Skimming Your MOney & ID — USE CASH!!!!

How to Detect ATM and Credit Card Skimmers that Can Gain Access Your Money

]’Skimming’ is a crime that involves a device that is placed over an ATM/ credit card payment machine that collects data from people who pay for items with a card and allows the thieves to access their data to create a counterfeit card. Skimming costs banks and financial institutions over $1 billion per year and is on the rise. The videos below show how to avoid the scam. 48 people affiliated with a Romanian crime ring were arrested in Orange County, California in January for skimming crimes with EBT cards. Two months ago, six illegal aliens were arrested in Los Angeles for skimming. [/su_note]


WHo Owns YOUR Land?

Learn about Environmental Services and how the concept of monetizing ephemeral assets will be used to take your land

Then watch Margaret Byfield’s amazing talk contextualizing this process from our symposium last week

Here is Margaret Byfield’s talk:

Here is where the article below appears, on the American Stewards for Liberty website:

And right below the video there is a button for a timed transcript.


The USDA is preparing policy to implement the Sustains Act, determining who will own “environmental services,” which include the air we breathe, photosynthesis, pollination, and the health benefits of open space.

This step is critical for proponents of the United Nations’ sustainable development agenda to achieve, as it will provide the path to transfer America’s real assets from private citizens to federal and international interests. The earlier attempt to accomplish this was stopped when the Natural Asset Company scam was soundly defeated in January.

Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris Administration is preparing to determine ownership of natural processes on private lands as it implements the Sustains Act authorized through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. They are dragging America into a dangerous black hole that will have devastating consequences on our economy, and on individual property rights.

There is a reason “natural processes” have never been considered property before. The way in which the monetary value of these natural assets must be derived is purely subjective. These are not true property rights which can be held by someone to the exclusion of another with the value determined by consumers. The value of natural processes will be set administratively, which can be changed depending on the social agenda of who is in the White House.

Some have argued that “environmental services” are a legitimate commodity that should be available for trade through the free market system. However, these arguments fail to acknowledge that the potential market for “environmental services” was created solely by blackmailing producers to comply with a social agenda, for the purpose of implementing the United Nations’ sustainable development targets.

They are not a “free market” product. The only reason we have “carbon credits,” or “carbon sequestration” is because those now holding the political power, and those seizing the opportunity to get rich off the scam, are using this power to impose their social agenda on industry and the rest of us.

Environmental services are the antithesis of a free market system. Just because they are taking advantage of our free markets to continue the scam does not make them any less blackmail.

Getting back to basic principles, neither our nation nor our financial markets were to be driven by social agendas dictating how Americans would live. This is precisely what our founders fought against. Nevertheless, this is the long game behind monetizing natural processes.

What is the Sustains Act?

The Sustains Act provides a way for private entities to contribute funds to help implement conservation programs on private land. The U.S. Department of Agriculture administers the program and the Secretary is given sole discretion as to how the program will be carried out. August 16th of this year, the USDA issued a “request for information,” published in the Federal Register and asked that public comments be submitted within 30 days, by September 16th.

This “request for information” is not a formal rule-making process where citizens can later challenge the final policy through the Administrative Procedures Act. Instead the “request for information” invites people to submit comments, which the USDA may or may not take into account, and serves to allow the Department to claim they involved the public in the development of policy implementing the act.

This is what administrations do when they want to implement a social agenda without accountability to the people.

Who Will Own The Environmental Services?

The new law sets out how the Secretary is to determine ownership of the environmental services that are created on private land through the federal conservation programs.  The contributing entity, the one who contributes private funding to the conservation programs, is to “prescribe the terms of ownership” of the environmental services, subject to the approval of the Secretary.

Notice, determining the value and ownership of these natural processes produced from private lands requires only the involvement of the Secretary and the private contributing entity — not the landowner.

In the section titled “Role of Contributing Entity,” the law states:

“An entity contributing funds under this subsection may –” (5)(D) “with respect to an activity funded pursuant to this subsection that may result in environmental services benefits to be sold through an environmental services market, subject to the approval of the Secretary, prescribe the terms for ownership of the entity’s share of such environmental services benefits resulting from such activity;”

The decision of who owns the environmental services does not include the producer or landowner.

Under the section titled “Producer Participation,” the law directs the following:

(6)(A) “Notification – The Secretary shall establish a process to provide notice to producers — (i) of activities that may be carried out through a covered program, pursuant to this section; and (ii) any terms prescribed by the contributing entity under paragraph (5)(D) with respect to such activities.”

Even though the section is labeled “producer participation,” there is no producer participation prescribed in determining who will own the environmental services derived from the private land. What is directed is that notice be provided to the producer of the decision the Secretary and the contributing entity have made for how the environmental services will be allocated on their property.

The next section titled “Retention of Environmental Service Benefits,” raises more questions than it answers:

(6)(B) “The Secretary shall not claim or impede any action of a producer with respect to the environmental services benefits they accrue through activities funded pursuant to this subsection.”

After the Secretary and contributing entity have determined how much of the environmental services the contributing entity owns, presumably based on their financial commitment contributed to the program, then the landowner can assert what he believes he has accrued through his activities, and the Secretary cannot claim or impede this assertion.

What is left unaddressed is what portion will the Federal government own? This section refers to the producers’ claim of ownership of the environmental services, and prevents the government from impeding this. Logically, the portion the Federal government owns has already been decided when the Secretary and contributing entities earlier determined ownership of the natural processes.

So the division of who owns the natural processes on private lands that are enrolled in these federal conservation programs will be determined by the contributing private entity and the Secretary, after which the landowner / producer may assert his claim.

What is also unclear is whether the addition of private funds can be added to a program retroactively, in other words, after the landowner has already enrolled in the program. There is nothing in the Sustains law that specifies this new authority only applies to new enrollments.  What if a contributing entity wants to contribute funds to a covered program on property already enrolled?

The conservation programs subject to the Sustains Act include:

  • Environmental Quality Incentives Program
  • Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
  • Regional Conservation Partnership Program
  • Emergency Watersheds Protection Program
  • Healthy Forests Reserve Program
  • Watersheds Protection and Flood Prevention Act programs (excluding the Watershed Rehabilitation Program)

Advancing the Biden-Harris Natural Asset Strategy

In January of 2023, the White House finalized the “National Strategy to Develop Statistics for Environmental – Economic Decisions (SEED)”.  This creates a new line-item on the Federal Balance Sheet that will record the value of real assets such as land and water, as well as natural processes such as air and environmental services.  These values will be derived from all lands in the U.S. regardless of who actually owns the land, be it federal, state, local or private.

The Strategy is a part of the larger 30×30 agenda, which is the international plan to permanently protect 30 percent of our lands and oceans by 2030. Just as with the 30×30 initiative, there is no Congressional or Constitutional authorization for this National Strategy.  It is being directed solely from the White House.

The 30×30 land grab increases the protected lands in America, reducing those lands owned by private citizens and increasing the federal control over private lands largely through conservation programs and easements. The value of the protected lands can be transferred to others by creating a new asset, “environmental services” through “Natural Capital Accounts,” and the defeated “Natural Asset Companies,” or NACs.

