Hidden Measures for Vaccination

Bill Gates Says Next-Generation Vaccines to Offer ‘Longer Duration, More Coverage’ and Will Be Administered Needle-Free (VIDEO)

Screenshot: CNBC-TV18/Youtube

At the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) held from January 15–19, 2024, Bill Gates has sparked skepticism with his recent statements about the future of vaccines.

In an interview with CNBC-TV18’s Shereen Bhan, Gates expressed confidence in the development of next-generation vaccines that promise longer duration, broader coverage, and the shift towards needle-free administration.

“We make sure that for all these vaccines, there’s enough capacity; there’s competition. So the prices keep going down, and we will have new vaccines,” said Gates.

“We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even the things like COVID vaccines; we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage. And we’re going to change instead of using a needle to use a little patch. So the pandemic really highlighted that we’ve been underinvested in those innovations, and our partners in India are part of how we’re going to get these breakthrough products done,” he added.


Gates, whose Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently invested $23.6 million in U.S.-based Micron Biomedical to develop needle-free vaccine technology, emphasized the importance of affordable, accessible, and innovative vaccine solutions.

This technology will use a patch-like device with dissolvable microneedles.

Micron Biomedical announced:

Micron Biomedical, a life science company developing first-in-class dissolvable microarray-based products that simplify and improve the transport, storage, and administration of drugs and vaccines, today announced a $23.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will fund mass production of needle-free vaccines.

The manufacturing facility will enable commercialization of the first microarray technology-based measles-rubella vaccine, indicated for children as young as 9 months, once approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities following additional clinical study.

In low- and middle-income countries, measles remains a leading cause of death, primarily due to limited access to vaccines that require refrigeration during transport and storage and clinicians to administer them.  Micron is developing a needle-free version of the measles-rubella (MR) vaccine based on its microarray technology.

The technology reduces the need for a cold chain and allows a community health worker to vaccinate a child within minutes by applying the technology to the skin and pressing a button that confirms administration. The administration of the vaccine is virtually pain-free

from:    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/bill-gates-says-next-generation-vaccines-offer-longer/

A Bit About Zeta Potential

How to Improve Zeta Potential and Liquid Crystalline Water Inside the Body

Exploring the Wild West of Water Cures and the legitimate options I have come across.

In this series, I have attempted to explain the vital importance of liquid crystalline water and zeta potential throughout the body—something I have greatly emphasized since I recognized that their disruption appears to be a key component of spike protein vaccine injuries. One of the most common questions I, in turn, receive is, “What can be done to fix this?”

I have held off on answering that question for a while because first, I wanted to lay out the necessary context to explain many of the concepts behind the existing approaches so that the user could apply each one in the most rational manner. Additionally, I wanted to gather more data on the treatment effects observed in individuals with spike protein injuries and answer a question that I felt was critical to unraveling this whole puzzle: What are the overlaps and differences between the factors that promote zeta potential and those that promote liquid crystalline water?

In the previous article, I provided my best attempt to answer that question, and I cannot even begin to desribe how much research went into my initial attempt (10+ books, more articles than I can count, and so forth).

What is the Relationship Between Liquid Crystalline Water and Zeta Potential?

MAY 15, 2023
What is the Relationship Between Liquid Crystalline Water and Zeta Potential?

I believe healthy fluid circulation is one of the most neglected aspects of health and, ultimately, the cause of many of the COVID-19 and vaccine spike protein injuries we have seen. Unfortunately, since the topic is so neglected, very little knowledge exists of what creates these flows.

Read full story

Much of what is written in this article will only make sense if that article first. Additionally, some approaches that treat either are covered in the previous article rather than here.

Lastly, some of the approaches I believe improve one of these (zeta potential or liquid crystalline water) may be instead improving the other or improving both.

Improving Liquid Crystalline Water

Throughout the decades I have spent in the holistic health field, I have always noticed there are two products that everyone sells—something that “improves” water (e.g., a fancy filter or a packet to put in each drink) and pendants that shield you from EMFs. I will fully admit I’ve looked at a lot of these; I’m not sure if many of them do anything, and since newer and “better” ones keep on coming out, I’ve given up evaluating most of them.

Once Gerald Pollack introduced the 4th Phase of the Water concept (liquid crystalline water), many people, not surprisingly, started selling things they claimed would help your body produce liquid crystalline water. At this point, I have no idea if most of them in any way do what is claimed, and Pollack appropriately (despite many requests) has avoided studying or endorsing most of them. So, for this article, I will not mention many of them and must provide the disclaimer that many of the things I believe are the most likely to work are still relatively unproven. Additionally, a few of these items will instead be covered in the zeta potential section (likewise, a few things from the zeta potential section will be covered in this section).

Radiant Energy

Presently, the one thing which has clearly and unambiguously been proven to increase the production of liquid crystalline water is the input of radiant energy. This can either come from light or infrared (which is a type of light) and occasionally from other sources such as sound, ultrasound, and much more debatably energy workers (e.g., a qigong or reiki practitioner) or bioenergy fields (e.g., orgone energy).

Because every object absorbs different wavelengths of energy differently, different wavelengths (e.g., different colors) have differing effects.

Note: Pollack also found that longer exposures to radiant energy and higher intensities could expand the EZ [liquid crystalline water] even more. The data for the above figure was obtained by Pollack using five-minute exposures. Longer exposures at the same intensity, for example, could quickly produce EZ expansion of five to ten times, while turning off that extra light brought the EZ back to its normal size within tens of minutes. In this study, due to technical limitations, a lower intensity infrared (IR) light source had to be used.


The most significant effect has been observed with infrared light, and peaks at 3000 nm, a wavelength that matches water’s peak absorbance of IR light. Conversely, the worst effect is noted with blue light, something emitted by most computer or tv screens and newer light bulbs (and street lamps). For example, this study by Pollack found that light between the wavelengths of 450-500 nm shrunk the liquid crystalline water present.

I find blue light’s destruction of liquid crystalline water compelling since many, myself included, already viewed it as a key toxin of the modern age due to the severe disruption it causes to our circadian rhythm (along with other issues such as headaches). For these reasons, I try to avoid rooms with unhealthy lighting, and with screens, I always use blue light-blocking software such as f.lux.

A variety of approaches utilizing this principle have been developed to produce infrared light, which increases the production of liquid crystalline water in the body. For example, a particulate material designed to increase the formation of liquid crystalline water (e.g., by emitting infrared light) was shown to create at least a 2-3-fold increase in root length or formation of shoots of seeds exposed to it.

As far as I know, the only approach that has been clearly and unambiguously proven to increase the amount of liquid crystalline water in the human body is to be exposed to infrared light, particularly that with a 3000 nm wavelength (many studies have confirmed this). Oddly, not many infrared saunas or mats on the market provide this wavelength of light, and you usually need to buy bulbs that emit at 3000 nm to make a sauna that does.

I am a big believer in infrared saunas, but I am unsure how much they increase the liquid crystalline water in the body. This is not only because of how far they are from the 3000nm wavelength but also because they heat the body up, potentially destabilizing the existing exclusion zones (even though relatively speaking, they don’t heat the body’s core temperature very much). That said, I believe they most likely do because they improve circulation throughout the body, cause you to discharge positively charged sweat, and afterwards, typically leave the individual feeling much better.

Note: infrared sauna manufacturers claim that their saunas cause your sweat to be 20% toxins, whereas normal sweating is only 3% of toxins. As far as I know, this claim was never proven, and many more conventional individuals, not surprisingly, insist that there is no proof that saunas, let alone infrared saunas, do anything for detoxification. This study and this study provide limited proof that sauna sweating excretes heavy metals at a greater rate than the normal detoxification pathways (e.g., the kidneys), while this small study shows one infrared sauna model causes significantly higher excretion of heavy metals than a conventional sauna.

Many have also argued that the infrared you receive from cuddling with another human (and possibly an animal) may also facilitate the development of liquid crystalline water inside you. That said, I am honestly not sure how this effect could be quantified.

Lastly, many vaccine-injured patients have benefited from red light therapy (which is used because it improves mitochondrial function). Many have also alleged that red light therapy creates liquid crystalline water in the body, but to the best of my knowledge, no evidence has been produced supporting that contention.


I believe one of the greatest disservices the dermatology profession has done to the world has been to spread an immense fear that the sun causes skin cancer (even though the most dangerous skin cancer, melanoma, is linked to a lack of sun exposure). This appears to have come about because the dermatology profession reinvented themselves as cancer fighters (which pays a lot), and part of establishing that cultural belief system revolved around neurotic rituals to avoid all sunlight. I think this is quite sad, because avoiding sunlight significantly increases your risk of death from many different cancers (and overall has a danger of the same magnitude as smoking).

One of the major misunderstandings about sunlight is that its only benefit is vitamin D production. Instead, it has a variety of other ones as well, including:

•Producing cholesterol sulfate.

•Producing nitric oxide.

•Directly creating liquid crystalline water.

Note: I have long wondered if some of the benefits attributed to vitamin D are actually due to it being correlated with the above three occurring.

Since sulfates are used by the body to create liquid crystalline water and maintain the physiologic zeta potential, this function is very important. Since cholesterol sulfate primarily resides in cell membranes (where it is recognized to have a “stabilizing role” for the cell membrane), it provides the critical role of coating the cell with sulfates.

Note: I recently wrote a detailed piece on the harms of statins (which, before the COVID-19 vaccines, were debatably the most overprescribed pharmaceutical that harmed the largest number of people). One of the key toxicities of statins is that they block your production of CoQ10, a vital compound for the mitochondria. Since CoQ10 is also responsible for maintaining cellular integrity, cell membranes breaking apart in certain organs is one significant side effect of the medications. Based on the critical functions of cholesterol sulfate, I have wondered if that side effect is actually due to a lack of sulfate in the cell membranes.

Further supporting the benefits of sunlight exposure, nitric oxide is one of the most important compounds for ensuring cardiovascular health and circulation throughout the body (Viagra, for example, works by increasing nitric oxide production).

When COVID-19 began in December 2019, I sensed it might end up being similar to the 1918 influenza, so I spent a lot of time reviewing all the existing literature. In that process, I discovered that every therapy that actually worked (most did not), with the possible exception of homeopathic Gelsemium (a botanical), did so by improving the body’s fluid circulation. Many of those in turn, did something I now know improves the zeta potential. A few months ago, Pierre Kory informed me of one therapy I had missed in this search—being exposed to the sun, which for the reasons detailed above, I believe was another way of addressing the profound fluid stagnation caused by the 1918 influenza.

