The Crown and the Cloak

“O ye friends and Priests of God, which are clothed with the holy long garment, and the heavenly crown of glory, and with the divine unction, and the priestly robe of the Holy Ghost.” Eusebius

As the shockwaves of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster reverberate through our world, hearts have been broken, lives shattered, dreams delayed, and plans dashed. It is confusing, painful and deadly serious (okay, scary). It feels like Judgment Day…because, well, maybe it is.

A global pandemic of biblical proportions is upon us. It is the first salvo in a battle to ‘finish’ the current version of humanity by inoculating it with a potentially lethal vaccine of unknown results, mandatory merging  with A.I. and a totalitarian hive mind, and introducing a new world lit by 5G’s fires.

‘To finish’ means to complete, to end, and to close. There is no question that, for now, our old life is finished.

However, ‘finish’ also means to complete by putting on an attractive or protective surface or coat.

Since 2002, I have been discussing how the Powers That Be have been planning to put a new skin on humanity, a finishing coat or garment, I called the Cloak of the Illuminati. In their view the human body is ‘unfinished’ and needs work. This finishing coat is composed of advanced A.I., nano, neuro and genetic technologies. Developers say it will liberate us from the limitations of being human and turn some of us into god-like beings with super intelligence, super strength, super vision and longevity. The trade off for super vision is total surveillance under a militaristic super state in which every citizen is now a soldier and their body a weapon.

What the PTB have lacked is an alarming enough reason for the mass of humanity to demand to be vaccinated, augmented and modified…until now.

As I discussed in The Skingularity Is Near, the alternative to our merger with A.I. is to raise our Ascension Intelligence and develop the ‘super spiritual powers’ of our light body, our non-molecular ascension body. The end result is the receipt of a Crown of Glory and a Garment of Unending Light, a suit of cosmic armor, that can protect us from anything, including viruses and even A.I.

Will we remain strictly organic or will a replacement blurred biodot Transhuman emerge that is ‘suitable’ for combatting this virus (and any others on the way)?

We are the ones who will answer these questions for all future humanity. This is what the battle is about.

Whether we choose Artificial Intelligence or Ascension Intelligence, the ‘finishing’ presently underway will result in a new human.

Make no mistake, this is a battle, a trial, an initiation, in our collective soul’s metamorphosis into the New Humanity.

Trials come to distract, hinder, and/or stop you, but they also come to free us, as well.

Some may feel uncertain and powerless. For others, who believe it can screech to a halt, the virus crisis is seen as a cure, and rewards beyond our present comprehension will follow for seeking its medicine. These rewards are symbolized by a Crown (actually 5 of them) and a Robe of Light.

There is a road map to those rewards.

This article examines the spiritual symbolism and prophetic connections of the coronavirus and is an introduction to the Crown and Robe. It is also an instruction manual for required adjustments and a path forward to follow to attain your rewards.

Let us gently proceed.


We begin with needed definitions.

Corona, as most now know, and all must realize, means “crown”. This word has multiple meanings. Indeed, we are being ‘crowned’ on multiple levels.

For example, ‘to crown’ means to be hit on the head.


We have been sucker punched by an invisible enemy, a Beast, that has unleashed an unseen virus upon our minds, bodies and souls. This Beast is a powerful foe. We empower it with our fear. With every click on a ‘news’ website, and every moment watching the ‘news’ on TV, engagement with this enemy and its irreverent babble and godless chatter grows deeper. It is painful to watch.

What to do?

Turn it off.

Then, go within.

Now is the time to use every waking moment to attain wholeness, holiness (righteousness) through compassionate action and to activate the latent spiritual powers of your soul to combat the Beast.

We overcome it with love…and carefully executed spiritual transformation aimed at manifesting our most divine and holy selves.

Like the corona/crown, holiness (again, righteousness), is symbolized by a circle. A circle is 360 degrees. As I have long taught, based on the second oldest human story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, each of us begin our lives at least 2/3 divine and 1/3 human. 2/3 of 360 is 240. Our soul’s quest is to raise our vibration from 240 to a righteous 360. We do this by changing our actions so that everything we do mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally is reflective of ourself at the higher vibration we seek. “The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever,” says Isaiah 32:17. 

Many of us have been actively working on moving our righteousness needle for a very long time, building our higher vibrational self with acts of love and focusing on ascension teachings.

Now, in this ‘present’ moment, the coronavirus crisis calls on each of us to urgently move our personal righteousness needle from where it has been to a lot closer to 360.

Another meaning of crown is revealed during birth labor, where crowning is the moment when the baby’s head first appears from its mother’s vaginal opening / birth canal; the new human’s portal to its new world. For the mother, this pushing process is the most painful part of labor. Light breathing — taking short, shallow breaths in and out as if blowing out a candle on a birthday cake can help minimize pain for the mother, say experts. The goal is to produce a calming and relaxing effect.

Light breathing induces calm (especially if one is hyperventilating), and the sense of well being that follows could certainly be a key for our success in combatting the coronavirus. Increased oxygen protects and helps the body heal by giving the immune system a needed boost. When the cells responsible for protecting the body against infection encounter a bacterium, they require additional oxygen to fight off and kill the harmful agent. If the immune cells have insufficient oxygen to carry on the battle, bacteria quickly overwhelm the immune system, and infection occurs. For tips on how to practice light breathing go here.

Ujjayi Breath, translated as “to become victorious”, is one of the most powerful breathing techniques used in Yoga, and is known for its ability to generate a profoundly restful state. Known as breath of fire in pranayama in yoga circles, Ujjayi Breath is an assertive, forceful breath. It’s done by inhaling firmly through the nose, and then forcefully pushing out the exhale, making an aspirant sound in the back of the throat.

Metaphysically speaking, light breathing, or learning to breathe in light and to exhale darkness, will protect us from the invisible force pounding on / in our heads.

Once crowning occurs, the new baby’s arrival is imminent.

If we think of ourselves as the new baby we can see the opportunity before us.

Unable to turn back to the former world, our crowning is the path to the opposite of powerlessness and total dependency, which is sovereignty.

This leads to the definition of crowning as synonymous with coronation. A coronation is the act of putting a crown or corona on a monarch’s head. The circular corona represents power, victory, honor and glory in this world, as well as immortality, righteousness and resurrection in the next.

These are the rewards, the gifts, the pearls, concealed within the oyster of the ‘present’ just handed to us, the coronavirus crisis.

In sacred ascension art, the special area that Clare and I work in, the crown is often shown being presented to those on Earth by angels. This informs us of the higher dimensional attributes of the corona. It tells us we must seek our reward / gift beyond the material plane and bring divinity into our present moment.

