Light Therapy for Cancer

Breaking: Doctors Can Now Use Light to Fight Cancer!

Doctors have found an exciting new non-evasive light therapy that can help the body’s own cells fight cancer! Supporting our own bodies in fighting disease, aka immunotherapy, is one of the most popular and growing areas of cancer research. Let’s face it, people are tired of chemotherapy and would prefer to avoid dangerous surgeries if they can help it. Now, with new therapies such and this new light technology we can boost the body without harming it.

Assistant professor Yubin Zhou, Ph.D. from the Center for Translational Cancer Research located at the Texas A&M Health Science Center Institute of Biosciences & Technology is actively studying how light can be used to control our body’s immune system and use it to fight cancer.

“Although neuroscientists have been using light to stimulate neurons for years, this is the first time the technique, called optogenetics, has been used in the immune system,” Zhou said.

'Optogenetics (from Greek optikós, meaning "seen, visible") is a biological technique which involves the use of light to control cells in living tissue, typically neurons, that have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels.' -Wikipedia
‘Optogenetics (from Greek optikós, meaning “seen, visible”) is a biological technique which involves the use of light to control cells in living tissue, typically neurons, that have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels.’ -Wikipedia

Typically in neuroscience, the scientists will engineer cells that will produce microbes that are light-sensitive. When exposed to different frequencies of light these microbes will produce proteins that can tell our nerves to send or stop sending nerve impulses.

“Neuroscientists have learned a lot about brain circuits using the technique,” Zhou said, “and now researchers in many other fields are giving it a try.”

Optogenetics and the Immune System

Zhou and his team have found a way to modify the technique in order to help the immune system. The work wasn’t easy: unlike nerve cells, your immune system’s cells don’t use known electrical impulses to communicate. Another challenge is that our immune system cells are deep inside the body and are constantly moving around making it hard to hit with the right amount of light.

They had to use some out of the box thinking and team work to figure out.

“We collaborated with Dr. Gang Han at the University of Massachusetts Medical School who does bionanotechnology and photomedicine development,” Zhou said. “Together, we were able to combine state-of-the-art optogenetic approaches with cutting edge nanotechnology.”

The new nanotechnology known as optogenetic immunomodulation was recently published in an article in eLife.

“This work was driven by talented scientists in the lab: graduate students Lian He and Peng Tan and postdoctoral research fellow Guolin Ma, Ph.D.,” Zhou said, “who fearlessly undertook this daunting project and overcame all the challenging obstacles to make this technique into reality.”

Doctors can use Light to Direct Immune System Cells

With this new technique, the researchers were able to control immune system cells and ‘instruct’ them to kill cancerous tumor cells. Using a near-infrared laser beam that is able to penetrate a few centimeters into your body the scientists can use nanoparticles to turn blue and direct the engineered immune cells to fight specific cancer cells. Just imagine a general and his

war-games-with-the-brain-as-the-generalJust imagine a general and his troops about to go into battle and once they get the light signal from central command they team up and destroy the cancer cells.

 “We are able to wirelessly control the action of immune cells buried deep in tissue,” Zhou said.

The researchers found a way to modify the immune cells so that their calcium gate-controlling protein was light sensitive. When they are exposed to blue light which is emitted by the nanoparticle they ‘open the ion gates’. Once the light is turned off the gates then close. Researchers can increase the flow of calcium into the cells by increase the flow of light.

They are still working on fine tuning the calcium-dependent actions of our immune cells so that they can better target tumor cells and invading pathogens that our body would otherwise not notice or be focused on fighting.

When animal tumor tests were conducted they were able to boost the immune system response which aided in the bodies ability to kill the cancer cells.

“The technique reduced tumor size and metastasis, so there are lots of applications,” Zhou said.

One of the biggest advantages of this method is that it only actives a specific type of immune system cell, the T-cell, and only in the area of the body where the light is being shined. When you get chemotherapy the immune system response is bodywide which can be a miserable process. With this non-invasive light tunable technique, they can focus the immune response only on and around the area of concern.

“Other scientists will likely use the technique to help them study immune, heart and other types of cells that use calcium to perform their tasks,” Zhou said. “It’s quite a cool technology. With these tools, we can now not only answer fundamental questions of science that we never could before but also translate it into the clinic for disease intervention.”

Zhou’s lab has been using this technique in order to see how effective specific cancers drugs will even have on people.

“If successful,” Zhou said, “all these efforts would remarkably improve the current cancer immunotherapies by personalizing the treatment to exactly where and when it is needed, while reducing side effects.”

What possible issues do you see with this new light therapy and the genetically modified immune cells? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Considering Hemp Seed

Hemp Seed: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source

Hemp Seeds

Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

Hemp, or cannabis sativa, has been called the world’s most versatile and useful plant for many reasons, one of which is because it benefits the human body. Hemp seeds are becoming a welcome addition to the diet of many health-conscious individuals, who have let go of the delusion that anything related marijuana or cannabis is bad, a common misconception imposed on the public over the last 80 years of federal cannabis prohibition.

The simple fact is that hemp seed is one of the most nutritionally complete foods available. Take a look:

  • Hemp seed food products, depending on how they are processed, offer some or all of the following: the ideal ratio of Omega-3/Omega-6 fatty acids, all 10 essential Amino Acids, digestible protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, iron, and zinc.
  • Hemp refers to strains of cannabis sativa that have been bred specifically for fiber used for clothing and construction, oils and topical ointments, nutritional benefits, and a wide and growing variety of other purposes that don’t involve intoxication.
  • There are different varieties of hemp – a plant grown for seed isn’t necessarily the best plant for fiber.

It’s about time that the mass public breaks free of anti-cannabis drug-war programming, which used the slang word marijuana to instill fear of “pot-smoking Mexicans.” Here are 7 categories of how you can start consuming hemp and reap the health benefits of this amazing plant.