Note: one of my favorite medical therapies, ultraviolet blood irradiation, can be considered a much more direct form of sunlight exposure (sunlight being used to treat Tuberculosis in fact inspired its original designer). One of the main effects observed with it is a significant increase in blood circulation throughout the body.


Many people believe that sound affects water. This largely entered the public’s consciousness after Masaru Emoto showed that the shape of ice crystals can be radically different depending on what sounds water was exposed to prior to freezing. In many of his experiments, he showed that music would influence the formation of ice crystals and, curiously enough, dark and incoherent music created deformed crystals. In contrast, beautiful and coherent music created elegant crystals.

This suggests that sound may affect the formation of liquid crystalline water. Pollack in turn, did one such investigation of this question:

For example, we found that one such source, ultrasound, could drive EZ [liquid crystalline] growth. We applied 7.5- MHz ultrasound, similar to that used for imaging embryos. In response, the EZ typically narrowed, possibly as a result of the induced mechanical shear of molecules rubbing against one another. When we turned off the ultrasound, however, the exclusion zone immediately enjoyed a stunning regrowth: it could expand to five or six times its initial size before ultimately returning to pre-exposure levels. Evidently, the acoustic energy somehow affected the water, spurring a delayed EZ growth — just as incident light could produce EZ growth.

Note: There are quite a few people who believe that prenatal ultrasounds are damaging to babies, and a surprising amount of evidence exists to support that contention. After reading the above line, I realized there might be a mechanism to explain this; the rapid expansion and contraction of exclusion zones from ultrasound might create enough of a shear force to damage the cells and their components.

Deuterium-Depleted Water:

One of the significant fads that has swept through the holistic field over the last few years has been drinking deuterium-depleted water (DDW), which is the opposite of heavy water. The theory behind DDW is that deuterium (a naturally occuring isotope of hydrogen with a neutron in the nucleus) slows metabolic reactions in the body, reduces the output of the mitochondria, reduces your lifespan, causes cancer, and destroys liquid crystalline water in the body.

Of these claims, the evidence is most robust for deuterium causing cancer (e.g., MRIs looking for deuterium appear to be able to find tumors), and there have been successful treatments of cancer using DDW. Unfortunately, DDW is somewhat expensive, so many other options began to be explored, such as living in high elevation areas (e.g., parts of the Rockies not that far from well-known towns naturally have DDW, and fat is naturally deuterium depleted, so some people follow an extreme ketogenic diet for deuterium reduction).

Given its potential promises, many people started promoting DDW as the cure for everything, and at this point…I am still honestly unsure if it does anything. So, I have been patiently waiting for more evidence to accumulate showing that it does.

One of the most common claims for DDW is that it improves your body’s ability to produce liquid crystalline water. It allegedly does this because:

•Deuterium disrupts the formation of liquid crystalline water.

•Deuterium disrupts oxidative respiration (which requires combusting oxygen into water) and the production of ATP in the body. Since oxidative respiration cannot use deuterium, all water it produces is naturally deuterium depleted.

Note: I have often wondered if this is the reason for some of the alleged benefits of dry fasts, as the water in your body can only come from the metabolism of fats during this period.

However, to my knowledge, all the arguments are theoretical, and no one has actually proved DDW creates liquid crystalline water. If anyone has the data that shows this, I would greatly appreciate seeing it.

Note: widely believed theoretical arguments that lack evidence to support them create many issues in medicine. Two of the best recent examples of erroneous claims were that the COVID-19 vaccines will not change your DNA and that the COVID-19 vaccines would prevent transmission.

Presently, the only water I know of that appears to utilize these principles and benefits people is Divinia Water, which is both deuterium depleted and has a high concentration of liquid crystalline water. My evidence in this regard is weak (e.g., I know of a few people who reversed their kidney disease by drinking it), so my endorsement is tepid at best; I am primarily citing them as an example of where these principles may provide a tangible benefit.

There are also a variety of other waters with similar claims based on the premise that the people of the Hunza Valley lived much longer (reportedly, they had an average lifespan of 120 years) due to the water they drank. I am not sure if there is any evidence that this longevity actually occurs. Still, it’s interesting that the water there was noted to be DDW with a high zeta potential and a high amount of structured water (which is essentially the same as liquid crystalline water). Many attempts have been made to replicate the Hunza water, and some of them have a devoted group of followers.

Structuring Foods

The general belief that has established itself within the liquid crystalline water community is that if you drink water with a higher concentration of liquid crystalline water or a lower concentration of deuterium, very good things will happen for your health. As shown in the previous section, I am unsure if this actually true. That said, I will share the approaches in this regard that I believe have the most merit.

Vegetable Juicing:

If vegetable juicing is done correctly (which means using a cold press masticating juicers such as the Norwalk juicer or an Omega juicer—I believe metal ones are better but more expensive—and then immediately consuming the juice after it is made), a variety of benefits emerge for people. For example, one of the original alternative cancer therapies which benefitted many, the Gerson Therapy, was founded on this principle.

One argument that has been advanced to explain the benefits of juicing is the presence of liquid crystalline water, DDW, and possibly some type of electrical charge from the plants. Given that I often see signs that juicing is good for you (provided you don’t juice things that are too sugary) and it is one of the most economical ways to get this type of water, I support this approach…even though I am not sure if the presence of DDW or liquid crystalline water is actually where the benefits of juicing arise from.

Chia Seeds

When soaked in water, Pollack has stated chia seeds create some of the largest exclusion zones of any food found in nature. That is a big part of why I used pictures of them in Part 1 to illustrate many of the concepts in this series.

Note: This property of chia seeds appears to result from them releasing microfibers that bind pockets of liquid crystalline water around them.

I am personally a fan of chia seeds (provided they were first soaked in water until they formed a gel) because:

•They are very affordable and, to my knowledge, the easiest way to consume large amounts of liquid crystalline water.
Note: cucumbers are also often cited as an example of a food with a high concentration of liquid crystalline water.

•They are often extremely helpful for individuals with chronic constipation.

•I tried out more “superfoods” (which I acknowledge is largely just a marketing term) than I can count, and chia seeds were the only ones I ever had a noticeably positive response to.

The only considerable argument I have seen against chia seeds came from Steven Gundry, who said that when he monitored people’s inflammation (which he believes is largely due to lectins that are present in a large number of plants), he found the lectins in chia seeds were sufficient to cause inflammation in some individuals. Although I do not place as heavy an emphasis on lectins as Gundry, every now and then, I have a patient I can tell has a lectin issue and then greatly benefits from the lectin-free diet. Nonetheless, I regularly consume chia seeds.

Other Superfoods

Pollack tested a variety of other superfoods and found that they also increased the size of liquid crystalline water in the things they are tested on. The main issue with this approach is that he had limited time to test things (and has thus had not tested all that many), so there are likely many “normal” foods that do the same thing. In the previous article, I showed how coconut water, turmeric, a probiotic, and tulsi increase the presence of liquid crystalline water.

In addition, Pollack conducted an interesting study showing that another superfood, bee propolis, did the same. Since some of it may end up coating the lining of your respiratory tract, the study’s authors argued that some of the benefits attributed to propolis might result from it doing that and creating a liquid crystalline barrier there.

Note: It has also been mentioned that other herbs improve the body’s liquid crystalline water. Years ago, Thomas Cowan stated that hibiscus flowers were one of the best ones for increasing liquid crystalline water in the body (hibiscus is also known to help with cardiovascular issues). I was never able to verify if this was true, but since my body liked hibiscus, I have drank hibiscus tea (in moderation) ever since. Although I do not agree with Thomas Cowan’s perspective on the non-existence of viruses, I have listened to many ideas he has put forward.


Cobalamin (in its various forms) is also known as vitamin B-12. Stephanie Seneff has advanced an interesting argument for another reason for its importance in the body—the body requires it for the production of sulfates (which, as discussed in the previous article, are essential for creating liquid crystalline water in the body and maintaining the physiologic zeta potential). Since a variety of widespread environmental factors cause B-12 deficiency, this is another area worth considering.

Healthy Fats

Many (e.g., Dr. Mercola) have concluded that eating unhealthy fats (e.g., rancid seed oils) is a root cause of poor health. Since many of the fats you consume end up in the membranes of your cells, at least in theory, significant changes can occur throughout your body depending on which fats you consume.

to restore the membrane composition of your cells to a healthy balance. For example, the Patricia Kane protocol is often used to restore patients’ health with complex illnesses. I have seen some cases where the protocol significantly benefited the patient (although in others, it did very little).

In this series, I have emphasized the importance of water transitioning from a normal state to a gel (and vice versa). As discussed in the previous article, the exact temperature at which this occurs depends on the composition of the gel, and can be influenced by positive or negative ions (both of which the body uses to induce a phase transition when needed).

In cold-blooded animals, because they cannot regulate their body temperature, there is a significant seasonal variability in their body temperatures that must be addressed in another manner.

In principle, natural metabolites may change the transition temperature in biomembranes. Unfortunately, little is known in this field. Some data are available on the saturated fatty acids: under certain conditions, their interaction with lipid membranes may increase Tm (Agafonov et al., 2003). It is also well known that the transition temperature depends on the lipid composition (see, e.g., see this textbookthis study*, and this study**). It is not inconceivable that the endogenously produced ethanol may take part in the temperature adaptation reactions in goldfish.

*Thermal adaptation in biological membranes: is homeoviscous adaptation the explanation?

**Thermal acclimation of phase behavior in plasma membrane lipids of rainbow trout hepatocytes.

Lastly, in the same manner that cholesterol sulfate is necessary for producing a cell’s zeta potential and liquid crystalline water layer, the same also appears to be true for other healthy fats. This study found large layers of liquid crystalline water (up to 800 µm) on the surfaces of saturated fats such as ghee, coconut oil, and lard. Like many things in the dietary world, the healthiness of saturated fats is a heavily debated subject, but I suspect their capacity to produce liquid crystalline water plays a key role in their health benefits.

Hyperbaric Oxygen:

In one study, Pollack modeled a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and found that it significantly increased the volume of liquid crystalline water, likely because it shifts the equilibrium towards forming liquid crystalline water. I suspect this also improves the zeta potential of the recipients.

