Going with the Qi Gong Flow

The Three Taoist Treasures of the Energy Body

Jing Qi ShenDylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

A fundamental difference between Eastern and Western medicine is that many of the Eastern traditions include practices that help one to develop and achieve optimal health and wellness before the onset of disease, infection and emotional problems. Prescribing Qi Gong to prevent and cure illnesses of the body, mind and spirit is quite typical for Chinese medicine practitioners, but anything similar is almost unheard of in Western healthcare.

In Chinese medicine and philosophy, Qi is thought of as “the natural force which fills the universe,” and while there are many ways of defining Qi, it may be generally thought of as any and all types of energy which are “able to demonstrate power and strength,” including the power to animate objects with life. [1]

“It is known that all diseases arise from the upset of qi: Anger pushes the qi up, joy makes the qi slacken, grief disperses the qi, fear brings the qi down, terror confuses the qi, and anxiety causes the qi to stagnate. Anger harms the liver, joy the heart, anxiety the spleen, grief the lungs, and fear the kidneys.” – The Nei Jing

Primarily handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth and in actual practice, not in written texts, the ancient Chinese practices of Qi Gong can vary wildly between teachers and schools of thought. It can be many things including physical exercises (both standing and seated), forms that resemble martial arts, breathing exercises, visualizations and, or, meditations.

The system is incredibly diverse, however, the science behind the flow of energy in and around the body has been well documented for thousands of years, and many schools of thought are in concurrence about many of the basic and even more esoteric concepts and terms involved. Among the most important concepts in Qi Gong training is an understanding of what are known as ‘San Bǎo’ (三), or, The Three Treasures.

Jing (Essence), Qi (Internal Energy), and Shen (Spirit), are the Three Treasures, The Three Foundations, or The Three Origins, and are the root of life.

“In Qi Gong training, a practitioner learns how to ‘firm his jing,’ and how to convert it into Qi. This is called ‘Lian Jing Hua Qi,’ which means to ‘to refine the Jing and convert it into Qi.’ Then he learns how to lead the Qi to the head to onvert it into Shen. This is called ‘Lian Qi Hua Shen,’ which means ‘to refine the Qi and convert it into (nourish) the Shen.’ Finally the practitioner learns to use his energized Shen to govern the emotional part of his personality. This is called, ‘Lian Shen Liao Xing, or ‘to refine the Shen to end human (emotional) nature.’” -Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming [1]

Jing Qi Shen 2

Jing means a number of things and as a word it can be used as a noun, a verb or an adjective. It is considered the essence, the original source from which a thing is made, and also the refining process by which a person’s essence is polished or sharpened. Jing is the energy given to you at birth that enables you to grow and to develop strength. Many believe it to be the most important part of a you because it is considered to be the root energy to Qi and Shen. Learning first how to conserve and firm your original Jing is critical to Qi Gong training.

Qi is, again, the energy that fills the universe. There really is no clear explanation of how it works or of the vessels in the body which provide for the flow of Qi, but it can be distinctly felt as an energizing and healing force that can be manipulated and moved by the mind and body. Qi supplies the energy your organs need to function, and much like electricity in a factory that provides differing levels of current for different machines, the flow of Qi must be consciously regulated in order for the body to function optimally.

Shen is more difficult to describe in Western terms, but it may be considered to be spiritual or mental energy, the supernatural, the divine, the immortal soul, or the cosmic energy that drives and elevates consciousness. Shen is also the emotional mind, the part of us that governs our mood and behavior, the force that collects and utilizes wisdom. In order to raise your Shen you must first nourish and fill the brain with Qi, which is how dedication to the practices of Qi Gong can lead to a very real spiritual awakening.

“Buddhists and Daoists believe that when you are alive you may use your Jing and Qi to nourish the Shen… When this is built up to a high level, your will is able to lead it to seperate from the physical body even while you are alive. When you have reached this stage, your physical body is able to live for many hundreds of years. People who can do this are called ‘Xian,’ which means ‘god,’ ‘immortal,’ or ‘fariy…’ The ‘Xian’ is a living person whose Shen has reached the stage of enlightenment or Buddhahood.”-Dr.  Jwing-Ming Yang, The Root of Chinese Qi Gong: Secrets for Health, Longevity and Enlightenment

Final Thoughts

The roots of depression, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions are found within the energy body, and in our modern world of stress, over-work, over-stimulation, and constant hustle, the nervous and emotional systems of the body are the first to breakdown.

Qi Gong is itself a true treasure for those seeking physical and mental wellness, as well as happiness in our short, beautiful lives. It is the most practical method of strengthening and building life force energy within the body, mind and spirit, and catalyzing meaningful personal transformation. The presence and experience of Qi is universal to human beings and can be directly experienced with Qi Gong.

Anyone can develop the presence, awareness and sensitivity to come to know The Three Treasures. And what a treasure it is to see a happy, healthy person.

from:    http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/08/06/the-three-toaist-treasures-of-the-energy-body/

Looking at Disempowerment

Free Will, Determinism and the War on Consciousness

by Zen Gardner

What really makes up who we are? What influences are controllable or uncontrollable or actually alterable in ourselves? How much can we be in charge of ourselves?

This may seem to have obvious answers, but if you’re a searcher, self-realizer on the path, or just curious about what’s really going on here, this is something we wonder about.

The pat answers we’ve been told have to do with genetic make up and environment, within an inbred context of fatalism. The parameters we’re given from birth are very containing, with only a small margin allowed for potential change in our lifetimes.

It’s very subtle, but social engineers and programmed lower dimensional thinking have laid a very restrictive and disempowering groundwork, with only seemingly exceptional people breaking free from the supposed confines we’re born into.

So What Really Makes People Different?

Clearly genetics and environment play a major role in the formation of our characters. What’s obviously missing are spiritual, conscious and cosmic influences, which science and especially religions and belief systems try to thwart, contain, minimalize and explain away as best they can.

Why? Because according to the imposed structure we need to be controlled, not released into our fullness. That would blow their whole plan. There might be true freedom, abundance, and uncontained happiness and true efficient and conscious societal development. Then who would use their banks and manipulated money system, buy their oil, need their useless products or polluting education, media and entertainment industries?

However, in this lower density reality we face very real repercussions from their corrupt systems from the outset. Beginning at birth and on through childhood and adolescence we develop deep co-dependencies based on abandonment and abuse issues. Unaddressed and unchecked, these become ingrained into our personalities and how we project ourselves. Our reflexive behaviors and misplaced expectations then extrapolate into complex action-reaction, craving-aversion syndromes that seem inescapable, even in later years.

In most cases we develop highly fractured personalities that adapt according to the situations in which we find ourselves. Different personas (literally masks) evolve behind these façades while we act out what we feel is expected of us.

This is where people feel helplessly trapped in what they’ve come to understand is a deterministic outlook, where we are the victims of our make up and environment with an ominous sense of inescapability. And in a mad world run by lofty, distant oligarchs and figures in supposed authority this cultivated sense of disempowerment flourishes.

When in fact, our true selves are thriving beneath this engineered rubble just waiting to be released into their fullness.

Enter free will…


Free Will vs Determinism

This has been a major area of discussion in philosophical and scientific circles for a long time but it’s important for this discussion and reveals the controllers’ non-intuitive nor empathic, and extremely arrogant and suppressive mindset.

Here’s a brief description of this seeming paradox:

“The determinist approach proposes that all behavior is caused by preceding factors and is thus predictable. The causal laws of determinism form the basis of science.

Free will is the idea that we are able to have some choice in how we act and assumes that we are free to choose our behavior, in other words we are self determined.” (source)

It’s quite revealing that “the causal laws of determinism form the basis of science”. At least mainstream, settled science. The shift now underway taking consciousness and multi-dimensional aspects into account in science is therefore quite profound in its potential effect on human thought and awareness. But don’t wait for them to get it.

In an article entitled “The Great Debate” this seeming conflict between free will and determinism is laid out quite clearly:

1 The Doctrine of Determinism

“Determinism is a far-reaching term affecting many areas of concern, that most widely and radically states that all events in the world are the result of some previous event, or events. In this view, all of reality is already in a sense pre-determined or pre-existent and, therefore, nothing new can come into existence.

This closed view of the universe and of our world holds all events to be simply the effects of other prior effects. This has radical and far-reaching implications for morality, science, and religion. If general, radical, determinism is correct, then all events in the future are unalterable, as are all events in the past. A major consequence of this is that human freedom is simply an illusion.

2. Genetic Determinism

“One area of contemporary discourse in science that relates to the issue of human freedom is the notion of genetic determinism. Here, the concept of determinism is linked directly to the genes in the DNA of a person. Because we already know that aberrations in certain genes can lead to various forms of physical and mental disease in humans, we can say with some certainty that people are physically determined by their genes.

