Money, Vaccines, Chickens, and Cows – Oh, and You

(Superlong, but if you are interested, the full text is here before it is deleted from Mercola’s site in 48 hours.

PS:  It seems Mercola has a new “”guru”, so sometimes his stuff gets a bit questionable.  This, however, seems OK:)

Bird Flu — Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit

Analysis by Ashley Armstrong


  • Fearmongering around bird flu mirrors COVID-19 responses, with calls for testing, social distancing, and vaccination in the agricultural sector. New RFID tagging requirements for dairy cows represent potential government overreach, aimed at increased animal tracking and control
  • Development of mRNA vaccines for bird flu in both humans and animals raises concerns about potential mandatory vaccinations and their impact on the food supply
  • FDA warnings against raw milk consumption lack evidence of foodborne transmission of bird flu to humans and may serve to protect industrial dairy interests. The centralization of the food system has led to a 72% decrease in small farms over the last 90 years, emphasizing the need to support small-scale farmers directly
  • The H5N1 virus may have origins in gain-of-function research, potentially emerging from a lab rather than occurring naturally in wild birds
  • Mass culling of poultry in response to outbreaks has led to over 92 million chickens being slaughtered since 2022, often using inhumane methods

Let the fearmongering begin (again)! Propaganda efforts are making people believe humans can die from the bird flu and that we must “do our part” in preventing the next global pandemic. Wear masks, social distance, sanitize everything, get tested, get vaccinated … It’s kind of like “COVID-19,” but now in dairy cows!


Image from

Similar to “wear masks, stay home, practice social distancing and sanitize everything,” the United States Department of Agriculture is now encouraging farmers to regularly test animals, test the milk weekly, register livestock, step up the use of personal protective equipment, limit traffic onto their farms, and increase cleaning and disinfection practices.

“The most important step we can take today is biosecurity. I am calling on producers to use our resources to enhance their biosecurity measures and states and producers to opt in to our support programs and herd monitoring programs, which are designed to limit the spread of this disease in dairy cattle.” — Secretary of the USDA Tom Vilsack.

good biosecurity

Image from Article written by the secretary of the USDA (Tom Vilsack), spreading the message that it is up to the farmers to comply to biosecurity methods to stop the spread.

Similar to “toilet paper shortages,” now there are limitations on number of egg cartons purchased at some stores in Australia as bird flu spreads rapidly across large poultry farms. (Are meat and dairy products next?)

buying limit on eggs

Figure: Coles is one of the two largest supermarket chains in Australia.

Similar to summer event cancellations in 2020 and 2021, state fairs and livestock events are requiring testing1 and some are even being canceled this summer due to the bird flu.2

shiawassee country fair cancellation

What’s next?

  • Lock downs of cows and chickens inside barns to reduce the spread?
  • Mandatory avian influenza testing?
  • Mandatory mRNA vaccination of all livestock to “solve the problem?”
  • Force farm employees to wear personal protective equipment (PPE)?
bird flu spread from poultry to cattle to humans

Image from

This is all a little déjà vu, isn’t it? Can you believe they are trying this again? And all of this may be obvious to you, but when you tune into any mainstream media account right now, people ARE buying it! And there is a massive amount of fearmongering and discussions on “why we should be concerned,” “what to do to prevent a spread.”

For example, Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN produced an “Are We Prepared for Bird Flu” fearmongering special.3 The CDC is now predicting that the next pandemic will be from the bird flu.

“Once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor and then go human to human, that’s when you’re going to have the pandemic … I think it’s just a matter of time.” — Dr. Redfield, former CDC director.

News agencies from across the country are saying the exact same thing. So, is that really “news?” Or has it become propaganda again? Reporting what they want us to hear to spread fear. So in this article, let’s discuss how this bird flu “pandemic” is an attempt to obtain complete control of the food system.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” — Henry Kissinger

I will also touch on what YOU can do to help stop spread the fearmongering — helping others better understand why these types of events are occurring can hopefully help prevent people from falling for this. (AGAIN!)

What Is ‘Bird Flu’

According to According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “H5N1 is one of several influenza viruses that causes a highly infectious respiratory disease in birds called avian influenza (or ‘bird flu’).” The “bird flu” is not new — it is something agriculture has dealt with for a long time. The CDC actually outlines the history of Avian Influenza from 1880 — 2024 here.

Dr. Mercola wrote about this in 2006 in his book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax:” “The U.S. government is now practically screaming that a new avian super-flu will likely kill millions of Americans. The mainstream media is entirely onboard, as are drug companies and other corporations poised to benefit immensely off the paranoia. But there is NO coming bird flu pandemic.

It’s an elaborate scheme contrived by the government and big business for reasons that boil down to power and money.” Are they really trying this again?

GOF Origins?

While I do not think humans should be concerned, there is no denying that H5N1 can cause problems for birds. Many people say that H5N1 comes from wild birds — but is Nature really something we should be fearing or trying to separate ourselves from? Where did the strain come from and why is it so problematic? Are there other origins?

Gain-of-function (GOF) research seeks to alter the functional characteristics of a virus to “help” public health experts better understand how viruses can spread and better plan for future pandemics.

In 2010, there was controversial GOF research on avian flu viruses where strains of the H5N1 bird flu viruses were intentionally made to be transmissible via respiratory droplets among ferrets. These studies were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under Dr. Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates has also funded gain-of-function research on H5N1.4

In 2011, the scientists reported that they were successful in modifying the avian H5N1 virus so that it was transmissible between mammals, making the entire situation riskier for humans.5

After being put on pause for a period of time, federal funding for these controversial research projects quietly resumed in 2019.6 And GOF critics have repeatedly discussed the human risks if the virus escaped (or released) from a lab.