One of the most important things about this effect is that it is temporary. I believe this explains why individuals who benefit from hyperbaric oxygen (e.g., Lyme patients, migraine patients, and COVID-19 vaccine-injured patients) often find they need to get a home hyperbaric system so they can receive it on a regular basis. I have also wondered if this explains part of the benefit people experience with approaches like the Wim Hof method which both significantly increases tissue oxygenation and to some extent alkalizes it.

Conversely, many people with complex illnesses I associate with an impaired zeta potential often find they cannot tolerate being above 5000-6500 feet (which is a critical concept to consider when setting up a healing retreat—I have seen a few cases where failing to follow this was a massive problem for the retreat’s founders). Similarly, individuals with these types of conditions often are much more vulnerable to blood clots at high altitudes—which I believe accounts for the concerning incidents we have seen on airplanes since the vaccines rolled out (both in pilots and passengers).

Note: not moving for prolonged periods can also cause blood clots, but I do not believe that is the primary issue with flying. An airplane’s cabin pressure typically matches what is experienced at 6-8,000 feet, and I have met many individuals with these types of disorders (especially COVID vaccine injuries) who are fine with road trips but cannot tolerate flying.


Rather than create liquid crystalline water, anesthetics destroy it. This is because anesthetics (agents that temporarily disable nerves either locally or systemically) share the property of creating clathrates (pockets of water) around them, thereby preventing that water from instead existing in a liquid crystalline phase. Furthermore, to support the link between liquid crystalline water and zeta potential, one of the most commonly used anesthetics, lidocaine, has been found to make the surface charge of biological membranes more positive.

Another related property shared by all anesthetics is their ability to change the cell membrane’s transition temperature (to and from the gel state). Additionally, the degree to which an anesthetic can shift the transition temperature of a cell membrane directly correlates to the anesthetics potency, further validating the link between liquid crystalline water, phase transitions, and the function of anesthetics.

One treatment I frequently utilize, neural therapy, employs local anesthetics such as lidocaine and bupivacaine to temporarily anesthetize an overly sensitive neuron (or group of neurons) under the theory that when the anesthetic wears off, the neuron will return to its normal baseline rather than remaining hypersensitive. This therapy is often remarkably effective for a wide range of issues.

Every now and then, I have noticed that the anesthetic injection immediately creates a significant fluid movement in the recipient. Initially, I thought this resulted from systemic tension no longer being active and compressing a fluid vessel. Researching this subject has made me suspect that in certain cases, neural therapy is actually breaking up pathologic fluid agglomerations and thereby restoring a vital circulation.

I will also note that some of these events have correlated with significant psycho-emotional changes in the patients and that many have proposed liquid crystalline water is associated with storing or transmitting information. This observation has made me wonder if trauma, to some extent, can be stored either within clumps of fluid in the body or specific liquid crystalline water structures.

Similarly, many bodyworkers believe that trauma (both physical and emotional) is stored in the fascia due to the fact that their clients often re-live past traumas when the fascia is worked on and experience a resolution of their trauma following the treatment. Given that the fascia is coated with a significant amount of liquid crystalline water, this somewhat supports my hypothesis.

Note: the anesthetics again illustrate how difficult it is to make any generalizations about the relationship between zeta potential and liquid crystalline water, as in many cases, an expected pattern is followed, but in a minority of cases, the opposite of what one would expect occurs. Similarly, while I believe that liquid crystalline water is essential for the body, and the deficiency of it is a widespread problem, in certain cases it may instead be present in excess.

Restoring Zeta Potential

As the previous section has shown, the restoration of liquid crystalline water is still a bit of a Wild West, and it will likely be a decade before we have a clearer idea of how to approach this issue. Fortunately, with zeta potential, individuals have been working on this issue since the 1960s, so we have a clearer idea of what works and what does not.

Before we go any further, I emphasize that to fully appreciate the context behind many of the approaches I will detail after this point, you will need to be familiar with the rest of this series and, in particular, the previous article. Similarly, some of the options listed in this section likely improve liquid crystalline water as well. Putting the guide to the restoration of zeta potential took quite a bit out of me (this article is a bit over 17,000 words), so I will need to take a brief pause on new articles to get back to other aspects of my life I neglected to finish this series.

Additionally, I was explicitly requested not to broadly disclose some of the information below, so I will be utilizing the paid subscriber option for the final section. Since I do this Substack page as a public service, I don’t charge for the immense amount of work I do for it. However, there are a lot of topics I want to share that I have not touched upon due to specific exposure issues, and that is the primary way I intend to use this feature.


Mind Control and Mortality Rates

17 Million People Murdered by COVID Vaccines and Pandemic Policies

Denis Rancourt, who has a PhD in physics and was a professor at the University of Ottowa, studied all-cause-mortality data to show there have been about seventeen million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from COVID, which is a lie. He criticized western medicine as a vehicle for control that creates illness and death. Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that was used during the COVID pandemic. Trauma based mind control research shows that the CIA and our governments are aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma.

.Link for video:      https://www.bitchute.com/video/CiXTi1WAHCRZ/


Denis Rancourt has a PhD in Physics, he is a former tenured Full Professor, and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. Rancourt and his team have used all-cause-mortality data to prove there have been about seventeen million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from Covid, which was a lie.

As far as I can tell, from the all cause mortality data that we've been studying extensively for a long time, there's no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic. (Denis Rancourt)

He explains this all in his essay entitled, “There Was No Pandemic” which you can find on his SubStack.

There was no pandemic in the sense that there was not a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading and causing death. That is not what happened. What happened was huge assaults against vulnerable people by many different methods. And every time you did that, you caused excess mortality. In all the countries where they were not doing that, there was absolutely no excess mortality, even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing this. (Denis Rancourt)

Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century. It wasn’t just the spike protein that killed us, it was the whole damn thing.

Psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual's health that causes a suppression of your immune system. And you're going to get some kind of infection, cancer, heart disease. And very often the lungs are very exposed to the environments and they're subjected to all the bacteria that you live with all the time. You get bacterial pneumonia and it's a huge killer when a society is stressed, meaning all of its individuals are stressed. The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when you're entire world is turned upside down. Your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it's gone. That will kill you within a very short time.

We always occupy a dominance hierarchy, a social dominance hierarchy. That is how we organize our societies because we are social animals. It is a fundamental truth of how we organize societies. The stress that is intended to keep you in your place within that dominance hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress, and the stressors have to keep changing how they're going to stress you because you get habituated to the stress. So they have to randomly hit you with hard things every once in a while to really make sure you understand what your place is. That stress is one of the biggest determinants of health.

But we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer. It's a massive cause of premature death of individuals. (Denis Rancourt)

Modern Western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death. It was designed to be a way of controlling the population.

It was designed to be a way of controlling the population. The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy, is to keep people sick and to put them in their place. It's just part of that institutionally. (Denis Rancourt)

Financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America. The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine. An inverted form of heath care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick, and in many cases, kill the patient. As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.

A de-classified document entitled, “Geomagnetic Factors In Spontaneous Subjective Telepathic, Precognitive And Postmortem Experiences”, as well as decades of Trauma Based Mind Control research, shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma.

Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/01/17-million-people-murdered-by-covid-vaccines-and-pandemic-policies/


The Current Alien Invasion

INVASION USA: Swarm of military-aged immigrants arriving in Texas, citizen journalist warns
01/02/2024 // Zoey Sky // 1.2K Views

Citizen journalist Hernando Arce recently shared footage of illegal immigrants, including a swarm of military-aged men, arriving in South Texas.Arce’s footage, posted Dec. 21 on X, showed a large gathering of immigrants falling in line for soup from the back of a car at a CiCi’s Pizza parking lot in San Juan, Texas. In the video, Arce mentioned a makeshift food truck serving soup and bread to the illegal immigrants, which include a lot of military-aged men. Arce said the men seemed to have an average age of 25.

After chatting with the women serving food to the immigrants, Arce translated that they were serving Nicaraguan-style chicken soup.

Despite walking on a public street, Arce said he and his friend were confronted by the police and warned that they were not allowed to talk to the illegal immigrants at the gate. He noted that the man must be a rookie officer because he had never seen him before.

Arce warned viewers that the men he captured on video will soon be replacing blue-collar working-class Americans in the country within five years. “It’s also going to destroy the middle-class families in the United States of America,” he said.

There was an ongoing “historic surge at the borders,” according to Arce. He said the bridges have been shut down in Arizona and in Eagle Pass, Texas. He warned that the valley is next with the bridges being shut down. (Related: 5,000 ILLEGALS are being released in the U.S. daily, DHS tells Congress.)

Arce is referring to the suspension of multiple major railway crossing bridges across America’s southern border.

The citizen journalist said the video was an SOS alert to America as the country is slowly but surely “being overtaken, without one shot being fired.”

Rail crossings between Texas and Mexico reopen

A day after Arce shared the footage, the U.S. reopened two rail crossings between Texas and Mexico that were crucial for exports.

According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP), operations resumed on Dec. 22 afternoon at the international railway crossing bridges in Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas. The closures had affected the agriculture industry and got some lawmakers worried because of the loss of exports.

The White House announced that the U.S. will operate the crossings 24 hours a day for the next few days. Growers, representing corn, milk, rice and soybean producers in the U.S., estimated that almost one million bushels of grain exports were lost every day during the closure.

The Biden administration closed two rail trade routes between the U.S. and Mexico, a move that was intended to free up customs personnel to assist border agents.

According to U.S. data released on Dec. 22, the number of migrants encountered by CBP agents along the clogged southern border in November remained high, with President Joe Biden now under pressure to lower the flow significantly ahead of his reelection bid.

CBP migrant encounters for November totaled 242,418, which is almost around the same level as October but is down from September’s near-record high of 270,000. According to an internal report, U.S. border agents arrested at least 10,800 migrants at the southwest border on Dec. 18.

Visit BorderSecurity.news for more stories about the influx of illegals in America.

Watch the video below to learn more about the suspicious reason Texas is becoming a dangerous illegal immigrant city.


This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.

from:    https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-01-02-invasion-usa-military-aged-immigrants-arriving-texas.html

Hydroponics and Soil Manipulation

Electronic “franken-soil” Boosts Crop Growth

By B.N. Frank

Genetically modified food has been controversial for many years.  Genetically engineered salmon has been referred to as “Franken-fish”. Earlier this year, the Food and Drug Administration approved gene-edited pork for human consumption as well.  Yikes!  More recently, scientists announced that electronic soil (aka “franken-soil”) can be used to increase crop growth.

