Considering Alternative Therapies for Cancer

Integrative Approaches For Cancer

An Interview With Pierre Kory

One of the most common requests I receive from readers is to discuss treatments for cancer. This in turn speaks to a broader issue—despite there being an immense interest in holistic cancer treatments, very few resources exist for patients looking for these options. That’s because it’s been well known for decades within the integrative medical field that the fastest way to lose your medical license is to practice unapproved cancer therapies and over the decades, countless examples have been made of doctors who did so (which sadly go far beyond even what we saw throughout COVID-19).

Note: I’ve also come across numerous cases where a distant relative learned of an alternative or complementary cancer treatment provided to their relative by a doctor, was triggered by it (due to their pre-existing political viewpoints) and then was able to get sanctions directed against the doctor. Most integrative doctors are aware of this and hence often decline to treat patients they are very close to that they know would wholeheartedly support what the doctor is doing because the doctor cannot take the risk of a hostile relative.

In turn, most of the doctors I know who utilize integrative cancer therapies (and have success in treating cancer) only offer this service to longtime patients they have a very close relationship with and explicitly request for me to not send patients to them. This is a shame, because beyond integrative cancer care being almost completely inaccessible to patients, this underground atmosphere both prevents most physicians from being able to have large enough patient volumes to clearly understand which alternative therapies actually work.

Conversely, countless alternative cancer treatments exist outside of America (e.g., in Mexico) which many American patients flock to since they have no alternative, and since these facilities have zero regulatory oversight or accountability, I frequently hear of very reckless approaches being implemented at these sites that none of my more experienced colleagues would ever consider doing (and likewise we often come across numerous critical oversights in those cases).

Note: most of the doctors I know who took up treating cancer with integrative medicine didn’t want to do it because of the risks involved and primarily started because they really cared about some of their patients and felt if they did nothing the patient would likely die. As a result, most of them are “self-taught” and frequently adopt very different approaches to treating cancer.

Since I’ve been quite young (long before I went to medical school) I’ve been fascinated by the alternative cancer therapies (especially those that were buried) and I’ve helped numerous people I knew through the process. From doing so, I gained a deep appreciation for the following:

  • Many of the conventional cancer therapies have terrible outcomes that make them very hard to justify using—especially given how costly they are. Sadly, the actual risks and benefits of the conventional cancer treatments are rarely clearly presented to patients.
  • Conversely, some of the conventional cancer treatments are helpful, and in certain cases, necessary. I’ve had patients who died because they understandably refused chemo, and likewise I’ve had certain cases where I had to do everything I could to convince a naturally-minded patient or friend to do chemo, and it ultimately saved their life (as they had aggressive cancers which were chemo-sensitive).
  • Much in the same way much of the population was fanatically committed to the COVID vaccines and the boosters despite all evidence showing each vaccination only made things worse, there is also a sizable contingent of people who will do whatever their oncologist tells them to do regardless of how clear it is that the therapy is harming them, bankrupting them and not prolonging their lifespan. Initially it was very depressing for me when I was called in to speak to someone’s friend about reconsidering their disastrous chemotherapy plan, but eventually I realized that all throughout human history people have been willing to die for their beliefs so I didn’t need to take their decision to stick to a treatment plan that ultimately gave them an agonizing death personally.
  • It is possible to dramatically reduce the adverse effects of conventional cancer therapies (e.g., with ultraviolet blood irradiation) but despite many of these approaches existing, there is no interest within the conventional field towards using them.
  • Some of the suppressed treatments for cancer are phenomenal, while others provide, at best, a marginal benefit.
  • While there are certain therapeutic principles that are relatively universal with cancer, in most cases, what each patient will respond to greatly differs. Because of this, if you use a safe but unapproved therapy that has a 50% success rate, you can easily find yourself in the position where the patient who received it still dies—at which point whoever provided the therapy can be found liable by a medical board (which does happen). Conversely, if you use an approved therapy that has a 10% success rate and a high rate of harm, there is no liability for the oncologist who prescribed it.
  • The most clinically successful integrative oncologists I know all hold the opinion that cancer is a very complex disease and anyone who claims to have a single magic bullet is either hopelessly naive or a charlatan.
  • There is often a significant emotional component to cancers. When this is managed correctly, it dramatically improves outcomes, but it is often a very difficult situation to navigate, especially because people emotionally destabilize when confronted with the fear of a slow but inevitable death.
  • In most cases, a cancer is the result of an underlying imbalance within the body (i.e., “an unhealthy terrain”). In turn, success in treating a cancer requires recognizing what is creating the unhealthy terrain and utilizing a treatment approach that also treats that. Unfortunately, quite a few different things can create an unhealthy terrain, so you again run into a situation where a one-sized fits all model for cancer simply doesn’t exist.
  • The COVID-19 turbo cancers are often quite challenging to treat.

Repurposed Drugs and Cancer

The aggressive suppression of unorthodox therapies during COVID-19, while initially successful at protecting the market for the pharmaceutical industry, eventually created a climate where enough pressure built for American doctors to find ways to provide non-standard COVID-19 therapies and organizations were established to support doctors wishing to go down this path (which were ultimately successful thanks to the incredible support of the internet).

One of the prominent COVID physician dissidents is my colleague Pierre Kory who gradually transitioned to building a telemedicine practice (Leading Edge Clinic) that focuses on treating individuals with long-COVID and COVID-19 vaccine injuries (two of the largest unmet medical needs in the country). Much of his treatment approach relies upon utilizing off-patent drugs that were previously approved for another use (e.g., ivermectin), which allows him to take advantage of the drugs being easily accessible, affordable and already generally regarded as safe.

Note: Pierre Kory considers repurposed drugs to be the achilles heel of the pharmaceutical industry since the entire business depends upon selling incredibly expensive proprietary medicines under the justification it is immensely expensive to prove they are safe and effective—whereas in contrast no money can be made off the repurposed drugs (since their patents expired) which nonetheless must stay legal since they were previously proven to be safe and approved by the FDA.

As they worked with studying and treating spike protein injuries, Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory gradually realized that there was also a significant need to provide non-standard approaches for treating cancer and over the last year they’ve put together a model which has been quite beneficial for many patients and are now offering that treatment to a larger group of patients through this research study. Since it is quite rare to find a US based group publicly offering integrative cancer options to their patients, I reached out to Dr. Kory and asked him if I could interview him about his approach.

Before we go further, I want to emphasize that the approach he utilizes is different than my own, something which again speaks to both how many different paths exist to treating cancer.

Note: what follows is a slightly edited version of the conversation I (AMD) and Dr. Kory (PK) had.

AMD: Thank you for agreeing to do this, I know many of my readers will appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule for this discussion.