Did the current H5N1 strain come from a lab? Were migrating birds infected, which then traveled across the world and country infecting a number of poultry and livestock facilities around the world? There are individuals investigating potential lab origins of HPAI through gain of function research.7

“Genetic analysis indicates that genotype B3.13 emerged in 2024 and exhibits genetic links to genotype B1.2, which was identified to have originated in Georgia in January 2022 after the start of serial passage research with H5Nx clade in mallard ducks at the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia in April 2021.”

bird flu existential choice

Us humans will NEVER win the war against Mother Nature, as She will ALWAYS outsmart us. Image from

Unfortunately, there is now troubling censorship that was recently instated to better control the narrative. Robert Malone reported that in June of this year, amendments to the WHO IHR (International Health Regulations) were illegally approved and prepared behind closed doors.8

“Although the ‘Article 55’ rules and regulations for amending the IHR explicitly require that ‘the text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration,’ the requirement of four months for review was disregarded in a rush to produce some tangible deliverable from the Assembly …

The IHR amendments retain troubling language regarding censorship. These provisions have been buried in Annex 1,A.2.c., which requires State Parties to ‘develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities … in relation to … surveillance … and risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation.'”9

Now Cows and Humans Get Bird Flu

But the bird flu now involves more than just birds … this year marks the first “bird to cow” and “cow to human” transmission.

A multi-state outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in dairy cows was first reported on March 25, 2024. And according to the CDC, there are now 12 states with outbreaks in dairy cows with a total of 126 dairy herds affected.10

According to the Ohio Department of Agriculture, however, most sick cows recover within a few days.

The first reported human case in the US was a dairy farmer in Texas who developed pinkeye earlier this year. “Swab testing” was used to determine this dairy farmer had the same strain of bird flu, H5N1, that is supposedly circulating in dairy cows.

Altogether, there have been four human cases in the U.S., and none involved person-to-person spread — all were infected after exposure to animals presumed to have bird flu. With the goal of spreading fear, the World Health Organization reported that the first human has died from the avian influenza in Mexico on April 24th.

A few important details they do not include in headlines is that this individual had many pre-existing conditions, had no exposure to poultry or other animals, and was bedridden for three weeks prior to the onset of avian flu symptoms.

This accusation by WHO that this man died from the bird flu was denied by the Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer.11 Jorge Alcocer said the 59-year-old man died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure, NOT the bird flu.

“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case.” — Jorge Alcocer

While the individual who died may have tested positive for H5N2, the current “fear” in the U.S. is the spread of the H5N1 strain in dairy cows. In 2008, scientists documented how testing positive for H5N2 may just be a result of seasonal flu vaccines or antiviral medications.

“A history of seasonal influenza vaccination might be associated with H5N2-neutralizing antibody positivity.12 These results suggest that the administration of Tamiflu (an antiviral) may affect the results of HI tests for H5N2 virus.”13

Again, doesn’t all of this sound so familiar? Pre-existing conditions, false positive faulty testing, fear, misinformation …

False Testing

Just like with COVID, government agencies are relying on PCR tests as they ramp up testing for bird flu. But PCR tests are extremely inaccurate and lead to significant levels of false positives.14

PCR testing works by replicating tiny fragments of DNA or RNA until they become large enough to identify. The fragments are replicated in cycles, and each cycle doubles the amount of genetic material in the sample. The number of cycles required to create an identifiable sample is the “cycle threshold” (CT). A high CT means many cycles were required to “detect” a virus.

“A persistent sticking point with the PCR test is that it picks up dead viral debris, and by excessively magnifying those particles with CTs in the 40s, noninfectious individuals are labeled as infectious and told to self-isolate.

In short, media and public health officials have conflated ‘cases’ — positive tests — with the actual illness.” — Dr. Mercola, written about PCR testing with COVID. But now we this can be applied to the current bird flu situation.

In December 2020, even the WHO warned that using a high CT would lead to false-positive results. Moreover, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test, has said it is inappropriate to use the test as a diagnostic tool to detect a viral infection.15

Yet the government is mass producing and encouraging PCR testing with no reporting on CTs. A big part of the CDCs new $93 million plan to reduce the impact of bird flu involves testing.16 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) did not respond to “The Defender’s” inquiry about which CTs are used to test animals for bird flu.17

False positives can help them spread fear, encourage vaccinations, and mandate the mass killing of cattle herds of chicken flocks.

Proposed Solutions

Former CDC Director Tom Frieden, outlined how he thinks the US should respond:18

1)Rapid response — Test, isolate, cull livestock

2)Trust the government and comply, with this type of messaging — “It’s up to our farmers to comply and report testing”

3)Coordination amongst state and federal agencies to monitor more farms

The USDA requires that infected farms depopulate (kill) their flocks to better contain the virus and stop the spread. “The virus, however, is fatal to birds, and state and federal officials require all poultry in infected flocks to be killed to prevent its spread.”19 These mass killings (or “depopulations”) are paid for with public dollars through a USDA Program.20

On June 25, the Feds have paid Michigan farms $81 million to recoup the loss of having to cull millions of birds.21 More than $73 million of that $81 million was provided to the state’s largest egg producer, Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch. Nearly 6.5 million chickens (more than 40% of the state’s egg layers) were depopulated in early 2024.

flocks infected by bird flu

Image from

Roughly $1 billion has been paid out nationwide since the highly pathogenic avian influenza, H5N1, started spreading in January 2022. Nationwide, large corporate egg producers have received some of the biggest payments to cover the cost of culling their flocks. For example, Jennie-O was provided $105 million, Tyson Foods was provided $29 million, and Cal-Main Foods $22 million.22

More than 92 million chickens have been slaughtered since the recent outbreak began in 2022. And in June of this year, 4.2 million birds were killed at a farm in Sioux County, Iowa. (Why were there 4.2 million chickens at a single farm?)

Corporations are compensated for the mass killings despite the utilization of inhumane depopulation methods that are not approved by animal welfare organizations. More than 80% of the mass culling here in the US use VSD+ (ventilation shut down plus), which is a cheaper option and is banned in other countries. Air is closed off to the barns and heat is pumped in until the temps rise above 104 °F, essentially cooking the birds alive.

In a mass killing of 5 million birds in March 2022 at Remembrandt Foods, some employees reported that it took about a month to pull the dead poultry from the cages and dump them into carts before piling the birds into nearby fields and buried in huge pits.

egg factory farm

Image from

Is the massacre of millions of birds really the best way to handle this situation? (It isn’t working, as “avian flu” outbreaks continue to pop up!) What if flocks are massacred due to a single false positive test? What about the concept of “natural immunity?”

The “cull the whole flock with one positive test” approach of approach will just lead to a reduction in the nation’s food supply (or even food shortages) and will lead to even more centralization and regulation in the food supply that is getting worse each year.

Dairy Cow Tracking

The USDA used the H5N1 fearmongering to push a ruling through on April 26th of this year that RFID ear tags are now required for dairy cattle for an “efficient animal disease traceability system.”

