Archaeogryptography -What is it?

Pyramid Matrix, by Carl P. Munck

Keyhole Mounds
Japan. It has now been confirmed! Japan’s keyhole-shaped mounds, called “keyhole mounds,” are part of this ancient Pyramid Matrix system! Learn the deeper meaning of Japan’s keyhole mounds. The ancients knew time every bit as well as we do, and perhaps much better.

Welcome to Atlantis, Lemuria or former technological civilizations are mere myths? Is there a way to know? There is incontrovertible evidence of precise global positioning, thousands of years ago, requiring space age technologies, and satellite triangulation. Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which monuments – across the globe – encode their exact positions with respect to latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called archaeocryptography. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same (modern) equator. For longitude, these monuments were referenced to a former Giza, Egypt Prime Meridian – discovered by Munck – that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid. This Web site provides introductory examples of ancient monuments, how they encode their positions in the Matrix, and resources for deeper study (and verification).

My Discovery of Archaeocryptography

Hello, I’m Carl Munck. I once had a hobby. Cryptography. But it’s not a hobby anymore! Back in 1978 I was trying to develop a code system to be based on the language of latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes and seconds), the idea being to multiply the three numbers in each set to a single number, viz., 15 degrees times 15 minutes times 0l.6000 seconds products at 360 (the number of degrees of arc in any circle).

I won’t say what I was looking for, but let’s just say I was looking for a better mousetrap and let it go at that. It was a great way to pass the time and provided my copious intellect with a lot of fun. That is, until I found my plots getting themselves tangled up with the ancient pyramids.

For example, when I divided the 360° constant by 19 degrees, 18 minutes to 0l.05263l57894 seconds, I found myself on the parallel of latitude which crosses Mexico’s round (360°) Cuicuilco (Kwee-Kueel-Ko) Pyramid just south of Distrito Federal (Mexico City).

What’s this?? The ancients knew that round things comprised 360 degrees of arc? Naw… It has to be coincidence…

England’s Stonehenge. 60 stones × 360° = 21,600 – the number that encodes its grid latitude and also is Earth’s polar circumference in nautical miles. 21,600 ÷ 51° ÷ 10′ = 42.3529411″.  51° 10′ 42.3529411″, is the parallel of latitude that crosses Stonehenge’s exact center. 

But later, when probing the larger 21,600 (Number of Nautical Miles in the earth’s Polar Circumference), I found that when I divided it down through 51 degrees and 10 minutes to 42.3529411 seconds, it crossed the exact center of England’s Stonehenge – another round (360°) monument which originally had 60 stones around its perimeter. As 60 stones times 360° multiplies to exactly 21,600, I then realized that I had found something awesome and, as Stonehenge has recently been redated (C-14) back to 10,000 years BP (see English Heritage, June 1996 edition), it’s incredibly ancient. Global Positioning System technologies among the Clovis Points?

Not possible according to our present concepts of ancient man! His math skills did not exceed his fingers and toes. His knowledge of the world was limited to his horizons and his lack of writing skills pegs him as ignorant. It has been drilled into all of us since grade school.

Problem is, these pyramid/grid scenarios kept coming! Egypt’s El Kula Pyramid (at 36), its Bent Pyramid of Seneferu (180), the Druid Mound in Massachusetts (180), the earthen ideogram (“Fort”) at Newark Ohio (2160), the Temple of the Atlantes at Tula in Mexico (2880), Giza’s Sphinx (5400), Georgia’s Kolomoki Mound (7200), Ohio’s Seip Mound (8640), Mississipi’s Emerald Mound and the Red Pyramid of Seneferu at Dahshur (10,800), the ideogram at Franklin Ohio (16,200), the Great Triangle drawn on the Plains of Nazca in Peru (17,280), Germany’s Go-Low Earthcircle near Bonn (27,000), the “EYE” on the mile-long “FACE” at Poverty Point, Louisiana (32,400), the Oregon Vortex (48,600), MANOS, another drawing on Nazca’s Plains (64,800), North Bimini’s Shark Mound and the Pyramid of the Magicians at Uxmal (129,600) – ALL OF WHICH ARE DIVISIBLE BY 360!

Our modern satellite-accurate topographical maps are very accurate and these ancient pyramids too often EXPLAIN where they are – so there is no chance of error on my part. The monument builders of remote antiquity were in possession of enviable geodetic skills and they left the evidence all around us.


Tanzania-Kenya Border Earthquake

2 relatively strong earthquakes in the border area in between Tanzania and Kenya

Last update: June 3, 2013 at 10:44 am by By

Update 10:48 UTC : The video below gives a good impression of the strange crater of the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano.