Hemp Food Products

1. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are often sold shelled, so you can eat them right out of the package. They offer easily digestible protein and all the essential Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids needed by the human body. Hemp seeds are also rich in antioxidants, fiber, various minerals, and many vitamins including a hefty dose of vitamin E. They have been used to reduce dry skin and hair, help with muscle regeneration, reduce inflammation, ward off heart disease, and improve immune system function.

These nutritious and healing seeds are starting to be a favorite among vegans and health fanatics, and are often added to smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, and on top of salads.

2. Hemp Milk

Hemp seeds can be blended with water to make a healthy milk substitute, a nice option for people with nut and soy allergies, although the flavor of hemp milk is less sweet than raw almond milk or cow’s milk. It can be used in baking or to make some homemade hot chocolate. You can buy hemp milk in a box, which may have added sweeteners (for example, the recommended product below is sweetened with brown rice syrup), but it is really easy to make. Take half a cup of shelled hemp seeds and 2 cups of water, blend for about 3-5 minutes and then strain through a nut-milk bag or cheesecloth. It’s that easy!

3. Hemp Seed Oil

Unlike the medicinal cannabis oil high in intoxicating delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, hemp seed oil is cold-pressed from hemp seeds and can be used in many recipes such as sauces, dips, spreads, marinades and salad dressings. It is typically nutty in flavor and has a light green color. It does not give you buzz, aside from infusing your body with rich omega-3 fatty acids and the more rare ‘super’ polyunsaturated fatty acids, notably gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA).

4. Hemp Protein Powder

Hemp protein powder is typically made by cold-milling hemp seeds. This results in a product that has less fat than hemp seeds, thus the final product has mostly the natural protein found in the seeds. Lean sources of protein are beneficial for digestion, they boost metabolism, and they promoting a healthy, lean body mass. Three tablespoons of hemp protein powder contains roughly 90 calories with only 3 grams of fat but 15 grams of protein. Some hemp protein powders are also supplemented with fiber for people looking to increase their overall fiber consumption.

Remember: Hemp food products are different from what you will find in medical cannabis baked goods. So putting hemp seeds on your sweet potato casserole won’t get you high. Now, you can purchase an alcoholic Hemp Ale, compliments of the Humboldt Brewing Co, although it’s not likely to pack the same nutritional value as the hemp seed products above the “high” that you’ll get from medical cannabis baked goods.

5. Hemp Supplements

You may not always have access to your favorite hemp foods, especially when you are traveling. Hemp oil supplements are a great option to continue benefiting from the nutritional value of hemp seed oil while on the go.

Hemp Beauty & Personal Care Products

Both women and men can benefit from ditching traditional body products which can be laden with various potentially dangerous chemicals. Here is a list of a few body care applications for hemp-based products:

6. Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil can be used topically in many different ways: as a skin moisturizer, anti-wrinkle treatment, massage oil, etc. It can be used to treat eczema, acne, psoriasis, and skin inflammation. The ideal balance of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in hemp seed oil stimulate the skin and improve the overall function of cells, muscles, tissues and organs. And don’t forget the skin is our largest organ!

Hemp seed oil can be used directly on the skin or you can use it as a carrier oil mixed with a few drops of essential oils that also benefit the skin, such as geranium or frankincense essential oils. This makes for a great skin moisturizer that is paraben free, gluten free and 100% began. You can also purchase pre-made body moisturizers enriched with hemp seed oil.

7. Hemp Soaps and Shampoos

As more people in the world learn about the benefits that hemp seed oil has on the skin and body, more producers are using hemp seed oil as an ingredient in their personal care products. In addition to replenishing the skin, hemp seed oil also stimulates hair growth, fortifies hair against damage, and moisturizes the scalp.


Take Your Power!

The Rightful Role of the Truth Warrior

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

It’s amazing how people have been backed into a corner by this barrage of social programming and outright intimidation. People actually feel apologetic about speaking the truth when it counters the politically correct entrained mass mindset of the world today.

Telling someone the truth is the most loving thing anyone can do. Of course it needs to be done wisely so as not to give a ready excuse for holding on to their illusion. That’s a clever mechanism that needs to be avoided. But there is also a time the truth hurts but still needs to be said. If it hurts, so be it. To withhold the truth from someone who is clearly in need of it is the most unloving and self serving thing any of us can do.

Let the chips fall where they may. Telling the truth is a fundamental form of love.

Taking Authority is Contrarian in a Spineless, Programmed World

I often think about this, the need for all of us who have awakened to take authority in our awareness and live in it fully and boldly. It’s totally contrary to everything we’ve been conditioned with. The collective mind is built on dependence and allegiance to imposed authority. This is nothing less than fear and submission programming.

From Pavlovian bells ringing between classes and fire and atom bomb drills as school children, to stop lights and sirens wailing in the streets and figures in uniforms, it’s all conditioning. Think about those strange costumes of authority figures we were entrained to “respect” – from religious garb and battle gear to dark suits and lab coats with “degrees” behind their names – these authorities were to be implicitly trusted as well as feared and obeyed.

The conditioning runs deep. And needs to be shirked.

The result of this programming which we can see all around us is a weak, limp and spineless humanity, willing to go along with whatever program comes next, with just enough free range within their confined space to give the illusion of freedom and autonomy. Very clever, very insidious and completely debilitating.

Entrapment, Intimidation and Assumptive Posturing

These are all mechanisms of subjugation. Devious baited traps of entangled low-level left brained arguments, all with assumptive conclusions. You’ll often hear “why can’t you consider both sides?” as if there’s some sort of neutral ground to a life threatening situation, all in an attempt to neutralize your conviction which is contrary to theirs.  Have “they” fully considered” both sides? Total hypocrisy.