Or … is it a way to monitor, track and control the total number of and movement of dairy cows? A way to keep records of mRNA vaccinations, pharmaceuticals and other protocols to maintain in control?

RFID (radio-frequency identification) tagging involves small devices that use radio frequencies to transfer data, mainly to track and identify objects, animals and people.

R-CALF USA is speaking out against this new ruling: “[T]he beneficiaries of this rule are not cattle producers or consumers. Instead, this rule is intended to benefit multinational beef packers and multinational ear tag manufacturers who will profit at the expense of cattle producers and consumers.

In fact, because the rule is cost-prohibitive for independent cattle producers, the agency is using millions of taxpayer dollars to give millions of their unnecessary EID ear tags away … We will fight against the implementation of this disastrous rule that infringes on the freedoms and liberties of our nation’s independent cattle farmers and ranchers. This is government overreach at its worst.” — R-CALF CEO Bill Bullard.


The CDC still says, “the human health risk assessment remains low,” yet there is extensive vaccine development.

Finland is now the first country to roll out the experimental bird flu vaccine and purchased vaccines for 10,000 people in mid-June,23 from manufacturer CSL Seqirus. This first round is intended for those “most at risk,” including farm workers and veterinarians. This purchase is part of the 40 million vaccine deal the EU has secured with CSL Seqirus.

This “Zoonotic Influenza vaccine Seqirus” (a two-dose vaccine, given 3 weeks apart) was authorized by European regulators based on immunogenicity studies showing that it elicited immune responses that scientists THINK would be protective against avian influenza.24 (How is “we think so” enough?)

The flu vaccine is traditionally made with eggs, and this has scientists worried. “A majority of the approved vaccines are created by incubating doses in chicken eggs, but the [bird flu’s] rate of fatality among poultry poses an issue for these vaccines.”25 So, many manufacturers are shifting towards more mRNA vaccine development.

“The bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows is prompting development of new, next-generation mRNA vaccines — akin to COVID-19 shots — that are being tested in both animals and people.”26

The University of Pennsylvania is developing an mRNA vaccines for the bird flu using the same techniques that produced the COVID vaccines. According to a May 28th report from the Global Center for Health Security, “[a]n experimental mRNA vaccine against the H5N1 avian flu is highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in lab animals, researchers report.”27

Moderna and Pfizer are also competing for federal contracts to build a national stockpile of mRNA vaccines targeted toward the new bird flu.28

24 different companies are working towards the development of a bird flu vaccine for cows.29 Mandatory chicken and dairy cow mRNA vaccinations would then mean we are exposed to mRNA vaccines through our food.

We definitely do not need more vaccines, as more and more studies are coming out documenting that health complications skyrocketed shortly after the Covid vaccinations were released in 2020.30,31,32 From Dr. Joseph Sansone:

“Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote.

Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections,’ ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections,’ and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).”33

War on Raw Milk

There also seems to be a war on raw milk amidst all this fearmongering. The FDA is now encouraging states to discourage and stop sales of raw milk to prevent human bird flu spread.34 If you tune into various news reports from across the country, the message is similar:

“Eggs and pasteurized milk and dairy products from the store are safe to consume. But the FDA warns against the consumption of raw milk.”

The suggestion to avoid raw milk is listed twice on the list of CDC recommendations:

  • People should avoid exposures to sick or dead animals, including wild birds, poultry, other domesticated birds, and other wild or domesticated animals (including cows), if possible.
  • People should also avoid exposures to animal poop, bedding (litter), unpasteurized (“raw”) milk, or materials that have been touched by, or close to, birds or other animals with suspected or confirmed A(H5N1) virus, if possible.
  • People should not drink raw milk. Pasteurization kills A(H5N1) viruses, and pasteurized milk is safe to drink.
  • People who have job-related contact with infected or potentially infected birds or other animals should be aware of the risk of exposure to avian influenza viruses and should take proper precautions. People should wear appropriate and recommended personal protective equipment when exposed to an infected or potentially infected animal(s). CDC has recommendations for worker protection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

There is no evidence supporting foodborne transmission of HPAI to humans. In fact, the FDA and USDA concluded in 2010 that “HPAIV is not considered to be a foodborne pathogen.”35 HPAI in humans is linked to transmission via animal contact, not by foods.36

The only demonstrated transmission is direct contact with animals — not a single human has developed bird flu from milk.

“Recent risk communications from CDC, FDA, and USDA regarding transmission of influenza A sub-type H5N1 (highly pathogenic avian influenza virus or HPAI) to humans via raw milk include no supporting evidence of viral transmission from raw milk to humans in the peer-reviewed literature …

An extensive body of scientific evidence from the peer-reviewed literature introduced herein does not support the assumption by these US government agencies that HPAI transmits to humans via milkborne or foodborne routes and causes disease. Nor does the scientific evidence support the recommendation that consumers should avoid raw milk and raw milk products.”37

And something that the FDA really doesn’t want you to know is that there is no guarantee that pasteurization truly kills the virus.

When explaining why raw milk is not safe, many government agencies use this study with mice, saying heat treatment to the milk significantly reduces the HPAI virus titers. But the conclusion of the study is very, very important “bench-top experiments do not recapitulate commercial pasteurization processes.”

Enter this study that the FDA and mainstream media isn’t talking about which demonstrates that standard pasteurization protocols in the US for milk isn’t enough to actually inactivate the virus since this virus seems to handle heat surprisingly well.

And on top of that, raw milk has a number of antiviral properties and pasteurized milk does not contain.38

The “pasteurized milk at the store is safe, and raw milk is very unsafe and is filled with bird flu” messaging encourages consumers to continue supporting these MEGA CAFO dairy farmers, and discourages consumers from supporting smaller dairy farms raising cows in synchronicity with Mother Nature.

So no, avoiding raw milk won’t stop human spread. But it will encourage more of a centralized food system.

The FDA’s messaging to avoid consumption of raw milk and raw milk products do not appear to be based on scientific evidence, but instead seem to be stemming from the desire to protect the centralized dairy industry.

FDA and USDA will never do anything to compromise the dairy industry, as the dairy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying each year to keep control.

Confinement Operations Aren’t Working

With the repeated “outbreaks” occurring in poultry flocks year after year, isn’t it obvious that the current industrial agriculture system IS NOT working?