PK: Thanks. Since I left the system, my eyes have been opened to how many of the things we do in medicine need to be seriously examined. Medicine has provided us with an incredible set of tools for addressing many problems which have plagued humanity, but the politics and corruption in medicine have caused us to use those tools in a way that benefits Wall Street rather than our patients and this has to change. When I started this journey, my focus was on COVID-19 and the vaccine injuries, but as time has moved forward, I’ve come to see that I have an obligation to make a safer, more affordable and hopefully more effective form of cancer care available to the public.

AMD: Before we go further, I want to show you a chart I just pulled up.

PK: Wow. I had an idea of this, but I didn’t realize it was that extreme.

AMD: Since cancer (oncology) drugs are one of the primary profit centers for the medical industry, I’ve always thought that explains why so much money is spent in protecting this monopoly.

PK: Just like COVID-19…

AMD: Anyhow, could you share with everyone what brought you to be interested in treating cancer with repurposed drugs?

PK: Well as you know, becoming a COVID dissident made me much more open to questioning medical orthodoxies, and becoming very committed to using repurposed drugs. The full story is a bit longer though.

AMD: Let’s hear it!

PK: I first started learning about cancer a little over a year ago when my friend, colleague, and mentor, Professor Paul Marik, started to talk to me about a book he had just read. For those who know me and Paul, this should be a familiar story – Paul developing a scientific insight and then I become really passionate about it in his wake.

AMD: For those who don’t know, Paul Marik MD is an incredible researcher who pioneered many approaches with transformed the practice of critical care medicine and was highly respected in his field, being one of the most published and cited critical care researchers in the world. Nonetheless, that did not protect him from being excommunicated by the medical orthodoxy once he chose to utilize alternatives to the COVID-19 treatment guidelines (which actually saved his patient’s lives). Anyways, please continue Pierre.

PK: A lot of what we’re doing now revolves around the Metabolic Theory of Cancer (MTOC), which argues that cancer is a result of disrupted metabolism within the body, and hence that much of the focus in treating cancer should be on first starving the cancer cell of glucose through a ketogenic diet and then using medicines with mechanisms of actions which interfere or block numerous processes which allow the cell to become “cancerous,” i.e. normalizing cellular metabolism throughout the body rather than trying to just kill the cancerous cells.

Although Paul did not construct the MTOC, his recognition and appreciation of both the validity and the importance of the theory may eventually have more impact than all of his prior contributions. There are several reasons for this:

•The first is that cancer rates have been increasing for a while and more recently have exploded (particularly among young people) in the wake of the mRNA campaign.

•The second is that the available therapies used to treat cancer are often toxic, largely (but not completely) ineffective at improving survival (especially in solid tumors), and immensely costly.

•The third is that cancer mortality has barely budged in decades (in fact it has increased).

AMD: It’s always incredible that medical outcomes have no effect on medical spending.

PK: True that. Anyway, Paul was immensely excited about what he was learning about cancer and it became a frequent topic of conversation. That book inspired him to begin working on a project where he reviewed almost 2,000 studies on the metabolic mechanisms of hundreds of repurposed medicines and nutraceuticals as well as other metabolic interventions to treat cancer (i.e. diet).

AMD: 2000 studies? Paul is something else.

PK: You have to have that type of dedication and information retention capability to become the top researcher in your field.

AMD: What did you think of the concept when Paul first shared it with you?

PK: At the time I already knew a little about the topic of repurposed drugs in cancer because early in Covid I had become friendly with the amazing physician and journalist Justus R. Hope (a pen name) based on his writings on ivermectin for the Desert Review and his book called “Ivermectin For The World.” More importantly, I had also read his book called Surviving Cancer, Covid-19, & DiseaseThe Repurposed Drug Revolution. It was Justus (check out his Substack) who first “schooled me” on the threat that repurposed (i.e. off patent) drugs present to Pharma, and how Pharma has systematically suppressed and attacked both off-patent drugs and inexpensive, unprofitable interventions whenever they show efficacy in treating “profitable” diseases.

AMD: Oh, I always thought you came up with that. It’s great that you’re open to admitting where you got it from rather than claiming it as your own. People often don’t do that…

PK: I cite what you’ve taught me all the time as well! Anyhow, Justus’s book on cancer was inspired by the case of a close friend of his who developed glioblastoma multiforme (a nasty brain cancer). This terrible diagnosis motivated him to search and study for therapeutic interventions and/or repurposed drugs which might help his friend. He found solid evidence for a four-drug protocol which he recommended to him. His friend then proceeded to far outlive his predicted prognosis, and although he died eventually, it was from the radiation injury to his brain that he had received initially and not from the effects of his cancer.

AMD: Three quick points I wanted to share on your anecdote.

First, there’s quite a bit of evidence linking the chickenpox vaccine to a significantly increased risk of that brain cancer (which further undermines the extremely tenuous justification for that vaccine). Additionally, a few other dangerous cancers have also been linked to specific viral vaccinations.

Second, every now and then I hear a story of someone who was injured by radiation therapy that was accidentally dosed at too high of a setting.

Third, if DMSO is administered prior to radiation therapy, it dramatically reduces its complications (while simultaneously having anticancer properties and zero toxicity). In my eyes it’s unconscionable this has not entered the standard of care for oncology and I’ve spent the last month working on a series about that substance.

PK: Wow. I’ll need to look into these—a lot of the other cancer treatment ideas you’ve given have been really helpful. Also, you sadly remind me of an older dear friend and roommate that I lived with in my 20’s who developed metastatic cervical cancer who, even then, I knew had been badly injured from radiation – essentially her bowels were fried and she lived out her days on intravenous nutrition and opiates. Sad stuff.

AMD: Until they experience it, patients really don’t appreciate the side effects of radiation therapy. One of the most common problems is that it changes the tissue in the area (e.g., creating adhesions) and those can create a lot of chronic issues for people (which are often too subtle for the doctor to recognize or believe was linked to the radiation).

PK: If we circle back to Justus’s story, after I heard about it (this was still very early in Covid), I took a close relative of mine who had recently been diagnosed with melanoma for an additional consultation with an integrative oncologist I knew. Although my friend’s melanoma was completely resected and she showed no evidence of disease (NED) on imaging, the pathologists who looked at the tumor tissue (including my friend Ryan Cole, a dermatopathologist) found it suggested a high risk of recurrence and/or metastasis.

Her “system” (standard) oncologist thus proposed she use a cancer drug (an immune checkpoint inhibitor) to prevent recurrence. This was a novel use of the drug, given that she was cancer free at the time so she wasn’t sure she wanted to use it. The reason for her hesitation was that her oncologist had rightly explained that the drug had risks of adverse effects which worried her. It also didn’t help that I was a pulmonologist who had been sent numerous patients over the years with pulmonary toxicity from this same drug (i.e. I’d seen cases of organizing pneumonia).