But genetic determinists want to extend this further, by claiming that even our behaviour is determined by our genes. In this line of thinking, we are but victims of our genetic makeup, and any effort to change our moral nature or behavioural patterns is useless. This is sometimes termed “puppet determinism,” meaning metaphorically that we dance on the strings of our genes.” (end excerpt)


The War on Free Will and Consciousness

Put in context, these deterministic dogmas are clearly foundational underpinnings for social engineers. But they only operate on the mind and body-memory level. Our essence is way beyond this and we know it, and that knowledge is exactly what causes the conflict we feel from childhood as we long for fulfillment and true expression.

That the parasitic manipulators want to control, contain and even usurp and utilize our consciousness is no new concept. The energy vampires of many dimensions have been around a long time and have been described in a multiplicity of ways throughout the ages.

The question is, how will we respond, knowing this is the game at play? Will we continue to lay down and take it, or respond in a powerful assertion of our conscious awareness, stepped up to degrees humanity has yet been able to experience and utilize and on such a wide scale?

This is where we stand.


This article is designed to give some historical perspective as to how we’ve been disempowered, but again it’s one of a variety of vectors aimed at the crippling of humanity.

It’s been proven we can change our own DNA, or very vibrational nature, and offset anything set in motion by previous influences, besides the fact that we can transcend all of this consciously.

That is knowledge and empowerment to an extreme. Let’s run with it and shift this reality by each of our own decisions and our deep resolve to be who we truly are.

That is the only answer.

The rest will follow. It’s an individual choice.

Let’s just do it and let the chips fall where they may. Whatever the cost – the rewards are inestimable!

Now is the hour. It always has been, but it’s now more than ever.

Much love always, Zen

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/free-will-determinism-war-consciousness/

Some Treatments to Look At

5 Medical Hoaxes You Probably Believe Are True

5 Medical Hoaxes You Probably Believe

10th August 2016

By Dr. Sameer Ather, MD, PhD, FACC

Guest writer for Wake Up World

The sheer volume of medical findings that have been published during the recent decades is absolutely staggering. As such, it is difficult, if not impossible to test each and every one of them independently. Many contain errors, or even flat out lies.

There are plenty of reasons why this would be the case. Chief amongst them is the fact that scientists and researchers need money to conduct their experiments. Those who provide the funding might have their own agenda, when it comes to results, and will want the findings to reflect that agenda. In other cases, projects run out of funding, or need to be published quickly, to secure more money. In these situations, tests are often conducted improperly, or the results are not thoroughly verified.

Sometimes, a medical journal will publish preliminary, inconclusive results that will get picked up by the media and announced as if they were hardcore facts. If the news is a hit, they will often forget to mention the follow-up research that proved the initial results were incorrect.

1. Any Sort of “Scientifically Tested” Weight Loss Treatment

The truth is we’ve known how to lose weight for a very long time. Regular exercise, and a strict diet are enough to the trick in most situations. There are many different body types out there, so losing weight to the point where you look like an underfed fashion model might not be an option, regardless of how much you try.

However, losing weight the healthy way is a long, and difficult process, and a lot of people are looking for quick fixes to their problems. Popping a pill to slim down sounds like a great alternative to many.

Some products include an asterisk few people bother to check. If there is an actual medical test involved, the sample size of people is often so small it barely qualifies as a sample at all. But it’s enough that get that label attached to your product.

2. Flu Medicine that Actually Cures the Flu

It’s surprising anyone still believes that cold treatments actually work. Anyone who’s ever had the flu knows that it takes at least a few days for the symptoms to go away, even if you’re taking medicine.

The fact of the matter is, it’s not the flu medicine that’s working. At best, these treatments only alleviate the symptoms, but they don’t do anything against the actual virus. Next time you decide to buy pills that are advertised as being effective against the common cold, check their ingredients. You’ll notice they’re the same as those of common painkillers, or anti-inflammatory drugs.

The reason these drugs are marketed as flu medicine is to raise their price. It makes buyers feel like they’re going to be more effective than other drugs against influenza. And that’s going to make them willing to pay more.

3. Cancer Rates Have Increased Dramatically During the Past Decades

You’d think the numbers wouldn’t lie. And looking at statistics, it would seem that there’s a real cancer epidemic going on. While the number may or may not be true, the story that surrounds them is wildly exaggerated, to say the least.

In reality, there have been some major changes in our way of life, during the past decades. People tend to live longer. Since cancer is a disease related to aging, statistically, more people are expected to develop some form of cancer.

Secondly, people are much more aware of what cancer looks like, and medics have gotten better at detecting it. We no longer live in an age when things like ‘catching the evil eye’ can kill you. Now we can identify some of the causes that lead to diseases, and death.

So, why are the stories about soaring cancer rates so popular? It all comes down to money. The scarier the condition seems, the more funding researchers are going to receive.

4. Animal Testing Is a Good Way to Measure the Effectiveness of a Drug

Results of animal testing have very limited applicability when it comes to humans. Mice are usually preferred because they share certain genetic similarities with humans, but the truth is there similarities are not nearly enough to warrant a medical comparison.

The unreliability of animal testing, unfortunately, is often ignored. Drugs and treatments that have only been used on animals are marketed as being scientifically proven to work.

5. The “Talking Cure” Is an Effective Way to Deal with Trauma

Psychologists everywhere never cease to praise the merits of talking about a traumatic experience when it comes to depression, anxiety, and other diseases of the modern age. But patients’ testimonies seem to disprove these assessments. In some cases, the “talking cure” might actually do more harm than good. Some professionals might be so desperate to prove that the method works, that they actually convince patients that they have a deep, underlying issue they are not aware of, when that’s not the case.

And unfortunately, most antidepressants have been proven to be ineffective as well, which means more research should be done on a cure that actually works, rather than trying to prove that the old methods do have some value.

We often hear the phrase ‘Science still has a long way to go’, but rarely is used when it comes to ethics and reliability. It is true that the scientific community still has a lot to offer. But rather than always looking forward, to the next big discovery, it should take care to look to the past as well, and reanalyze the things it takes for granted, for whatever reason.

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2016/08/10/5-medical-hoaxes-you-probably-believe-are-true/

Perks of Long Hair

The Negative Effects Of Cutting Your Hair

The Negative Effects Of Cutting Your Hair

by PL Chang

Back in the old days and the ancient times, many cultures embraced people with long hair, because they believed that long hair was a sign of strength and spiritual maturity.

The Native Americans and the Chinese are just a few examples of the many cultures that value long hair, which was why the men and women of these cultures back then rarely cut their hair.

Even though back then many cultures believed that having long hair was beneficial to the body, is there evidence today that supports the belief that long hair can make a person more intuitive?

How long hair can make you more intuitive

Back in the old days and the ancient times, many cultures embraced people with long hair, because they believed that long hair was a sign of strength and spiritual maturity.

The Native Americans and the Chinese are just a few examples of the many cultures that value long hair, which was why the men and women of these cultures back then rarely cut their hair.

Even though back then many cultures believed that having long hair was beneficial to the body, is there evidence today that supports the belief that long hair can make a person more intuitive?

The Negative Effects Of Cutting Your Hair

If you study Nature deeply enough, you should know that Nature would never create something that has no role to play in the evolution of a system, such as the human body.

Once you comprehend this, you should know that the human hair isn’t only for looks, but also plays specific roles for helping the human body to function at its optimal level.

One of the ways that your hair helps your body to perform better is by acting like an antenna to help you sense the energy of your environment more effectively. This is why when you are scared, all the short hair on your body point straight up, strengthening your intuitive senses.

Hair can be viewed as an extension of the nervous system, because it has the ability to absorb information in the environment and then transmit it to the brain for processing.

Besides absorbing information, hair also has the ability to emit energy patterns and frequencies into the environment. This has been seen in hair experiments that involve Kirlian photography.

Many spiritual gurus believe that having long hair can help stimulate the kundalini energy in the body more effectively, which in turn causes an increase in vitality, intuition, and tranquility. Could this be one the main reasons why women are more intuitive than men?

One of the most effective ways to stimulate the kundalini energy in your body is through positive sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse, both sexual partners are constantly exchanging sexual energy, causing the kundalini energy to rise towards the brain.

Once the kundalini energy of one of the partners reaches the climax state, he or she will usually experience an orgasm. The sexual energy that is transferred during sex is important for balancing the masculine and feminine energy.

However, negative sexual intercourse, such as rape, violent sex, or uncaring sex often causes sexual energy blockages, leading to sexual problems.

Because hair acts like an antenna, it is my belief that pubic hair allows sexual energy to transfer between sexual partners more efficiently. This can lead to better sexual experiences and a stronger bond between sexual partners.

The negative effects of cutting your hair

Centuries ago, many cultures discouraged people to cut their hair, because they viewed long hair as a sign of health, beauty, strength, freedom, and spiritual maturity. Because of these views, both of the sex of these cultures kept their hair long and often cut the hair of their enemies as a sign of slavery and to weakened their intuitive senses.