Just as with the attempt to create NACs on the New York Stock Exchange, this strategy will monetize elements that should never be considered property. If the Federal government can claim ownership of these processes or even regulatory powers, they can control people’s use of these processes through devices such as carbon credits, biodiversity credits, water quality credits, and taxes.

Another dangerous element of this Strategy is that it places the value of all land on the Federal Balance Sheet, including private property, for the first time in the history of the United States.  This includes the value of every American’s residential lot and home.  In so doing, every American’s property will be considered a U.S. Asset that adds to the nation’s financial position in the world economy. In simplistic terms, it becomes collateral for the growing national debt.

In April of 2024, the White House released the results of four pilot natural asset accounts that explain how they will derive the value of these assets for Federal accounting purposes.  These four test accounts cover the elements of Land, Water, Air and Environmental Services, and they reveal several concerning actions. These are:

  1. Under the land pilot test account, they clearly state that private property will be included as a Federal asset.

The press release states:

“ … Private land in the contiguous 48 states was valued at $32 trillion, equivalent to roughly 30% of the net wealth already measured in U.S. Accounts. Accounting for natural assets like land on our nation’s balance sheet is critical; omitting them would dramatically understate U.S. wealth.”

The linked document cited further reinforces their intent:

“Our results underscore the potential importance of private land as a quantitatively significant asset on our national balance sheet…”

  1. Under the Environmental Services pilot test account, they make clear that not only will the value of the real property be included on the federal balance sheet, but also the natural processes derived from these lands where the federal government has funded projects such as the conservation programs.

This is where the “Sustains Act” becomes one of the implementing components of this strategy, because it will create a monetary value for these natural processes derived from the conservation programs, the ownership of which is being determined by the Secretary of Agriculture.

From the White House Strategy:

“When the government spends a dollar to restore a coral reef or a forest that will attract tourism, supply water, or clean the air, our current system does not capture the economic value of this investment. The National Strategy gives us a path to change that.” (Introduction, page iv)

From the press release we learn more about what will be tracked in this account:

“Progress is ahead of schedule for developing natural capital accounts such as forests, pollination, urban ecosystems, and natural hazards. In addition, U.S. researchers are working with their European counterparts to understand lessons learned for implementing natural capital accounts in different countries.”

  1. All of these test pilot accounts rely on the UN Accounting System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) in order to derive the value of these assets.  Because Environmental Services and the value of natural processes is a subjective value, they need to rely on this esoteric system that does not conform to U.S. Accounting standards, just as they were attempting to do with NACs.
  2. A key purpose for the Strategy is to track our progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, something which neither Congress, nor the people have approved..  Once this system is in place, it gives the Federal government the data and means to control how Americans use their property and whether citizens can be governed to have a “net zero” impact on climate change.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Even though citizens comments can be ignored by the Secretary as it prepares how it will implement the Sustains Act, it is valuable to make your position known so that if the next administration is not in on the caper, they can use public outcry against this action as a basis to stop the monetization of natural processes.

Here are three points we recommend you make in your comments.

  1. Natural processes should not be monetized, owned by one entity to the exclusion of another, through environmental services markets.
  2. Whatever benefits are created as a result of the conservation programs remain owned in full by the landowner of that property.
  3. The addition of private capital being used to fund federal conservation programs cannot occur retroactively on lands already enrolled.

You can submit your comments here.

We also have an opportunity in the coming months to call on Congress to rescind the Sustains Act through the budget reconciliation process.  It is not too soon to ask your Representative and Senators and ask that they do so.


Coming Soon — Ads in Your Cars

Driven by Ads: Ford’s Patent Paves the Way for Eavesdropping on the Road

And the cherry on top: “Determining user preferences for advertisements from any one or more of audio signals within the vehicle and/or historical user data, selecting a number of the advertisements to present to the user during the trip, and providing the advertisements to the user during the trip through a human-machine interface (HMI) of the vehicle.”

Driven by Ads: Ford’s Patent Paves the Way for Eavesdropping on the RoadImage Credit: Wirestock / Getty

Ford has filed a patent that is supposed to provide what the car manufacturer calls “in-vehicle advertising.” The solution is to eavesdrop on what’s being said in the vehicle, correlate that with location and other data, and serve “bespoke” ads.

The patent reveals systems and methods that would achieve the goal of targeting ads to car occupants, using their conversations.

Cars have long since become yet another common place where people’s privacy is being slowly eroded – but some observers are now wondering if the latest idea out of Ford may be “crossing the line.”

Whether or not Ford’s patent, which takes intrusive advertising practices to another level, would face any type of backlash from buyers of their machines remains to be seen; but even some advertising professionals are worried things may be getting out of hand at this point.

Diagram of a vehicle's dashboard with a steering wheel and a screen displaying a selected advertisement, connected through a network to a service provider. The vehicle's subsystems include a controller with processor and memory, a sensor platform, a voice command system, an HMI, and a communications interface.

What makes this scenario significantly different from users acquiescing to having their personal data hoovered up by large online platforms and enduring (even when “targeted” often irrelevant) ads in order to use those platforms “for free” – is that they have already paid for their car.

But now they are expected to subject themselves to a new level of surveillance, and keep paying – and with some very dear currency. Namely, extensive information about their communications, locations, direction – and intentions.

The patent indicates where the automotive industry would like to be heading – tapping into the vast amounts of money swirling around the murky ad industry while disregarding their customers’ basic interests.

Determining vehicle information for a trip 502 Determining user information that can comprise any one or more of a route prediction for the trip, a speed prediction for the trip, and/or a destination 504 Determining user preferences for advertisements from any one or more of audio signals within the vehicle and/or historical user data 506 Selecting a number of the advertisements to present to the user during the trip 508 Providing the advertisements to the user during the trip through a human-machine interface (HMI) of the vehicle 510

But, Ford made sure to point out that applying for a patent doesn’t mean it will be implemented, nor, according to a spokesperson, should this one be viewed as “an indication of our business or product plans.” (Shouldn’t it, though?)

Another point Ford tries to make is that this is also about building an intellectual property portfolio. But that just reaffirms suspicions that the car industry may indeed be moving in the radically dystopian direction outlined in the patent.

Just in case it does become a feature in Ford cars, here’s what it would take to determine “vehicle information”: location, speed, drive mode, user data such as route prediction, destination, etc.

And the cherry on top: “Determining user preferences for advertisements from any one or more of audio signals within the vehicle and/or historical user data, selecting a number of the advertisements to present to the user during the trip, and providing the advertisements to the user during the trip through a human-machine interface (HMI) of the vehicle.”


Rep. Massie tells it Like It Is

Another Season Of Shutdown Theater Is Upon Us, And Republicans Are Already Cucking Out
THURSDAY, SEP 12, 2024 – 07:20 AM

Another season of shutdown malarkey is upon us – this time with a deadline of October 1st before it’s time to fling poo.

Republicans want to tie a six-month funding stopgap (Continuing Resolution or CR) to the SAVE Act – which would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote. On Wednesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) yanked a funding bill off the House floor hours before an expected vote after a growing number of Republicans vowed to tank the measure which includes the SAVE Act.

