Check Out Your SIgn

Information Overload: Astrology Forecast May 25-31, 2020

May 25th, 2020

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Friday’s Gemini New Moon has just opened an 8 week eclipse tunnel from May 22 to the Cancer New Moon on July 20th. Starting next week on June 5th, there are not 2 but 3 wild card eclipses one after the other. When you emerge later in the summer, you’ll see how these sideways escalators – time/space shifts – have changed everything yet again, giving you an entirely new perspective on the virus and its outcomes.

There are now 6 planets/points in Air sign Gemini – Sun, Venus, Vesta, Node of Fate, Mercury- literally bringing a welcome breath of fresh air from the heavy Earth energy. It’s time to start extracting the learning from our recent passage through global events in Aries and Taurus. This is going to take until Autumn to process -there’s a huge difference between information -knowing something- and wisdom when information has been synthesized into your evolving inner map.

Gemini’s ruler Mercury is at his Tricksterish best/worst in his own sign this week in contact with unpredictable Uranus, slippery Neptune, Mars, the Galactic Centre, Vesta and the Node of Fate- the  volatile eclipse degree of the approaching June 21st Solar Eclipse. On Thursday 28 May, the Messenger crosses the world axis into Cancer.

Expect more incoming data than ever before- a veritable Tower of Babel of crossed wires, misinformation, fake news along with new information/decisions from governments contradicting themselves.

In your own life, this is not about trying to make sense of anything – how could you when ,with all the retrograde planets and  incoming multiple eclipses ,the ground is going to be pulled out from under your feet? This is about becoming even more skillful and adept at Inside/Out Thinking -understanding that your mind is not a camera but a projector with all the implications that brings.

Click image to view full-sized chart.

The Chandra Symbol for Mercury conjunct Node of Fate Cancer 0:

A Potter at Work.

“You need to be prepared for spirit to do its great work here. And all the steps and stages, all the learning and growth are already part of a guided dance, instrumentally choreographed by those who know. This energy wants a return to what is natural, a restoring of ancient timeless ways. It seeks to manifest a remembrance and a re-dedication. There is this cosmic beholding power, a witnessing intelligence. The guidance is to join forces with the whole of humanity. Then what wants to come through will be popular, obvious, clear, the next place to go.”

Aries Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

There are currently 5 planets and points in Gemini lighting up your angle of communication like downtown Broadway. Remember, if you combine your own Fire sign together with Air, you create combustion. Then June 5th’s eclipse across this part of your chart will kick off a year when life speeds up rapidly and you’re busy wheeling and dealing, negotiating, making contracts. What interests you is going to change quite noticeably as you decide to study or investigate something intriguing outside your comfort zone. Your mind is going to be buzzing with ideas about life switches in the aftermath of the virus, especially where travel is concerned. You may trade expensive holidays for exploring your own region or city.


Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

All the Gemini activity is going to make you really think about what and who you value the most. This gathering of planets is lighting up your 2nd House of resources and money and when the first eclipse across this part of your life arrives on June 5th, your personal security will be changed in ways hard to imagine from here. Start now to be at cause, not effect, by looking at your income stream and coming up with some new ways of adding more. Factor in that your personal planet Venus will be retrograde until June 25th, so keep spending on non-essentials in check. Make your priority investing time, love and effort into only what you love most, into what really matters when the chips are down.

Do a resources audit.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

This week a going to give you a foretaste of the first eclipse across Gemini since 2002 arriving soon on June 5th. With 5 planets plus the Node of Fate in your sign, are you feeling the first stirrings of an inner revolution? Maybe just an increased restlessness or boredom with your comfort zone at first followed by wondering how/why you’ve painted yourself in a corner and stayed there. This planetary blast of fresh air is going to blow the cobwebs away and shine some light into the darker corners of negative self-belief. As Venus travels back through Gemini, bring a little more peace and beauty into your life. Ask yourself the Marie Kondo question: what sparks joy?

The end of an 18 year cycle.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

The planets are gathering in the deepest most hidden part of your chart, Cancer- a sign that it’s time to slow down the pace of your life, to restore and renew yourself and to refresh your hopes and dreams. Frame this a personal retreat, a time to journal your dreams, to notice what and who’s leaving your life, what is outworn and outgrown and what is summoning you on. Next week the first eclipse across this part of your chart will prove how important it is to take a step back and re-group. Your wellbeing is paramount and you’ve taken a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual battering in the last 18 months.

Quieten your mind so you can hear the wisdom of your unconscious.

Leo Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

The 11th House of your chart which represents your social life, your priorities and your values is forefront and centre stage now. With 5 planets clustered together here, this week is going to bring a preview of June 5th’s eclipse which activates your axis of expansion and creativity. People are your most valuable currency, whether work colleagues, friends, followers on social media, family or your tribes, they all matter more than ever. By “valuable”, I mean that they add to the sum of your happiness. So, take a look around to see who’s for you and who’s against you. Who do you need to build bridges with and who is it time to walk away from?

Do this now as the eclipse on June 5th will permanently change your people landscape.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

Frame events this week as a preview of what next week’s lunar eclipse across Sagittarius /Gemini might deliver. As a Virgo, this is one of those rare moments when five planets are shining brightly at the very pinnacle of your chart. Think of it as being on stage with the spotlight trained on you, making you ultra -visible. Translated, this means that everything you do will be noticed much more than usual. So, if you are cutting corners, not such good news but if you’ve been quietly doing due diligence, expect rewards or at the very least, recognition. And there could be a sprinkling of romantic fairy dust too as Venus aligns with seductive Neptune 3 times in your angle of long term partnerships.

Seize the day.

Libra Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

With Air as your Libran element, you need constant input to stimulate your thinking. Lucky you-this week there are 5 planets gathered in fellow Air sign Gemini downloading more data than even you know what to do with. It will be a veritable Tower of Babel-incoming new information from the government, later contradicted, fake news, misinformation all mixed in with some important insights. Be ready for a lunar eclipse in this same part of your chart on June 5th by slowing down to listen to the small persistent voice of your own guidance above the cacophony of noise for the outside. It’s time to think for yourself, throw out old limiting beliefs and make a deliberate effort to broaden your horizons.

