Education and Steered Intelligence

(The Midwestern Doctor writes very long and detailed articles.  I am presenting just a few paragraphs from the beginning of this discussion.  Check out the link for the rest of the article.  Quite Enlightening!)

Balanced Intelligence and Knowledge

How Education Trains You to Miss What is Right in Front of You

Story at a Glance:

•Many important types of intelligence besides “intellectual intelligence exist.” Without them, we cannot connect to our deeper wisdom and are easily lead astray. Likewise, if our intelligence remains unbalanced, our knowledge will almost always be patchy and incomplete.

•A century ago, American education was hijacked by oligarchs like Rockefeller who replaced cultivating critical thinking and deep knowledge with training widespread compliance.

•Education trains us to have a very linear form of intelligence which often misses critical details because it lacks the ability to see the broader picture. This for instance characterizes many problems in medicine.

•Those trained to have excessive left brain thinking are often challenging to have a dialog with because they are both aggressive in asserting their ideology and simultaneously incapable of seeing anything which does not prove they are right.

•This article will discuss the importance of balanced intelligence and strategies for cultivating it.

Throughout history, many different types of intelligence have been recognized (e.g., physical intelligence and coordination or emotional intelligence). In contrast, our society worships a very specific type of intellectual intelligence that as far as I know has never previously been so highly valued by a society.

In my own experience, I’ve lost count of how many people I’ve interacted with who I know are much smarter than me, yet when I compare and contrast our ability to get things done, to correctly interpret data we are exposed to, help patients, or live a happy life, I come out far ahead of them. Likewise, I’ve lost count of how smart people I’ve met who simply don’t “get it” and frequently are misled by something quite obvious.

Years ago, when I discussed these experiences with a spiritual teacher (as I was frustrated with how easily many of my medical colleagues were being misled) and was told to stop getting upset because “intelligence does not equate to being resistant to mind control.”

Modern Education

I’ve long noticed that the educational system builds up a very specific type of intelligence and reciprocally destroys the other ones (e.g., I found the more I was “educated” the more I lost the ability to think and access the deeper capacities of my mind). Because of this, at each level of my education, I was initially an enthusiastic A student, but then become disillusioned, switched to self-study, and in many cases barely passed my classes.

Note: discovering how to bio-hack the sleep cycle to rapidly memorizing large volumes of information was what essentially allowed me to largely boycott the educational system but simultaneously get through it.

That skill set was immensely valuable during my medical training as it allowed me to devote myself to learning what would help my patients rather than be swallowed by the allopathic model. Likewise, both college and medical school followed a similar script. They only wanted you to replicate exactly what your teacher had shown you and harshly reprimanded ever presenting an independent approach to the problem.

Note: numerous medical school deans and residency directors I’ve spoken have lamented that the newer crops of medical school graduates lack the critical thinking which is needed for them to effectively function as doctors during medical residency—yet they simultaneously fail to recognize how their own actions are removing critical thinking from their trainees.

Ultimately, I was driven by a deep yearning for as much knowledge as possible. Since you’ll never have enough time to study everything, I gradually realized:

1. It’s critical to recognize during the knowledge accumulation process when you’ve hit a point of diminishing returns and aren’t learning much more of value regardless of the effort you are putting in. Many however become attached to what they know and simply spend all of their resources reaffirming their existing knowledge base with extraneous details.

2. In contrast, it’s also important to recognize which things actually have a depth and value to them that justifies spending years, if not decades developing mastery in them. Note: doing this often requires adopting a broad focus that allows you to see and accept the contradictions within the subject so you can gradually unravel the mystery behind it.

3. If you can eventually grasp the fundamental processes that ultimately underlie something, that knowledge can often make it possible to rapidly understand many seeming unrelated phenomena because while many things on the surface appear different, at their heart they are often the same.

4. People often assume that if they follow the path society lays out for them that everything will “work out,” when in reality it often does not. For example in medicine, many of my classmates chose specialities they fell into or simply for the money—and most of them are now miserable because their heart was not in what they ultimately had to do professionally. Likewise, many I know blindly took the COVID vaccines without questioning them because the medical system they believed in told them to—and quite a few of them suffer every day from that decision.

The Transformation of Modern Education

Over the last century, there’s been a systematic dismantling of the educational system as its focus shifted from creating an empowered electorate to producing subservient citizens who only existed to fill their pre-designated societal roles. To illustrate:

•In 1903 John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board, which over the decades (with Carnegie’s foundation) gave billions to schools around the country until in 1973, the Department of Education was created. These foundations reshaped American Education, transforming it from a locally managed process to a rigid and mandatory centrally controlled one.
Note: The director of Rockefeller’s “charity” admitted their goal was to have this new model of education train the populace to be compliant slaves who lacked critical thinking.

•In the 1960s, one of my relatives was given documents by a group that preceded the World Economic Forum which detailed a global plan to impoverish America so that everyone would willing submit to low paying and backbreaking corporate jobs to get by (e.g., consider Corporate America’s recent vaccine mandates), hence ensuring the American people would be compliant and do whatever the ruling clash wished. I learned about this as a child and have been astonished to see each part of the plan, such as removing critical thinking from American education gradually come to pass.

•Individuals at elite schools the ruling class sends their children to have repeatedly shared with me that the educational process there is very different (e.g., it fosters critical thinking).

