Holistic Medicine & Cancer

Oh, Acupuncture!

Research Confirms this Holistic Treatment is Safer and More Effective than Morphine

Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

A new study has discovered that acupuncture can be more effective in treating pain than intravenous morphine. In addition, the researchers discovered that acupuncture can work faster in relieving pain and have fewer adverse effects. The study was conducted over a one-year period at the Fattaouma Bourguiba University Hospital in Tunisia. The results were published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

The Side Effects of Morphine Use

Morphine is an opioid pain medication which can have severe adverse effects. These include drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, tired feeling, anxiety and mild itching. Other risks associated with morphine use include misuse, abuse and addiction.

In addition, scientific research has shown that prescription opioids may actually worsen chronic pain. It appears that a holistic alternative to treating pain is much-needed in order to mitigate the dangers of conventional pharmaceutical pain treatment.

Now, a groundbreaking study shows that acupuncture is one of these effective holistic alternatives. Considering the study results, it may perhaps be even more effective than morphine.

Study: Acupuncture versus Morphine

A study performed in the Emergency Department of Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital, which sees about 100,000 emergency patients per year, evaluated the pain treatment approach for 300 ED patients.

The research evaluated 300 emergency patients. 150 were administered up to 15 mg of morphine per day. The other 150 were given acupuncture treatment for address their pain. The researchers summarized the results as follows:

Success rate was significantly different between the 2 groups (92% in the acupuncture group vs 78% in the morphine group P < .001). Resolution time was 16 ± 8 minutes in the acupuncture group vs 28 ± 14 minutes in the morphine group (P < .005).

From the 5-minute time point, the acupuncture group reported significantly larger pain decrease compared with the morphine group.

Overall, 89 patients (29.6%) experienced minor adverse effects: 85 (56.6%) in morphine group and 4 (2.6%) in acupuncture group (P < .001). No major adverse effects were recorded during the study protocol.

In patients with acute pain presenting to the ED, acupuncture was associated with more effective and faster analgesia with better tolerance.

To paraphrase, the acupuncture group in the study experienced significant pain reduction, and the effect occurred faster and with fewer side effects when compared to the morphine group.

Western Medicine Recognizes Acupuncture as an Effective Medical Treatment

Acupuncture originated in China many centuries ago and soon spread to Japan, Korea and other parts of Asia as an accepted medical treatment. Throughout the Asian continent, it is widely used in health care systems, officially recognized by governments, and well received by the general public.

In 1996, acupuncture became an accepted form of medical treatment endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO based their endorsement on data from numerous controlled clinical trials conducted over the two previous decades. The WHO report that resulted from the analysis of these clinical trials states:

Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has been proved – through controlled trials – to be an effective treatment:

  • Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy

  • Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever)

  • Biliary colic

  • Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following

  • stroke)

  • Dysentery, acute bacillary

  • Dysmenorrhoea, primary

  • Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastrospasm)

  • Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)

  • Headache

  • Hypertension, essential

  • Hypotension, primary

  • Induction of labour

  • Knee pain

  • Leukopenia

  • Low back pain

  • Malposition of fetus, correction of

  • Morning sickness

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Neck pain

  • Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular

  • dysfunction)

  • Periarthritis of shoulder

  • Postoperative pain

  • Renal colic

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Sciatica

  • Sprain

  • Stroke

  • Tennis elbow

Notice the multiple mentions of conditions that involve pain, such as low back pain, neck pain and headaches. In their report, the WHO also stated that acupuncture has shown to have a therapeutic effect on abdominal pain, cancer pain, facial spasms, and labour pain (although the organization did not have sufficient clinical data to include these in the effective treatment list above.)

Undoubtedly, acupuncture can play a powerful role in pain management. It is an effective drug-free alternative to reducing pain with very few side effects that has been proven over the ages. Finally, science is catching up to reinforce this claim.

from:     http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/01/12/research-confims-holistic-treatment-more-effective-morphine/

Vaccination – Some Considerations

First Study on Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children Pulled from Web

vaccinated-childChristina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times  

The results of the first ever study comparing the health of vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated children is out, and they are already causing controversy. For many – hundreds of thousands of families that have already been injured by vaccines – the results won’t be surprising, but to many others, the findings might be a little shocking. This is possibly why the scientific journal which originally published the results withdrew the study from publication.

The abstract of the study was published online in Frontiers in Public Health after being accepted November 2. The study compared children’s health via surveys of mothers who home-schooled their children aged 6-12 years. Nearly 40 percent of the children had never been vaccinated, so the control group was adequate to do a good comparison against children who had been vaccinated.

After heavy criticism from the public and scientific community due to the results of the study, though, it was retracted. Why? Those that were vaccinated were three times more likely to be diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.

The abstract specifically stated,

“A total of 415 mothers provided data on 666 children, of which 261 (39%) were unvaccinated. Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDDs (defined as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or a learning disability).”

