Armed Forces Facing The Battle of their Lives

Military Whistleblowers Say Cancer, Miscarriages and Heart Attacks Up 300% Following Vaccine Mandates

Fact checked

Military whistleblowers admit rise in cancers, miscarriages and heart disease following vaccine mandates

Three military doctors have blown the whistle on the devastating effects of forced COVID-19 vaccinations on American troops.

According to the whistleblowers, medical billing code data captured by the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which is run by the Department of Defense (DoD), shows that rates of miscarriage, myocarditis, cancer, Bell’s palsy, female infertility, and many more serious health conditions have risen dramatically since vaccines were made mandatory. reports: Cancer rates are particularly concerning, they say, as the normal average number of new cases per year is about 38,700, based on the time period from 2016-2020. In 2021 after Operation Warp Speed was launched, however, the number of new cancer cases that year rose to 114,645.

“The database contains every International Classification of Diseases (ICD) medical billing code for all medical diagnoses submitted by the military for medical insurance billing,” reports explain. (Related: Remember at the launch of Operation Warp Speed when Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, MD, suffered a horrific miscarriage right after getting jabbed for the Chinese Flu?)

Neurological issues up 1,000% in military following Operation Warp Speed

The three military whistleblowers in question are Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long. Attorney Thomas Renz issued sworn statements from these three to the courts as part of a major lawsuit.

During the first 10 months of 2021, Renz says, miscarriages alone rose by 300 percent in the military. His hope is that the suit will lead to an end for covid jab mandates in the military.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) is also involved, having recently hosted “COVID-19: A Second Opinion,” a livestreamed discussion panel featuring numerous world-renowned doctors and medical experts who offered a much different take on the scamdemic and how the government handled it.

On February 1 of this year, Johnson wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. In it were the findings from a roundtable on covid jab injuries and deaths, including data showing a 10-fold increase in neurological issues post-Operation Warp Speed.

Johnson also revealed the following increases in other health conditions following the mandate of covid injections in the military:

  • Hypertension: 2,181 percent increase
  • Nervous system disorders: 1,048 percent increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of esophagus: 894 percent increase
  • Multiple sclerosis: 680 percent increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs: 624 percent increase
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome: 551 percent increase
  • Breast cancer: 487 percent increase
  • Demyelinating: 487 percent increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands: 474 percent increase
  • Female infertility: 472 percent increase
  • Pulmonary embolism: 468 percent increase
  • Migraines: 452 percent increase
  • Ovarian dysfunction: 437 percent increase
  • Testicular cancer: 369 percent increase
  • Tachycardia: 302 percent increase

Between the years of 2016 and 2020, there were 1,499 codes for miscarriage reported each year. From January through October 2021 – not even a full year – there were an astounding 4,182 miscarriages logged into the system.

During his panel, Johnson further made note that it appears myocarditis rates are being doctored by the government. Back in August 2021, it was shown in the codes that myocarditis diagnoses were up 2,800 percent. This month, however, it is now listed as only 200 percent higher.

“There appears to be doctoring of the data,” Johnson stated. “Now, my staff has already sent – this morning, we sent a record preservation letter to the Department of Defense to try and protect this data.”

“Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes, possibly, killed,” he added in a statement.


Digital Currencies = Digital Control

WARNING: Rishi Sunak Will Usher In A Technocratic Age Of Global Totalitarianism Using Central Bank Digital Currencies

With the appointment of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister, the United Kingdom has jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Sunak is an outspoken advocate for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that would replace the existing system of fiat currencies in the world. This would be the capstone for Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

The financial infrastructure of the Great Reset has arrived as Rishi Sunak was named the next UK Prime Minister without a vote – welcome, global currency.

On 14 October 2021, the Group of 7 (“G7”) published a set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CBDCs”).  This was published “alongside a G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Statement on CBDCs and digital payments.”

If you are still unsure why CBDCs will bring about the end to our freedoms there are numerous resources available but you can start by exploring articles we’ve previously written about this subject HERE.

The G7 report was compiled by the CBDC drafting group consisting of representatives from finance ministries, and central banks of the G7 alongside invited contributors from other central banks and international organisations.  The list of contributors to the public policy principles can be seen on pages 26 and 27 of the report and includes representatives from the G7 countries as well as the European Union, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OCED”), International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) and the World Bank.