•Award-winning teacher, John Gatto, extensively wrote about how American education had been transformed so that when children were in the prime of their life to learn and develop their own identities, they were instead locked into a rigid and sterile environment which disconnected them from all the interactions and experiences of life that allowed them to develop their own identities and become highly functional members of society. Ivan Illich made the salient observation that once people are “taught” within a rigid framework, they lose much of their inherent capacity to “learn.”

Note: one of my favorite math teachers in college once shared with me that his Ivy League students frequently complained to administrators about his teaching style which encouraged us to derive solutions to problems rather than giving us steps to memorize.

I believe these points explain why we keep spending more money (and years of schooling) on education, yet have worse and worse outcomes (not unlike modern medicine). Likewise, much of my success as a student came from a desire to develop my mind and the recognition the schooling processes was frequently counterproductive to that—ultimately leading me to seek out the style of education I much later learned pioneers like Gatto and Illich had also advocated for.

Note: vaccines also provide a critical facet of this picture as the microstrokes and autoimmunity they create frequently create neurological injuries. In turn, suppressed data shows vaccination has profoundly altered the minds of America (e.g., the particularly dangerous DTwP vaccine was released, a wave of misbehavior, developmental delay and violence rippled through the country as each vaccinated generation grew up), forcing the educational system to completely restructure itself. Sadly, this happened so long ago those changes have now been normalized and forgotten.

Counterproductive Cognitive Algorithms

Two approaches are often used to solve problems:

•“Right Brain” thinking—Engage the creative capacities of the brain (and unconsciousness), be able to see the broad picture in front of you, and then be able to arrive at an innovative solution to the problem you are facing. This allows immense insights to be gained, but simultaneously, those predisposed to it often struggle to address the practical day to day needs we face

•“Left Brain” thinking—Memorize a series of lists, hyperfocus on a few reductionistic details, and then forcefully execute a chain of logic or algorithm which utilizes those lists to come up with a solution. This is effective at getting necessary things done but frequently locks the user into being unable to see critical details outside of their framework.

To read the rest, go to:

Laughing All The Way – No $750 for You

Hurricane Helene Victims Being DENIED $750 Assistance Payments Promised By Kamala!

Locals who’ve had their lives turned upside down due to Hurricane Helene are posting videos online claiming they’re being denied the $750 assistance checks promised by FEMA because they either make too much money or have home insurance.

A woman who states that she is a former Coast Guard member who traveled to North Carolina with her canines for body recovery efforts was advised to avoid FEMA, as agents were reportedly confiscating supplies from private citizens. Additionally, members of the volunteer group she worked with discovered that FEMA was diverting supplies meant for North Carolinians to migrant shelters.

Locals who’ve had their lives turned upside down due to Hurricane Helene are posting videos online claiming they’re being denied the $750 assistance checks promised by FEMA because they either make too much money or have home insurance.

A North Carolina resident explained, “Everyone in my area that I’ve talked to, including myself, who applied for the $750 assistance payment from FEMA has been denied. They’ve denied us. So, here we sit. We threw out all our food because we were without power for five or six day, some are still without power.”

She added, “Here we sit, with limited resources in the store and they have denied our $750 resource check.”

In another video going viral online, a woman who has been helping people file for aid said, “They are only giving $750 per-household. And, that is if your income qualifies and if you don’t have homeowners. So, essentially the only people being approved are the people that already have EBT and government assistance. If you make enough money, you’re not getting help.”

“So, when you’re paying for generators, food, hotels, you can’t go to work and you don’t have a savings to dig into, which nobody had right now because this economy is terrible, well you’re SOL.”

The woman also pointed out Kamala Harris previously stated the government should prioritize helping low income families, women and racial minorities over other citizens, which appears to be the Biden-Harris administration’s method for Hurricane Helene assistance.

The Biden-Harris response to the storm will go down in history as one of the worst government failures of all time.

After millions of Americans criticized the measly assistance payments, the federal government and mainstream media rushed to claim there would be additional funds for victims in the near future.

However, it appears as if many of the people affected by Helene won’t even be able to get the $750 promised by FEMA.

Read full article here…

Former Coast Guard Volunteer with Canines for Search and Rescue Says FEMA Is Giving Supplies to Migrants

Note:  This is a claim made on X that has not yet been verified.

Former Coast Guard member who traveled to North Carolina with her K9s for body recovery efforts was advised to avoid FEMA, as agents were reportedly confiscating supplies from private citizens. Additionally, members of the volunteer group she worked with discovered that FEMA was diverting supplies meant for North Carolinians to migrant shelters.

Never Hurts to Have A little Extra on Hand

Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans to Stock Up on Food and Prepare For Hardship

Marcus Allen was targeted by feds for questioning why federal informants were in January 6 crowd.

A former FBI specialist who was persecuted for questioning January 6 said during a hearing with lawmakers on Capitol Hill that Americans should stock up on food and prepare for hardship.

Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, told the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government that he was deliberately targeted by higher ups for asking why there were so many federal informants in the crowd at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“The FBI questioned my allegiance to the United States, suspended my security clearance, suspended my pay and refused to allow me to obtain outside employment or even accept charity,” Allen testified

The feds came down hard on Allen after he sent an email on September 21st, 2021 which his supervisors claimed contained hyperlinks to “extremist propaganda” from “questionable sources”.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who testified alongside Allen, is investigating the FBI’s security clearance and adjudication process, including the targeting of “political conservatives who were seen as loyal to Trump or resistant to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

“There are no words strong enough to describe the impact the FBI’s lies about me have had on me and my family,” said Allen during an emotional statement. “The stress has taken a toll on our health and our children have suffered, traumatized by the thought of our door getting kicked in or Dad not coming home.”