Democrats want a “clean” funding bill that would keep the government open until December, right after the elections, without (of course) the SAVE Act.

Donald Trump wants Johnson and the Republicans to grow a pair of balls and let the government shut down if they can’t preserve the SAVE Act.

On Tuesday, before he yanked the funding bill off the floor, Johnson told reporters “We are going to put the SAVE Act and the CR together, and we’re going to move that through the process. And I am resolved to that; we’re not looking at any other alternative. … I think almost 90% of the American people believe in that principle and that’s why we’re going to stand and fight,” adding “You know how I operate: You do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may.” Hilarious.

After he pulled the bill, Johnson said: “We’re in the consensus-building business here in Congress with small majorities,” adding “We’re having thoughtful conversations, family conversations, within the Republican conference, and I believe we’ll get there.”

Of course, going head-to-head with Democrats (and some Republicans) over the SAVE Act means litigating claims of election fraud, which Republicans folded like a wet napkin over after the 2020 US election instead of circling the wagons around Trump.

Meanwhile, at least seven Republicans have said they would vote against a CR, period, as it only kicks the can down the road.

Johnson is dealing with a tough math problem. Because of their minuscule majority, House Republicans can only afford four GOP defections if all lawmakers vote. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., was hospitalized Tuesday night after collapsing at an event. And at least seven other Republicans have publicly stated they will vote against a stopgap measure, known as a continuing resolution or “CR.” Many others said they could join them.

Two sources told NBC News that leadership was anticipating as many as 15 GOP no votes if the vote had been held Wednesday. -NBC

Republicans opposing a CR include Reps. Cory Mills of Florida, Jim Banks of Indiana, Matt Rosendale of Montana, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Tim Burchett of Tennessee.

“I’ve continuously voted against CRs. I think it is terrible legislating,” said Burchett. “And the No. 1 threat to this country is fiscal irresponsibility. We are going off a fiscal cliff, and I think that every time we do this, we just kick that can further down the road.”

According to Mills, a military veteran and fiscal conservative who serves on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committee, “This CR would weaken our defense capabilities and the readiness of our military, just as global threats are rapidly evolving. It would prevent us from responding effectively to adversarial nations like China, hinder innovation, and delay modernization,” adding “Six months is a long time in politics, but it’s an eternity in geopolitics, where quick responses are critical to countering foreign adversaries threatening to harm U.S. interests.

Mills is a ‘yes’ on the SAVE Act, saying: “I’m a firm NO on bankrupting the nation and a YES on election integrity.”

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) explains the charade we’re about to see unfold over the next two weeks:


Woke for What?

Communism: Woke/DEI/ESG Connection

By Neenah Payne

Explosive Documentary: The War on Children explains that Yuri Bezmenov (1939-1993) was a KGB informant who defected to the US  in the 1970s. Bezmenov warned:

The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy. You can take your enemy without a single shot being fired.

Bezmenov explained: “Leftists are useful idiots who serve only to destabilize society.” In an interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984, Bezmenov exposed how the Communism overtakes a country.  He said that under the Communist conspiracy, the US was in a state of undeclared war against the principles on which it was founded. “Unless the United States wakes up! The time bomb is ticking every second and the disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect” he emphasized.

Four Steps of Communist Takeover

Bezmenov explained that the Communist takeover of a country is done in four steps:

1. Demoralization (10-20 years)
2. Destabilization (2-5 years)
3. Crisis (6 weeks)
4. Normalization

The War on Children: Communist Takeover

Explosive Documentary: The War on Children shows that Roger Starbuck is a former Hollywood music video producer and director. His 2/2/24 documentary The War on Children had 50 million views in the first month — one of the most watched documentaries of all time. See the trailer. Elon Musk posted the documentary for free on Xwriting that it was “worth watching, especially for parents.”

Starbuck explained that America is in the Normalization phase of a Communist takeover now. He told Tucker  Carlson:

[The sexualization of kids] is a near planetary scale psychological operation to usher in a new form of communism. And I know to some people that might sound extreme, but to give a little bit of insight, my family came from Cuba, where communism happened in a flash. And I don’t think a lot of Americans realize just how quickly this can happen. And we’re well down the path.

Woke Is Marxism

The articles and videos below explain that Woke is Marxism. Most Americans have not connected those dots yet. However, people from Communist countries have been warning us that a Cultural Revolution is taking place in America and the rest of the West – just as took place in China under Mao Zedong. It’s vital  for more Americans and other Westerners to connect the dots now.

Wokeism Is Marxism, DEI And ESG Are Stakeholder Capitalism (Op-Ed)
By Danielle Goodrich [Tri-Cities Area Director of Tennessee Stands]

What We’re Dealing with Here Is a Cult – Dr. James Lindsay 1/8/24

Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis

The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids 

European Parliament: Woke Is A Cultural War

Dr. Lindsay points out in his address to the European Parliament below, “Woke is Maoism with American characteristics” – drawing on the statement by Mao Zedong who said that his philosophy was “Marxism is Leninism with Chinese characteristics”. Dr. Lindsay says, “This is a pivotal moment in the history of the Western world.”

Woke, a Cultural War Against Europe by J. Lindsay and F. Furedi 4/3/23

Conference organized in the European Parliament by the Identity and Democracy Foundation.

Woke Is a Cult

What We’re Dealing with Here Is a Cult – Dr. James Lindsay 1/8/24

Dr James Lindsay is an author, mathematician, and political commentator. He has written eight books spanning a range of subjects including education, postmodern theory, and critical race theory. Dr Lindsay is the Founder of New Discourses, an organization dedicated to shining the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.

Dr Lindsay is the co-author of “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody” and is the author of “Race Marxism,” as well as his newest book, “The Marxification of Education.” Dr Lindsay has been a featured guest on Fox News, Glenn Beck, Joe Rogan, and NPR, and he has spoken at the Oxford Union and the EU Parliament.

Kamala Harris: We Must Be Woke

“We have to stay woke. Like everybody needs to be woke.” Kamala Harris’ vision for America, ladies and gentlemen. (video)

How Communism Is Ruling Our World

How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World (video)

The Epoch Times is serializing an adaptation from the Chinese of a new book, How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World, by the editorial team of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

Audio Recordings Chapters 1-12

Chapter Seven, Part I: The Destruction of the Family (UPDATED)

Table of Contents

  1. Communism’s Aim to Abolish the Traditional Family
  2. Communism’s Promotion of Promiscuity
  3. Early Attempts at Sexual Liberation Under Communism
  4. How Communism Destroys Families in the West
  5. Promoting Sexual Liberation

The family is the building block of human society, allowing people not only to raise children in a stable and nurturing environment, but also to pass the knowledge of one generation to the next. Marriage is a sacred institution arranged by the divine for humanity to form families, preserving traditional heritage and morality.

Today, the traditional family is being slowly destroyed. The writings of Karl Marx and other communists describe the family as a form of private ownership to be abolished. In addition to persecuting religion and spiritual faith, communist regimes place love for the Communist Party above love for even one’s own parents, spouse, or children, encouraging people to struggle against their own kin….

