in issues across a slew of platforms and businesses in the U.S. as well, including Instagram, eBay, Visa, ADT, and PlentyOfFish.

Mashable’s Alex Perry broke down, in detail, six of the biggest industries and services experiencing problems, but here are the broad strokes.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center, told the New York Times.

Airline outages

Several U.S. airlines, such as American, Delta, and United Airlines, have been grounded due to communications issues, seemingly also the result of the outage. Thousands of flights have been canceled across the globe.

UK’s Ryanair announced that their booking and check-in system is currently down.

The Federal Aviation Administration said on X it was “closely monitoring a technical issue impacting IT systems at U.S. airlines, with updates available at

Emergency services

A number of hospitals and emergency services were affected by the outage. Boston hospital Mass General Brigham, for instance, said early Friday that “all previously scheduled non-urgent surgeries, procedures, and medical visits are canceled today.” Alaskan State Troopers reported on Facebook that “many 911 and non-emergency call centers are not working correctly across the State of Alaska.” Worries were so widespread that other locales, such as New York City and Miami-Dade, put out statements that their emergency services were not affected.

As the day wore on, it became clear that countless hospitals across the country were forced to cancel non-emergency appointments while, thankfully, 911 and emergency services seemed to be operation in most places. A total of three states — Alaska, Oregon, and Arizona — had areas that had issues with 911 or emergency response systems, the New York Times reported.

Other affected businesses

Supermarkets, banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, and TV broadcasters are among the businesses impacted, with shoppers in Australia reportedly unable to pay for groceries due to electronic payment systems being down. A look at DownDetector shows a spike in outages across nearly all industries. Visa, Starbucks, Chase, TD Bank, Bank of America, Walmart, UPS, and countless other businesses appeared to be having issues. Even shipping services, like UPS and FedEX, said that deliveries would be delayed due to the outages. The problem is so widespread it is difficult to understand its scope, but it appears to be one of, if not the largest, outages in history.

Voting systems

Authorities in Arizona’s Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located, reported issues in some early voting locations for the state’s primary elections.

“Due to the global tech outage, Maricopa County Elections is also experiencing an outage at some voting locations,” wrote the Maricopa County Elections Department in a statement.

How to fix the CrowdStrike Windows BSOD issue

Fortunately, CrowdStrike has since announced at 2:30 a.m. ET that it has identified the update causing the issue and rolled it back. The company also offered a workaround for anyone having problems:

  1. “Boot Windows into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment
  2. “Navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike directory
  3. “Locate the file matching ‘C-0000029*.sys’, and delete it.
  4. “Boot the host normally.”

Of course, having to do this for every single computer in multiple companies across the globe is still likely to take some time.



List of Studies vis-a-vis VACCINE INJURIES



Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries

You want science? Here’s your f*cking science.

This post mainly consists of scientific studies (both peer reviewed and preprints), systematic reviews, case studies (a few key ones of the thousands out there), and other medical journal articles that support the assertions in my Vaccine Injury post from November 2022. I began bookmarking these studies in late 2021, but since I’ve surely missed some, this is not a comprehensive list. It is, however, significant enough to utterly debunk the “safe and effective” propaganda of the past three years. (I will continue adding to this list indefinitely, so please check back on occasion for the most recent scientific discoveries about C19 vaccine injuries.)

I’m not a scientific researcher, data analyst, or medical professional. Neither are most of my readers. However I, and presumably they/you, are fully intellectually capable of reading and understanding the discussions and conclusions in most of the studies listed below. For those of you who prefer to skim, in most cases, after each link below, I include a short (2-3 sentence) summary of the study’s conclusions.

Some of the studies below are followed by a supporting article explaining its findings in layman’s terms. All such articles are written by experts in their field, including scientific researchers, professors, data analysts, PhDs, MDs and other medical professionals. (Some accompanying articles are under a paywall, for which I apologize, however I’m happy to email my readers free versions of any linked articles upon request.)

Lastly, please take note that much of the pro-jab jargon used in these studies is required to survive peer review. Journals are beholden to (funded and captured by) the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers have stated outright that they cannot get published on this topic without the inclusion of pro-vaccine rhetoric in their studies.

Please use this post as a resource to backup your own arguments with uninformed acquaintances who continue to believe and perpetuate the false government/Pharma narrative that the C19 “vaccines” are safe. They are not, and the following evidence couldn’t be more clear about that.

