An About Face on Endless Boosters

RIGHTENING: WHO Joins EU and Changes Direction — Suddenly Warns Against Taking Continued COVID Booster Shots

On Tuesday European regulators warned that the COVID booster shots could adversely affect the immune system.

This was a huge admission for European officials after pushing booster shots just weeks earlier.  What happened?

Then later on Tuesday the World Health Organization joined the EU and also condemned the continued booster regimen.

That was quick.
What happened?

What do they now see about the experimental mRNA vaccines that they did not see just a month ago?

In a statement released by WHO on Tuesday, it said, “a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.”

Via Alex Berenson on Substack.

Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too.

WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out:

a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.

It’s over, people.

Aside from a few unlucky Israelis, no one is going to receive a fourth dose of the original vaccine; everyone with eyes can see it doesn’t work against Omicron. (And if you haven’t gotten a third dose, at this point, why would you? You are getting at most weeks of marginally improved protection for potentially severe side effects.)

Instead the WHO is now promising/demanding vaccines based on whatever the dominant Sars-Cov-2 strain is at the moment.

That promise is as empty as all the others the health bureaucrats and vaccine companies have made.

At least five major variants (“variants of concern”) have developed in the last year, and two have become globally dominant. Even the mRNA vaccines cannot be cooked up and delivered fast enough to match whatever strain of virus becomes dominant. Covid is faster than the scientists.

Read the rest here.


Sound & Healing

Sound Frequency Therapy: A Closer Look

As a family nurse practitioner, I am always in search of non-invasive tools to help my clients return to optimal health. Many times, when I have been able to identify the health issue, it’s the remedy that proves illu­sive. I have welcomed opportunities to learn about energy medicine, in particular. Thus, I would like to begin this article with the teaching of Rudolph Steiner that inspired me to look deeper into the healing power of sound.

Magical Sounds of Spring

Rudolph Steiner once said, “It’s the song of the birds that calls forth spring.” These magical sounds bring about seasonal changes in tempera­ture and moisture. As I thought about Steiner’s words, I felt he was giving insight into the symphony of nature and the turn of the seasons. This, to me, was also an indication that the world sprung forth into form from heav­enly vibrations. Many cultures share myths of creation with some sonorous event.

Sound is a very broad topic, however, especially in the world of energy medicine. In this article, I will focus on what I have learned about how we can harness sound and vibration for healing.


I recently attended a lecture on vibrational medicine techniques by Mandara Cromwell, DCM. She was the first to introduce me to the history of sound healing and highlighted the work of Dr. Hans Jenny, a medical doctor and natural scientist who once taught at Rudolph Steiner’s school in Zurich. Dr. Jenny later went on to coin a new term, “cymatics” (“kymatics” in German), which he used to describe the study of sound wave phenomena. His invention called the “tonoscope” was the first in history to use technology to make sound frequencies visible.

You may have seen cymatics “do-it-your­self” plates on the Internet. The basic procedure involves sprinkling sand on top of a metal plate; then, as a violin bow is strummed on the side of the plate, the vibrating sand forms geometric patterns.

Jenny’s lectures focused on sound as the organizing and integrating pulse behind all mat­ter. The photos from his book Cymatics1 give a never-before-seen glimpse into the universe, showing that it is full of sound and vibratory patterns. Live footage of some of Jenny’s ex­periments, generating images produced by his tonoscope, is totally captivating.2

Jenny’s findings on sound creating form are even more insightful, particularly so when he begins to make the connection to the human form. He wrote: “Throughout the animal and vegetable kingdom Nature creates in rhythms, periods, cycles, frequencies, reduplications, serial phenomena, sequences, etc. This is the style in which natural structures are built, and it is ubiquitous. If we take a few examples, we shall see that this is the all dominant mode of appearance. Let us look at histology, the science which deals with the structure of tissue. The very origin of the word tissue, Latin to weave, is a significant comment on the prevailing con­ditions: cells are arrayed in rows, one pattern following another. . . and fibers continue in sin­ews which irradiate into the ligaments and bone organization. In the fields of the sensory cells, in the layers of the ganglion cells, and in the immensely complex communications between these systems, we still find that this principle of periodic seriality prevails.”1

black and white photo of Hans Jenny, MD, making sound visible with his tonoscope
Hans Jenny, MD, making sound visible with his tonoscope. Portrait of the author from: Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration.1 Used with permission.

Thanks to modern-day equipment devel­oped by British acoustics researcher John Stuart Reid, including something called the Cyma- Scope, it has been possible to continue Jenny’s early studies. Using advanced technology, the CymaScope creates spectacular visuals that al­low us to see images of the sound frequencies made by a healthy cell, and, by comparison, the sound and image made by a cancer cell.3

Looking at the sound of cells is a new aspect of the field of cymatics. It seems that when cells are in a healthy state, they produce images of great beauty. When they are not healthy, the sound frequencies of the cells begin to display distortion.


As a nurse practitioner, I observe patients, but also the general trends that have effects on the patient population. Our bodies are burdened daily with numerous toxins that challenge the immune system—through the food we eat, the air we breathe and the countless forms of en­vironmental toxins that constantly bombard us and break down our health potential.

Cymascopic images of the “song” of a healthy cell and of a cancer cell, from Raman-derived sound files, courtesy of Dr. Ryan Stables, Birmingham University, UK
Cymascopic images of the “song” of a healthy cell and of a cancer cell, from Raman-derived sound files, courtesy of Dr. Ryan Stables, Birmingham University, UK. The study was a collaboration between Professor Sungchul Ji of Rutgers University and John Stuart Reid of Used with permission.3

Most healers in the world today would also agree that stress is one of the major underlying causes of disease and that long-term chronic stress leads to inflammatory processes that can accelerate the breakdown of the body’s immune system, resulting in a host of diseases. And most certainly, many negative aspects of stress have come into play with the pandemic. These include, especially, the challenge of viewing the devastation of the disease worldwide and the extended period of time we have spent trying to understand the disease and how it will impact us in the future.

Knowing about the detrimental effects of stress on the immune system, I began to search for non-pharmaceutical tools that could help patients begin to manage their stress levels and possibly prevent or dis­sipate the inflammation that could lead to serious illness. I believe we need tools to offset the effects of stress, so we can better support the immune system. That is our real defense.

Throughout my nursing career, I have watched the western medical field struggle with using “a pill for an ill” and “cut it out” procedures, totally avoiding any other op­tions for patients. But in more recent years, I have witnessed the emergence of more integrative health approaches. I was fortunate to be in one of the first GAPS protocol trainings given by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, and I have learned much in my association with the members of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) as a chapter leader. The holistic orientation of the esteemed WAPF membership continues to help bring attention to the wisdom of previous cultures combined with today’s technologies.

Cellular Coherence

I have continued to further my education in the emerging area of energy medicine. Hence, my attendance at Mandara Cromwell’s lecture on sound. When I first began listening to Cromwell’s presentation, I already knew about the pros and cons of ultrasound— high frequencies that are inaudible—but I then realized that she was speaking of audible sound: sound frequency patterns that could entrain the cells of the body into a type of coherence or state of health.

The frequency patterns Cromwell works with are called “commutations,” so named by a British osteopath with the distinctive name of Dr. Peter Guy Manners. Manners, who passed away in 2009, spent some forty years research­ing therapeutic sound with other British and German scientists, striving to find the “prime resonant frequencies” that could most benefit the human form. These “codes” (combinations of five frequencies) were created to bring the body back into resonance with specific sound combinations.