This type of mind manipulation leads the unsuspecting subject into mental and social cages of seemingly logical yet conflicting conclusions, often accompanied by just plain bullying with the projected atmosphere of unquestionable authority. It’s a nasty response system to these mechanisms that’s been engrained into humanity, both the thinking and the unthinking. We’re dealing with a very deep spiritual source of disinformation that works on the unsuspecting, the overly programmed and those who are self justifying and self serving.

All are devious responses and affirmations of severely entropic forces – mental, spiritual and physical designs to break down our natural spiritual state. The need to see and wake up to these is absolutely imperative.

It happens in all walks of life. The mind weave of guilt tripping and subordination programming is admittedly slippery and surreal, but very very present. The effects are everywhere.

What we witness in these usurping rulers posturing themselves as authority figures is a perfect manifestation of this form of falsely based intimidation which trickles down through society right into interpersonal relationships. It’s taught and reinforced from birth because it’s unnatural and must be learned and is essential to the control system. It’s an imposed false paradigm born in lies and perpetrated by lies. It’s literally an illusion perpetrated by nothing but fabricated innuendo, continued reinforcement, and backed by brute force, the extension of which is their hierarchy of control supported by a mechanized policing military machine.

Again, this is a woefully misused mimic of the true power of loving empowerment, a false projection in this 3-D reality play we’re all playing a part in.

We are an intrinsic element of the true Authority and it’s time we took our rightful place.


Awaken and Take Authority

We need to be proactive and confidently assertive in our convictions. We cannot waver or bend to these influences, however complex, corrosive or intimidating they may be. Ours is to defy the lie, denounce the liars, expose the agenda, and march on in full confidence in the Truth and freedoms we’ve been endowed with. Forget national altruism and the futile law-riddled political and religious maze, ours is to stand as parts of the creative universal Source itself – autonomous, free thinking, creative and imaginative agents of love and positive change.

We have far greater and more powerful tools, even weapons, at our disposal than we realize. When thinking about this I was reminded of the light saber we saw popularized in the Star Wars films. My problem with that imagery is that the dark side has an equally powerful light weapon. That’s not true. Their sabers should have had a black beam. There’s power there, but only operable in dark places. It cannot stand up to the power of light and would easily be cut to shreds by the wand of Truth and Light.

We have such a weapon. If you’ve ever seen adepts use the power of chi to literally knock people backwards, as well as wonderfully heal, you’ve seen it in action. Sure, the interdimensionals have influences at their disposal we are now becoming familiar with, but they cannot affect those living in the full light of awakened truth.

What arouses this truth force within us is living it and not compromising or living apologetically on the defensive, riddled with doubt about our calling or capabilities.

There’s much to learn for all of us but this tremendous resource awaits our activation. And it has everything to do with taking and using the authority with which we’ve been endowed.

The Time to Decide is Now – Always Now

Either you’re on board or you’re not. Either you’re compromised and impotent and left languishing on the banks of the river of truth….or not, and in allowing the spontaneous process of creative activation.

The choice is ours. What we’re up against has been clearly spelled out to us in this massive awakening and sharing of empowering and enlightening information we’re experiencing. At that point either we utilize it, or we succumb. There’s no standing still in this current. We either stand strong and forge ahead upstream or get washed over the falls in the polluted river of lies.

It’s ours to decide. Empower and help change the course of now, or hide in shame, doubt and disgusting fear and self-serving self pity.

Personally, I have no pity for the liars and those who adamantly defend the lie and thereby exert this oppressive system on others. They are the problem. We and the truth we bear are the solution. We must treat those who’ve been subverted with love, but love takes many forms, and telling and living the Truth are intrinsic to it, come what may.

And take heart. The reign of the dark forces of the Kali Yuga (or age of vice) is over. What we’re witnessing is its death throes. The cycle is ending and this is our time to come forth, but it will be a challenge as we pass through the debris of ages past and its remnant psycho-spiritual effects on our planet.

Let’s help these dark minions on their way to oblivion in style. When we disconnect, disengage and do not comply but rather stand confidently and boldly in the truth we know and then move forward proactively, their fabrication of deceit will shred, shatter and fall to our feet.

My lightsaber’s turned on and burning furiously. How’s yours? It simply awaits activation.

It’s time to awaken the weapons of loving truth – and wield them with full authority.

Much love, Zen


Importance of Vitamin D & The Sun

How Dermatologists Fuel Chronic Disease Rates With Their Flawed Sun Exposure Guidelines

Story at-a-glance

  • The U.S. Surgeon General, the American Academy of Dermatology, and The Skin Cancer Foundation all view sunlight irrationally as a dangerous skin cancer risk
  • Sun avoidance fuels health problems associated with vitamin D deficiency, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, and poses special health risks to pregnant mothers and their children
  • The evidence supporting sensible sun exposure is strong and clear, while there’s little evidence that sunscreen use protects against skin cancer, or that vitamin D supplements are bioequivalent to sunshine

By Dr. Mercola

In July 2014, the interim U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Boris Lushniak, who is also a dermatologist, issued a “Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer,”1,2 in which he declared UV radiation harmful and said sun exposure should be avoided altogether.

The American Academy of Dermatology and The Skin Cancer Foundation also advocate avoiding all sun exposure — regardless of the color of your skin — saying vitamin D supplementation can address any deficiencies.

This is an irrational and shortsighted position that lacks any credibility. The scientific evidence, now running in excess of 34,000 studies, detail that UV exposure is essential, both for vitamin D production and other benefits unrelated to vitamin D.

The color of your skin is a significant factor to determine appropriate exposure times and any advice that does not take this into consideration is illogical.  We are not nocturnal beings, avoiding the sun entirely is horrible advice that should not be followed.

Dermatologists’ Position on Sun Exposure Riddled With Fatal Flaws

Let’s remember that, because of their irrational concern, they were able to convince public health officials and media to convince people to use sunscreens.

What happened as a result of the public adopting this proactive “preventive” approach? Skin cancers actually increased.