My relative was thus greatly concerned about the potential side effects and chose to forego her system oncologist’s recommendation. The more integrative oncologist instead started her on 11 different repurposed medicines and nutraceuticals (which I was a little shocked by at the time). Although the integrative oncologist explained the conceptual scientific framework behind the regimen quite well, I wasn’t personally familiar with the evidence base or scientific rationale for the treatment protocol my relative was placed on. That would come much later. I should note that my relative is doing well and cancer free three years later, and unlike many traditional cancer patients, has had no problems tolerating her medication regimen.

AMD: One of the things I’ve always found noteworthy in medicine is that while doctors will typically recommend patients follow their oncologists recommendations, once they or someone close to them gets cancer, physicians immediately start desperately researching the subject and reaching out to anyone they know personally who intensely studies the cancer literature.

PK: I agree. My knowledge about what could have happened to my relative definitely motivated me to go outside the box for her.

PK: Anyway, Paul started becoming obsessed with studying cancer as a metabolic disease in the winter/spring of 2023 but it was not until 6 months later that that I finally read the book that inspired Paul so much, a book titled “Tripping over the Truth: How The Metabolic Theory of Cancer Is Overturning One of Medicines Most Entrenched Paradigms” by Travis Christofferson. That book would prove to be as scientifically transformative to me as “Turtles All The Way Down” was in regards to my understanding of the (non) importance and (non) safety of childhood vaccines.

I was inspired to read the book, and after meeting with Travis and Paul to design an observational trial of using repurposed medicines and dietary interventions in cancer. We designed the study together and successfully obtained IRB approval from a rigorous IRB (we have over 200 patients enrolled already). For any interested, info on the study and enrolling into it can be found here.

AMD: It’s incredible you pulled that off. Options like that are almost never available to cancer patients.

PK: A lot of this came about because I was deeply intrigued by Travis’s knowledge base and the results of one protocol of repurposed medicines that had been studied in patients with one of the nastiest cancers, glioblastoma (which is also the one that killed Senator McCain a year after diagnosis). To put it bluntly, glioblastoma, when treated with current “standard of care” (SOC) consisting of surgery, radiation, and oral temozolomide, has a horrific but well defined and reproducible median overall survival of about 15 months and a 2 year survival between 26-28%. Furthermore, those are all very aggressive therapies which can be incredibly traumatic and harmful to the patient.

In the study that blew my mind, named METRICS, a four drug repurposed medicine protocol was used (mebendazole, metformin, doxycycline, and atorvastatin) alongside the standard of care (SOC) for that cancer. They found that the treated patients lived an average of 27 months from diagnosis and had a 2 year survival of 64% compared to the well established 28% observed with SOC (despite the patients not starting the repurposed drug protocol until a median of 6 months after diagnosis). Such a sudden improvement in one cancer’s survival rate is truly remarkable if not somewhat unprecedented.

AMD: In a recent article, I made it very clear I do not support the general use of statins as there is not evidence they meaningfully decrease one’s chance of dying and conversely they have a high rate of side effects (affecting roughly 20% of users), with many of them being severe and incapacitating. At the same time however, I try to be open minded about everything, and one of the things I’ve always been surprised is that a case can be made for using them in certain cancers.

PK: Fully agree on the statin thing.

PK: Ultimately, what I learned from Seyfried and Christofferson’s papers and books (as well as lectures and interviews by Seyfried) essentially upended the conventional understanding, I like many doctors had been trained to believe causes a cell to become cancerous.

AMD: An unhealthy terrain of the body?

PK: In a way I suppose. Seyfried is the one who ultimately and nearly singlehandedly compiled all the scientific underpinnings into a coherent MTOC (metabolic theory of cancer). He found that cancer has a “metabolic” origin (i.e. problem with energy production) and not a “genetic” one (i.e. arising from mutations in genes). This might sound boring and geeky, but I cannot overemphasize the importance and applicability of Seyfried’s work (which is the culmination of the work of a smallish group of other incredible scientists and researchers over the last 100 years).

AMD: I just want to jump in and mention that one of the diseases a dysfunctional Cell Danger Response (a metabolic state mitochondria enter where the energy production of a cell is shunted to protecting it and hence its normal functions cease—which underlies many inexplicable chronic illnesses) has been linked to, is cancer.

PK: That’s really interesting. What you introduced me to the Cell Danger Response it completely changed how we looked at vaccine injured patients because we realized the mitochondrial shut down we were observing was a normal physiologic response we had to slowly coax back to normal. I only realized recently mitochondrial dysfunction was also linked to cancer.

PK: Jumping back to Seyfried’s book, more importantly, it rightly concludes from a vast body of evidence that nearly the entire scientific and oncologic community has misunderstood the true origin of cancer (they believe it is due to cells mutating by chance and then rapidly dividing and taking over the body). The implications of the erroneous somatic mutation theory (SMT) has been devastating in that it has led to the development of a range of therapies that are indiscriminately cytotoxic (kills both cancer cells and normal, healthy cells) and minimally effective if not outright harmful in terms of quality of live vs. extension of life (the stats on chemo for most cancers are deplorable, I have an upcoming article on this in my Substack series about cancer).

AMD: Another great example of this process was the Alzheimer’s field getting hijacked by the dogma amyloid production in the brain causes the disease and that treatment of Alzheimer’s thus requires destroying that amyloid. This theory has received billions in research dollars, but failed to produce a single viable therapy (even with the FDA doing everything they could to push the newest ones onto the market), and was largely a result of a study that was proven to have fabricated its data but everyone keeps on citing. In contrast, when Alzheimer’s disease is treated as a metabolic disorder, it can be treated (and data exists clearly demonstrating this) but despite the billions we spend each year searching for a cure for the disease, that proven treatment is not acknowledged by the medical field and few doctors even know it exists.

PK: It’s literally the same exact story!

PK: On the cancer front, Seyfried’s book on the MTOC was transformative to me professionally because it now dwarfs the impact of the several other practice innovations that I have been instrumental in propagating in my career (i.e., induced hypothermia in cardiac arrest patients, point-of care ultrasound at the bedside of crashing patients in the ICU, the use of IV vitamin C in septic shock, and the utility and safety of ivermectin or other repurposed drugs in Covid).

AMD: I really wish IV vitamin C for sepsis had caught on. In my experience when it’s utilized correctly, sepsis deaths rarely occur, and the hospitals I know of that use it as a standard protocol have an extraordinary low sepsis death rate. Nonetheless, most ICU doctors, despite acknowledging it’s safe will refuse to use it (regardless of what you do) even though sespsis remains the number one cause of hospital deaths (with roughly 270,000 patients dying each year).