However, it was Allen’s final comments that raised many eyebrows.

The former FBI staffer urged Americans to use their right to vote despite any doubts they may have about election integrity.

“My other recommendations are in the natural order,” Allen continued, “Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself, make three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other’s mutual aid in times of hardship.”

“And during the great depression, people stocked up their pantry, so I think that’s a good practice especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food,” he added.


Proof that Sars-COV-2 Exists? We’ll Get Back to You on That

Orange County California confesses: no scientific evidence that SARS-COV-2 or contagion is real… or that anything about “covid” was legit

Thanks to Peggy Hall, the Healthy American

Greetings and Best Wishes,

The FOI described below was inspired by a special lady named

Peggy lives in/at Orange County, California and has helped many people across her nation navigate the “hogwash” rolled out by “public serpents” under the guise of protecting everyone from “the cooties”.

Peggy never bought into the “suffocation devices”, realizes that poisons (quackcines) cannot be made “safer for everyone” and she doesn’t pretend that restoring confidence in the corrupt clown-shows called FDA, CDC or NIH would be a good thing. She’s a breath of fresh air with an optimistic outlook and plans on “marching this all the way to heaven”.

Because “the Orange County Board of Supervisors has refused to hold a public meeting — as required by law” to review the fake-emergency conditions and then to terminate the fake-emergency at the earliest possible date, Peggy filed a “writ of Mandate” against the County in September 2021. She has many articles/videos discussing the corrupt/delusional people at the County:


So, inspired by Peggy, on April 29, 2024 I filed a freedom of information order with Frank Kim (since retired) acting as County Executive Officer, County Administration North, “Orange County” for all studies/reports held by the institution that scientifically:

  • prove/provide evidence of the existence of the alleged covid-19 virus aka “SARS-COV2” (showing that the alleged particles with the purported “genome” and proteins have been found in sick people and shown to cause the illness/symptoms that they are alleged to cause), and/or
  • demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by said purported “virus”.

I included a reminder that scientific proof/evidence requires use of the scientific method to test falsifiable hypotheses through valid, rigorous, repeatable controlled experiments and that this requires a valid independent variable (suspected “virus” particles that were found in sick “hosts” and purified).

And as usual I asked that if records matching my request were held by the County but were already publicly available, I be given citations so that I may identify and access each one. I also clarified that my request was not limited to records authored by someone at the County but included records authored by anyone, anywhere, ever.

May 3, 2024:
David Kim acting as Program Manager, County Executive Office | Government & Community Relations confessed (pg 9) that:

“….the Health Care Agency is unable to locate records responsive to your request

…which was to be expected since virology has always been pseudoscience, no virus has ever been shown to exist, contagion is “public health” mythology and literally hundreds of previous FOI responses from 40 different countries also yielded zero valid scientific evidence of any purported “virus”.

Also, notice that I didn’t even ask for evidence of the purported virus invading and hijacking cells and replicating. I made the request easy and still they failed.

Because “covid” was a complete hoax.

(“Item 1” in David’s response refers to my additional order for records containing litigation/legal/court expenses/fees/costs/expenditures incurred by the County in defending against Peggy’s writ. I’m not convinced that David responded correctly regarding those records, so I wrote back politely disputing his position (pg 10). David never had the courtesy to respond aka he left the battlefield, but I didn’t pursue the matter any further…. see update further below).

Note: this newsletter has also been sent to the “Reuters Fact Check Team” and ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., and to people calling themselves “Senator” on the land known as Canada, so they can’t claim later that they didn’t know.

Update from Peggy:

October 5, 2024 update:

I have written back to David Kim who acts as Program Manager, County Executive Office | Government & Community Relations regarding the records of litigation/legal/court expenses/fees/costs/expenditures that were wastefully incurred in defending against Peggy’s writ and I will update this page if I receive a response.

To read the rest of the artile, check out the link here:


Oh, Wait, No One Died from Hydroxychloroquine!!! (Someone Lied)

Those Published “17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths” Never Happened

Those Published “17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths” Never Happened

Early January of 2024, Americans learned about the publication of an article from Elsevier’s Journal of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy overseen by Dr. Danyelle Townsend, a professor at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy’s Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences. As Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Townsend reviewed, approved, and published the article titled: “Deaths induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: An estimate.”

The article was always a hypothesized estimate of people that might have died, but now even that estimate has been retracted. The reason for the retraction was that the Belgian dataset that was one of the bases for the piece was found to be “unreliable” (but in reality was fraudulent). The article also repeatedly referenced the New England Journal of Medicine’s 2020 RECOVERY trial. The RECOVERY trial is well known to be a deeply flawed study which, in addition to implementing late treatment in severely ill Covid patients, used extremely high doses of HCQ.

The now retracted publication authors were all French or Canadian, with the primary author a pharmacist by the name of Alexiane Pradelle. According to a rudimentary internet search, Dr. Pradelle had never published before. Subsequently, listed authors were degreed as physicians, pharmacists, and/or professors of their respective disciplines. The main, corresponding author, Jean-Christophe Lega, runs the Evaluation and Modeling of Therapeutic Effects team at the University of Lyon.

Hydroxychloroquine’s Fabled Safety History Contrasts Data

In addition to being a hypothesized estimate, the article also attacked the legendary safety of HCQ, contradicting centuries of the safety of quinolines as a class.