The Controllers (the Elites) are also aware of the health benefits of long hair, which is why they support the idea of keeping the hair of the male population short.

This is why when men join the military, which is a corporation controlled by the Controllers, they are required to cut their hair very short. Most people in the military will often tell the common people that when men join the military, they are required to cut their hair very short due to safety or health reasons.

Those claims may be true but the convert reasons for requiring them to cut their hair very short are to weaken their intuitive senses and to mark them as slaves of the military-industrial complex.

As described at 3HO.org:

As whole tribes or societies were conquered, cut hair became so prevalent that the importance of hair was lost after a few generations, and hairstyles and fashion grew to be the focus.

The science of hair was one of the first technologies given by Yogi Bhajan when he came to America.

“When the hair on your head is allowed to attain its full, mature length, then phosphorous, calcium, and vitamin D are all produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid, and eventually the spinal fluid through the two ducts on the top of the brain. This ionic change creates more efficient memory and leads to greater physical energy, improved stamina, and patience.”

Yogi Bhajan explained that if you choose to cut your hair, you not only lose this extra energy and nourishment, but your body must then provide a great amount of vital energy and nutrients to continually re-grow the missing hair.

In addition, hairs are the antennas that gather and channel the sun energy or prana to the frontal lobes, the part of the brain you use for meditation and visualization. These antennas act as conduits to bring you greater quantities of subtle, cosmic energy. It takes approximately three years from the last time your hair was cut for new antennas to form at the tips of the hair.

Why the Native Americans back then kept their hair long

Some hair researchers suggested that during the Vietnam War, certain special forces of the United States military were ordered to infiltrate the reservations of Native Americans to look for men with amazing tracking abilities.

They found that many Native American men had extraordinary tracking abilities, but after they were recruited and their hair was cut short, they lost their extraordinary tracking abilities.

When asked about their lack of tracking performance, the Native American men often replied that their intuition no longer was reliable, because they lost the ability to effectively communicate with their intuition.

Also see: 10 Herbs For Hair Growth

Whether this experiment is true or not is hard to say. However, when you study how hair works beyond conventional methods, it becomes clear that hair does play an important role for helping the body to sense the energy of the environment.

from:    http://www.bodymindsoulspirit.com/the-negative-effects-of-cutting-your-hair/

How DO You Spell “Berenstein Bears”?

What’s Behind the Meteoric Rise of the Mandela Effect

Written by August 8, 2016

Unless you’ve been on an extended retreat, you’ve likely heard the term “Mandela Effect” recently. ” While many are surprised by the recent surge of interest in the “Mandela Effect,” those of us who have been researching and writing about this phenomenon of reality shifts and alternate histories have long been anticipating just such a rise of interest. The “Mandela Effect” is named after South African anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela, who became a topic of interest in the year 2010 by people noticing with surprise that he was alive at that time–since many people remembered him having died while incarcerated. I had published similar accounts of the dead being observed alive again in my 1999 book, Reality Shifts, and reporting first-hand accounts on the RealityShifters website from people all around the world noticing many dead people alive again. Observations of dead people alive again are just one of many types of Mandela Effects, with other notable examples including changes to song lyrics, movie dialogue, movie scenes, physical geography, physiological anatomy, and product names.

The Mandela Effect is one of those things most people won’t believe in until it happens to them. Like falling in love or going through heartbreak, the Mandela Effect is something you have to experience in order to fully embrace. And even then, it often takes more than one or two experiences to break through the resistance most of us have to accepting the existence of something that fundamentally challenges our unspoken foundational assumption that facts and historical events don’t change. This bias has been poetically expressed in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:

“The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on:
nor all thy piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.” 


Google trend graph for “Mandela Effect”

When we encounter something indicating evidence that in fact, history has changed–it feels shocking to discover some of the lines have been canceled and washed out! We seem to be approaching ‘tipping point’ where it’s getting harder for scoffers to say there’s no such thing as the Mandela Effect / reality shifts / alternate histories. The term “Mandela Effect” originated with blogger Fiona Broome in 2010 after she attended a conference where many people talked with her about remembering how Nelson Mandela had died many years earlier–though official recorded history at that time indicated no such thing had actually occurred.


Dolly and Jaws in “Moonraker”

Thanks to articles written by some Mandela Effect experiencers, the Mandela Effect shows evidence of increasing in popular awareness. Mandela Effect articles have been written by experiencers including the Lewiston Sun Journal’s Mark LaFlamme (“The Mandela Effect is Freaking Me Out“) who noticed a change on which side of his father he’s standing by in an old family photo;the New Zealand Herald’s Karl Puschmann (“Berenstein or Berenstain? The Riddle Making Book Lovers Mad“) who is certain the popular children’s books ought to be spelled “Berenstein” and not the way they’ve supposedly ‘always been spelled’ as Berenstain; and San Diego City Beat’s Tom Siebert (“Technology and Memory Down the Rabbit Hole“) who noticed a change to a memorable scene in a James Bond movie, “Moonraker,” in which the girl with the braces who fell in love with another character with shining teeth no longer has braces. I watched The James Bond film “Moonraker” several times while in college, and also remember the memorable scene in which the blonde girl named “Dolly” who wears glasses and braids shares a cheesy moment with Richard Kiels’ character, “Jaws,” when they notice how his shiny teeth complement the shiny braces on her teeth. Except now, she doesn’t have any braces on her teeth.

Taken individually–the way such observations of discrepancies between what we remember and recorded historical evidence have always been noted up until now–a single person feeling unsettled by noticing such a change would have been chalked up to their having made some kind of cognitive error. When such “mis-remembered” recollections are considered collectively, we are presented with the possibility that we are witnessing collectively agreed-upon awareness of differently remembered historical facts that we can start to take notice of.

Some scoffers have leapt to the conclusion that Mandela Effect experiencers who are noticing long-familiar words in movies, TV shows, books, and products are most likely suddenly sharing ‘false memories,’ due to the fact that human memories are not fully reliable. Such an explanation allows us to leave unquestioned some old assumptions that have quietly started to crumble at their very foundations since the advent of quantum physics just over a hundred years ago. While quantum physics shows us there can be no such thing as an objective observer, and now that two thirds of physicists recently surveyed agree that you and I and everything that exists does so in a superposition of states–we clearly need to revise both our scientific methodology and our assumptions about reality.

While I agree with the observation that human memories often do not match current historical records, it’s clear that stopping the thought process at that point is premature, and does not match what we are learning about the primacy of quantum logic in the natural world.

I’ve been researching this phenomena since the 1990s. It was originally called “reality shifts,” and first appeared in print in the book “Future Memory” by PMH Atwater to describe common (yet strange) experiences that near-death experiencers frequently have. I have been reporting on individual recollections of alternate histories involving everything from changes in books, to dead people alive again, to changes in the way motor memory works since 1999, in the earliest edition of my first book on this subject, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, and in my free monthly Realityshifters ezine. I’m currently pursuing this Mandela Effect / reality shift topic in interviews with experts in the fields of quantum biology such as JohnJoe McFadden, quantum cognition such as Jerome Busemeyer, and quantum cosmology such as Yasunori Nomura on my blog and “Living the Quantum Dream” radio show. What I’m noticing is that this phenomenon appears to not be new, but rather we have reached a point in society where for the first time we are able to share memories with others that are different from the collective whole–and sometimes our memories show the same kind of alternate pasts that physicists such as Stephen Hawking have told us exist.

When we consider the matter of “confabulation” and “false recollections” at this dawning of the new Quantum Age, we see that we may eventually call such things “alternate recollections,” in recognition of awareness of the fact that we know that each and every one of us exists in a superimposed state, with access to many possible alternate histories, presents, and futures. The idea that the many worlds of quantum physics might be one and the same as the multiverse has been proposed by such esteemed physicists as Dr. Yasunori Nomura and Dr. Raphael Bousso of UC Berkeley, and increasing numbers of scientists are feeling optimistic that we might yet find evidence that we indeed live in a multiverse.

Finding Evidence of Many Worlds in Alternate Histories

There is an exciting human side to the subject of alternate histories and parallel worlds. While we don’t yet have technology to show photos from your past with evidence of parallel universes impinging on the very fabric of reality since the day you were born, we can look to see what kinds of evidence we are able to collect more easily. If we were feeling the effects of parallel universes, we would expect to occasionally notice that history doesn’t stay put. Occasionally, we’d have very different ideas of what happened than we’ve had before, or than others have had before. What would such alternate histories be like?

JFKcar1963nov22Dr. Robert A. Burton recounts a fascinating experience in his book, On Being Certain, of attending a medical school reunion dinner in which conversation turned to where people were when they heard the news that Kennedy was assassinated. Burton and his classmates had all been in their second year of medical school, attending similar classes and hanging out together. An argument broke out amongst the reunion attendees as a urologist thought they were all at lunch, an internist remembered they’d been in the lab, and a pathologist remembered being at a pub down the street from the med center. With classmates turning to Burton to be the tie-breaker, setting history straight, the pathologist and urologist both agreed on one thing as they announced in unison, “Everyone remembers the Kennedy assassination.”