Update 10:26 UTC : We invite Tanzanian and/or Kenyan people with a view on Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano, to tell us that the volcano did not show sgns of additional activity as we see both earthquakes very close to the volcano. The second one has an epicenter on the slopes o the volcano !

Image courtesy and copyright SteveAxford

Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano – Image courtesy and copyright SteveAxford

Only 1 reported earthquake by the seismological agencies, but in fact people are reporting 2 quakes being felt in Nairobi.
The earthquake struck in the Lake Natron area.
As depth is given 10 km which corresponds internationally as “we are not sure at all”.
Please keep also in mind that there is always an error margin in pointing the location of the epicenter. All this to tell that this earthquake will be probably tectonic but there is always a chance that the quake can be linked to the nearby volcano.

Seismogram image courtesy Geofon, Germany

Seismogram image courtesy Geofon, Germany

174 km SW of Nairobi, Kenya / pop: 2,750,547 / local time: 06:24:45.4 2013-06-03
107 km NW of Arusha, Tanzania / pop: 341,136 / local time: 06:24:45.4 2013-06-03
73 km W of Longido, Tanzania / pop: 9,403 / local time: 06:24:45.4 2013-06-03

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-03 06:24:45

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-03 03:24:45

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km


Indigenous Uprisings & Planetary Future

For a Future that Won’t Destroy Life on Earth, Look to the Global Indigenous Uprising

Idle No More is the latest incarnation of an age-old movement for life that doesn’t depend on infinite extraction and growth. Now, armed with Twitter and Facebook, once-isolated groups from Canada to South America are exchanging resources and support like never before.
posted May 23, 2013
Melina photo by Jiri Rezac

Melina Laboucan-Massimo stands next to logs from clearcuts at a proposed tar sands site north of Fort McMurray, northern Alberta, Canada. Photo by Jiri Rezac.

There’s a remote part of northern Alberta where the Lubicon Cree have lived, it is said, since time immemorial. The Cree called the vast, pine-covered region niyanan askiy, “our land.” When white settlers first carved up this country, they made treaties with most of its original inhabitants—but for reasons unclear, the Lubicon Cree were left out. Two hundred years later, the Lubicon’s right to their traditional territory is still unrecognized. In the last four decades, industry has tapped the vast resource wealth that lies deep beneath the pines; today, 2,600 oil and gas wells stretch to the horizon. This is tar sands country.

In 2012 testimony before the U.S. Congress, Lubicon Cree organizer Melina Laboucan-Massimo, then 30, described witnessing the devastation of her family’s ancestral land caused by one of the largest oil spills in Alberta’s history. “What I saw was a landscape forever changed by oil that had consumed a vast stretch of the traditional territory where my family had hunted, trapped, and picked berries and medicines for generations.”

“When we’re at home, we feel really isolated,” says Laboucan-Massimo, who has spent her adult life defending her people’s land from an industry that has rendered it increasingly polluted and impoverished. The Lubicon are fighting a hard battle, but their story—of resource extraction, of poverty and isolation, and of enduring resistance—is one that echoes in indigenous communities around the world. Today, Laboucan-Massimo and others like her are vanguards of a network of indigenous movements that is increasingly global, relevant—and powerful.

This power manifests in movements like Idle No More, which swept Canada last December and ignited a wave of solidarity on nearly every continent. Laboucan-Massimo was amazed—and hopeful. Triggered initially by legislation that eroded treaty rights and removed protection for almost all of Canada’s rivers—clearing the way for unprecedented fossil fuel extraction—Idle No More drew thousands into the streets. In a curious blend of ancient and high-tech, images of indigenous protesters in traditional regalia popped up on news feeds all over the world.

A history of resistance

To outsiders, it might seem that Idle No More materialized spontaneously, that it sprang into being fully formed. It builds, however, on a long history of resistance to colonialism that began when Europeans first washed up on these shores. Now, armed with Twitter and Facebook, once-isolated movements from Canada to South America are exchanging knowledge, resources, and support like never before.

“When you destroy the earth, you destroy yourself,” says Melina Laboucan-Massimo. This is “the common thread in indigenous people all over the world.”

Idle No More is one of what Subcomandante Marcos, the masked prophet of the Mexican Zapatistas, called “pockets of resistance,” which are “as numerous as the forms of resistance themselves.” The Zapatistas are part of a wave of indigenous organizing that crested in South America in the 1990s, coinciding with the 500th anniversary of European conquest—most effectively in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Mexico. Certain threads connect what might otherwise be isolated uprisings: They’re largely nonviolent, structurally decentralized, they seek common cause with non-natives, and they are deeply, spiritually rooted in the land.