Recently installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak proudly announced the launch of the G7’s new report on Central Bank Digital Currencies.


With Japan feeling the pressure as China moved forward with a digital yuan in February 2020, the G7’s formal discussions about digital currencies started later that year when The Bank of Japan set up a digital currency working group.  CBDCs were raised again in 2021.

The 2021 G7 Leaders’ Summit held in Cornwall, England, on 11-13 June was presided over by the UK with the aim to “help the world build back better from the Covid-19 pandemic and create a greener, more prosperous future.” The UK invited Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa as guest countries to the meeting.

However, what the stated aims didn’t mention was “digitalisation.” After the Summit, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) wrote that G7 leaders endorsed a shared agenda on a series of trade topics. They called for new rules that would reflect “transformations underway in the global economy, such as digitalisation and the green transition.”  It’s worthwhile noting that IISD is chaired by BlackRock Managing Director Michelle Edkins.

A week before the G7 Summit, on 4-5 June 2021, G7 finance ministers met in London joined by the Heads of IMF, World Bank Group, OECD and Eurogroup to discuss CBDCs. As UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak hosted the meeting of the G7 finance ministers. And now he is Prime Minister.

The financial markets are effectively an extension of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”).  The markets didn’t like Liz Truss. They reacted instantly to her government’s proposed policies and by doing so revealed who really drives the UK government’s policies.  Upsetting the markets could have been the reason for her resignation but we could also speculate whether the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline had a part to play.

Whatever the reason for Truss’ resignation, it is no coincidence that the markets like Sunak.  Sunak is WEF’s puppetSimply Wall St wrote in its latest Market Insights report:

Things continue to move quickly in the UK, with Rishi Sunak taking over as Prime Minister less than a week after Liz Truss resigned. The Conservative Party has come full circle, from electing a leader seemingly oblivious to market forces, to electing a former hedge fund manager who we presume knows all about markets.

Simply Wall St may want to revisit what Sunak’s previous role as a “hedge fund manager” entailed while working for Patrick Degorce at The Children’s Investment Fund Management and Thélème Partners.  It seems he knows less about markets than has been claimed.

Last week Jack Posobiec, host of Human Events Daily, commented on the significance of Sunak’s appointment.  “The financial infrastructure of the Great Reset has arrived as Rishi Sunak was named the next UK Prime Minister without a vote – welcome, global currency,” he said.

Read full story here…


A Little Nanotechnology With That?

Scientists worldwide claim all Covid-19 Vaccines contain Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide

Scientists have published an urgent review of the Covid-19 injections in which they claim to have discovered nanotechnology and Graphene Oxide in both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections, and both the AstraZeneca and Janssen viral vector injections. The new review backs up the findings of numerous other scientists from around the world.

Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the ability to see and control individual atoms and molecules. Everything on Earth is made up of atoms—the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the buildings and houses we live in, and our own bodies.

But something as small as an atom is impossible to see with the naked eye. In fact, it’s impossible to see with the microscopes typically used in high school science classes. The microscopes needed to see things at the nanoscale were invented in the early 1980s.

Once scientists had the right tools, such as the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM), the age of nanotechnology was born.

And now scientists from Spain, have declared that nanotechnology, which has the ability to control atoms in your body, has been found in all of the Covid-19 injections alongside Graphene Oxide.

According to scientists, Graphene Oxide is detected in the immune system as if it were a pathogen. Once injected it has an affinity for the central nervous system, potentially causing paralysis, strokes and alteration of the nervous system.

The scientists also explain that Graphene Oxide has the potential to cause blood clots, which explains why the Covid-19 injections increase the risk of suffering thrombosis with thrombocytopenia.

It is not just scientists from Spain making these claims though. Numerous scientists around the world have now published findings where they allege they have discovered both nanotechnology and Graphene Oxide in the Covid-19 injections.

Scientists discover ‘Carbon Nanotech’ & ‘Radioactive Thulium’ in Pfizer & Moderna COVID Vaccines

After reviewing electron microscope images of elements contained in the Covid Pfizer and Moderna injections, Dr Daniel Nagase, a Canadian emergency room doctor, revealed that, strangely, the contents of the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” show no signs of biological material, including mRNA or DNA. (Read more here).