Cromwell spent years studying with Man­ners, concluding with a doctorate in Cymatic medicine, and has since carried on with Man­ners’ body of work. Cromwell’s contributions to the field of vibrational medicine have included continued research and development of fre­quency patterning as well as the invention of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI) devices. Her AMI 750 device applies the fully researched sounds to the body transdermally, through the portals of the feet or hands. The commutations (frequency patterns) are transported along the meridian pathways, long known as the “rivers of life” in Chinese medicine.

three participants using the AMI 750—healing sound frequencies through the soles of the feet
Using the AMI 750—sound frequencies through the soles of the feet.

In my constant search for tools to improve our immediate environment by seeking “protec­tors” from electromagnetic fields (EMFs), I have wondered—if we can use tools to diminish and block EMF frequencies, why couldn’t we also use frequencies to heal? Thus, I was fascinated to hear Cromwell describe two published studies showing the regeneration of torn tendon tissue in horses using audible sound frequencies.4,5 The proof, revealed in the diagnostic ultrasound images, made perfect sense to me. The words of the “sleeping prophet,” Edgar Cayce, came to mind: “Sound is the medicine of the future.”

The Oral Health Connection

What happened next in Cromwell’s presen­tation is exactly what prompted me to write this article. She began discussing how oral health is related to degenerative conditions. … oral healthThere are more than eighteen hundred published stud­ies catalogued on PubMed linking oral health to serious illnesses and disease processes such as heart attacks, lung disease and cancer—and those are only the beginning of a much longer list.

Interestingly, ischemic conditions are some­times detected when dentists use 3D cone beam imaging or when the patient reports dental pain as a symptom, thereby revealing the underlying deteriorating condition. Cromwell presented numerous thermal images of preliminary re­search with participants who showed significant inflammation in the oral region linked to an ongoing disease process in the body.6 All par­ticipants received the AMI 750 dental health protocol through the feet. This combination of frequencies is known to diminish the inflamma­tory process in the body. Admittedly, it is diffi­cult to imagine that the whole body, particularly the oral cavity, can be affected by transmitting energy through the soles of the feet. But, we must remember, the principles of the AMI 750 come from one of the oldest medical systems in the world—Chinese medicine.

thermographic image of the participant’s front torso revealed the likely source of her health puzzle—her inflamed breast area showed a pathway of inflammation leading from her oral cavity into her breast
Before and after the AMI 750 Dental Health Protocol.

In one case, the thermographic image of the participant’s front torso revealed the likely source of her health puzzle—her inflamed breast area showed a pathway of inflammation leading from her oral cavity into her breast.

The next slides were of a patient reporting “tooth pain.” The visit to two dentists rendered inconclusive reports. The thermal images showed the oral and neck regions taken before and after a six-week protocol that used sound frequencies administered through the feet. This technique sends the healing frequencies via meridian pathways to the organ systems. Remarkably, the “after” images showed that the inflammatory process was greatly diminished, and the inflamed lymphatic system was free of the congestion indicated in the pre-protocol “before” images.

The next part of Cromwell’s presentation showed a slide of a woman with two crowns, a bridge and some ceramic fillings. Though the patient reported no symptoms, there was evi­dence of significant inflammation around all the areas where dental work had been performed. I had to wonder just how long it would take for this level of inflammation to manifest into a health condition. Certainly, stress and other body burdens would also play a huge part in whether the patient could continue to fight off this undesirable trajectory.

Many integrative health practitioners say you cannot heal your body until you fix your teeth. Though this may be true, the thought of using this type of sound could be a possible so­lution for people who cannot deal with all their dental issues right away—whether for safety reasons (such as identifying a safe schedule for the removal of insufficient dental work) or financial reasons. Could this therapy also be of use as a preventive measure to keep one’s health in balance?

Stimulating the Life Force

The information shared by Cromwell sug­gests that noninvasive sound may be able to help the body manage the burden of highly inflammatory processes and even undiagnosed infections. What I have observed, coupled with the thermographic images and numerous testimonials I have heard and read, is that not only is inflammation substantially reduced after using this type of audible sound frequency (with the AMI 750 device), but patients’ energy and “life force” returns in an astounding way. Of course, this is what we would expect when two of the body’s major struggles (stress and inflam­mation) are alleviated. Lowering stress and inflammation empowers our immune system, allowing us to begin to adapt to the challenges of the world much more effectively.

At this juncture, it certainly seems possible that noninvasive sound therapy may be able to create enough “life force” to fight off the onset of disease. With the therapeutic sound frequency protocols that have been developed, we may finally have the tools needed to fortify our sur­rounding fields and keep our cells vibrating at their optimum health. From the experiments in Dr. Jenny’s laboratory to the research of Reid, Manners and Cromwell, it is clear that it is time to take a closer look at the power of sound waves as a major force of healing and maintenance of overall health.


  1. Jenny H. Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration, 3rd edition. Eliot, ME: MACROmedia Publish­ing, 2001.
  2. Video footage of Jenny experiments: http://www.cymat­
  3. Reid JS, Park BJ, Ji S. Imaging cancer and healthy cell sounds in water by CymaScope, followed by quantitative analysis by Planck-Shannon Classifier. Water. 2019;11:43- 54.
  4. Bauer EB, Fleming AHJ, Bergeron R, et al. Acoustic/ magnetic field assisted perfusion in peripheral vascular disease. 30th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnet­ics Society, San Diego, CA, June 8-12, 2008.
  5. Cooper K, Bauer E. Case study: the efficacy of Equine Cymatherapy Bioresonance on severe disruption of the superficial digital flexor tendon (95% involvement by multiple core lesions) in a thoroughbred racehorse. 2006.
  6. Pain and inflammation in the oral cavity: a preliminary investigation using non-invasive, audible sound frequen­cies. Cyma Technologies.

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2021


The Alchemical Process of the Individual

Jung’s Four Stages of Character Transformation

Gary Z McGee, Contributor
Waking Times

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” ~Rumi

The Alchemical process of transformation has four distinct stages: Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinitas and Rubedo. These stages are the framework of Jung’s characterization of the four stages of character transformation: Confession, Illumination, Education, and Transformation, culminating in the completion of the magnum opus and the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone.

A robust character hinges on eight core virtues: courage, moderation, wisdom, justice, curiosity, honor, humility, and humor. These virtues will all be needed to navigate the four stages of transformation.

We enter Nigredo with curiosity and courage. We enter Albedo with moderation and justice. We enter Citrinitas with honor and wisdom. We enter Rubedo with humility and humor. One might ask, why enter at all? We enter into self-transformation to prevent getting stuck in self-preservation.

We challenge the lodestone to create steppingstones that will eventually lead to the self-actualization of the Philosopher’s Stone.

1.) Confession (Nigredo):

“When you see your matter going black, rejoice, for this is the beginning of the work.” ~Rosarium Philosophorum

The process of confession begins alchemically with the concept of the nigredo, also called “the blackening.” It’s a psychosymbolic death. This is the stage of revelation and catharsis. It’s where we burn away our psychological dross. It’s where the shadow gets integrated and then mined for hidden gold.

As Carl Jung said, “No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” Our shadow reaches all the way into hell. We climb into hell to integrate it. We climb into hell to animate our inner monster and bring it into sacred alignment with the whole self.

This is no easy task. It’s a dark time. Despair and disillusionment are all consuming. The ego is murdered by the Id. The blackening is a cocooning that cooks the corpse of the ego inside it. Annihilation becomes integration: the marriage of chaos and order, the coalescence of shadow and light, the union of summit and abyss. This gives way to the illumination of the Albedo.

2.) Illumination (Albedo):

“The encounter with the shadow is the ‘apprentice-piece’ in the individual’s development… that with the anima is the ‘masterpiece’.” ~Carl Jung

The process of illumination begins alchemically with the concept of the albedo, also called “the whitening.” This is the stage of awakening and insight. It’s where our new shadow perspective helps us deflate the ego and where unneeded, illusory, or false conceptualizations are shed. It’s where the anima/animus gets integrated and cultivated for maximal co-efficiency.