From StudyFinds.org

Electronic ‘franken-soil’ enhances crop growth by 50%, experiments reveal

by StudyFinds

LINKÖPING, Sweden — Scientists have developed an innovative “electronic soil” that significantly boosts crop growth, with barley seedlings growing 50 percent more when their roots receive electrical stimulation through this “eSoil” layer. This breakthrough, spearheaded by researchers from Linköping University in Sweden, focuses on soilless cultivation, commonly known as hydroponics.

Eleni Stavrinidou, associate professor, and supervisor of the study and Alexandra Sandéhn, PhD student, one of the lead authors, connect the eSoil to a low power source for stimulating plant growth. (Credit: Thor Balkhed)

“The world population is increasing, and we also have climate change. So it’s clear that we won’t be able to cover the food demands of the planet with only the already existing agricultural methods,” says Professor Eleni Stavrinidou, leader of the Electronic Plants group at the university, in a media release. “But with hydroponics, we can grow food also in urban environments in very controlled settings.”

Her team has developed a specialized electrically conductive cultivation substrate, termed eSoil, designed for hydroponic cultivation. Their research demonstrates that barley seedlings grown in this conductive medium and electrically stimulated at the roots exhibited up to a 50-percent increase in growth over 15 days.

Hydroponic cultivation allows plants to grow without soil, relying only on water, nutrients, and a substrate for root attachment. This closed system facilitates water recycling and precise nutrient delivery, requiring minimal water and keeping all nutrients within the system, a feat not achievable in traditional farming.

A barley seedling grows within the eSoil, an artificial electronic soil that makes seedlings grow faster. (Credit: Thor Balkhed)

The team highlights that hydroponics also supports vertical farming in large towers, optimizing space use. While currently used for crops like lettuce, herbs, and some vegetables, grains have not been commonly grown hydroponically, except as fodder.

In their study, the researchers successfully cultivated barley seedlings hydroponically, enhanced by electrical stimulation.

“In this way, we can get seedlings to grow faster with less resources. We don’t yet know how it actually works, which biological mechanisms that are involved,” Prof. Stavrinidou notes. “What we have found is that seedlings process nitrogen more effectively, but it’s not clear yet how the electrical stimulation impacts this process.”

Typically, hydroponics employs mineral wool as a substrate, a non-biodegradable material produced through energy-intensive processes. However, the team’s eSoil is a blend of cellulose and a conductive polymer called PEDOT, marking its first use in plant cultivation and creating a plant interface in this way.

Unlike previous research that used high voltage for root stimulation, this new “soil” has the advantage of low energy consumption and no high voltage risks.

“We can’t say that hydroponics will solve the problem of food security. But it can definitely help particularly in areas with little arable land and with harsh environmental conditions.” Prof. Stavrinidou concludes.

The research is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).


from:    https://www.activistpost.com/2023/12/electronic-franken-soil-boosts-crop-growth.html

Rockin’ BlackRock’s World in Tennessee

Tennessee sues BlackRock investment agency, claims it misled customers in climate change initiatives

Story by Camruinn Morgan-Rumsey  •

Stock photo

Stock photo© PIxabay

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) – Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti filed a lawsuit against BlackRock Inc. Monday, claiming the investment company misled Tennessee customers about how it’s fighting climate change, violating consumer protection laws.

BlackRock joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in 2021 and Climate Action 100+ in 2020. As part of joining those groups, the state said, BlackRock made promises aimed at fighting climate change and did not make that clear to customers.

Skrmetti said that BlackRock presents itself to customers as strictly profit-driven, but has also made promises to invest in fighting climate change through its memberships with the climate initiatives. This misled customers because BlackRock made business decisions based on fighting climate change, not making customers money, according to the attorney general.

“We allege that BlackRock’s inconsistent statements about its investment strategies deprived consumers of the ability to make an informed choice,” Skrmetti said in a statement. “Some public statements show a company that focuses exclusively on return on investment, others show a company that gives special consideration to environmental factors. Ultimately, I want to make certain that corporations, no matter their size, treat Tennessee consumers fairly and honestly.”

BlackRock directly contested Skrmetti’s claims in a statement given to WVLT News, instead saying that it does disclose its practices to customers.

We reject the Attorney General’s claims and will vigorously contest any accusations that BlackRock violated Tennessee’s consumer protection laws. Contrary to the Attorney General’s claims, BlackRock fully and accurately discloses our investment practices and our approach to proxy voting.

On behalf of our clients, BlackRock has invested approximately $40 billion in Tennessee, and we are helping more than 600,000 hard-working Tennesseans retire with dignity. We are proud of our contribution and committed to the future in Tennessee.


It’s worth noting that BlackRock’s participation in both groups was announced publicly by either the groups or the company itself when they signed two and three years ago.

In BlackRock’s Jan. 6, 2020 statement on joining Climate Action 100+, the investment agency said it would, among other things, work with companies it invests in to make sure they are disclosing the environmental impacts of their practices. In that statement, BlackRock also acknowledged that its primary duty is to shareholders and customers, saying “BlackRock owes fiduciary and contractual duties to its clients.”

similar statement on BlackRock joining the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative is also publicly available.

However, the state has claimed that BlackRock’s customer disclosures don’t mention the climate goals, saying “BlackRock has told consumers elsewhere that the only consideration driving its investment decisions is return on investment.”

In the lawsuit, the state summarizes by saying BlackRock is inconsistent in how it presents itself to customers; on one hand, claiming to be only profit-driven, but on the other, making promises to help fight climate change. The state is asking for injunctive relief, civil penalties and recoupment of the state’s costs.

Pr23 59 Complaint by WVLT News on Scribd

from:    https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/tennessee-sues-blackrock-investment-agency-claims-it-misled-customers-in-climate-change-initiatives/ar-AA1lJRDB

Beware of Fake Milk (BIOMLQ)

Are You Drinking GMO Yeast Milk?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
gmo yeast milk


  • Synthetic dairy products, including milk made from genetically engineered yeast, are being touted as environmentally friendly health foods that should replace real milk from cows and other animals
  • Along with missing important micronutrients that are abundant in real milk, fake milk contains compounds that have never before existed in the human diet
  • Ninety-two mysterious, unknown compounds were detected in the fake milk that don’t exist in real milk
  • None of these compounds have been tested for safety by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Tech oligarchs and venture capitalists are funding most fake food technologies, which gives globalists unprecedented power and control over human health

Synthetic dairy products, including milk made from genetically engineered yeast, are being touted as environmentally friendly health foods that should replace real milk from cows and other animals. But this deceptive greenwashing is putting human health at risk, according to Dr. John Fagan, a molecular biologist who worked with the U.S. National Institutes of Health for 8.5 years.

Fagan is cofounder and chief scientist at the Health Research Institute (HRI). He spoke with Errol Schweizer for an episode of his podcast, “The Checkout,” detailing concerning new findings about “animal-free” dairy. Along with missing important micronutrients that are abundant in real milk, fake milk — which Fagan and others refer to as a “synbio milk-like product” — contains compounds that have never before existed in the human diet.

“It’s really strikingly different. It just shows that this is not like milk. You can’t say that this is nutritionally like milk in any way,” Fagan says.1

Full-Spectrum Analysis Reveals Unknown Compounds in Fake Milk

At Fagan’s HRI, they use “cutting-edge mass spectrometric and molecular genetic approaches to make the invisible visible.”2 This full-spectrum analysis is capable of revealing so-called “nutritional dark matter,” even in foods as mundane as wheat. The fact is, an estimated 85% of the nutritional components in common foods remain unquantified. The health implications of most compounds also remain largely unknown. New Scientist notes:3

“This is also true of individual micronutrients. ‘Consider beta-carotene,’ says [Albert-László Barabási at Harvard Medical School, who coined the term nutritional dark matter] … ‘It tends to be positively associated with heart disease, according to epidemiological studies, but studies adding beta-carotene to the diet do not show health benefits.

One potential reason is that beta-carotene never comes alone in plants; about 400 molecules are always present with it. So epidemiology may be detecting the health implications of some other molecule.’ Another probable cause is the effect of the microbiome on dark nutrients, says [FooDB founder David] Wishart. ‘Most dark nutrients are chemically transformed by your gut bacteria.

That’s probably why studies on the benefits of different foods give relatively ambiguous results. We don’t properly control for the variation in gut microflora, or our innate metabolism, which means different people get different doses of metabolites from their food.’”

We know even less about the constituents of processed foods and synthetic foods that ignorantly claim to be “equivalents” to whole foods, such as “animal-free meats” or “animal-free milk.”

At HRI, Fagan and colleagues are using their full-spectrum analysis for a new category in the food industry — synbio milk-like product. For a bit of backstory, in 1994 Fagan returned close to $614,000 in grant money — and withdrew a request for an additional $1.25 million — to protest genetic engineering and the release of GMOs into the environment.

At the time, he said, “The benefits of genetic engineering have been oversold, and the dangers have been underrepresented.”4 His efforts to advocate for food purity and safety, nutrition and food security have continued via HRI.

FDA Hasn’t Tested the 92 Unknown Compounds in Fake Milk for Safety

As Fagan explains to Schweizer, one form of synthetic biology involves bacteria, yeast or fungus cells genetically engineered to produce another compound, in this case cow milk proteins. The idea is once you have milk proteins, you can make something from that that supposedly is milk, he says. But Fagan and colleagues used a mass spectrometer to chart the differences in composition between synbio milk-like products, biodynamic milk and organic milk.

While important micronutrients exist in organic and biodynamic milk, they’re missing, or very low in, synbio milk. Further, mysterious, unknown compounds were detected in the fake milk that don’t exist in real milk. Fagan says:5

“These are small compounds, and they include things like … fungicide and other really weird compounds … These are huge amounts of these compounds that are present in synbio milk and not present in real milk. Literally, I counted and there are 92 different compounds.

Most of them are so uncommon that we don’t even have names for them. And so we can say with good confidence that these compounds have never been part of the human food supply before, and yet they are the predominant small molecules in synbio milk.”

None of these compounds have been tested for safety by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.6 “This product has been put on the market without any safety testing, and your FDA — the FDA that you are paying taxes to watch and make sure your food is safe — looked the other way,” Fagan says.7

The proteins in synbio milk are also different from proteins in real milk. “Most of the protein that they’re putting into this synbio milk-like product is not milk proteins from cows, but it’s fungus and yeast proteins … we don’t know which, because that’s one of their trade secrets.”8

In recent years, the idea that we can replace whole foods with synthetic, genetically engineered or lab-grown alternatives that are wholly equivalent to the original food has taken root. In reality, that’s simply impossible.