The study further concluded,

“In this study based on mothers’ reports, the vaccinated had a higher rate of allergies and NDD than the unvaccinated. Vaccination, but not preterm birth, remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors. However, preterm birth combined with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD. Further research involving larger, independent samples is needed to verify and understand these unexpected findings in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on children’s health.”

The initial backlash was significant. Public comments included, “this study is of poor design, though not impossible results. Study relies of self-report of moms, inducing bias,” and, “Another garbage vaccine study in Frontiers journal. Scientists, stop reviewing/publishing there.”

Science Blogs also quickly posted an article titled, “Antivaccinationists promote a bogus internet “survey.” Hilarity ensues as it’s retracted.

When the paper was pulled, the publishers were also accused of not following a proper retraction process. Though the journal isn’t the first to pull a vaccine paper amid public criticism — in February, Vaccine temporarily removed — then soon retracted — a paper linking the vaccine for Human papillomavirus to behavioral problems in mice; a modified version of the paper was later republished, the retraction is suspect considering how quickly the paper was pulled. When the publishers were asked why this happened, they simply responded that the paper was submitted for review, but had not been approved.

Researchers like Catherine J. Frompovich likely wouldn’t think the study is so ‘hilarious’ as Science Blogs attests. She writes of a doctor in the UK who believes vaccines are indeed tied to autism. Dr. Graham Downing, who is a Neuro-musculoskeletal and Functional Medicine consultant in the UK has found that the vaccination of pregnant women increases inflammation in their bodies and also increases the risk of releasing inflammatory markers in their fetuses/infants. Such releases include phenotypes [the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.]

Downing also contends that the increased inflammation in cells caused by vaccines, also elevate in the fetal brain where cytokines release glutamates. The prefrontal lobes and the limbic system, which involves human emotions, are affected in fetuses from pregnancy vaccines administered to moms-to-be. So, not only are children outside the womb affected, but the neurological/immunological decline starts while they are still in the womb.

Downing also attests that vaccines are tied to the artificial intelligence rollout goals of the elite. As Frompovich writes,

“Dr. Downing says there are five-year and fifteen year goals for AI. The fifteen-year goal is to have AI run everything, including humans! You have to listen to his comments about that aspect—one word: “frightening!” To ‘authentic’ his remarks, Doctor cited a report issued by the White House, “A Federal Vision for Future Computing: A Nanotechnology-inspired Grand Challenge.”

Here’s what that 15-page report is about:

Create a new type of computer that can proactively interpret and learn from data, solve unfamiliar problems using what it has learned, and operate with the energy efficiency of the human brain. [3]

[Basically, it’s an artificial brain to replace the human brain. Also, they want to create a new soul for humans, too!]”

So, why are vaccine promoters so quick to dismiss, or make a drivel of a study based on mothers’ health reports of their children? Bias or no bias – it’s hard to dismiss a 300 percent increase in autism and neurological damage rates – but those reasons are left to your imagination.

from:     http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/12/01/first-ever-study-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-children-removed-web/

Walnuts – Who Knew!


Seen any walnuts in your medicine cabinet lately? According to the Food and Drug Administration, that is precisely where you should find them. Because Diamond Foods made truthful claims about the health benefits of consuming walnuts that the FDA didn’t approve, it sent the company a letter declaring, “Your walnut products are drugs” — and “new drugs” at that — and, therefore, “they may not legally be marketed … in the United States without an approved new drug application.” The agency even threatened Diamond with “seizure” if it failed to comply.

Diamond’s transgression was to make “financial investments to educate the public and supply them with walnuts,” as William Faloon of Life Extension magazine put it. On its website and packaging, the company stated that the omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts have been shown to have certain health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. These claims, Faloon notes, are well supported by scientific research: “Life Extension has published 57 articles that describe the health benefits of walnuts”; and “The US National Library of Medicine database contains no fewer than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk.”

This evidence was apparently not good enough for the FDA, which told Diamond that its walnuts were “misbranded” because the “product bears health claims that are not authorized by the FDA.”

The FDA’s letter continues: “We have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.” Furthermore, the products are also “misbranded” because they “are offered for conditions that are not amenable to self-diagnosis and treatment by individuals who are not medical practitioners; therefore, adequate directions for use cannot be written so that a layperson can use these drugs safely for their intended purposes.” Who knew you had to have directions to eat walnuts?

“The FDA’s language,” Faloon writes, “resembles that of an out-of-control police state where tyranny [reigns] over rationality.” He adds:

This kind of bureaucratic tyranny sends a strong signal to the food industry not to innovate in a way that informs the public about foods that protect against disease. While consumers increasingly reach for healthier dietary choices, the federal government wants to deny food companies the ability to convey findings from scientific studies about their products.

Walnuts aren’t the only food whose health benefits the FDA has tried to suppress. Producers of pomegranate juice and green tea, among others, have felt the bureaucrats’ wrath whenever they have suggested that their products are good for people.