HCQ, chloroquine and quinine are structurally and pharmaceutically/mechanistically related, sharing the same quinoline structural group. The original iteration of quinine was a very fortunate discovery that dates back to the 1600s (at least) as a medicinal tipple used by Jesuit missionaries in South America. It is naturally found in the bark of the Cinchona tree (also called a “Quina-Quina” tree).

Quinine is still available today both as a prescription drug, for similar indications as HCQ including malaria…and as a Covid-19 treatment.

Quinine is so safe that it may be unique in that the FDA simultaneously permits its use without a prescription, as an ingredient in tonic waters.

Schweppes tonic water “Contains Quinine” as all tonic waters do. Winston Churchill once declared, “The gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen’s lives and minds than all the doctors in the Empire.”

HCQ is similarly safe when used appropriately and under medical supervision.

The CDC describes HCQ as “a relatively well tolerated medicine” and that “HCQ can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers” referring to its long-term use in chronic diseases.

Basic logic dictates that, if a drug is safe for long-term use, it would also be safe for short-term use, including (and especially) in Covid-19 early treatment/pre-exposure prophylaxis type indications.

These are pharmacology fundamentals that ought to be known by any pharmacist or physician – let alone to a professor serving as a Journal Editor-in-Chief at a taxpayer-funded state College of Pharmacy

Did not even one person on her editorial board of over 50 “peer-reviewers” and staff ponder the celebrated and storied history of HCQ (and its predecessors) and how incongruent this study’s findings were before choosing to publish data denigrating HCQ safety?

The correct answer to that might actually be: “no”…

The publishing editorial board all seem to be laboratory bench (non-clinical) research scientists, per their biographies. Although the board does promote itself as meeting DEI requirements of being “gender diverse,” a more important question might be is if they have the appropriate credentials and experience to review and opine on clinically complex drug safety/epidemiology subject matters in the first place.

Is just anyone now allowed to opine on specialty clinical pharmacology drug safety matters?

In certain journals/news publications, the answer to that question seems to be: “yes”…

Those “17,000 Deaths” Never Occurred

Another point of confusion surrounded the interpretation and promotion of this little-known publication by the lay press.

To be exact: there were never “17,000 deaths;” it was always a hypothetical extrapolation of people that could have died, based on “unreliable” (eg, actually, fraudulent) databases on top of the previously mentioned, problematic late-stage RECOVERY-trial-type dosing and timing.

Still, Josh Cohen, a PhD senior healthcare columnist, used this publication to headline an absurdly biased op-ed against HCQ, stating that Trump’s HCQ proposal was “Linked To 17,000 Deaths.” Forbes’ Tufts, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania- trained “healthcare analyst” misrepresented or appeared to not understand the now-retracted study methodology or projections.

It went downhill from there. Mere hours following the publication, very similar, now objectively inaccurate, highly politicized, and seemingly coordinated attacks on HCQ and Trump were published by: The HillPolitico, Frontline NewsScripps Newsthe GuardianKFF Health NewsNews NationNewsweekAOL.comYahoo News, and Daily Kos, in addition to a multitude of prominent regionalinternational, and US federal news outlets, many falsely estimating that 17,000 deaths had already taken place and that the (imaginary) victims’ blood was already on Donald Trump’s hands.

As of September 15, 2024, the above and other articles still show up very prominently (on the first page) of a Google search for “hydroxychloroquine deaths”…which never happened.

Here are some screenshots of headlines referencing non-existent deaths based on a now-retracted study:

Journal Editors Were Immediately Warned about Questionable Findings

Almost immediately following the January 2, 2024 publication, its critical flaws including basic miscalculations among many other deficiencies were brought to the attention of Dr. Townsend by Xavier Azalbert and non-profit attorneys starting on Jan 7, 2024. In fact, a total of 9 communications were sent by the above individuals, but none of them were ever shared as “Letters to The Editor” by Dr. Townsend in good faith to inform readers of specific potential shortcomings, as is otherwise commonly done.

Dr. Townsend seemed to forget that bad medical data and publications can do actual patient harm, and kept legitimate and important study criticisms to herself. Instead of taking responsibility and making a leadership decision, she passed the buck to a Committee on Publication Ethics, delaying the needed retraction.

It appallingly took 234 days (~7 months, from the January 2nd publication to August 26th) for Dr. Townsend’s Journal of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy to finally retract the “unreliable” article. But at that point, untold millions around the world had already been (and continue to be) polluted with outrageously incorrect information about non-existent HCQ deaths.

This raises some questions about Dr. Townsend’s duties and responsibilities as the Editor in Chief:

  • What efforts were made to correct incorrect headlines and articles published by the lay press, incorrectly frightening patients, pharmacists, and physicians, by fueling false tropes about HCQ?
  • What efforts were made to let news organizations know that data from the peer-reviewed publication was under question? (She refers to “a number of Letters to the Editor and correspondence from readers.”)
  • What immediate efforts are being made to notify news organizations and/or amplify search engine results regarding the now-retracted publication?
  • What funding source/individual paid the $3,490 (“excluding taxes and fees”) publication fee? (Note: reputable academic journals do not charge to publish articles.)
  • Does Elsevier’s Journal of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy meet certain definitions of what is known as a predatory publisher?
  • Was this Editorial Board qualified to review regulatory/drug safety/epidemiology/any other clinical subjects?
  • Are the ramifications of this Journal’s publication and its subsequent retraction known to the University of South Carolina administration, co-faculty, and whichever body adjudicates its faculty Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice?
  • This isn’t the first time Townsend has needed to retract articles – a normally very rare occurrence for reputable journals. Will Elsevier, which publishes over 2,700 journals, permit further opining or publishing on clinical subjects by this editorial board? Can the Editor-in-Chief and/or editorial board be trusted to recuse themselves from opining on any topics that are not within their area of expertise?
  • What should be done to prevent a reoccurrence of this incident at the University of South Carolina and other taxpayer-funded institutions?