The connections among indigenous organizers have strengthened through both a shared colonial history and a shared threat—namely, the neoliberal economic policies of deregulation, privatization, and social spending cuts exemplified by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization. Indigenous organizers see these agreements as nothing more than the old colonial scramble for wealth at the expense of the natives. In a 1997 piece in Le Monde Diplomatique, Marcos called neoliberalism “the totalitarian extension of the logic of the finance markets to all aspects of life,” resulting in “the exclusion of all persons who are of no use to the new economy.” Many indigenous leaders charge that the policies implemented through organizations like the World Bank and the IMF prioritize corporations over communities and further concentrate power in the hands of a few.

Uprising in Ecuador

The mid-1990s saw a massive expansion of such policies—and with it, an expansion of resistance, particularly in countries with significant indigenous populations. In 1990, CONAIE, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, staged a massive, nonviolent levantamiento—an uprising—flooding the streets of Quito, blocking roads and effectively shutting down the country. Entire families walked for days to reach the capital to demand land rights, fair prices for agrarian goods, and recognition of Ecuador as a plurinational state, made up of multiple, equally legitimate nations. In the end it forced renegotiation of policy and created unprecedented indigenous representation in government; many hailed CONAIE’s success as a model for organizing everywhere.

CONAIE’s slogan, “Nothing just for Indians,” invited participation from non-indigenous allies around larger questions of inequality and political representation, creating a political space that was big and inclusive enough for everyone. Dr. Maria Elena Garcia, who studies these movements at the University of Washington, says that non-indigenous support has been “crucial” for success across the board. In the case of CONAIE, she says, there came a tipping point when “most Ecuadorians … said, ‘Enough. This organization is speaking for us.’”

Zapatistas photo by Tim Russo

Idle No More clearly exists in the Zapatista tradition, but it goes further in incorporating the language of climate justice. In December as many as 50,000 masked Mayan Zapatistas marched into cities across Chiapas. Differing from the 1994 armed indigenous uprising, this one was done in complete silence.

The Zapatista Army

Meanwhile, in Mexico, the Zapatista movement was busy building a different kind of revolution. On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army took its place on the international stage. It was day one of NAFTA, which Subcomandante Marcos called “a death sentence to the indigenous ethnicities of Mexico.” More than any other movement, they linked local issues of cultural marginalization, racism, and inequality to global economic systems and prophesied a new movement of resistance. The media-savvy revolutionaries used their most potent weapon—words—and the still-new Internet to advocate a new world built on diversity as the basis for ecological and political survival. Transnational from the beginning, the Zapatistas made common cause with “pockets of resistance” everywhere.

Then, a curious change occurred: for nearly 10 years following their initial insurgency, the Zapatistas maintained a self-imposed silence. The world heard little from Marcos, but the autonomous communities in Chiapas were very much alive. They had turned inward, building independent governments, schools, and clinics. As journalist and author Naomi Klein observed, “These free spaces, born of reclaimed land, communal agriculture, resistance to privatization, will eventually create counter-powers to the state simply by existing as alternatives.” Embodying, here and now, the society they seek to create is a powerful manifesto; for those who cared to listen, their silence spoke volumes.

Victory in Bolivia

Most of these movements have used nonviolent tactics, including blockades, occupations of public space, and mass marches—combined with traditional political work—to varying degrees of success. In Bolivia these tactics yielded an extraordinary outcome: the election of Evo Morales, in 2005, as Bolivia’s first indigenous head of state.

Five years later, Morales convened 30,000 international delegates for the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. A response to the repeated failure of international climate negotiations, the gathering was rooted in an indigenous worldview that recognized Mother Earth as a living being, entitled to her own inalienable rights.

The resulting declaration placed blame unequivocally on the capitalist system that has “imposed on us a logic of competition, progress, and limitless growth.” This unrestrained growth, the declaration says, transforms “everything into commodities: water, earth, the human genome, ancestral cultures, biodiversity, justice, ethics, the rights of peoples, and life itself.” Significantly, the declaration also extended the analysis of colonialism to include climate change—calling for “decolonization of the atmosphere”—but it rejected market-based solutions like carbon trading. It’s a holistic analysis that links colonialism, climate change, and capital, a manifesto for what has come to be called “climate justice.”

Idle No More

Fast forward to December 2012, and two things happened: The Zapatistas staged simultaneous marches in five cities, marking a resurgence of their public activism. Anywhere from 10,000–50,000 masked marchers filled the streets in complete silence. The march was timed to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar—and the beginning of a new, more hopeful era—and demonstrated the Zapatistas’ commitment to the indigenous cosmology of their ancestors.

