Update 05:41 UTC : JMA reports a max intensity of JMA 5-, just below what we see as the damage potential. Slight damage is however always possible.
Update 05:38 UTC: Magnitude M5.6 at a depth of 590 km. Epicenter : Saitama-ken Hokubu
2km (1mi) NNW of Hasuda, Japan
3km (2mi) SW of Shiraoka, Japan
5km (3mi) ENE of Ageo, Japan
7km (4mi) NW of Iwatsuki, Japan
34km (21mi) N of Tokyo, Japan
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.1
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-05-25 14:28:10
March Against Monsanto explodes globally… World citizens stage massive protests across 38 countries, 428 cities… mainstream media pretends it never happened
Sunday, May 24, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) The March Against Monsanto exploded across the planet today as protesters took to the streets in 38 countries and 428 cities to protest the world’s most evil corporation: Monsanto. (Tweet this story #MarchAgainstMonsanto)
Protesters from New York, London, Berlin, Paris and even across South America, Asia and India rallied against the toxic agricultural practices of Monsanto, a corporation whose business model depends on poisoning the citizens of the planet, destroying the agricultural ecosystem, monopolizing the seed supply and hiring online character assassins to attack anyone who opposes its agenda.
Protesters worldwide took to the streets today to demand GMO labeling and bans on Roundup (glyphosate), the toxic herbicide chemical that even the World Health Organization recently linked to cancer. “We need to stop feeding humanity such a vile toxin,” said one protester.
Watch the protest compilation video from RT here: (see more pictures below)
Photo credit h/t to John Graf for the above two photos.
Mainstream media totally compromised, refuses to cover massive global uprising against Monsanto
As expected, virtually the entire “sellout” mainstream media refused to cover the event, pretending that the citizens of the world aren’t rising up against an enormous corporate evil that threatens the future of our planet.
The Associated Press ran a story mentioning local protests in Hawaii but refused to print the words “March Against Monsanto” or to even mention that these protests were taking place in over 400 cities across the globe.
Nearly the entire western media has been infiltrated and corrupted by Monsanto, including the once-respected magazine National Geographic which now functions as the propaganda arm for the life-destroying biotech industry. National Geographic’s magazines are now filled with multi-page ads for Big Pharma and Big Biotech, while its editors ludicrously attempt to paint scientists and citizens who have concerns about GMOs as tin foil hat-wearing lunatics.
Once-celebrated newspapers like the Washington Post have also been entirely overrun by Monsanto infiltration and disinformation. The paper’s science editors function as nothing more than Monsanto puppets and propaganda mouthpieces, pushing biotech talking points as if they were scientific fact while utterly ignoring the realities of cancer-causing glyphosate, seed supply monopolization, genetic pollution and Monsanto’s lawsuit attacks on farmers.
Today, only the Independent Media covers the truth about Monsanto, GMOs and glyphosate. Every mainstream media news source has sold out humanity to pure evil.
Here are some of the photos from RT’s March Against Monsanto video:
New emphasis on glyphosate (Roundup)
This year’s marches featured increased emphasis on the toxicity of Roundup (glyphosate), Monsanto’s weed killer chemical that’s sprayed liberally on crops.
Glyphosate has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization, and researchers around the world believe glyphosate is linked to increased risks of cancer tumors in humans and animals that consume GMO crops.
This photo from the Seralini study shows how glyphosate and GMOs caused massive, fatal tumors in laboratory rats:
Glyphosate is also now strongly suspected of contributing to the autism epidemic. Dr. Stephanie Seneff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is now warning that if the chemical poisoning of our world isn’t stopped, nearly half of all children born in the United States by the year 2025 will be autistic.
Watch this video from Next News Network for more details:
Hillary Clinton’s ties to Monsanto exposed
Natural News has been key in exposing Hillary Clinton’s deep ties to Monsanto. Now known as the “Bride of Frankenfood,” Hillary Clinton is a pro-Monsanto operative who hired a top Monsanto lobbyist to help run her campaign.
She also represented Monsanto as a lawyer with her now-infamous Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Clinton is so pro-Monsanto and pro-GMO that she even spoke on behalf of the Biotechnology Industry Organization.
If Hillary Clinton becomes President, Monsanto will occupy the White House. This is why it’s absolutely crucial that the Democratic party find someone else to win the primary who isn’t a Monsanto puppet.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, you can expect the full Monsanto agenda to be aggressively pushed as national policy:
• A nationwide federal ban on GMO labeling.
• Immediate USDA approval of all experimental GMO crops.
• Extreme, politically motivated attacks against all anti-GMO activists, scientists and journalists.
• Huge increases in taxpayer-funded subsidies for farmers who grow GMO crops.
• Aggressive corporate imperialism push to overturn bans on glyphosate and GMOs by other nations.