The personality becomes a masterpiece when the masculine integrates the anima and the feminine integrated the animus, and vice versa. The ashes leftover from the blackening are purified by the persona’s opposite. The black crow is transformed into a white raven. The heavyhearted coal is pressurized into the lighthearted diamond. The end of the lesser work is at hand and the beginning of the higher work becomes manifest.

Anima/animus integration is no simple task. But it is quite rewarding. As we begin to resolve the animus in every yin and the anima in every yang, we discover that there’s a lightside to every darkside, a softness buried within even the roughest patch. There’s even good luck hidden inside bad luck.

A man honoring his anima and a woman honoring her animus is truly a force to be reckoned with, what Nietzsche referred to as the “Primordial Unity.” For they are that much closer to achieving cosmic heroism. They have become a force of integrated nature first and individual human second. This leads to the sacred dawn of consciousness.

3.) Education (Citrinitas):

“Every one of us is a mystic. We may or may not realize it, we may not even like it. But whether we know it or not, whether we accept it or not, mystical experience is always there, inviting us on a journey of ultimate discovery. We have been given the gift of life in this perplexing world to become who we ultimately are: creatures of boundless love, caring, compassion, and wisdom. Existence is a summons to the eternal journey of the sage – the sage we all are, if only we could see.” ~Wayne Teasdale

The process of education begins alchemically with the concept of the citrinitas, also called “the yellowing.” This is the stage of absorption and wisdom. It’s where our integrated shadow and anima/animus wakes up to the solar dawn of the emerging soul. It’s where the inner student meets the inner master, where Courage meets Wisdom, where the animal shakes hands with the sage. It’s where the wise old man (or woman) archetype gets integrated into the whole.

The dawn of the soul is like the rising sun, golden, radiant, and enlightening. It gives color and shape to the once colorless black and white world. It’s the lovechild of shadow and animus: the rising “son” of our ego’s death. The emergence of Christ consciousness: From the blackening on the cross to the whitening between worlds to the yellowing into rebirth. Our inner sage grips the masterpiece.

As Aristotle stated, “What more accurate stand or measure of good things do we have than the Sage?” The sage leads us into the alchemical success of the magnum opus, the bleeding out into transformation itself.

4.) Transformation (Rubedo):

“Know, all you seekers after this Art, that unless you whiten, you cannot make red, because the two natures are nothing other than red and white. Whiten, therefore, the red, and redden the white.” ~Turba Philosophorum

The process of transformation begins with the concept of the rubedo, also called “the reddening.” This is the “final” stage of transpersonal self-overcoming. It’s where the alchemy of psychology becomes a fountainhead. It’s where the unity of opposites—shadow and light, anima and animus, beast and sage— becomes transcendent, provident, and mercurial. It’s where the Self archetype becomes the process of Integration itself.

The reddening is a bleeding into blackening. It’s the life-death-rebirth process lived through in real time, in each moment, with each new breath. It’s both a rising out of falling and a falling into rising, both a chaos creating order and an order creating chaos. Self-awareness is self-improvement is self-overcoming. There is no self-actualization without self-transformation. And so, the Self archetype is ever in the throes of overcoming itself.

In the end, there is no end. There is no remaining, there’s no settled state, there’s no final stage. The magnum opus eats itself or it doesn’t sing. The Philosopher’s Stone is always just ahead of the curve on the transformation continuum. The journey is always the thing or it is nothing. The sword is always sharpened dullness. The diamond of the self is always pressurized coal. As James Hillman said, “the pearl is also always grit, an irritation as well as a luster.”

About the Author

Gary ‘Z’ McGeea former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world. Visit Gary at Self-Inflicted Philosophy.


Your Passport to Total Control

How to Stop Building the Bankers’ Prison Walls Meant to Enslave Us
Investment analyst Catherine Austin Fitts says we have been moving from the central-bank-warfare economy model, where banks print money and the military makes sure people use it, and now are transitioning into a new model where central banks control all money, credit and purchases in a surveillance state. The new model is dependent on vaccine passports. The passports will be used to implement a digital transaction system using central-bank digital currency (CBDC), similar to credit-card money, that will allow control over all spending and can deny access to dissident individuals. Vaccine passports have nothing to do with health. Covid is a cover to hide enormous monetary transfers and the financial destruction of small business to implement the Great Reset. The ultimate completion will occur when they introduce digital currency owned and operated by central banks that can be spent only in the company store. Solutions include using cash to keep it alive in commerce, supporting community banks and credit unions, getting large corporations out of your life, and building local food systems. -GEG

Video link:



On Vaccine Shedding

Pfizer document describes vaccine “shedding” from person to person

by Jon Rappoport

August 6, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Pop quiz: During their clinical trial…

If Pfizer insists that certain unvaccinated persons who come into contact with a vaccinated person creates a…

SAFETY SITUATION that must be reported to Pfizer within 24 hours…

Would you say that implies…

The transfer of vaccine components from person to person can occur?

If you answered YES, you win four tickets to Oobladee, a little-known island nation where vaccines are forbidden and the people naturally remain healthy and live to a ripe old age.


I’m going to take this in small chunks, and translate the fake-speak clinical language as we go along.

“Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness.”

The “study intervention” means the RNA COVID shot. That’s what the study is FOR—intervening with a jab. “Hi, I’m your intervener, you’re a volunteer in the clinical trial, and I’m going to hit you in the arm with this needle and inject you.”

“Exposure” to the shot doesn’t mean injection. It means somebody who hasn’t been injected gets physically close to somebody who has been injected. Or it could mean an un-injected person touches vaccine-liquid from a vial.

And that un-injected somebody would be a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding. For example, she could be a lab worker, or a person who is giving the shots.

If THIS exposure event happens, it’s a safety situation, and it has to be reported within 24 hours.

A lab worker who is pregnant or breastfeeding gets physically close to a person who has received the vaccine and BANG, it’s serious, and it has to be reported.

Why? Because, obviously, there is a potential danger to the unborn baby. Or the mother, who is already breastfeeding her baby, could pass this danger to the baby through her breast milk.

The woman just came physically close to a person who already received the vaccine. That’s all. That’s all that happened. But it’s enough. It means THERE CAN BE A TRANSFER OF VACCINE COMPONENTS FROM PERSON TO PERSON, AND THIS IS NOT GOOD, THIS IS DANGEROUS TO PREGNANT AND BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS AND THEIR BABIES.

Here is the next piece of the Pfizer document. It’s crucial:

“An EDP [exposure to the vaccine during pregnancy] occurs if a male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”

This is a dangerous situation, too. A man who did get the shot then gets physically close to his female partner, who didn’t get the shot. This doesn’t necessarily mean sex. It means close physical contact. But the warning is obviously all about danger to the woman who is going to conceive a child or has just conceived, and the warning is also about a danger to that child. Some kind of severe injury. Or a miscarriage. Again, the document is obviously referring to the transfer of vaccine components from a vaccinated to unvaccinated person.

And then, in the Pfizer document, we find an example of this dangerous, immediately reportable situation: “A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact….”

Here, as plain as day, we see two meanings of “come in close contact with.” Inhalation, and skin contact. Do not assume this has to mean physically rubbing up against or breathing in the liquid in the vaccine vial. Go back and read the other quotes I gave you from the Pfizer document. They are clearly talking about something much different. They’re talking about close contact between PEOPLE, one of whom has ALREADY had the shot, and one who hasn’t.

They’re talking about vaccine components passing from the inside of one person’s body to another person.

Call it shedding, call it transfer, call it transmission, call it whatever you want to. Pfizer was clearly worried about it, because they insisted that any such occurrence had to be reported to company safety personnel.

They were aware that damage could be the result. Damage to mothers conceiving, mothers pregnant, mothers who are breastfeeding, and damage to babies.

Through person to person passage of components in the vaccine.