Why? Because the dermatologists did not do their homework. Most sunscreens blocked UVB, which causes vitamin D levels to increase and lower cancer rates, but they let UVA, which can cause skin cancer when excessively exposed, to shine right through like a hot knife through butter.

What’s worse, they never admitted to their egregious mistake. Ironically,  the only location dermatologists approve of UV light treatment is in their office under costly supervision.

Avoiding Sun Exposure Radically Worsens Disease Rates

Advocating abstinence from UV light is undoubtedly fueling many health problems associated with vitamin D deficiency, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases and depression.

UVB exposure is essential for optimal health, and any risks of exposure are related to over exposure and burning. Research shows vitamin D is involved in the biochemical regulation of nearly every cell in your body, including your immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency can deteriorate your health in a number of different ways, as your cells need the active form of vitamin D to optimally regulate genetic expression.

As noted by William Grant, Ph.D., head of the Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center (SUNARC), staying indoors to avoid sun exposure is “not particularly good advice,” adding that:3

“There are several papers indicating that occupational exposure to sunlight reduces the risk of melanoma. It is having fair skin, a high-fat, low fruit and vegetable diet, sunburning, etc., that are more linked to melanoma than total UV exposure.”

Vitamin D Is Crucial for Pregnant Women

Vitamin D is particularly important for pregnant women, as deficiency affects both the mother and her child in the short and long term, including raising the child’s long-term risk for diabetes, allergic rhinitis,4 arthritis, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.Recent research shows that raising maternal vitamin D levels helps children born in winter months develop stronger, healthier bones.5 Lead researcher Professor Nicholas Harvey, Ph.D., of the University of Southampton, also notes that sun exposure is the most important source of vitamin D.

Health initiatives such as GrassrootsHealth D*Action study,6 and the Protect Our Children NOW! campaign are both based on these fundamental and scientifically proven facts.

Dermatologists Ignore Skin Color

The fact that the American Academy of Dermatology issues the same recommendations for everyone, without regard for skin type, is telling. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they view sun exposure as nothing but a dangerous cancer risk to be avoided at all costs.

This is a really nonsensical, and most definitively nonscientific, stance. According to their advice, even if you have the darkest skin, you should always seek shade and wear protective clothing and/or sunscreen when outdoors.

The notion that supplements are bioequivalent to sunshine is lacking.  While I recommend supplements if UVB exposure is not available, to suggest that vitamin D can replace all the benefits of sun exposure is ridiculous.

In fact, each of us responds quite differently to vitamin D supplementation – there is a 6 to 10 times difference in dosage response between individuals.   If you are supplementing with vitamin D, you should have your levels checked twice per year to ensure you stay above 40ng/ml.

Because of this, vitamin D experts such as Grant and Dr. Michael F. Holick note that sensible sun exposure is far preferable to vitamin D supplementation.

Oversimplifying the Issue Is Not a Good Public Health Policy

The Skin Cancer Foundation echoes the American Academy of Dermatology’s recommendations.

When questioned about this philosophy and asked why the recommendations fail to take into account skin type and color, Dr. Henry Lim, who sits on The Skin Cancer Foundation’s photobiology committee, replied that such information is irrelevant because vitamin D supplements can address deficiency.

According to Lim:7

“We want to make it simple as a public health message — as to what the public should reasonably be able to absorb and understand. To fine tune it is just too complicated we feel.”

But by oversimplifying the matter, dermatologists place a great number of people at grave risk for vitamin D deficiency, which may not be identified until health problems have already set in. Moreover, the advice to use sunscreen is also on shaky scientific ground.

According to an analysis by epidemiologist Marianne Berwick, Ph.D., there’s very little evidence to suggest that sunscreen use will prevent skin cancer.

After analyzing a dozen studies on basal cell carcinoma, which is typically non-lethal, and the more deadly melanoma, Berwick found that people who use sunscreen tend to be more likely to develop both of these conditions.

Only 2 of 10 melanoma studies found that sunscreen was protective against this condition; three found no association either way. None found sunscreen use protected against basal cell carcinoma.8

Your Body Is Designed to Optimize Health Effects of Sun Exposure

While you certainly need to avoid the skin damage associated with sunburn, sun exposure is required for optimal health, and your skin type plays a major role in how much UVB exposure you need and can safely tolerate.

Darker-skinned people not only need more sun exposure to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D, they’re also more protected from skin cancer due to their skin pigmentation. Yet this important reality is simply ignored by dermatologists, resulting in most African Americans being at a radically increased risk of cancers and heart disease from vitamin D deficiency.

As noted in a previous article by Nautilus:9

“How the sun affects you depends on your complexion, the shade of which is determined by melanin … The anti-oxidizing molecule is so versatile at protecting and repairing DNA from UV solar radiation that creatures from humans to fungi deploy it … [T]he melanin sits atop cellular DNA like tiny umbrellas pointed … out to shield from incoming rays …

[T]he same ultraviolet wavelengths in the 290 to 400 nanometers range that trigger melanin production also spark vitamin D creation. You cannot make one without the other.

Humans evolved to produce two kinds of melanin … The MC1R gene determines the type of melanin the body produces. In the mid-zone such as the Mediterranean region, people … produce eumelanin, the pigment responsible for brown or black hair and for dark skin that tans easily …

[I]n far northern Europe, humans paled, adapting to lower light … with a different type of melanin, called pheomelanin, associated with fair skin and blonde and red hair with minimal protective value, but allowing more UV to penetrate to make vitamin D. ”

Sun Avoidance Raises Risk of Internal Cancers

Dermatology is focused on one primary outcome — avoiding skin damage and skin cancer. But by focusing on just one side of the UV exposure issue, they’re actually promoting a lifestyle that may raise your risk of other lethal cancers and chronic diseases. Not only have higher vitamin D levels been shown to offer significant protection against a number of internal cancers, there’s also evidence showing higher levels offer protection against melanoma.