Meanwhile, Faloon points out, foods that have little to no redeeming value are advertised endlessly, often with dubious health claims attached. For example, Frito-Lay is permitted to make all kinds of claims about its fat-laden, fried products, including that Lay’s potato chips are “heart healthy.” Faloon concludes that “the FDA obviously does not want the public to discover that they can reduce their risk of age-related disease by consuming healthy foods. They prefer consumers only learn about mass-marketed garbage foods that shorten life span by increasing degenerative disease risk.”

Faloon thinks he knows why this is the case. First, by stifling competition from makers of more healthful alternatives, junk food manufacturers, who he says “heavily lobb[y]” the federal government for favorable treatment, will rake in ever greater profits. Second, by making it less likely that Americans will consume healthful foods, big pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers stand to gain by selling more “expensive cardiac drugs, stents, and coronary bypass procedures” to those made ill by their diets.

But people are starting to fight back against the FDA’s tactics. “The makers of pomegranate juice, for example, have sued the FTC for censoring their First Amendment right to communicate scientific information to the public,” Faloon reports. Congress is also getting into the act with a bill, the Free Speech About Science Act (H.R. 1364), that, Faloon writes, “protects basic free speech rights, ends censorship of science, and enables the natural health products community to share peer-reviewed scientific findings with the public.”

Of course, if the Constitution were being followed as intended, none of this would be necessary. The FDA would not exist; but if it did, as a creation of Congress it would have no power to censor any speech whatsoever. If companies are making false claims about their products, the market will quickly punish them for it, and genuine fraud can be handled through the courts. In the absence of a government agency supposedly guaranteeing the safety of their food and drugs and the truthfulness of producers’ claims, consumers would become more discerning, as indeed they already are becoming despite the FDA’s attempts to prevent the dissemination of scientific research. Besides, as Faloon observed, “If anyone still thinks that federal agencies like the FDA protect the public, this proclamation that healthy foods are illegal drugs exposes the government’s sordid charade.”

Source: The New American – Like The New American on facebook

from:    http://www.realfarmacy.com/walnuts-are-drugs-says-fda/

Pickles – Who Knew!

When You Eat Pickles Often, These Surprising Things Will Happen To Your Brain

Posted by November 14, 2016


By Lim Kairen | Lifehack

Food for thought might just have a whole new meaning to it and in a more literal sense. We all hold a widely held conception that fish helps our brains develop and this study shows exactly that, but there might be a new super brain food on the block that could help your brain work better and it is readily accessible everywhere. Pickles.

However, not all pickles can have such a positive impact on the brain. A study done by the college of William and Mary in Virginia revealed that naturally fermented foods such as dilled pickles can provide you with a huge boost of serotonin which is a chemical responsible for managing our moods.

For people who have had an experience with depression or anxiety disorder, pickles could be just the thing to boost serotonin levels in your body like what most pharmaceutical antidepressants aim to do.

Gut and Anxiety

According to Dr Michael Gershon, author of The Second Brain, the gut is actually somewhat like our body’s second brain having as many neurotransmitters as the brain! However, unlike our brain that controls what we feel and how we make decisions, the gut makes decisions from swallowing, digesting to nutrient absorption and elimination.

What’s also fascinating about our gut is that it communicates with our main brain with very profound results as researchers are finding more evidence that problems in the gastrointestinal system send signals to our brain triggering a bout of mood changes which explains why people with bowel disorders suffer from depression and anxiety much easier.

Pickles And Euphoria

The GABA neurotransmitter is a bunch of neurons in our brain that controls motor movements, vision and they also regulate anxiety. And by putting a pickle into your mouth, it actually does a lot to your gut as well as your brain. Fermented foods such as dilled pickles have healthy bacteria in them called probiotics and there is much research done on the relationship between anxiety disorders and probiotics.

In one research done by the University of College Cork, Ireland, rats were used to study the potential benefits of introducing probiotics into their systems during a stressful situation such as maternal separation. Researchers studied that probiotic treatment is able to regulate their behavior and their abnormal immune response. Results like this fully support the hypothesis that probiotics have the potential to change our moods as well as strengthening our immune systems.

Researchers studied that probiotic treatment is able to regulate their behavior and their abnormal immune response. Results like this fully support the hypothesis that probiotics have the potential to change our moods as well as strengthening our immune systems.

To further prove the point that pickles actually does make people less stressed out, a study done by Maryland University studied the dietary habits of 700 students and found out that people who had fermented products in their diets suffered less social anxiety.


from:    http://consciouslifenews.com/eat-pickles-often-surprising-things-will-happen-brain/11128638/

On Reiki

Reiki – What It Is and Isn’t

Written by November 13, 2016


Reiki is a healing modality that is passed down from teacher to student through verbal and energetic lineage. There are 3 steps to learning how to facilitate the flow of the universal healing energy. There are a few misconceptions of what exactly Reiki is as a healing modality and what it isn’t. Reiki is a soft, gentle and light-filled healing modality that everyone can benefit from. I often recommend a treatment as a follow up to my spiritual counseling sessions. Many people haven’t heard or know what Reiki is.