That same month, a continent away, Idle No More emerged on the scene. While it began as a reaction to two specific bills in Parliament, it has gained strength and momentum in opposition to the network of proposed pipelines that will crisscross North America, pumping tar sands oil from Alberta to refineries and ports in Canada and the U.S. These pipelines will cross national, tribal, state, and ethnic boundaries and raise a multitude of issues—including water quality, land rights, and climate change. The campaign to stop their construction is already unifying natives and non-natives in unprecedented ways.

Dr. Garcia, whose own ancestors are indigenous, believes that indigenous movements offer something vital: hope, and what she calls “the importance of the imaginary. Of imagining a different world—imagining a different way of being in the world.”

“We’re a land-based people, but it goes further than that. It’s a worldview. When you destroy the earth, you destroy yourself,” says Melina Laboucan-Massimo. This is “the common thread in indigenous people all over the world.”

The climate crisis is spinning out of control, and the gap between the rich and poor continues grow unabated. It’s time to let the radical uncertainty of this moment enlarge our sense of possibility.

It is this thread that goes to the heart of our global ecological crisis. While indigenous cultures differ widely from one another, what they collectively present is an alternative relationship—to the earth, to its resources, and to each other—a relationship based not on domination but on reciprocity. Any movement that seeks to create deep, lasting social change—to address not only climate change but endemic racism and social inequality—must confront our colonial identity and, by extension, this broken relationship.

Laboucan-Massimo has spent a great deal of time abroad, studying indigenous movements from Latin America to New Zealand and Australia, feeling the full weight of their shared history under colonialism. These days, though, she’s more likely to be on the road, educating, organizing, and building solidarity among natives and non-natives. It was understanding the connections between movements, she says, that gave her “all the more fervor to come back and continue to do the work here.”

Recently, she traveled from Alberta  to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., where she and her elders stood at the forefront of the largest climate change rally in history. And she’ll keep organizing, armed with a smartphone, supported by a growing network of allies from Idle No More and beyond, connected in every possible way to the rest of the world.


South Korea Nixes US Wheat


NaturalNews) News about the GMO contamination of U.S. wheat crops seems to be spreading faster than the GMOs themselves. On Friday, South Korea joined Japan in announcing a halt on imports of U.S. wheat due to the USDA’s recent announcement that commercial wheat grown in the USA is contaminated with Monsanto’s genetically engineered wheat.

Some Americans may still not realize this, but GMOs are outlawed or shunned nearly everywhere around the world. Only in the USA have GMOs managed to avoid being labeled or outlawed — and that’s primarily due to Monsanto’s financial influence over lawmakers.

Monsanto shares plummeted 4 percent on Friday following the announcement by South Korea. This is completely in line with predictions made here at Natural News, where I said earlier in the week, before Japan and South Korea announced their wheat boycotts:

All wheat produced in the United States will now be heavily scrutinized — and possibly even rejected — by other nations that traditionally import U.S. wheat. This obviously has enormous economic implications for U.S. farmers and agriculture.

How much of the U.S. wheat supply is now contaminated with GMOs?

“…the mysterious appearance of the Monsanto wheat has raised questions about how the strain traveled there and whether it is lurking in the commercial wheat crop,” reports the Washington Post.

WashPo goes on to report that Monsanto, “is still testing strains of gene-altered wheat in Hawaii and North Dakota.”

In truth, nobody knows how much of the wheat is contaminated. Every more shockingly, food companies don’t bother testing wheat for GMOs, either!

Until now, that is. All of a sudden, food importers all around the world are wondering whether they are inadvertently buying U.S. wheat that’s contaminated with GMOs. Consumers, too, are asking the question, “Have I been eating GMO wheat without even knowing it?” These Monsanto wheat experiments, after all, have been taking place since 1998.

Is Monsanto lurking in your Wheaties?

U.S. farmers suddenly seeing the economic damage that Monsanto can do

The real issue in all this, however, is an economic issue. Suddenly U.S. farmers are seeing the kind of economic destruction that can be caused by Monsanto’s genetic engineering experiments.

Thanks to Monsanto and the USDA — which approved the open-field experiments — every U.S. farmer who grows wheat is now at high risk of losing enormous sums of money on a food crop that’s increasingly being rejected around the world. This means Monsanto is pushing U.S. farmers toward bankruptcy while harming America’s exports and GDP. Monsanto has become a force of economic destruction in America.