A person might object, saying, “Well, maybe the pregnant woman had skin contact with someone who was just vaccinated, and the vaccinated person has a small amount of vaccine on his skin, because that tiny amount of liquid somehow escaped from the needle during injection.”

That’s highly doubtful. And if you go back and read the Pfizer statement about the man who received the vaccine and then had close contact with his female partner, there is no time line mentioned. A) He received the shot and then b) at some point later, he came into close contact with his female partner. It could be days later, weeks later. There would be no amount of vaccine left on his skin.

We ARE talking about the passage of vaccine components from the inside of one person’s body to another person.




Some LITTLE known Historical Vaccine Facts

(A very long article.  For brevity’s sake, you can just read the bullet points.  But it is time that more information about the efficacy as well as the morality of vaccines and vaccinations came out.)

5 Historical Vaccine Scandals Suppressed by the Establishment

Brendan D. Murphy, Guest
Waking Times

“89% of doctors rely on drug company salesmen for their information.”  – The Australian Doctor 1989.

1. Frauds of the Founding Father – Basic Truths about Jenner

Here’s number 1 of our 5 historical vaccine scandals. Edward Jenner (1749 – 1823) has been lauded as a medical pioneer and saver of the lives of millions for supposedly developing the earliest crude forms of vaccination, but is he really all that? Was he even an original thinker? See for yourself.

Jenner set up practice as a “surgeon” in Berkeley in the 1700s but he, in fact, did not earn the title of “doctor” at all. Jenner’s history is actually quite amusing. Dr Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA., explained during an address in 1896:

Now this man Jenner had never passed a medical examination in his life. He belonged to the good old times when George III was King— (laughter)—when medical examinations were not compulsory. Jenner looked upon the whole thing as a superfluity, and he hung up “Surgeon, apothecary,” over his doorwithout any of the qualifications that warranted the assumption. It was not until twenty years after he was in practice that he thought it advisable to get a few letters after his name. Consequently he then communicated with a Scotch University and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the sum of £15 and nothing more. (Laughter.) It is true that a little while before, he had obtained a Fellowship of the Royal Society, but his latest biographer and apologist, Dr. Norman Moore, had to confess that it was obtained by little less than a fraud. It was obtained by writing a most extraordinary paper about a fabulous cuckoo, for the most part composed of arrant absurdities and imaginative freaks such as no ornithologist of the present day would pay the slightest heed to. A few years after this, rather dissatisfied with the only medical qualification he had obtained, Jenner communicated with the University of Oxford and asked them to grant him their honorary degree of M.D., and after a good many fruitless attempts he got it. Then he sent to the Royal College of Physicians in London to get their diploma, and even presented his Oxford degree as an argument in his favour. But they considered he had had quite enough on the cheap already, and told him distinctly that until he passed the usual examinations they were not going to give him any more.” – Dr Walter Hadwen, 18961 (emphasis added)

So, after about 20 years of practicing his special brand of “medicine,” Jenner the professional bullshit artist thought he might benefit from some extra letters after his name. Thus it was that in 1790 Jenner simply bought a medical degree from St.Andrews University for £15. Welcome to the man who helped create what is now a multi-billion dollar fascist medical empire (disguised as medical “progress”)—a person who was not only a complete fraud and confidence man, but evidently a pathological liar.

1791: Edward Jenner vaccinates his 18 month old son with swine-pox and eight years later in 1798 with cow-pox. His son will die of TB at the age of 21, and Jenner thereafter chooses not to vaccinate his second son. (Yes, he became a “refuser” of sorts, at least where his own family’s health was concerned!)

1796: Edward Jenner in Gloucestershire, England, is falsely credited with the concept of vaccination, which he actually appropriated from the dairy maids. Hadwen in his 1896 address: “He was not, however, the discoverer. The whole thing was a superstition of the Gloucestershire dairymaids years before Jenner was born—(laughter)—and the very experiment, so-called, that he performed had been performed by an old farmer named Benjamin Jesty twenty years previously.”

He added:

When he first of all heard the story of the cow-pox legend that the dairymaids talked about, that if you only had cow-pox you can’t have small-pox, he began to mention it at the meetings of the Medico-convivial Society, where the old doctors of the day met together to smoke their pipes, drink their glasses of grog, and talk over their cases. But he no sooner mentioned it than they laughed at it. The cow doctors could have told him of hundreds of cases where small-pox had followed cow-pox, and Jenner found he would have to drop it.2  (emphasis added)

Yes, vaccination began with an utterly unscientific superstition unbacked by any evidence at all and propagated by the local English dairymaids to one self-confident crank named Edward Jenner, a medical fraud who bought his credentials for fifteen pounds.

1801: First widespread experimentation with vaccines reputedly begins. Jenner has successfully self-promoted and marketed his pseudo-medicine in spite of the overwhelming evidence against his foundational premise.

1802: Jenner petitions English parliament (House of Commons) for funding using blatant falsehoods, stating that vaccination can be done with perfect safety (where have we heard that before?). Government awards Jenner 10,000 pounds (Higgins says 30,000 in his book, perhaps pertaining to Jenner’s 1807 triumphant petition which landed him further funds) for continued “experimentation.” His arm-to-arm method of vaccination ultimately proves so dangerous that it is abandoned and even prohibited. His claim of lifelong immunity was quickly exposed to be one of the more brazen pieces of self-promoting mendacity medical “science” has produced. As vaccinated subjects continued to develop the diseases they were supposedly “immunized” against, this claim was modified to roughly 7 years protection with subsequent re-vaccination deemed “necessary.” (By 1914 this “immunity” period was shortened yet again to an estimated 6-12 months(!), sharply exposing the lunacy of the vaccine paradigm to anyone paying attention. This is over 200 years ago and nothing much has changed.)

Jenner’s original claims for vaccination were stated in his Petition to Parliament March 17, 1802, asking for a reward for his alleged “discovery” in these words:

“That your petitioner, having discovered [false – he got the idea came from the dairymaids of rural England] that a disease which occasionally exists in a particular form among cattle, known by the name of the cow-pox, admits of being inoculated on the human frame with the most perfect ease and safety [false – it proved time and again to be dangerous and not to prevent smallpox at all], and is attended with the singularly beneficial effect of rendering through life the person so inoculated perfectly secure from the infection of the smallpox [false – he claimed perfect immunity for life based on a mere few years of observation and no evidence at all – people got cowpox AND smallpox!].3  [bold brackets are the author’s interjections]

Three strikes and you’re out, Ed! Charles M. Higgins in his excellent book The Horrors of Vaccination Exposed referred to Jenner’s statement as a “tissue of falsehoods,” and so it was. That however did not prevent Jenner from collecting the whopping sum of 30,000 pounds from the British government as a reward for his imaginative fabrications. This translates to over 3 million pounds in 1901 money (a century later)!

In the following years, through to the 1900s, many cases of smallpox in those who had received the smallpox vaccine/s continued to be recorded. In the early 1820s, while the British government was still funding Jenner’s “experiments,” he continued to do his best to hide the evidence showing his vaccines were causing more carnage than immunity. Pro-vaccinism became largely a face-saving exercise which has only swelled in scale (and funding) ever since.

A study of Edward Jenner is a study in modern medicine’s roots in charlatanry. (Don’t get me started on the Rockefellers.)