If this was the first time such differences of memory related to significant events occurred, we might dismiss it as a humorous aside. But the fact of the matter is that researchers are increasingly becoming aware of what they call “false recollections.” With the advent of the Quantum Age, we may eventually call them “alternate recollections,” indicating awareness of the fact that we know that each and every one of us exists in a superimposed state, with access to many possible alternate histories, presents, and futures.

Challenger_1AUlric Neisser and Nicole Harsch conducted studies of Emory University students’ accuracy of recollections of events at the time of the Challenger space shuttle explosion, starting by collecting first-hand accounts from 106 students the day after the disaster detailing how they’d heard of the explosion, what they’d been doing at the time, where they were, and how they felt. The researchers followed up with the same students two and a half years later, and were startled to find that students achieved a mean score of 2.95 compared to a perfect score of 7. Less than 10% of the students were able to exactly match their original recollection of events, and over half of the students got a score less than 2.

The most noteworthy findings in this “flashbulb” memory study were student reactions when confronted with conflicting accounts. Many students persisted in confidently claiming that their current memories of events were completely accurate, even when confronted with their own hand-written journal entries. One student summed up what happened succinctly,

“That’s my handwriting, but that’s not what happened.”

It’s important to note that in this new Quantum Age, such cases of alternate histories are to be expected. They provide evidence of the superposition of states that we and everything around us exists within, so we can expect to occasionally see documented records from the past that differ from what we recall. In the Quantum Age, we understand that seeing our own handwritten notes that aren’t at all what we remember is one way that alternate histories become known.

Physicists Agree: You’re in a Superposition of States

When we understand that our belief structures are creations of our minds, we start noticing how varied individual belief structures can be from person to person. What one person considers to be realistic and matter-of-fact might seem outrageously peculiar to another. Even the idea that other people actually see images in their minds may seem outlandish to some people, let alone what those people see. When enough people shift their belief structures to look at the world in fresh, new ways, cultural paradigms shift.

Staying current with new scientific findings can help. While most non-physicists would likely see a solid physical object such as a table or a chair as only what it currently appears to be, a remarkable 2/3 majority of physicists interviewed in 2011 stated they believe that all objects can exist in superimposed states—much the way we know quantum ‘particles’ exist as energetic probabilities as much as physical particles we can measure and observe. University of Portland, Oregon, physics professor, Maximilian Schlosshauer summarized this remarkable agreement thus,

“More than two-thirds believed that there is no fundamental limit to quantum theory—that it should be possible for objects, no matter how big, to be prepared in quantum superpositions like Schrödinger’s cat. So the era where quantum theory was associated only with the atomic realm appears finally over.”

A Scientific Basis for Instantaneous Adaptation in Stressful Times


John Forster Cairns

The scientific assumption that organisms experienced random mutations was seriously shaken by Harvard professor John Forster Cairns 1988 proposal that the organisms themselves were preferentially producing beneficial mutations. Cairns conducted experiments with E. coli bacteria that demonstrated that in times of stress, when the bacteria were starved from food they were capable of digesting, they made “adaptive mutations” to be able to receive nutritive sustenance from a food source they’d never been able to consume before. This phenomenon in which E. coli mutated exactly the most optimal genes precisely when that mutation was required had no known basis nor explanation from established theories in genetics–and indeed seemed to contradict one of the central dogmas of molecular biology, that information only flows in one direction during transcription from DNA out to proteins to a cellular organism environment. John Cairns and Julie Overbaugh and others proposed a mechanism that what might be happening is that “the cell could produce a highly variable set of mRNA molecules and then reverse-transcribe the one that made the best protein.”

If reverse-engineering mutations by bacteria in times of starvation so they can start digesting lactose sounds crazy, it might help to know there exists a similar proven case of successful quantum biological adaptation: photosynthesis. Those who expect modern human technology to be faster and more efficient than the rustic natural world are quite surprised to learn that our best photovoltaic cells are only 20% efficient, compared with photosynthesizing plants and bacteria that regularly achieve 95% efficiency rates for transforming sunlight into energy. Plants have existed on Earth for millions of years, so it’s not too surprising to find that their natural process of photosynthesis likely utilizes quantum coherence to speed things up. In decades past, scientists believed that excited electrons carried energy randomly through photosynthetic systems in plants, hopping from one molecule to the next. More modern measurements of energy in the new field of quantum biology studying photosynthesizing plants indicates something much more efficient is going on. What appears to be happening is that electrons take advantage of the fact that energy can move not just in the material form, but in pure energy form, too, and entire systems of molecules can become entangled to allow the formation of a coherent wave that tries out different pathways simultaneously, until the most efficient route is very quickly determined. The quantum magic happens in each of a photosynthetic cell’s millions of antenna proteins that are surprisingly efficient and robust at routing energy with very little lost in transit.

University of Toronto biophysicist Greg Scholes published his findings of room-temperature quantum coherence behavior in common marine algae in Nature. Scholes describes an analogy of driving home through rush hour traffic to explain what these cells are doing:

“… you have three ways of driving home through rush hour traffic. On any given day, you take only one. You don’t know if the other routes would be quicker or slower. But in quantum mechanics, you can take all three of these routes simultaneously. You don’t specify where you are until you arrive, so you always choose the quickest route.”

Advantages of experiencing alternate realities

My point is that everyone is experiencing reality shifts that usually get brushed aside with the assumption from most social settings being that there has been confusion or misperception (with both parties assuming the other has made some kind of mental mistake). The reason I raise the topic of flashbulb memories in my book, Quantum Jumps, is to share the extraordinary findings of researchers who asked college freshmen immediately following the Challenger space shuttle explosion to write down where they were, what they were doing, and who they were with when they heard the news of this disaster very soon after it first occurred. Then some time later, these same students were again asked the same question before they were allowed to look at their own hand-written accounts. As some put it, “That’s my handwriting, but that’s not what happened.” Thanks to this research and stunning placebo effect results, we now have an opportunity to acknowledge that rather than explaining such reality shifts away as ‘memory lapses’ or confusion, we have always been witnessing the way quantum phenomena occurs at ALL levels of reality, and not only below the so-called “von Neumann cut.” I have a sense that research in these fields is about to lead us to a new level of awareness that facts can change–yet understanding of our true identity as being consciousness can help us best find our way forward in experiencing various possible realities.

What Would You Notice if You’re in a Superposition of States?

What would it feel like to exist in a superposition of states? How could you tell? You might notice things like: markedly different childhood memories from your siblings; spontaneous or speedy healing from illness or injury; different movie dialogue, writing in books, product names, song lyrics, TV shows, and celebrities alive again after being reported dead. In fact, this is precisely what people are reporting with such commonly recognized examples as:

BerensteinBearsBerenstein Bears VS Berenstain Bears


• “Mirror mirror on the wall” VS “Magic mirror on the wall”

• Mr. Rogers sings, “It’s a beautiful day in THE neighborhood” VS “It’s a beautiful day in THIS neighborhood”


• Darth Vader says to Luke Skywalker, “Luke, I am your father” VS “No, I am your father”

Mandela Effect Reports on the Rise

In addition to some of these commonly reported shared experiences of alternate histories, some people are also remembering other things differently, such as: “If you build it, they will come” instead of now, “If you build it, he will come” and “Jiffy” peanut butter instead of “Jif.” As increasing numbers of honest reporters and authors start running into their own experiences with the Mandela Effect–both the private experiences that only they recognize, and the more publicly shared varieties–we will continue the growing conversation about the Mandela Effect, and why increasing numbers of people are noticing it now.

And in the meantime, I recommend that you keep asking “How good can it get?” to harness imagination and your ability to provide yourself with self-guidance from your highest levels of consciousness. Asking this question helps ensure we are honoring a longer-term, fuller and more harmoniously interconnected optimal experience. We can trust our highest, largest, most comprehensive levels of consciousness, and in so doing we will continue to experience different pasts and instantaneous transformations as we move through these stressful times to more optimal realities.

from:    http://consciouslifenews.com/whats-behind-meteoric-rise-mandela-effect/11124116/

Finding Peace Within

How To Master Inner Peace

July 30, 2016

How To Master Inner Peace

by Melind

I have learned in the past couple of years that nothing ever stays the same. Even after we start practicing mindfulness, we have our good and bad days.

People often tell me that sometimes they are still anxious, even after practicing peace for such a long time. They feel bad for it and want to eliminate it completely. But the truth is that anxiety, just like any other human feeling, cannot be eliminated completely. Because it is natural. And there’s nothing wrong with it, just like there’s nothing wrong with any other human feeling.