Dr Nagase’s research group looked at these Moderna and Pfizer samples under a regular microscope. Although there were a lot of very interesting images, they were unable to be conclusive about what exactly they were seeing. So, they used an electron microscope to determine what elements the “vaccines” contained.

Here are some of the images of what they found –

Found in a Moderna Covid “vaccine” sample

Dr. Nagase examined a “ball with the legs growing out of it” found inside a Moderna sample. “This shape, this ball with the legs growing out of it, for some reason has aluminium in it. And I can say with certainty that this isn’t a mould spore or some other type of biological contamination, because the only thing in it is carbon, oxygen, and no signs of nitrogen, no signs of phosphorus, which would indicate something biological of origin. So, this thing that’s growing is non-biological.”

Dr. Nagase and the researchers also discovered an unusual element from the lanthanide series – thulium – in a fibre-like structure found in a Pfizer sample –

Found in a Pfizer Covid “vaccine” sample

Dr. Nagase and the researchers found a variety of shapes and structures inside the “vaccine” samples they tested – crystals, chips, strands, bulbs, spheres, fibres and balls with legs growing out of them – “we have polymorphic, which is many different forms,” he said.

“They all seem to be made predominantly out of carbon and oxygen and they were in both the Moderna and Pfizer samples, and they seem to be in fibre forms. In the Moderna sample, the carbon-oxygen structures seem to be taking nanosphere forms and crystalline forms. And in the Pfizer sample … seem to only be forming fibres and crystals.

Argentina: Researchers Explain the Nanotechnology Found in Covid Injections

Meanwhile, in a presentation to the Chilean radio station El Mirador del Gallo, Argentine doctor Martín Monteverde presented the analyses carried out by Corona2Inspect researchers on the microtechnology found in Cansino, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, and Sputnik “vaccines.”

Argentina’s Dr Monteverde and other researchers carried out microscopic analyses of vials from the five “vaccine” types.  He then sent these images to Corona2Inspect for further analysis.  Corona2Inspect returned the images with their comments identifying what objects the images were showing.

You can watch a video of Dr Monteverde’s teams findings below –

Argentina’s Dr. Patricia Aprea, Director of Evaluation and Control of the ANMAT, also accidentally admitted AstraZeneca’s “vaccines” contained Graphene during a legal case regarding a death post-Covid injection.

You can read the document where ANMAT recognised that vaccines contain graphene HERE (Spanish) or below (translated into English using Google):


Some Info About Things At The Border

There is a lot going on at the Border that no one is talking about, but it affects all of us.

One big problem is the whole question of human trafficking.

RIght now, it is important to become informed.  Take a look and then reflect on how this is affecting you, your family, your community, these people, and what the heck is going on and why…

Will YOU Eat Bugs?

Major Supermarket In UK Planning To Sell BUGS As Food To Help Poor People Through Winter

The supermarket is also involved with a TV game show in which insect ‘farmers’ will pitch the bugs as the ‘next big thing’


Steve Watson

Getty Images / Krit of Studio OMG

A major supermarket chain in the UK is finalising plans to stock insects on its shelves and market them as a cheap food source for people struggling to afford to feed their families amid soaring inflation and the cost of living crisis.

The Daily Mail reports that Aldi is considering stocking ‘edible’ bugs and providing recipe kits for parents to prepare worms and crickets for their hungry children.

Potential products in the range include ‘sustainable’ cricket burgers, as well as ‘nuggets’ and ‘mince’.


Just when you thought this couldn’t get any more more dystopian, the supermarket is involved with a TV game show in which insect ‘farmers’ will pitch the bugs as the ‘next big thing’ for Aldi, according to the report.

One of the contestants, Aaron Thomas, commented, “We’re on a mission to change perceptions of insects as food; they’re one of the most sustainable protein sources in the world.”

Thomas further claims that crickets contain more protein than beef adding “We want to take bug consumption mainstream. If we’re able to get in front of Aldi’s audience, that would be an amazing opportunity.”