Expanding your map of the world.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

Both your home and your personal security are high on the planetary agenda. Of course, these are always inextricably tied together but it’s all too easy to go along in the same old way for years keeping things as they are, not noticing what ‘s outworn or outgrown or just not relevant any more. The gathering of 5 planets in your 8th House of money, assets and resources is in Air sign Gemini-you’re being nudged to get more innovative and up to date with how you manage your resources to reduce that nagging sense of insecurity. Are you missing out on savings or living in a place that doesn’t work for you? Are you in debt or undervaluing what you have to offer and under earning? Next week’s June 5th eclipse will change circumstances around you so that you have to think outside the box.

Whose rules are you living by?

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

There is currently a gathering of 5 planets in your opposite sign of Gemini ,meaning that your most important relationships are going to be under the spotlight in some way. Luckily, beautiful Venus is spending until late June here, helping to smooth the path of true love. Gemini is always about new information so expect to hear or learn something now that puts everything into a new light. If you’re dealing with work colleagues virtually or at arm’s length at the moment, expect to have to be extra flexible and responsive, rather than reacting in the moment. Next week’s June 5th’s eclipse is going to fall right across your sign and so a changing of the guard is on the horizon.

This is a time when everything you do or say can make a difference.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

Since March 21st, your ruling planet Task Master Saturn has been in Aquarius, your angle of income and resources. As this aligned in time with the pandemic lockdown, you’ve had to take account of factors beyond your control to try to stay on an even financial keel. The Master Teacher is heading back into Capricorn until December to start a 6 month phase of cleaning up old business and tying up loose ends. You’ve had peek into a new world of more progressive options and now you realise that you need to clear the decks so that you can update your systems and uplevel your service or business. Alongside that-and equally important-the gathering of 5 planets in Gemini is a reminder not to neglect your health and wellbeing .

Eclipses impact your energy field and the one on June 5th is right around the corner.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

Since March 21st when Master Teacher Saturn returned to Aquarius for the first time since 1991,you’ve begun to realise that certain parts of yourself, habits that were seemingly crystallised or cast in stone, could change, deconstruct and liberate you from feeling stuck in a life that didn’t feel like it belonged to you. Just notice if you’ve stopped automatically resisting outside influences, releasing some of the inner stress that you’d come to believe was with you for life. Now that Saturn is retrograde, allow yourself to live along with your world as it reconfigures. Meanwhile, all the activity in compatible Air sign Gemini is nudging you to make everyday life more beautiful, more meaningful, more in sync with what you value the most. Turn wherever you live into a space that reflects who you are now – you need it as a mirror of your emerging self.

Coming home to yourself.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 24-31, 2020

In recent years, with so much focus on your career, your role in the world, you’ve felt somewhat exposed, highly visible and extremely accountable. The gift that it gave you was to install a solid sense of all the ways you add value to your community and your workplace, so that you no longer undervalue yourself. The current astrology is shifting the emphasis to your home and what it means to you- from your physical space to your sense of belonging. Questions arise such as: Is where I live where I want to be or just a stop gap measure? How can I make this place more comfortable and more suited to my lifestyle? What and who gives me real sense of belonging and how can I have/create more of it?

Are you putting down roots or transplanting yourself?

Originally published at and reproduced here with permission.


2021 & The Cathars

Cathar Prophecy: Light of the World

by:    Anaiya Sophia

There is a Cathar Prophecy that was spoken by the last known Parfait, Guilhem Belibaste, moments before he was interrogated and burnt at the stake in the Occitan region of Southern France, 1321. This prophecy spoke of how ‘we shall return in 700 years when the laurel turns green again’. That was 699 years ago, marking 2021 as the year that fulfils this prophecy.

Many say the Cathars were the spiritual descendants of Mary Magdalene, who came to France soon after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Throughout Occitania, the region once known as the Languedoc, it is known that Mary’s reach and impact upon the local people were as far and wide as Jesus’s within the holy land.

The local people say it was Mary Magdalene who brought this ‘spirit’ to Gaul (France) all those years ago, along with John the Beloved. The two of them transmitted a heavenly message of Love, Grace and Truth that continues to linger today. It is said the people of Occitania, were in a constant state of celebration, they never wore shoes, and the light of a thousand suns shone in their eyes. The mountains, valleys and meadows of the French Pyrenees became the backdrop for a gentle way of life that placed love, prayer and communion at the centre of every day. These ‘first Christians’ lived alongside Mary Magdalene, who personally taught and baptised them into the way of love. This intimacy was the jewel that shone at the very centre of Occitania.

Centuries later, her message had spread to the north of Italy and Spain, making Occitania the spiritual centre of rapidly expanding faith – one that was essentially different from the Church of Rome.

The distinction was the idea that there were two gods, one good and the other evil, and this was the critical difference at the centre of Cathar belief. Cathars believed that the good God was the creator of the spiritual realm, whereas the evil God was the creator of the physical world whom many Cathars identified as Satan.

This physical world they avoided and steered themselves away from at all costs was the world of money, power, control, ownership and religion. They knew to opt-out of a society that was humanmade and relied upon dependence and submission. Instead, they choose to live a simple life based on the gentle generosity they found in nature.  Their Church was not a building, but a place. Instead, they would gather in meadows, woodlands and beside springs in the natural world – this is where they found their Holy Spirit.

Many say the Cathars held within their community the Book of Love and the Holy Grail. The Book of Love was an original parchment containing the handwritten text of both Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ.  Whereas the Holy Grail was a handed down chalice that belonged to Mary and goes all the way back to Eve. Both items Mary brought to France from the Holy Land, and have remained in France ever since.

No one knows for sure what the Book of Love contained, as almost everything was destroyed by the inquisition and two crusades that came their way.  However, the local people today still swear that the Book of Love and the Holy Grail has never been found and are still hidden in these valleys today.

Central to their pathway was the Consolamentum –  a ritual that included the laying of hands, Book of Love and Holy Grail that invoked the infinite grace of the Holy Spirit upon the human soul. This spectacular downpouring of immense light and reconciliation reconditioned the soul into its original innocence – permanently.