2. Smallpox Statistics We Were Meant to Forget

Many people are starting to catch on to the dangers inherent in vaccination, but too few realise at present that there is no shortage of instances where far more harm is done than presumed “good.” We venture right back to the beginning of the 20th century in England and find that there are similar numbers of vaccine-induced deaths to smallpox deaths, except in the case of children under 5 yrs of age, where the vaccine proved much riskier than smallpox itself. See below.4

Vaccine Deaths versus Smallpox Deaths – Data from Reports of the Registrar General of England
1906: smallpox (SP) deaths = 21, vaccine deaths = 29
1907: SP deaths = 10, vacc. Deaths = 12
1908: SP deaths = 12, vacc. Deaths = 13
1905-10: SP deaths = 199, vacc. Deaths = 99.
Deaths from SP in children under 5 yrs = 26, vacc. = 98
1911-13: SP deaths = 42, vacc. Deaths = 31.
SP deaths in children under 5 yrs = 8, deaths from vacc. = 30

Let’s not forget:

1831: there is a smallpox outbreak wherein 995 vaccinated (yes, vaccinated) people developed the disease in Wurtemberg, Germany.

1831: 2,000 people in Marseilles, France, who have received smallpox vaccination develop smallpox.

1854: England legislates for compulsory vaccination; widely opposed by eminent doctors.

1857-59: Vaccination in England is now enforced by fines, much to the disgust of rational medical men around the country who vigorously oppose it. Thus begins the smallpox epidemic of England that lasts until 1859, killing over 14,000 people.

1854-63: Smallpox has claimed over 33,000 by this point, following compulsory vaccine program.

1863-65: England’s second major epidemic strikes, claiming 20,059 lives.

1870-72: England’s third major epidemic claims 44,840 lives, the worst of the three which occurred following compulsory vaccination.

1907: Compulsory vaccination is repealed as the grotesque failure is too obvious to disguise or “spin” with methods available at the time.

1910 – 1933: in England and Wales combined, only 109 kids under 5 yrs died of smallpox; 270 died from vaccination. It’s estimated there were around 40 million people in the UK in 1910. Improved living conditions had all but wiped smallpox out despite the vaccine-induced epidemics.

Repeat after me: “Safe and effective, safe and effective…”


3. The City of Leicester: Sanitation Trumps Vaccination

a.k.a. Why Won’t Leicester Go Away?

“One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn’t true. One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 – nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn’t work the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers…Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox – not the smallpox vaccine.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB1


1914: Dr. C. Killick Millard, Medical Officer of Health (Leicester, England) publishes The Vaccination Question and admits that the city of Leicester, with a population of around 300,000 at the time, had for 30 years abandoned infantile vaccination and yet “miraculously” experienced an “enormous decline” in smallpox mortality.


We should consider his words carefully, because Millard was a man who at the outset was pro-vaccine (by the 1900s the endless repetition of vaccine propaganda and dogma had definitely made an impression upon the collective mind), and yet, his empirical experience with the city of Leicester caused him to change his views:

The two crucial and outstanding facts which I wish to lay stress upon, are:

  1. The unexpected and remarkable experience of the town of Leicester, which for thirty years has abandoned in­fantile vaccination, yet has shown an enormous decline in smallpox mortality.
  2. The fact that, although infantile vaccination is falling more and more into disuse throughout the whole country, yet smallpox, contrary to all pro-vaccinist expectation and prophecy, continues to decline and has almost disappeared.

…The striking facts that in Leicester, without infantile vaccination, the decline has been greater than in most places, and that throughout the country smallpox has continued to decrease in spite of the falling off in v

…If it can be shown that “sanitation”, thoroughly carried out, is alone sufficient for the effective control of smallpox in this country (as in Leicester), why inflict upon the commu­nity universal vaccination with all its inseparable drawbacks? Moreover, what justification can there be any longer for compulsion?

It cannot be denied that vaccination causes, in the aggregate, very considerable injury to health, most of it only temporary, but some permanent…We must never forget that vaccination is an evil…There is not the slightest evidence that vaccination, apart from its [presumed] effect in preventing smallpox, is of the least value or anything but detrimental to the human race…During the last decade the deaths from vaccinia have several times outnumbered those from smallpox, whilst if we have regard to the amount of ill health caused by the two diseases (and putting aside for the moment the question of the alleged effect of vaccination in lessening smallpox) it looks as if vaccinia [vaccine-induced disease] were becoming, so far as the community is concerned, the more serious disease of the two.5 (emphasis added)

Above: Killick’s letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal, published February 20, 1915.

4. Vaccine Campaigns Were Always Known to Cause Outbreaks

In Compulsory Vaccination in England (1884), William Tebb observed: “Vaccination was made compulsory by an Act of Parliament in the year 1853 ; again in 1867; and still more stringent in 1871. Since 1853, we have had three epidemics of small-pox, each being more severe than the one preceding.”

One quite well suppressed historical trend regarding vaccines is that serious outbreaks have a habit of occurring in the most heavily vaccinated areas and dodging less vaccinated areas.1 Only the most facile logic presupposes that those areas enduring outbreaks must have not followed vaccine procedure correctly, or had the misfortune of “bad batches,” etc., etc. The logical conclusion to draw from the evidence is that the vaccine campaigns were actually creating epidemics where none were likely to ever occur. Eminent medical men recognised this in the 1800s but did we listen?

While advocates argue correlation doesn’t equal causation (true enough), no independent investigator is satisfied with ignoring the mountains of evidence indicating causality, and which date back to the very beginnings of vaccination. Big Pharma prostitutes of course can warn of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, but some of us extend our efforts end energies beyond mere fancy rhetoric – we also note that the correlation has a bi-directional effect, i.e., disease incidence and mortality regularly increases in the wake of vaccination, and also regularly drops with a corresponding decrease in vaccination rates. It goes both ways.Meaningless coincidence?

vacc-smallpox-1857-1873-TEBBAbove: Anatomy of 3 epidemics and the smallpox statistics from England for the period 1857-1873, spanning the outbreaks.6

Notice the disproportionately high increases in smallpox mortality rates above as compared to population growth. Meanwhile, we remember that Leicester abandoned infantile vaccination and eliminated smallpox simply by thoroughly enhancing sanitation methods. “It’s the environment, stupid!” Our programmed fear of smallpox, flu, and other “dreaded” diseases is out of all proportion with reality and shows that we have forgotten how potent basic natural and common sense measures can be in staying healthy. Also worth noting: exposure doesn’t equal illness – the internal terrain must conduce to the development of symptoms.

Below is a graph also from Tebb’s book showing that the mandating of smallpox vaccination did not prevent the mortality rate from more than doubling within thirty years, while the population increased by only about one third.


In summarising the origins of vaccine fraud, coverups, and the resultant vaccine religion, Jennifer Craig PhD states:

The report of Dr. William Farr, (1807 – 1883), Compiler of Statistics of the Registrar General of London and considered to be the first developer of vital statistics, stated: “Smallpox attained its maximum mortality after vaccination was introduced. The mean annual mortality for 10,000 population from 1850 to 1869 was at the rate of 2.04, whereas after compulsory vaccination, in 1871 the death rate was 10.24. In 1872 the death rate was 8.33 and this after the most laudable efforts to extend vaccination by legislative enactments.”

The compulsory vaccination law was repealed in 1907. By 1919, England and Wales had become one of the least vaccinated countries and had only 28 deaths from smallpox out of a population of 37.8 million people. According to official figures of the Registrar General of England, 109 children under five years in England and Wales died of smallpox between 1910 and 1933. In that same period 270 died from vaccination. Between 1934 and 1961 not one smallpox death was recorded but 115 children under five years died from smallpox vaccination.7  [emphasis added]

 5. Statistical Wizardry: When In Doubt White it Out!

One of the lynch pins of the vaccine machine has always been systematic (and often high-level) deception in order to maintain the illusion of efficacy. Put bluntly, when things don’t pan out as the vaccinists want, they simply tinker with the data and play semantic games to create figures that seem to support a given vaccine program/goal. Sometimes, the tactic is more straightforward: gather the data and bin it so it never sees the light of day, as William Thompson has recently elucidated for us regarding the MMR scandal whereby the CDC knew of the MMR-autism link and deliberately buried the evidence (for some 14 years!). Meanwhile, Dr Andrew Wakefield was defamed, ostracized, chased out of England, and left to pick up the pieces of his life without a shred of evidence supporting the vindictive narrative created against him. However, we’re focusing in on pre-WWII material here for a historical perspective that will be easy to digest.