Chapter Seven, Part II: The Destruction of the Family (UPDATED)
Chapter Eight, Part I: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics (UPDATED)
Chapter Eight, Part II: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics (UPDATED)
Chapter Nine, Part I: The Communist Economic Trap (UPDATED)
Chapter Nine, Part II: The Communist Economic Trap (UPDATED)
Chapter Ten: Corrupting the Legal System (UPDATED)
Chapter Eleven: Desecrating the Arts (UPDATED)
Chapter Twelve, Part I: Sabotaging Education (UPDATED)
Chapter Twelve, Part II: Sabotaging Education (UPDATED)

For More Information

Explosive Documentary: What Is A Woman?
Woke: Chinese Communist Attack on America
Parent Revolution: Rescuing Kids From Radicals

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post


What’s in Your Soda?

Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: physiochemical properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution and digestion studies


2018 Feb;12(1):49-62.

doi: 10.1080/17435390.2017.1418443. Epub 2017 Dec 20


Foodborne nanoparticles (NPs) have drawn great attention due to human health concerns. This study reports the detection of the presence of fluorescent NPs, about 5 nm, in two of the most popular beverages, Coca-Cola (Coke) and Pepsi-Cola (Pepsi). The NPs contain H, C and O, three elements with a tunable emission and with a quantum yield of 3.3 and 4.3% for Coke and Pepsi, respectively. The presence of sp3-hybridized carbon atoms of alcohols and ethers bonds was confirmed by NMR analysis. The NPs can be taken up by living cells and accumulate within cell membrane and cytoplasm. Evaluation of the acute toxicity of the NPs revealed that the BALB/c mice appeared healthy after administration of a single dose of 2 g kg-1 body weight. Analysis of glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), urea and creatinine showed that there were statistically, but not biologically, significant differences in some of these biochemical parameters between the test and control groups. No obvious organ damage or apparent histopathological abnormality was observed in the tested mice. The biodistribution study in major organs indicated that the NPs were easily accumulated in the digestive tract, and they were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and dispersed in the brain. In vitro digestion of the NPs showed a significant fluorescence quenching of the NPs. This work represents the first report of foodborne fluorescent NPs present in Coke and Pepsi, and provides valuable insights into physicochemical properties of these NPs and their toxicity characteristics both in vitro and in vivo.


Of Clots, Nanoparticles, Graphene, and mRNA “Vaccines”


Do you remember back during the Planscamdemic when Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard University’s chemistry department was arrested for not disclosing financial relationships with…(cough)… laboratories in China? Do you also remember when it was revealed that his “specialty” was revealed to be how to use nano-particles and how they might in turn be used to carry drugs into the brain past the blood-brain barrier? And do you remember who that touched off an internet scramble to investigate all the implications of nano-particles and covid mRNA injections, and how people quickly found patents by Baal Gates who wanted to create an “updatable” quackcine technology that you wore in your body, and updated like those never-welcome-take-forever Windows updates? Remember how some people speculated that to make such a technology work, it would have to be via nano-particles being implanted somehow in the body (hmmm…. I wonder how?), particles which in turn would respond to certain types of electromagnetic signals contituting the “update” from the quackcine company? (For convenience’s sake, let’s call that company Microcrud-Nanoshinola LLC).  Do you remember when some started drawing connections between all of this and the quackcines and the adverse reactions? Remember how The Science and The Media said that making connections between all of this – the planscamdemic, the arrest of Lieber, the patents and quackcine schemes of Baal Gates – were all kooky conspiracy theorists/

Well… two doctors in Korea are confirming at least part of this scenario according to the following article shared by V.T. (with our thanks):

Korean scientists claim Pfizer, Moderna mRNA vaccine vials contain self-assembling nanoparticles that can form into clots

Note the following:

Confirming what many suspected to be the case, two Korean scientists have found that the mRNA vaccine vials from both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna contain self-assembling nanoparticles that form into the white clots that many embalmers are discovering inside the bodies of the “fully vaccinated.”

The findings of these two scientists closely resemble what Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, found when he reported on these embalmer clots back in January 2022. (Be sure to check out this report highlighting the footlong clots found in some fully vaccinated dead bodies.)

What Adams apparently found concerning these clots is that they are not composed of actual human tissue, nor do they contain amyloid proteins, according to Dr. Ruby – so what are they, exactly?

If that’s the case, then what of the mechanism for the update from Microcrud-Nanoshinola LLC?  What is interesting to me is that this article actually goes there; what was “conspiracy theory” a few short years ago is now a possibility that is being considered:

The clots in question apparently contain magnetic graphene that grows in both arteries and veins. In some cases, the resulting clot is upwards of three feet in length and could be used as an antenna system for WiFi signals to connect the fully jabbed to “the borg.”

“Can you hear a high pitch frequency that increases in amplitude at night?” the X account that reiterated all of this asked of Dr. Ruby, who confirmed that she is aware of this having “broke the worldwide story of La Quinta Columna and the graphene oxide as well as the first embalmer report.”

The real question left unanswered by the article’s high octane speculation is why would one want to inject such nano-particles into someone for the purposes of Wifi signal reception, when the injection only causes the people receiving them to die? What use is a dead antenna? Is it, as the appended video in the article suggests, to somehow create “zombies”, a “fake general resurrection” by creating massive nervous reactions in dead people via strong electromagnetic pulse? (It sounds crazy, I know, but then again, these people are bat-shinola crazy.) Perhaps, perhaps not. What is intriguing here is the apparent discovery of graphene and other metals in some of the injections, which can act as antenna.

I find all this intriguing because I have a friend with Morgellon’s disease, remember that one? This was a strange disease that some people began to report during the 1990s and early 2000s. We were assured by The Science and The Media that there was no such disease and that it was just all some sort of mass hypercondria.  But what many of these people reported was a sensation of tingling, like ants crawling under their skin. They reported lesions, and these in turn would be focuses for the feeling that insects were crawling under their skin. Some reported being particularly sensitive to increased electromagnetic background noise.  Then in my friend’s and a few other people’s cases, a physician, Dr. Hildegard Stavanger, stepped forward to actually investigate – that’s called science, folks, as distinct from The Science – and what she discovered was nothing less than amazing: tiny “plastic” nano-fibers, many of them growing in the lesions of her patients. These in turn acted like tiny nano-antennae, and when electromagnetic background radiation increased, sure enough, the Morgellon’s victims’ pain increased.  Many, as a result of these early findings, speculated that the nano-fibers were entering the bodies of the victims through the so-called “chemtrail” spraying that many alleged was going on. Others looked to genetically modified foods. The latter may seem an even more unlikely candidate, but it should be remembered that in the wake of quackcine skepticism during the planscamdemic, it was alleged that members of the Technokookracy including Baal Gates advocated putting the quackcines into the GMOs, and with that, the nano-particles, GMO foods, and whatever sick and twisted agenda was behind all of this, linked up again. The story about Gates, so we’re told, was false:

Tweet suggesting vaccines in food is fabricated

What’s interesting, however, is that the basic conceptual point is not denied by the “fact check” in that vaccine-via-food is an admitted research goal:

Researchers have studied edible vaccines for years, but no such program is active in the United States.

Uh huh. Just like no program of nano-particles was being studied here by Dr. Lieber, either.  And as for genes crossing into other species, check this out:

My point here is that all of this high octane dot-connecting is not implausible.