Why aren’t government agencies discussing how diseases easily spread when animals are stuffed in buildings, overcrowded and locked in confinement? Can you imagine if you were stuffed into a home with thousands of people — wouldn’t it be hard not to get sick?

In CAFOs, animals are often regularly on antibiotics due to the close living conditions. Can a body with a wiped-out gut microbiome handle any amount of disease?

Mega confinement barns, extreme biosecurity, separation from nature, vaccinations and antibiotics — it doesn’t work! But it does help them maintain food control and is a profitable business model for big ag, big pharma, and big food companies.

The development of a vaccine and culling birds is much more profitable path for addressing bird flu relative to the natural immunity path.

What You Can Do

The solution is clear — stop supporting their system. Buy from farmers. Remember, the messaging and fearmongering around the bird flu is intentional, with the goal of developing even more food control. Everything through their centralized food system is “safe” — so you can trust the food at grocery stores is safe from HPAI. (So they say …)

Instead, the messaging should be “know where your food comes from, know your farmer and know how the animals are raised.” This discussion on food sourcing and knowing your food comes from is not profitable for industrial ag because they get $0 from that sale, so it isn’t brought up.

The centralization of the food system and shift in farming styles has been somewhat successful in benefiting the big corporations and maintaining food control, while hurting farmers. The size of farms has increased, while the number of farms has shrunk (opposite of what we want for low toxin, nutrient-dense food production.)

In fact, the number of small farms has decreased by over 72% in the last 90 years — in 1935 there were 6.8 million farms, and in 2023 there were 1.89 million farms.

“It is very hard as a farmer to be profitable in the conventional system, so more and more farms are going out of business. And many farms that are in business require an off the farm job to pay the bills.”

We are losing small scale farmers more and more each year, and they need your support to stay in business!

Moral of the story — whenever you can, buy directly from farmers, Cooperatives, or buyers’ clubs — these type of food systems support small-scale, toxin free farming. The prices may be more expensive, but farmers are paid a fair wage and produce higher quality food products.

Plus, with these type of transactions, the big agriculture companies get $0 of this sale, funneling less money into their system. And on top of that, remain grounded and maintain common sense as we head into the next round of bird flu fearmongering.

About the Author

Ashley Armstrong is the cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs that are shipped to all 50 states (join waitlist here), and Nourish Cooperative, which ships low-PUFA pork, beef, cheese, A2 dairy and traditional sourdough to all 50 states. Waitlists will reopen shortly.


Interpreting Ambiguous Laws Reconsidered

Good News: Supreme Court Overturns ‘Chevron Deference’ In Massive Blow To ‘Administrative State’

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled 6-3 to upend the 40-year administrative law precedent that gave agencies across the federal government leeway to interpret ambiguous laws through rulemaking. Many conservatives blamed this law for the dramatic overgrowth of government and for excessive power given to unelected regulators. Now, judges will substitute their own best interpretation of the law, instead of deferring to the agencies – effectively making it easier to overturn regulations that govern wide-ranging aspects of American life. This includes rules governing climate change, energy policies, toxic chemicals, drugs and medicine, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and much more.

.The Supreme Court has ruled to overturn the so-called ‘Chevron Deference’ dealing a huge blow to the so-called ‘administrative state’ that have enjoyed

In an 6-3 decision along ideological lines, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority upended the 40-year administrative law precedent that gave agencies across the federal government leeway to interpret ambiguous laws through rulemaking.

Conservatives and Republican policymakers have long been critical of the doctrine, saying it has contributed to the dramatic growth of government and gives unelected regulators far too much power to make policy by going beyond what Congress intended when it approved various laws. The authority of regulatory agencies has been increasingly questioned by the Supreme Court in recent years.

Those on the other side say the Chevron doctrine empowers an activist federal government to serve the public interest in an increasingly complicated world without having to seek specific congressional authorization for everything that needs to be done.

As The Hill report, judges previously had to defer to agencies in cases where the law is ambiguous.

Now, judges will substitute their own best interpretation of the law, instead of deferring to the agencies – effectively making it easier to overturn regulations that govern wide-ranging aspects of American life.

This includes rules governing toxic chemicals, drugs and medicine, climate change, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and more.

The move hands a major victory to conservative and anti-regulatory interests that have looked to eliminate the precedent as part of a broader attack on the growing size of the “administrative state.”

The Biden administration defended the precedent before the high court.

As Mark Joseph Stern writes on X:

“Today’s ruling is a massive blow to the ‘administrative state’, the collection of federal agencies that enforce laws involving the environment, food and drug safety, workers’ rights, education, civil liberties, energy policy—the list is nearly endless.”

“The Supreme Court’s reversal of Chevron constitutes a major transfer of power from the executive branch to the judiciary, stripping federal agencies of significant discretion to interpret and enforce ambiguous regulations.

Chief Justice Roberts, writing the opinion of the court, argued Chevron “defies the command of” the Administrative Procedure Act, which governs federal administrative agencies.

He said it “requires a court to ignore, not follow, ‘the reading the court would have reached had it exercised its independent judgment as required by the APA.’”

Further, he said it “is misguided” because “agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do.”

The liberals on the court are not happy:

“In dissent, Justice Kagan says the conservative supermajority “disdains restraint, and grasps for power,” making “a laughingstock” of stare decisis and producing “large-scale disruption” throughout the entire government. She is both furious and terrified.”

As Stern concludes:

“Hard to overstate the impact of this seismic shift.”

Simply put, a massive win for the constitution…

Read full article here…

From an account on X by LudwigNeverMises:

Maybe now people will understand why I’ve been criticizing RFK for complaining about Sackett vs EPA, the case that set up the overturning of Chevron.

“Kennedy was complaining loudly about a 2023 Supreme Court decision blocking the EPA from extending enforcement of the Clean Water Act to marshlands.

This was the biggest constitutionally based pushback on a regulatory agency in over a century and RFK called it horrible.”

The Chevron doctrine required courts to defer to an agency’s “reasonable” interpretation of an ambiguous statute, effectively giving regulators full lawmaking ability.

In the Sackett case, the Supreme Court made a historic ruling challenging the EPA’s interpretation that the Clean Water Act included marshlands as being “not reasonable” thereby removing the agencies authority to regulate the Sackett’s property.