How can scientists create equivalence when they don’t even know what 85% or more of the whole food they’re trying to replicate consists of? Common sense will tell you they can’t. It might look, smell and even taste similar, but the micronutrient composition will be entirely different and, as a result, the health effects will be incomparable as well.

Selling Precision Fermentation as ‘Natural’

Fake food companies want you to believe their products are natural because they’re made with components of plants, yeast or fungus, even though nothing like them exists in nature. Be on the lookout for their industry buzzwords like precision fermentation, a term the biotech industry is using to piggyback off the popularity of truly health-promoting natural fermentation.

Precision fermentation, however, is nothing like its natural counterpart. It’s a form of synthetic biology that’s been around for at least 20 years. It uses genetically engineered microorganisms, such as yeast and bacteria, that are fermented in brewery-style tanks under high-tech, pharmaceutical grade sterile conditions. This is because these cultures are highly susceptible to contamination that could ruin the entire batch.

And, contamination can happen easily, so billions of dollars have been poured into this technology, which is using biological pathways that have never before existed in nature. Biotech firms have obliterated the precautionary principle, as the long-term outcomes are completely unknown, to produce fake meats, fake fats and fake milk.

But it’s all serving the underlying agenda, which is total control and world domination. There’s no easier way to achieve this than by taking control of the food supply. These fake, ultraprocessed foods give the globalists unprecedented power and control over human health, and they’re using stealthy marketing techniques. As Schweizer wrote in Forbes:9

“The biggest set of questions here revolves around ownership, governance and social equity considerations. Just about all of this new food technology is heavily funded by tech oligarchs, venture capitalists, or the occasional celebrity. Bill Gates is just one such example. He made his fortune by enclosing, privatizing and scaling what had previously been mostly an open-sourced, common-pool resource: software.

The investor model here is very Silicon Valley: identify a particular market sector or category and its sales potential, fund the company to offset large losses as it scales, and compete aggressively with the goal of cornering this market as a monopoly or a duopoly. Think: Uber, Doordash, Instacart, Amazon. The investors throwing billions of dollars at such enterprises are not altruists …”

Bill Gates’ startup company BIOMILQ, announced in June 2020, is one such example. It’s using biotechnology to create synthetic lab-made human milk for babies. Using mammary epithelial cells placed in flasks with cell culture media, the cells grow and are placed in a bioreactor that the company says “recreates conditions similar to in the breast.”10

Aside from Gates, BIOMILQ investors include Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Masayoshi Son, Jack Ma, Michael Bloomberg and Marc Benioff.11

Metabolic engineering is another major subset of precision fermentation, which involves methods such as next-generation sequencing, high-throughput library screening, molecular cloning and multiomics “to optimize microbial strains, metabolic pathways, product yields, and bioprocess scale-up.”12 Sounds just like something down on the farm, doesn’t it?

Whether it’s called precision fermentation, gene editing, GMO or something else, don’t fall for the hype that it’s good for you, for society or for the planet.

Is Synbio Milk Better for the Environment?

The idea that animal-free milk is “carbon neutral” and environmentally friendly is another marketing tool being used to promote this inferior product. In Forbes, Schweizer raises a host of important questions that consumers should be asking to get to the bottom of fake foods’ true environmental impacts. Among them:13

  • Is the nutrient bath derived from corn or soy, typically genetically modified to withstand high dosages of herbicides?
  • What is the caloric conversion and nutrient uptake efficiency of the microbes compared to animal livestock?
  • How much farmland acreage would be impacted?
  • How much waste material is produced by such microorganisms relative to sellable product?
  • What kind of testing has been done to understand the potential environmental impact for if and/or when the microbes escape the confines of a fermentation plant, particularly as the technology scales?

When these types of inputs are factored in, fake foods are far from sustainable. Fagan explains:14

“The reality is that many of the carbon footprint calculations have been done starting with the fermentation process and going forward, but where did the high fructose corn syrup come from that is the primary energy component that goes into these fermentations?

… And you look at that industrial agriculture and you add that carbon footprint on to what they have been using in their calculations and suddenly it goes way in the wrong direction. And so we can’t even use the sustainability arguments to justify what’s being done. It just doesn’t work.”

Real Food Is Best

Just as was the case with GMOs, raising awareness about the dangers of fake foods, including synbio animal-free milk, is important, especially in this early and aggressively expanding phase. Tell your social circle that to save the planet and support human health, it’s necessary to skip all the fake food alternatives and opt for real food instead.

When you shop for food, know your farmer and look for regenerative, biodynamic and/or grass fed farming methods, which are what we need to support a healthy, autonomous population. As Fagan puts it:15

“The biggest thing to keep in mind … we need to trust Mother Nature and go with what she has developed. Her R&D stretches back billions of years. So, there’s a lot of deep knowledge there that’s optimized for life. We should be putting our attention on maximizing that and creating an environment that supports that. So, purity of food and simplicity, all of these things are really important.”

from:    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/12/20/gmo-yeast-milk.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20231220&foDate=true&mid=DM1506245&rid=1997362811

AH, Pharma, The “Benefits” You Bring, The People You Pay

How Big Pharma Bought the Federal Government

Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor 
how big pharma bought the federal government


  • The gross malfeasance observed throughout COVID-19 has opened many people’s eyes to the immense corruption within our government
  • This corruption has been gradually growing over decades, and at this point numerous well-established mechanisms exist for the pharmaceutical industry to buy out federal employees, guideline committees, and regulatory agencies
  • Much of that corruption has been directly orchestrated by Anthony Fauci, a man who is directly responsible for making the American government no longer serve its people — while being paid handsomely for doing so
  • Addressing the root causes of this corruption is vital for the future of our nation and necessary to prevent something even worse than what we witnessed throughout COVID-19 from being enacted in the future

For a society to function, it requires a collective trust in the society’s institutions. One of the most challenging things for many to come to terms with throughout COVID-19 has been how each institution we trusted to protect us instead pushed a variety of unjustifiable policies and then refused to stop pushing them even as public protest broke out against the harm those policies were creating. I would argue what we saw throughout the pandemic was ultimately a consequence of two things:

  • Medicine is one of the United State’s most lucrative industries (the amount we spend on it has steadily increased each year).
  • The practice of medicine is controlled by regulatory bodies who grant monopolies to any party which can complete the arduous tasks needed to earn their seal of approval.

Because of this, an immense incentive exists to buy out the regulators, so unscrupulously spending large amounts of money to earn a coveted spot in the medical marketplace has become a routine business practice for the pharmaceutical industry.

In turn, as time has moved forward, and the medical industry has continued to grow (e.g., in 2021, 4.3 trillion dollars went to healthcare, amounting to 18.3% of all spending in the USA), the corruption that sustains it has proliferated throughout our institutions.

Because of the wanton disregard for the science we saw throughout COVID-19, much of the public now believes our institutions are throughly corrupt. However, what is much less understood is the anatomy of that corruption and how deeply it has entwined itself within the Federal government.

Tightening the Thumbscrews

A common pattern I repeatedly witness is a new institution being created by strongly investing in creating the idealized version of it, then once that ideal version has earned the public’s trust and everyone becomes invested in its new way of doing things (to the point they can’t return to how things were before), the screws are gradually tightened on the institution. Once this happens, those who work within the institution often become willing to compromise on their values and ethics.

For example, a college education was originally considered a specialized path for those genuinely interested in scholarly pursuits. However, after it became a way for individuals to dodge being drafted into the Vietnam War, many more began pursuing it, which made the Federal Government’s willingness to provide unconditional loans to anyone wishing to pursue a college education give birth to an enormous industry which rapidly inflated the costs of a college tuition.

This, in turn, increasingly incentivized colleges to prioritize growth and to retain their failing students so those students would continue paying tuition.

In parallel to this, the job of a college professor radically changed; previously they were in short supply now a glut of them exists in the marketplace, especially since the growth-focused mentality of higher education has eliminated the previous stipulation that professors needed to be selected on the basis of their academic merit.

Because of this, there are many professors (often with PhD’s) who have a low enough salary they need food stamps to make their ends meet and hence cannot do anything which challenges their employers.

For example, I’ve talked to numerous professors who have stated that they have been forced by their administration to disregard cheating from their students (so they would continue to pay tuition) and a cottage industry now exists for professors to make money on the side by writing papers (e.g., a thesis) for students seeking a degree.

Note: One of the best compilations I saw of the increasing corruption within the educational sector came from a blog by an anonymous college professor. A few years ago he passed away from a grossly mismanaged testicular cancer, so the final posts on it focus on medicine rather than education.

As you might imagine, this issue has also seeped into the medical field as medical schools make a lot of money. In turn, as the years have gone by, colleagues have shared increasingly concerning instances of cheating being swept under the rug or them being pressured by the administration to find ways to pass students who should have otherwise failed.

Likewise, since the position of a professor (and often a graduate student) is so dependent on the papers they publish, they are incentivized to fabricate data so their paper can be published and many studies have shown this fraud has become a widespread issue within the scientific literature.

One of the most overt examples we saw of this came from the recent discovery that immediately after the leak occurred at the Wuhan lab (which Fauci had funded), he panicked and then contacted a group of respected virologists to request they produce a paper to prove COVID-19 could not have come from a lab. The virologists, in turn, did just that, and Fauci repeatedly used their paper to debunk the lab leak hypothesis.

Shortly after, the lead author had a 9.8 million dollar research grant from the NIH approved (which Fauci held the final say on) — which that author lied to Congress about, and later leaked chat messages emerged showing the paper’s authors also lied to the world as they themselves believed the virus had come from a lab.

Note: This paper also formed the basis for Big Tech aggressively censoring anyone who suggested a lab leak had occurred. Had the lab leak hypothesis have been allowed to enter the public discourse, Fauci likely would not have been allowed to direct the response to the pandemic he himself was responsible for creating (especially given that in response to public outcry over previous leaks of dangerous pathogens, Obama had effectively banned Fauci’s research).

Most recently, it was revealed Fauci also covertly met with the CIA when they were deliberating if SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. The CIA in turn publicly announced the lab leak could not be proven, (which amongst other things required bribing the team responsible for the CIA’s assessment).

Another noteworthy example occurred after the vaccines had hit the market and many recipients began developing complex neurological illnesses from them. Some of those individuals (e.g., the clinical trial participants) contacted the NIH for help and were enrolled in a study to evaluate and treat their concerning disorders.