All of this brings us to the real question squatting like a big fat ugly toad in the middle of all this swirling cloud of disconnected dots: who is poisoning us, and why? It seems evident to anyone with a real brain who is not leaping onto the propaganda bandwagon of The Science and The Media, that someone very much wants us dead; our food supply is poison, our drugs are poison, our “vaccines” have been redefined so that hugely experimental injections can be called vaccines and tested on human populations under the guise of a “health emergency”, and many people taking those “safe and effective” injections are suffering, or have died, in cruel fashions.   And The Media and The Science are silent (and The Science is enjoying a well-paid retirement, apparently). So… again… who wants us dead so badly, and why?  I have a few ideas, but I’d like to hear yours.

But whatever we make of it, some doctors in some countries haven’t entirely lost their minds, and are willing to say what needs to be said. Shame on all the big networks of the American propataintment media for not even bothering with the story.

See you on the flip side…

(If you enjoyed today’s blog, please share it with your friends.)


Travellers’ Diary – September 12, 2024

Your concern about your elements yesterday was well taken, but you must renumber that much of the things that are affecting the physicality and mentality (and perhaps the spirituality) of people now is related to the electromagnetic pulses in the atmosphere.  There is much testing going on right now, and it (the testing being done) is somewhat cavalier in the sense that they have no proven pre-tests or articles or records that can determine what the effect of these things are going to be, and so they are throwing them, literally, at people at large. Some people are more susceptible than others, and you are one.  You need to realize that electric pulses and waves are going to … (be felt) by certain individuals who hold the right frequency or (vibration) to feel these waves, and those are the ones who will be targeted and whose reactions will be reported and put into the data. 

It is not clear whether or not these individuals who are running these tests, and know that they are in many cases, perhaps most cases maybe even all cases, being controlled and manipulated by others far above them and of much greater intelligence, if you will, or perhaps it is just a matter of their evil quotient.

  We are now working on many levels and are able to turn to those with whom we communicate because we have been joined unexpected by others who were previously neutral.  We think the this trend will be affecting your Earth and the people there, so expect there to be quite a shift in the opinion of the public.  This shift is not factored into the mathematics of the controllers so they will not be able to understand nor deal with it in a timely manner.  You see, they thought that they had everything so much in line that such blips in the matrix, if you will, could not happen, and that if any such aberration were noted, it would be merely a statistical error and not lead to anything in the long run.

That is where they miscalculated. 

As we said previously, this month is critical and not everything that is going on will be visible at this time on the surface.

There is much trouble in your aviation industry, so those who do choose to fly must act with their guides to choose wisely the air planes they ride. 

There is also much turmoil in your skies.  There is or are a number of astronomical events on the horizon the will literally shake things up on your Earth.

Oh, oh dear, oh dear.  We are praying for you as you should all be praying for the good and the light and the God that you choose for help in these situations.  Those who are walking the path of light – yes walking in steps of light – they are the ones who cannot be blinded by what is coming forth.

This is a time for strength, this is a time for belief, this is a time for courage.   Be strong, believe, be courageous, and in these ways, you will see the truth behind that actions that are coming forth, and you will make it through.

We apologize for the tone of this missive, but the times ahead will not be easy.

Blood Circulation, Zeta Potential, and Vaccines

Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm?

An explanation of the zeta potential concept

Story at a Glance:

•Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases.

•Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases—a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine.

•Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic.

•Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential.

Note: this is an abridged version of an article I previously published here. Since I receive many questions on this topic and readers wanted an concise version of it, I worked to distill it down to its key points so this topic could easily be shared with others.

Many medical problems stem from the diagnostic approach of physicians, especially with complex illnesses, which are often misdiagnosed and lead to ongoing patient struggles.

Complex conditions can present with varied symptoms across patients and resemble other illnesses (e.g., fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome). In turn, poorly trained physicians often default to psychiatric explanations, overlooking the true causes.

Vaccine injuries have a wide range of symptoms and hence have confused doctors for over 200 years (with many doctors in the past labeling them as “encephalitis”).  Presently, I believe three main mechanisms underlie the myriad of vaccine injury:

Immune Dysfunction: Vaccines frequently cause chronic autoimmune disorders and varying degrees of immune suppression.

Cell Danger Response: Cells can enter a primitive state under threat, stopping normal mitochondrial function. This temporary state can become chronic, underlying many severe conditions. Treating this response has resolved conditions linked to vaccination, like autism.

Impaired Circulation: Vaccines can impair fluid circulation by affecting the body’s zeta potential. This causes fluid clumping (i.e. micro blood clots and blood thickening) and obstructs blood flow in capillaries.

My focus was drawn to the zeta potential concept once I realized that many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the COVID-19 vaccines) were due to the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential. I now believe that patient outcomes would significantly improve if the medical system prioritized the zeta potential.

Andrew Moulden

Andrew Moulden was a Canadian neuroscientist and doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry. During his clinical training, he noticed young children showing subtle neurological signs of strokes that his colleagues missed. Over time, he found these strokes often occurred soon after vaccination and could lead to severe neurological disorders like autism.
Note: vaccine injury reports as far back as the early 1800s contain the same signs Moulden noticed.

Moulden realized that the subtle stroke signs doctors look for in adults should also be assessed in children. Because these strokes in infants are often missed, many conditions are misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. One scientific challenge is making “invisible” issues visible. In neurology, disruptions in brain function, often due to impaired blood flow, can reveal stroke locations through careful physical examination.

Moulden found that cranial nerves in the brainstem, particularly in watershed areas with less redundant blood supply, were vulnerable to strokes. These strokes, caused by impaired blood flow, often due to increased blood thickness, were missed in infants, leading to conditions misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes.

Key cranial nerves indicating vaccine-caused microstrokes include:

Cranial Nerve VI: Controls eye movement; damage causes inward eye resting or jerky side-to-side movement.

Note: We’ve found CN VI is the nerve most frequently affected by COVID-19 injuries.

Cranial Nerve VII: Controls facial muscles; damage causes Bell’s Palsy, facial drooping, or asymmetry (e.g., this appeared to have happened to Justin Bieber).

Cranial Nerve IV: Levels eyes; damage causes head tilting to compensate for uneven eye height.

Note: often, you will see multiple cranial nerve issues on the same face (which suggests more parts of the brain lost their blood supply and hence that deeper neurological damage is also present).

Once you know how to look for these symptoms (e.g., a loss of smooth eye motion), they are very easy to spot, and you will gradually become aware of how far reaching the neurological damage that results from vaccination can be (as any part of the brain can be affected).

Moulden’s work also suggested strokes were also occurring in other watershed areas of the body, such as internal organs and speech centers. Evidence included:

  • Autopsy studies showing strokes in internal organs of children with congenital rubella.
  • Similar disease processes in teenagers and adults after HPV or anthrax vaccination.
  • One of the most striking examples was the children of soldiers who received the anthrax vaccine and were born without limbs (thalidomide was also notorious for doing this by blocking the formation of new blood vessels).