Beyond that, what ramifications/punishments (if any) will occur for other prominent Covid-19 Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine authors/publishers whose articles were also retracted after they were found to be based on so-called “unreliable” (eg, non-existent) databases?

Ethical scientists who believe in truth, transparency, and academic accountability are standing by, waiting for medical and academic justice.

Unethical scientists are also watching this situation unfold, twisting their mustaches, learning about what they could potentially one day get away with.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not medical advice. Do NOT start or discontinue ANY drug without first discussing it with a pharmacist or physician you know and trust. 


WHo Owns YOUR Land?

Learn about Environmental Services and how the concept of monetizing ephemeral assets will be used to take your land

Then watch Margaret Byfield’s amazing talk contextualizing this process from our symposium last week

Here is Margaret Byfield’s talk:

Here is where the article below appears, on the American Stewards for Liberty website:

And right below the video there is a button for a timed transcript.


The USDA is preparing policy to implement the Sustains Act, determining who will own “environmental services,” which include the air we breathe, photosynthesis, pollination, and the health benefits of open space.

This step is critical for proponents of the United Nations’ sustainable development agenda to achieve, as it will provide the path to transfer America’s real assets from private citizens to federal and international interests. The earlier attempt to accomplish this was stopped when the Natural Asset Company scam was soundly defeated in January.

Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris Administration is preparing to determine ownership of natural processes on private lands as it implements the Sustains Act authorized through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. They are dragging America into a dangerous black hole that will have devastating consequences on our economy, and on individual property rights.

There is a reason “natural processes” have never been considered property before. The way in which the monetary value of these natural assets must be derived is purely subjective. These are not true property rights which can be held by someone to the exclusion of another with the value determined by consumers. The value of natural processes will be set administratively, which can be changed depending on the social agenda of who is in the White House.

Some have argued that “environmental services” are a legitimate commodity that should be available for trade through the free market system. However, these arguments fail to acknowledge that the potential market for “environmental services” was created solely by blackmailing producers to comply with a social agenda, for the purpose of implementing the United Nations’ sustainable development targets.

They are not a “free market” product. The only reason we have “carbon credits,” or “carbon sequestration” is because those now holding the political power, and those seizing the opportunity to get rich off the scam, are using this power to impose their social agenda on industry and the rest of us.

Environmental services are the antithesis of a free market system. Just because they are taking advantage of our free markets to continue the scam does not make them any less blackmail.

Getting back to basic principles, neither our nation nor our financial markets were to be driven by social agendas dictating how Americans would live. This is precisely what our founders fought against. Nevertheless, this is the long game behind monetizing natural processes.

What is the Sustains Act?

The Sustains Act provides a way for private entities to contribute funds to help implement conservation programs on private land. The U.S. Department of Agriculture administers the program and the Secretary is given sole discretion as to how the program will be carried out. August 16th of this year, the USDA issued a “request for information,” published in the Federal Register and asked that public comments be submitted within 30 days, by September 16th.

This “request for information” is not a formal rule-making process where citizens can later challenge the final policy through the Administrative Procedures Act. Instead the “request for information” invites people to submit comments, which the USDA may or may not take into account, and serves to allow the Department to claim they involved the public in the development of policy implementing the act.

This is what administrations do when they want to implement a social agenda without accountability to the people.

Who Will Own The Environmental Services?

The new law sets out how the Secretary is to determine ownership of the environmental services that are created on private land through the federal conservation programs.  The contributing entity, the one who contributes private funding to the conservation programs, is to “prescribe the terms of ownership” of the environmental services, subject to the approval of the Secretary.

Notice, determining the value and ownership of these natural processes produced from private lands requires only the involvement of the Secretary and the private contributing entity — not the landowner.

In the section titled “Role of Contributing Entity,” the law states:

“An entity contributing funds under this subsection may –” (5)(D) “with respect to an activity funded pursuant to this subsection that may result in environmental services benefits to be sold through an environmental services market, subject to the approval of the Secretary, prescribe the terms for ownership of the entity’s share of such environmental services benefits resulting from such activity;”

The decision of who owns the environmental services does not include the producer or landowner.

Under the section titled “Producer Participation,” the law directs the following:

(6)(A) “Notification – The Secretary shall establish a process to provide notice to producers — (i) of activities that may be carried out through a covered program, pursuant to this section; and (ii) any terms prescribed by the contributing entity under paragraph (5)(D) with respect to such activities.”

Even though the section is labeled “producer participation,” there is no producer participation prescribed in determining who will own the environmental services derived from the private land. What is directed is that notice be provided to the producer of the decision the Secretary and the contributing entity have made for how the environmental services will be allocated on their property.

The next section titled “Retention of Environmental Service Benefits,” raises more questions than it answers:

(6)(B) “The Secretary shall not claim or impede any action of a producer with respect to the environmental services benefits they accrue through activities funded pursuant to this subsection.”

After the Secretary and contributing entity have determined how much of the environmental services the contributing entity owns, presumably based on their financial commitment contributed to the program, then the landowner can assert what he believes he has accrued through his activities, and the Secretary cannot claim or impede this assertion.