Will Monsanto reimburse all these farmers who suffer an economic loss? Not without being sued, of course. Perhaps it’s time for a nationwide class-action lawsuit against Monsanto, supported by all commercial farmers who hope to be able to protect their crops from market-crushing GMO contamination.

Nobody wants GMOs except Monsanto!

Consumers don’t want GMOs, farmers don’t want GMOs, foreign nations don’t want GMOs and food companies don’t want to deal with the hassle of GMOs either. The only entity that still wants GMO in America is the very company making money off GMO: Monsanto.



Sumatra Volcano Kerinci Eruptions

Kerinci volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia (AV – June 2 – 14:41 UTC)
2 great twitter sites to follow up activity and images of Gunung Kerinci : @Infoseismic and @padangekspres
The image below is a twitter image of the ash cloud earlier today :

Twitter Image courtesy @ Padangekspres

Twitter Image courtesy @ Padangekspres

Kerinci volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia (AV – June 2 – 12:15 UTC)
The Indonesian press reports that some villagers living on the slopes and at the base of the Kerinci volcano (alert level Waspada or 2 on a scale of 4) have fled their houses due to a number of “atomic bomb” black smoke eruptions. The atomic bomb description has to be regarded as a mushroom kind of smoke column. This kind of explosions are very similar than those happening in September 9/2007.
Villagers are fearing that their crops will be lost as soon after the eruption black ash was falling out of the sky. To make it even worse, it started to rain shortly thereafter making the ash even more dangerous for crops. Villagers also told the reporters that they felt strong vibrations.
We expect that CVGHM will increase the alert level from Waspada to Siaga (3 on a scale of 4) very soon.
The volcano was in Waspada status since 2007!
Mount Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia.The summit towers 3805 m above sea level.


North Honduras Coast earthquake

Moderate earthquake off the coast of Northern Honduras (near Sandy Bay)

Last update: June 2, 2013 at 8:56 am by By

Moderate earthquake off the coast of Northern Honduras, close to Sandy Bay

Today's earthquake is at the borrom of the page - The big balloon on this map is a 2009 M7.3 earthquake !

Today’s earthquake is at the borrom of the page – The big balloon on this map is a 2009 M7.3 earthquake !

235 km N of Tegucigalpa, Honduras / pop: 850,848 / local time: 02:33:15.0 2013-06-02
27 km SW of Roatán, Honduras / pop: 7,514 / local time: 02:33:15.0 2013-06-02

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-02 02:33:15

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-02 08:33:15

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km


Taiwan – Dangerous Earthquake

Very Strong dangerous earthquake below Taiwan – 2 person killed, 1 missing and at least 21 people injured (3 seriously)

Last update: June 2, 2013 at 3:08 pm by By

Update 06:06 UTC : USGS has also changed the depth to 14 km, still very shallow. The Maximum shaking now reported by USGS is V or moderate shaking. This means that according to USGS no important damage or injuries can be expected. They are maintaining however there Magnitude at Mw 6.5

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 08.08.35

Update 06:03 UTC : USGS has changed the location of his epicenter which looks a lot better now than before but we call it still dangerous for damage and injuries. USGS gives also a higher Magnitude than the other agencies : M6.5

25km (16mi) SE of Buli, Taiwan
39km (24mi) E of Lugu, Taiwan
49km (30mi) ESE of Nantou, Taiwan
49km (30mi) ESE of Zhongxing New Village, Taiwan
734km (456mi) ENE of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Update 06:02 UTC : The earthquake occurred in the central mountains area but was very shallow and close to a number of villages at the western side of the mountains.

Very shallow dangerous earthquake close to Buli, Taiwan

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 08.00.22

4km (2mi) NE of Buli, Taiwan
32km (20mi) E of Zhongxing New Village, Taiwan
35km (22mi) ENE of Nantou, Taiwan
36km (22mi) ESE of Taichung, Taiwan
725km (450mi) ENE of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.2

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-02 13:43:04

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-02 05:43:04

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 20 km

Update 15:12 UTC : A second killed person is confirmed by the authorities. One more is still missing. Number of injuries rises 21, still only 3 of them were seriously injured. Most of this persons were wounded by the rockfalls and landslides which were triggered by the quake. Also the two killed person died by rockfalls. 3 persons suffered minor injuries by broken glass.

Update 10:58 UTC : Number of injuries rises to 19. 3 of them are seriously injured.

Update 10:12 UTC : 1 killed, 2 seriously injured and 16 slightly injured persons are reported now.

Update 08:48 UTC : And yet another video recorded in Nantou (not so close to the epicenter we think), but nevertheless showing the shaking.

Update 08:43 UTC : The well informed Chinanews reports that at least 17 people have been slightly injured, 1 seriously injured and 1 killed during this earthquake.