To read the rest of the article and see the images, go to the source:

March Channeling – The Group via Steve Rother

The Beacons of Light — Re-minders from Home

Beacons of Light March 2020

~ Stitching Hearts Together ~

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice Download the mp3 here 

A special note on Coronavirus:

Greetings from Home, dear ones. We wished to add to the message this day to talk about what is in front of most humans at this time. Changes in lifestyle are a reaction to life forms originating in the cosmos that has crossed from the lower vibrational animals to humans. Much fear is on Earth. The challenges are many, yet simple to understand. Consider this to be a very “sticky” creature both inside and outside of the body. As people distance themselves, it becomes a balancing act between safety and isolation. You are now learning much about this virus as humans call it. It will ultimately leave behind an easier path for evolution in all humans. It has the effect of loosening the ethereal body. Children are affected less as most already have this new level in place. Only a small percentage of humans need to catch this to reach a critical mass and some who do will not feel sick, yet, all can be carriers. There are other viruses already on Earth, answers are already planted, and that knowledge is making its way into the collective consciousness.

Please keep in mind that we have been talking about the growing separation on Earth. The message that follows is all about that. We even made the comment several times that if Earth was attacked from outer space that it could have the effect of bringing together hearts as all humans realize that they are more alike than they are different. From our perspective, that has happened. Lightworkers globally now are being called into action in new ways. Keep in mind you will make it through and on the other side humans will take this opportunity to build anew.  Many who have been holding the energy quietly and now will be called into action. There will be more fear on Earth. Consider this as an opportunity for light and all Lightworkers. Fear and Love cannot occupy the same space. Find the Love and pass it on. Keep the hearts connected in as many ways as you can, dear ones, and a new world will emerge. If you are successful, the human heart will rise in unity.


The group


Greetings, dear ones.

We join you this day with such a joy. You see, when you left Home, you were all connected. There’s a very deep connection between you because you’re all a part of one other. Dear ones, it’s like calling two fingers on the same hand separate from one another. That separation defines you as an individual, for it is how you define things as a human. However, remembering the connection is how you define things as a spirit. Recently there’s been even great separation, and that deep connection seems to have gone by the wayside. In truth, some of the separation has been intentional. Why? Because if humans are to be controlled, there’s only one way to do that and it’s to separate and divide you from one another. That effort has been very successful.

Unity of the Heart — That separation and division can change, but it is up to all of you. No matter which side you think you’re on, the most important part of this is to lose the sides and begin reconnecting hearts. Remember, dear ones, everything is connected at Home. You will laugh about this when you return Home, for there’s a strong connection with everything. The months and years ahead will present new challenges, new difficulties. All you need to do is to look back at your own history and see that is true. As these new processes grow and the energies start coming together, you will quickly find the power of unity, especially unity of the heart. In truth, many of you even jumped into the timeline at this exact moment because individually you are carrying something important for the collective. The challenge is that if you are separated, you won’t remember.

Stitching Hearts Together — What we’re asking all of you to do during these times ahead is to lose the sides. Do you define yourself by your past choices? If so, it makes change that much more difficult. Start looking at how you can connect with one another, even for a moment. Find one thing that you have in common with every person who crosses your path. All you need to do is find that one little thing about a person that you can resonate with, then you instantly restore the connections that you had at Home. You can actually feel a strength coming from others when you can harmonize with them. It’s available to all of you at this moment, as the connections are very strong.

Dear ones, know that this is also an opportunity for light to stitch together the hearts that have already been separated for way too long. Those new energies are here right now, and we can’t wait to see what you do with them.

There are a wide range of waves emanating from differing parts of the universe that constantly bathe planet Earth.  Last November we told you about one of these waves coming in and opening up opportunities to change everything by shifting the base energy on which you all live. That has taken place, but there are residual waves continuing to come in even now one right after the other. One of the most beautiful things that we have seen during this wave of energy is the rise of the feminine energy. It has moved into the base and anchored in an entirely new way, in a whole different place.

You have made that possible, dear ones, and you have been wildly successful at that. Although you don’t see the results of that quite yet, the new feminine base has been firmly anchored. It takes time for it to propagate and for that voice to be heard as a collective. Make no mistake, it is in motion. You are all responsible for that happening, because without the space for it to land the energy would have come then quickly gone back out. In effect, everything would have returned to normal. But that did not happen, even though you still have a lot of confusion everything is now in place.

You’ve anchored something very powerful here, and in the months ahead you will move into it. If you can begin to bring this energy in, finding a way that applies to you. Everyone will deal with it a little differently. Some people will feel it as a strength, while others may feel it as a weakness. Why? Because if you’re moving from the masculine energy, which defined power as force, into the harmony of feminine energy it can feel like you’re vulnerable. Dear ones, we tell you, it is in that vulnerability that the greatest strength lies. So, when this happens and you must plan how you’re going to react, bring all the energy in with intention. Stop, take a few breaths, and then act instead of reacting.

In the months ahead, you’ll find opportunities opening because of the work that you’ve already done. Although you may think you’re sliding backwards or your society is somehow going in the wrong direction, that’s not how it’s measured. Quite simply, it is measured one heart at a time starting with yours. You see, you are setting the energy for your own world in more ways than you know. Although it may seem like you’re disconnected from the others you’re not, for this is the practice of discernment amidst chaos.

A New Pace — You’ve been very busy. Planet Earth has not slowed down, in fact it is now speeding up. Years ago, it was discovered that the stars in the sky are moving away from Earth at ever increasing speeds, and now the Earth is also increasing its pace.

By connecting back with the basic principles of being kind to others as well as yourself, you will energetically open doors in so many new ways. It is a time of unity, dear ones. As you move from one season to the next, the energy on planet Earth is also shifting rather drastically right now. It’s connecting at the most basic levels. Although you won’t see this show up in your news on a regular basis for the time being, the energy is coming together and building. Expect a miracle, dear ones, and we’ll help you create it.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together in this beautiful new Earth.


The group


Everything Old Can Get Youth Again?

Old human cells rejuvenated with stem cell technology

Source:     Stanford Medicine
Summary:    Old human cells return to a more youthful and vigorous state after being induced to briefly express a panel of proteins involved in embryonic development, according to a new study.

Stem cells illustration (stock image). | Credit: © nobeastsofierce /
Stem cells illustration (stock image).
Credit: © nobeastsofierce / Adobe Stock

Old human cells return to a more youthful and vigorous state after being induced to briefly express a panel of proteins involved in embryonic development, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The researchers also found that elderly mice regained youthful strength after their existing muscle stem cells were subjected to the rejuvenating protein treatment and transplanted back into their bodies.