Maurice Beddow Bayly, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, LRCP, wrote in 1934:

After vaccination was introduced, cases of aseptic meningitis were reported as a separate disease from polio, but such were counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced. The Ministry of Health admitted that the vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis…If a person who is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a different nameThose who contracted polio after the first inoculation were placed on the non-inoculated list…It’s obvious that this practice of screening statistics, apparently in order to suppress facts unfavourable to immunization, invalidates most of the evidence brought forward by the supporters of immunization.8 (emphasis added)

In short, when the numbers don’t support pro-vax dogma, medical authorities simply change them to suit their purposes. Considering the embarrassingly large sums of money that governments have invested in vaccine campaigns (and the attendant propaganda/psychological warfare), it is somewhat understandable that in their cowardly bureaucratic state of mind, rather than admit to such monstrous mistakes which have generated such incomprehensible human suffering, said bureaucrats and medical stooges simply try to hide the evidence and save face. (There is of course the malignant influence of Big Pharma and its greed lurking in the background too, along with the publicly known depopulation program.) We will elaborate on this statistical fraud theme with more recent examples in our follow up.

After Jenner’s death, when vaccinated people continually contracted smallpox, thus repeatedly proving the fraud of the smallpox vaccine, the medical records were to show  they had “pustular eczema” instead.9 Instead of admitting the dangerous and ineffectual nature of the earliest vaccines, however, authorities plowed ahead creating more and more vaccines, all on the same superstitious premises that gave birth to the mythology now rammed down our throats.

George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) saw this data-recording fraud firsthand:

During the last considerable epidemic at the turn of the century, I was a member of the Health Committee of London Borrough Council, and I learned how the credit of vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the revaccinated cases (of smallpox) as pustular eczema, varioloid or what not – except smallpox.10 [emphasis added]

The fact is that the medical authorities have been lying and covering their tracks all along, just as Edward Jenner, the godfather of the vaccine lie, was right from the start. So vaccines are safe and effective are they? Is that why after Japan started compulsory smallpox vaccination in 1872 smallpox rates increased thereafter? After twenty years, their records indicated 165,774 cases with 29,979 deaths – ALL of them vaccinated. Meanwhile, in Australia, where there was no such compulsion, there were only three deaths in fifteen years.11

Clearly we are protecting ourselves from these diseases somehow, and it starts with the basics: sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition. I could go on and on with the stat’s but hopefully you get the idea. Those of you inclined to object to my “fixation” on smallpox while I lay out some basic historical context for vaccination must wait for the follow up article for a more “inclusive” exposé based on more recent material. If you love vaccines you probably won’t like it. See below for concluding sentiments.


A Note on Planned Forced Vaccination through the Biosecurity Act of 2015 (and equivalent legislation)

The technocracy thrown up around us and calling itself “civilization” is a dark and brutal beast emanating from the collective unconscious, and unless we collectively awaken and take a stand for truth and the right to self-determination, then this situation will only become more dire (as is planned), particularly with the TTP and its equivalents now brought in, setting the stage for full-blown corporate control of all facets of human life. With measures such as the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Australia see here), the government will be creating the legal framework to forcibly vaccinate people against their will (including those subjects in the high risk category for severe abreaction) under the pretense of protecting public health. Consider Dr Hadwen’s 1896 statement (from his aforementioned speech) on the issue of compulsory vaccination:

As a medical man I look upon vaccination as an insult to common sense, as superstitious in its origin, unscientific in theory and practice, and useless and dangerous in its character; whilst as a father and a citizen I view theCompulsory Vaccination Acts as demoralising in their tendencies,degrading in their character, cruel and unjust in their enactments, and anunwarrantable interference with parental responsibility and liberty such as ought not to be tolerated… (emphasis added)

Nearly forty years later, researcher Anne Riley Hale shared this sentiment on the subject of mandatory vaccination:

But to put behind it the full force of the Government – the public funds and the police powers of the State – to enforce these destructive and disease-breeding inoculations upon the unwilling and the defenseless, constitutes a form of tyranny in modern times which shames most of the despotisms Fear and ignorance are used daily by the Establishment to scare people so silly that the thought of investigating the evidence for and against vaccination never even occurs to them. Our collective ignorance is the best weapon the Establishment has to coerce and cajole us into a forced vaccination agenda. If you want to have some idea of what that will look like if it succeeds, just take a look at America where the vaccine schedule is the most intense on the planet, the infant death rate is absolutely atrocious (far worse than various countries using far less vaccines), and autism is now at 1 in 45 and still rising – just as the vaccine schedule is planned to continue to do so.of the past.12 (emphasis added)

Fear and ignorance are used daily by the Establishment to scare people so silly that the thought of investigating the evidence for and against vaccination never even occurs to them. Our collective ignorance is the best weapon the Establishment has to coerce and cajole us into a forced vaccination agenda. If you want to have some idea of what that will look like if it succeeds, just take a look at America where the vaccine schedule is the most intense on the planet, the infant death rate is absolutely atrocious (far worse than various countries using far less vaccines), and autism is now at 1 in 45 and still rising – just as the vaccine schedule is planned to continue to do so.

Knowledge is power, and vaccine slogans are not knowledge. Propaganda is not wisdom. Groupthink is not a sound basis for epistemology. Truth is not nearly so well funded as cancerous lies, and the peer review system is broken (just ask any of the scientists we have interviewed!). Remember to ask “who benefits?”

We can change this if we want. What are we choosing to create from here? Have we had enough of the vaccine scandals?


  1. Dr Walter Hadwen, The Case Against Vaccination, 1896
  2. Ibid.
  3. See History and Pathology of Vaccination, by Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank, London, 1889, p 173, Vol. I.
  4. Charles M. Higgins, Horrors of Vaccination,  page 23, 1920.
  5. Ibid., Higgins.
  6. W. Tebb, Compulsory Vaccination in England, 1884,
  7. Jennifer Craig, BSN, MA, Ph.D, Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness, February 26, 2010,
  8. Maurice Beddow Bayly, The Case Against Vaccination, 1934.
  9. Op. cit. Craig.
  10. Walene James, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth
  11. Ibid., 41.
  12. Anne Riley Hale, The Medical VooDoo, 1935.
About the Author

Brendan D.Murphy – Co-founder of Global Freedom Movement and host of GFM RadioBrendan DMurphy is a leading Australian author, researcher, activist, and musician. His acclaimed non-fiction epic The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science & Spirituality – Book 1 is out now! Come and get your mind blown at


A Little (Snake) Oil With that Pill

(NOTE:  Also check out James Corbett’s Series on  Rockefeller Medicine:

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

Published 7 years ago on


  • THE STORY:How did Western Medicine, also known as Allopathy, originate? How did it overtake others systems of healing & medicine? How are the Rockefellers, oil barons & NWO banking family, involved?
  • THE IMPLICATIONS:What is the point of just taking drugs to mask symptoms when they don’t actually cure you? How much can Western medicine truly heal you when it is so tightly controlled by Big Pharma? Are synthetic petrochemical drugs a kind of poison, in and of themselves?

How many must feel, stuck on the Western medicine hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill …

Loading…Western medicine is Rockefeller

Western medicine has some good points, for sure, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, radiation and surgery, is at its foundation a Rockefeller creation. The Rockefellers, of course, are one of the most rich and powerful families of the NWO (New World Order) black nobility. Behind their spurious facade of philanthropy, they are power-hungry tyrants intent on owning the entire world, and depopulating it through eugenics-based programs like forced sterilization, water fluoridation, abortions and vaccinations. They have either majorly or fully created (and still dominate) the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Planned Parenthood and many, many other organizations that either rule the world or influence culture to a large extent.