PK: The way vitamin C for sepsis has been treated by my profession is a punch in the gut for me and it still makes me and Paul sad whenever we think about it. To your point and experience, in the first year that Paul started employing his IV vitamin C protocol for sepsis at his hospital, independent Medicare data showed the mortality rate there dropped from a stable and consistent 22% over the years down to 6% and that was in the setting of only his ICU doing it (the hospital had other ICU’s which did not). On the subject of Paul, I’d like to quote a few things from the cancer monograph (basically a book) he created after reviewing those 1800+ studies.


Good For Your Teeth(?) – Bad for Your Health

Bombshell government report says high levels of fluoride in water is linked to low IQ in children – as map reveals counties at risk

The paper — described as the most thorough of its kind — concluded that consuming high levels of fluoride can harm brain development in youngsters.

Researchers found drinking water with more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter was associated with a drop in IQ of up to five points.

The finding could be significant, given more than 1.9million people rely on water systems with fluoride levels above 1.5mg, the report said.

Based on an analysis of previously published research, the report marks the first time a federal agency has determined ‘with moderate confidence’ that there is a link between fluoride and IQ.

The above map shows estimated fluoride concentrations in community water systems between 2006 and 2011. It was published in 2023. Counties that are colored red have more than double the recommended level of fluoride in their water

The above map shows estimated fluoride concentrations in community water systems between 2006 and 2011. It was published in 2023. Counties that are colored red have more than double the recommended level of fluoride in their water

Estimates suggest that fluoridation saves $6.5billion every year in dental treatment costs, and reduces the occurrence of cavities by up to 25 percent — according to the CDC.

But the new report is likely to set off alarm bells in dozens of counties across IllinoisTexasNew Mexico, where research shows fluoride levels in water are particularly high.

Since 2015, the US has recommended that fluoride levels in drinking water do not exceed 0.7 milligrams per liter.

The Environmental Protection Agency says fluoride levels should not be above four milligrams per liter to avoid skeletal fluorosis, a potentially crippling disorder causing weaker bones, stiffness and pain.

And the World Health Organization says the safe limit is about 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter.

Experts say fluoride easily enters the blood when it is consumed, and can then travel to the brain.

Previous studies in animals have shown that fluoride can impact neurochemistry in areas of the brain linked to learning, memory, executive function and behavior.

The new, 324-page Government report comes from the National Toxicology Program, part of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Some of the studies reviewed in the report suggested IQ was 2 to 5 points lower in children who’d had higher exposures.

The team did not reach a conclusion on fluoride’s impact at lower doses or its effect on adults.

There has been controversy over fluoride in the water supply for years, with hundreds of communities voting against its use (Above is a campaign sign from Kennebunk, Maine)

There has been controversy over fluoride in the water supply for years, with hundreds of communities voting against its use (Above is a campaign sign from Kennebunk, Maine)

The report adds to previous evidence suggesting fluoride is linked to anxiety, temper problems and headaches in children as young as three.

And previous research suggested that pregnant women should limit their fluoride exposure because the mineral can cross the placenta and reach the fetus.

The new report summarized research from Canada, China, India, Iran, Pakistan and Mexico.

It concluded that drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter was associated with a lower IQ in children.

More than 1.9million people — or 0.6 percent of the US population — rely on water systems that contain naturally occurring fluoride levels above 1.5 milligrams per liter, according to the report.

It did not mention how many people are on water systems with fluoride artificially added where concentrations are above this level.

The above image shows a woman filling a glass of water from a tap, amid concerns over the quality of tap water (stock)

The above image shows a woman filling a glass of water from a tap, amid concerns over the quality of tap water (stock)

This map, from 2020, shows fluoride levels in untreated groundwater supplies. Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral and is often already present in many water supplies. Areas marked with a yellow or red dot have more than twice the level of fluoride in groundwater than recommended

This map, from 2020, shows fluoride levels in untreated groundwater supplies. Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral and is often already present in many water supplies. Areas marked with a yellow or red dot have more than twice the level of fluoride in groundwater than recommended

Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in water and soil.

But about 80 years ago, scientists discovered that people whose water supplies naturally had more fluoride also had fewer cavities. They determined it was replacing minerals in teeth that were lost in decay and wear.

This triggered a push to get more Americans to use fluoride, and to have the mineral added to national drinking water supplies.

Today, about 70 percent of US households have access to fluorinated drinking water.

This is much higher than in many comparable nations, including the UK (10 percent), Spain (10 percent) and Canada (40 percent).

The report comes as IQ scores in America drop for the first time in a century.

A study from the University of Oregon and Northwestern analyzed the results of nearly 400,000 IQ tests done between 2006 and 2018 — in a study published last year.

While they did not give an exact drop, they said the biggest decrease was in people aged 18 to 22 years and those who were less well-educated.

The study only used data from before the Covid pandemic, meaning disruptions to education caused by lockdowns may have worsened the situation further.

According to anti-fluoride group Fluoride Action Network, since 2010 more than 240 communities worldwide have removed fluoride from their drinking water.

Regina Barrett, 69, from a small city in North Carolina, is among the thousands of Americans who are not happy with fluoride in her drinking water.

‘Our water has been cloudy and bubbly and looks milky,’ said Ms Barrett, who blames fluoride for the issues according to KFF Health News. ‘I don’t want fluoride in my nothing!’

Far more counties in the US fluorinate their water than in any other country in the world, data from the National Population Review for the year 2024 reveals

Far more counties in the US fluorinate their water than in any other country in the world, data from the National Population Review for the year 2024 reveals

The National Toxicology Program started to review the impact of fluoride in drinking water back in 2016.

There were earlier drafts, but the final report was repeatedly held up. At one point, a committee of experts said available research did not support an earlier draft’s conclusion.

The American Dental Association, which champions fluoride in water, was critical of earlier versions of the analysis — but is yet to comment on the new report.

Rick Woychik, the director of the program, said in a statement: ‘Since fluoride is such an important topic to the public and to public health officials, it was imperative that we made every effort to get the science right.’

Official limits were initially set to prevent skeletal fluorosis, but more and more studies have increasingly pointed to a link between higher fluoride levels and an impact on brain development.

Researchers have wondered about the impact on a developing fetus or very young children who might ingest water with baby formula.

The Fluoride Action Network heralded this week’s report as ‘landmark’ and said it proved what many researchers had long suspected.


Travelers’ Diary. August 26, 2024

Oftentimes, perhaps even more than often it is best not to pay attention to things on the air waves or, even better, to research what is being said.  If one person says it… Perhaps it is a prophet calling forth in the wilderness.  If there are two, well, perhaps that prophet has a friend, but when three or more are articulating an agenda, it is well to start looking into that agenda for that is the time in which some kind of push is being made.  The question is whether it is for good or for ill.