A typical treatment is done on a massage table. The client is encouraged to lie down and relax on the table. The practitioner then will run healing energy (Reiki) through different hand positions over the client. The energy (light) goes to wherever the client needs the healing.
The transference of energy is spiritual, emotional, mental and physical in nature.
I often will implement crystals, aromatherapy, a guided visual meditation, and or drumming during the session.
What You May Experience During of After a Reiki Treatment
  • Feeling less stressed
  • Pain alleviated
  • Closer spiritual connection to source
  • An alignment of the chakras
  • Release of emotional trauma
  • Healing of wounds, disease and discomfort
  • Better nighttime sleep
  • Less anxiety
  • Increased intuition
  • The ability to solve problems more easily
  • Mental clarity
What It Is
  • A gentle healing modality
  • An energetic transmission of the universal healing energy
  • The Universal Life Force Energy
  • Relaxing
  • An alternative method to healing that may be implemented with traditional types of healing
What It Isn’t
  • A guarantee to fix all of your ailments
  • An expensive healing modality – sessions typically will run $50 – $100 per session depending on the duration of the session
  • A psychic reading
  • Silly new age mumbo jumbo
  • A session is not an attunement. Attunements (Reiki symbols placed in the aura) are given during a training
  • Harmful or depletes the energy of the giver and receiver
  • A massage therapy session

from:    http://consciouslifenews.com/reiki-what-it-is-and-isnt/11107351/

IT is Time for Healing

What Last Tuesday Taught Me About Healing

November 12, 2016

Dr. Emilie C. Wilson

People around the world were shocked by the events of last Tuesday’s election, and to be honest I was among them. In confusion and disbelief, I turned to my family and friends in person, over phone, on social media, and in the midst of so many impassioned voices, one message has stuck out to me:


As the dust settled after the enormous metaphorical blast that was last Tuesday’s election, I stood silent amidst the rubble of my own thoughts and beliefs.  I stood in my kitchen, in my life, and everything was in exactly the same place but everything felt so different.

Slowly, daring to rise from the dusty rubble was this tiny, quiet thought: “how could I have missed this?”

I never considered the possibility that what happened, might happen.  Because I missed this, I missed a huge opportunity to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for what might happen, for how it might affect me, my family, my friends.  I missed something that seemed so distant but now that it’s here it is so unmissably huge that many people don’t know how they’ll get over it.

Here’s the thing: I was in denial.

Denial (with a few rare and extreme exceptions) doesn’t serve us.  It will never serve us to avoid something simply because looking at it, considering it, planning for it might cause us discomfort.  Denial is how things stay the same, it’s how we keep ourselves in the same still, stuck place.  Denial does not help us envision the future; it does not help us move forward. Denial keeps us from recognizing the opportunities in new challenges; it keeps us where we are, with our gaze stubbornly fixated on what is known and comfortable, on the past.

We are meant to grow.

Sometimes in healing, the hardest lesson to learn is not a lesson at all; sometimes the hardest thing to do is to practice growing.  To be in the process of growing, of changing, of moving forward requires moments of discomfort.

Denial keeps us focused on the past because it’s safe, because it’s well-charted territory.  There is no fear of change in the past.

Growing means moving forward, turning your gaze toward the future to focus on where you are going.  It is uncertain, and this can be much scarier than the past, which holds no uncertainty.

Anytime a person truly engages in her or his healing process, there will come a time when she or he is challenged by this fear, and can easily be coaxed back into old habits, an old lifestyle.

This is because healing requires us to

  • look squarely at what we’ve held in denial

  • consciously assess it and make a decision: is this (behaviour, food, relationship etc.) good for me?

  • to move forward, allowing this new information to guide the steps we take into our future.

To return to hope:

As long as we are alive, there is reason to hope.

Hope and strength feed each other.

As we heal, we move out of denial and towards our future.  As we practice the art of growing we notice the fear that may have been hiding behind denial.

As we notice the fear and find better ways to deal with it, we become stronger.

As we heal, we become stronger and our capacity to hope does too.

When we act from a place of strength and hope, we invite goodness into the world.

from:      http://www.mindbodycenterforintegrativemedicine.com/single-post/2016/11/12/What-Last-Tuesday-Taught-Me-About-Healing

Evolving Humans

Cases of mind influencing matter have been reported throughout history and across many cultures, more specifically in regard to ‘supernormal’ abilities which include telepathy, psychokinesis, and other phenomena that lie within the realms of parapsychology. This is evident in ancient literature, from the Vedic texts and the yoga sutras, to Jesus, Moses, Milarepa,  Mohammed and more.

Modern day evidence is suggesting that these abilities are much more than folklore.

Fast forward to today and scientists have been exploring the mind/matter relationship for more than a century. We have established that consciousness, or factors associated with consciousness, do in fact have observable effects on what we call the physical, material world, albeit very small effects.