Update 08:39 UTC : Another private video showing the damage at a house in Nantou county. Most of the houses in Taiwan have been build according to strict seismic building rules and we see in almost every important earthquake that the damage is after all limited. The house/building structure has a lot of resistance. The damage part is at the end of the video.

Update 08:20 UTC : Some of the stranded tourists are being injured

Update 08:08 UTC : We are searching for more details but most of the reports are to vague to be printed here

Update 07:59 UTC : 3 aftershocks so far respectively M3.1, M3.6 and M3.8

Update 07:58 UTC : Luckily no more fatalities at this point (lets hope it remains like this). At least 7 climbers injured by rockfall. A woman was hit by a landslide while driving with her car, she was severely injured.

Update 07:54 UTC : We talk a lot about reported rockfall. Hard to imagine what it looks like? Check the image below from one of the scenes

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 09.53.33

Update 07:44 UTC : Taiwan’s “Defense Ministry” has requested to complete the first five combat zone troops preparedness, disaster relief initiative to help the public. We have various reports of collapsed walls in houses.

Update 07:42 UTC : more than 1000 tourists are trapped on a mountain platform, because the cable railway was destroyed by landslide

Update 07:40 UTC : Taiwanese police reports that many people have been slightly injured by debris from ceilings.
Sunday afternoon in Taiwan means that many people enjoyed the mountain scene, which is in part the reason that so many people are trapped in these areas.

Update 07:30 UTC : Euronews reports that at least 1 person has been killed in Taiwan due to the earthquake. The killed person was a mountain climber who was killed by rockfall.

Update 07:24 UTC : these are the landslides which happened in many places in Taiwan. Hopefully you are not on the path of the slide

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 09.25.57

Image courtesy and copyright

Image courtesy and copyright

Image courtesy and copyright

Update 07:24 UTC : USGS revised shaking map  (now increased to VII MMI = very strong shaking)

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 09.22.54

Update 07:20 UTC : More than 1000 tourists are trapped in Nantou county due to many landslides. Power is off in some areas.  Cable car service is suspended.

Update 07:17 UTC : We get reports of many injuries in the Central Part of Taiwan due to rockfall. Rescue teams are being send to these locations.

for more information, go to:

Earthquake – Phillipines

Strong very dangerous earthquake in Mindanao, Philippines (near Kabacan, Carmen, Libungan, President Roxas and Midsayap)

Last update: June 1, 2013 at 4:26 pm by By

Update 15:54 UTC : We get gradually a better view on what is happening as we have received a number of reports from Kabacan which is less than 30 km from the epicenter. these reports are confirming the strong expected shaking + also the many aftershocks (at least 10).
Kabacan Experience reports :
– still experiencing very strong aftershocks. almost 10 aftershocks already (Very Strong shaking indicated)
– in only split of seconds, earthquake for 3x (strong shaking indicated)
– Lasted for less than a minute (Very Strong shaking indicated)
– Both swinging and bouncing motion (Very Strong shaking indicated)
In Libungan, a location 35 km west of the epicenter, the power was out shortly
– I opened the door, got out of the house. Very strong,  even our dogs panicked. its 10:28pm on our clock, followed by slight shaking at around 10:55pm .we are viewing PGT but power was off for few minutes.
– Cannot avoid panicking as I was so afraid.
Another location with rather high Shaking values is Midsayap :
– my family was so afraid it is very strong earthquake i easily carry my grand ma because of too nervous all i want is to escaped inside the house carrying my lola a very impressive adrenalin rush
– Strong shaking, swaying of framed pictures on wall.., really caused fear among us.
– I’m worried for our house is not concrete. We’re not able to stand and look for safest place.
– So afraid. It was a sudden shake but really strong.
– it was a strong earthquake, i and my kids seek refuge at the lawn where it is open and the safest place for us.

Update 15:54 UTC : The earthquake occurred at 22h local time. At this time a day, more people are at home and therefore more vulnerable to collapsing residential buildings.
Landslides: The maximum slope in the area of the earthquake is 49.865% and the maximum altitude is 2804 m. Since this is a medium slope, the risk of earthquake induced landslides is medium.
There are no Hydrodams in the greater epicenter area (gdacs data)

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 17.53.37

Update 15:31 UTC : No information yet from the epicenter area. The earthquake occurred at 22:10 local time, which means probably in the dark. Normally it takes a few hours before Civil Defense reports are starting to come in.