• Possibly even attempts by the FDA to outlaw non-GMO Project Verified labels in the same way they attacked hormone-free labels for cow’s milk.
Make no mistake: A vote for Hillary is a vote for Monsanto.
29km (18mi) SW of Pratt, Kansas
102km (63mi) ESE of Dodge City, Kansas
104km (65mi) S of Great Bend, Kansas
112km (70mi) SW of Hutchinson, Kansas
252km (157mi) NNW of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 4
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-05-23 13:44:29
El Niño Brings Wet Summer to Plains; Western Drought Continues
by Becky Oskin, Senior Writer | May 21, 2015
Forecasts for June, July and August in the United States suggest temperatures will be cooler than usual in the central Plains.
Credit: NOAA
The West can expect its warm and dry weather to continue through the summer, while the central Plains will be relatively cool and wet, according to a summer forecast released today (May 21).
The East will be slightly warmer than average, and drought will intensify in the Northeast and the Pacific Northwest, a pattern that’s typical of El Niño summers, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
Texas and Oklahoma have already felt the force of El Niño-influenced weather, NOAA said in a briefing today. Both states were in a severe drought last year, but this spring, drenching rainstorms refilled the states’ parched reservoirs to near capacity. Kentucky also saw a soaking spring, recording its second wettest April on record. “This pattern is partially the effect of El Niño conditions,” said David Unger, a forecaster with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
The Texas drought began in October 2010 and was the second-driest spell in the state’s history, said Victor Murphy, a program manager for the National Weather Service’s Southern Region. “It looks like the Texas drought is pretty much over,” Murphy said. [The 5 Worst Droughts in US History]
In summer, a strong El Niño often steers heavy rainstorms toward the southern Plains states and the intermountain West, including Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. However, the summer forecast calls for dry conditions in the West and Alaska, Unger said.
An El Niño also tends to tamp down Atlantic hurricane activity and boost Pacific hurricanes; NOAA plans to release its hurricane forecast on May 27.
The El Niño is a cyclic climate phenomenon that involves both the ocean and the atmosphere. One of its hallmarks is warmer-than-average sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Although the El Niño fizzled last winter, the pool of warm water stuck around this spring and strengthened into a full-blown event.
With an El Niño brewing in the Pacific, the warm tropical ocean surface has been helping set new global heat records this year. Global temperatures in April 2015 were the fourth warmest on record since 1880, said Jake Crouch, a NOAA climatologist. And the first four months of 2015 shattered old heat records.
During January through April, the average temperature across land and ocean surfaces was 1.44 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) above the 20th-century average. This surpassed the previous record, set in 2010, by 0.13 F (0.07 C).
“2015 is very warm compared to other years,” Crouch said. “It has been really quite a bit ahead of the pack.”
Dulce, New Mexico is a quite little town located about 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. It is home to about 900 people with one major motel and a few stores. It’s not your typical resort town and it is not bustling with activity. However, this sleepy town harbors a deep, dark secret hidden below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. A secret so deep, that it involves a joint government-alien bio-genetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
The Dulce Base is believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America where there are allegedly conducting experiments including: atomic manipulation, cloning, mind control, animal/human crossbreeding, chip implantation, abduction, and feeding off of humans.
The video below contains extraordinary notes taken by a scientist who was commissioned by the government to visit alien crash sites and observe alien life (the scientist is now in hiding). In it he reveals top secret information on the Dulce Base and its inner workings. HOWEVER, I must warn you, the information is the video is top secret, and just by reading it, it puts a target on your back, people have been killed for sharing this knowledge. So please watch with caution….
These pictures were allegedly smuggled out of the base by a Dulce security officer named, Thomas Costello. He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public.
The following document is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.
Update : ER does not exclude slight damage like cracks in walls, fallen tiles, etc.
9km (6mi) ENE of Yountville, California
14km (9mi) N of Napa, California
23km (14mi) NE of Sonoma, California
25km (16mi) WNW of Vacaville, California
68km (42mi) WSW of Sacramento, California
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 4.09
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-05-21 19:53:01
You may not have noticed, but our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. According to Volcano Discovery, 40 volcanoes around the globe are erupting right now, and only 6 of them are not along the Ring of Fire. If that sounds like a very high number to you, that is because it is a very high number.
As I have written about previously, there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions during the entire 20th century. When you divide that number by 100, that gives you an average of about 35 volcanic eruptions per year. So the number of volcanoes that are erupting right now is well above the 20th century’s average for an entire calendar year.
And of course we are witnessing a tremendous amount of earthquake activity as well. Nepal was just hit by the worst earthquake that it had seen in 80 years, and scientists are telling us that the Himalayas actually dropped by an astounding 3 feet as a result of that one earthquake. How much more does our planet have to shake before people start paying attention?