General Adverse Events

  • Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials
    (Peter Doshi—senior editor of the BMJ—study concluding that Covid vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated. And that the excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization. Explanatory articles herehere, and here.)
  • COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines” Part 1: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex
    (“The usual safety testing protocols and toxicology requirements were bypassed. Many key trial findings were either misreported or omitted entirely from published trial reports. By implication, the secondary estimates of excess morbidity and mortality in both trials must be deemed underestimates. Rigorous re-analyses of trial data and post-marketing surveillance studies indicate a substantial degree of modmRNA-related harms than was initially reported. Confidential Pfizer documents had revealed 1.6 million adverse events by August 2022. A third were serious injuries to cardiovascular, neurological, thrombotic, immunological, and reproductive systems, along with an alarming increase in cancers. Moreover, well-designed studies have shown that repeated modmRNA injections cause immune dysfunction, thereby potentially contributing to heightened susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infections and increased risks of COVID-19. This paper also discusses the insidious influence of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, a closely coordinated collaboration between public health organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory agencies.” Read the original paper here and explanation of its highly suspect & unethical redaction here.)
  • Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: A hypothesis
    (“If our hypothesis were to be confirmed, the implications for public health would be staggering and appalling in the context of the mass-scale COVID-19 vaccination already taking place, particularly if the nms-mRNA enters brain, bone marrow, and – if already present in the vaccinee – cancerous or pre-cancerous cells, or if the vaccine is administered to females early in their pregnancy and the nms-mRNA transfects embryonic cells.”)
  • ‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA
    (“This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy.” Also, ” Treatment modalities for ‘spikeopathy’-related pathology in many organ systems, require urgent research and provision to millions of sufferers of long-term COVID-19 vaccine injuries. We also advocate for the suspension of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines and lipid-nanoparticle carrier matrices, and other vaccines based on mRNA or viral-vector DNA technology.” Comprehensive explanatory article here.)
  • The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review
    (The COVID-19 vaccines are known to be unsafe for several reasons: 1) the Wuhan Spike protein damages cells, tissues, organs, and causes blood clotting, 2) the lipid nanoparticles may have toxicity from the PEG or polysorbate 80 or from syncytia formation, 3) the mRNA appears to be resistant to ribonucleases and is not broken down in the body. As some point the mRNA or fragments could interfere with gene function or alter other microRNAs that are managing the human genome. Explanatory article here.)
  • COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review
    (This scathing paper has to be read to be believed but here’s the big takeaway: “mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.” Summary article here.)
  • National Academies Committee on Review of Relevant Literature Regarding Adverse Events Associated with Vaccines March 30 2023: Written material accompanying oral remarks.
    (“These comments contain a number of novel analyses conducted relating to Covid-19 vaccine safety.”)
  • Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken?


Messing With The Climate – What Can Go Wrong???

Scientists Call for Geoengineering of Glaciers To Address Climate Change

Raw Egg Nationalist |

A new scientific white paper calls for urgent research into geoengineering of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic

Geoengineering projects are being pursued across the globe in a bid to tackle climate change

The scientific community should urgently pursue research into geoengineering of glaciers, according to a new scientific white paper.

According to the white paper, research into geoengineering of ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic must be undertaken now, before humanity faces a catastrophic rise in sea-levels that could provoke panicked decision-making to halt it.

“Everyone who is a scientist hopes that we don’t have to do this research,” said Douglas MacAyeal, a professor of geophysical sciences and co-author of the paper.

“But we also know that if we don’t think about it, we could be missing an opportunity to help the world in the future.”

The white paper emerged out of two conferences held on geoengineering—deliberate interventions to alter the planet’s climate—at Chicago and Stanford University. The conferences were organized by the newly formed Climate Systems Engineering initiative at UChicago, which “seeks to understand the benefits, risks, and governance of technologies that might reduce the impacts of accumulated greenhouse gases,” according to a press release.

The scientists at the conferences advocated for two major types of geoengineering to be investigated. The first type consists of “curtains” moored on the seabed to prevent warm water from undermining ice shelves. The biggest threat to ice sheets is not warm air, but warm water,

The second type involves attempts to reduce the flow of meltwater streams that run off ice sheets. This could be achieved, for example, by drilling deep into glaciers, either to drain water from the glacier bed and prevent it from affecting the glacier, or to try and freeze the glacier bed artificially.

The report notes that both approaches are totally untested and their advantages and disadvantages, including potentially environmental disruption, are unclear.

The report calls for any investigation into geoengineering solutions to be conducted in an equitable manner, with input from all the world’s nations. This would involve “robust participation of sociologists, humanists, ecologists, community leaders, scientific and engineering governing bodies, international treaty organizations, and other relevant stakeholders in guiding the research.”

Geoengineering has received increasing coverage in the news in recent months, for good and bad reasons.

First, the good. In a welcome development, Tennessee became the first state in the US to ban geoengineering, including attempts to modify the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth, whether by using physical barriers in the high atmosphere, through spreading reflective chemicals in the sky, or by practices like cloud-seeding, which is used to increase the amount of rainfall over a particular area.

Now, the bad. It’s becoming clear that a shift is taking place in the scientific community and government, as the dangers of geoengineering are being reconsidered in light of the supposed “inevitability” of catastrophic climate change. Many influential figures now believe that the massive risks of geoengineering are worth taking, even if they only buy some extra time for even more sweeping changes to the global regime of carbon-emission reduction.

In February, The Wall Street Journal published a detailed report on three ongoing geoengineering projects taking place across the globe, with a mixture of government and private funding.

In Australia, researchers from Southern Cross University are releasing a brine mixture into the sky to create larger, brighter clouds that will reflect more sunlight and reduce local temperatures. The project is funded by the Australian government, universities, and conservation organizations.

In Israel, Stardust Solutions is testing a delivery system to disperse reflective particles at high altitudes, again to reduce solar radiation. The startup is currently testing the system indoors but will move to outdoor tests in the “next few months.”

And in the US, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute plans to add 6,000 gallons of sodium hydroxide to the ocean off Martha’s Vineyard. They want to produce a “carbon sink” that sucks carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and into the sea, storing it there. The U.S. government and private sources fund the project. The release of the chemical will require further approval from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Even more worryingly, private companies and individuals are experimenting with geoengineering, without government support or approval. In January 2023, a California startup called Make Sunsets admitted to launching test ballons in Mexico containing sulfur dioxide, a chemical that is of great interest to geoengineers because of its ability to reflect solar radiation in the atmosphere.

Although the test launches were greeted with anger by the scientific community and the Mexican government, the CEO of Make Sunsets, Luke Eisen, was unrepentant, and said that soon his company would start releasing as much sulfur into the atmosphere “as we can get customers to pay us” to release. The startup offers a “cooling credit” system on its website where customers can pay $10 for a gram of sulfur dioxide in a balloon’s payload.