Update 15:16 UTC : Preliminary Focal Mechanism as reported by CPPGeophysics

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 17.20.47

Update 15:16 UTC : Carmen is a 1st class municipality in the province of Cotabato, Philippines. According LGPMS (as of 2009), it has a population of 65,670 people in 13,325 households. (source Wikipedia)

Update 15:12 UTC : GDACS reports the following locations close with their distance to the epicenter : The earthquake happened 87km from Davao. The nearest populated places are: Wangay (17km), Mlang (16km), Imbuc Rancheria (18km), Kayaga (12km), Lamiaon (18km), Kinudal (7km), Linao (15km), Carman (5km), Miuban (19km), Tubac (17km), Manarapan (7km), Simoney (6km), Kibudtungan (12km), Datu Santilla (17km), Liliongan (18km). The closest civilian airport is Awang (70km).

Update 15:15 UTC : So far, we have not received any I Have Felt It reports from the direct epicenter area (President Roxas or Carmen).

Update 15:12 UTC : The USGS picture below shows scary data – A MMI VII (very strong) shaking is expected to be felt by 110,000 people !

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 17.12.26

Update 14:54 UTC : The Phivolcs epicenter map below shows the main faults cris-crossing the many islands but surprisingly not a main fault near the epicenter of today’s earthquake

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 16.54.55

Update 14:54 UTC : Phivolcs Philippines is just like us expecting damage as well as aftershocks.
The shaking intensities as reported by Phivolcs are as follows (at ER we think that the shaking will be stronger, more like USGS predicts):
Intensity IV – Matalam, North Cotabato
Intensity III – Tacurong City, Marawi City; Kidapawan City; Cotabato City; Cagayan de Oro City
Intensity II – Davao City; Valencia City; Polanco, Zamboanga del Norte
Important : the Phivolcs Shaking values are NOT MMI values but are according their own scale which is as follows :
II : Slightly Felt – Felt by few individuals at rest indoors. Hanging objects swing slightly. Still Water in containers oscillates noticeably.
III : Weak – Felt by many people indoors especially in upper floors of buildings. Vibration is felt like one passing of a light truck. Dizziness and nausea are experienced by some people. Hanging objects swing moderately. Still water in containers oscillates moderately.
IV : Moderately Strong – Felt generally by people indoors and by some people outdoors. Light sleepers are awakened. Vibration is felt like a passing of heavy truck. Hanging objectsswing considerably. Dinner, plates, glasses, windows and doors rattle. Floors and walls of wood framed buildings creak. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Liquids in containers are slightly disturbed. Water in containers oscillate strongly. Rumbling sound may sometimes be heard.

Update 14:44 UTC : We have just changed the title of this page from ‘dangerous into ‘very dangerous. The main reason is the very populated area and new data from local Phivolcs (Philippines seismological agency). they have reported a Magnitude of M5.7 at a extremely shallow depth of 5 km and thats really bad news for an radius of 25 km around the epicenter.

Update 14:41 UTC : The village of Carmen is at only 4 km from the epicenter (USGS data). The shaking lasted from 5 seconds to even a minute like some people reported. If a shaking of 30 seconds to a minute is confirmed, this will be bad news, as the longer the shaking is lasting the more chance there is for damage.

Update 14:35 UTC : The image below (Google Satellite View) is showing an additional reason of fear : A lot of farming fields left of the river and near the USGS epicenter (Which differs a lot from the initial EMSC epicenter). USGS is locating the epicenter very close to Carmen.

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 16.35.28

Update 14:32 UTC : The shaking map below shows why we are calling this earthquake dangerous. An MMI very strong shaking is (theoretically) expected by USGS.

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 16.31.52

Update 14:28 UTC : USGS has reported a depth of 18 km and a Magnitude of M5.6.
President Roxas is a location of 10,000 inhabitants at only 14 km from the epicenter (EMSC epicenter location)

A strong earthquake occurred in the middle of Mindanao. calls this earthquake as very dangerous for damage and/or injuries, the main reason being the shallow depth and the chance on landslides.

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 16.17.47

932 km SE of Manila, Philippines / pop: 10,444,527 / local time: 22:10:11.0 2013-06-01
54 km W of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,212,504 / local time: 22:10:11.0 2013-06-01
14 km NE of President Roxas, Philippines / pop: 10,879 / local time: 22:10:11.0 2013-06-01

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-01 22:10:09

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-01 14:10:09


SInai Desert Earthquake

Moderate earthquake in the Sinai desert, Egypt

Last update: June 1, 2013 at 12:07 pm by By

Update 12:09 UTC : USGS has reported a Magnitude of 4.8 at a depth of 10 km. We keep our estimate that this earthquake will not be damaging outside a radius of 30 km (all major populated areas are outside this radius)

Update 12:01 UTC : we seemed to be wrong as this earthquake was also felt in Cairo as a very weak shaking (reported by our readers). Our bottom map shows that there were NO significant earthquakes in this area since 1900.