It’s important to note that these effects aren’t always seen by the observable eye, but they are known at the quantum level.

If you want to learn more about that, a great place to start is with Dean Radin, the Chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

The most commonly used experiment to illustrate the connection between consciousness and our physical reality is the quantum double slit experiment, which shows that observation “not only disturbs what has to be measured, they produce it.”  (source)

At the end of the day, our pioneering physicists, as Max Planck (he originated quantum theory) said, regard consciousness as “fundamental” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.”

Eugene  Wigner, a physicist and mathematician sat that “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”  (source)

You can read more about that topic in a little more detail here.

The CIA Document

The document is titled “Chronology of Recent Interest in Exceptional Functions of The Human Body in the People’s Republic of China.” In the document, it outlines the Chinese governments’ interest in parapsychology (remote viewing, telepathy, psychokinesis, etc). The US government also openly had, and probably still does, an interest in parapsychology  which is most evident within their Stargate program.

That program lasted more than two decades before the public became aware of it.

Here is another one titled “Research into Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial Barriers.”  that touches upon the same thing. This is elaborated on later in the article.

This particular document, which was declassified through a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA), outlines specific people with very special abilities and how they’ve been studied by thousands of scientists and governments around the world for a very long time.

The document is on the CIA website, but only seems to be accessible from the Internet Archives, a San Francisco–based nonprofit digital library with the stated mission of “universal access to all knowledge.”

These facts were also outlined in a declassified US Air Force report on teleportation, which was made available through the Federation of American Scientists.

Below is a brief outline of the document:

  • In 1979, a major Chinese science journal, Ziran Zachi (Nature Journal), carried a report on “non-visual pattern recognition” in which numerous accounts of exceptional human body function were confirmed. As a result, an unofficial preliminary organization to study this type of thing under the watch of Nature Journal
  • In 1980, the Journal and the Chinese Human Body Science Association held a parapsychology (remote viewing, telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance and more) conference in Shanghai with participants from over 20 research institutes and universities
  • In 1981, over 100 centres to study children with purported exceptional abilities and mental capabilities were formed with the cooperation of more than 100 formally trained scholars
  • In 1982, the Chinese Academy of Sciences sponsored a public hearing in Beijing that more than 4000 scholars attended regarding cases of parapsychological  abilities within humans. They called for “fair but  strictly controlled” tests to lead to a final judgement

The document outlines how many of these scholars agreed that the scientific evidence for the ‘paranormal’ was not sufficient enough to make any conclusions. The next point is arguably the most important one disclosed in the document.

  • In April of 1982, a joint trial was arranged by the Party’s National Committee of Science at Beijing Teacher’s College. Proponents of both sides attended. The results were mostly negative, with the exception of a few, one of them being Zhang Baosheng

After this happened, two Chinese scientists, Chen Hsin and Mei Lei, gave a speech on it at the joint convention of the Parapsychological Association and the Society for Psychical Research held at Cambridge University.

Shortly after that in 1983, “a series of PK experiments with the subject Zhang Baosheng were conducted by 19 researchers led by Prof. Lin Shuhang of the physics department of Beijing Teachers college.”

He was able to do some special things, which is elaborated on later in the the article.

After this become known, as written in the document,  “in 1984, Zhang Baosheng became a full-time subject of the military-run psi research team.”

What Was Zhang Baosheng Able To Do?

One of Zhang’s accomplishments involved moving sealed objects in and out of sealed containers.

Lin Shuhuang, as mentioned above who is from the physics department of Beijing Teacher’s College, studied this man for six months and described experiments where small pieces of paper were placed in a sealed test tube.

After five minutes, with scientists observing and video taping from various angles, the pieces of paper somehow appeared outside the tube despite the fact that the test tube was still sealed and undamaged.

He went on to do the same thing with other small objects like paper clips and even live insects.

In 1987, the researchers at the Institute of Space-Medico Engineering, also mentioned in the CIA document earlier in the article, made public a fraction of their work in the form of a film showcasing their work and what they had accomplished.

The film showed a medicine pill moving through an irreversibly sealed glass vial, which occurred in three frames of a 400 frame per second film. (source)

Another release (about Zhang) from the CIA (Research Into Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial Barriers) states:

A wooden cabinet 120 by 180 by 60 centimeters was used as a sealed container. Sheets of papers and boards with one  of a kind markings were used as the target objects and placed inside the cabinet on the upper shelf. Without damaging the cabinet or opening the door, the person with ESP was able to remove the target objets and also was able to put them back inside. This demonstrates that even when using especially large container it is possible to completely break through spacial barriers, however, the success rate was much lower and was exceptionally difficult. (Source)(source)

Apparently, Zhang Wasn’t the Only One

According to Eric Davis, Ph.D, FBIS, from a declassified US Air Force document obtained via the Federation of American Scientists, Shuhuang reported that ‘gifted children’ were responsible for the teleportation of small, physical objects from one place to another. Some of these objects included watches, horseflies, other insects, radio micro-transmitters, photosensitive paper and more. The participants never touched the objects beforehand. The experiments were done under both blind and double-blind conditions and the researches involved came from various colleges and sectors of the Department of Defense. This is an exceptional case because it was deemed necessary that an unclassified Intelligence Information Report be prepared for public viewing. (source)

According to Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientists at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conducted an experiment involving mental teleportation of bits of paper out of a sealed plastic film container. This was documented in a report published in 2010 by retired research chemist Dong Shen. What’s even more fascinating is that these methods were taught to others and the success rate was 40 percent.