According to one participant (Brianne Dressen), the NIH was initially very interested in helping them (and learned from the FDA that it was aware of other clinical trial participants who had been injured), but once it became clear neurological injuries were a frequent complication of the vaccine, the NIH appears to have decided its best move was to try and bury everything and hence ghost the people it was evaluating for the neurological illnesses.

Thus the NIH publicly denied there was any evidence neurological vaccine injuries were occurring and repeatedly pushed back the date they’d promised Dressen and others to publish the study evaluating them. Had that study been published on time, it would have greatly helped many of the patients suffering neurological injuries that “couldn’t exist” because there was no peer-reviewed literature substantiating those injuries or more importantly guidelines on how to treat them.

In short, I’d argue that the debasement of our educational system has rippled out into the entire society as we depend on its graduates to turn the gears of everything (e.g., by appropriately conducting scientific research), and if we have incompetent or dishonest personnel occupy these positions, the institutions they staff decay as well.

Note: This issue was significantly worsened by Obama’s decision to prioritize academic qualifications rather than real world experience in the federal hiring process. Similarly, most of his senior officials had a degree from an Ivy League college.

Revenue Shortfalls

One of the primary ways the thumbscrews have been tightened throughout the society has been by gradually impoverishing everyone except the working class (most recently, from 2020 to 2021, billionaires went from owning slightly over 2% of the global household wealth to 3.5% of it.). Because of this, almost every institution we depend upon is underfunded and thus willing to consider unethical sources of funding.

For instance, industry often “donates” large amounts of money to schools in return for favorable research being pursued there, and then may threaten to withhold those donations unless an unrelated professor within the college stops performing research that is critical of the industry.

Within the federal government, this impoverishment comes through budgets being slashed and agencies inevitably looking to the private sector for funding. In turn, something similar to what is observed in the educational sector happens, although the scale of it is often far worse.

For example, in 1983, Congress authorized the CDC to accept gifts “made unconditionally…for the benefit of the [Public Health] Service or for the carrying out of any of its functions.” Then in 1992, Congress established The National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention so that CDC could obtain additional funding for its work, or put differently, created a third party for passing tainted money to the CDC.

The CDC Foundation has been accused of egregious conduct since its inception and has received nearly 1 billion dollars from corporate “donors.” The potential for the foundation enabling corruption in turn has been criticized by many, including by a scathing editorial in one of the world’s top medical journals. Many examples of its corruption are documented within this 2019 letter to the CDC. They include:

Being paid by a pesticide industry firm to conduct a study to prove the safety of two pesticides.

During the years 2010-15, Coca-Cola contributed more than 1 million dollars to the CDC Foundation. In return, the CDC offered numerous services including collaborative meetings and advice from a top CDC staffer on how to lobby the World Health Organization to curtail the WHO’s initiative to reduce global consumption of added sugars — which is really something given that the CDC has been tasked with fighting obesity.

Taking money from Roche to push Tamiflu (which the CDC continues to do to this day), an ineffective and harmful flu treatment which was approved off of data that was kept secret from the public.

Note: As of 2019, the CDC also owned 57 vaccine patents and recently spent $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget buying and distributing vaccines. This may help to explain why the CDC always recommends every vaccine regardless of the evidence arguing against of doing so or how much opposition they receive from the public (and sometimes even their advisors).

Members of Congress have even formally complained about the payments to the CDC foundation (as have anonymous whistleblowers within the CDC). In short, the conflicts of interest with the CDC foundation are immense and help to explain why the CDC always pushes corrupt and harmful policies (e.g., many of the profiteers who benefitted immensely from the COVID-19 vaccination campaign had previously given the CDC millions).

Note: Many other agencies within the federal government, including the CIA and the NIH, have their own foundations that were also created by Congress to allow them to access corporate bribes donations that are not subject to legal oversight such as freedom of information act requests).

Not surprisingly, many of the directors of these foundations, like their peers in government, often follow the revolving door and end up in high-paying executive roles at major pharmaceutical companies after leaving the foundations.

The pernicious influence of industry cash can also be seen at the FDA. On October 29, 1992, in response to public concerns that no AIDS treatments were getting to market (which was a result of Fauci deliberately blocking all of them to clear the way for the deadly and ineffective AZT), Congress and then George Bush Sr. signed into law the Prescription Drug User Fee Act, which authorized the FDA to take money from the drug makers it approved drugs for.

As a result of this act, drug approval times were shortened (going from 29 months in 1987 to 10 months in 2018), and the percentage of drugs that were approved the first time an approval was requested dramatically increased. Conversely, prior to the act, 21% of medications were removed from the market or had new black box warnings added to them.

After the act, this figure increased to 27% as a result of factors such as senior FDA officials overturning its scientists’ recommendations, and the evidence required for a medication approval being lowered.

As a result of these changes, user fees now comprise a significant portion of the FDA’s budget (e.g., 46% in 2022, and approximately of the 65% of that allotted for regulating drugs used in humans) — which not surprisingly has had an increasingly corrupting influence on the FDA’s drug approval process.

One of the best illustrations of this can be seen with the current FDA commissioner Robert Califf, who in 2009, was considered to be too close to the industry to nominate to the position, yet in 2021 was appointed to it, and ever since gaining control of the FDA has advanced the interests of his industry.

For example shortly after the backdoor approval of a controversial Alzheimer’s drug, Califf was a keynote speaker at the annual pharmaceutical industry conference which emphasized the incredible investment opportunities offered by the new Alzheimer’s and obesity drugs (which the agency was also pushing through).

Furthermore in addition to being overtly compensated by the industry for supporting its interests (e.g., Califf had taken a lot of money from Big Pharma), a revolving door also exists to pay them off after the fact. Consider for instance that the second official appointed by Trump to head the FDA, Scott Gottleib is now on Pfizer’s board.

Likewise, Stephan Hahn the commissioner who was in charge of the FDA for the entirety of Operation Warp Speed (and as Peter Navarro showed, against the president’s orders, actively sabotaged affordable and effective treatments for COVID-19) Hahn is now an executive for the venture capital firm that launched Moderna (and thus owns a significant portion of it).

Note: This issue exists beyond the healthcare sector — for instance Lloyd Austin was first a four-star general under Obama, then left to become a board member for Raytheon, and then left that position to become Biden’s Secretary of Defense. Since becoming in charge of our military, one of the worst wars in modern history has broken out, which coincidently required a massive amount of weaponry to be purchased from defense contractors like Raytheon.

All of this has effectively created a “pay-to-play” situation, where it’s almost impossible to get a drug approved unless you have a lot of money and as a result, therapies that put people before profits have a very difficult time getting through.

This was best shown throughout COVID-19 where numerous teams were unable to receive an EUA (or sometimes even permission to conduct American trials) for safe therapies that had strong evidence they were effective in treating COVID-19, while awful but highly lucrative therapies (e.g., Remdesivir, Paxlovid and Molnupiravir) sailed through the approval process.

Given that the Prescription Drug User Fee Act was originally created during the AIDS crisis to help expedite emergency therapies being approved to treat novel diseases, its noteworthy the exact opposite ultimately happened.

Note: I was heavily involved with one team which attempted to secure an EUA, and it was depressing how high a standard we were held to compared to Pfizer.

Likewise, a big part of why Steve Kirsch originally got involved with the vaccine issue was because he provided a wealth of evidence and funded the original clinical trial that demonstrated an already FDA approved drug was a highly effective treatment for COVID-19 but was stonewalled in receiving an EUA from the FDA (which Kirsch was told from an insider also sabotaged Fluvoxamine making it into the NIH’s COVID treatment guidelines).medicine

health care


Guideline Committees

One of the classic tactics propagandists and marketers use to manipulate the public is to have an “independent” party (especially a trustable one) endorse the sponsor’s position. Because of this, you frequently find that a variety of nice sounding third parties (e.g., many of those which advocate for helping patients with specific medical conditions) are taking money from corporate sponsors and ultimately advance positions that to serve their sponsor’s interests.

A common way this technique is utilized is by delegating important policy decisions to impartial committees of qualified experts. That way, the conclusions they come to are perceived to be objective truth, rather than the work of a corrupt bureaucrat — even though in reality the corrupt bureaucrat calls the shots by deciding who ends up on the committee.

For example, in COVID-19, much of the death that happened was the result of no effective treatments existing for COVID-19, and instead only dangerous ones like remdesivir being permitted — which seems odd given that the evidence for remdesivir was appalling, whereas the evidence for many of the other treatments was phenomenal.

Let’s in turn consider the evidence and cost of each approved treatment for COVID-19 (the EUA list can be found here, the NIH treatment guidelines here).

pooled effects

Note: A few newer (and expensive) currently approved treatments for COVID-19 are not included in the above list. Many of the discontinued therapies were the monoclonal antibodies (which effectively treated COVID-19). The FDA discontinued them because they no longer matched the circulating variants of COVID-19 — yet simultaneously this decision was not applied to the vaccines.

I feel this decision was a shame since numerous people reported those monoclonals (which matched the vaccine spike protein) often were very helpful in treating vaccine injuries, but after the EUA was withdrawn, the entire supply was disposed of (minus a bit like what my colleague intercepted when this happened).

From looking at this list, it seems clear the primary determinant of if a treatment ended up in the guidelines was if it did not treat the infection (instead only providing symptomatic management — which was often dangerous) or if it was a lucrative product someone was making money off of. In short, our regulators appeared to be focused on protecting the market rather than the American people.

Interestingly, when the NIH committee which created the COVID-19 treatment guidelines was looked into, it was discovered that most of them had taken money from Gilead (remdesivir’s manufacturer). Furthermore, example this article discusses how Fauci chose to appoint one of his longtime associates (pictured below) to chair that committee.

fauci longtime associates

Note: According to a recent government investigation, the NIH spent approximately 162 million dollars developing remdesivir.

Likewise, the official Fauci appointed to chair the committee which monitored the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines while they were being tested was a board member of Gilead and numerous members of the FDA committee which horrendously voted to approve the vaccine for children had previously worked for Pfizer.

Note: The best argument I have seen in defense of the government hiring experts who are taking money from the company whose drug they are evaluating is that so many experts are being paid off now it’s extremely challenging to find academically qualified individuals for these committees who do not also have significant conflicts of interest.

This is one illustration of how the pervasive corruption in academia (which increases as funds become in short supply) has rippled out into the broader society.