Of course the things that we have been seeing lately are part of a much larger long-term trend. Seismic activity appears to have been getting stronger over the past few decades, and now things really seem to be accelerating. The following is how one news source recently summarized what we have been witnessing…
If it seems like earthquakes and erupting volcanoes are happening more frequently, that’s because they are. Looking at global magnitude six (M6) or greater from 1980 to 1989 there was an average of 108.5 earthquakes per year, from 2000 to 2009 the planet averaged 160.9 earthquakes per year: that is a 38.9% increase of M6+ earthquakes in recent years. Unrest also seems to be growing among the world’s super-volcanoes.
Iceland (which is home to some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet), Santorini in Greece, Uturuncu in Bolivia, the Yellowstone and Long Valley calderas in the U.S., Laguna del Maule in Chile, Italy’s Campi Flegrei – almost all of the world’s active super-volcanic systems are now exhibiting some signs of inflation, an early indication that pressure is building in these volcanic systems.
But of course most Americans are never going to care about any of this until it starts affecting them personally.
Well, perhaps they should start paying attention to the warning signs. In recent weeks we have seen significant earthquakes in Michigan, Texas, Mississippi, California, Idaho and Washington. In addition, it is being reported that pressure is building in dormant volcanoes in Arizona and California. Just because we have not had a killer earthquake or a large volcanic eruption in the U.S. in recent years does not mean that it will always be that way. Right now the entire planet appears to be waking up, and this especially seems to be true of the Ring of Fire.
If you are not familiar with the Ring of Fire, just imagine a giant ring that runs around the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur within this area, and the entire west coast of North America is considered to be part of the Ring of Fire.
For so long, the west coast has been incredibly blessed not to have experienced a major seismic event. But scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time.
And right now, just about every other part of the Ring of Fire is shaking violently.
For example, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake just hit Japan on Wednesday…
A magnitude-6.8 earthquake that shook northeast Japan on Wednesday was an aftershock of the devastating 2011 quake that triggered a massive tsunami and nuclear power plant meltdown.
“We consider this morning’s earthquake to be an aftershock of the 2011 Northeastern Pacific Earthquake,” said Yohei Hasegawa, an official at the Japanese meteorological agency.
The temblor, which struck just after 6 a.m. local time (5 p.m. ET Tuesday), was sparked by the Pacific tectonic plate “subducting,” or moving under, the main land plate, he added.
Hasegawa warned that more tremors may be on the way.
Meanwhile, a series of very strong earthquakes have struck Papua New Guinea recently as well. The following comes from the Washington Post…
A powerful earthquake rattled Papua New Guinea on Thursday, the fourth strong quake to hit the South Pacific island nation in a week. The temblor prompted officials to issue a local tsunami warning, but it was lifted shortly afterward with no reports of damage.
The 7.1-magnitude quake struck about 150 kilometers (94 miles) southwest of the town of Panguna on Bougainville Island at a depth of 23 kilometers (14 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
Once again, just because things have always been a certain way does not mean that they will always be that way.
As Americans, we are not accustomed to being concerned about major earthquakes and massive volcanic eruptions, but that could soon change in a big way.
The truth is that our planet and our sun are changing in ways that are unpredictable and that our scientists don’t completely understand.
For example, a recent LiveScience article discussed the fact that scientists are deeply puzzled by the fact that the magnetic field of our planet is getting weaker 10 times faster than previously believed…
Scientists already know that magnetic north shifts. Once every few hundred thousand years the magnetic poles flip so that a compass would point south instead of north. While changes in magnetic field strength are part of this normal flipping cycle, data from Swarm have shown the field is starting to weaken faster than in the past. Previously, researchers estimated the field was weakening about 5 percent per century, but the new data revealed the field is actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought. As such, rather than the full flip occurring in about 2,000 years, as was predicted, the new data suggest it could happen sooner.
And in a previous article, I discussed how one scientist has discovered that activity on the sun is declining at a faster pace “than at any time in the last 9300 years” right now.
I don’t pretend to have all the answers for why these things are happening, but clearly some very unusual things are taking place.
So what do you think?
Do you believe that you know why our planet and our sun are experiencing such dramatic changes?
Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…
Update 12:55 UTC: Landslides are blocking roads to Dolakha which unfortunately means that the worst of the damage is yet to be realised.
We are hopeful that more people were outside than calculated. If 85% were outside at the time near the epicenter, the expected death toll is closer to 200.
Update 12:40 UTC:Landslides on the (Sidhartha, Koshi, Arniko) Highways are in many places. Landslides have occurred in:-
Rasuwa – Mailung
Dolakha – Singati
Dhankuta – Karkichhap
Syanja – Bhalupahad
Ramechhap – Lakhanpur
Update 12:15 UTC : 16 are reported dead in Bihar, with at least 21 injuries.