The proteins, known as Yamanaka factors, are commonly used to transform an adult cell into what are known as induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells. Induced pluripotent stem cells can become nearly any type of cell in the body, regardless of the cell from which they originated. They’ve become important in regenerative medicine and drug discovery.

The study found that inducing old human cells in a lab dish to briefly express these proteins rewinds many of the molecular hallmarks of aging and renders the treated cells nearly indistinguishable from their younger counterparts.

“When iPS cells are made from adult cells, they become both youthful and pluripotent,” said Vittorio Sebastiano, PhD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and the Woods Family Faculty Scholar in Pediatric Translational Medicine. “We’ve wondered for some time if it might be possible to simply rewind the aging clock without inducing pluripotency. Now we’ve found that, by tightly controlling the duration of the exposure to these protein factors, we can promote rejuvenation in multiple human cell types.”

Sebastiano is the senior author of the study, which will be published online March 24 in Nature Communications. Former graduate student Tapash Sarkar, PhD, is the lead author of the article.

“We are very excited about these findings,” said study co-author Thomas Rando, MD, PhD, professor of neurology and neurological sciences and the director of Stanford’s Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging. “My colleagues and I have been pursuing the rejuvenation of tissues since our studies in the early 2000s revealed that systemic factors can make old tissues younger. In 2012, Howard Chang and I proposed the concept of using reprogramming factors to rejuvenate cells and tissues, and it is gratifying to see evidence of success with this approach.” Chang, MD, PhD, is a professor of dermatology and of genetics at Stanford.

Exposure to proteins:        Researchers in Sebastiano’s laboratory make iPS cells from adult cells, such as those that compose skin, by repeatedly exposing them over a period of about two weeks to a panel of proteins important to early embryonic development. They do so by introducing daily, short-lived RNA messages into the adult cells. The RNA messages encode the instructions for making the Yamanaka proteins. Over time, these proteins rewind the cells’ fate — pushing them backward along the developmental timeline until they resemble the young, embryonic-like pluripotent cells from which they originated.

During this process the cells not only shed any memories of their previous identities, but they revert to a younger state. They accomplish this transformation by wiping their DNA clean of the molecular tags that not only differentiate, say, a skin cell from a heart muscle cell, but of other tags that accumulate as a cell ages.

Recently researchers have begun to wonder whether exposing the adult cells to Yamanaka proteins for days rather than weeks could trigger this youthful reversion without inducing full-on pluripotency. In fact, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies found in 2016 that briefly expressing the four Yamanaka factors in mice with a form of premature aging extended the animals’ life span by about 20%. But it wasn’t clear whether this approach would work in humans.

Sarkar and Sebastiano wondered whether old human cells would respond in a similar fashion, and whether the response would be limited to just a few cell types or generalizable for many tissues. They devised a way to use genetic material called messenger RNA to temporarily express six reprogramming factors — the four Yamanaka factors plus two additional proteins — in human skin and blood vessel cells. Messenger RNA rapidly degrades in cells, allowing the researchers to tightly control the duration of the signal.

The researchers then compared the gene-expression patterns of treated cells and control cells, both obtained from elderly adults, with those of untreated cells from younger people. They found that cells from elderly people exhibited signs of aging reversal after just four days of exposure to the reprogramming factors. Whereas untreated elderly cells expressed higher levels of genes associated with known aging pathways, treated elderly cells more closely resembled younger cells in their patterns of gene expression.

When the researchers studied the patterns of aging-associated chemical tags called methyl groups, which serve as an indicator of a cell’s chronological age, they found that the treated cells appeared to be about 1½ to 3½ years younger on average than untreated cells from elderly people, with peaks of 3½ years (in skin cells) and 7½ years (in cells that line blood vessels).

Comparing hallmarks of aging:    Next they compared several hallmarks of aging — including how cells sense nutrients, metabolize compounds to create energy and dispose of cellular trash — among cells from young people, treated cells from old people and untreated cells from old people.

“We saw a dramatic rejuvenation across all hallmarks but one in all the cell types tested,” Sebastiano said. “But our last and most important experiment was done on muscle stem cells. Although they are naturally endowed with the ability to self-renew, this capacity wanes with age. We wondered, Can we also rejuvenate stem cells and have a long-term effect?”

When the researchers transplanted old mouse muscle stem cells that had been treated back into elderly mice, the animals regained the muscle strength of younger mice, they found.

Finally, the researchers isolated cells from the cartilage of people with and without osteoarthritis. They found that the temporary exposure of the osteoarthritic cells to the reprogramming factors reduced the secretion of inflammatory molecules and improved the cells’ ability to divide and function.

The researchers are now optimizing the panel of reprogramming proteins needed to rejuvenate human cells and are exploring the possibility of treating cells or tissues without removing them from the body.

“Although much more work needs to be done, we are hopeful that we may one day have the opportunity to reboot entire tissues,” Sebastiano said. “But first we want to make sure that this is rigorously tested in the lab and found to be safe.”

Other Stanford co-authors are former postdoctoral scholar Marco Quarta, PhD; postdoctoral scholar Shravani Mukherjee, PhD; graduate student Alex Colville; research assistants Patrick Paine, Linda Doan and Christopher Tran; Constance Chu, MD, professor of orthopaedic surgery; Stanley Qi, PhD, assistant professor of bioengineering and of chemical and systems biology; and Nidhi Bhutani, PhD, associate professor of orthopaedic surgery.

Researchers from the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, the University of California-Los Angeles and the Molecular Medicine Research Institute in Sunnyvale, California, also contributed to the study.

The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grants R01 AR070865, R01 AR070864, P01 AG036695, R01 AG23806, R01 AG057433 and R01 AG047820), the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research, the American Federation for Aging Research and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sarkar, Quarta and Sebastiano are co-founders of the startup Turn Biotechnologies, a company that is applying the technology described in the paper to treat aging-associated conditions. Rando is a member of the scientific advisory board.

Story Source::    Materials provided by Stanford Medicine. Original written by Krista Conger. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:

  1. Tapash Jay Sarkar, Marco Quarta, Shravani Mukherjee, Alex Colville, Patrick Paine, Linda Doan, Christopher M. Tran, Constance R. Chu, Steve Horvath, Lei S. Qi, Nidhi Bhutani, Thomas A. Rando, Vittorio Sebastiano. Transient non-integrative expression of nuclear reprogramming factors promotes multifaceted amelioration of aging in human cells. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15174-3

Cite This Page:

Stanford Medicine. “Old human cells rejuvenated with stem cell technology.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 March 2020. <>.