A moderate earthquake happened in the Egypt desert. We do not expect however that this earthquake was felt in Cairo, unless we get notifications from people there. So far none.

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 14.03.53

268 km SE of Cairo, Egypt / pop: 7,734,614 / local time: 14:49:35.0 2013-06-01
51 km N of Tor, Egypt / pop: 14,972 / local time: 14:49:35.0 2013-06-01

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.8

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-01 13:49:33

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-01 11:49:33

Moderate earthquake in the Sinai desert, Egypt

Hungary Burns GMO Corn


(NaturalNews) When it comes to protecting the public from GMOs, Hungary knows how to get the job done: set fire to the fields growing GM corn!

Although environmentalists might at first argue about the ramifications of burning so much organic matter right out in the open, the deeper truth is that genetic pollution poses a vastly more serious threat to our world, and burning GM corn is the one sure way to destroy the poisonous genetic code contained in plant tissues. In fact, I hope to see the day when the U.S. courts order the destruction of all GM corn fields across America. And I suspect that if the courts won’t rise to the occasion, the People will sooner or later find a way to get it done on their own. Think “Army of the 12 Monkeys” but with a GMO slant.

Lajos Bognar, Hungary’s Minister of Rural Development, reported this week that around 500 hectares of GM corn were ordered burned by the government. Hungary has criminalized the planting of genetically modified crops of any kind, and it has repeatedly burned thousands of hectares of illegal GM crops in years past.

This news was originally published in Portuguese at Rede Brasil Atual. An English translation has been posted at

GMOs are outlawed across the planet

GMOs have been banned in 27 countries, and GMOs are required to be labeled in at least 50 countries. In America, where Monsanto has deployed an insidious degree of influence over the legislature and courts, GMOs are neither illegal nor required to be labeled. In fact, 71 U.S. Senators recently voted against a measure that would have allowed states to pass their own food labeling laws.

Those Senators are now known as the Monsanto 71. The list includes Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, both senators from agricultural states (Kentucky and Texas) where Monsanto continues to exercise heavy influence over farmers.

Shockingly, most farmers who are planting GMOs have no knowledge whatsoever of what GMOs are or why people don’t want them in their food. They’ve been lied to by the biotech industry which promised them “higher yields” and “greater profits.” In reality, GM crop yields have plummeted even while giving rise to herbicide-resistant “superweeds” that now threaten many farms. With soils that have been rendered sterile with glyphosate and crop yields falling, farmers are increasingly finding themselves in dire straights.

Their only way out, of course, is to return to planting non-GMO crops. But wisdom moves very, very slowly through Texas A&M, a Monsanto stronghold and key propaganda center for pushing frankenfoods in the South.

A genetic apocalypse may devastate America’s bread basket

Hungary was wise to protect its agricultural sector from Monsanto’s imperialism. In contrast, America is incredibly foolish to sell out its food supply to destructive corporate interests that value nothing but profit.

By disallowing GMO labeling and promoting the continued commercialization of genetically modified crops (thanks, USDA!), the U.S. government is playing Russian roulette with America’s food future. One day, something the scientists didn’t anticipate will kick in, and the crimes against nature that have been committed by Monsanto will explode into a genetic apocalypse that threatens the future of life on our planet.

Remember: GMOs aren’t merely “pollution” in the classic sense. They are self-replicating pollution that may be impossible to stop. Hence the wisdom of burning GM corn fields to the ground. Fire destroys DNA and breaks down vegetable matter into its elemental constituents: carbon and mineral ash, essentially. Fields that were once dangerous are now harmless. Fire restores sanity by destroying the engineered DNA dreamed up by mad scientists working for arrogant, foolish corporations who think they’re smarter than Mother Nature and God.

Mark my words: there will come a day when Americans will wish they had burned all the GM corn fields to the ground. But by then it will be too late. The blight will be upon us, and with it comes the starvation, the suffering, the desperation and the riots. Hunger turns all family men into savages, just as greed turns all corporate men into demons.

To avoid both outcomes, we must banish GMOs now. Indict the executives of Monsanto for conspiracy to commit mass poisoning of the people. Invoke the RICO Act. Pull out the Patriot Act. Use whatever laws are on the books to put this monster away so that future generations do not have to suffer the devastating consequences of open-world genetic experiments gone awry.

If we don’t learn from Hungary, we will sooner or later be schooled by hunger.