The move is the latest in a growing trend of pushing bug eating on the masses as a way of ‘saving the planet’.

Recently, Canadian company The Aspire Food Group pledged to produce 9000 tons of insects per year for human and pet consumption after completing construction of the world’s biggest cricket food processing centre.

In addition to crickets, worms and maggots are also big in Europe.

There are even proposals to feed them to school kids:

How about a weed side salad? And why not wash down your worm food with a tall refreshing glass of sewage?

in 2020, the World Economic Forum published two articles on its website which explored how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

A separate article published on the WEF website outlined how people can be conditioned to enjoy consuming ‘food’ which on the surface sounds disgusting.

The ‘Great Reset’ is about enacting a drastic reduction in living standards for the plebs which will force them to put bugs, weeds and sewage on the menu while the Davos elites continue to feast on the finest cuisine in their ivory towers.

Will you eat the bugs?


What Did Fauci Do?

Fauci’s Calendar: What Was He Doing in the Months Before the Pandemic?

After filing an expensive lawsuit, finally got the National Institutes of Health to release Dr. Anthony Fauci’s work calendar — here’s what it shows.

On Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, at 9 a.m., Dr. Anthony Fauci joined staff at the National Security Council (NSC) — the President’s national security and foreign policy advisory shop — for a meeting in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building about the novel coronavirus.

Fauci would continue to have meetings in classified settings throughout the month.

Fauci’s calendar entries included NSC meetings, White House Situation Room meetings and meetings in other classified settings, as COVID-19 was breaking in China. (To our knowledge, the existence of these meetings before Jan. 28, 2020, was not previously disclosed.)

On Friday, Jan. 24, four days after China admitted human-to-human transmission of the virus, Fauci started attending a small group COVID-19 discussion that first took place in “Anthony’s Office” in a building next to the White House. Anthony, in this case, appears to be an NSC employee and an expert in biodefense and China.

Flashing back to December 2019, when patients in Wuhan were showing up at hospitals with unidentified pneumonia cases, Fauci attended the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — National Institutes of Health (NIH) dinner and workshops on Dec. 19 and 20 — the sixth annual event for NIH staff and Gates Foundation executives.

On the morning of Dec. 19, billionaire Bill Gates tweeted out his own hopes for the coming year and his now prescient prediction: “one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.”

Today, we only know about these meetings, because our organization at, in partnership with the public-interest law firm Judicial Watch, sued the NIH in federal court. NIH had refused to even acknowledge our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

So, for the first time, here is our exclusive release of Fauci’s official calendar.

For a government bureaucrat, this sure was one tightly held calendar.

The refusal by NIH to follow open records law was a strategy to delay transparency: NIH forced us into expensive taxpayer-paid litigation to slow-walk 156 pages of semi-redacted calendar production.

Fauci’s calendar has 933 events during this five-month period — including 224 media interviews and 84 redacted events (only significant redactions that prevented analysis and understanding were counted, for example, phone number redactions were not included).

It’s a document that NIH and Fauci didn’t want you to see …

Why? What did Fauci know? And when did he know it?

Following Fauci’s timeline — highlights

Nov. 6, 2019: Fauci’s calendar lists “GPMB Discussion Note.” This likely deals with the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Fauci is a past member of the GPMB board which was formed to “ensure[s] preparedness for global health crises.”

On Jan. 27, 2020, the GPMB convened regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and Fauci signed off on the group’s Jan. 30, 2020, statement commending the WHO and the “transparency of China.”

Judicial Watch’s FOIAs uncovered that this statement was organized and circulated by Wellcome Trust scientist and GPMB member Jeremy Farrar (who also organized a secret conference call with Fauci and others on Feb. 1, 2020).

Nov. 12, 2019: Fauci flies to the Netherlands. His multi-day itinerary is not listed. The Netherlands is home to the father of “gain-of-function,” high-risk researcher Dr. Ron Fouchier.

Fauci’s NIH institute, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), paused (2014) then restarted (Jan. 2019) funding to the controversial researcher who (using NIH funds) created an H5N1 bird flu in his lab with pandemic potential. He did so by passaging the virus through ferrets multiple times, until it gained a new function by going airborne and infecting a ferret in a different cage.