I have my own set of fears, just like everybody else does. Sometime I feel like my mind just picks a random worry off its big shelf of worries to bother me with. The shelf is never empty, it always has something to throw at me. I don’t think it will ever be empty. And that’s okay.

What I realized is that it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that the shelf is full. It doesn’t matter what the mind throws at you. And I’m going one step further: It doesn’t even matter what life itself throws at you. Because there is only one thing that matters, one thing that determines life.

And that is how we react to it.

This was one of the very first reminders I’ve written in my meditation diary: “Life is determined by our reactions to it.” Because many things are out of our control, even our thoughts sometimes. But what will always remain in our control is our reactions. And through our reactions, we make life.

Let’s look at an example. Imagine a person who is scared of public speaking because of what people might think about her. That’s a very common fear. Now imagine that person going up to speak and messing up in the worst possible way. This is our main situation. There are two ways to go from there.

She either collapses mentally and scolds herself for being so stupid, never really getting over it, making it into one of her most horrible memories. Or she can shrug it off, accept with peace that it happened and move on. Will anyone in the audience care? No, everyone will forget after a short time. Of course they will, because it’s not a big deal. It’s nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Nothing is nearly as big of a deal as our minds make it out to be. It’s good to remember that, so when the time comes, we can choose to react with peace. What happens doesn’t matter as long as we choose to react to it with peace. Because whatever we react to in such a way will become a peaceful experience.

This is one of the most important things I’ve learned and I still remember what a freeing experience it has been to realize it. I don’t have to suffer. I don’t have to panic. I don’t have to worry. I can choose to react with peace. To anything. Inside and outside of me.

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional,” is one of my favorite quotes. Because it’s so true. Things will happen, everyone goes through pain, hardship, bad thoughts, uncomfortable feelings. But those don’t determine a life. What determines a life is how we react to all these things. Because that makes all the difference in the world.

(A guided meditation on the same topic can be found here:

“Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.” – Lou Holtz

from:    http://in5d.com/how-to-master-inner-peace/

Changing Times, Changing Views

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

These are very exciting times as well as extremely challenging ones. Changes continue to accelerate on personal as well as external fronts, and will continue to do so.  This veil lifting meme has come on strong. It’s in our collective consciousness. It’s the awakening morphing as we said it would and will continue to do.

On the external front, the BREXIT issue is very indicative of the growing effects of recent events, even if it’s engineered to try and bring on a new globalist plan. The point is people are getting a sense of empowerment and involvement. When these openings arise they lead to more awakenings of the spirit as related issues come to light.

I see and feel it here in Spain, as there are a lot of Brits here and they’re talking about it quite a bit and recalculating many things as a result, as are all other nationalities here in Europe. It affects trade, freedom of movement and places of residence the most immediately.

People are already on the defensive with the monetary manipulations and the underlying issue of disappearlng national cultures with the migration agenda in full swing, so the cumulative effect of these issues is precipitating new viewpoints and understandings about what’s going on.

Populations are also being battered about by these escalating false flags and ginned up fear with the resulting militarization of their otherwise peaceful nations. They’re seeing through all this more and more. That’s pretty powerful. It’s all backfiring as they get more and more desperate to gain control, and people aren’t buying into it nearly as much.

The Break Though Is Under Way – And It’s Very Personal

The truth is bubbling through this lifting veil and changing the playing field in more ways than we can even clearly identify. It’s a shift – ultimately in consciousness that is affecting the entire planet and everything and everyone in and on it.

The most profound manifestations are what’s happening in people’s personal lives. I’ve been going through a major shift the past 10 months with very personal ramifications coming at me full speed and from all sides. The thing is, I’m hearing this from every quarter. My own children, close friends, readers and commenters on the site, people I’m meeting, and just perusing the consciousness oriented web sites.

The shift is hitting the fan. And it’s all for good.

It’s really remarkable how lives are being impacted. And it’s clearly what’s most important – that we make the personal changes that are being required of us to prepare us for what’s ahead, as well as in fulfilling our essential roles as sovereign awakened souls and awake and responsible inhabitants of this glorious planet.

Y-Ray Eyes – Just Wait To See What You’re Gonna See!

What’s thrilling about these changes is what is being revealed to us. Not only in our general outlook as that will continually keep morphing, but our self perception and how we view those about us that closely influence our lives.

You’ll see yourself, first of all, warts and all as the layers peel off. But it’s revealing your real shining self. It’s all good. I get into this in other articles but you know what I’m talking about. Transformation is a painful but necessary process.

Don’t fight it. In fact, pursue it.

The wild stuff I’ve been experiencing the past several months and which continues to step up is seeing not only myself, but other people differently. Especially the ones I thought I “knew”. Things get revealed to you. Brace yourself, a lot of it comes as a shocker or sideways revelation, but trust what your heart is telling you. And respond accordingly as you’re led.

It’s an ongoing adjustment process but quite a thrilling experience. It’ll make you draw close to some and distance yourself from others as your newly revealed self comes to the surface.

The Bombastic Bullshit Factor

There’s a lot of complete bullshit getting thrown around, and pointless, distracting and time and energy wasting drama. It’ll be cloaked in anything from morphed new age type spiritual rigamarole, a very toxic infection going around, to shallow amusements with no lasting value that also drain the spirit and distract from deeper relationships grounded in reality.

You’ll also see other people you don’t know differently. It’s sort of like having x-ray eyes that are waking up and activating. It gives you a lot more compassion to realize what people are trapped in, as well as an increasing disdain for destructive behavior and deliberate ignorance.

Events and news morph too. You’ll be able to more easily resist areas of information that you once tolerated and even sought after. Go with it. As we detoxify it gets easier and easier and we naturally spend more time on connecting with nature and relaxing as well as working on spiritual grounding, essential to our health and survival, especially now in these increasingly turbulent times, both socially and spiritually.

Hyperdimensional Stuff

This can’t be emphasized enough. Without awareness of this aspect we’re sitting ducks. Almost if not all of our problems are influenced by hyperdimensional energies and entities. We’re under attack now more than ever and as the veil lifts, but we’re going to be able to identify these pestering spirit influences at work.

That’s why grounding work in order to stay firmly planted in reality is so very important.

But it’s all for our good and growth, so react consciously. Again, the Wetiko information is very empowering in this regard. We need to understand what is going on in this important hyperdimensional aspect and there’s a lot of great information regarding this available.

But nothing takes the place of vigilance. If we’re “on call” we’re much more likely to nip things in the bud before we get entangled and things really become complicated and confusing. That’s why I wrote about social contracts and co-dependence recently, because these can be activated before we know it. It’s bad enough the ones we’re aware of and already disengaging from, but why bring on more problems for ourselves if we can avoid them?

Can I Help?

Co-dependency often manifests in trying to help others in the wrong way and with the wrong motives driving us. Maybe we’re drawing others to ourselves, or working out old issues with wanting to feel needed. It could be a lot of things.

This phrase “can I help?” has become a joke with my closest friends. We talk about all these things I’m writing about here a lot which really helps heighten awareness of it. But if you can laugh when you catch yourself doing it it’s a real good sign! Issues like this are a manifestation of previous trauma and tragedy in our lives and may not seem so funny at times, but we can get past it.

We just need to see it for what it is.

That takes some “homework” but it’s an essential part of our growth. Wrong, binding social contracts are another extension of co-dependency. It’s that thing that reaches out and attaches in completely unhealthy ways. It reminds me of the quote:

“Thoughts are not the problem… it’s the thing that goes out and grabs them and makes them ‘yours’ that’s the problem.”- Jack O’keeffe

Watch Your Thoughts – And Everything Else

That quote above is like anything in us that seeks attachment. And let me tell you, hyperdimensionals LOVE attachment! Besides what basic attachments to to bind up personally, attachment is how these entities and influences work and even travel from person to person. So watch out where you hang out, who you’re with and what you think. Do regular energetic cleansing.  All this may seem a tall order but it’s the nature of the beast right now.

Actually it always has been.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom” is a lot deeper than we thought. But it’s not that complicated. It will take some tough decisions to let go of compromised situations. The answer is usually clear and easy but the execution can be tough. Some things take more time to unravel and disconnect from than others. But we all can do it.

Unveil Yourself

I’m dwelling on these personal aspects because self-healing is the most profound manifestation of this lifting of the veil. And once we’re whole we’re way more effective in helping to change the vibrational level of our environment. That’s the most effective thing any of us can do.

It’s also where these other forces and issues can’t touch us, and that awakening process continues to self replicate and raise in not just frequency, but power and speed. Besides, it’s the unknown territory we all crave to find and explore and dwell in.

And it’s at all of our fingertips.

Now that’s empowering. We’re in the midst of a planetary shift that’s being energetically charged, and as we respond and resonate it works synergistically to compound this wonderful change exponentially.

Keep on. It’s an individual fight, but we each help each other massively by overcoming.