Peak Coming?

Coronavirus going to hit its peak and start falling sooner than you think

Emergency responders load patient into ambulance outside Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington

Nations are closing borders, stocks are plummeting and a New York Times headline reads: “The Coronavirus Has Put the World’s Economy in Survival Mode.” Both political parties have realized the crisis could severely impact the November elections — House, Senate, presidency. And sacré bleu, they’ve even shuttered the Louvre!

Some of these reactions are understand­able, much of it pure hysteria. Meanwhile, the spread of the virus continues to slow.

More than 18,000 Americans have died from this season’s generic flu so far, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2018, the CDC estimated, there were 80,000 flu deaths. That’s against 19 coronavirus deaths so far, from about 470 cases.

Worldwide, there have been about 3,400 coronavirus deaths, out of about 100,000 identified cases. Flu, by comparison, grimly reaps about 291,000 to 646,000 annually.

China is the origin of the virus and still accounts for over 80 percent of cases and deaths. But its cases peaked and began ­declining more than a month ago, according to data presented by the Canadian epidemiologist who spearheaded the World Health Organization’s coronavirus mission to China. Fewer than 200 new cases are reported daily, down from a peak of 4,000.

Subsequent countries will follow this same pattern, in what’s called Farr’s Law. First formulated in 1840 and ignored in ­every epidemic hysteria since, the law states that epidemics tend to rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern or bell-shaped curve. AIDS, SARS, Ebola — they all followed that pattern. So does seasonal flu each year.

Clearly, flu is vastly more contagious than the new coronavirus, as the WHO has noted. Consider that the first known coronavirus cases date back to early December, and since then, the virus has ­afflicted fewer people in total than flu does in a few days. Oh, and why are there no flu quarantines? Because it’s so contagious, it would be impossible.

As for death rates, as I first noted in these pages on Jan. 24, you can’t employ simple math — as everyone is doing — and look at deaths versus cases because those are ­reported cases. With both flu and assuredly with coronavirus, the great majority of those infected have symptoms so mild — if any — that they don’t seek medical attention and don’t get counted in the caseload.

Furthermore, those calculating rates ­ignore the importance of good health care. Given that the vast majority of cases have occurred in a country with poor health care, that’s going to dramatically exaggerate the death rate.

The rate also varies tremendously according to age, with a Chinese government analysis showing 0.2 percent deaths below age 40 but 14.8 percent above 80. A study published last month in the Journal of the American Medical Association found zero deaths worldwide among children 9 and under. Zero.

More good news. This month, the Northern Hemisphere, which includes the countries with the most cases, starts heating up. Almost all respiratory viruses hate warm and moist weather. That’s why flu dies out in America every year by May at the latest and probably why Latin America has reported only 25 coronavirus cases. The Philippines, where I live, has about a third of the US population, but it’s so damned hot and humid here, so far we have had no confirmed cases of internal transmission.


Pay Attention!

Corona Is Slowing Down, Humanity Will Survive, Says Biophysicist Michael Levitt

avatar by Ari Libsker / CTech

A member of a medical team wears a protective face mask, following the coronavirus outbreak, as he prepares disinfectant liquid to sanitize public places in Tehran, Iran, March 5, 2020. Photo: WANA (West Asia News Agency) / Nazanin Tabatabaee via Reuters.

CTech – Nobel laureate Michael Levitt, an American-British-Israeli biophysicist who teaches structural biology at Stanford University and spends much of his time in Tel Aviv, unexpectedly became a household name in China, offering the public reassurance during the peak of the country’s coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Levitt did not discover a treatment or a cure, just did what he does best: crunched the numbers. The statistics led him to the conclusion that, contrary to the grim forecasts being branded about, the spread of the virus will come to a halt.

The calming messages Levitt sent to his friends in China were translated into Chinese and passed from person to person, making him a popular subject for interviews in the Asian nation. His forecasts turned out to be correct: the number of new cases reported each day started to fall as of February 7. A week later, the mortality rate started falling as well.

He might not be an expert in epidemiology, but Levitt understands calculations and statistics, he told Calcalist in a phone interview earlier this week.

The interview was initially scheduled to be held at the fashionable Sarona complex in Tel Aviv, where Levitt currently resides. But after he caught a cold — “not corona,” he jokingly remarked — the interview was rescheduled to be held over the phone. Even though he believes the pandemic will run its course, Levitt emphasizes his support of all the safety measures currently being taken and the need to adhere to them.

Levitt received his Nobel prize for chemistry in 2013 for “the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems.” He did not in any way intend to be a prophet foretelling the end of a plague; it happened by accident. His wife Shoshan Brosh is a researcher of Chinese art and a curator for local photographers, meaning the couple splits their time between the US, Israel, and China.

When the pandemic broke out, Brosh wrote to friends in China to support them. “When they answered us, describing how complicated their situation was, I decided to take a deeper look at the numbers in the hope of reaching some conclusion,” Levitt explained. “The rate of infection of the virus in the Hubei province increased by 30 percent each day — that is a scary statistic. I am not an influenza expert but I can analyze numbers and that is exponential growth.” At this rate, the entire world should have been infected within 90 days, he said.

But then, the trend changed. When Levitt started analyzing the data on February 1, Hubei had 1,800 new cases each day and within six days this number reached 4,700, he said. “And then, on February 7, the number of new infections started to drop linearly and did not stop. A week later, the same happened with the number of the deaths. This dramatic change in the curve marked the median point and enabled better prediction of when the pandemic will end. Based on that, I concluded that the situation in all of China will improve within two weeks. And, indeed, now there are very few new infection cases.”

Levitt compared the situation to bank interest — if on the first day a person receives an interest rate of 30 percent on their savings, the next day of 29 percent, and so forth, “you understand that eventually, you will not earn very much.”

The messages his friends translated quickly made waves in China and people wanting to make sure he did indeed write the information attributed to him started contacting Levitt. “That is how I knew I needed to continue,” he said. “I could have said, yes, that’s what I said,’ and left it at that.”

New numbers were being reported every day by various entities, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). Levitt started sending regular reports to his Chinese friends, and their popularity led to interviews on Chinese television, for example on CNN-equivalent CGTN. Based on the diminishing number of infection cases and deaths, he said, the virus will probably disappear from China by the end of March.

Initially, Levitt said, every coronavirus patient in China infected on average 2.2 people a day — spelling exponential growth that can only lead to disaster. “But then it started dropping, and the number of new daily infections is now close to zero.” He compared it to interest rates again: “even if the interest rate keeps dropping, you still make money. The sum you invested does not lessen, it just grows more slowly. When discussing diseases, it frightens people a lot because they keep hearing about new cases every day. But the fact that the infection rate is slowing down means the end of the pandemic is near.”