Nov. 25, 2019: Fauci joins Ambassador Deborah Birx, the Global AIDS Coordinator at a World AIDS Day evening event hosted by the Business Council for International Understanding. On Feb. 27, 2020, Birx is appointed to join Fauci on Trump’s COVID-19 Task Force.

Earlier that day, Fauci has a “Pre-Brief for US Japan Biodefense Meeting.” In 2004, as I previously reported at Forbes, Fauci received a permanent pay adjustment for his “biodefense” work. Fauci is the top-paid federal employee, specifically because he was paid to prevent the next pandemic.

Nov. 25, 2019: Fauci has a call with his future biographer, Janet Tobias, who later produces the “FAUCI” documentary.

Dec. 3, 2019: Fauci has a call with Victor Dzau, who is the president of the National Academy of Medicine, a Duke University professor and a man whose Chinese family fled to Hong Kong to escape China’s civil war.

Dec. 19, 2019: Fauci attends an “NIH Gates Fdn dinner” at “The Cloisters,” likely the one in Lutherville, Maryland, an hour from NIH.

Earlier that morning, Bill Gates tweeted out what has become a much-discussed prediction, “What’s next for our foundation? I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.”

Fauci and top officials, such as NIH director Francis Collins and Health and Human Services (HHS) assistant secretary for health Brett Giroir, joined Gates Foundation executives during the dinner and on panels the next day, according to a press report from the time.


Jan. 17, 2020: Fauci has a call to discuss “CDC Gao Writing Request.” This is presumably related to George Gao, Director-General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Jan. 23, 2020: Fauci had an 8 a.m., in-person meeting with Dr. James LeDuc. LeDuc ran one of the few BSL-4 (biosafety level-4) biocontainment labs in the country (think: moon-suit stuff), at the University of Texas Medical Branch, where he has long-trained Chinese scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab in BSL-4 biosafety procedures.

Emails acquired by FOIA from the U.S. Right To Know (USRTK) organization revealed that LeDuc was sending backchannel emails with his Wuhan colleagues to get information on the novel coronavirus outbreak, and even soliciting edits and corrections from Wuhan’s so-called “bat lady” Shi Zhengli for his April 2020 Congressional testimony.

LeDuc’s emails show he was communicating with his virologist colleague Yuan Zhiming, who was in charge of the WIV BSL-4 lab. LeDuc wrote an op-ed published on January 24 about his U.S.-China working relationship.

It’s possible this drop-by visit by LeDuc was to let Fauci know what he was hearing from Wuhan, and perhaps, not put that news in email.

By 4:30 that afternoon, LeDuc and former Ft. Detrick BSL-4 biolab director Dave Franz joined HHS Robert Kadlec for a conference call, a call revealed in USRTK’s document production from the University of Texas (page 3,409).

Franz emailed a brief note that same day “to facilitate [the] call.” The email described his and LeDuc’s work since 2007 as establishing a relationship with Chinese scientists (pg 115).

In other words, LeDuc was in town to talk about China and the Wuhan lab with top HHS and former military biolab officials.

Thus, while the public discussion was and would remain that the virus had a natural origin, behind the scenes, people were being briefed on the U.S.-Chinese scientists’ interactions and the Wuhan lab itself.

Top-secret meetings

Unreported until now, throughout late January and February 2020, Fauci was in meetings with the NSC and in top-secret settings — including in the White House Situation Room. Fauci was also in small, “restricted” meetings with the NSC.

Were all these top-secret meetings known to the president, and do they give the impression people-in-the-know thought the virus had a natural origin?

Jan. 14 and 16, 2020: Fauci has a 9 a.m. “Novel Corona Virus PCC/Synch Meeting” with Phil Ferro, NSC and Executive Office of the President, on the 14th and a “Novel Corona Virus Touch Base” with Ferro on the 16th.

Jan. 20: China announced to the world that the virus has human-to-human transmission, an admission that they had a possible pandemic virus on their hands.

Jan. 21: Fauci’s NSC meeting gets a new name (“nCoV-PCC”) and the meeting now includes secure video teleconference.

Jan. 21: Fauci is interviewed by The Wall Street Journal reporter Betsy McKay on the listed topic “Coronavirus & HIV Papers.”