What is left unaddressed is what portion will the Federal government own? This section refers to the producers’ claim of ownership of the environmental services, and prevents the government from impeding this. Logically, the portion the Federal government owns has already been decided when the Secretary and contributing entities earlier determined ownership of the natural processes.

So the division of who owns the natural processes on private lands that are enrolled in these federal conservation programs will be determined by the contributing private entity and the Secretary, after which the landowner / producer may assert his claim.

What is also unclear is whether the addition of private funds can be added to a program retroactively, in other words, after the landowner has already enrolled in the program. There is nothing in the Sustains law that specifies this new authority only applies to new enrollments.  What if a contributing entity wants to contribute funds to a covered program on property already enrolled?

The conservation programs subject to the Sustains Act include:

  • Environmental Quality Incentives Program
  • Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
  • Regional Conservation Partnership Program
  • Emergency Watersheds Protection Program
  • Healthy Forests Reserve Program
  • Watersheds Protection and Flood Prevention Act programs (excluding the Watershed Rehabilitation Program)

Advancing the Biden-Harris Natural Asset Strategy

In January of 2023, the White House finalized the “National Strategy to Develop Statistics for Environmental – Economic Decisions (SEED)”.  This creates a new line-item on the Federal Balance Sheet that will record the value of real assets such as land and water, as well as natural processes such as air and environmental services.  These values will be derived from all lands in the U.S. regardless of who actually owns the land, be it federal, state, local or private.

The Strategy is a part of the larger 30×30 agenda, which is the international plan to permanently protect 30 percent of our lands and oceans by 2030. Just as with the 30×30 initiative, there is no Congressional or Constitutional authorization for this National Strategy.  It is being directed solely from the White House.

The 30×30 land grab increases the protected lands in America, reducing those lands owned by private citizens and increasing the federal control over private lands largely through conservation programs and easements. The value of the protected lands can be transferred to others by creating a new asset, “environmental services” through “Natural Capital Accounts,” and the defeated “Natural Asset Companies,” or NACs.

Just as with the attempt to create NACs on the New York Stock Exchange, this strategy will monetize elements that should never be considered property. If the Federal government can claim ownership of these processes or even regulatory powers, they can control people’s use of these processes through devices such as carbon credits, biodiversity credits, water quality credits, and taxes.

Another dangerous element of this Strategy is that it places the value of all land on the Federal Balance Sheet, including private property, for the first time in the history of the United States.  This includes the value of every American’s residential lot and home.  In so doing, every American’s property will be considered a U.S. Asset that adds to the nation’s financial position in the world economy. In simplistic terms, it becomes collateral for the growing national debt.

In April of 2024, the White House released the results of four pilot natural asset accounts that explain how they will derive the value of these assets for Federal accounting purposes.  These four test accounts cover the elements of Land, Water, Air and Environmental Services, and they reveal several concerning actions. These are:

  1. Under the land pilot test account, they clearly state that private property will be included as a Federal asset.

The press release states:

“ … Private land in the contiguous 48 states was valued at $32 trillion, equivalent to roughly 30% of the net wealth already measured in U.S. Accounts. Accounting for natural assets like land on our nation’s balance sheet is critical; omitting them would dramatically understate U.S. wealth.”

The linked document cited further reinforces their intent:

“Our results underscore the potential importance of private land as a quantitatively significant asset on our national balance sheet…”

  1. Under the Environmental Services pilot test account, they make clear that not only will the value of the real property be included on the federal balance sheet, but also the natural processes derived from these lands where the federal government has funded projects such as the conservation programs.

This is where the “Sustains Act” becomes one of the implementing components of this strategy, because it will create a monetary value for these natural processes derived from the conservation programs, the ownership of which is being determined by the Secretary of Agriculture.

From the White House Strategy:

“When the government spends a dollar to restore a coral reef or a forest that will attract tourism, supply water, or clean the air, our current system does not capture the economic value of this investment. The National Strategy gives us a path to change that.” (Introduction, page iv)

From the press release we learn more about what will be tracked in this account:

“Progress is ahead of schedule for developing natural capital accounts such as forests, pollination, urban ecosystems, and natural hazards. In addition, U.S. researchers are working with their European counterparts to understand lessons learned for implementing natural capital accounts in different countries.”

  1. All of these test pilot accounts rely on the UN Accounting System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) in order to derive the value of these assets.  Because Environmental Services and the value of natural processes is a subjective value, they need to rely on this esoteric system that does not conform to U.S. Accounting standards, just as they were attempting to do with NACs.
  2. A key purpose for the Strategy is to track our progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, something which neither Congress, nor the people have approved..  Once this system is in place, it gives the Federal government the data and means to control how Americans use their property and whether citizens can be governed to have a “net zero” impact on climate change.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Even though citizens comments can be ignored by the Secretary as it prepares how it will implement the Sustains Act, it is valuable to make your position known so that if the next administration is not in on the caper, they can use public outcry against this action as a basis to stop the monetization of natural processes.

Here are three points we recommend you make in your comments.

  1. Natural processes should not be monetized, owned by one entity to the exclusion of another, through environmental services markets.
  2. Whatever benefits are created as a result of the conservation programs remain owned in full by the landowner of that property.
  3. The addition of private capital being used to fund federal conservation programs cannot occur retroactively on lands already enrolled.

You can submit your comments here.

We also have an opportunity in the coming months to call on Congress to rescind the Sustains Act through the budget reconciliation process.  It is not too soon to ask your Representative and Senators and ask that they do so.