Note: a major issue in conventional medicine is the failure to recognize that neurological damage can lead to psychiatric issues. Consequently, emotional changes in patients with nervous system injuries are often misattributed as the cause rather than a symptom of their illness.

Moulden thus began exploring what universal response was leading to these microstrokes and how they could be treated.  From this, he produced three videos describing the problem (which can be viewed here). Unfortunately, shortly before releasing a second series on the solutions for these injuries, he died under suspicious circumstances.  However, we now have many clues as to what Moulden discovered.

Blood Sludging

In the medical world, a long-standing puzzle revolves around how small insults to the body can lead to widespread illness or even death. One key factor in this equation is blood sludging, a phenomenon observed for centuries where the blood clumps together and thickens under certain disease conditions. Melvin Knisely, Ph.D., in the mid-20th century made critical discoveries about this phenomenon.

Knisely’s research, particularly with malaria-infected monkeys, revealed that certain severe illnesses could trigger significant blood sludging, starting in small vessels and eventually spreading to larger ones, which was typically fatal (unless prevented with the anticoagulant heparin). This thickening of blood can be likened to traffic jams, disrupting the body’s natural blood-flow, and eventually leading to gridlock (death).

Additionally, he discovered that this sludging could be seen externally through the eyes, providing a non-invasive way to assess this process throughout the body.

From this, he discovered the greatest blood sludging was seen in critically ill hospital patients—something Pierre Kory MD also observed with point-of-care ultrasound, as once micro clots within the IVC became echogenic (visible), patients died shortly after).

Knisely’s grading scale for blood sludging severity correlated with disease prognosis, highlighting its clinical significance.

After learning of this, we attempted to replicate Knisely’s microscope and have been able to see the same sludging he observed 80 years ago in his patients. This video, for example was taken from the eyes of a COVID-19 vaccine-injured patient:

Zeta Potential

When particles are placed in water, one of three things can happen:

  • They don’t mix (e.g., oil floats to the top, sand sinks to the bottom).
  • They dissolve (e.g., salt).
  • They form a colloidal suspension (e.g., milk) in which each particle is repelled from the other and evenly distributed.

In the case of colloidal suspensions, their stability is determined by what causes their particles to come together (gravity separating things by weight, the inherent molecular attraction between objects), and what pushes them apart.

The first method (zeta potential) refers to the charge difference between the water ions (that coat the charged ions) and the charge of the surrounding water.

Because electrical repulsion due to zeta potential is easier to control, it is typically the factor focused on when trying to improve colloidal dispersion (e.g., to eliminate blood sludging).

One of the most effective agents for reducing zeta potential is aluminum (which explains why it’s frequently used to separate organic matter from water in sewage plants or to clot wounds). Moulden thus concluded aluminum’s widespread use in vaccines likely accounted for many of their side effects. Similarly, consider the effect the COVID-19 vaccine’s spike protein has on the blood.

The key thing to understand about zeta potential is that when its repulsion no longer suffices to overcome the attractive forces in a colloidal system, it will clump together, initially in small clumps (termed agglomerations), and then as the zeta potential worsens, form larger clumps.

Note: the normal zeta potential of a red blood cell is around -15.7 millivolts. Additionally, as red blood cells age, they lose their negatively charged sialic acid, which worsens their zeta potential.

Thomas Riddick, a pioneer in this field, discovered that the body maintains blood zeta potential near the agglomeration threshold so it can clot in case of bleeding. With further study, Riddick found the degree of blood sludging or loss of physiologic zeta potential significantly varied from person to person (due to modern life disrupting it), and Knisely’s grading scale for blood flow in the eyes could be used to accurately predict who was at risk of an arrhythmia, a stroke, or a fatal heart attack. Most importantly, Riddick discovered that once the colloidal dispersion of the blood was fixed, heart arrhythmias normalized and circulatory problems greatly improved.

Note: many readers here have shared that restoring their zeta potential improved their atrial fibrillation.

For reference, this is the scale Knisely and Riddick (and now us) used to evaluate blood flow in the eyes.

Note: I believe Knisely’s observations of profound blood sludging in the eyes of severely ill hospital patients account for why IV saline (which improves zeta potential) so frequently benefits people who are sick enough to require hospitalization. Likewise, Knisely also observed that certain agents, such as hydroxychloroquine, reversed blood sludging. This led him to suspect a significant degree of the anti-malarial benefit of hydroxychloroquine actually arose from it reducing blood sludging; I also suspect this property may account for hydroxychloroquine’s value in treating autoimmune conditions and COVID-19 (both conditions linked to poor zeta potential).

Riddick gradually discovered blood sludging was widespread in America and eventually concluded our food and water supply were contaminated with positive ions that were destructive to zeta potential.

He attributed this to:

•Potassium being replaced by sodium in processed foods
•Aluminum being used in municipal water systems
•Aluminum kitchenware
•Aluminum being added to many foods (e.g. most salt has aluminum added to keep it from caking).
•Many medications (e.g., antacids) are full of aluminum and other problematic metals
•Many foods are stored in metal cans (acidic foods leach these metals).

Note: the first head of the FDA fought to stop aluminum from entering general use but was muscled out by industry.

Riddick also performed experiments that showed consuming water stored in aluminum significantly impaired microcirculation. Sadly, we are now witnessing a trend of storing water in aluminum cans. For this reason, I will never drink anything from an aluminum can (fortunately, a few zeta-potential restoring bottled water brands still exist).

Note: while I’ve seen positive effects from one brand (which I only consume when traveling), one of the most surprising communications I received was from a reader requesting information on how it could be made at home as it had completely transformed their health but they understandably did not want to purchase the bottled form each day. While this is not typical, it illustrates how some people are very sensitive to small improvements in their zeta potential.

Lastly, in addition to these, I also believe vaccines, EMFs, certain chronic infections, and humans no longer being electrically grounded to the Earth are significantly impairing humanity’s zeta potential.

Note: as mentioned above, a case can also be made impaired zeta potential creates autoimmunity (e.g., aluminum causes both, and Chinese medicine believes blood stasis leads to autoimmunity).

Vaccines, Microbes, and Zeta Potential

Riddick also concluded that bacterial metabolism of proteins lowers their zeta potential by decarboxylating them. Many sewage treatment systems (e.g., septic tanks) work under this principle, as over time, decarboxylation (which removes negative charges) destroys the colloidal stability of the organic matter suspended in wastewater, causing it to sludge at the bottom.

Riddick next assessed how zeta potential changed in humans during acute infections. Much like Knisely had observed in the eyes of his acutely ill patients, Riddick consistently observed a decrease in physiologic zeta potential during an infectious condition.

These observations were important because they provided a means to explain why the elderly (who cannot tolerate a further drop in their zeta potential) are so much more vulnerable to infections like influenza. Sadly, it also likely explains their greater susceptibility to vaccine injuries (e.g., I once admitted a patient to the hospital who suffered a classic zeta-potential collapse from a pneumococcal vaccine).

Lastly, many microbes carry positive charges, which allow them to adhere to the negatively charged surfaces of the body. These hence cause them to disrupt zeta potential once they’ve sufficiently reproduced in the body. This is a major problem in Lyme disease and chronic mold toxicity, which in part explains why therapies for those diseases often fail unless something (e.g., treating zeta potential) is also done to address the fluid stagnation they create (particularly within the lymphatics). Fortunately, there are many ways to address this. Ozone, for instance oxidizes those charges, and I believe this accounts for the dramatic improvements sometimes observed after one receives an oxidative therapy.