In fact, higher rates of melanoma are found among those who have low vitamin D levels; among indoor occupations; and in areas of the body that rarely or never see the light of day. In short, the vitamin D your body produces in response to UVB radiation is protective against skin cancer. As noted in The Lancet:10

“Paradoxically, outdoor workers have a decreased risk of melanoma compared with indoor workers, suggesting that chronic sunlight exposure can have a protective effect.”

Even more importantly, vitamin D has been shown to significantly reduce internal cancers, along with chronic diseases such as heart disease, which kill far more people than melanoma does. Breast11 and prostate12,13 cancers are just two examples where low vitamin D renders you more vulnerable to more aggressive forms of the disease. Recent research14 has also found that low vitamin D levels are associated with more severe peripheral neuropathy in cancer patients.

Reporting on recent research linking low vitamin D levels to an increased risk for aggressive breast cancer, Medical Daily writes:15

“The researchers linked vitamin D levels to the ID1 gene, which at high levels of expression is associated with breast cancer tumor growth. Past studies have shown that vitamin D is linked to inhibiting the expression of this gene, and that low vitamin D levels have been associated with more aggressive tumors. ”

Public Health Messages Should Be Based on All-Cause Mortality Reduction


Importance of Magnesium

The Higher The Magnesium Level, The Healthier Our Arteries

Higher serum levels of magnesium may reduce the risk of hypertension by almost 50% and the risk of coronary artery calcification by 42%, says a new study.

More than 70 percent of the population have an unhealthy balance of 10 calcium to 1 magnesium in our many trillions of cells. A previous study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that for every 50 mg per day increase in intake of the mineral, the risk of cancer was modestly reduced by 7%.

Another notable study of more than 4,600 Americans, begun in 1985, found the risk of developing metabolic syndrome over the next 15 years was 31 percent lower for those with the highest intake of magnesium.

Data from 1,276 Mexican-mestizo subjects also indicated that for every 0.17 mg/dL increase in serum magnesium level was associated with a 16% reduction in coronary artery calcification.

While the data indicates correlation and not causation, scientists from the National Institute of Cardiology – Ignacio Chávez in Mexico City said that there is biological plausibility for the potential cardiovascular benefits, adding that the mechanism(s) may be linked to enhancing endothelial function and reducing inflammation.

One study, which combined data from 313,041 people, provides the “most robust evidence to date of the associations between circulating and dietary magnesium across their usual physiologic ranges and CVD risk”, wrote Dr Dariush Mozaffarian and his co-authors in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


The results add to an ever growing body of science supporting the potential health benefits of the mineral. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists magnesium as being necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, from helping maintain normal muscle and nerve function, to keeping heart rhythm steady, supporting a healthy immune system, and keeping bones strong. The mineral is also needed for blood sugar management, and healthy blood pressure.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued positive opinions on magnesium and the maintenance of normal bone, teeth, and protein synthesis; the reduction of tiredness and fatigue; electrolyte balance; normal energy-yielding metabolism; neurotransmission, and muscle contraction.

However, EFSA was not convinced by claims about magnesium and blood glucose, blood pressure, stress relief, protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage, the immune system and fat metabolism.

Study details

The new cross-sectional study, which was published in the Nutrition Journal , assessed magnesium levels in almost 1,300 Mexican participants aged between 30 and 75. None of the participants had any symptoms of cardiovascular disease.

The results indicated that people with the highest average serum levels magnesium (greater than 2.18 mg/dl) had 48% lower odds of high blood pressure (hypertension), 69 % lower odds of type 2 diabetes, and 42% lower odds of coronary artery calcification, compared with people with lowest average levels (less than 1.97 mg/dl).

“The results of this study strongly suggest that lower serum magnesium levels are associated with coronary artery calcification in Mexican subjects free of clinically apparent cardiovascular disease,” wrote the researchers. “Confirmation of these results in other populations is required. Additional prospective studies are also needed to determine if hypomagnesaemia predicts the development and progression of coronary atherosclerosis.”



Time to Work with Calcite

Nine Reasons To Work With Calcite!

March 14, 2016 

Nine Reasons To Work With Calcite!

by Adrienne Goff,

I am somebody who always pays close attention to my dreams. I know that my soul and subconscious mind can use dreams as a vehicle to bypass my waking consciousness and deliver important messages. This is especially true during powerful energetic windows, such as the one we are currently in. March brings us two eclipses and an equinox, which can accelerate our spiritual growth process and draw a lot to the surface for healing. Last week, I had a powerful healing dream. I was on a surgical table, and higher beings were performing a major surgery on my heart chakra. I felt vivid sensations in my body, and also a great sense of peace. I knew it was an upgrade, and I was very grateful. One of the beings kept telling me repeatedly:

“Remember Adrienne, work with Calcite to support the repatterning of your heart. Don’t forget this when you wake up.”

I woke up in the middle of the dream and looked at my clock. It was exactly 5:55 AM, and I felt sharp, pulsing pains to the right of my heart chakra! I put my hand there and asked for the pain to go away, which it did instantly. I got up and pulled out my beautiful Calcite stones, and have had them nearby ever since. I think this message is not just for me, but for all of us. Working with Calcite right now can help us with healing and clearing, and with integrating the accelerating energies of March and beyond.