Rep. Massie tells it Like It Is

Another Season Of Shutdown Theater Is Upon Us, And Republicans Are Already Cucking Out
THURSDAY, SEP 12, 2024 – 07:20 AM

Another season of shutdown malarkey is upon us – this time with a deadline of October 1st before it’s time to fling poo.

Republicans want to tie a six-month funding stopgap (Continuing Resolution or CR) to the SAVE Act – which would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote. On Wednesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) yanked a funding bill off the House floor hours before an expected vote after a growing number of Republicans vowed to tank the measure which includes the SAVE Act.

Democrats want a “clean” funding bill that would keep the government open until December, right after the elections, without (of course) the SAVE Act.

Donald Trump wants Johnson and the Republicans to grow a pair of balls and let the government shut down if they can’t preserve the SAVE Act.

On Tuesday, before he yanked the funding bill off the floor, Johnson told reporters “We are going to put the SAVE Act and the CR together, and we’re going to move that through the process. And I am resolved to that; we’re not looking at any other alternative. … I think almost 90% of the American people believe in that principle and that’s why we’re going to stand and fight,” adding “You know how I operate: You do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may.” Hilarious.

After he pulled the bill, Johnson said: “We’re in the consensus-building business here in Congress with small majorities,” adding “We’re having thoughtful conversations, family conversations, within the Republican conference, and I believe we’ll get there.”

Of course, going head-to-head with Democrats (and some Republicans) over the SAVE Act means litigating claims of election fraud, which Republicans folded like a wet napkin over after the 2020 US election instead of circling the wagons around Trump.

Meanwhile, at least seven Republicans have said they would vote against a CR, period, as it only kicks the can down the road.

Johnson is dealing with a tough math problem. Because of their minuscule majority, House Republicans can only afford four GOP defections if all lawmakers vote. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., was hospitalized Tuesday night after collapsing at an event. And at least seven other Republicans have publicly stated they will vote against a stopgap measure, known as a continuing resolution or “CR.” Many others said they could join them.

Two sources told NBC News that leadership was anticipating as many as 15 GOP no votes if the vote had been held Wednesday. -NBC

Republicans opposing a CR include Reps. Cory Mills of Florida, Jim Banks of Indiana, Matt Rosendale of Montana, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Tim Burchett of Tennessee.

“I’ve continuously voted against CRs. I think it is terrible legislating,” said Burchett. “And the No. 1 threat to this country is fiscal irresponsibility. We are going off a fiscal cliff, and I think that every time we do this, we just kick that can further down the road.”

According to Mills, a military veteran and fiscal conservative who serves on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committee, “This CR would weaken our defense capabilities and the readiness of our military, just as global threats are rapidly evolving. It would prevent us from responding effectively to adversarial nations like China, hinder innovation, and delay modernization,” adding “Six months is a long time in politics, but it’s an eternity in geopolitics, where quick responses are critical to countering foreign adversaries threatening to harm U.S. interests.

Mills is a ‘yes’ on the SAVE Act, saying: “I’m a firm NO on bankrupting the nation and a YES on election integrity.”

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) explains the charade we’re about to see unfold over the next two weeks:


Woke for What?

Communism: Woke/DEI/ESG Connection

By Neenah Payne

Explosive Documentary: The War on Children explains that Yuri Bezmenov (1939-1993) was a KGB informant who defected to the US  in the 1970s. Bezmenov warned:

The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy. You can take your enemy without a single shot being fired.

Bezmenov explained: “Leftists are useful idiots who serve only to destabilize society.” In an interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984, Bezmenov exposed how the Communism overtakes a country.  He said that under the Communist conspiracy, the US was in a state of undeclared war against the principles on which it was founded. “Unless the United States wakes up! The time bomb is ticking every second and the disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect” he emphasized.

Four Steps of Communist Takeover

Bezmenov explained that the Communist takeover of a country is done in four steps:

1. Demoralization (10-20 years)
2. Destabilization (2-5 years)
3. Crisis (6 weeks)
4. Normalization

The War on Children: Communist Takeover

Explosive Documentary: The War on Children shows that Roger Starbuck is a former Hollywood music video producer and director. His 2/2/24 documentary The War on Children had 50 million views in the first month — one of the most watched documentaries of all time. See the trailer. Elon Musk posted the documentary for free on Xwriting that it was “worth watching, especially for parents.”

Starbuck explained that America is in the Normalization phase of a Communist takeover now. He told Tucker  Carlson:

[The sexualization of kids] is a near planetary scale psychological operation to usher in a new form of communism. And I know to some people that might sound extreme, but to give a little bit of insight, my family came from Cuba, where communism happened in a flash. And I don’t think a lot of Americans realize just how quickly this can happen. And we’re well down the path.

Woke Is Marxism

The articles and videos below explain that Woke is Marxism. Most Americans have not connected those dots yet. However, people from Communist countries have been warning us that a Cultural Revolution is taking place in America and the rest of the West – just as took place in China under Mao Zedong. It’s vital  for more Americans and other Westerners to connect the dots now.

Wokeism Is Marxism, DEI And ESG Are Stakeholder Capitalism (Op-Ed)
By Danielle Goodrich [Tri-Cities Area Director of Tennessee Stands]

What We’re Dealing with Here Is a Cult – Dr. James Lindsay 1/8/24

Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis

The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids 

European Parliament: Woke Is A Cultural War

Dr. Lindsay points out in his address to the European Parliament below, “Woke is Maoism with American characteristics” – drawing on the statement by Mao Zedong who said that his philosophy was “Marxism is Leninism with Chinese characteristics”. Dr. Lindsay says, “This is a pivotal moment in the history of the Western world.”