Meet you in the unknown! It’s the place to be! 😉

Love always and all ways,


from:    http://www.zengardner.com/the-lifting-of-the-veil/

Seeing Some Changes in Yourself?

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

July 25, 2016 

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

Every day, we receive confirmation that we are on the right path.  Little synchrocities may pop up or perhaps a white feather will slowly fall from the sky and land at your feet.  These aren’t mere coincidences as EVERYTHING has a meaning and a purpose!

We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum. People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream. In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to grow spiritually.

Within this shift of consciousness is a new mentality that refuses to be locked inside the box of conventional wisdom and brainwashed rhetoric. This is part of the great awakening.

Spiritual Awakening

At first, one may begin to seek their own inner truths in private but as the awakening continues, his or her search becomes an integral part of their lives. For example, people beginning their spiritual journeys may not talk about their concerns, issues or discoveries with their friends due to a fear of peer ridicule. Unfortunately, this falls under the category of “groupthink” and is akin to the same psychological conformity tests such as the Asch Conformity Experiments.

We begin to realize that virtually all of our thoughts have been cultivated by society through our biased educational facilities and through the main stream media, which dictates how we should behave, what we should eat, how we should look, etc… If we trace the roots of ALL of the main stream media, we find that they’re predominantly run by 6 people who control ALL of the media, which includes our educational facilities.

Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

This is why we were never taught how George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, funded both sides on World War II. Why? Because the Zionists have an agenda that’s been cultivated for many, many years. This is why we’re over-stimulated and over-entertained.

You end up rolling your eyes when you hear questions like these:

  • “Who’s gonna win the big game this weekend?”
  • “Did you see the latest Dancing With the Stars?”
  • “Check out my new i-Phone.”

I have the same answer that I say under my breath: “Who really gives a rat’s ass?” How does that fit into your spiritual growth? How is that making you a better person? How is that helping the world resolve its current issues?

Beginning Stages Of Spiritual Awakening

Many people begin their spiritual journey through the seeking of truths, such as the 911 coverup, chemtrails, secret societies (Builderbergs, Committee of 300, Skull & bones, Freemasons, etc…) and other conspiracy theories.

For a better idea of who REALLY runs this PLANET, please check out my article, “Pyramid Of Death: Who REALLY Runs This World?“.

The term “conspiracy theory” always seems to have a negative association linked to it, mainly by the main stream media. Why would this be? I think you know the answer… Yet this form of truth seeking seems to lead to a spiritual path for many as they realize that everything that’s currently happening in politics and religion leads to a greater awakening through truth. This brings us to the next level of spirituality.

The ego becomes exposed as we learn how to understand and control our materialistic ways. We start to make changes in our lives that are more positive. Sometimes, we also confront what we fear the most, such as a failed relationship, losing your job or loss of long-time friends who don’t understand your change in demeanor.

At times, it seems like the universe is taking a dump on you, yet when you look back at your difficulties, you realize that the universe presented you an OPPORTUNITY to overcome and grow from these obstacles.

You begin to surround yourself with like-minded people who share similar views and thoughts about making this world a better place for all of us. Many of these people are brought into our lives through the Law of Attraction or have soul contracts to meet with you at a specific time in your life. These contracts were made in the ethereal realms and can include literally millions of people.

For example, one small action can influence many people. As a driver, if you let someone into traffic, then that makes their day. It’s also likely that the same person will do the same for other people that same day. Your one action has now multiplied into many kind gestures. The same principle works when we smile at someone or open the door for a stranger.

You may experience the discontinuation of a dead-end relationship. At that point in time, it seems unbearable, but the universe is allowing you to get a fresh, new start on life by releasing negative influences that are attached to you. At this point in time, it’s important to forgive the other person, as well as yourself, for the failed relationship. By doing so, you’ve released any negative karma associated with this person.

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

Now your spirituality begins steamrolling forward! How many of these have you experienced?

  1. You openly talk about spiritual issues with virtually everyone. If you have Facebook, your wall is literally plastered with spiritual and metaphysical quotes, links and videos and you no longer post trivial statements that relate to the ego or materialism.
  2. Your heart is filled with love for all living things, including plants and animals.
  3. You react differently to things that used to bother you, including any political rhetoric because you realize that most world leaders do not care about you and that it’s up to you to become real change that you want to see in this world.
  4. You completely understand what it means to “become one with everything” but also know the importance of healing and integrating all soul fractions of yourself, positive and negative, from this life and in the past.
  5. You have a greater appreciation and understanding of nature and her elements.
  6. You become more conscientious about what you’re eating and drinking, as well as how that affects your DNA.
  7. You realize what your life purpose is.
  8. Metaphysical abilities, both suppressed and new, begin to surface.
  9. You are more in touch with your body than ever before, through meditation and reflection.
  10. You’re learning new things at an exponential rate.
  11. Your entire body begins to resonate at a higher vibration.
  12. You may experience a high pitched frequency that are not the result of tinnitus or a Vitamin D deficiency.
  13. Your dreams are very positive or futuristic because your subconscious mind no longer relates to fear.
  14. Your higher self keeps reminding you, “It’s time”.
  15. You experience synchronicities on a daily basis and understand that these synchronicities are signs of your awakening. These synchronicities may include numerical sequences, such as 11:11 or finding the right video or article at an opportune time in your life.
  16. Time seems to be speeding up for you as the days and weeks fly by.
  17. You stand within your truth. Like Gandhi said, “Even if you’re the minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”

One last thing to mention: It doesn’t matter where you are on your spiritual journey as long as you’re moving forward!

This is much more than the “Barnum Effect” in which people accept vague generalizations as truth. This is reality. This is your journey, enjoy the ride!

from:    http://in5d.com/17-advanced-signs-of-spiritual-awakening/

Moving Into Awakening

Awakening: 7 Steps to Ease the Labor Pain of Spiritual Rebirth

By Juliet Tang

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Awakening is a unique journey that can only be experienced. The closest description I can come up with is that it feels like finally seeing the true colors of the world for the first time after having taken off a pair of tinted glasses that was tied around your eyes since birth. As you are running down the path with enthusiasm, you realize just how magnificent everything is and you are eager to inhale all its beauty. You long to find all the treasures you never thought were there, and every time when you find something and hold it in your hands to examine its intricate details, you remember it is something you’ve left behind long ago. In fact, the entire journey looks familiar.

Eventually, it dawns on you that this is the path that takes you back to your true origin and the further you go, the more illuminated your path becomes until you see an infinite number of paths all around you and billions of souls traveling at their own pace back to the same place, a place that has birthed the light.

With the excitement of finally starting a new chapter in the journey comes a series of challenges and confusions that can be overwhelming. After all, rebirth is never without its labor pains and some can be quite intense to the point of making us wonder whether this is worth it. There is no “one size fits all” formula or linear path that works for every individual; however, these are some steps that can be taken to ease the impact of the speed bumps. Usually, the more out of alignment we are prior to awakening, the more intense the journey can be felt on all levels because there is much that needs to be unlearned.

It is a journey of letting go and home coming.

Step 1. Acknowledgement

“Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one area I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive… And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling

Many would describe one of the triggers of the awakening process is hitting rock bottom. The common feelings accompanying this step are often depression, anger, despair and loneliness. It can be a dark period of time when we feel no matter how much we try, we continue to slam our faces against the cold brick floor of the pit we have fallen into. We condemn life and everything in it believing it has all been a mistake and we have reached an end.
It is only when we can acknowledge the defeat of the existing paradigm will we be able to liberate ourselves from it and awaken to our true nature. When we are faced with our greatest challenges and darkest moments after having failed to change what is outside of ourselves, we often are left with only one choice — taking the journey inward and changing ourselves.

As difficult as this step is, being in a place in the absence of what we desire in life be it love, joy or fulfillment becomes the motivational factor that pushes us to journey within to a sacred place where higher wisdom can be accessed.

This step is the starless dark night before dawn and the ferocious storm before the rainbow. Many refer to it as the dark night of the soul. As debilitating as the step is, underneath the pain is tremendous love and grace that allows us to journey back to who we truly are if we choose to, but the journey must be taken outside of the mind and existing beliefs. The more we can question every belief we hold onto and see beyond the thin veil separating what’s real and what’s illusive, the more we will be able to see our existing system as a mirage created by others around us to maintain a façade of this dream state.

We begin to realize just how heavy our baggage is from carrying and living those beliefs that we have internalized from our caretakers, teachers, peers and culture without ever questioning whether they represent who we are.
Eventually, we begin questioning ourselves, “If I am not my beliefs, who am I?”

Step 2. Trust

“Faith is trust. Faith is a deep sense of connectedness with Being.” – Eckhart Tolle

Trusting that all will work out for the greatest good when nothing seems to be is a crucial step in the process of awakening. It can also be one of the most frightening steps because it requires a giant leap of faith. Personally, I feel it is the catch-22 of awakening. We simply cannot move forward without at some point making a deliberate choice of being willing to let go of any and everything. However, without knowing how long the tunnel is and whether we will ever see the light at the end, we hesitate with each step because we are consumed by fear of possibly making the wrong move hence losing everything we’ve ever worked for.