This ritual was performed by those choosing to become a parfait (perfect one), or at the approach of death. The life of a parfait was open to men and women, as equality between the genders was a foundational stone of Cathar life.

Cathars believed the human spirit was an androgynous angel trapped in the material realm of the evil god, destined to be reincarnated until they achieved salvation through the consolamentum when they would return to the good god, in their original innocence.

Those who choose to become a parfait would spend 3-4 years in an enclosed community who lived in caves, where they prayed, reflected and purified their minds and bodies.  During this period the parfait-to-be would move through three different caves, known as the Eglise, Hermit and Bethlehem.  These three stages would open and prepare the novice to receive the consolamentum, at such immense depth, that its effects would last the remainder of the lifetime – and quite possibly, beyond.

Once a parfait, they would leave their local community and go out to spread the word, heal the sick and bring the spirit to all those who quenched. They always did this with another parfait, walking the old pathways in their navy blue robe, simple rope belt and book of love (they had transcribed in their own hand) clutched under their arm.  As for the Holy Grail, it always remained in one place – the Bethelem cave.

Once the final crusade bludgeoned its way toward the last Cathar stronghold in March 1244, at a place called Montsegur, it is said that a second crucifixion took place.  This one, being the crucifixion of the Feminine Christ – the Light of the World. However, as 224 Cathars descended the mountain of Montsegur, they were singing.  Despite being starved and frail from months of siege and cold winter weather, they carried within them the spirit that Mary had rekindled within them.

Holding hands while singing the men, women and children walked into the flames on their own accord, at the Camp de Cremat (burning fields) that rests in the pasture down below the old crumbling fortress.

There’s a story that one of the inquisition turned back to look at the castle, just as the last folk entered the flames.  To his astonishment – he saw Esclarmonde (last Cathar bishop) hovering above the fortress, eclipsing the grail before the light as she turned into a white dove and flew toward the Cathar Holy Mountain.

The summit of this mountain is known as Pic de Soularac and is known as the place where the highest essence of this tradition still resides. It is so pure and sacred that should you climb; only your soul will make it to the top. Everything else will fall away in prostration as the Light of the World descends upon you. It is here that the Book of Love was read out loud, to the land, the waters, the animals and the people – whether they could hear it or not. As for the Holy Grail, it is close by, imbuing the land and its people with a message that no one can squash.


Just Because You Cannot Hear It….

Brain Stimulation From Ultrasonic Waves Used to Control Monkeys’ Behavior

Macaque Monkey Alone

Remote, brain region-specific control of choice behavior with ultrasonic waves.

Noninvasive pulses of ultrasound waves aimed at specific regions in the brains of macaque monkeys can give some control over the monkeys’ choices, scientists report. These findings indicate that ultrasonic brain stimulation could provide a noninvasive, drug-free avenue to study and potentially treat decision-making disorders such as addiction.

Previous research has shown that low-intensity ultrasound waves applied to rodent brains from outside the head can stimulate neurons — including deep, compacted neurons — and cause corresponding muscle movements elsewhere in the body. However, more recent studies have yielded less definitive results, suggesting the technique may have little or no effect. Moreover, effects on behavior in larger animals and humans have not been well studied.

Jan Kubanek and colleagues had two macaque monkeys engage in an experiment widely used to investigate choice behaviors: the monkeys looked at a target at the center of the screen and were then presented with targets on the left and right sides of the screen, one shortly after the other. Monkeys usually choose to look at the target that appears first.

However, by briefly applying ultrasonic waves to the monkeys’ frontal eye fields (FEF), brain regions that control eye movement, the researchers influenced which target the monkey looked at. When the researchers targeted the left FEF, the monkeys were more likely to choose the right target, and vice versa. No effects were observed when ultrasound was applied to the motor cortex, which is not involved in perceptual decision-making.

The scientists rewarded the monkeys differently for the task. Monkey A was rewarded with juice for selecting either target whereas monkey B was only rewarded for selecting the first target. That the researchers controlled the monkeys’ choices regardless of the reward suggests that this technique could be used to study disorders such as addiction, binge eating and compulsive behaviors.

The authors note the study provides several recommendations for future applications of ultrasonic neuromodulation in animals and humans, including avoiding anesthesia and applying stimulation relatively infrequently, as repetition appears to diminish the effects.

Reference: 20 May 2020, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4193


A Time to Become

Transforming Uncertainty into Loving Possibility

In the midst of a crisis, big or small, you may find yourself feeling afraid of what’s next because things seem uncertain. What if rather than becoming wrapped in the fear of uncertainty, you use these moments as an opportunity to grow in love?

Meditation from home

When events of global impact occur, you may feel confronted by the limitations of your control in the physical world. You may find yourself questioning your power or feeling uncertain about your future. The vacation trips you planned, conferences you scheduled, playdates/events you arranged—everything suddenly halts, and it is as if time itself has come to a sudden stop.

It is within this in-between state of things that is precisely the right time to turn inward and plant seeds with the lessons you’re learning. It’s a time to learn so much about what is important to you and who you might become.

A Lesson from Improv Comedy

In 2016, I was living in Washington, D.C., and effectively experiencing a quarter-life crisis while working at an environmentalist organization. I felt as if I let life fly by while being too afraid to chase my dream of being a professional artist and entertainer. My job sent me to a content marketing conference in Cleveland, Ohio, where I sat in on a session about creativity in business. In the session, a comedian explained to us the difference between someone who is incredible at improv and someone who struggles with it. He told us, “The comedian who is incredible at improv silences the fear in their mind.” Improv is all about stepping into the unknown with curiosity and enthusiasm; the game asks its players to agree to whatever is happening in the scene and to build on top of that.

The comedian who is great at improv has an idea and they bypass their fear of, “Will this be funny? Does this make sense?” They simply move into the idea on stage and perform their next action, whatever their comedic contribution is to the scene. A great improv comedian makes a choice to transform that moment of uncertainty into an opportunity to explore and create. A pro at improv answers the question of “What will happen next?” with a determination through humorous thought and action.