Calcite is a beautiful, high vibration mineral that comes in different shapes and in almost every color–making it a highly versatile healing stone. You can find a Calcite to match every chakra color ray: black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and clear. They have a soft, shiny appearance and an interesting, waxy texture. They can range in translucence from crystal clear to opaque. Here are the top nine reasons why Calcite is my number one stone suggestion for these powerful times:

  1. Calcite can be used to clear, balance, and activate all of your chakras. Clear Calcite can be used to bring any chakra into a state of perfect clarity and functioning, or you can match the color of the Calcite to the color ray of each chakra. Maintaining your chakra system is vital during intense energetic periods.
  2. Calcite is an energy amplifier. During periods of heightened cosmic energy, your body can experience ascension symptoms and fatigue. Calcite can give your body the boost it needs to move through it.
  3. Calcite has a soothing and stabilizing effect on the emotions. This is especially helpful when the planetary energies are accelerating and bringing issues to the surface. Calcite will help to alleviate any stress and fear, centering and balancing you so that you can calmly face situations and move forward appropriately.
  4. Calcite can sharpen the mind and amplify your powers of manifestation. Eclipses and equinoxes are perfect times for focusing on what you want to create or experience next. Calcite sharpens your mental body, making your thoughts crystal clear. It also acts as an amplifier of energy and thought-forms, making it the perfect mechanism for placing your order into the Universe for accelerated manifestation results.
  5. Calcite can link the emotional and mental bodies, increasing emotional intelligence and heart-based living. This is the way of the higher dimensions, and right now we can make a quantum leap in transforming our personal realities into a more loving and holistic expression.
  6. Calcite accelerates your spiritual growth and psychic development. The veils are always thinner when we are in an eclipse or equinox window. Working with Calcite at this time can help you to tap into higher dimensional realms and to integrate new light codes that are available now. It can help you upgrade your spiritual gifts, taking them to a new level.
  7. Calcite can support the physical body in eliminating toxins, boosting the immune system, and decalcifying the pineal gland. Your body may need extra support right now as it attempts to release from a deep level and align with the light. Calcite will help your physical vehicle shift with more ease and grace.
  8. Calcite can help you to reestablish your higher blueprint of perfection. Calcite is known to help you remember your original state of perfection–before disease, trauma, or negative patterns developed. It helps to guide your body, mind, emotions, and spirit back into wholeness. Now is the time for this work!
  9. Calcite can clear your home environment or work space. The equinox ushers in springtime, and It’s time to do a little spring cleaning! Placing Calcite in your home, office, or any place you spend time in regularly will help to purify, refresh, and uplift the energy.

So march forward into the new normal this month with Calcite! It will put some spring in your step, while bringing lots of light into every aspect of your being.


Benefits of Aloe Vera

What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality

by Alanna Ketler
Collective Evolution

Known to the Egyptians as the plant of immortality and to Native Americans as the wand of heaven, aloe vera comes with a wide array of amazing healing properties — some of which you may already be aware. You might even have your own aloe vera plant in your home for those small emergencies like scrapes, cuts, and burns, but did you know that aloe vera is not only limited to topical use and is actually even more beneficial to your body when taken internally?

Aloe vera contains over 200 biologically active, naturally occurring constituents which include polysaccharides, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and minerals that promote nutrient absorption.

According to The Journal of Environmental Science and Health, aloe vera also possesses anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties that assist the immune system in cleansing the body of toxins and invading pathogens. But that isn’t all aloe vera juice/gel has to offer.[1]

Aloe vera has loads of minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron, potassium, copper, and manganese. These minerals work together to boost metabolic pathways.
Aloe Vera contains important enzymes like amylase and lipase which can aid in digestion by breaking down fat and sugar molecules. One molecule in particular, Bradykinase, helps to reduce inflammation.

Amazingly, aloe vera is one of the few plants that contains vitamin B12, which is required for the production of red blood cells. This is great news for vegetarians and vegans in particular, who often do not get adequate amounts of B12 through their regular diet. Aloe vera is also a source of vitamins A, C,E, folic acid, choline, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), and B6.

Amino Acids
Aloe vera contains 20 of the 22 essential amino acids that are required by the human body. It also contains salicylic acid, which fights inflammation and bacteria.

Other Uses For Aloe

Aside from being an excellent body cleanser, removing toxic matter from the stomach, kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and colon, aloe can also offer effective relief from more immediate ailments, such as indigestion, upset stomach, ulcers, and inflammation in the gut. It also strengthens the digestive tract and alleviates joint inflammation, making it a great option for arthritis sufferers.

One study found that aloe vera juice, when taken the same way as a mouthwash, was just as effective at removing plaque as the common mouthwash and its active ingredient, chlorhexidine. This is a much better alternative because it is all-natural, unlike the typical chemical-laden options found in stores.

Aloe vera gel has also been found to effectively heal mouth ulcers, which are more commonly known as canker sores.

How To Take Aloe?

Aloe can be consumed straight from the plant, but the easiest and most palatable option is probably aloe juice, which you can find in most health food stores. You can also buy the leaves from many common grocery stores, or harvest your own, and juice them yourself.

You can buy the gel and mix it into your juices and smoothies or just drink it straight up. It does have a somewhat bitter taste though, so you may want to include other things. It is great to drink daily, but if you are using it to assist with a specific ailment, talk to a natural health expert or do some research into the matter to find instructions on specific dosing.


Happy/Sad and Sad/Happy

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have to Stop Being Sad to Be Happy

03/10/2016 09:45 pm ET

One of the most liberating decisions I have made in my life was that being sad would not restrict me from being happy. Don’t get me wrong: I do not have a natural inclination to sadness. I actually believe that I was born with a positive mindset that has since been nurtured into a moderately hyperactive, grateful, curious and complacent adult personality. My semi-inherent and semi-acquired Pollyannaism however, is not expressed through sporadic pleasure seeks but is actually the product of a step by step project I undertook a couple of years ago.

I was brought up between two national mentalities: that of the United States and that of Europe, being born in Greece. In both continents — and countries, I found a consistent approach to the concept of Happiness. Happiness, people would tell me, is the negation of unhappiness. Happiness is the lack of sadness. It is a negative sadness. And sadness is a negative happiness. Two states of mind and soul, inextricably bound one to another.