This step always involves much fear of change. As miserable as we may be with certain aspects of our lives and as much as we yearn for the better, we are so used to things being one way that we fear once we change, we will change for the worse and end up with regrets. This is why we often choose to stay in failing relationships and careers. We tell ourselves we’ve invested too much in something, that the only way we may change it is if we are guaranteed some kind of success while that very belief keeps us trapped in less than satisfying circumstances for years and decades.

Everything in life is energy that flows to us and from us. When we refuse change, we are placing roadblocks to limit or stop the energy flow and eventually causing stagnation in life force energy. Blocked energy in our bodies creates dis-ease while stagnant energy in our lives creates distressing situations. When we say to ourselves we are stuck and we are not moving forward, we are essentially referring to the lack of energy flow.

The truth is, we are change and life is change. In 1 year, 98% of the subatomic particles in our bodies will be different, yet we continue to attempt to hold onto the same beliefs and expectations by imprisoning ourselves in the cages we build with them. By choosing not to change, we are ultimately still choosing and that choice comes from fear.

Awakening requires us to shed our caterpillar skins so we may emerge as butterflies, and trusting the process of metamorphosis is an absolutely necessary step to awaken. Underneath every fear is a dream waiting to blossom and a wish waiting to be fulfilled.

In order to wake up, we must trust enough to take the red pill. That leap of faith is a trade-off with the divine intelligence in the universe. To remember and claim the greatest gift we each have — the gift of our ability to consciously create, we must first give something in return, and that is our very doubt in that creative power. The journey of awakening is nothing but a process of giving back everything that is not us so we can travel with the lightness of who we really are.

Remember, life begins once we step out of our comfort zone.

We may ask ourselves at this point, “How is my fear holding me back from living the life I desire?”

Step 3. Allowing

“The wound is where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi

We all have wounds. Prior to awakening, it is tempting to cover them up with bandages so we can present ourselves to the world as whole and perfect based on the world’s expectations. When we finally come to the realization that we have been dragging others’ baggage all along and realize the wounds have never healed from being covered up, anger is usually a common response.

It is easy to slip into a phase of judging and blaming ourselves and others for the flawed lives we have lived. We begin to see problems in everyone and everything. Our families, friends, media, society and often times ourselves all seem to represent sources of our pain. More often than not, we are so eager to shed the disempowering beliefs that we couldn’t purge them fast enough.

The risk of finger pointing is that we can easily slip back into the old victimhood except instead of being the victims with blindfolds on, now they have come off to reveal to us the dungeon we believe we are in. Some of us during this time will turn to teachings of law of attraction without first having taking care of the baggage. We convince ourselves in order to attract what we desire in our lives, we must raise our vibration to that which matches what we seek. As a result, we attempt to bypass all the intense emotions of awakening which is equivalent to introducing new expensive Italian furniture into a packed house that has never done spring cleaning.

The emotions we are bombarded with when we take the first few steps to awaken are part of the journey, and must be processed and integrated before we continue. If we try to resist by judging, denying or repressing any of them, we are still reacting to them and identifying with them which essentially means we are placing ourselves at the mercy of those beliefs we so desperately want to get rid of.

Know that the reason we may still be categorizing emotions into good/bad, positive/negative, acceptable/non-acceptable is because we have been conditioned to attach beliefs to the entire spectrum of emotions that are otherwise natural to us. This is the time to allow ourselves to feel without judgment or resistance. We can do so by journaling, talking to our emotions, practicing sitting with our emotions to understand their language, and inviting all parts of ourselves to participate in our meditations.

The question we may ask is, “What are my emotions trying to tell me?”

By being fully present with all emotions and sitting with them, we are beginning to step into our own power of being conscious creators.

Step 4. Acceptance

“I don’t let go of my thoughts, I meet them with understanding. Then they let go of me.” – Bryon Katie

We cannot disown anything before we own it. If we pick and choose what we wish to accept be it an aspect of ourselves or a person in our lives, we are only shining the flashlight in one corner of the room and leaving the rest of it in the dark. It is only when we have the courage to turn on the light fully and see all there is to see in front of us without looking away can we truly decide which ones no longer speak to who we are.

As our emotions are being processed, more and more clarity begins to surface to guide us in being selective with our thoughts, company we keep and experiences we wish to have. Once again, it may be tempting for us to judge parts within us that we do not like, or judge others for being in deep slumber and engaging in activities we do not agree with. We may get judged by others for being different. We may even feel the urge to persuade others to awaken so they can lift the thin veil between the dream state and reality.

It is important for us to understand that the journey of awakening is an inbound journey that involves individual souls remembering who we are through divinely placed and timed circumstances that are specific to each one of us; hence even if some of us are lucky enough to share it or travel parts of it with others, ultimately, the journey is unique to each individual as no two paths are alike. Just as we cannot rush a bud to blossom, we are not helping anyone by attempting to rush them to awaken or judge them for choosing to be asleep.

What we can do is to accept all there is with love and see the perfection in everything. To clear a common misconception, acceptance has nothing to do with agreeing to or condoning anything that is not aligned with who we are and seeing the perfection does not mean forcing ourselves to glorify things and calling them fabulous when they are not. Rather, by accepting, we are dropping our stories of how our experiences and people around us should be, hence freeing ourselves from fear attachments and whatever actions we decide to take from there emerge from a much higher vibration and clearer understanding.

This step, like all others, is simple but not necessarily easy.

For those who have experienced trauma at the hands of others, even the concept of accepting certain people or past events without judgment and anger is simply inconceivable. After the ending of my 8-year abusive relationship, I held onto the trauma for another decade and it was evident to me that my wounds were never fully healed when I had to take sedatives to fall asleep night after night without ever skipping a dosage. I made up stories and excuses to either condemn or justify why it happened so I could work through the forgiveness; the person went from a monster to someone who deserved pity as I continued to assign him new identities which secured my attachment to the very thing I tried to heal.

Eventually, I dropped my role of the storyteller and I met my past with acceptance and understanding—it happened and the person was who he was. When I accepted that what I thought shouldn’t have happened happened because it did and no amount of inner dialogue about the person or experience would change it, it transformed my life and spontaneous healing took place that led to instantaneous recovery of the natural sleep that eluded me for 14 years.
A question we may ask while going through this step is, “What stories am I telling that are keeping me from moving forward?”

It is easy to mistaken acceptance with passivity especially if we are still in a situation where harm is being done to us. Acceptance is the opposite of taking no action, committing to no change, agreeing with and inviting abuse as well as denying our pain which are all fear responses of non-acceptance. Rather, to accept means to not argue with what is so we can convert the tremendous energy we spend in opposing reality to healing and rebuilding our lives in the present moment whether it is to leave an abusive relationship or stand up for ourselves in a situation. When we accept life and open the space within us, inspired action arises.

When we can embrace all parts without labeling, when we can see the perfection in everyone and everything, we are in a powerful position to forgive, release and heal.

Step 5. Releasing

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” ~ Adyashanti

It is only after we have allowed and accepted every aspect of our lives can we finally make the decision to keep, or let go of certain people and patterns based on who we desire to be rather than who we thought we had to be. If we try to release a pattern or belief out of fear, that energy only acts to strengthen the bond between us and that which we seek to dismiss.

The step of releasing can take place simultaneously with the other steps. This is a rather chaotic step and is often referred to as “ego death.”

Initially, it can resemble a demolition project in which drastic changes are made and we go from changing jobs to letting go of relationships within a short period of time with little care about what others think. There may still be fear lingering but it cannot match our enthusiasm to finally live differently as we taste the sweetness of liberation. Our decisions are influenced and fueled by our desire to be and do all that was once held back by our own fears in the past.

Suddenly, our new and lighter vibration begins to attract like-minded individuals from unexpected places and teachers begin to appear out of nowhere. We are also likely to notice divine synchronicity and all those perfectly timed events, resources and people just pop up when we ask for them!

This step is an intimate dance between pain and joy, destruction and reconstruction, confusion and clarity, and despair and hope. On some days when we feel everything has come crashing down and we have absolutely nowhere to hide, somewhere in the middle of the most violent storm, there is a glimpse of hope that lights up like a beacon and the light cannot be extinguished by the waves. Eventually we come to know that the beacon is our spirit guiding us to the shore. We become our own bridges of past and future anchored in this very present moment, inspired, or, in spirit.

One may ask the question, “Where am I going?”