This information comes via one of his books, Supernormal.

Dean Radin, the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, states:

“Evaluating the details and credibility of these studies have been difficult because many of the papers appear only in Chinese. The techniques have not yet been reported outside of China, and the experimental methods employed in conducting such tests do not appear to be as rigorously controlled as compared to typical Western methods…”

According to Eric Davis, however,

“The results of the Chinese Teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4th spacial dimension, so that specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them.” – Eric Davis, Ph.D, FBIS (source)

Another great example comes from a  study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, as seen in the the US National Library of Medicine. The stuy demonstrated that a woman with special abilities was and is still able to accelerate the germination of specific seeds for the purposes of developing a more robust seed stock.  As the study states:

Chulin Sun is a woman with exceptional powers (Shen and Sun, 1996, 1998; Sun, 1998). A member of the Chinese Somatic Science Research Institute, she is a practitioner of Waiqi. Waiqi is a type of qigong that teaches the practitioner to bring the qi energy of traditional Chinese medicine under the control of the mind. Chulin Sun can induce plant seeds to grow shoots and roots several cm long within 20 min using mentally projected qi energy (Fig. 1). This has been demonstrated on more than 180 different occasions at universities as well as science and research institutions in China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong) as well as other countries (e.g., Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.) (Ge et al., 1998; Qin et al., 1998; Lee et al., 1999). We took part in and repeated the qi germination experiments seven times, and five of them succeeded (Ge et al., 1998). This remarkable effect on seed development has drawn widespread attention (Tompkins and Bird, 1973; Lee, 1998), but the biological mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon are unknown.(source)

Pretty remarkable isn’t it? How does Sun do it? Apparently, she enters into a deep, trance-like state and from this place, she is able to advance the time required for sprouting dry seeds from their usual 3 to 4 days to 20 minutes, generating a sprout growth of 3-4 inches. After a genetic analysis, scientists confirmed this to be the case, hence, the using of the word “rapid” in the title.

The abstract of the study also states,

It was thought preliminarily that qi energy changed the structure of a germination-correlated gene site speeding up expression and advancing it in time.

Qi is believed to be everywhere on Earth; when you’re healthy, Qi is flowing freely through you, whereas when you’re unhealthy, you either have a blockage from Qi or your “Qi tank” is low. Perhaps Sun has learned how to harness universal energy, allow her to essentially speed up the growth process of the plants. This would make sense if you believe in the concept of oneness, that we are all fundamentally connected to one another including the plant life around us.

Among the most marvelous, most frightening and certainly most unbelievable possibilities suggested by psychic folklore is that human beings may be able to exert an observable influence upon the physical world — simply through the power of conscious intention; or unconscious intention, or; by some accounts, through the assistance of spiritual intelligences; 0r as a result of a mysterious principle known as synchronicity. Some scholars – such as Stephen Braude, professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland — take such reports very seriously, claiming that no honest person can examine the case study reports and easily dismiss them.

– Jeffrey Mishlove, from his newest book, The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter
Nina Kulagina is another example. Many have examined Kulagina, and for the last 20 years of her life she was subjected to academic research by the USSR. There are multiple videos of her on YouTube.
You can read an article we published on her earlier in the year here.

Regardless of whether or not you believe any of these people possess the aforementioned ‘superhuman’ capabilities, this subject is clearly worth studying. If this didn’t merit further research, do you really think government organizations would be studying these people and trying to hide these programs from you?

Which brings me to my next point.

What Does This Tell Us?

These report, among many others, clearly proves that there are cases of individuals with ‘supernormal’ abilities and that the CIA is well aware of them and has further researched this subject.

These revelations prove that not only do these ‘super-humans’ exist, but mainstream science cannot further investigate parapsychology and refuses to fund the research and even shuns it. However, this subject is still heavily studied by the secretive military industrial complex.

Think about that for a second.

For example, the report states that:

“The decision was announced by Hu Yaobang, the Party’s General Secretary. Exceptional functions of the human body was rejected as an approved subject of scientific research, but a minority group of scientists was to be allowed to continue their research and report it in an internally circulated publication for the consideration of interested scientists. The media were requested not to publish on the topic. Formal university research and government funding was halted.” 

After you read the above quote, then ask yourself, why did Zhang Baosheng become “a full-time subject of the military-run psi research team”?   Why do they get to do all of the research and receive all of the funding?

Clearly this topic is taken very seriously within these programs, but why the ridicule within mainstream science then?