Moments in your life may sometimes feel like improv scenes because you share this world with others, almost like characters in a story, and you impact others but you don’t always know what’s coming next. I left that conference session with a lot of questions about the future of my career. The truth is, I had been afraid to ask myself, “What do you want?” There was a fear of failure and the uncertainty of success that made my heart pound. But there, in Cleveland, I found myself listening to the comedian daring me to be courageous.

3 Questions for Self-Transformation

In the session, I scribbled in my notebook as much as I could about the advice he gave us. When I got home, I meditated using lavender oil and cosmic music. I breathed naturally and closed my eyes. I asked myself, “What do I want? Who am I? Who do I want to become?” Images of a joyous me, a secure me, a me that is reassured about who she is and where she is in life—that’s what I saw before my eyes. I cried and asked myself aloud why I didn’t feel that way already—and I wrote it down. Then I began journaling regularly, “How do I feel right now? How do I want to feel a year from now? What experiences will create that feeling? What can I do right now?”

I followed the answers to these questions. They included things like wanting to feel at peace and whole, seeking experiences of community and support. I discovered that I needed to pour my love into the world if I wanted the world to pour love into me. I wrote poems to my loved ones, words of affirmation for the universe and myself, I took the time to listen to strangers. And while I quit my job and left D.C. without any certain idea about what would happen next, I still found myself in places filled with care and among people who received me with love as I made my way to living in California.

From Chaos to Peace

Now when I come across any defining moment in my life—a crisis, major transition, or advancement—I ask myself these same questions. I breathe. I visualize. I dream.

And it feels as if in an instant, the uneasiness of uncertainty dissipates. I return to my higher self, back to wholeness, and back to love. If you seek beauty, love, abundance, and peace, you will find it. Even in turmoil.

There is no doubt that suffering is happening as people seek appropriate healthcare, children are out of school, and people make ends meet to feed their families. There is also a great awakening happening inside of us. We are awakening our power of compassion, gratitude, and creation. Over the last month, air pollution in Los Angeles has cleared up, fashion designers have shifted their production from couture gowns to facemasks, and even certain CEOs have forfeited their salaries to make sure that their employees are supported.

In Portland, where housing costs have been trending upward for years, a landlord has elected not to collect rent from his tenants for the month of April. And in fact, when he discovered that one of his tenants was in need of food to feed her family, he surprised her with groceries on the front porch. In New York City, an advocacy group called Transportation Alternatives encourages people to donate unused bikes to essential workers. These are just a few of many stories that have emerged through this time of uncertainty.

It is easy to look at today’s circumstances and simply see what is lacking. But these people have seen the situation for what it is, and they visualized ways to contribute something meaningful, something that would make a difference. What they’re doing is something that you have the capability to do. You have the power to transform chaos into balance, it simply requires intention and practice.

The next time you become aware of uncertainty, ask yourself, “How can I help? How can I contribute? What gifts may I offer?” Watch what happens next. Soon you’ll find yourself creating ideas and giving support, feeling empowered. The uncertainty will dissipate, and a vision of love will arise in its place that will help you rediscover who you are meant to be.


Rick Levine’s May Astrological Forecast


Recorded on April 30, 2020 in Redmond, WA
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It may seem as if the Great Pause has no end in sight. However, the message of the cosmos is clear as we enter a season of retrograde planets that remind us we still have work to do. Pluto turned retrograde on April 25. Saturn starts back pedaling on May 10, followed by Venus on May 12 and Jupiter on May 14. Meanwhile, the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus are working their way through plodding Taurus. Our motto could be, “Slow and steady wins the race.” Unfortunately, we are floating in a cloud of illusion and we’ve lost our way. We still don’t know what’s happening, even if we believe we have all the facts while a Venus-Neptune square holds for most of the month. Thankfully, we see glimpses of the truth when Mercury trines Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn on May 9-12, followed by the Sun doing the same on May 14-22.

The Scorpio Full Moon on May 7 reveals the complexity of even our simplest intentions. Although logical Mercury is conjunct the Sun, turning this lunation into a communication fest, it’s imaginative Neptune that steals the show. Falling into fantasies can be a trap yet using our dreams to conjure up the future is empowering. The Sun shifts into flighty Gemini on May 20, beginning the new astrological month. The Gemini New Moon on May 22 invites us to ritualize our intentions in writing or verbally. Again, Mercury’s involvement is crucial as it conjuncts Venus and squares Neptune. Once more, we are being reminded to use our mental faculties in order to work our way out of this crisis.

Nevertheless, the powerful retrograde undertow indicates a slow process of moving into the next phase. And this is where the weariness sets in. At first, the whole pandemic/shutdown was unbelievable. Then is was unavoidable. Now, it’s like Groundhog Day — an endless cycle of repetition. We are being forced to reconsider issues beyond “when will this be over?” We can either stay in an infinite loop as the global situation continues to deteriorate or we can come together as a global community, break the cycle, and change the outcome. We have our work cut out for ourselves. There will be time to rest later on, after the December Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. In the meantime, “Think cosmically and act locally.”

Best cosmic wishes to all,
~Rick Levine


Native American Tribes Getting Relief from Irish

Ireland Pays 173-Year-Old Debt To Native American Tribes Hit By Coronavirus Who Aided Them During The Great Famine

Anthony McLennan, Truth Theory

Waking Times

In 1847, a Native American , the equivalent of $5,000 today, to aid the Irish in the Great Famine. Now, more than 170 years later, Irish people are returning the favor by donating generously to the Navajo Nation in their time of crisis due to the coronavirus.

The Navajo Nation is an American Indian territory situated in north-eastern Arizona, south-eastern Utah and north-western New Mexico. The 2016 population estimate was 350,000.

The area has been devastated by the coronavirus pandemic and reportedly has the third highest infection rate in the United States – after New York and New Jersey.

“The heartache is real. We have lost so many of our sacred Navajo elders and youth to COVID-19. It is truly devastating. And a dark time in history for our Nation,” Vanessa Tulley, an organizer for the Navajo and Hopi family fundraiser, said.