Similarly, a 2022 paper that showed the spike protein directly impaired blood cell zeta potential also found that ivermectin dispersed blood cells the spike protein had clumped together (which may explain the instantaneous normalization of vital signs sometimes seen after ivermectin is given to severely ill hospital patients)

Protein Misfolding

Since folded proteins are essentially colloidal suspensions, ions that disrupt zeta potential can also cause protein misfolding and denaturing (something that also happens to egg whites when they are heated in a pan).  I believe this is a key reason why the plaques found in Alzheimer’s disease (which are misfolded proteins) are found to contain aluminum.

Note: since the clearance of Alzheimer’s plaques depends upon the brain’s glymphatic system, it is also possible that the improvement in cognitive decline that is frequently seen after improving zeta potential is due to improved cranial blood flow or cranial venous and lymphatic drainage.

Likewise, the COVID spike protein (produced by the vaccines) has been linked to protein misfolding diseases such as CJD, amyloidosis, and unusual fibrous (amyloid) clots embalmers have found within the vaccinated, which appear to result from misfolded blood proteins the body can’t break down.


Healthy fluid circulation is essential for health, and the zeta potential concept begins to explain why so many different conditions can lead to similar symptomatology. In the case of vaccines, this model explains why:

•Vaccines consistently cause harm.

•There is so much variability in vaccine injuries.

•Vaccine damage is cumulative, as existing impairment of the microcirculation (and other fluid circulations) will progressively worsen with each successive vaccine.

•Many infectious diseases can sometimes cause similar (but not as severe) injuries as vaccines.

The zeta potential concept profoundly changed my medical practice, and I now believe that many effective holistic therapies (e.g., EDTA chelation) work in part because they can restore physiologic zeta potential. Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope the knowledge here can benefit you in the same way it has many of our patients.

The Forgotten Side of Medicine is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

School Shootings & Psychiatric Medication

(TO read the full article, please go to the link.  AN excerpt is included here:)

The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings

How Dangerous Must a Drug Be Before it is Pulled from the Market?

Story at a Glance:

•SSRI antidepressants have a variety of horrendous side effects. These include sometimes causing the individual to become agitated, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic.

•During these psychoses, individuals can have out of body experiences where they commit lethal violence either to themselves or others.

•As lawsuits later showed, this violent behavior (and the frequent suicides that followed it) were observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but were covered up by the SSRI manufacturers and then the drug regulators (e.g., the FDA).

•Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence—which continue to this day.

•Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has always been viewed as a “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation” because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior—despite it now being on the warning label of those drugs.

Most holistic doctors consider Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) anti-depressants to be one of most harmful mass-prescribed drugs on the market (it typically makes their top 5—which typically also includes the NSAIDsStatins, and Acid Reflux PPIs). However unlike the other drugs, which are just unsafe and ineffective, SSRIs also have a fairly unique problem—they can kill people who are not even taking the drugs.

Note: the only other examples I know of where a drug hurts non-users are birth control pills (which are designed to not break down) being recycled in certain municipal water supplies and shedding of the COVID-19 vaccines—something which theoretically should not be possible but nonetheless is happening and harming the more sensitive members of society.

What follows is a revised and updated article summarizing the extreme dangers of those drugs I was requested by a few readers to write in light of recent tragic events and what was recently uncovered from the 2023 shooting at a Christian elementary school.

Before we go any further, I want you to consider something. Mass school shootings have become so common, many Americans (outside those in the community directly affected by a shooting) barely take notice of them now. However, despite the fact the media has now habituated us to viewing this as an normal facet of life, in the not too distant past, teenagers did never shot up their schools (rather the idea was so inconceivable, they’d frequently bring a rifle to school to use for sports). What then was it, and why has it never been publicly discussed?

The Forgotten Side of Medicine is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. To see how others have benefitted from this newsletter, click here!

Since SSRIs first entered the market, many have noticed the unusual correlation between their consumption and completely out of character violently psychotic behavior, such as extremely disturbing homicides or suicides being committed by the individual. As the years have gone by, more and more evidence has accumulated (e.g., through lawsuits against the drug companies) that SSRIs cause psychotic violence, and in parallel, as the usage of these drugs has spiked, more and more grisly killings have occurred.

Note: a minority of people who take SSRIs greatly benefit from them (particularly those who have deficient methylation), while others (particularly those who have excessive methylation or deficient liver metabolism of SSRIs) tend to have the worst reactions (e.g., violent psychosis). While this is relatively easy to screen for, because there is a general unwillingness to acknowledge that SSRIs could be dangerous, almost no one in the medical field assess for this prior to starting the drugs or changing their dosages. That subject is discussed further here.

As you might imagine, there are many taboo areas in medicine (e.g., suggesting that vaccines can cause neurological damage to children). However, out of all of them, I’ve found by far the most hostility is directed towards anyone who insinuates mass shootings may be linked to SSRIs (e.g., I got in quite a bit of professional trouble for doing this in the past).

One of the first articles I wrote on Substack (on 5-27-22) was an attempt to provide the mountain of evidence showing there was a direct link between SSRIs and psychotic violence. It went viral and since then I’ve noticed there has gradually been more and more people who have been willing to speak out on it. I attribute this to the current political climate (the Trump presidency and the vaccine mandates has made conservatives much more willing to question both big media and big Pharma) being one where this message wanted to be heard and other conservative commentators seeing a large audience for it existed.

Two months later (on 7-25-22), Tucker Carlson aired what I believe to be the first segment I’ve seen in the mainstream media discussing this taboo topic:

Note: I edited out the political commentary from this segment. The full version of it can be viewed here.

Since that time, other prominent conservatives have spoken out on this issue (e.g., Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene). Conversely, the horror of the “far-right hysteria against SSRIs” has become a talking point of the left (e.g., see this Huffington Post piece and this Slate piece)—something I suspect is due to the high rates of psychiatric medication usage in the modern left and big Pharma buying out the Democratic party during Obama’s presidency.

Fortunately, those attacks did not work, and the violent risks of SSRI’s have gradually become more acceptable to talk about (e.g., RFK Jr. has mentioned this article during his presidential campaign and since then has successfully created the “Make America Healthy Again” movement):

Note: The above image has been updated for this article.

One of the immensely depressing things for someone who is awake to this issue is watching the same script be repeated (we need to ban all guns and have more mental health care [i.e. psyche meds] for everyone) each time one of these shooting happens. Fortunately, this script is losing its appeal and SSRIs are more and more frequently being brought to the public’s attention.

Recently Matt Walsh also did a segment on this topic, which like Tucker’s segment was seen by millions of people

Note: the full version of this episode can be viewed here.

Having watched this dynamic play out for decades, it’s hard for me to put into words how monumental of a change this newfound awareness of the dangers of SSRIs is. The only comparable example I can think of are many people now being open to considering the dangers of childhood vaccination—something which has taken a century to bring into the public awareness (e.g., my friends who gave everything they had to speak out in the 1980s and 1990s on vaccine safety were almost completely alone and cannot believe just how much the public’s receptivity to this message has changed in the last few years).