However precise and easy to grasp, these definitions were rather grounding to my teenage and evolving aura. Even more so, they constructed a concept doomed to be inapplicable in my life of spontaneous giggles and zeal for adventure. It is not that I did not go through times of sadness. It is just that my happiness-famine could not be sated or tempered for a specific period of time — until sadness faded away.

Growing up, I felt obliged to make a decision between these two states: I would either be sad and be entirely sad or I would be happy and be entirely happy. There was no percentage distribution acceptable when facing a bipolar choice: It was either Happiness or Sadness, never both.

Unable to make a choice and feeling facetious when condemning myself for finding sources of joy in times of unfortunate events, I decided to take a step back from unofficial orders of social conduct and to draw a distinctive line between Happiness and Sadness. I decided to word two new definitions of these feelings but this time without using one to describe the other.


From that moment on, I put together a 5 rule index to live by, in pursuit of Happiness in a world of ample triggers of Sadness. Working on the concepts of Failure and Success and through my online trainings for people to turn setbacks into potential through my Today I Failed At Facebook page, the positive effects of Happiness in one’s journey to self-fulfillment have been proven undeniable. This is why I decided to share them here:

1) Happiness and Sadness are two separate senses that can in fact co-exist. You can be sad about an F on a math test but you have to encourage yourself to be happy about your date to the prom

2) Happiness is not the negation of Sadness and Sadness is not the negation of Happiness. Human feelings, as is human nature, are much more complex than an either/or simplification. Don’t look for clean cut answers

3) You are under no obligation to be consistent when it comes to how you feel. Celebrate your mood swings and never explain yourself for trying to brush off negative vibes

4) Moments of Happiness in life are few and fleeting. Seize them unapologetically and claim a taste of eudaimonia

5) People wont be drawn to you more if you appear to be sad. Yes, some do empathize with you and want to alleviate your sadness when you are in pain but is this really the way that you wish to attract others? Don’t always present yourself pitiful out of fear of losing help and support. Find the turning points and be positive when you get a chance. Inspire your friends and keep them through a contagious state of optimism. Be a fountain, not a drain. People stay with them who are positive


Natural Therapies for Cancer

Nine cancer cures that the Medical Mafia doesn’t want you to know about

Cancer cures

(NaturalNews) Are you a health nut? Why not? What’s stopping you? Do you think that it’s illegal to cure diseases with food, or is that just what you read in JAMAThe Journal of the American Medical Association? Maybe you saw some label that the FDA slapped on an organic product which says food can’t claim to cure any disease or disorder — yes — that was probably it. That’s because the only way to patent US “medicine” and make a fortune is to combine in a lab synthetic chemicals that cause horrific side effects, then pay the FDA millions to approve it. Unfortunately, that method also involves selling your soul to the Medical Mafia, who control you and perpetuate the “fake war” on cancer — the one that actually mutates MORE human cells and leads to an early grave. Do you want to participate in THAT?

So without further adieu, here are nine cures for cancer proven by people who had cancer but no longer do! Shhhh! Don’t tell the Medical-Industrial Complex.

9 Cancer Cures You Might Want to Know!

1. Turmeric — Most turmeric sold in America suffers from high lead content and a high count of microbes. By purchasing cheap turmeric, you could actually be increasing the heavy metal toxins and bacteria that you consume, driving cancer cells. Do the exact opposite! Find an organic turmeric tincture that contains the phytonutrient curcumin, and you can build natural immunity.

2. Hemp seed oil — Cold-pressing the seed of the Cannabis sativa (hemp plant) produces a very important oil that is legally purchased in the United States at health food stores across the nation! It’s very high in essential fatty acid content, and it does NOT contain the psychoactive THC ingredient used by people who smoke pot. A member of the achene family of fruits, it’s regarded as a “superfood” due to its unique ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids and contains up to 5% pure GLA, which is even higher than in spirulina. For thousands of years, hemp seed oil has been used in elixirs and medicinal teas to provide anti-mutagenic action which prevents genetic damage by free radicals and/or radiation. You probably won’t see banners about it at the “pink” ribbon march or “walk for the cure.”

3. Reishi mushrooms — You won’t find reishi on salads at restaurants or packaged at your typical conventional grocer. Go to health food stores and check the supplements and dried powders, usually sold as capsules. Reishi have been used to treat countless ailments in the Far East for over two millennia. In China, they’re called the “Mushrooms of Immortality.” Reishi are meant for long-term consumption and have been linked to reduced blood pressure and improved nerve function and stamina! You might treat cancer and diabetes with reishi mushroom, just don’t tell the hospital administrators or your local newspaper that it worked so well, or they might have to report you to the Medical Mafia. When you start talking about important polysaccharides and saponins that decrease cell proliferation in cancerous lungs, the oncologists’ cash registers stop ringing and they send you home to LIVE!

4. Melatonin — Hello, scavengers of free radicals! Did you know that you can combat free-radical damage WHILE you sleep? It’s true. Since its discovery over 50 years ago, melatonin has demonstrated itself as a functionally diverse molecule with antioxidant properties. A vast amount of experimental research has revealed its vital role in the body’s defense against numerous cell-damaging free radicals because it possesses 200% more antioxidant power than vitamin E. Melatonin reduces oxidative damage and has been found to be superior to glutathione and vitamins C and E. It fights free-radical-related diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. It’s true that the body naturally produces melatonin in the brain, but if you’re diabetic, borderline diabetic or over the age of 55, it’s common to need supplementation. Ask your naturopath!

5. Real spring water without added fluoride (with average pH level of 8.8!) — If you’re fighting cancer, you most likely are in desperation to adjust your body’s pH. Nearly every nutritionist on the planet would tell you to eat plenty of raw organic vegetables and fruits and consume lots of water — and it better be real spring water to help alkalize the body.