There are several reasons for this, according to Levitt. “In exponential growth models, you assume that new people can be infected every day, because you keep meeting new people. But, if you consider your own social circle, you basically meet the same people every day. You can meet new people on public transportation, for example; but even on the bus, after some time most passengers will either be infected or immune.”

Another reason the infection rate has slowed has to do with the physical distance guidelines. “You don’t hug every person you meet on the street now, and you’ll avoid meeting face to face with someone that has a cold, like we did,” Levitt said. “The more you adhere, the more you can keep infection in check. So, under these circumstances, a carrier will only infect 1.5 people every three days and the rate will keep going down.”

Quarantine makes a difference, according to Levitt, but there are other factors at work. “We know China was under almost complete quarantine, people only left home to do crucial shopping and avoided contact with others. In Wuhan, which had the highest number of infection cases in the Hubei province, everyone had a chance of getting infected, but only 3 percent caught it,” he explained. “Even on the Diamond Princess (the virus-stricken cruise ship), the infection rate did not top 20 percent.” Based on these statistics, Levitt said, he concluded that many people are just naturally immune to the virus.

The explosion of cases in Italy is worrying, Levitt said, but he estimates it is a result of a higher percentage of elderly people than in China, France, or Spain. “Furthermore, Italian culture is very warm, and Italians have a very rich social life. For these reasons, it is important to keep people apart and prevent sick people from coming into contact with healthy people.”

China did great work and managed to gain complete control of the virus, Levitt said. “Currently, I am most worried about the US. It must isolate as many people as possible to buy time for preparations. Otherwise, it can end up in a situation where 20,000 infected people will descend on the nearest hospital at the same time and the healthcare system will collapse.”

Israel currently does not have enough cases to provide the data needed to make estimates, Levitt said, but from what he can tell, the Ministry of Health is dealing with the pandemic in a correct, positive way. “The more severe the defensive measures taken, the more they will buy time to prepare for needed treatment and develop a vaccine.”

Levitt avoids making global forecasts. In China, he said, the number of new infections will soon reach zero, and South Korea is past the median point and can already see the end. Regarding the rest of the world, it is still hard to tell, he said. “It will end when all those who are sick will only meet people they have already infected. The goal is not to reach the situation the cruise ship experienced.”

The Diamond Princess was the worst case scenario, according to Levitt. “If you compare the ship to a country — we are talking 250,000 people crowded into one square kilometer, which is horribly crowded. It is four times the crowding in Hong Kong. It is as if the entire Israeli population was crammed into 30 square kilometers.” Furthermore, he said, the ship had a central air conditioning and heating system and a communal dining room. “Those are extremely comfortable conditions for the virus and still, only 20 percent were infected. It is a lot, but pretty similar to the infection rate of the common flu.”

As with the flu, most of those dying as a result of coronavirus are over 70 years old, Levitt said. “It is a known fact that the flu mostly kills the elderly — around three-quarters of flu mortalities are people over 65.” To put things in proportion: “there are years when flu is raging, like in the US in 2017, when there were three times the regular number of mortalities. And still, we did not panic. That is my message: you need to think of corona like a severe flu. It is four to eight times as strong as a common flu, and yet, most people will remain healthy and humanity will survive.”


And Now, A = B- or Even F



By now, if you’re a regular reader here, you know I have to occasionally rant about the state of Amairikuhn Edgykayshun. But today I’m not going to rant, because the article that V.T. sent along (and my thanks!) is more properly greeted with tears than anger. The statistics it cites are sobering reading:

How Dumb Have We Become? Chinese Students Are 4 Grade Levels Ahead Of U.S. Students In Math

Amairikuhn edgykayshun is a microcosm of the country as a (w)hole: nothing works; the system is not designed to reflect the vast majority of people, or for that matter, any sort of traditional culture as might have thus far survived. The progressive movement that began first in education in the nineteenth century, and then later captured large swaths of both political parties, is triumphant. It has completed its march through the institutions, and captured the academy. And the result, in the latter, is abject failure, and Amairikuh is completely “enstupidated”; consider just these entries from the article:

#1 One recent survey found that 74 percent of Americans don’t even know how many amendments are in the Bill of Rights.

#2 An earlier survey discovered that 37 percent of Americans cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment.

#3 Shockingly, only 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government.

#4 During the 2016 election, more than 40 percent of Americans did not know who was running for vice-president from either of the major parties.

#5 North Carolina is considering passing a law which would “mean only scores lower than 39 percent would qualify for an F grade” in North Carolina public schools.

#6 30 years ago, the United States awarded more high school diplomas than anyone in the world. Today, we have fallen to 36th place.

#7 According to the Pentagon, 71 percent of our young adults are ineligible to serve in the U.S. military because they are either too dumb, too fat or have a criminal background.

#18 Today, the average college freshman in the United States reads at a 7th grade level.

I can attest to similar experiences. And forgive me if I’ve mentioned these personal experiences before in my “edykayshunal rants,” but they bear repeating. Back when I was teaching college in the late 1990s, I once began a Modern European History examination with a question that ran something like this: “Name five provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and discuss their implications.” One student – an “edgykayshun” student incidentally – answered that question by beginning “The treaty of Versigh…”  Yes. It’s that bad, and students are that stupid and oblivious. And that was the 1990s, so I can readily believe the points in this article. And it’s worth mentioning that during my time teaching in college, I learned many things from my students, namely, that Ulysses Grant commanded the Army of Northern Virginia, that Germany won World War One (in 1914, no less!), and that, as one snowflake put it on her examination, “Hitler had some personal issues,” and with that bit of pop psychology, all the crimes of the Nazi regime were “explained.”

Perhaps I was simply a bad professor, but I don’t think so.

One reason I don’t think so is that as an adjunct, I was not allowed to pick my own textbooks in some cases. This was done by the tenured faculty at the main campuses of the institutions I taught for. In one case, the textbook I was required to use for Russian History actually referred to Stalin as a “great statesman,” with but passing glosses on the Stalinist purges, and an almost total mangling of the effects of collectivization. More recently, Diana West, in her important book The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy, noted that Nellie Ohr, when reviewing a book about Stalin, wrote the following:

The opening of Ohr’s review of the … book, written while she was teaching Russian history at Vassar in 1995, is worth quoting, not for what it tells us about the book, but what it tells us about the reviewer. Ohr writes:

“To introduce students to the Stalin era can be a frustrating task. To convey the terror and excitement of the period, one can assign a memoir of a prison camp victim or an observer such as John Scott or Maurice Hindus.” (West, op. cit., p. 9)

There it is… it was exciting, a ride on the Stalinroller coaster at Six Flags Over Novosibirsk.