This opened up the rest of the regulatory agencies “reasonable” interpretations up to question, leading to the reversal of the Chevron decision which gave them broad power to interpret law.

The Chevron doctrine in 1984 was merely codifying agency overreach which had already been happening for a century.

But its overturning makes that agency overreach explicitly unlawful, which undermines the entire unaccountable regulatory bureaucracy. And makes it the most significant case against the administrative state since it began to take root during the progressive era, over a century ago.


Well, We Know Who Wants Dominion…


Dominion Machines Under Scrutiny After ‘Hundreds’ of Discrepancies Detected in Primary.

Dominion Voting Systems’ electronic voting machines contract with the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico is under threat after contentious primaries produced upset results. According to election officials, some machines reported zero votes for certain candidates or reversed count totals. Counts reported by machines were also sometimes lower than paper counts.

“The concern is that we obviously have elections in November, and we must provide the [island] not only with the assurance that the machine produces a correct result but also that the result it produces is the same one that is reported,” said Jessika Padilla, interim president of Puerto Rico’s elections commission. She attributed the issues to problems in the machines’ software.

The Vice President of Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives, José Varela, is attempting to summon Padilla to a public hearing on Thursday to address the issues, warning, “We cannot allow the public’s confidence in the voting process to continue to be undermined as we approach the general elections.” Dominion’s current contract with Puerto Rico expires at the end of the month.

America First conservatives raised concerns about Dominion machines’ reliability and security following Joe Biden’s contested victory in the 2020 election. The corporation responded by suing multiple people alleging issues with its systems, as well as news networks covering the allegations.

Last June, the Halderman Report exposed a range of “critical vulnerabilities” in Dominion machines. However, states, including Georgia, have left them in place, with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger telling the PhD computer scientists pressing for the issues to be addressed “tough noogies.”


Signs of the TImes – Part 1

Right now the veils are thinner than they have been in many years, decades, perhaps even centuries.  Things are going to be seen that have not be seen before.  Actions will happen both on an individual stage and on a much larger one that seemingly have no precedence, that come out of nowhere and just happen, yet there is no feeling of resolution.  These are all steps, even blocks in the creation of a new paradigm.


Calling for Justice for the People

Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell is launching a new public safety nonprofit aimed at assisting the victims of violent crime and lobbying against a soft-on-crime push from progressives that he says has made the problem worse for years.

The Caldwell Institute for Public Safety has multiple missions aimed at combating the American crime crisis – support for victims, activism against progressive candidates who support soft-on-crime policies, and lobbying for public safety laws.

Caldwell said he enlisted a team of experts to help meet his goals. He brought in Dr. Drew Pinsky as well as a cousin who is a Ph.D. clinician to put together a mental health manual for victims’ families, he said.


Fox News contributor Gianno Caldwell and his brother, Christian

Gianno Caldwell and his brother, Christian, in their last photo taken together. (Fox News Digital)

He also brought in Joel Fitzgerald, a longtime police chief whose son, also a police officer, was murdered in Philadelphia. Former Chicago prosecutor Dan Kirk worked with Fitzgerald to create a guidebook on how families can work with police and prosecutors.

And he put together instructions for families who want to pitch their stories to the press.

WATCH: Gianno Caldwell announces Caldwell Institute for Public Safety – Graphic content warning

“I can imagine what it feels like for the family that just lost their 7-year-old baby boy in Chicago this past week, or on June 24th, 2022, when my brother was murdered, little baby Cecilia, who was six months old, murdered. If you look at the numbers from 2021 to January 2022, over 276 children 16 and under had been shot and the city of Chicago. That’s one year’s time.

— Gianno Caldwell

“The other side of it, though, is going after these radical, progressive, soft-on-crime prosecutors, mayors and city council members, in some cases,” he told Fox News Digital. “I want to ensure that those who’ve radically reshaped our criminal justice system, funded by George Soros and others, that they are held to account.”

Part of that is helping traditional prosecutors campaign against progressives with backing from deep-pocketed benefactors like the billionaire Soros, he said. Another part is pushing legislators to take action against crime.

Those prosecutors include Kim Foxx, of Caldwell’s hometown in Cook County, Illinois, George Gascon in Los Angeles and Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, among others who have benefited from progressive donors.

“We’ll be doing lobbying for legislation that makes the community safer and lobbying against the legislation that endangers the lives, systematically, of the residents of particular communities,” he said.

GIanno Caldwell appears in a still taken from video announcing his new Caldwell Institute for Public Safety

Gianno Caldwell appears in a still image taken from the video announcing his new Caldwell Institute for Public Safety. His brother’s unsolved murder in Chicago prompted him to launch the nonprofit, he said. (Caldwell Institute for Public Safety)


“Donations are extraordinarily important,” he said. “This is a 501(c)(4), and we’re going to need the help and support of all of America to ensure that we can carry out this mission. I’m going up against a mega-billionaire who spent hundreds of millions of dollars in many races over the course of the years.”

It took years of Soros-like activism to bring society to this point, he said, and it could take years to right the ship.

“I recognize that this is a long fight that I have to take on, and I have to take on because I’ve been personally impacted, and I know the tragedy and the pain that comes with losing a loved one,” he added.

Gianno Caldwell and his younger brother Christian

Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell is still looking for answers after his 18-year-old brother, Christian, was fatally shot in Chicago. (Gianno Caldwell)

Two years ago Monday, Caldwell’s 18-year-old brother Christian died in a Chicago shooting.


To date, no suspects have been arrested. Caldwell said he’s been in touch with investigators on a monthly basis and recently learned from the FBI’s Chicago office that there is a “warm lead.”

Chicago police said the case remains under investigation and that they had no other updates. The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

He hopes the institute will benefit other victims’ families as they navigate the trauma of losing a loved one to violent crime.

“My brother Christian, he wasn’t just my little brother, he was like my son,” Caldwell said. “He never had a dad around. So I was the one that took care of him. I was the one who took him to places, bought him school clothes, and those kinds of things.”

His brother was 18 and looking forward to starting college, he said. Then he became a victim of violent crime that crushes families from all backgrounds.

“This isn’t something that just impacts Black folks – it impacts White people, Hispanic people, Asian people, all Americans, all stripes, all income levels and all jurisdictions,” he said. “We need to know as Americans this issue impacts all of us, therefore, we all must fight this together.”