6. Baking soda — Yes, the cheap kind that you find in most stores! Simply put a teaspoon in a glass of water daily and help alkalize your system so cancer can’t even survive if it wanted to. Cancer cannot survive when your cells have plenty of oxygen and your body is not acidic. The baking soda is so simple that you’ll never hear this advice from the mouth of an MD or oncologist, because the AMA/FDA/FTC will come shut them down. There’s no money for the mafia-style medical establishment in selling baking soda and the formula for killing cancer.

7. Organic garlic cloves — Beat down the pathogens thanks to over 200 biologically active components! There is a special enzyme that the “bad guys” (mutated cells) use to multiply, and it’s called “ornithine decarboxylase.” You could block this enzyme and cut off the enemy’s “supply lines.” How much easier would it be to beat cancer if cancer cells had NO fuel?!

8. Apricot seed kernels — The apricot seed “cyanide” controversy foolishly obscures an effective alternative cancer cure. Thousands of people have used apricot seeds to eliminate cancer without negative side effects. What if the “cyanide” from myths that scare you are really referring to the kind that KILLS CANCER and NOT you? Don’t let the medical mafia scare you away from longevity!

9. Cannabis sativa — The “Father of Chinese Medicine” discovered the healing properties of marijuana in 2700 BC. Throughout history, the ancient Egyptians, Persians and even Greek civilizations used medical cannabis. Mainstream medicine in the USA is very slow to recognize this because the DEA absurdly classifies it as a Schedule I narcotic, scaring off would-be patients and doctors.

Accessing the Higher Self

Our Higher Selves And The Cosmic Cycles

March 11, 2016

Our Higher Selves And The Cosmic Cycles

by Daniel Mitel
OM Times

Drunvalo Melchizedek explains to humanity in his last book, The Mayan Ouroboros, how the cosmic cycles come full circle and how this relates to our higher selves. Melchizedek’s book is a continuation of Serpent of Light, and recounts the spiritual guidance our native Mayan ancestors share with us.

I have received many questions from people all over the world regarding what is going to happen on January 2016 and the months or years after that. It seems the whole world is asking what is going to happen from the Mayan perspective.

Well the Mayans themselves do not know exactly what is going to happen; or when, exactly. We have learned from Drunvalo about a ‘window’ that opened in 2009 and remained open until 2016. Anytime after this period of time, we might have a massive change of energy and vibrations. But the question is not when, why, or what. The question is how we will go through this process.

In this period of time, the most important thing is the connection with our ‘higher selves.’

What is the higher self? The higher self is the fragment of God which dwells within humans. It is the absolute and unqualified assurance that humans can find God. Every human who is consciously or unconsciously following the lead of the higher self is living in accordance with the will of God. Consciousness of the higher self is consciousness of God’s presence.

The higher self is the absolute essence of an infinite being imprisoned within the mind and soul of a finite creature. It is the humans’ infallible compass through the cosmic cycles, always and unerringly pointing the soul God-ward:

  • Our higher selves are possessed with unlimited ability to communicate with us and they are doing it each moment. They are our spirits, pure spirits; presumably, absolute spirits. They are also pure energy. God is the source of pure energy and pure spirit, so his fragments would be both.
  • Our higher selves are helping us each moment to transform our human nature and temporal, creature selves into the divine nature of an eternal being. Our higher selves are particularly interested not just in our intellectual capacity but more in our spiritual perception. What is the potential of our souls and the spiritual capacity of receptivity.
  • Our higher selves understand our difficult assignments to live here in the third dimension. However, communication with the higher self does not automatically bestow ease of living and freedom from strenuous thinking. Although, such a divine gift could confer a sublime peace of mind and a superb tranquility of spirit.

In the coming months and years, when the energy of our Mother Earth will change, we need to connect with our higher selves. We need to go in our hearts and listen. Our higher selves will change our feelings of fear to unconditional love and peace. But they cannot do it mechanically; this is our task. Knowing how to go into the heart and stay there will make the difference when Mother Earth changes vibration to a higher level.

When it comes to marking the difference between what is really right or wrong (not merely what you may call right and wrong), you can be sure that your higher self will always participate in a definite and active manner in such experiences.

And remember that our higher selves are concerned not just for this life but for our future lives, too. They are interested in helping you here, and to also see you progress to the higher level of consciousness. As you may be a human parent, so your higher self the divine parent of the real you–your advancing self, your better spiritual self.

They are the unceasing urge that leads humans to attempt the mastery of the material and present existence in the light of the spiritual and future cosmic cycles. Our higher selves are interested in, and concerned with, our daily doings and the details of our lives, to the extent that these are influential in the determination of our significant, temporal choices and vital spiritual decisions, Hence, higher selves are factors in the solution of our problems related to soul survival and eternal progress.

The connection with the higher self is affected by our unsteady and rapidly shifting mental attitudes. The work of the higher self is greatly retarded by our own preconceived opinions, settled ideas, and long-standing prejudices. Because of these handicaps, we may have a slow connection with our higher selves, so confusion of concepts is inevitable. Therefore, safety lies only in prompt recognition of each and every thought and experience for what it actually and fundamentally is, without regard for our fear of what it might have been.

The higher self is not devoted to influencing our human thoughts. This is our exclusive personality prerogative. They cannot interfere with our believe patterns. They are dedicated to communicating with us and helping to improve, modify, adjust, and co-ordinate our thinking process. They are devoted to the work of building up spiritual counterparts of our career, of our true advancing selves.

Regardless of the year we are in the cosmic cycles or the change in the energy ,we must have faith and remember the difference between faith and belief. Belief fixates, faith liberates. Belief may become group possessions, but faith must be personal. Theological beliefs can be shared with a group, but faith can rise up only in the heart of the individual. Living faith does not foster bigotry, persecution or intolerance. The energy and vigor of faith is according to our knowledge and its striving is the preludes to sublime peace.