Step 6. Integration

“If we imagine that we’re free of all labels, all separation, and all judgments about this world and the life inhabiting it, we can begin to understand oneness. The place we want to enter is of simply being. We can picture the Source of being as an energy that’s as available to us as is the sky. There’s no anger toward anyone or anything because everyone and everything is Spirit. This Spirit is God, our Source of being. We are it, and it is who we are.” – Wayne Dyer

At a certain point, we realize nothing needs fixing as nothing has ever been broken. Instead, we see the perfection of every moment in our timelines as we can look at our existence from a much bigger picture. We know from a deeper place within us that even those who have caused us pain were beings who were intended for our paths to push us in this direction. Everything, the good and the bad, the laughter and the sadness, everything has been orchestrated by divine intelligence that flows inside of us based on the energy of what we needed to master at the time.

A stream of dreams and aspirations fills us with endless inspiration. We no longer feel the void from those we have let go of because we understand it is only from this infinite space can we write the stories we desire to write. We know whenever we encounter a less than ideal situation in life, it is something that has been called forth by ourselves and we only need to go into that space within ourselves to call on the gentle wisdom. We rely less on others’ teachings and more on our inner resources.

Every once in a while, we may still notice the faint and weak voices from our old patterns trying to speak to us and we consciously choose to overwrite them. We see fear for what it truly is — an illusion as False Evidence Appearing Real. The echoes of our past surface few and far between, and when they do, we approach them with curiosity and understanding knowing no experience is innately positive or negative, it is only our perception that gives anything meaning.

We realize that the ego is not the enemy; it was only doing its job by trying to keep us alive on this dimension. Once we have remembered who we truly are, we can come to a compromise with the ego to allow it to do its part as needed without having to take over. The inner harmony allows us to blend all experiences we’ve ever had and we emerge with greater purpose.

As we are integrating all that is within us, we also experience a deeper connection with everything and everyone around us. We know that energetically, we are all connected as we have all come from the same source. We replace judgment with love; we honor differences but transcend division. Our decisions become driven by the knowing, “We are all one.”

The question may be, “How may I serve?”

Step 7. Gratitude

“The struggle ends when the gratitude begins. The search is over when the finding starts. And the finding is not a finding at all, but a creating. You cannot find what you have been struggling for, but you can create it. And the jump-start of creation is gratitude”. – Neale Donald Walsch

Gratitude naturally arises when we approach the gate of non-duality on our journeys though it may appear much sooner in conjunction with any step towards awakening. Heartfelt gratitude is more than an affirmation, a feeling or a prayer, it is a state of being. That means it is no longer dependent on or conditional to what is happening in us and around us. It is a song and an eternal blessing we are immersed in no matter what we choose to focus our attention on.

We welcome and thank every person and experience that comes across our paths knowing there is a gift that we may choose to accept that will serve us in our evolution. We send gratitude to the ex-lover who “forced” us to remember how to love and value ourselves, to the boss who drove us to quitting that job and finally answering our calling, and to all the moments of tears and struggle for reminding us to step into our inner strength so we can make empowered choices. The imperfections in life become perfections because we know even if they may not be apparent at the moment, they are here to invoke greater wisdom within us.

Gratitude is on the same vibration as love. Love is the highest vibration of the universe. It is the divine source, or life energy itself. We are all beings of love. When we choose to live in gratitude, we are naturally aligning our creation with the very vibration of what we are made of. When we are gratitude, our every thought, word and deed is infused with this infinite creative life force energy that resides in everything in the universe. Our every expression declares and demonstrates who we know ourselves to be — love and Oneness, and from there, creation becomes effortless.

Gratitude allows us to let go of our need to control as control only stems out of the insecurities of our ego. When we allow our experiences to come from our Being and from gratitude, we are stepping into our true power of the creator role we have all chosen prior to this home coming journey.

The question for everything becomes, “What can I create that is a demonstration of love?”

Whether it seems obvious or hidden from us at the moment, we are all given the same creative power of free will. Our destinies are not written in the stars. The happenings in our external environment only reflect the conscious and unconscious choices we’ve made so far, and if something is not to our liking, it is only through inner work can we create a desirable outer reality that matches our own raised vibration.

Know that there is absolutely no destination or requirement in this human experience called life but only perfection wherever we are. The people, experiences and events in our lives at this very moment are exactly what we need to take the next step to create, demonstrate and declare to the world who we are based on the choices we make right here, right now.

We are here to experience every aspect of our infinite Being. We are life energy, manifested in physical form.

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/awakening-7-steps-ease-labor-pain-spiritual-rebirth/

Access to the Alzheimer’s Prevention Summit

OUTRAGE as pharma-corrupted Google censors Alzheimer’s prevention summit, claiming disease is not ‘preventable’

Google censorship

(NaturalNews) We are living in an age of massive censorship, collusion and criminality by the internet’s top gatekeepers. Google, Facebook and Twitter are all deeply corrupt, compromised organizations, and they systematically censor everything they don’t want you to see. For example, Twitter was just caught censoring the #DNCleaks hashtag following the Wikileaks release of 20,000 damning emails from DNC staffers (which revealed an astonishing pattern of corruption and an organized attempt to smear and destroy Bernie Sanders).

Now, Google has been caught shutting down the Adwords advertising campaign for an empowering online summit that teaches people how to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. (See details here.)

“Back in May, I hired a professional marketing firm in New York to help me share the news about this event and the hope was to literally reach millions of people by this time,” wrote Jonathan Landsman, organizer of the online event.

“Within 48 hours of placing our first ads on the internet – THEY SHUT US DOWN,” Landsman explained. And the reason for the shut down? Because a Google representative claimed Alzheimer’s isn’t preventable!

Google censors ads that teach disease prevention (and hurt Big Pharma’s profits)

So now, Google executives are self-proclaimed medical scientists who can censor any advertising campaign that threatens the profits of big pharma. Any ads that attempt to teach people how to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease or Alzheimer’s is systematically censored by Google under the fraudulent excuse that such diseases “aren’t preventable.” (This is Big Pharma’s BIG LIE that keeps them rolling in the profits by selling “treatments” that never stop the cycle of disease.)

As Google news very well, preventing disease means taking away billions of dollars in profit from the corrupt drug companies who maintain FDA-enforced monopolies on disease treatment in America. The last thing they want us for people to learn how to prevent chronic degenerative disease.

So Google is willing to deny people access to honest information about preventing disease in order to protect the profit interests of Big Pharma. And it’s not just Google, either. Did you know that Facebook bans dietary supplements from its Facebook shopping system? No supplements are allowed whatsoever… not even vitamin C!

Google is all-in for Big Pharma, vaccines, GMOs and Hillary Clinton

What’s readily apparent is that Google, just like Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo News and all the other large internet gatekeepers, is all-in for every destructive, evil form of medicine or politics imaginable. They’re 100% pro vaccines, GMOs, SSRI drugs, psychiatric drugs and Hillary Clinton. They routinely censor the truth across all these topics while promoting the lies and propaganda of the corrupt, criminal cartels that operate at every level of our present-day fascist police state society.

“The Alzheimer’s Association had its ‘Alzheimer’s awareness’ month in June,” Landsman explained. “And their message is ‘there’s no cure … just donate money for research.'”

As long as you don’t promote a cure for anything, you won’t be censored. If you keep stupidly promoting Komen’s fraudulent pink ribbons, or breast cancer awareness month (which feeds the for-profit cancer industry), you’ll be granted a voice through Google, Facebook, Twitter and other online gatekeepers. But the minute you start to teach people something TRUTHFUL about preventing disease or reversing disease, you will be targeted and silenced. In some cases, credit card merchants will even cut off your ability to process online payments, denying you a revenue stream.

This is what America has become under the fascist corporate-government power cartels. This is where we are after 8 years of Bush’s police state and 7.5 years of Obama’s “transformation of America” into a criminal cartel of totalitarian traitors. Every sector of modern society has now been overrun with sellouts and traitors who actively seek to enslave the American people by separating them from real solutions that could save lives and end suffering. And it was all propagandized be seditious, subversive disinfo agents (like Wolf Blitzer and Andrea Mitchell) who pretend to be journalists.

Thankfully, we still have Natural News, NewsTarget, Drudge and Breitbart. And although Google has deliberately censored the Alzheimer’s summit advertising, they can’t stop the summit itself!

How to hear the summit that Google censored

The summit begins on Monday, and you can register at this link (it’s free). Once you hear the very first interview, you’ll immediately understand why Google had to censor all online advertising for this summit: The information you’ll learn threatens the profit monopolies of the pharmaceutical cartels who are counting on a massive wave of Alzheimer’s and dementia to fill their bank accounts with financial riches.

If you want to keep your mind intact, protect your sanity and deny Big Pharma more profits, you need to hear this summit. Find out what Google was so terrified of… learn what the internet’s largest gatekeepers are desperately trying to prevent you from discovering.

Because the simple, fundamental truth on all this is that Alzheimer’s and dementia can be prevented. You just need to know how. Click here to join the summit and find out for yourself. It begins Monday, July 25th and features new, exclusive interviews each day next week.