Woke, a Cultural War Against Europe by J. Lindsay and F. Furedi 4/3/23

Conference organized in the European Parliament by the Identity and Democracy Foundation.

Woke Is a Cult

What We’re Dealing with Here Is a Cult – Dr. James Lindsay 1/8/24

Dr James Lindsay is an author, mathematician, and political commentator. He has written eight books spanning a range of subjects including education, postmodern theory, and critical race theory. Dr Lindsay is the Founder of New Discourses, an organization dedicated to shining the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.

Dr Lindsay is the co-author of “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody” and is the author of “Race Marxism,” as well as his newest book, “The Marxification of Education.” Dr Lindsay has been a featured guest on Fox News, Glenn Beck, Joe Rogan, and NPR, and he has spoken at the Oxford Union and the EU Parliament.

Kamala Harris: We Must Be Woke

“We have to stay woke. Like everybody needs to be woke.” Kamala Harris’ vision for America, ladies and gentlemen. (video)

How Communism Is Ruling Our World

How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World (video)

The Epoch Times is serializing an adaptation from the Chinese of a new book, How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World, by the editorial team of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

Audio Recordings Chapters 1-12

Chapter Seven, Part I: The Destruction of the Family (UPDATED)

Table of Contents

  1. Communism’s Aim to Abolish the Traditional Family
  2. Communism’s Promotion of Promiscuity
  3. Early Attempts at Sexual Liberation Under Communism
  4. How Communism Destroys Families in the West
  5. Promoting Sexual Liberation

The family is the building block of human society, allowing people not only to raise children in a stable and nurturing environment, but also to pass the knowledge of one generation to the next. Marriage is a sacred institution arranged by the divine for humanity to form families, preserving traditional heritage and morality.

Today, the traditional family is being slowly destroyed. The writings of Karl Marx and other communists describe the family as a form of private ownership to be abolished. In addition to persecuting religion and spiritual faith, communist regimes place love for the Communist Party above love for even one’s own parents, spouse, or children, encouraging people to struggle against their own kin….

Chapter Seven, Part II: The Destruction of the Family (UPDATED)
Chapter Eight, Part I: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics (UPDATED)
Chapter Eight, Part II: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics (UPDATED)
Chapter Nine, Part I: The Communist Economic Trap (UPDATED)
Chapter Nine, Part II: The Communist Economic Trap (UPDATED)
Chapter Ten: Corrupting the Legal System (UPDATED)
Chapter Eleven: Desecrating the Arts (UPDATED)
Chapter Twelve, Part I: Sabotaging Education (UPDATED)
Chapter Twelve, Part II: Sabotaging Education (UPDATED)

For More Information

Explosive Documentary: What Is A Woman?
Woke: Chinese Communist Attack on America
Parent Revolution: Rescuing Kids From Radicals

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post


The Travellers are Travelling – Something BIG in the Air


Well it seems that there is something big brewing, and at this time the word from the Travellers is that it is requiring a lot of spiritual, etc. assistance, and because of that, they are unable to give individual advice at this time.

It seems that the target date is somewhere in the latter part of September – I am thinking the 25th, but I cannot verify that date.  It is merely a hunch.

I am not sure at what point they will be able to come back, but I will certainly let you know.

Blessing to all.

More Attacks on Free Speech Platforms

Rumble CEO Leaves Europe after Telegram CEO Arrest

“France has threatened Rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arresting Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov,” said Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski

Rumble CEO Leaves Europe after Telegram CEO ArrestImage Credit: NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty Images

Rumble’s CEO, Chris Pavlovski, announced on Sunday that he has left Europe following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

In a post on Twitter, Pavlovski said that France had “crossed a red line” with the arrest.

“I’m a little late to this, but for good reason — I’ve just safely departed from Europe,” Pavlovski Tweeted.

“France has threatened Rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arresting Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, reportedly for not censoring speech.

“Rumble will not stand for this behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression, a universal human right. We are currently fighting in the courts of France, and we hope for Pavel Durov’s immediate release.”

Pavlovski used a subsequent Tweet to highlight the censorship of Rumble around the world.

“Free speech is under major assault and I will not stop fighting for it.”

Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris on Saturday, on charges related to the spread of illicit material via Telegram. He was arrested after arriving at Le Bourget Airport on a private plane from Azerbaijan.

In a statement on Telegram on Sunday, the company said, “Telegram abides by EU laws,” adding, “Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide.”

Analyst Mike Benz believes the US State Department is ultimately behind the arrest, because it wants to control Telegram.

“What they [the State Department] want to do is not kill Telegram like they wanted to kill Wikileaks,” Benz said in a video posted to Twitter.

“They want to control it. And the problem was, they didn’t have the ability to put sufficient pressure on Pavel to break his will. So he was living in Dubai. Now they have leverage. I believe that’s the purpose of this prosecution: not to establish a legal precedent that for every encrypted chat app its founder is personally responsible for all illegal conversations or transactions on the platform, but rather to force Telegram to become WhatsApp.”

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has said that Durov “miscalculated” by thinking he could be a “brilliant ‘man of the world’ who lives wonderfully without a motherland.”

“For all our common enemies now, he is Russian—and therefore unpredictable and dangerous.”

“Durov should finally realise that one cannot choose one’s fatherland,” Medvedev added.