So what’s to be done? If you’re a parent, and have children being victimized by this abominable system – and there are no other words for it than those – one place to start would be to research your local colleges of education, read their texts, find out how much time future teachers spend in education classes versus learning the actual subjects they want to teach. Attend a few of those teacher “continuing education” seminars, or a few education classes, and find out for yourself just how looney and loopy those classes really are. Talk with teachers who think that all that claptrap is… well, claptrap, and have brainstorming and strategy sessions in what to do about it.

And if you’re a teacher who is fed up with the childish games being played in methodology or pedagogy courses, or have an anecdote on the latest silliness you had to undergo at your last “continuing education” seminars, please share them in the comments, or if you have a mind, write a guest blog about it.

See you on the flip side…


Oh, and a comment from that blog states:

LyndaG says

A local article shows Florida is even worse than NC.
The proposed grading scale for North Carolina public schools
• A: 100 to 85 percent
• B: 84 to 70 percent
• C: 69 to 55 percent
• D: 54 to 40 percent
• F: Anything below 40 percent

Florida’s school grading scale
• A = 62% of points or greater
• B = 54% to 61% of points
• C = 41% to 53% of points
• D = 32% to 40% of points
• F = 31% of points or less

Jason Padgett’s Drawing of His Hand

From: Struck by Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me A Mathematical Marvel © 2014 by Jason Padgett, Maureen Ann Seaberg. Click here for by Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me A Mathematical Marvel © 2014 by Jason Padgett, Maureen Ann Seaberg.

And here is his picture of his hand:

"Quantum Hand Through My Eyes" © June 7, 2006 by Jason Padgett, who has something called Synesthesia. It is a brain condition that makes one see numbers as shapes. Jason is currently being studied along with several other savants to try to discover how this condition works. This hand drawn image is how Jason saw his hand when asked to draw it.
“Quantum Hand Through My Eyes” © June 7, 2006 by Jason Padgett, who has something called Synesthesia. It is a brain condition that makes one see numbers as shapes. Jason is currently being studied along with several other savants to try to discover how this condition works. This hand drawn image is how Jason saw his hand when asked to draw it.


Umm, Bacon!

Walmart Pork Found To Have “Superbug” Bacteria Resistant To Antibiotics

A new study published by animal-welfare group World Animal Protection has arrived at some stunning findings about pork products begin sold at Walmart.

The report , published by FoodDive, found that pork samples purchased from Walmart contained “superbug” antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 80% of samples tested from Mid-Atlantic Walmart stores were resistant to at least one antibiotic. Additionally, 37% of the bacteria in the Walmart samples were resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics.

In sum, about 27% of the resistant bacteria found on Walmart’s pork were resistant to classes categorized as Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials by the World Health Organization.

160 samples of pork were tested by researchers at Texas Tech University: 80 were from Walmart and 80 were from a competing national retail chain in the Mid-Atlantic region. The samples were tested in 32 batches for E. coli, salmonella, enterococcus and listeria. Researchers said they found enterococcus in 13 batches, E. coli in 10 batches, salmonella in 6 and listeria in 3 batches.

Alesia Soltanpanah, executive director of World Animal Protection U.S., said: “The presence of multidrug-resistant bacteria on pork products illustrates the role the pork supply chain plays in the global health crisis caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The fact that pork from one of the nation’s largest retailers contains bacteria resistant to antibiotics critically important to human health is particularly alarming and should raise concerns.”​

In addition to Walmart, researchers also tested pork sample from another national retail chain and also found antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, the second batch tested did not contain two strains of multidrug-resistant bacteria in a single batch (as the Walmart batch did) and none of the samples were resistant to antibiotics considered “critically important to human health”.

The report didn’t name the second retailer, but FoodDive speculates that it is Costco, Kroger or Target, based on the report noting that the second retailer has “has committed to strengthen its animal welfare policies for its pork suppliers, including working towards a commitment to complete elimination of gestation crates for breeding sows.”

Walmart has not yet made this commitment, while Target and Costco have committed to the initiative by 2022 and Kroger by 2025. In 2016, however, Walmart partnered with IBM and Tsinghua University to track the movement of pork in China using blockchain.

As FoodDive notes, consumers are now challenging major food companies for more transparency with their manufacturing processes:

Food companies are being challenged by consumers demanding more transparency and checking manufacturing processes to make sure the products they buy reflect their values. Younger consumers responding to surveys note how they’re willing to pay premium prices for organic, natural and cruelty-free foods. Both Perdue and Tyson have attracted negative publicity involving animal welfare in recent years and had to change their practices as a result.

Antibiotic-free has become more prevalent as a label claim. Giant Food, a unit of Ahold Delhaize, debuted a private-label pork brand in 2017 with no antibiotics or hormones and 100% vegetarian-fed. And major poultry producers such as Tyson Foods, Pilgrim’s Pride and Perdue have committed to reducing or removing antibiotics from their chicken.

Soltanpanah said the WAP was in contact with Walmart about the results but that the company was “not responsive” to the concerns. Walmart has not acknowledged the problem as of November 26. 

These antibiotics – called Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials – are the ones where there are few, or sometimes no, alternatives to treat people with serious infections. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has said “antimicrobial resistance poses a serious threat to the safety and quality of feed and food, especially in food-producing animals.”

The Centers for Disease Control calls antibiotic resistance “one of the biggest public health challenges of our time.” 


Gardasil Results in Japan

Japan Leading the World in Exposing Fraud with Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

In Japan, young women and girls suffering from severe chronic generalized pain following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil® or GSK’s Cervarix®, have organized and are speaking out.

The issues are being debated at public hearings, at which scientific presentations have been made by independent medical experts who validated the women’s suffering with documented evidence of the severe nature of the pain related to the HPV vaccine.

The opposing view, presented by scientists aligned with the vaccine establishment, disregarded the scientific plausibility of the evidence and declared the pain was a “psychosomatic reaction.”[1]

Such public debates do not take place where vaccine stakeholders are in full control of vaccine safety information. (Like in the U.S., for example.)

Public Hearings Regarding Hpv Vaccine Injuries In Japan Are Allowed Because Pro Vaccine Forces Are Not In Full Control Of Public Health Policies.

Following a public hearing (February 2014), at which scientific evidence was presented by independent scientists [2], the Japanese government, not only rescinded its recommendation that girls receive the HPV vaccine, but established guidelines and special clinics for evaluating and treating illnesses caused by the vaccine.