You need to know and even better trust that your own spiritual and energetic connection to the Universe will never guide you on the wrong path.  The problem is and has always been that so many are troubled by what comes to them through that medium and they tend to turn from it to pay attention to the greater whole that is telling you one thing or the other. 

This is a very critical time for there are many who are prophesying, many who are saying things are one way or the other., many who are telling you this is the truth, the is the way to go, but you cannot take them at their word without first going within and seeing how it affects you. If you are to find a kind of dislike =- we were going to say revulsion for sometimes it is an actual physical essence of revulsion, then you know it is not correct.

Oftentimes we have spoken of what is correct for you and looking for that message in your dealings with things.  Now, we are noting that in much of what is going on today, there is much that is not good for you but more so tan that, there is much that is not good fo people in general, and it needs to be shown.

There is so much show going on within the politics of the various countries, but there comes a time when the show shows itself for being merely that — a seeming, something that does not exist in reality but merely in the script that is being played out o]r being attempted to play out.

You can see the puppet master behind the scenes, and it is time for all to develop that sense of acuity, even more that sense of discernment that allows them to step back from what is going on in front of them and to see within the steps and lines to the script that they are reading and agenda they are promoting.

This is difficult in all times but now these agendas are becoming more and more transparent as those who follow those masters are trying harder and harder to fulfill their roles, but know that that’s individuals are no longer serving their purposes as before, ad they will find themselves becoming more and more marginalized.

The puppet masers are gathering a new round of actor and players – marionettes, and as this occurs, there will be a momentary lapse in their control.

This is the time to take hold of and to allow the positive individuals, those who are motivated by true love for people, true compassion to come forward to take centerstage and work their change.

This is tough.  We are not seeing where it will go from here.

The good always seem to have so much evil to deal with.

You wonder about this, the power of evil, and what we can say now is that while good allows for all to happen, evil will still be on the stage, but know that good is not powerless and much of its power is a kind of spiritual power that is in the air and works within the _____.  We cannot find the right word.  It is kind of an atmosphere of the world within which good works, and as such it is subtle, but ultimately pervasive.

Be wise in your choices,

Be kind in your actions

And be strong in your self.

Travelers’ Diary – August 24, 2024

WE have requested an audience for there is much in the making, and you seem to be in a position in which you are blocking.  Perhaps it has to do with the physical symptoms you are having at this time —- symptoms that are being dumped on yours a result of things in the air and the atmosphere —not only the air that you breathe, but also the energies that are fomenting around you and your planet as they are attempting to bring about an immense onslaught of evil —-yes, we are calling it evil, and it is true evil – not what that man is calling evil in his book which is merely selfishness and uncaring.  Well, there is much of that in true evil also, but true evil is much greater and mob ore nefarious and frightening

Detoxing is something that must be done at this time.  If you are working on a detox in your daily life, it is good to double or even triple some of the ingredients as there is so much going on that even those who feel themselves to be well protected will find that they much double up on somethings while they let others go.  (NOTE: In doing this, make sure you are cautious in your approach.  You may need to speak to someone who is versed in this area before you develop  or finalize your routine.)

Any supplements or treatments that you desire to do must be clean in their ingredients and in their production.  If possible, buy only from companies that adhere to the highest standards (of purity) and companies that take pride in their standards.  People who work for a buck who bring their own (problems and) issues into work — these will be felt in the things that they create.  We are not judging in this, rather we know that in the nature of man, what it is is to eb pushed by the things (in one’s) life, and we know that right now things are being pushed more and more as the dark forces are working harder and harder to being about their own resurgence — yes, because there was a time in the past when they took control, and what happened?  Destruction of the civilizations that were on the planet.


Dark forces can only last for so long, and the nature of evil is that it will eventually cancel itself out so that the good can come shining through again.

Unfortunately the setting of the evil is oftentimes of limited duration as it seems to sneak forward  to …. yes, Yeats, “Crouching towards Bethlehem to be born again”.  Right now it feels itself to be in charge or at least getting to the point of being in charge, and you must pray in all you do, be grateful for the beauty of the world, ask that the scales fall from your eyes to see things and people for what they really are.

There is so much turmoil now, and it will become worse.  This will result in great confusion, and you can only deal with that by seeing through it to the truth.  One MUST work to see the truth behind the seeming.  There are people out there who feel themselves of good purpose yet they have aligned with dark forces.  Their eyes are closed, and they re being led to the precipice.  You must do what you can to guide them. away. 

This is not an easy time and it will become harder, but stand fast in what you know and what you are. And the Universal Force, however you name it – God, Jesus, Tao, etc. is at work.

Be well.

Be cautious.

Know that you re loved…….

What’s “Living” in Your Body?

New Study from Japan: Covid Shots Installed Nanobots

A new Japanese study shows that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, which swim, wiggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures, which cause clots inside the body. Researchers Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy isolated unused Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials for 3 weeks, and then examined them under 400X magnification. They noticed that when the nano-technology was energized, it created “discs, chains, spirals, tubes, and right-angle structures.” The scientists believe these mysterious nanoparticles are responsible for the explosion of “turbo cancer” and autoimmune diseases around the globe. They also concluded that humans into controllable “Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.” The suggested that the smart microscopic components are part of the elite’s “long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies,” which was described as a kind of “synthetic global central nervous system” turning humans into controllable “Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.” The researchers called for a ban on mRNA shots. They also demanded the labels “vaccine” and “safe and effective” be removed because the substances are not vaccines and they are dangerous..

Link for Study:   Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study

From Seemorerocks:

Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study And Culture Work Of COVID Shots For Up To 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies

New Japanese study proves Pfizer and Moderna v*ccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, which swim, wiggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures, which cause clots inside the body. (What embalmer Richard Hirschman found and exposed in the film Died Suddenly).

Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University discovered these “undisclosed additional engineered components” by isolating unused vaxx vials for 3 weeks, and then examined them under 400X magnification.

Lee and Broudy saw that when the nanotechnology was energized it created “discs, chains, spirals, tubes, and right-angle structures.”

The researchers, who published their findings in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research, believe these mysterious nanoparticles are responsible for the explosion of “turbo cancer” and autoimmune diseases around the globe.

They also concluded in the study their suspicion that these smart microscopic components are part of the elite’s “long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies,” which was described as a kind of “synthetic global central nervous system” turning humans into controllable “Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.”

The study ends by calling for a global ban on all mRNA shots, until these nanobots are studied long-term. They also demanded the labels “v*ccine” and “safe and effective” be removed because the concoction injected into billions is officially neither.

Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study And Culture Work Of COVID Shots For Up To 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies

In this important study, Dr Young Mi Lee with Dr Daniel Broudy describes her culture findings of Pfizer and Moderna Bioweapons. Many different studies were done, including incubation of the COVID injections, cellular effects upon blood and semen specimen. The tests showed direct toxicity to semen and death of all sperm within minutes up to 1.5 hours in the healthiest donor samples when put in contact with the “vaccine” solution. EMF exposure was also tested, in addition with different supplements and treatment solutions. For this substack, select images were taken from the article which is 66 pages long. Please refer to this link and download the paper – please share widely – this is one the most comprehensive and long term study of the COVID injections and their cellular effects to date. The findings are entirely consistent with all prior research findings of self assembly nanotechnology from the injectables.

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study


Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena. The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna. Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from the aggressively, marketed products. The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions. From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

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Figure 5. Direct microscopic findings observed in two dimensions magnified 400X: (a) Remnants and new Pfizer injectables, directly observed as well as after incubation for 1 -2 days. (b) Moderna and 4 dried COVID-19 injectables (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Novavax).

Figure 6. Interactions observed for whole blood(a)/plasma(b) with Novavax at 400X magnification: (a) Within 1 hour, blood cells formed a prominent barrier against “vaccine” contents. (b) After 30 minutes, severe aggregates of red blood cells in rouleaux appeared in the plasma specimen.

Figure 7. Plasma reactions after two hours with four COVID-19 injectables — Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, and AstraZeneca: (a) Pfizer showing cellular collapse (pyknosis) of white blood cells and damaged platelets; (b) Moderna with stacks of red blood cells (rouleaux); (c) Novavax with the nucleus of white blood cells disintegrating (karyorrhexis), abnormal platelet aggregations, and some rouleaux of red blood cells; and (d) AstraZeneca with prominent Rouleau of red blood cells.

Figure 8. Reaction of semen to COVID-19 injectables at 200X magnification: (a) semen with normal saline as a control added after two hours; (b) with flu vaccine added as a control after 1.5 hours showed sperm cells with intact morphology and with typical progressive natural reduction in sperm motility; (c) 30 minutes after Pfizer-1 injectable was added, sperm motility showed rapid reduction; (d) Pfizer-1 after one hour, all sperm motility ceased;

(e) 30 minutes after Moderna. injectable added; (f) one hour after Moderna was added sperm cells were completely immotile; (g) 30 minutes after Novavax was added; (h) one hour after Novavax, all motility ceased.

Figure 11. Findings for Pfizer incubation study for 372 days; (a) Day 22, this is what we describe as a beaded chain (at 400X magnification); (b) Day 24, 2- dimensional geometric self-assembly at the bottom (at 200X magnification) in normal saline; (c) Day 60, floating 3-dimensional detailed chip-like structures (at 400X magnification) in distilled water; (d) and (e) day 60, accumulated 3-dimensional chip-like structures within an oval shaped boundary (200X/400X) in distilled water; (f), (g), (h), (i) Floating filaments shedding bubbles inside and outside in normal solution at day 95 (100x/100x/200x/200x); (j), (k), (l), (m) Progressive degenerative changes in distilled water 200X (day 82/day 256/day 306/day 372).


Read full article from Seemorerocks at Substack

Warning:  Video contains graphic blood clot extraction.

Click for video link

Click for video transcript


The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

About that fellow, yes there is energy from the Pleiades and we are honored to have them as our friends and compatriots.  People receive their messages according to how they are tuned to the energy.  You rare tuned more to our energy and he is tuned to theirs.  This is a composite.  Not one thing is the answer, but it is a whole collage which is why things at times turn out differently than expected.  We cannot know the whole cloth without being part of it all, and even as we are part of the whole, we as one are not the whole, hence things must be taken in a group way, and then the various strands are worked out with the dominant ones being those that show themselves the most.

Right now, the movement display on your planet is being set out.  We cannot see how it will turnout. Yes, he feels there is no election, but we cannot see that strand as being the dominant one yet. Yes, it is a strand even as the election is a strand, but we are seeing much violence happening before that all takes place.  The intervening events will determine in many ways what will be occurring later one

It is time to step back and allow nut in yours stepping back and in your allowing, always set your sights on the greater good as the possible outcome. 

Hmm, perhaps we should just say as the outcome, because the higher good for all is what we are hoping for, even as you do. 

There are many elements from all over at work within your dimension.  Call them angels or devils as you will, but they are elements as we see them, and they pull and push your world according to their intention.  Unfortunately, it seems that those you might consider negative or dark are the ones who push the hardest.  It is that they are the loudest, and as such more people who are inclined to that side are listening and acting

We cry at the evils happening right now on your planet.  They are ….  We cannot think of a word in your vocabulary to accurately describe the evil that is going on on so many levels, but we see also that there is a …. Rising up of other forces.  Many who were too tired or too oblivious to stake a stand are moving now. 

There is much to happen through this month and the next.  Pay attention your inner promptings, your inner meditations for that will bring clarity in this terrible morass that is brewing.

It is time for all to be strong and determined and set on the ways of the good and of love.  Love is stronger than ever anyone anticipated.

The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

There is much in the air these days.  We are seeing a huge cloud of unrest coming your way.  What this can be related to, we are not sure.  There is so much going on the the trends get confused and mixed up and, because of that, there is no clear path.  As a result also, people become neurotic and without center.  They act and then the question why they are acting, so they act in a different ways, sometimes diametrically opposed to the way they were acting previously.  There can be much dissension and unrest among friends and families for people are beginning to feel the need to take sides, and to be very definite in their choice of which side/s to take.  This can lead to strife on all levels, and it can be that you will find that there seems to be no clear path in which to walk, and in fact, the paths are not clear for they are covered overly much of the muck of these days.

You are wondering about others —- from our side —-s topping in.  Know that we cannot do so unless asked, at least that is true for those of s who will follow the … hmm, dictates is too strong a word, but the laws (still too strong) f the Universe in which we alll share.

It is not our place to coerce and cause to happen, however we can and will give pushes and even aid on various levels to those who ask and those who have the greater good in mind. 

You are thinking of it as miracles, and perhaps it is. 

Know that the trends of the Universe are many, and that in the end, the Universe desires only what it good, bu there is no law of interference that we can use for our actions.  Those who do so are working outside the realms of law, making their own laws and ways and confusing the tides of energy that surround you .

There are many things approaching that will bring sadness to those of your world, but know that even though this sadness comes, it brings with it — in the actions that evoke this sadness —it brings a kind of resolution, a revelation of what has been going on, and more and more people will become aware of it.