Cook County Crime Stoppers is offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect or suspects involved in the shooting that left Christian dead and two other victims injured on the 11400 block of South Vincennes Avenue.

Christian did not know the other victims, a 31-year-old man and 25-year-old woman.

Fox News’ Audrey Conklin and Peter Petroff contributed to this report.


Whither Goest Thou, Petro-dollar? And What Now?

Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement: Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency Coalition

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News

This past Sunday (June 9, 2024) Saudi Arabia made the historical move to not renew an 80-year-old agreement with the United States that established the U.S. Dollar as the world currency to purchase Saudi oil, in what should have been headline news, but seems to have been blacklisted in U.S. financial news publications, even in alternative financial news publications such as ZeroHedge News.

Here is the coverage of this historic event from the The Business Standard, a Bangladeshi daily newspaper.

Saudi Arabia’s petro-dollar exit: A global finance paradigm shift

The crucial decision to not renew the contract enables Saudi Arabia to sell oil and other goods in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. 

Significant financial upheaval is potentially ahead of the financial world as Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petro-dollar deal with the United States.

The deal, which expired on Sunday 9 June, was a cornerstone of the United States global economic dominance.

Originally signed on 8 June 1974, the deal established two joint commissions, one based on economic cooperation and the other on Saudi Arabia’s military needs.

At the time, it was said that it heralded an era of close cooperation between the two countries, says Katja Hamilton of BizCommunity.

This latest development signifies a major shift away from the petrodollar system established in 1972, when the US decoupled its currency from gold, and is anticipated to hasten the global shift away from the US dollar. (Source.)

While I could find no major U.S. English publication covering this as headline news, there was plenty of discussion on Twitter/X.

One U.S. investor, Andrei Jikh, who has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube, published a video on just what the end of the petrodollar means, and that video has accumulated almost 1 million views over the past couple of days.

The video is just over 15 minutes long, but the facts regarding the end of the petrodollar is only covered in the first 12 minutes.

Everything after that is this investor’s views, including his view that people should continue investing in the U.S. Stock market and also invest in Bitcoin, certainly a view that myself and many others would not agree with.

But his summary of the history and significance of the Petrodollar is excellent, and well worth the 12 minutes to watch.


The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States included more than just the agreement to require the purchase of oil with U.S. dollars, as it also included a promise from the U.S. to protect Saudi Arabia militarily, and also contained provisions for establishing the State of Israel in 1948, something that President Roosevelt actually opposed, but was adopted by his successor, President Truman.

The Quincy Pact

Saudi Arabia reportedly did not renew “its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States”, an agreement that expired on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

While it is permissible to doubt the existence of a half-century-long agreement, it was indeed in 1974 that the petrodollar emerged. Three short years after the end of the Bretton Woods agreements.

From a historical perspective, the origins of the petrodollar date back even to 1945.

On his way back from the Yalta conference, President Roosevelt made a stop unbeknownst to the British along the Suez Canal. It was aboard his cruiser USS Quincy that he met King Abdulaziz Al Saud.

It will later be said that this meeting birthed the “Quincy Pact.”

This diplomatic anchorage went so well that Roosevelt offered his wheelchair to the Saudi king, who was also disabled.

Despite this goodwill, the king refused to allow Jewish settlement in Palestine.

However, the American president ensured the essential by sidelining British Petroleum in favor of American oil companies.

This tacit agreement prevented the creation of a Jewish state, but Roosevelt would die two months later. His successor, Harry Truman, would be a strong supporter of the founding of Israel.

He would recognize the Hebrew state 11 minutes after the Israelis declared themselves a nation, against the advice of his Secretary of State.

Henry Kissinger’s Masterstroke

It was in 1974 that the second historic meeting between the Saudis and the American government took place. Henry Kissinger had been Secretary of State for a year.

His mission? To impose the dollar on the ingrates of the old continent who dared to demand gold.

His strategy began with an intervention in favor of Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

[For more context, note that Henry Kissinger is Jewish. He fled Nazi Germany at the age of 15 and would return in uniform five years later to fight in France and Germany.]

In retaliation, Arab countries ceased their oil exports, primarily to European nations. The United States, for its part, was self-sufficient. By 1974, the price of a barrel had quadrupled, going from $3 to $12.

This oil embargo was all the easier to implement as the United States had been pushing for years for the emancipation of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Libya from European companies (British Petroleum, Royal Dutch-Shell, and the French Petroleum Company, ex-Total).

Kissinger wanted the price of the barrel to explode to weaken the old continent. He knew well that the American army would have the last word if things escalated, allowing him to impose himself at the heart of international relations.

International discord would reach its peak when President Gerald Ford recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Hebrew state.


In response, Saudi Arabia continued to raise the price of the barrel, without knowing that it was playing into the hands of Henry Kissinger, who would ultimately threaten to use force to remedy what he called “the strangulation of the industrialized world”. The London Sunday Times revealed in February 1975 the existence of the “Dhahran Option Four” plan, which planned to invade Saudi Arabia to take possession of its oil wells.

King Faisal would hear these drums of war very clearly. At the end of 1974, he finally gave in to Henry Kissinger’s demands, who promised him the unlimited sale of arms, a backpedal on the Jerusalem issue, and a return of Israel to its 1948 borders (plus a myriad of technologies).

In exchange, Saudi Arabia had to:

1. Sell its oil exclusively in dollars.
2. Invest its dollar surpluses in American debt (It was anyway impossible for a kingdom of 10 million inhabitants to spend the thousands of billions of petrodollars).

All OPEC countries would agree in 1975 to denominate their oil in dollars. Here are the broad lines of the genesis of the petrodollar. King Faisal would be assassinated on March 25, 1975, on the day of the Mawlid, the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Muhammad. Subsequently, Israel would never return to its 1948 borders. (Source.)

I was amazed that this news of the petrodollar agreement ending Sunday was barely mentioned, if mentioned at all, in the corporate news in the U.S.

for the rest of the article, go to:

Who’s Your Daddy?

Former CIA Agent Phil Giraldo Exposes Israel’s Control Over America

Columnist Phil Giraldi, a former intelligence officer for the CIA, explains that foreign policy in the Middle East is set by Jewish people in positions of power in the US who put Israel’s interests above American interests. He said that this has been particularly evident since 9/11 and he named Paul Wolfowitz, Scooter Libby and Douglas Feith, the former under secretary of Defense for Policy for United States president George W Bush, as the architects of the Iraq War. He said war with Iraq was pursued because Saddam Hussein supported the families of Palestinians who were arrested in Israel.