Navajo Nation disproportionately hard hit

A lack of access to running water for almost a third of residents and crowded living conditions have contributed to the quick spread of the disease.

Aaron Yazzie @YazzieSays

The Navajo Nation has more confirmed cases per capita of COVID-19 than 48 US states! Navajo has depleted all of her limited resources to battle. Funding to fight is now grassroots fundraising – help if you can: Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund 

Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund organized by Ethel Branch

The Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation are extreme food deserts with only 13 … Ethel Branch needs your support for Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund

There is also a disproportionately high number of high-risk people – elderly, diabetic, asthmatic, and cancer-afflicted.

To help with relief efforts, a GoFundMe page was created on behalf of the Rural Utah Project Education Fund on March 15.

The Irish open their hearts

And the funds have been pouring in, with total donations as of Sunday 10 May tallying over $3.4 million. A large portion of these donations have come from Ireland.

Naomi O’Leary

Native Americans raised a huge amount in famine relief for Ireland at a time when they had very little. It’s time for is to come through for them now. 

Aaron Yazzie @YazzieSays

The Navajo Nation has more confirmed cases per capita of COVID-19 than 48 US states! Navajo has depleted all of her limited resources to battle. Funding to fight is now grassroots fundraising – help if you can: Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund 

The relationship started in the 1840s, when the Choctaw Nation raised $170 to give to Ireland during the Great Famine. This was after failed potato harvests has resulted in a quarter of the Irish population fleeing the country and the death of at least 1 million.

It has been reported that the Choctaw Nation heard about the famine from an Irish soldier who had been overseeing the forced displacement of Native Americans.

Donal Fallon, a broadcaster and historian from Dublin, said that the support which the Native Americans gave to Ireland had a “strong lasting imprint on the Irish collective memory. What is often overlooked about the Great Hunger is that it represents not only the great humanitarian crisis of the Victorian Age but also the greater humanitarian response.”

Dermot Burke, a donor, wrote on the GoFundMe page: “At Ireland’s time of need during the Great Hunger of the 1840s, Native American people donated to the famine relief effort even though they themselves were still living in hardship. Their generosity will never be forgotten.”

Image Credit: jakobradlgruber


Freedom of Speech Threatened

What they’re not telling you – about a lot of things

by Lynne McTaggart

Several days ago, we learned that our magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You had been slated by a drive-time radio host in Australia, and that his statements led to the magazine being pulled from two store chains: Coles and Woolworths.

Now, I have to tell you: this is not really our fight. But it raises a number of issues about wholesale censorship now occurring in all the media you read, which is why I bring this up.

You may or may not know that What Doctors Don’t Tell You, which my husband Bryan Hubbard and I have published in some form in the UK and the US for 30 years, is also licensed by foreign publishers for release in 16 other countries. They are obliged to publish at least 80 per cent of our content.

One of the new licensees was Nuclear Media in Australia.

Stirring up outrage

The radio host in question, Ben Fordham, an ex-sports reporter, is a shock jock. His job is to slap awake his listeners during their morning commute, so he’s on the lookout for anything he can use to rustle up a campaign of outrage.

Taking a cue from Ben’s campaign, here’s what the website of his radio station 2GB recently wrote about us:

“The magazine ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’ is stacked page-to-page with conspiracies, dangerous misinformation and dodgy medical advice.

“On the front page, hydrogen gas is advocated as a heart disease treatment, and it warns of dangers associated with 5G and Wi-Fi networks.

“The magazine’s website contains further unfounded claims linking vaccines with autism.”

That so-called ‘dodgy information’ of ours largely derives from medical and scientific journals. Although written for consumers, each issue of WDDTY is packed with hundreds of medical references, placed at the bottom of each article.

Every article is meticulously checked by a production team, with our chief copyeditor a PhD from Imperial College, London, one of the top science universities in the world. She also edits many prestigious medical journals, and one of her jobs with us is to check every last medical fact and reference, which she does painstakingly.

Hydrogen gas as a promising therapy is nothing new: there is a good deal of evidence supporting its use, and many doctors around the world are treating patients successfully with it.

The latest story we reported on vaccination and autism concerned the fact that the  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had been forced to concede that its reassurances to parents that childhood vaccines don’t cause autism are not based on any scientific evidence.

“The admission followed a Freedom of Information request lodged by the vaccination campaign group called Informed Consent Action Network (Ican), which had asked the CDC to produce all the studies it relied on to claim that a host of vaccines (not the MMR) do not cause autism,” we wrote. “The CDC could not produce any evidence to support their claims.”

‘We’ did not and do not say that vaccines are linked to autism.

We reported on evidence showing that one of the world’s leading health agencies is lying to the public.

That, to us, is a story that you, the public, need to know about, particularly as it was not covered by any of the mainstream media.

The 5G story is an extract of a book written by Dr. Joseph Mercola, containing both scientific evidence and sensible advice about how to limit your exposure to Wi-Fi (such as turning it off at night).

It does not, by the way, link 5G to coronavirus – nor do we.

But this is not a story about Ben Fordham or his belief we should be banned – a position proving very unpopular, judging by the hundreds of listeners shouting about it on his social media pages and to other publications.

This is, pure and simply, about censorship, the shutting down of any point of view other than the official government and mainstream medical line about issues relating to your health and medical treatment.

Shutting down any debate

I am increasingly shocked by the wholesale willingness of today’s journalists to automatically disparage any evidence or point of view other than the official ones fed to them by the government and other authorities.

Anyone who simply questions whether a vaccine is safe or effective, or even offers evidence suggesting that a vaccine may not be well-tested or that a government may have lied and covered it up is immediately branded an ‘anti-vaxxer.’

This is particularly worrying considering the rush to find a new vaccine for COVID-19. Will no journalist be willing to investigate whether it is safe or effective?

I am astonished that social media companies are now allowed to determine what is or what is not worthy of public consumption when it comes to health.

Recently, after interviewing a prestigious UK doctor, who is part of a worldwide team of medics studying the effects of  high-dose vitamin C both on prevention and treatment of COVID-19, our Facebook post about it got labeled ‘Fake News.’

