“O ye friends and Priests of God, which are clothed with the holy long garment, and the heavenly crown of glory, and with the divine unction, and the priestly robe of the Holy Ghost.” Eusebius
As the shockwaves of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster reverberate through our world, hearts have been broken, lives shattered, dreams delayed, and plans dashed. It is confusing, painful and deadly serious (okay, scary). It feels like Judgment Day…because, well, maybe it is.
A global pandemic of biblical proportions is upon us. It is the first salvo in a battle to ‘finish’ the current version of humanity by inoculating it with a potentially lethal vaccine of unknown results, mandatory merging with A.I. and a totalitarian hive mind, and introducing a new world lit by 5G’s fires.
‘To finish’ means to complete, to end, and to close. There is no question that, for now, our old life is finished.
However, ‘finish’ also means to complete by putting on an attractive or protective surface or coat.
Since 2002, I have been discussing how the Powers That Be have been planning to put a new skin on humanity, a finishing coat or garment, I called the Cloak of the Illuminati. In their view the human body is ‘unfinished’ and needs work. This finishing coat is composed of advanced A.I., nano, neuro and genetic technologies. Developers say it will liberate us from the limitations of being human and turn some of us into god-like beings with super intelligence, super strength, super vision and longevity. The trade off for super vision is total surveillance under a militaristic super state in which every citizen is now a soldier and their body a weapon.
What the PTB have lacked is an alarming enough reason for the mass of humanity to demand to be vaccinated, augmented and modified…until now.
As I discussed in The Skingularity Is Near, the alternative to our merger with A.I. is to raise our Ascension Intelligence and develop the ‘super spiritual powers’ of our light body, our non-molecular ascension body. The end result is the receipt of a Crown of Glory and a Garment of Unending Light, a suit of cosmic armor, that can protect us from anything, including viruses and even A.I.
Will we remain strictly organic or will a replacement blurred biodot Transhuman emerge that is ‘suitable’ for combatting this virus (and any others on the way)?
We are the ones who will answer these questions for all future humanity. This is what the battle is about.
Whether we choose Artificial Intelligence or Ascension Intelligence, the ‘finishing’ presently underway will result in a new human.
Make no mistake, this is a battle, a trial, an initiation, in our collective soul’s metamorphosis into the New Humanity.
Trials come to distract, hinder, and/or stop you, but they also come to free us, as well.
Some may feel uncertain and powerless. For others, who believe it can screech to a halt, the virus crisis is seen as a cure, and rewards beyond our present comprehension will follow for seeking its medicine. These rewards are symbolized by a Crown (actually 5 of them) and a Robe of Light.
There is a road map to those rewards.
This article examines the spiritual symbolism and prophetic connections of the coronavirus and is an introduction to the Crown and Robe. It is also an instruction manual for required adjustments and a path forward to follow to attain your rewards.
Let us gently proceed.
We begin with needed definitions.
Corona, as most now know, and all must realize, means “crown”. This word has multiple meanings. Indeed, we are being ‘crowned’ on multiple levels.
For example, ‘to crown’ means to be hit on the head.
We have been sucker punched by an invisible enemy, a Beast, that has unleashed an unseen virus upon our minds, bodies and souls. This Beast is a powerful foe. We empower it with our fear. With every click on a ‘news’ website, and every moment watching the ‘news’ on TV, engagement with this enemy and its irreverent babble and godless chatter grows deeper. It is painful to watch.
What to do?
Turn it off.
Then, go within.
Now is the time to use every waking moment to attain wholeness, holiness (righteousness) through compassionate action and to activate the latent spiritual powers of your soul to combat the Beast.
We overcome it with love…and carefully executed spiritual transformation aimed at manifesting our most divine and holy selves.
Like the corona/crown, holiness (again, righteousness), is symbolized by a circle. A circle is 360 degrees. As I have long taught, based on the second oldest human story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, each of us begin our lives at least 2/3 divine and 1/3 human. 2/3 of 360 is 240. Our soul’s quest is to raise our vibration from 240 to a righteous 360. We do this by changing our actions so that everything we do mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally is reflective of ourself at the higher vibration we seek. “The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever,” says Isaiah 32:17.
Many of us have been actively working on moving our righteousness needle for a very long time, building our higher vibrational self with acts of love and focusing on ascension teachings.
Now, in this ‘present’ moment, the coronavirus crisis calls on each of us to urgently move our personal righteousness needle from where it has been to a lot closer to 360.
Another meaning of crown is revealed during birth labor, where crowning is the moment when the baby’s head first appears from its mother’s vaginal opening / birth canal; the new human’s portal to its new world. For the mother, this pushing process is the most painful part of labor. Light breathing — taking short, shallow breaths in and out as if blowing out a candle on a birthday cake can help minimize pain for the mother, say experts. The goal is to produce a calming and relaxing effect.
Light breathing induces calm (especially if one is hyperventilating), and the sense of well being that follows could certainly be a key for our success in combatting the coronavirus. Increased oxygen protects and helps the body heal by giving the immune system a needed boost. When the cells responsible for protecting the body against infection encounter a bacterium, they require additional oxygen to fight off and kill the harmful agent. If the immune cells have insufficient oxygen to carry on the battle, bacteria quickly overwhelm the immune system, and infection occurs. For tips on how to practice light breathing go here.
Ujjayi Breath, translated as “to become victorious”, is one of the most powerful breathing techniques used in Yoga, and is known for its ability to generate a profoundly restful state. Known as breath of fire in pranayama in yoga circles, Ujjayi Breath is an assertive, forceful breath. It’s done by inhaling firmly through the nose, and then forcefully pushing out the exhale, making an aspirant sound in the back of the throat.
Metaphysically speaking, light breathing, or learning to breathe in light and to exhale darkness, will protect us from the invisible force pounding on / in our heads.
Once crowning occurs, the new baby’s arrival is imminent.
If we think of ourselves as the new baby we can see the opportunity before us.
Unable to turn back to the former world, our crowning is the path to the opposite of powerlessness and total dependency, which is sovereignty.
This leads to the definition of crowning as synonymous with coronation. A coronation is the act of putting a crown or corona on a monarch’s head. The circular corona represents power, victory, honor and glory in this world, as well as immortality, righteousness and resurrection in the next.
These are the rewards, the gifts, the pearls, concealed within the oyster of the ‘present’ just handed to us, the coronavirus crisis.
In sacred ascension art, the special area that Clare and I work in, the crown is often shown being presented to those on Earth by angels. This informs us of the higher dimensional attributes of the corona. It tells us we must seek our reward / gift beyond the material plane and bring divinity into our present moment.
To read the rest of the article and see the images, go to the source: https://www.williamhenry.net/2020/03/the-anticorona-devices-the-crown-of-glory-and-garment-of-unending-light/
A local article shows Florida is even worse than NC.
The proposed grading scale for North Carolina public schools
• A: 100 to 85 percent
• B: 84 to 70 percent
• C: 69 to 55 percent
• D: 54 to 40 percent
• F: Anything below 40 percent
Florida’s school grading scale
• A = 62% of points or greater
• B = 54% to 61% of points
• C = 41% to 53% of points
• D = 32% to 40% of points
• F = 31% of points or less