Despite the dominance of western medicine nowadays, even just 100 years ago the situation was very different, so it’s worthwhile casting our minds back to how the we got to this place. How did western medicine and the giant conglomerate of multinational pharmaceutical corporations (“Big Pharma”) become the mainstream medical system in the US and other first world nations? And what alternatives are there?

Petroleum Drugs

Let’s go back in time to the late 1800s. John D. Rockefeller, a man quoted to have said “competition is sin”, is the head of the Rockefeller family and has just become very rich through extracting oil from the ground. Now he is looking for ways to capitalize even further with his oil, and he comes across the idea of using coal tar – a petroleum derivative – to make substances that affect the human mind, body and nervous system. These are called drugs, and they are excellent at masking or stopping symptoms, but overall do not cure the underlying cause of a disease.

Like other elite leaders of the New World Order who fit the description of an “evil genius” – those high on intellect and low on compassion – Rockefeller used his oil money to buy out part of the massive German pharmaceutical cartel, I.G. Farben. This was the very same cartel that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision of a New World Order founded on racial supremacy, by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. With the control of drug manufacturing under his wings, Rockefeller then embarked on a decidedly wicked plan – wicked from the point of view of a free and healthy humanity, but brilliant from a business perspective.


Western medicine relies on Big Pharma’s petroleum drugs, which the body can never ultimately assimilate. Meanwhile, it engages in biopiracy to steal Nature’s best compounds and patent them.

Destroying any Competition to Western Medicine

Rockefeller saw that there were many types of doctors and healing modalities in existence at that time, from chiropractic to naturopathy to homeopathy to holistic medicine to herbal medicine and more. He wanted to eliminate the competitors of western medicine (the only modality which would propose drugs and radiation as treatment, thus enriching Rockefeller who owned the means to produce these treatments), so he hired a man called Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. This report “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds or thousands of years were unscientific quackery. It called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only the allopathic-based AMA be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US.

Sadly, Congress acted upon the conclusions and made them law. Incredibly, allopathy became the standard mainstream modality, even though its 3 main methods of treatment in the 1800s had been blood-letting, surgery and the injection of toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury to supposedly displace disease! It should be noted that hemp was also demonized and criminalized not long after this, not because there is anything dangerous about it, but because it was a huge threat (as both medicine and fuel) to the Rockefeller drug and oil industries, respectively.

The Rockefeller and Carnegie Tax-Exempt Foundations for “Efficient” Philanthropy

The story doesn’t stop there. Rockefeller and another elite leader Carnegie used their tax-exempt Foundations, from 1913 on, to offer huge grants to the best medical schools all over America – on the proviso that only an allopathic-based curriculum be taught, and that some of their agents be allowed to sit on the Board of Directors. They called this “efficient” philanthropy, which, when through the Orwellian translation unit, means they wanted a return on their investment. They systematically dismantled the curricula of these schools by removing any mention of the natural healing power of herbs and plants, or of the importance of diet to health. The result is a system which to this day churns out doctors who are, almost always, utterly clueless about nutrition and disregard the idea that what you eat can actually heal or hurt you.

A couple of decades after this, another law was passed that further entrenched western medicine in America. The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 gave hospitals grants for construction and modernization, on the condition they provide free healthcare to anyone in need, without discrimination of any kind. Although there were good sides to this, the downside was that once people had become dependent on this system for their healthcare needs – especially those on pharmaceutical pills which need to be taken day after day without end – the system switched into a paid system, and the Rockefellers found themselves with new lifelong customers.

The bitter truth is that, in general, when you go to your Western doctor, you are seen as a potential market for the medical factory’s products. For Big Pharma, there is no financial incentive to heal you, because a patient cured is a customer lost. Even if you are not sick, Big Pharma is still targeting you, trying to convince you that you are ill (e.g. with psychiatry’s ridiculous list of fictitious diseases, many of them fake) so that you will try its latest pill. Pregnant women who go to the doctor are treated like this, and peddled intravenous fluid bags, fetal monitors, ultrasound (radiation for a vulnerable baby), a host of drugs, the totally unnecessary episiotomy, and – to top it all off – the Caesarean delivery!

Bio-Piracy: The Business Model of Western Medicine’s Big Pharma Cartel

Remember, all these synthetic drugs are isolates. Many are derived from plant compounds, but because Nature cannot be patented and sold, Big Pharma has no interest in natural cures. What they do instead is engage in bio-piracy – research natural compounds, copy them (or modify them slightly) in a lab, then try to steal and patent them. If they get a patent, they then market their pill as a wonder drug while simultaneously (through fake scientific research) suppress and criticize the original plant as being worthless, so you won’t go to the source of the cure. Ironically, guess what type of medicine John D. Rockefeller used and the British Royal Family still uses? Homeopathy!


Modern western medicine seems to have lost the supposed point of its existence: healing people. In his revealing book “Confessions of a Medical Heretic“, Dr. Robert Mendolsohn quotes an article entitled “Cleveland’s Marvelous Medical Factory” which boasted of the Cleveland Clinic’s “accomplishments last year: 2,980 open-heart operations, 1.3 million laboratory tests, 73,320 electrocardiograms, 7,770 full-body x-ray scans, 24,368 surgical procedures.” Seems fancy, yet none of these procedures has been proven to have anything to do with maintaining or restoring health. When people get screened for a disease, they are being subjected to dangerous radiation (more money for the Rockefellers) which harms tissue and can end up causing the exact disease it is supposed to be protecting against – as happens daily with the mammogram scam, designed to drum up new breast cancer clients.


John D. Rockefeller, the oil tycoon who helped create Big Pharma and Western Medicine.

Rockefeller Philanthropy is Social Control

The Rockefellers and other elites use philanthropy as a tool for control. It’s social engineering with a nice PR sheen. A free lunch is not really free, whether private (Rockefeller-style western medicine) or public/governmental (Obama-style socialized medicine), because even if you get something at no cost, you are required to give up your data and your privacy. They want you dependent on their system – then they’ll raise the rates once you’re trapped.

This is big business – and it’s also a big killer. Dr. Barbara Starfield published a study in the year 2000 that found that there were 225,000 iatrogenic (allopathic doctor caused) deaths in the US every year. However, this was only counting direct deaths; when you factor in all indirect deaths, as Dr. Gary Null did in 2011 in his report Death by Medicine, the figure is closer to 784,000 per year! That’s 7.8 million people dead from western medicine every 10 years!

Null concluded: “It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States …”

Whenever a lot of people die in a staged false flag attack (like 3000 people on 9/11) or in a staged mind control shooting (like 50 or so people) we hear all about it on the media. Yet between 616 and 2147 Americans are dying every day from Rockefeller Western medicine, and we don’t hear a thing!

Natural Solutions that Surpass Rockefeller-Created Western Medicine

At this point let us turn from the problem to the solutions – and fortunately there are many. The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote:

“Nature heals. The doctor’s task consists in strengthening the natural healing powers, to direct them, and especially not to interfere with them.”

The immune system is your number one defense against any disease – not a vaccine. Most natural medicine is designed to treat the body holistically, not to “cure” one disease only to have it transform and mutate into another ailment. When you takes plants and herbs as medicine, you normally take the whole food, not an isolate, because it is based on a holistic understanding. Likewise, Traditional Chinese Medicine defines all disease as stagnation and treats sickness as an imbalance to be brought back into balance. What is the point of transferring an imbalance in one area into an imbalance in another area? None, unless you are trying to profit off disease like Big Pharma. It is not real healing.