Who is determining this? And what is the agenda behind shutting down any reasonable and open debate? (I remind you that Facebook has just bought two drug companies.)

What is the difference between these kinds of ‘for-your-own-good’ tactics and the kind of censorship employed by China today or Pravda under Russian communist rule?

Why, finally, are we the public willing to passively stand by and allow freedom of information, particularly about health, to get massively eroded so that the only news allowed to reach us parrots the position favored by governments and by the drug industry – an industry routinely found guilty of a host of lies and confiscations?

I had thought that after the ‘have-you-or-have-you-ever-been-a-member-of-the- Communist-Party?’ 1950s trials we learned our lesson, figured out that closing down freedom of speech leads to the ascendancy of demigods like Joseph McCarthy, who are able to operate with impunity and to destroy lives, all in the name of acting in the ‘public interest.’

In its Universal Declaration of Rights, the United Nations wrote that the right to freedom of opinion is a basic human right and includes: “freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

So Ben is entitled not to like our magazine. What becomes a problem for you and me and everyone else out there is when he, his radio station and shops like Coles believe that they have the right to determine what sort of information you and I can have access to.

I had thought we’d long ago figured out that freedom of speech is where all other freedoms start. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech,” wrote Benjamin Franklin.

Because when you thumb through history, you discover that shutting down free speech is exactly where every kind of oppressive move against a free society begins.


If you live in Australia and want to complain to Coles:

Coles Customer Care number: 1800 061 562,

Or write on their Facebook page

Or fill out the customer service form:

Address your comments to Steven Cain, the managing editor and CEO.

For Woolies:

Telephone:  02 8885 0000

Or fill out the form:

Address your comments to Brad Banducci, managing editor and CEO.


Inward Awakening

10 Reasons to Develop Your Intuition

Flock of Birds in Sky

Psychic development was taught in spiritual mystery schools from India and Tibet to Egypt, Persia, and beyond. They advocated meditation as a key to spiritual awakening, and taught energy practices to activate the third eye of initiates. This is important to learn as a first step in developing intuition and can be critical to learning to trust your intuition fully.

By developing and using their intuition, students could then see what they must heal to progress on their spiritual path. They could also validate their growth, because they could see how the ways of being and the techniques that they learned resulted in improved awareness. As these practitioners progressed, they were taught how to accelerate the third eye awakening process, and other forms of intuition channeled through the chakra system. Mystery schools were particular about who received this information. This is why, although a popular topic today, it isn’t always clearly understood—and the need is greater than ever before. More people are awakening due to the vibrational shift on our planet. The extreme polarization is putting everyone through enormous challenges. There is a critical need to make these helpful ancient techniques available to the masses. My book Intuition and Chakras was written with this in mind. While the book covers twenty-two forms of intuition, a core teaching is about the power of awakening your clairvoyance through the sixth chakra. This form of intuition was always taught first because it validates the spirit realm and helps gain seniority to physical distractions.