Sadly, COVID was not the first time a corrupt committee’s guidelines have had massive consequences for the world. Consider this example from chapter 7 of Doctoring Data:

“The National Cholesterol Education Programme (NCEP) has been tasked by the NIH to develop guidelines [everyone uses] for treating cholesterol levels. Excluding the chair (who was by law prohibited from having financial conflicts of interest), the other 8 members on average were on the payroll of 6 statin manufacturers.

In 2004, NCEP reviewed 5 large statin trials and recommended: “Aggressive LDL lowering for high-risk patients [primary prevention] with lifestyle changes and statins.”

In 2005 a Canadian division of the Cochrane Collaboration [who were not paid off] reviewed 5 large statin trials (3 were the same as NCEP’s, while the other 2 had also reached a positive conclusion for statin therapy). That assessment instead concluded: “Statins have not been shown to provide an overall health benefit in primary prevention trials.””

Note: Statins are widely considered to be one of the most dangerous and ineffective drugs on the market.

When deciding on approving a new drug, the FDA seeks the advice of an outside advisory panel about half of the time (typically for more controversial or less understood drugs).

In those cases, the FDA is more likely than not to agree with that panel — one study evaluating 416 decisions made between 1997 and 2012 found the FDA followed the advice of its panel 84% of the time, and when the FDA overruled its panel, 61% of those decisions were to have a drug rejected by the committee nonetheless be approved. Some of the more noteworthy recent over-rulings included:

Approving an extremely expensive Alzheimer’s drug which did not work but did frequently cause brain bleeding and swelling (which could be fatal). That drug was unanimously rejected by the advisory committee, and when the FDA still chose to approve it, three members of that panel permanently resigned from their advisory capacity.

A CDC advisory panel voted in favor of giving the booster six months after the second shot to those over 65, and for those with health factors that put them at risk for a severe COVID-19 infection, but against recommending it to workers who were more likely to come in contact with COVID.

The CDC overruled that final decision and advised it for everyone (which in turn resulted in it being mandated for much of the American population since many use the CDC’s “voluntary” guidelines to craft their policies).

Note: Around the same time the CDC overruled its committee, the FDA also overruled its advisory committee’s decision to not approve boosters for the general population which coincided with the resignation of two senior FDA officials in its vaccine division — one of whom joined a vaccine non-profit and the other who became a board member for a biotech company.

Royalty Payments

In 1980, the Bayh–Dole Act was passed, which gave researchers (whose research was funded by taxpayer money) and their universities the patent and royalty rights to any drug they developed. The act was intended to help facilitate discoveries making it to the marketplace (which was a valid point since things moved very slowly when the Federal Government retained control of those patents), but at the time many worried it would corrupt the national research apparatus.

Not long after, as detailed within Chapter 7 of The Real Anthony Fauci, Fauci entered the scene and began transforming our national research apparatus into a pharmaceutical production pipeline. For example to quote a 2021 interview with RFK Jr:

“Between 2009 and 2016, there were hundreds of drugs approved by FDA. Virtually all of them came out of [Fauci’s NIH pharmaceutical production pipeline].”

Note: RFK Jr. recently estimated that Fauci’s agency owns 2,200 drug patents, many of which have been lucratively licensed to pharmaceutical manufacturers. Similar conflicts of interest also exist for the NIH and CDC (which may help to explain why the CDC always recommends every vaccine).

This transformation was greatly accelerated by Fauci’s maneuvers during the AIDS crisis (creating a hysteria about the disease, blocking all effective treatments for it from coming to market and making the deadly AZT be approved and then become the standard of care) which allowed him to get his agency, the NIAID, a massive discretionary budget, a global influence over scientific research and international health policy, and a large influence over the FDA and CDC.

In effect, Fauci gained control over the national research apparatus (which amongst other things was why he was able to destroy the careers of scientists like Peter Duesberg who challenged him as he could cut off their access to the grants every career scientist depends upon and make many reluctant to hire those who had crossed him). To create his pipeline Fauci did the following:

  • He assembled a network of clinical investigators (PIs) around the country who would test these drugs, often in a highly unethical manner.
  • He concealed the financial conflicts of interest from the trial participants (who likely would not have consented if they’d known they were guinea pigs for an investment).
  • He worked diligently to conceal the money everyone was making from the royalties on those drugs.
  • He used the money this pipeline brought in from the pharmaceutical industry to gradually buy out our regulators so they would push along his dangerous and unproven drugs.

Note: Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady is the nation’s chief bioethicist. Throughout her tenure, she has used her position to successfully lobby for Fauci’s policies (e.g., all of horrendous ones we saw throughout COVID-19) to be deemed “ethical.”

In short, Fauci made the Bayh–Dole Act become something far worse than its harshest critics had imagined. To quote Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor who has runs a non-profit directed at investigating unethical human experimentation and spent years investigating the NIAID’s conduct:

“Beginning around 1990, clinical trials became the profit center for the medical community. The insurance industry and HMOs were squeezing doctors so that it became hard to make big money practicing medicine. The most ambitious doctors left patient care and gravitated toward clinical trials.

Everybody involved was making money except the subjects of the human experiments. At the center of everything was NIH and NIAID. While people were not paying attention, the agency quietly became the partner of the industry.”

RFK Jr. aptly summarizes the immense scope of Fauci’s enterprise:

Between 2010 and 2016, every single drug that won approval from the FDA — 210 different pharmaceuticals — originated, at least in part, from research funded by the NIH.

At the time all of this happened, the pharmaceutical industry had far less control over the media as it was only in 1997 that directly advertising pharmaceutical products became legal in the United States.

This resulted in an ever increasing amount of advertising dollars coming from the pharmaceutical industry which in turn allowed the industry to be able to leverage media companies into never airing content critical of the industry — best illustrated by the fact in 1976, a far less dangerous (but still dangerous) experimental vaccine was recklessly deployed on America and after a significant number of people were injured, candid admissions of this were seen on mainstream news networks, something which is not allowed in today’s much more corrupt media climate.

Note: Outside of the United States, direct pharmaceutical advertising remains illegal in most countries (New Zealand is the only other country that fully allows it — while Canada partially allows it).

As a result, in the past, the press was much more willing to criticize Fauci’s conduct. For example, this is what the BBC’s investigator from it’s 2004 “Guinea Pig Kids” documentary shared about one of Fauci’s experiments which forced many of the participants to take the medications against their consent:

“I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each.

Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.

I remember the teddy bears and hearts in piles around the pit and I recall the flies buzzing around. The job of recording all those names took all day. NIAID, New York, and all the hospital PIs were stonewalling us.

We couldn’t get any accurate estimate of the number of children who died in the NIAID experiments, or who they were. I went to check the gravestone names against death certificates at the NYC Department of Health, which you could still do at that time.

BBC wanted to match these coffins to the names of children who were known to have been at ICC. It was a very slow, byzantine project with tremendous institutional resistance, but we did turn up a few names.

This story ran in the NY Post, believe it or not. But one after the other, every media outlet that touched this story got cold feet. Even then, the medical cartel had this power to kill this kind of story. Dr. Fauci has built his career on that attitude. Nobody even asks him a follow- up question.

NIAID’s narrative, at that time, was that these children were among the doomed as they ‘had AIDS,’ so supposedly they were all going to die anyway. When people died, in large numbers, gruesome deaths, NIAID’s medical researchers called it ‘lessons learned.’”

Note: Another lucrative HIV drug, Nevirapine was pushed through by Fauci and his AIDS branch DAIDS. When it was unethically tested in Africa on mothers and their children to prevent HIV transmission, thousands of adverse events occurred (including dozens of deaths), which Fauci hid from the FDA.

Later when similar injuries occurred within the United States, Jonathan Fishbein, MD (who in 2003 was hired to oversee DAIDS’s research) tried to bring attention to these serious research violations. This resulted in Fauci firing Fishbein from DAIDS, and after a lengthy whistleblower investigation was conducted by Congress, it instituted an annual cap of 150,000 dollars on the royalties each government scientist could receive each year for the drugs they helped developed.

In addition to the BBC, other media companies were also willing to criticize Fauci. For example:

“According to a 2005 exposé by the Associated Press, “In all, 916 current and former NIH researchers are receiving royalty payments for drugs and other inventions they developed while working for the government.” That investigation concluded that scientists and administrators at the National Institutes of Health flagrantly disregard ethical and legal requirements of financial disclosure.

Five years ago Donna Shalala, then Secretary of the Health and Human Services, issued federal requirements (2000) of financial disclosure requiring NIH scientists to disclose their financial interest in experimental treatments on informed consent documents reviewed by patients being recruited as test subjects.

According to the Associated Press, NIH administrators did not even consider implementing the 5 year old federal requirement until AP filed a Freedom of Information request last week.”

Note: Between 1997 to 2005, Fauci and his deputy H. Clifford Lane (another of the chairs of the COVID-19 treatment committee) had each received $45,072.82 in royalties for an experimental AIDS treatment they invented and spent a lot of tax payer money testing (e.g., $36 million on one experiment), often in an unethical fashion (e.g., they repeatedly failed to disclose their conflicts of interest to trial participants).

Sadly, by the time COVID happened, the pharmaceutical production pipeline was so well established that dissenting narratives simply could not see the light of day. Because of this, Fauci continually received fawning admiration throughout the (pharmaceutically sponsored) media — the most depressing of which was probably this segment:

More importantly, Fauci was never called out on his lies, his responsibility for creating COVID-19 or the innumerable ways he contradicted himself throughout the pandemic. Rather, he was allowed to direct the pandemic response through non-sensical proclamations that only benefitted his sponsors.

Because of the embarrassment that was created through the 2005 AP investigation, the NIH pledged to become more transparent with royalty payments and disclose financial conflicts of interest for patients recruited into their trials. In 2021, almost twenty years later, the watchdog organization Open the Books (with the help of Judicial Watch) attempted to replicate the AP’s FOIA investigation.

They found not surprisingly, the NIH had failed to uphold its commitment and instead had become much more secretive about its activity since 2005 (e.g., in addition to not voluntarily disclosing the pharmaceutical payments, it refused to honor legally required FOIA requests). Although much was concealed they eventually found:

1.Over 56,000 royalty payments (from third parties) totaling over 325 million dollars were paid to 2400 NIH scientists.

2.Many of these payments came from foreign companies (e.g., a questionable Russian company and a Chinese company that worked closely with the Wuhan lab) or vaccine companies (e.g., for the disastrous HPV vaccine).