This follows the following distribution. We hope that given that the earthquake occurred around 1pm, that many more people were outside, and that the death toll will not reach 500.
Update 11:55 UTC : The Indian injuries have been confirmed: 16 in Bihar, 8 in West Bengal. “Several” in UP. 25 are said to be buried under a collapsed building also in Bihar.
Update 11:25 UTC : Injured so far: Kathmandu 357, Bhaktapur 187, Lalitpur 174 – in total 1117 injured.
There have been 12 “live rescues””, 9 in Dolakha and 3 in Kathmandu.
Update 11:15 UTC : 51 dead : 36 Nepal, 14 India and 1 in China. 1132 injuries.
Update 10:54 UTC : This earthquake is a new event, and has its own aftershock sequence. This is the sequence so far as mapped out by Andreas Schaefer, CEDIM.
Update 10:45 UTC : The time of day was again lucky for the Nepalese, with many people being outside of their houses. We hope that a lot more than 40% were out of their houses!
Update 10:45 UTC : At least 16 have died in Nepal, and 335 are reported injured so far. Chautara – 2 have at least died. 8 have died in Dolakha (this may mean that Bhaktapur was wrong information. 2 have died in Sindhuli.
Update 10:42 UTC : At least 4 people have died in Bihar, India. 4 people have died in Chautara, Sindhupalchok, and 8 in Bhaktapur. More information is expected from Dolakha soon.
Update 10:30 UTC : The likely fatalities from the CATDAT model unfortunately from this cruel triggered event seem to be around the expected 250-600 mark depending on how many people were in their houses. It should be noted that these are median estimates, and that only the distribution should be looked at. Based on historical sequences, this triggered event was quite likely. Most fatalities are expected in Dolakha and Sindhupalchok.
Information is quite slow to surface due to the shock and recovery that was going on at the time of the event.
Update 10:10 UTC : Many rockfalls and landslides have occurred.
Update 09:40 UTC : This triggered earthquake has caused much damage throughout Dolakha.
Update 09:30 UTC : Much damage is expected in Dolakha. 4 have been killed in Bihar.
Update 09:20 UTC : Updated CATDAT fatality estimate using 40% occupancy: median 580 fatalities with a range from 125-2000. The economic losses have reduced to 250-1200 million with $550 million coming from additional damage. This is with removing the previous losses from the M7.8 earthquake. This does not include the potential extra landslide deaths and losses!
Update 09:15 UTC : 8 dead in Bhaktapur.
Update 09:10 UTC : Of the fatalities through the theoretical model, most are expected in Sindhupalchok (+100), Dolakha (+170), Dhanusa, and a few in Kavrepalanchok.
Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu are expected to have additional damage.
Chautara has reported 4 fatalities and a number of collapsed buildings.
Please stay in open field, help us make free road, do not make phone nw busy. SMS is suggested.
Update 08:55 UTC : From the CATDAT Model:
“The key issue with this triggered earthquake is that there will be much damage on both sides of the border and there is very little data historically. Taking the intensities into account as well as a very different occupancy ratio, it is likely that there will be 50-815 fatalities with a median of 200 additional fatalities. This is using a 10% occupancy ratio in affected communities.
In addition to the damage caused by the first quake, we are calculating an additional 300-1400 million USD damage caused by this earthquake with a median of 600 (620) million USD. There are many uncertainties at this point in terms of all losses, so this will be updated in the coming hours.”
Update 08:38 UTC : There will be significant damage from this earthquake, in already damaged locations. Sindhupalchok, was already hard hit from the earthquake, with most people living outside.
Update 07:38 UTC : Below the shaking maps as published by USGS
Update 07:25 UTC : This earthquake or aftershock will certainly cause new fatalities and even a lot more damage
22km (14mi) SE of Zham, China
66km (41mi) ENE of Banepa, Nepal
69km (43mi) ENE of Panaoti, Nepal
83km (52mi) E of Kathmandu, Nepal
84km (52mi) ENE of Patan, Nepal
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 7.3
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-05-12 12:50:18
Strong earthquake mear Caliente, Nevada (felt in St George and Las Vegas)
Last update: May 22, 2015 at 8:32 pm by By Armand Vervaeck
Update : The strongest earthquake since 1900 in this area happened in St. George Utah and measured M5.6 (1992)
Update : The maximum projected shaking will be “light shaking”
Update : Earthquake-Report.com does not expect serious damage from this earthquake mainly because it happened in a very unpopulated area.

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 4.83
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-05-22 11:47:43
GMT/UTC Time : 2015-05-22 18:47:43
from: http://earthquake-report.com/2015/05/22/strong-earthquake-caliente-nevada-on-may-22-2015/