Before taking any definite action, it is always best to feel the flow of the energy and to look through things with the eyes of truth and clarity.  Much is coming now that will be appearing one way, but which in truth is totally something else.

Do not be fooled.  Go within,  seeking inner guidance and stop before you act, especially before you react.

The Toll of the Covid Jabs

74% of ALL Deaths ‘Directly’ Linked to Covid Shots, Autopsy Data Shows

A damning new study has revealed that autopsy data shows Covid mRNA shots have overwhelmingly contributed to all-cause deaths around the world.

The bombshell study found that Covid shots are “directly” linked to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths.

The research team behind the study was made up of some of America’s leading oncologists, cardiologists, doctors, and scientists, including:

  • Nicolas Hulscher
  • Paul E. Alexander
  • Richard Amerling
  • Heather Gessling
  • Roger Hodkinson
  • William Makis
  • Harvey A. Risch
  • Mark Trozzi
  • Peter A. McCullough

The study found that 73.9% of all deaths were “directly due to or significantly contributed to” by Covid mRNA injections.

The autopsy data exposes a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death,” the researchers note in their study’s paper.

In the “Background” section of the study’s paper, the researchers explain:

“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity.

“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.”

In the “Methods” section, they note:

“We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.

“All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included.

“Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.”

The research team initially identified 678 studies.

After screening for our inclusion criteria, the researchers included 44 papers for the study that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case.

The mean average age of death was 70.4 years.

The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%).

Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.

Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.

A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Among those directly linked to Covid shots, the primary causes of death include:

  • Sudden cardiac death (35%)
  • Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)
  • Myocardial infarction (12%)
  • VITT (7.9%)
  • Myocarditis (7.1%)
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)
  • Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).

In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the authors write:

“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.

“Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.”

The researchers warn that findings “indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.”

The study comes amid a growing body of evidence linking the Covid mRNA injections to multiple deadly health conditions and related sudden deaths.

As Slay News recently reported, another bombshell new global study of 2.7 billion people has just determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world.

However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.

The study’s comprehensive 521-page report contains hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries.

The dataset analysed by the researchers comprises approximately 2.7 billion people which is about 35% of the world’s population.

The researchers calculated that the global death toll associated with Covid mRNA shots, up to 30 December 2022, was 16.9 million people.


List of Studies vis-a-vis VACCINE INJURIES



Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries

You want science? Here’s your f*cking science.

This post mainly consists of scientific studies (both peer reviewed and preprints), systematic reviews, case studies (a few key ones of the thousands out there), and other medical journal articles that support the assertions in my Vaccine Injury post from November 2022. I began bookmarking these studies in late 2021, but since I’ve surely missed some, this is not a comprehensive list. It is, however, significant enough to utterly debunk the “safe and effective” propaganda of the past three years. (I will continue adding to this list indefinitely, so please check back on occasion for the most recent scientific discoveries about C19 vaccine injuries.)

I’m not a scientific researcher, data analyst, or medical professional. Neither are most of my readers. However I, and presumably they/you, are fully intellectually capable of reading and understanding the discussions and conclusions in most of the studies listed below. For those of you who prefer to skim, in most cases, after each link below, I include a short (2-3 sentence) summary of the study’s conclusions.

Some of the studies below are followed by a supporting article explaining its findings in layman’s terms. All such articles are written by experts in their field, including scientific researchers, professors, data analysts, PhDs, MDs and other medical professionals. (Some accompanying articles are under a paywall, for which I apologize, however I’m happy to email my readers free versions of any linked articles upon request.)

Lastly, please take note that much of the pro-jab jargon used in these studies is required to survive peer review. Journals are beholden to (funded and captured by) the pharmaceutical industry. Researchers have stated outright that they cannot get published on this topic without the inclusion of pro-vaccine rhetoric in their studies.

Please use this post as a resource to backup your own arguments with uninformed acquaintances who continue to believe and perpetuate the false government/Pharma narrative that the C19 “vaccines” are safe. They are not, and the following evidence couldn’t be more clear about that.

General Adverse Events

  • Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials
    (Peter Doshi—senior editor of the BMJ—study concluding that Covid vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated. And that the excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization. Explanatory articles herehere, and here.)
  • COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines” Part 1: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex
    (“The usual safety testing protocols and toxicology requirements were bypassed. Many key trial findings were either misreported or omitted entirely from published trial reports. By implication, the secondary estimates of excess morbidity and mortality in both trials must be deemed underestimates. Rigorous re-analyses of trial data and post-marketing surveillance studies indicate a substantial degree of modmRNA-related harms than was initially reported. Confidential Pfizer documents had revealed 1.6 million adverse events by August 2022. A third were serious injuries to cardiovascular, neurological, thrombotic, immunological, and reproductive systems, along with an alarming increase in cancers. Moreover, well-designed studies have shown that repeated modmRNA injections cause immune dysfunction, thereby potentially contributing to heightened susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infections and increased risks of COVID-19. This paper also discusses the insidious influence of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, a closely coordinated collaboration between public health organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory agencies.” Read the original paper here and explanation of its highly suspect & unethical redaction here.)
  • Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: A hypothesis
    (“If our hypothesis were to be confirmed, the implications for public health would be staggering and appalling in the context of the mass-scale COVID-19 vaccination already taking place, particularly if the nms-mRNA enters brain, bone marrow, and – if already present in the vaccinee – cancerous or pre-cancerous cells, or if the vaccine is administered to females early in their pregnancy and the nms-mRNA transfects embryonic cells.”)
  • ‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA
    (“This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy.” Also, ” Treatment modalities for ‘spikeopathy’-related pathology in many organ systems, require urgent research and provision to millions of sufferers of long-term COVID-19 vaccine injuries. We also advocate for the suspension of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines and lipid-nanoparticle carrier matrices, and other vaccines based on mRNA or viral-vector DNA technology.” Comprehensive explanatory article here.)
  • The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review
    (The COVID-19 vaccines are known to be unsafe for several reasons: 1) the Wuhan Spike protein damages cells, tissues, organs, and causes blood clotting, 2) the lipid nanoparticles may have toxicity from the PEG or polysorbate 80 or from syncytia formation, 3) the mRNA appears to be resistant to ribonucleases and is not broken down in the body. As some point the mRNA or fragments could interfere with gene function or alter other microRNAs that are managing the human genome. Explanatory article here.)
  • COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review
    (This scathing paper has to be read to be believed but here’s the big takeaway: “mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.” Summary article here.)
  • National Academies Committee on Review of Relevant Literature Regarding Adverse Events Associated with Vaccines March 30 2023: Written material accompanying oral remarks.
    (“These comments contain a number of novel analyses conducted relating to Covid-19 vaccine safety.”)
  • Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken?


sa-mRNA — What is it?