3.Some of the royalty payment recipients had also received massive grants from the NIH.

4.Many of the parties paying the royalty payments had also received much larger grants from the NIH (for context the NIH gave out 30 billion dollars in grants in 2022).

5.The most prominent figures in the NIH (who decided where those grants were directed) also received a disproportionately higher number of royalty payments. For example:

  • Fauci received 37 payments between 2010-2021
  • Francis Collins (the NIH director between 2009-2021) received 21 payments between 2010-2021
  • Fauci’s deputy Clifford Lane received 8 payments
  • Douglas Lowy who has occupied various leadership roles at the National Cancer Institute (e.g., he’s been the acting director since 2015) received 192 payments since 2009

Unfortunately, the NIH has still refused to disclose exactly how much each of their employees has received from the royalty payments.

Fortunately, with the help of Congress, Adam Andrzejewski was eventually able to obtain Fauci’s financial disclosures and discover how much he and his wife made during the pandemic response (which Fauci’s recently released calendar shows he was directing behind the scenes with all the key players long before COVID-19 was officially acknowledged):

fauci household net worth tracker

Note: Fauci is the highest paid federal employee, while is wife is one of the highest (she makes more than the vice president). He is also presently slated to receive a retirement pension of over $350,000.00 a year — which is also the largest federal pension in history.

Sadly, this excellent journalism resulted in Andrzejewski (who had previously earned the position of a senior policy contributor) being fired by Forbes — which again shows how much influence the pharmaceutical industry has over the media.

The GAO Investigation

One of the more honest departments within the Federal Government is the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an agency that serves as Congress’s watchdog and frequently uncovers other branches of the government deliberately concealing their misdeeds (e.g., this occurred when the GAO was assigned to investigate the military’s disastrous experimental anthrax vaccination program).

As part of the COVID-19 relief bills, the GAO was assigned to investigate the four agencies directly responsible for crafting the COVID-19 response (the FDA, CDC, NIH and ASPR) and attempted to answer a relatively simple question. Did political interference prevent employees within those departments from following policies in accordance with the existing scientific evidence?

After conducting interviews with employees in each agency, the GAO found many had observed this happen and a few at the CDC and FDA went further to state that: “they felt that the potential political interference they observed resulted in the alteration or suppression of scientific findings.”

When the GAO asked why the federal employees failed to report these actions, they cited the following reasons:

  • They feared retaliation.
  • They thought their leadership was already aware of those issues.
  • They were unsure how to report issues as no existing policies or procedures existed for making those reports.
elements of scientific integrity related procedures and training

Note: Not having procedures in place to report misconduct is unusual as most large organizations have them and they are often required by the government to (e.g., medicare requires all hospitals receiving its payments to have a way for employees to report fraud).

When the GAO asked the leadership of those agencies why these necessary policies and procedures were not in place, the only explanation they received was that no reports of political interference had been made so there was no need to have a formalized reporting system for it.

In turn, I would argue this line of reasoning is not that different from the agencies habitually refusing to honor their promises to be transparent with the bribes they are receiving from the pharmaceutical industry.

For example, did you know that Moderna’s vaccine was developed by NIH scientists and that the NIH spent 1.4 billion dollars to help Moderna develop and test its vaccine?

Once I learned this I was relatively sure the vaccine would be approved by the FDA regardless of the red flags that emerged — and despite all the issues that have come to light since that time (along with the fact the vaccine barely works now) those agencies are still trying to push booster after booster for it onto the market.

In my eyes, one of the most important takeaways from the GAO’s investigation is that there are a lot of good people in these agencies who want to do the right thing, but they are often prevented from doing so because corrupt officials have been appointed to lead these agencies — something which RFK Jr. has also repeatedly found to be the case in his years of litigating against the federal government and the sentiment echoed by many of the personnel in these agencies (e.g., the previously mentioned CDC employees).


One of the most common strategies power hungry individuals use to control the masses is to rigidly establish pyramidal hierarchies within the society and then take control of the very top of each of those institutions.

For example, the premier medical journals have been established as the arbiters of “scientific truth,” and as the years have gone by, they’ve marched more and more in lockstep with Big Pharma — so as you might guess both the journals themselves and their editors receive a lot of money from the pharmaceutical industry.

This helps to explain why all of them (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary) refused to publish anything critical of the COVID vaccines or remdesivir. Likewise, as Pierre Kory details within the War on Ivermectin, they refused to publish all the data showing affordable off-patent drugs worked much better than any of the lucrative products being rushed out for the COVID boondoggle.

In this article, I’ve attempted to show how there has been an increasing tide of corruption within the agencies we have long trusted to look out for our health. This corruption has now metastasized to the point we saw entire government march in lockstep throughout the pandemic in support of the irrational, unscientific and disastrous policies that were implemented throughout COVID-19. In many ways, I feel like we are well on the path to this scene from the iconic movie Idiocracy:

As much as I’d like to blame the government for the disaster we are witnessing, I think much of it is also a reflection of the culture. For example, Big Pharma and the medical device industry spends a lot of money grooming doctors (now about 20 billion a year) — including over 2500 doctors who’ve received more than half a million dollars from the industry and 700 who’ve received over a million. Remember, that money is only spent because it works.

All of this I believe is representative of a cycle societies throughout history have been observed to follow:

cycle societies

Many factors in turn account for the cyclical nature of things; for example, as the times change, the society’s institutions are no longer suited to meet the needs of current era.

Likewise, when everything works well, citizens often take that for granted and lose the motivation to actively participate in making the society work, which allows the rot in the society’s institutions to fester, whereas once things become bad enough, they become motivated to become active participants in turning things around.

One of the major factors that goes hand in hand with this cycle is the level of corruption, as once it passes a certain point, the institutions society depends upon prioritize serving whoever is bribing them rather than the society — which rapidly leads to things falling apart. As I have tried to illustrate in this article, we are presently in a period of institutional breakdown which has gone hand in hand with the ever-growing corruption throughout our society.

At this point, there are now more and more indications the egregiousness of that corruption (especially given how far things went throughout COVID-19), has now begun to open the public’s eyes to the pervasive corruption within our society and that it’s reached the point it is now threatening the stability of the United States.

In turn, my hope is that this recognition will create the political will to halt the institutional decline our nation is facing — because if it doesn’t, the decline will continue worsen (history has countless examples of the innumerable atrocious things which occur during major institutional declines) and we will likely experience an even greater shock than what was seen during the pandemic.

More on Election Fraud — In Arizona

Court Finds Arizona’s Signature Matching Process Unlawful in ‘Massive Win’ for Election Integrity

Former candidate for governor of Arizona, Kari Lake
Don’t bother to search for this article on Google. When Kari Lake contested the 2022 election results against Katie Hobbs in their race of Arizona governor, she was excoriated over claims that mail-in ballots were handled illegally. Now an Arizona judge has ruled that the “statute is clear and unambiguous”. While Lake’s legal fight continues, this is the crack in the dyke of election fraud.When dust settles on this, it will expose the all dirty, underhanded things that were done to steal thin election in the first place. ⁃ TN Editor

A judge has found that Arizona’s signature matching process for mail-in ballots is unlawful, delivering what the plaintiffs in the lawsuit called a “massive win” for election integrity.

Yavapai County Superior Court Judge John Napper issued a ruling last week (pdf) in a lawsuit against Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes brought by public interest group Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE), which alleged that Mr. Fontes broke the law regarding mail-in ballot signature verification procedures.

Specifically, the group argued that Mr. Fontes’ interpretation of “registration record” in the Secretary of State’s Elections Procedures Manual was unreasonably broad and improperly expanded the pool of signatures to which an early ballot affidavit signature could be compared, increasing the risk of false positives.

“While state law requires county recorders to match mail-ballot signatures with signatures in the voter’s ‘registration record,’ the Secretary instructed them to use a broader and less reliable universe of comparison signatures,” RITE said in a Sept. 5 statement on the court ruling.

“That means the Secretary was requiring ballots to be counted despite using a signature that did not match anything in the voter’s registration record. This was a clear violation of state law,” the group added.

Former gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, who sued Mr. Fontes and Maricopa County officials over the signature verification process that was used in last year’s election, took to X to post about the decision.

“A court just found that Arizona’s signature matching process is UNLAWFUL,” Ms. Lake said.

“This is what happens when you don’t back down from a fight,” the Kari Lake War Room account said in a post on X.

Mr. Fontes’ office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the ruling.

Dispute Over ‘Registration Record’

Court documents show that Mr. Fontes argued that the legal definition of “registration record” is ambiguous and so he is entitled to provide guidance on its interpretation.

“Does the legislature’s use of the expansive term registration ‘record’ really mean the more restrictive (but unused) term registration ‘form’ for purposes of verifying a signature on an early voted ballot,” reads a motion to dismiss (pdf) the RITE lawsuit filed by Mr. Fontes’ attorneys.

“The answer is ‘no,’” the attorneys argued, listing reasons that include the Secretary of State’s statutory authority to conduct elections fairly and impartially.

But the judge disagreed with the reasoning.

“This argument fails because there is no ambiguity in the statute,” Mr. Napper wrote in his opinion.

He added that the Arizona “statute is clear and unambiguous” in that it requires the recorder to “review the voter’s registration card” and not other documents bearing the voter’s signature.

Mr. Napper also noted that Mr. Fontes’ signature-matching process in the Election Procedures Manual “contradicts the plain language” of Arizona elections laws by allowing signature matching with documents that have “nothing to do with the act of registering.”

Accordingly, the judge denied Mr. Fontes’ motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

In a statement, Derek Lyons, CEO of RITE, called the decision a “huge victory toward securing the elections that Arizonans deserve, which are elections they can trust.”

“RITE will build on this victory to continue to fight in court for elections that are administered according to democratically enacted laws, not illegal partisan commands,” he added.

The group said in a statement that the ruling shows that Mr. Fontes must change his signature verification procedures before the next election to “protect the integrity of Arizona’s mail-in balloting process” or face further legal consequences.

It’s unclear whether the ruling will have any implications for Ms. Lake’s lawsuit against Mr. Fontes and Maricopa County officials over the signature verification process that was used in last year’s gubernatorial election.

A judge in May dismissed Ms. Lake’s lawsuit but she filed an appeal (pdf), which is ongoing before the Arizona Court of Appeals.

Read full story here…

from:  https://www.technocracy.news/court-finds-arizonas-signature-matching-process-unlawful-in-massive-win-for-election-integrity/