  1. Awakening the Third Eye Benefits All Spiritual Practices
    Developing intuition is more of an art, a spiritual art, not a science. Mastery comes with regular application. Whether your personal spiritual practice is astrology, tarot, runes, Wicca, magic, meditating, channeling, being in a trance, or following another spiritual system, opening your third eye will help you be successful at readings, healings, and manifestation. Looking deep within yourself is one of the initial steps to developing intuition. Your third eye is a place where your higher consciousness can sit within your body. You can look out through this window of perception and become clear and accurate in your endeavors. Your unique perspective and spiritual wisdom can be accessed and developed from here. Studying books and listening to teachers can point you in the correct direction, but there’s no substitute for personally knowing, which comes with your own direct inner experience. Your third eye puts you in charge and allows you to have certainty, and be your own authority in your chosen field.
  2. Your Third Eye Conveys the Innate Ability to See Auras And Spirit Guides
    Sometimes people expect to see spiritual things with their physical eyes. They are even taught exercises to do so, but this doesn’t work. Seeing physical entities is governed by your physical eyes, which are optimized to the frequency ranges of the material world. Their purpose it to help you interact with 3D reality. Non-physical phenomena are outside their normal scope of awareness. Your third eye conveys the capability to see as spirit. Situated in the center of your sixth chakra, in the physical location of the pineal gland, it is a component of your spiritual energy system, and is sensitive to the light of spirit. When you remember you are spirit, you can access this center and see the energy and light of spirit. Then, you will be able to see subtle energies, such as your aura, chakras, angels, guides, and past lives, as well as read the spiritual information and energy fields of your friends.
  3. Clairvoyance Gives You the Ability to See Clearly
    Do you look at life through rose-colored spectacles? Or perhaps you tend to have a more cynical view? Either way, you may not be seeing everything exactly as it is. Let’s face it: being human is tough. Our life expectations are not always met, which can cause us to take on a negative reality filter. Or we cover up our perceived faults and disappointments with a sheen of perfection to project an image of flawlessness. The third eye conveys a form of intuition called clairvoyance. When developed this is the innate intuitive ability to see clearly. It helps you acknowledge reality as it is. This is highly beneficial because unless you accept what is, you cannot change anything. You also get the opportunity to be completely authentic. When you operate from your third eye you have great clarity about yourself and others. You can see your life and other people as they are, right here, right now, uncolored by your prejudices or past experiences.
  4. It’s the Best Way to Be Neutral in a Psychic Reading
    One of the most important benefits of cultivating your third eye is that it allows you to be in a state of non-judgement. Initiating a practice of being in the center of your sixth chakra conveys complete neutrality. You can see and accept what is without categorizing it as good or bad. When centered in this seat of the soul, you have zero expectations about what you will see. Or how what you see could be improved. You are not tempted to compare it, or measure it against a perfect ideal, nor are you likely to critique or offer your opinion. This is invaluable if you are a psychic reader. Because you don’t express preferences, or let your personal biases color your reading, you will appear authentic, compassionate and in tune with your clients’ perspective. They will trust and be comfortable with you. You will be able to help them with their unique situation while not being overshadowed by your (or their) biases.
  5. The Third Eye Seats You Above the Emotions
    Your emotions and feelings are powerful. How you feel impacts the life you create. High vibration emotions feel good and result in a preferred reality. Low vibration emotions feel bad and lead to negative experiences. Of course, you prefer to be happy, not sad. You seek pleasure, not pain. So why do so many of us live on an emotional roller coaster ride? Or get caught in downward emotional cycles? The reason is that we identify solely with the body, and have lost our original truth that we are spirit. The body is our vehicle for experiencing the physical world. By allowing the body to dominate, its animal nature rules. The body is a fantastic vehicle. It has own innate consciousness, emotionality, and intelligence. It is geared to physical reality. Yet you are so much more than your body. Emotions are how your body communicates with you. They’re meant to be a feedback mechanism between body and spirit. Your third eye, located in the sixth chakra, lets you be neutral and above the strong pulls of the emotions so that you can be in charge of your reality, rather than being drowned by emotional signals. Then you can listen and respond to your emotions through your clairsentience, located in your second chakra, and not be overwhelmed by them.
  6. It Helps You Access Intuition Over Intellect
    One of the most common questions I get from students is, “How do I know that the information is coming from my intuition rather than my ego, mind, or intellect?” The intellect is the highest vibration of the human body. Most humans hold it in great regard. We are trained to focus our experience through it and praised when we do so. It is a fantastic tool for operating in 3-D reality. Nevertheless, the higher dimensions of reality are beyond the limits of the intellect. If you have a strong intellect, it will try to dominate your intuition and spiritual experiences. It will hold you back if you let it. As spirit you exist outside the bounds of time and space. Your spiritual senses are what allow you to operate and communicate in this multi-dimensional reality. The intellect is linear. It is like a computer, weighing up the pros and cons. It makes assumptions based on, “if this then that,” and loves to categorize things in neat little boxes so they can be understood. Your intuition is inclusive of all information. Your third eye allows you to access multi-dimensional information in a focused way and trust it, without being hijacked by the intellect, which can cause delays and doubt.
  7. It Brings You into Present-Time Reality
    As spirit we can be anytime, anyplace, anywhere. However, your body can only be here and now. Being in the present moment helps you focus your energy in physical reality. When you are focused here you are a more powerful presence and manifest more easily and powerfully. This is because your consciousness becomes a focal point in the time/space reality where your body is. Your third eye is where you as spirit are meant to sit within the body. You can manage your energy and be the conscious creator of your reality from this vantage point. Of course, you are manifesting constantly, regardless of how present you are. If you are not consciously with your body your energy is manifesting on auto-pilot and you are less likely to get what you really want. Instead, you will get whatever you have stored in your body reflected back at you. Being in your third eye helps you see what you placed there, let go of what you don’t like and replace it with what you prefer.
  8. Being in the Center of Your Head Keeps It Relevant
    When you are focused in the third eye, you are focused as spirit within the body. As the body is here and now, the information you retrieve from this vantage point is relevant to now. If you are focused outside the body, your information may not make sense. You might drift into other realities and dimensions. While real, they may not be helpful or relevant to your life here. You may operate from information that, while interesting, isn’t relevant to Earth-plane reality. Others may find you delusional or strange. Likewise, if you read someone’s energy from outside your body the information you retrieve may not be relevant to the physical reality experience that person is having in the now-moment.
  9. Being in Your Third Eye Helps You Own Your Space
    Surprisingly few humans are not fully present in their bodies. Most are not grounded in the here and now. Instead they are out of phase with their physical system. When students start practicing the techniques in Intuition and Chakras, it isn’t unusual for them to complain about aches and pains in their bodies. It’s not because the meditation techniques cause the pain; rather, they are discovering what they stored in their body. The pain was always there. The simple fact is that they were just disassociated from it. They were not owning their space. By learning to ground and seat your consciousness in the third eye, you begin to own your physical and energetic systems. This is a good thing because if you are not present, someone or something else might be.
  10. Developing Intuition Is a Part of Being an Awakened Human
    Mastering your third eye is an important step in your evolution to become an awakened human. If we were an evolved species, and we all operated from this perspective, there would be no lies, subterfuge, or manipulation. We would all see clearly, so there would be no point to those behaviors. As we could observe ourselves clearly, it would be easier to find consensus on what was the best plan of action to support all of humanity. We would take better care of our bodies and planet. We would give individuals the freedom to have their own creative expression, personal truth, and unique journey. If we all followed our intuition, we would make choices that lead to a more balanced, harmonious, co-created reality.

The Temple of Apollo at the Delphic Oracle in Ancient Greece was inscribed with the saying, “know thyself.” This is the core purpose of developing intuition. You must know yourself first before you can know and help another. Self-knowledge in mystery school teachings was acquired by developing the third eye. Activating this organ and developing your clairvoyance is a great place to start in psychic development because you gain clarity and neutrality. You can develop other intuitive senses once you can operate from your personal truth, and choose what is correct for you. You are an individuated spark of divine consciousness. The world needs your unique perspective to be whole. Developing your third eye is a path for bringing forth your inner wisdom, communicating with your higher guidance, and living a conscious authentic life.

Developing your intuition is on the pathway to spiritual mastery. It involves self-healing and mastering energy, as well as staying in balance, despite the ups and downs of life. Cultivating your third eye is a central component to this. Yet, while clairvoyance is a powerful supernatural gift, it isn’t the only form of intuition. Each of us has our own unique profile of intuitive abilities that support our life purpose. Intuition and Chakras helps you identify your personal psychic blueprint and understand how it relates to your chakras, your energy system, and what you came here to do this lifetime.


It’s All In the Mind

In the course of my research on the unexplained human abilities, more than 150 people have told me about an experience that I had never before seen discussed. To their surprise, they thought about a friend or acquaintance for no particular reason, and then shortly afterward met that person. No one thinks it strange if he meets someone he was expecting to meet, or someone he encounters frequently. It is with unexpected meetings that the phenomenon is so striking. For example, Andreas Thomopoulos, a film director from Athens, was visiting Paris with his wife. “Walking through the streets, we thought of a close student friend of mine in London. We wondered how he was nowadays since I hadn’t seen him for over twenty years. Shortly after, on going around a corner, we bumped straight into him!” Mary Flanagan, of Hoboken, New Jersey, had a similar experience: “Walking down the street, I was thinking of someone I had not seen or spoken to for three years and who lives in a different city. I met her on the street about ten minutes after I started thinking about her.”