Giraldi said that Americans’ liberties are under attack, such as free speech under anti-Semitism laws that prohibit criticism of Israel. 70% of Biden’s administration is Jewish, and almost all positions in national security and foreign policy are held by Jewish people. They retain power no matter who the president is and which party controls Congress. News reports indicate that Trump has been offered $100 million from Miriam Adelson in exchange for Israel taking over the West Bank to create a single Jewish state. Israel has led America into decades of war. Giraldi says that Israel need the US to fight its wars because it cannot dominate the Middle East without US involvement. Netanyahu and Israel hope to expand its border to ‘Greater Israel’ that includes Jordan, Lebanon, swaths of Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia (see map).



Action – Reaction

Russian Warships Arrive in Cuba in Response to US-Authorized Strikes Inside Russia

Dr. Gilbert Doctorow said that he doubts Russian President Putin will respond to Ukraine’s incursions, backed by the US, UK and France, with nuclear force. He said it is more likely that Russia would demolish Kiev, followed by attacks on Poland because it is assisting Ukraine and facilitating shipments of US weapons across the border. Military bases and manufacturing facilities in Germany, England and France may become targets for Russia forces.

Dr. Doctorow said that there is concern that any attack by Russia on Poland would trigger Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty for other NATO members to respond militarily. He said that Article 5 does not require other NATO members respond, it is simply a framework for them to respond.





Fake Foods can Cause Real Problems

Fake ‘Meat’ Products Linked to Heart Failure Deaths, Study Finds

A new study has revealed that fake “meat” products such as Bill Gates’s lab-grown “beef” are linked to cardiovascular diseases and heart failure-related deaths.

The results of the study are a major blow to the narrative that vegetarian and vegan diets help to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

According to a new UK Biobank study, which analyzed the diets of more than 118,000 participants, scientists found that meat-free “foods” carry a huge risk of heart disease if they are ultra-processed.

The study, published in Lancet Regional Health – Europe, notes that this excludes natural produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables.

However, ultra-processed products that are plant-derived, insect-based, or lab-grown, carry an increased risk of heart failure and death.

Scientists found that ultra-processed food (UPF) products, such as lab-grown “beef” or insect-based “beetleburgers,” are linked with a 15 percent higher risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes.

The researchers found that these dangers are even present in plant-based UPFs, which have long been hailed as a “healthy” option to meat.

The research, which involved experts from Imperial College London, utilized data from more than 118,000 UK citizens.

The participants, aged 40 to 69 years, had their diets assessed over at least two days.

Scientists split food into plant-based products, such as fruit, vegetables, grains, and bread, as well as cakes and candy, and animal-based products such as fish, poultry, red meat, eggs, and dairy.

The two groups were then further divided into either ultra-processed food (UPF) or non-ultra-processed.

This data was then linked to hospital and mortality records to obtain information on cardiovascular diseases.

People who ate a lot of plant-based ultra-processed foods had a 7 percent greater risk of suffering conditions like blocked heart vessels.

They also had a 15 percent heightened risk of dying when compared to vegetarians whose diets had fewer UPFs.

Upping intake of non-processed vegetarian foods – such as fresh fruit and vegetables – by 10 percent was linked to an 8 percent lower risk of getting heart disease.

Deaths from heart disease fell by a fifth in vegetarians who consumed the least UPFs and 13 percent in cardiovascular disease overall.

The scientists noted that UPFs caused a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries.

Dr. Eszter Vamos, co-author of the study, from Imperial College London’s School of Public Health, said:

“Fresh plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are known to have important health and environmental benefits.

“While ultra-processed foods are often marketed as healthy foods, this large study suggests that plant-based ultra-processed foods do not seem to have protective health effects and are linked to poor health outcomes.”

Food additives and industrial contaminants present in these foods could cause oxidative stress and inflammation, the scientists suggest.

They added that nutritional guidelines promoting plant-based diets and cutting down on meat must also promote the importance of avoiding UPFs for good heart health.

Study author Dr. Fernanda Rauber, an expert in preventative medicine from the University of São Paulo in Brazil, said that it’s the first to show that fake “meat” products are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

“Despite being plant-based, these foods may contribute to risk factors such as dyslipidemia and hypertension due to their composition and processing methods,” she said.

“Food additives and industrial contaminants present in these foods might cause oxidative stress and inflammation, further aggravating the risks.

“Therefore, our results support the shift towards plant-based food choices that consider the degree of processing to improve cardiovascular health outcomes.”

The researchers noted that, while the products may appear to be healthy by claiming to be “meat-free,” plant-based,” or “lab-grown,” the fact that they are ultra-processed makes them a threat to public health.

The study comes amid a growing push for the general public to replace traditional meat and dairy products with fake “foods.”

As Slay News recently reported, Democrats have been fighting to keep insects hidden in food products to be consumed by the American people.

In Minnesota, state Senate Democrats blocked an amendment that would have required foods containing insects to be labeled.

Republicans are arguing that insects should be listed in the ingredients of food products to inform consumers.

However, for reasons that are not immediately clear, Democrats are pushing to keep bugs a hidden ingredient.


But the Economy is Fine?

The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With Economic Collapse

By Brandon Smith

In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of increasingly rigged employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like?

As I have said for years an economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. When people think of a historic crisis they usually imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. There were even a handful of economists that voiced concerns about impending instability, yet they were ignored.

Then, after the crash occurred numerous establishment economists denied that the system was in any real danger. They continually claimed that recovery was “right around the corner”, but the recovery never materialized. Instead, the crash spiraled onward for over a decade until world war erupted, largely because the Federal Reserve raised interest rates into economic weakness (a disaster they have openly admitted to causing and a policy they are instituting right now).

The point is, the mainstream “experts” are almost always wrong. The skeptics of collapse either ignore the evidence or they don’t comprehend the implications of events. They don’t want to believe that the economy is broken and that consequences are possible. They operate from the limited view of their own personal experience. For most of their lives the system has functioned without catastrophe so that must mean catastrophe is impossible. In truth, catastrophe has merely been deferred to a later date, not prevented.