Correlation or Causation?

One of the most common arguments used to dismiss the link between SSRIs and psychotic violence is that people who are mentally ill are more likely to be on psyche meds, so the “correlation” between psyche meds and psychotic violence is simply a product of pre-existing mental illness and would have happened independently of the psyche med.

However, while claiming “correlation is not causation” makes it possible to refute this link while sounding intelligent in the process, there are a few major problems with this argument.

First, there is a lot of evidence tying SSRI usage to these events, including clinical trial data that was hidden from the public (until it was obtained through discovery). Since that evidence was not covered in Tucker or Walsh’s presentation, it will be the focus of this article.

Second, there is a black-box warning on the SSRIs for them increasing the risk of suicide, something which can only be possible if some degree of causation does in fact exist.

Third, these psychotic events are completely out of character for the individuals who commit them, and in many cases they report a very similar (and disconcerting) narrative of what they experienced prior to and during the shooting.

Note: Big Pharma,working hand in hand with the FDA fought tooth and nail for decades to prevent a warning from ever being added to the SSRIs. I believe this is in part due to how much money is made off of these drugs (presently SSRIs make over 17 billion dollars per year).

The SSRI era

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have a similar primary mechanism of action to cocaine. SSRIs block the reuptake of Serotonin, SNRIs, also commonly prescribed block the reuptake of Serotonin and Norepinephrine (henceforth “SSRI refers to both SSRI and SNRI), and Cocaine blocks the reuptake of Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and Dopamine. SSRIs (and SNRIs) were originally used as anti-depressants, then gradually had their use marketed into other areas and along the way have amassed a massive body count.

Once the first SSRI entered the market in 1988, Prozac quickly distinguished itself as a particularly dangerous medication and after nine years, the FDA had received 39,000 adverse event reports for Prozac, a number far greater than for any other drug. This included hundreds of suicides, atrocious violent crimes, hostility and aggression, psychosis, confusion, distorted thinking, convulsions, amnesia, brain-zaps, a feeling that your brain no longer works right, and sexual dysfunction (long-term or permanent sexual dysfunction is one of the most commonly reported side effects from anti-depressants, which is ironic given that the medication is supposed to make you less, not more depressed).

A large body of data also exists that corroborates this. For example, numerous large studies show half of those prescribed SSRIs (typically to “feel better”) quit using them because they cannot tolerate their side effects, 20-40% of users develop bipolar disorderover half of users develop sexual dysfunctionhalf of SSRI users experience significant withdrawals when they stop the drugs. Additionally a variety of other side effects also exist (e.g., users frequently report becoming emotionally anesthetized to life and taking an SSRI during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of a fetal birth defect).

Note: I and many colleagues also believe the widespread adoption of psychotropic drugs has significantly distorted the cognition of the demographics of the country that frequently utilize them (which to some extent stratifies by political orientation), which in turn has created a wide range of detrimental shifts in our society.

SSRI homicides are common, and a website exists that has compiled thousands upon thousands of documented occurrences. As far as I know (there are most likely a few exceptions), in all cases where a mass school shooting has happened, and it was possible to know the medical history of the shooter, the shooter was taking a psychiatric medication that was known for causing these behavioral changes. After each mass shooting, memes illustrating this topic typically circulate online (often citing many of the same individuals in the picture in the previous section).

Note: while the media initially reported this link, as the media became more corrupt (due to Bill Clinton legalizing direct to consumer drug advertising in 1997—allowing the pharmaceutical industry to become the largest media advertiser and thus buy its silence), the SSRI status of shooters stopped being reported. Because of this, we now rarely hear any of the shooter’s medical history (with the only exception I know of being the recent 2023 shooting).

However, as mentioned above, the idea that “SSRIs cause mass shootings” is treated with widespread ridicule and animosity in a manner not that different from how anyone who claimed the “COVID vaccines were NOT safe and effective” was treated in 2020. For instance, the argument to debunk both was always “correlation is not causation” (e.g., the young healthy lady who had a fatal heart attack immediately after a vaccine might have had that happen anyways), and when data to support this contention is presented, it is always ignored by the other side.

Since there are many serious issues with psychiatric medications, to avoid being too long, this article will exclusively focus on their tendency to cause horrific violent crimes, something which was known long before they entered the market by both the drug companies and the FDA.

Lastly, for anyone who reads this article is presently taking an SSRI or SNRI, it is critically important to NOT suddenly stop taking them. Because their manufactures dose them at excessively high levels, these drugs are very addictive and produce very strong (and longlasting) withdrawal symptoms that many (including numerous readers here) have shared. More importantly, there are also many cases of catastrophic events (e.g., a suicide or mass murder) that followed the abrupt discontinuation of an SSRI or a change in its dose. If this is something you choose to do, you need to gradually taper down the dosage (sometimes to the point you use sandpaper to slowly shrink a pill) with a professional who has experience in this area.

However, since doctors who help can you safely withdraw from an SSRI are difficult to find, we put together a guide on the (incredibly unfair) withdrawal process which can be viewed in the second half of this article.

Note: Many of the stories I will share in this article are similar to those I have received from numerous readers (e.g., see the comments on the first articlesecond articlethird article, and fourth article along with numerous comments on Twitter)—which I believe highlights how common SSRI injuries are. Many of these stories are very difficult to read through, but I nonetheless believe need to be heard.


One of my relatives grew up in a big city during a particularly bad crime wave. One of his most notable memories from the time was looking up and seeing a man who was screaming “the ants are trying to get me” frantically tying bedsheets together (so he could flee down the fire escape) as armed men were rushing to his location yelling “get that mother******.” My relative ran out of the area to avoid getting shot, but from the brief look he had at the fleeing man, was almost certain that man was high on cocaine, and experiencing coke (or crack) bugs, one form of Akathisia and a well-documented effect of those drugs.

Akathisia, an extreme form of restlessness is defined as a psycho-motor disorder where it is extremely difficult to stay still. What this definition omits to mention is that akathisia is incredibly unpleasant to the degree that many individuals who experience it frequently commit suicide or homicide (or both). One of the earliest reports from patients with drug-induced akathisia was:

They reported increased feelings of strangeness, verbalized by statements such as ‘I don’t feel myself or ‘I’m afraid of some of the unusual impulses I have.’

Akathisia is much more common than most people realize. To share a personal anecdote—I occasionally discuss this topic with medical students and a few have confided they previously experienced akathisia after using a psychiatric medication and it was so excruciating that one told me they seriously contemplated suicide at the time.

Akathisia (and psychosis) are known side effects of cocaine, methamphetamine, SSRIs, antipsychotics, and ADHD stimulant medications. However, while the common triggers have been identified, the actual mechanism for akathisia is still poorly understood and theorized to result from alterations in the center of the brain involved in movement. These behavioral changes are so unusual and disturbing there are often simply described as the individual appearing to be possessed.
Note: numerous patients I’ve talked to (with or without akathisia) who had bad reactions to SSRIs have shared that they felt as though some type of dark force was trying to take over their body.