There are so many natural cures and remedies out there, if you take the time to look. Two examples among thousands are turmeric which will do more for your blood pressure and diabetes than any drug can, and apricot kernels (rich in laetrile which selectively kills cancer cells and leaves healthy ones intact) which will handle cancer better than chemotherapy. The Gerson Therapy has also healed thousands of “terminal” cancer patients who were told by doctors of western medicine, “there’s nothing more we can do for you.”

Western medicine has its time and place, and its strengths and weaknesses. Western medicine may be a good system in a critical emergency and for complicated surgical procedures, but for general conditions, there are so many better alternatives. Time to start exploring them!














Honestly, It’s Perfectly Safe!

Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show

VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021.

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines revealed steadily rising numbers, but no new trends. VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received to the system as of Friday of the previous week. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 26, a total of 50,861 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 2,249 deaths — an increase of 199 over the previous seven days — and 7,726 serious injuries, up 631 over the same time period.

Of the 2,249 deaths reported as of March 26, 28% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 19% occurred within 24 hours and 43% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 136.7 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 26.

From the 3-26-2021 release of VAERS data.

This week’s VAERS data show:

  • 19% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
  • 45% of those who died were male, 43% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
  • The average age of those who died was 77.7 and the youngest death was an 18-year-old.
  • As of March 26, 341 pregnant women had reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 104 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Of the 578 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 63% of cases were reported after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinations — almost twice as many as reported (36%) following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine. Seven cases of Bell’s Palsy were reported with Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine (1%).
  • There were 2,578 reports of anaphylaxis, with 53% of cases attributed to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 44% to Moderna and 3% to J&J vaccine, which was rolled out in the U.S. on March 2.
  • Using a broadened search for any reference to anaphylaxis in chart notes resulted in 15,193 reports, with 52% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, 45% to Moderna and 3% to J&J. With each vaccine, nearly 42% of anaphylactic reports occurred in people aged 17-44.

According to the CDC’s website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

To date, the only information the CDC has published related to the investigation of COVID vaccine-related deaths and how those investigations were conducted is a COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Update via the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, published Jan. 27.

An interview in MedPage Today highlighted the shortfalls of the post-marketing surveillance of the COVID vaccine. Aaron Kesselheim, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said we are seeing a lot of spontaneous reporting, a lack of formal post-approval studies because vaccines have only received Emergency Use Authorization and vaccines being given outside the healthcare systems — interfering with the ability to rigorously collect observational data.

Although the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have various systems in place to monitor the safety of vaccines, they are not “up and running” and do not have adequate resources behind them, Kesselheim said.

According to Kesselheim, there’s essentially nobody keeping track of COVID adverse reactions in the U.S. and no long-term safety data, but emphasized that this new mRNA technology is “extremely effective and extremely safe.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We provided a written list of questions about how the CDC conducts investigations into reported deaths, the status of investigations on deaths reported in the media, if autopsies are being done and the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine.

We also inquired about whether healthcare providers are reporting all injuries and deaths that might be connected to the COVID vaccine, and what education initiatives are in place to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.

It took the CDC 22 days to respond to our repeated inquiries. When someone did, the person told us the agency had never received the questions — even though the employees we talked to several times said their press officers were working through the list of questions and were reviewing the email we sent. We provided the questions again yesterday, and requested a response by April 7.

Breakthrough cases

On March 31, The Defender reported on the increasing number of “breakthrough cases” of COVID in fully vaccinated people. Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID, some of which have resulted in hospitalization and death. Investigations are underway to determine if there were problems with the vaccines or if people had been infected with a variant.

When asked about the increasing number of breakthrough cases during a White House press conference, Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical advisor, said it is something they will take seriously and follow closely, but breakthrough infections happen with any vaccination.

CDC issues new travel guidance, vaccine passports stir controversyThe CDC today issued new travel guidance stating that fully vaccinated Americans traveling within the U.S. do not have to get tested for COVID before or after their trip, and do not need to self-quarantine when they return home.

On March 29, The Defender reported that the Biden administration and private companies are working to develop vaccine passports that would require Americans to prove they’ve been vaccinated against COVID as the country opens.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, founder and CEO of Daily Clout, said the passport system really isn’t about the vaccine. It’s about your data, and “once this rolls out you don’t have a choice about being part of the system.”

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said that vaccine credentials are a complete government overstep that will undermine public trust and substantially limit normal day-to-day essential activities. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) said “vaccine passports are unconstitutional. Period.”

On March 26, New York launched a digital vaccine passport system known as Excelsior Pass that residents can use to prove they’ve been vaccinated or recently tested negative for infection. The New York system, built on IBM’s digital health pass platform, will be used at dozens of events, including arts and entertainment venues.

J&J  makes headlines with manufacturing mix-up, report of severe allergic reaction

As The Defender reported April 1, 15 million doses of J&J’s vaccine failed quality control after workers at a Baltimore manufacturing plant negligently put an AstraZeneca ingredient in J&J’s COVID vaccine. The mix-up forced regulators to delay authorization of the plant’s production lines and prompted an investigation by the FDA.

On March 31, Business Insider reported that a 74-year-old Virginia man suffered a rare reaction to J&J’s vaccine that caused a painful rash to spread across his entire body and skin to peel off. Richard Terrell told local news station WRIC he began suffering strange symptoms four days after receiving the vaccine.

“I began to feel a little discomfort in my armpit and then a few days later I began to get an itchy rash, and then after that I began to swell and my skin turned red,” Terrell said.

The rash spread to his entire body and his skin peeled off. He went to the emergency room, where doctors determined that he had experienced an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine.

AstraZeneca suspended in Germany and Canada 

On March 31, The Defender reported that Germany indefinitely suspended use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine for anyone under 60 following advice from STIKO, the country’s independent vaccine committee and external experts.

The committee investigated reports of blood clots, some fatal, in people who received the vaccine and decided to give the vaccine only to people 60 or older unless they belong to a high-risk category where the benefits outweigh the risk of a serious side-effect.

As The Defender reported on March 30, several regions of Germany, including Berlin and Munich, had temporarily paused the vaccine for people under 60 after Germany’s vaccine regulator disclosed 31 cases of a rare brain blood clot, nine of which resulted in deaths. The decision was made as a precaution ahead of a meeting with national medical regulators scheduled for later in the day where it was decided to indefinitely suspend the vaccine.

On March 30, Canada announced it was suspending AstraZeneca’s vaccine for people under age 55 following concerns it might be linked to rare blood clots, The Defender reported.

Health Canada demanded AstraZeneca conduct a detailed study on the risks and benefits of its COVID vaccine across multiple age groups, and suspended the vaccine for younger groups pending the outcome of that review.

On March 24, Health Canada updated the product information for AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccines to warn of the risk of rare blood clots associated with low levels of blood platelets following vaccinations — a stark reversal from Canada’s former position.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


Now That’s Using Our Heads!

Nothing To See Here: Microsoft Files Patent To Mine Cryptos Using Human Brain Activity

by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Apr 01, 2021 – 11:20 PM

Today in “we are totally not heading head-first into a completely dystopian future at a billion miles an hour” news…

Microsoft is reportedly proposing a method to generate cryptocurrency by “monitoring people’s brain activity and other personal biometric data,” according to a new report in The Independent.

The company has reportedly filed for a patent called “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data” which details how a person could attach sensors to their body to “earn” cryptocurrency through mining. Microsoft is apparently not just satisfied with computers doing the crypto mining, they are pushing for mining via a “human body activity associated with a task”.

The patent states: “For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information service provider, such as viewing an advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process.”

It continues: “Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously.”

Such a system would require “hooking up” a device to sensors on the body that “detect the activity required of the user to generate the cryptocurrency.” The report says that “body fluid flow” and “organ activity and movement” are two such body functions, along with brain waves and body heat, that could be monitored.

The patent lists 28 concepts for using such a system to mine for cryptocurrency.