Anticipations of meetings even seem to occur with vehicles, rather than specific people. David Campbell had a job during the school holidays working on a construction project in County Durham, in the north of England. “We traveled to the site in the company’s van, and for no good reason I memorized the registration number of the van, I can still remember it. Anyway, the job finished and I went back to school. A couple of years later I was out with the local cycling club one Sunday morning when for some inexplicable reason I started thinking about this builder’s van and its number plate. About half a minute later the van passed me going in the opposite direction!”

Some people also anticipate encounters with animals. Some hunters and wildlife photographers seem to anticipate meetings with animals they are trying to hunt or to photograph. Some anglers have had similar experiences. Paul Hicks, for example, used to be an avid angler and would sometimes camp out by the water’s edge for days on end. “There were instances I knew for a fact that within a minute or two I was going to catch a fish. It was uncanny when that happened. It wasn’t just because the weather was good, or the time of day was right or whatever, it was just a knowledge that something was going to happen.”

Are all these cases just coincidence and selective memory? Perhaps. But perhaps there is more to them, and only further research will be able to settle this question. For a start, people who have such anticipations quite frequently could make a note of them, and then see how many were followed by actual meetings. A statistical analysis should be able to reveal whether their anticipations could in fact be explained by the coincidence hypothesis.

There is a superficial similarity between anticipating meetings and anticipating telephone calls. But in fact the two situations are very different. In the case of telephone calls, one person thinks about the other and forms an intention to call. This intention is directed toward the other person, creating appropriate conditions for telepathy. By contrast, in the case of unexpected meetings, the person thought about is not usually intending to meet the other person, or thinking about him or her. The anticipation of meetings therefore seems more precognitive than telepathic.

In addition, the anticipation of phone calls usually happens with people to whom a person is closely bonded, favoring the telepathic explanation. By contrast, the anticipation of meetings happens with mere acquaintances, or even with vehicles, or with wild animals.


The Group Address COVID

Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We join you this day as a collective because planet Earth is shifting. It’s moving very quickly now because you have a visitor on planet Earth, a new life form. Although it’s been there for a while, now it has crossed over into the human kingdom and is spreading aggressively. There are several important aspects of this to keep in mind. First, this being is evolving or what you’d consider to be mutating very quickly. Because it’s fighting for its life, this being instead calls it evolution.

The Gift

We also tell you that the integration occurring between humans and this creature, which you’re calling COVID-19, will result in a positive benefit in the long run. The next stage of evolution is to start bringing through more of your spirit into your physical body. However, one of the biggest challenges is that your spirit and physical body are incredibly enmeshed. It’s very difficult to loosen one from the other, but that’s what this virus does. It loosens the connection just enough, so that the next stages of evolution will actually be a little more comfortable. Dear ones, understand that not everyone on the planet needs to catch the virus. A critical mass will be reached, when everyone with the new attributes will no longer need to go through this process. When that happens, COVID-19 will either mutate again so that it isn’t as harmful, or you will find many of the answers that you’re currently looking for. At this very moment, a cure for this is available and humans are on track to find it. You’re starting to hone in on the different combinations and other techniques that will work best for the majority of people in most places.

An Answer

Yes, there is an answer that is coming soon. You haven’t quite found it because you have not yet reached that critical mass. However, it is already on the horizon and there are several ways to reduce that timeline even further. Obviously, you can focus on bringing in all that energy to discover the cure that in truth is already there. Yes, it’s already been found. Now it is simply a question of going through the shortened process of approvals to learn more about how it works. Besides being what you refer to as a vaccine or preventative treatment, it’s also a cure for people who already have the virus and it will help them greatly.

The Wave

In the meantime, the wave will pass through planet Earth. You are seeing the effects of it in different countries around the globe. Many of the poorer countries, especially those with humanitarian crises already well underway, will be hit very hard. This wave will continue for a time while this process spreads in many different areas. Dear ones, we tell you, that is the most difficult piece. The wave of this life form entering has hit the United States very hard, and much of that has to do with the way people are polarized there. However, at the same time they also have an opportunity to make more of a difference than other nations. For similar reasons, India will lead the way shortly.

Know that many people who catch this virus may only show slight symptoms or might not even know they are sick. The virus can be fatal and should be taken seriously, but not everyone who catches is it is going to come close to death. There is much more to this that you can work with. For some time, we’ve been very concerned about the incredible separation you’ve had on your planet. The beautiful part about that is that the separation is easing. Oh yes, people are still pointing fingers. But remember you’re all in this together, and that’s the most important piece. You will see the human heart rising during all the chaos. When you see it, identify it, celebrate it, share it with your friends, and pass it around because that’s what will bring a resolution to everything.

Come Together

For those of you who consider yourselves energy healers, especially distance healers, join any programs you can to find ways of connecting people. It might be either online with us here, or in small groups somewhere else. You can even come together online with other people and focus your energy on returning health, because that is coming now. Even after all of this clears out, you’ll find that your world is different. It will feel quite restrictive in the beginning, because you’re not used to these differences. But we also tell you there’s real beauty that can come from all of this. Hold on to that potential and know that every step you take now leaves a path that many can follow.

It’s not as difficult a time as you think. So, breathe, walk through it. Try to be there for those who are working with this energy. As you can understand, the first responders are those taking the brunt of this right now. We also tell you, dear ones, that is an incredible achievement for them. Support them in any way you can. Know that you’re all in this together, and the only way out is together. Allow this experience to eradicate much of the separation that has previously existed.

So with that, know that everything you are able to do from this point forward will make a huge difference. Re-member to look at the ways you are alike, instead of the ways you are separate. By doing this you will bring together the human heart of mankind. And with that, we will leave you for the time being. Know that you’re never alone. It is with the greatest of honor, that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another, and hold each other tightly, even at a distance.

Espavo, dear ones.

The group