It is a scenario that Merck, GSK, and vaccine stakeholders globally are extremely anxious to suppress.

The Merck-commissioned, CSIS report, co-authored by Dr. Larson, paints a picture of an all-out war over media coverage – not over the high rate of serious adverse reactions.

The authors resort to the usual tactic of discrediting vaccine-injured individuals; they dismissed the serious health effects suffered by girls and young women following vaccination, as trivial.

The CSIS report presents the entire issue as an epidemic fueled by Internet rumors and “vaccine hesitators.”

“Over the last year, controversy within the Japanese medical and political arenas over the HPV vaccine has touched the public at large. Through social media and highly publicized events, anti-vaccine groups have gained control of the narrative surrounding the HPV vaccine.”

Global Collaborators in Action: Trash Honest Scientists to Suppress Inconvenient Evidence

Hpv Doctors

The following case demonstrates how the global network of government/academic and industry stakeholders suppresses information about genuine scientific findings and, when needed, is engaged in corrupt practices to thwart the airing of information about vaccine safety issues.

This case involves inconvenient scientific laboratory findings in post-mortem tissue samples, showing that the HPV vaccine was contaminated with foreign HPV DNA fragments. The case also involves evidence (contained in internal correspondence) of deceptive practices by officials of “authoritative” international public health institutions.

In January 2016, pathologist Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Director of Milford Medical Laboratory, sent an open letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan, in which he challenges the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination (issued March 2014), and charges professional misconduct on the part of the following individuals (and suggests that others may have also been actively involved) in a scheme to deliberately mislead the Japanese Expert Inquiry on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety before, during and after the February 2014 public hearing in Tokyo.

Dr. Lee challenged the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination written by Dr. Pless, accusing him of deliberately misrepresenting his scientific findings in order to mislead non-scientific readers and those who set vaccination policies.

Dr. Pless is accused of deliberately conflating two unrelated articles, dealing with two different chemicals, written by different authors “apparently to create a target to attack.” Furthermore, Dr. Lee notes that the GACVS Statement relied on an unpublished 12-year-old “Technical Report” written by an unofficial, unnamed “group of participants” (according to CDC’s disclaimer).

These are the facts:

In 2011, Dr. Lee found that every one of the 13 Gardasil samples that he examined contained HPV L1 gene DNA fragments.

He also found that the HPV DNA fragments were not only bound to Merck’s proprietary aluminum adjuvant but also adopted a non-B conformation, thereby creating a new chemical compound of unknown toxicity.

This non-B conformation, Dr. Lee believes, is responsible for the array of autoimmune illnesses experienced by children and young women following vaccination with Gardasil.

In 2012, Dr. Lee testified at a coroner’s inquest of the death of a New Zealand teenager, 6 months after receiving 3 Gardasil vaccine injections.

He then published his case report in the open access journal, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (2012).

Dr. Lee was a presenter at the Tokyo hearing (2014), at which he disputed those who claimed the young women weren’t really suffering severe pain; they were having “psychosomatic reactions.” He stated:

“I do not believe psychosomatic reactions can cause sudden unexpected death in sleep, or inflammatory lesions in the brain as demonstrated by the MRI images and the brain biopsy histopathology with perivascular lymphocytes and macrophages and demyelination.”

Following the public hearing, GAVC issued a statement (March 12, 2014) aimed at discrediting Dr. Lee’s research by conflating his research with the research of other scientists who presented at the Tokyo hearing.

This case should have been prominently reported in the medical journals and by the mass media, and the allegation should have been investigated.

Mainstream publications have been silent; the case was reported only in alternative news outlets. [3]

In July 2016, a victims’ group filed a multi-plaintiff lawsuit in the district courts of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka against the Japanese government and the two pharmaceutical companies that had produced these vaccines.

Furthermore, in December of the same year, additional victims joined the multi-plaintiff lawsuit, bringing the total number of plaintiffs to 119 (Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 2017).

The Hazards of Aluminum in Vaccines Is the Focus Of Intense Research

Of note: the placebo comparator in (most) vaccine clinical trials is not inert, it contains aluminum.

Several independent teams of international autoimmune experts have investigated this, led by the internationally recognized authority of autoimmune diseases, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Tel Aviv University, Israel, and another group by Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Keele University in the UK.

However, studies that document the hazards of aluminum in vaccines are not published in major influential medical journals.

Recent surveys of those journals document that medical journal editors have concealed financial conflicts of interest. Most Editors of Top Medical Journals Receive Industry Payments (Retraction Watch, Nov. 2017).

In two cases, journal editors received over $1 million from industry sources. (Ed Silverman, STAT, 2017.)

The following case is an example of how science is subverted by tightly controlled journal gatekeepers. Journal editors who have sold their integrity by accepting industry kickbacks block publication of reports that might pose a financial threat to an intricate web of government and non-government institutions and professional associations – all of whom are financially tied to the pharmaceutical industry.

The case demonstrates the great difficulty encountered by independent scientists who have not sold their integrity to the highest bidder.

Publication Saga: Case Examples of Harassment Aimed At Suppressing Harmful Findings Regarding the HPV-Gardasil Vaccine

The study, Behavioral Abnormalities In Young Female Mice Following Administration Of Aluminum Adjuvants And The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil, was conducted in Israel by a team of researchers headed by Professor Yehuda Schoenfeld, an internationally recognized authority, who is considered to be the pillar in the field of autoimmunity.

Indeed, Dr. Shoenfeld identified a new syndrome ASIA (Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants).

“The idea of ASIA as a new syndrome developed after some studies on Gulf War syndrome reported that soldiers who had not been deployed to the Gulf area were suffering from symptoms such as severe fatigue, cognitive impairment, myalgias and arthralgias. This raised the question of whether it was the vaccines administered to the soldiers that induced these syndromes. The most common adjuvants are silicone implants and aluminum in vaccines.” [4]

The focus of the research seeks to shed light on “the roles and mechanisms of action of different adjuvants which lead to autoimmune/ inflammatory response.”

Prof. Shoenfeld encountered blockades from journal editors who attempted to suppress the findings of neuroinflammation and “behavioral abnormalities following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the HPV vaccine Gardasil.”

Those editors have financial stakes in the business of vaccines.

Dr. Michael Racke
             Dr. Michael Racke

The HPV-mouse study was first submitted to for publication to the Journal of Human Immunology where it was shelved for 8 months and was then rejected by that journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Michael Racke.