The cutting of these programs is not because there is no interest, but because that interest lies in the world of secrecy, otherwise known as the Black Budget.

World of Secrecy

In the United States, the Stargate Program was a great example of a Special Access Black Budget Program (SAPs). This means that all of the information and findings within these programs remains secret and unknown to the mainstream world.

From these (SAPS) we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are commonly referred to as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source)

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that these programs are not using billions of dollars, but trillions of dollars that are completely unaccounted for in the books. Here is a statement given by Canada’s former Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer, in 2008:

It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.  It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars  allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about. (source)

We are talking about large amounts of unaccounted-for money going into programs we know nothing about. There have been several congressional inquiries that have noted billions, and even trillions of dollars that have gone missing from the federal reserve system.

You can read about the black budget in more detail with more sources and information from a previous article we published HERE.

from:    http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/11/11/cia-document-confirms-reality-of-humans-with-special-abilities-able-to-do-impossible-things/

Reflecting on Tomorrow

A moving and powerful statement from my daughter, Emilie Clasgens Wilson, in regard to standing up for WHO we are in the midst of uncertainty and fear:

I’m not one to post my personal feelings and opinions on Facebook. I appreciate and tend to guard my privacy. But I woke up this morning after a restless night of sleep to memories of Trump onstage, standing next to his young son who looked like a forgotten boy, unsupported by adults, and I remembered echoes of his hollow acceptance speech.

I jumped on my phone, on Facebook, to try to connect with people who might feel as I do, to commiserate as conscientious objectors in mourning.

I see sorrow, anger, and disbelief.

I see genuine hopefulness, too.

I’ll cling to that, because it’s all I’ve got right now.

I see people who are afraid that we’ll slide back into a time of outright racism, homophobia, sexism, a time when you and your loved ones can be physically, verbally, emotionally assaulted for practicing a particular religion or identifying as a particular gender or being born on the other side of invisible lines for just being anything other than a white man born in America.

I made myself a promise this morning:

I will not take my position in this country, or in this world, for granted.
I will NOT participate in subtle or overt racism, sexism, homophobia, or in anything that implies or states the inherent “betterness” of one group of people.
I will stand up for my rights and for the rights of my fellow Americans to be exactly who we are, and to fight the fear that we may be entering a time when we could once again be penalized for this.

Because I have to do something: I promise I won’t do nothing.

You can contact Emilie Clasgens Wilson @ http://www.mindbodycenterforintegrativemedicine.com/

Time to Remember

The following was originally published on Kingsley Dennis’s website.

‘We are dreaming a symbolic world, only briefly waking to what is real’
Arthur Deikman, M.D.

‘He not busy being born, is busy dying’
Bob Dylan

Something is not quite right…you feel it…you may have experienced this feeling, this nagging, for a long time. So you most probably just try to ignore it and hope that it goes away; but sooner or later the persistent nagging finally brings an idea to your mind – there’s something very odd about the way the world is. Maybe you feel like you are at the cinema watching a film and yet you sense there must be something wrong about the film you are seeing. The images are all there, but there’s a feeling that something is out of sequence, or the frames are running out of ‘normal’ time. However, after a while you get used to the style of the film, and your senses adjust to its rhythm and you lose the sense of strangeness and you get pulled into the show and you go along with the ride…

…the film tells you that the world has no grand meaning, that human life is an accidental anomaly – but as you walk down the street, engage with friends, fall in love, follow your dreams, you experience meaning and significance…wait, there’s that glitch in the film again – something about its ‘randomness’ and ‘meaninglessness’ doesn’t make sense…your personal experience has shown you something different…and then there’s that nagging feeling again…somewhere – wasn’t there?

Life is life, and most people go through it with trial, joy, adventure, challenge, love, and all the rest. This is the same for all of us, yet it doesn’t always occur on the same playing field. There is a different perspective we can take – a different position vis-à-vis the world. We can see the world in which we live as solely an exterior phenomenon; or we can choose to view it as also an expression of our interior life.

I have come to regard the cosmos as not just the expression of mathematical equations, but as the play of lyrical forces that, like a living being, is intoxicated with love and wonder, and the joyful curiosity of adventure. And I often wonder what it would be like to live with the view that human life is the result of random, accidental forces; as a meaningless happening forced to live out its years on the back of a dead rock hurtling through a lifeless universe. I am reminded of the ‘Myth of Sisyphus,’ a figure of Greek mythology who was condemned to repeat for eternity the same meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again – and then to push it up again, ad infinitum. For me, this lifeless exterior view of life is truly absurd[i]. And yet the physical demands of a normal life compel us to focus our gaze continually on the external where our daily waking consciousness has to deal with all the impacts and noise coming from the outside – it is very physical work and can, and often does, occupy the whole consciousness and conscious awareness of a person. Yet for some people another gaze peers out onto the world – a gaze from within. I refer to this as the interior life, whereby a person deeply feels, intuitively knows, that there is another perspective upon life, one that is far richer, pervasive, subtle; and yet one that must be sought with effort.