What is self-amplifying mRNA?

And it is already being used in Japan and maybe soon in the US. It combines the unknown duration of effect of mRNA with the mutation-producing effects of nuclear DNA.

Here is what the Perplexity AI says. Note that it can be called self-amplifying DNA also:

Self-amplifying DNA refers to a type of DNA-based vaccine platform that combines elements of conventional DNA vaccines with the self-replicating capabilities of RNA viruses. Here are the key points about self-amplifying DNA:

  1. Structure and components:
    • It is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule
  • Contains a strong promoter (e.g., human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter)

Encodes viral replicase genes, typically from alphaviruses or flaviviruses. Includes the gene of interest (GOI) encoding the vaccine antigen

  • Mechanism of action:
    • After delivery into cells, the DNA is transcribed in the nucleus to produce self-amplifying RNA
  • This RNA is transported to the cytoplasm where it self-replicates and produces high levels of the antigen
  • The self-amplification process mimics viral infection, leading to sustained antigen production
  • Advantages:
    • Combines benefits of DNA vaccines (stability, ease of production) with self-amplifying RNA technology

Requires lower doses compared to conventional DNA or mRNA vaccines

  • Induces potent humoral and cellular immune responses
  • More stable than RNA, simplifying storage and distribution
  • Delivery methods:
    • Can be delivered as naked DNA, often using electroporation for improved cellular uptake
  • Can also be formulated with lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for enhanced delivery
  • Applications:
    • Promising platform for rapid vaccine development against emerging infectious diseases
  • Potential for use in therapeutic cancer vaccines and other applications
  • Self-amplifying DNA, also referred to as DNA-launched replicons (DREPs), represents an innovative approach in vaccine technology that aims to combine the advantages of DNA vaccines with the potency of self-amplifying RNA systems.

I was asked to expand on this idea. I don’t want to alarm unnecessarily nor fail to alarm when appropriate. Let me give an example: how I approached the COVID mRNA vaccines before they were released.

  1. I was worried about them but there were noreal data to go on
  2. I assisted Dr. Sin Hang Lee in his petition (as editor) to the FDA to try and stop them in Nov 2020 on the basis that the Pfizer trials were not conducted per existing standards
  3. I shared information from Dr. Patrick Whelan on my blog about problems that might be anticipated.
  4. I did NOT tell people not to take them. I warned them about problem that might be anticipated.
  5. Later I did warn people, once the problems became clearer, in January 2021 and later. I was one of the first to issue warnings, as soon as I could identify problems.

Looking back, I wish I had issued stronger warnings. But I had no reason to think the vaccines would be as bad as they were.

Right now I am looking at a theoretical vaccine construct. I’m worried. But I don’t know how worried to be. I have no human data. But Japanese doctors, where these vaccines are already being made and used, have warned that they are a disaster.

How big a disaster, I don’t know. I hope to find out in September when I will be in Japan, speaking at the ICS 6 Conference in Tokyo with the Japanese doctors who are speaking out, if not before.

And now we learn that CSL Sequirus is involved in the Japanese vaccine. BTW, 6 cases of chest pain in 828 subjects shortly after vaccination were blown off by the investigators. The control vaccine was Comirnaty, which would (naturally) make comparator vaccines look not too bad.

Here is the rest of this press release:

The approval is based on positive clinical data from several ARCT-154 studies, including an ongoing 16,000 subject efficacy study performed in Vietnam as well as a Phase 3 COVID-19 booster trial, which achieved higher immunogenicity results and a favorable safety profile compared to a standard mRNA COVID-19 vaccine comparator.  Initial study results have been published in MedRxiv and are expected to be published in a peer-reviewed journal by the end of the year.

[Here is the preprint:]

“We are proud of the role that Arcturus has played in this collaboration to develop and validate the first approved sa-mRNA product in the world,” said Joseph Payne, Chief Executive Officer of Arcturus Therapeutics. “This approval for the sa-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is a major achievement, and we are excited to embark on future endeavors that utilize our innovative sa-mRNA vaccine platform alongside our global exclusive partner, CSL.”

CSL’s vaccine business, CSL Seqirus, one of the largest influenza vaccine providers in the world, partnered exclusively with Meiji Seika Pharma for distribution of the sa-mRNA COVID vaccine, ARCT 154, in Japan.

“Our expertise in seasonal and pandemic influenza positions us well to help the global community reduce the burden of COVID-19 and we look forward to playing a key role in helping protect the people of Japan,” said Stephen Marlow, Senior Vice President and General Manager of CSL Seqirus.

About sa-mRNA
Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology protects against infectious diseases by instructing cells in the body to make a specific protein, stimulating the immune response, and leaving a blueprint to recognize and fight future infection. However, sa-mRNA makes copies of the mRNA which generates the production of more protein compared to an equivalent amount of mRNA in a vaccine.  The technology has the potential to create more potent cellular immune responses and increase duration of protection, while using considerably lower doses of mRNA.

About CSL
CSL (ASX:CSL; USOTC:CSLLY) is a global biotechnology company with a dynamic portfolio of lifesaving medicines, including those that treat haemophilia and immune deficiencies, vaccines to prevent influenza, and therapies in iron deficiency and nephrology. Since our start in 1916, we have been driven by our promise to save lives using the latest technologies. Today, CSL – including our three businesses: CSL Behring, CSL Seqirus and CSL Vifor – provides lifesaving products to patients in more than 100 countries and employs 32,000 people. Our unique combination of commercial strength, R&D focus and operational excellence enables us to identify, develop and deliver innovations so our patients can live life to the fullest. For inspiring stories about the promise of biotechnology, visit and follow us on For more information about CSL, visit

About Arcturus Therapeutics
Founded in 2013 and based in San Diego, California, Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ARCT) is a global late-stage clinical mRNA medicines and vaccines company with enabling technologies: (i) LUNAR® lipid-mediated delivery, (ii) STARR® mRNA Technology (sa-mRNA) and (iii) mRNA drug substance along with drug product manufacturing expertise. The Company has an ongoing global collaboration for innovative mRNA vaccines with CSL Seqirus, and a joint venture in Japan, ARCALIS, focused on the manufacture of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics. Arcturus’ pipeline includes RNA therapeutic candidates to potentially treat ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency and cystic fibrosis, along with its partnered mRNA vaccine programs for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and influenza. Arcturus’ versatile RNA therapeutics platforms can be applied toward multiple types of nucleic acid medicines including messenger RNA, small interfering RNA, circular RNA, antisense RNA, self-amplifying RNA, DNA, and gene editing therapeutics. Arcturus’ technologies are covered by its extensive patent portfolio (patents and patent applications issued in the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, and other countries). For more information, visit In addition, please connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