Our present day predicament has not reached Great Depression levels yet. We are currently in a stagflationary phase similar to what happened in the 1970s. For those that think we have it bad now, the 70s were actually far worse.

House prices nearly TRIPLED from 1970 to 1980 (the median house price was $17,000 in 1970 compared to almost $50,000 in 1980). Annual inflation on most goods and services was in the double digits and the minimum wage was only $1.45 an hour. Unemployment was high and interest rates were eventually hiked to around 20% by 1981.

The point is that these breakdowns in financial structures happen slowly, and then all at once. Much like the build up of an avalanche. For those that know history the signs are easy to see. For those that don’t, they’ll assume that all is well even when the house is burning down around them.

Another factor that makes people oblivious to the danger is the moving of goalposts; they get used to poor economic conditions and the decline is entrenched as the “new normal.”  For example, in 2015 the average house rental was $1100.  Less than ten years later the average cost is $2150; that’s double the financial burden.  But today this price is considered par for the course.

Nothing gets better, the situation only ever gets worse, but since it happens over a period of many years (the process of collapse) the public largely accepts it and will even accuse those of us sounding the alarm of “doom mongering.”

As with any collapse there eventually comes a point of popular intolerance – That moment where people finally realize that the “doom mongers” were right all along and that the weight of the implosion is too much to refute. I believe we’re approaching that moment very quickly. In the meantime. Here are the five stages of denial that people go through before they admit that a fiscal calamity is upon them…

Stage 1: “I Don’t Know What The Conspiracy Theorists Are Talking About – I’m Doing Fine”

There’s an old saying from the Great Depression that goes something like this: “It’s only a depression for the people without jobs.”

If you weren’t a part of the 30% unemployed in the US at that time, then in your narrow world the Great Depression might not have seemed all that bad. In other words, people will ignore the sinking of the Titanic as long as they still have their own lifeboat.

I will say that this is a major problem in the midst of the stagflation crisis today, and it’s the root of what many Zennials are complaining about. In their minds, this is the worst economy in history of the world and they blame “boomers” for their pain. It’s really not (at least not yet), but it’s true that many “boomers” are going into the crisis with the advantage of time. They have had the time to build a lifeboat while Zennials have not.

It’s not about what’s fair, there’s no such thing as “fair” in economics. But older Americans need to realize that even if stagflation is not a crisis for them personally, it is indeed a crisis for younger people in particular. Any person still denying the reality of the collapse because “they’re doing fine” needs to shut up and take stock of the bigger picture.

Stage 2: “They’ve Been Talking About Collapse For Years And We’re Still Here”

A lot of people out there have childish notions of what a collapse is, mostly derived from Hollywood films and television. They imagine stock market mayhem, endless soup lines, mass starvation and even Mad Max-style destruction. When these kinds of things do happen it’s always at the END of the collapse process, not at the beginning. The former nation of Yugoslavia suffered through multiple inflation events before it finally exploded with balkanization and war. It didn’t happen overnight, but all the signs were there.

When analysts predict these events years ahead of time they are doing you a favor; they are giving you ample time to prepare. Unlike the banking elites and their proxies who only warn the public right before (or right after) the crisis hits a peak.

Believe it or not I still see deniers arguing that all is well today, even after massive stagflation, attempted nationwide medical tyranny, multiple regional wars around the globe that could trigger WWIII, constant civil unrest, etc. Is the threat of imminent death the only thing that will wake these people up to reality?

Stage 3: “Maybe Things Are Bad Now But The Crisis Is Transitory, It Will Be Over Soon”

This is the stage in which deniers finally accept that there is indeed some instability, but they cope with the issue by claiming the storm will quickly pass and there’s nothing to worry about. The thing is, they spent so much time trying to debunk the economists that were warning them they now fear being proven wrong more than they fear the crisis ahead. It’s a kind of mental sickness common to our culture – The absolute refusal of a large percentage of Americans to admit being wrong and moving on.

It’s okay to be wrong sometimes. It’s not okay to be in denial about it.

The claim that a collapse is “transitory” is a way for skeptics overwhelmed by facts and evidence to continue dismissing reality. If the economic decline doesn’t last very long then they never have to concede defeat to the “conspiracy theorists.”

Stage 4: “No One Saw The Crisis Coming”

I saw this argument thousands of times during the pandemic lockdowns and the initial inflation spike. There were so many people raging about the circumstances and a lot of them were the types of people that used to deny that anything out of the ordinary was going on. They started looking for scapegoats and they came up with the idea that there was no early warning.

If only someone had given them some kind of hint of what was about to happen, they would have prepared better, right?

The media and government officials tend to play into this stage of denial aggressively. In other words, this is the moment they assert that “No one saw this coming.” The event struck like lightning out of the blue. No one could have foreseen this outcome and there’s nothing anyone could have done about it.

Whenever I hear these arguments I’m reminded of the movie trend in the early 2000s of global disaster flicks. There’s always those scenes where the asteroid or the ocean wave or the tornado hits and we see thousands of people scurrying like ants, only to be crushed by a godlike force that they had no power to defend against. I never liked those movies, but I recognize that they play into a hidden element of fatalism in the human mind.

There is a strange mechanism in some people’s thinking that wants to believe they have no power to change their circumstances. They feel better assuming that the tides of fate are beyond their control and that there’s nothing they could have done differently. In reality, all they had to do was listen and think critically and they could have prepared accordingly. Their pain is the result of their own ignorance and ego.

Stage 5: “Everyone Saw The Crisis Coming”

Ah yes, the final stage of denial. This one is my favorite. It is the inevitable moment when skeptics fully concede that the economic collapse is a fact of life and then they claim they “saw it coming all along.” The inability for these people to admit they were wrong debases their ability to make informed decisions about the future.

They know a crisis is upon them and they’ll now pretend as if they knew it was going to happen. Therefore, all the “conspiracy theorists” that tried to warn them are not special or better informed than they are.

Of course, you’ll never see any evidence of these skeptics (and many mainstream economists) actually predicting anything.  You will see them predicting the opposite and attacking anyone that suggest they might be wrong.  One wonders why it’s so important for them to avoid giving credit where credit is due and learning from their mistakes, but when a person’s identity is so wrapped up in being the “expert,” the idea of completely fumbling the ball on the biggest economic disaster of their lifetime is too much to bear.

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group

Sourced from

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