According to the American Academy of Neurology:

“Dr. Racke has received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serone, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Genentech, and Amarantus as a consultant.”

EMD Serono, Inc. is a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

The HPV-mouse study was published in the journal Vaccine in January 2016.

It was summarily withdrawn a month later following orders by the Editor-in-Chief, Gregory Poland. [5]

Dr. Poland’s direct conflicts of interest [5] include those disclosed on the Mayo Clinic website:

“Dr. Poland is the chairman of a safety evaluation committee for investigational vaccine trials being conducted by Merck Research Laboratories. Dr. Poland offers consultative advice on new vaccine development to Merck & Co., Inc. [Dr. Robert Chen is an Associate Editor of Vaccine.]”

How is it that this incestuous relationship did not raise loud cries of foul play? Those rejections by editors who had deeply vested financial interest in protecting vaccination rates, whose own financial interest was intertwined with vaccine manufacturers, elicited no protest from the scientific academic community.

Instead, these rejections were followed by vicious attacks against two of the scientists by industry’s cyber hit-squads that are hired to attack independent scientists whose honest research contradicts vaccine orthodoxy. That is viewed as a heresy inasmuch as it poses a financial threat. [6]

The study was revised, again peer-reviewed, and published in the journal Immunological Research (Nature-Springer) (2017). [7]

The reported findings remained the same:

“Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory manifestations in susceptible individuals. To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals…It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes…”

“In light of these findings, this study highlights the necessity of proceeding with caution with respect to further mass-immunization practices with a vaccine of yet unproven long-term clinical benefit in cervical cancer prevention.”

The basis for those findings was deemed to be scientifically sound by three sets of peer-reviewers, at three different journals.

By Vera Sharav, Alliance for Human Research Protection – via

Note: This article was extra from Vera Sharav‘s article Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption: Vaccine Safety Ratings & Vaccine Science Falsified – which is part of a multi-document series about vaccine fraud and Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s persecution for exposing the truth regarding vaccines.

from:  (Find References list there.)

Joseph P Farrell on Mind, Heart, & Memory



You may recall that yesterday I blogged about an allegedly successful experiment in the “freezing”, or at least, “extreme cooling” of a human being, and his or her successful “reanimation.” The key to the allegedly successful experiment was, you might also recall, the removal of the patient’s blood and its replacement by an “ice-cold saline solution.” And I speculated that the whole procedure, since it was performed with the consent of the government, might have had as a hidden goal to discover what happened to that individual’s consciousness while undergoing the “procedure.”  We may now also wonder if, indeed, the removal of the individual’s blood was part of my hypothesized “consciousness experiment”; was the individual’s own blood even restored to him or her? Or was it someone else’s?

We don’t know, because there was scanty information provided about the whole alleged success; we were told only that its performer, Dr. Samuel Tisherman, promises to deliver a paper on the whole thing in 2020.

But in that respect, there’s another odd story that was spotted by M.C., who is due a big thank you for sending it along:

Second Brain Found in Heart Neurons – Trust Your Gut Feelings

Now, this is not exactly new; I have in fact blogged about the unusual nature of this “heart-brain” idea before; neurons are not confined merely to the brain, but appear in the heart as well. There was, however, something that caught my eye in this article, and I rather suspect it’s what caught M.C.’s eye as well and compelled M.C. to send the article along; you’ll note that the article enumerates various cases of individuals who have received heart transplants, and whose behavior suddenly changes to embrace habits and behaviors associated with the donor of the heart. While the article does not mention them, similar experiences have been recorded for other types of organ transplants. One wonders if a similar phenomenon can be associated with blood transplants.

But in any case, what caught my attention in this article was this statement:

Neurologist Dr. Andrew Armour from Montreal in Canada discovered a sophisticated collection of neurons in the heart organised into a small but complex nervous system. The heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons called sensory neurites that communicate with the brain. Dr. Armour called it “the Little Brain in the Heart”. It has been known for many years that memory is a distributive process. You can’t localize memory to a neuron or a group of neurons in the brain. The memory itself is distributed throughout the neural system. So why do we draw a line at the brain? (Emphasis added)

This idea of distributed memory sounds a bit like a hologram, and the article quickly proceeds to try to avoid the unpleasant aspects of that by quickly trying to tie it all to good-old-fashioned-and-purely-materialistic speculations:

Other medical experts offer different explanations, but all agree that it is not so much mystical as it is science, and a science that needs further exploration.Professor Pr Paul Pearsall and Pr Gary Schwarz got together.

Professor Gary Schwartz says that “Feedback mechanisms are involved in learning. When we talk, for example, about how the brain learns, we talk about what we call neural networks in the brain. It turns out that the way a neural network works is that the output of the neurons feeds back into the input of the neurons. And this process goes over and over again. So long as the feedback is present the neurons will learn. If you cut the feedback, there is no learning in the neurons.”

The Mind is Not Just in the Brain

Dr. Candace Pert, a pharmacologist at Georgetown University believes that the mind is not just in the brain, but also exists throughout the body. This school of thought could explain such strange transplant experiences. “The mind and body communicate with each other through chemicals known as peptides. These peptides are found in the brain as well as in the stomach, in muscles and in all of our major organs. I believe that memory can be accessed anywhere in the peptide/receptor network. For instance, a memory associated with food may be linked to the pancreas or liver and such associations can be transplanted from one person to another”.

Now I’m all for feedback loops as I’ve talked about them in all sorts of contexts. And for that matter, the idea of the heart being part of a kind of “distributed brain” also appeals to me; for one thing, octopuses appear to have this type of structure to their nine brains. But more importantly, I’ve always been an advocate of the more ancient idea that human reason is not mere ratiocination, but incorporates and includes what the ancients would have called the passions, a deeper word than “emotions.” So it appeals to me for this reason as well.

But it’s that “distributed memory” idea and its “holographic” overtones that really appeals, for lurking deeply within that idea is the idea that memory is not local, existing or concentrated in this or that area of the brain, or the body. It rather as if what is implied by that idea is the opposite: that the body exists within a memory, and is imprinted with it like a psychotronic object. If it’s distributed, and non-local, then perhaps it’s also an indicator that the body, in order to be a body, is integrated at the quantum level, by quantum tunneling, perhaps, and that memory may be a function of this somehow. Whatever one makes of my speculations here, I strongly suspect that this idea of distributed memory means that those old Cartesian dualisms and epiphenomena are, like all over-simplified dualisms, going to go the way of the dodo bird, and that the relationship between the tangible physical body and the immaterial intangible world of things like memory are going to turn out to be far more complex than we imagined, and that those “feedback loops” between the two are the key.

See you on the flip side…