There are many people – in fact, they may be the majority – who have never sought or felt an urge toward the interior life. They never stop to ask themselves not only ‘why am I here?’, but also ‘how did I get here?’ This is a fundamental question that appears to bother few people. It is not unfair to say that some people only know themselves by the name they wear through life. If pushed, they would find it difficult to truly distinguish themselves from others who bear similar conditioned attitudes and opinions. And yet this realization is often hidden from us. Perhaps the shock of such recognition would greatly disturb our mental and emotional balance. And so a majority of people continue to identify and individualize themselves through the given name they bear, or the job they have elected to perform. This is evident on the occasion when someone is asked who they are, they reply either with their name or their occupation. It’s a most unsettling question and for many people they can only answer this by their work function or their given name. It’s also true that most of the time this socially accepted question is only asked and directed to a person on the most superficial and banal level. And so who a person actually is remains a lifelong mystery. And this is a condition common to most of us.

…There’s that film again, and it’s telling you that your conscious experience is just a consequence of chemical brain functioning – I do this, I do that, I see this, I feel that, I think this – …but the ‘I’ is just a state of awareness that comes as a by-product from a complex of neurons…but wait a minute – haven’t I just been observing my own thoughts and feelings…standing back from the ‘I’? Is this then the real me? Or is this observer of my thoughts just another neuronal by-product observing the workings of another random by-product?…ah, here’s the film again, the glitch is gone…

It’s also the case that many people rebel against their essential nature, whether they know it or not. People may say a thousand things – or only one thing – and yet in each spoken moment they move away from the essential. Again, what is it to know oneself? To grow, to develop, to attain understanding and self-awareness – what do these things mean to the everyday person? At best, society has rendered them as abstract concepts, or as wishful thinking. Within our specific cultures we are so used to living at a primary, basic level – a survival level – that we spend very little time and attention upon the interior level. In fact, the notion of an interior world often remains a luxury for the few.  The rest of us have to get on with managing and coping with our normal lives.

And so we live with many unrecognized questions, failing to notice them or awake them from their slumber within us. Do we ever wonder why events have turned out this way? Or is it that the forces of division, polarity, and ignorance that drive our world are so convincing that we seek no other reason (or excuse?) for the oddities of our world and its incongruous reality? Perhaps we find no compelling need to want to see things in a different way. In fact, some people actively seek to forget.

The compulsion to forget is likely to be rationalized by calling it by another name. Through the seeking of pleasurable diversions and distractions through entertainment, challenges, or addictive pursuits, people are actually seeking to forget. Greek mythology tells of how before the human soul incarnates into this world it drinks from Lethe, the river of Forgetfulness – one of the five rivers of the underworld – so that it cannot remember its divine origins. Similarly, there is a Jewish legend that speaks of how we are struck on the mouth by an angel before birth so that we cannot speak of our pre-birth divine origins. We may come from inspired and sacred origins, yet when we arrive in this earthly reality we come dumbstruck and needy. Or rather, perhaps it is only that we lack the key, the crucial guide, to unlock our memories and unleash our interior gaze and soulful longing. The truth may be that rather than to forget we are in fact here to remember.

Sometimes it is a tragedy or catastrophe that triggers a person to remember and to seek answers. On a larger scale, perhaps it is necessary for humanity to reach a crisis point – in its materialism, commercialism, and social systems – for there to arise within people the need for something else. The interior life recognizes that it is the essential nature of being human to seek for something more, something beyond. This need for communion with something greater has largely been fed by the role of religious, and/or spiritual, traditions. However, the human being’s need for a meaningful, developmental life has still not been met by our societies, especially so among the highly industrialized cultures. We have developed our faith, our reason, our mental pursuits; we have established industry and created marvellous technologies – yet we have failed to work on ourselves. We have failed to grow our souls.

Soul-making as well as taking care of one’s soul are not specifically introverted or monastic pursuits – they do not require steadfast introspection or a dramatic withdrawal from the world. The Romantic Poet Keats said – “Call the world if you please, ‘the vale of Soul-making.’ Then you will find out the use of the world.” It is my opinion that ‘soul-making’ needs to be re-imagined and reintegrated into our societies. We need not go back to animism or alchemy to find soul-making. We can find it here, in the everyday Now. The genuine expression of a truth takes no fixed form. Self-development, or self-refinement if you prefer, is not an ideology or a fixed science. It is a basic human right. The interior life should be recognized as an inherent human need, and it should be socially acceptable and encouraged to direct part of our gaze in its direction. After all, if the outer sun rises but the inner sun does not, then nothing has been gained.

‘One is an architect of the interior – who works on interior architecture’


[i] No wonder then that the absurdist French philosopher Albert Camus wrote an essay titled ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ (1942) describing man’s useless search for meaning in an unintelligible world.

from:   http://realitysandwich.com/320902/the-interior-life/