Is she asking Fauci about an upcoming scientific paper (published Jan. 31 by Indian scientists, but quickly withdrawn by the authors, amid intense criticism) that noted an “uncanny similarity” between the HIV virus and the spike protein in the COVID-19 virus?

Because bats don’t contract HIV, such a similarity would point to a lab creation for the novel virus.

An hour earlier, Fauci had a call with Peter Hotez about an “Anti-SARS vaccine candidate.” Hotez is an NIH-funded, Texas-based scientist and vaccine researcher, who had a $6 million NIH grant since 2012 studying a “SARS vaccine for biodefense.”

Hotez developed a non-mRNA vaccine model, that won recent approval for distribution in some foreign countries, such as India.

Jan. 22: The COVID-19 meetings with Fauci rise to a new level as Fauci’s calendar shows him in the White House Situation Room (“WHSR”), from ~1:30-3 this day for “nCoV PCC.”

Jan. 24: From ~1:30-2:30 p.m. Fauci has a “nCoV Small Group Discussion” at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB), next to the White House, in “Anthony’s Office” Room 381. (nCoV stands for novel coronavirus and was the reference given to COVID-19 before it was officially named SARS-CoV-2.)

This is one of the few times no last name is listed on Fauci’s calendar. The meeting entry in our FOIA production is cut off but includes “***Please”; the entry also includes an attachment, which NIH currently has not released to

“Anthony’s Office” Clue from Feb. 5: From 2:30-3:30 p.m. on Feb. 5, Fauci’s calendar shows an EEOB “Restricted Small Group” meeting with Anthony Ruggiero, who is listed as with the Executive Office of the President/NSC.

Anthony Ruggiero, according to his public LinkedIn page, was NSC “Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for Counterproliferation and Biodefense” at the time of the meeting. Thus, it’s likely the Jan. 24 EEOB meeting in “Anthony’s Office” was with the same man as the Feb. 5 meeting: Anthony Ruggiero.

Jan. 27: From 2:30-3:30 p.m., Fauci has an “NSC Deputy Call” in the NIH SCIF. (SCIF stands for “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility” and is usually a room reserved for sensitive or classified briefings.) Trump’s NSC deputy at the time was Matthew Pottinger. The subject of the call is not noted on the calendar.

(Also on Jan. 27, Fauci met with the CEO of Moderna, Stephane Bancel.)

Jan. 28: A Fauci/NSC COVID-19 meeting was previously disclosed Sharri Markson, who reported in her book “What Really Happened in Wuhan” that Pottinger called the Jan. 28 meeting with Fauci, HHS Secretary Azar and CDC Director Redfield just after Pottinger heard from Chinese dissident and human rights activist Wei Jingsheng about the virus breaking in China.

From Jan. 16 through Jan. 29, with few exceptions, Fauci’s weekday calendar shows a COVID-19 meeting, either in person or by phone via secure video teleconference with Phil Farro, who is with the Office of the President and the NSC.

Jan. 22: Fauci has an hour and a half blocked off for the COVID-19 meeting in the White House Situation Room.

Jan. 27: If he didn’t know before, emails released to the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee reveal that on this date, Fauci got definitive word from his staff that NIAID, his institute, funded a bat coronavirus grant to EcoHealth Alliance who collaborated with the WIV and Ralph Baric. If the virus was from the WIV, Fauci now knew he had funded the Chinese lab.

Jan. 31: Fauci is in the Oval Office, meeting, presumably, with the president.

Feb. 4: By this date, according to released emails, Fauci and the federally funded scientists he consults with, have decided that COVID-19 came from nature via a bat, through some intermediate species. Behind the scenes, they are drafting papers arguing that any position besides a natural origin is a conspiracy theory.

Yet, Fauci keeps meeting with Anthony Ruggiero, NSC’s biodefense and China expert (1/25 and 2/5). Are they thinking COVID-19 may have come from a lab leak?

Feb. 11: Fauci has a meeting with Ralph Baric, the University of North Carolina coronavirus scientist, arguably the nation’s foremost expert on bat coronaviruses. The meeting includes Emily Erbelding, the director of the NIAID Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Baric had a long working relationship with the Wuhan lab, and, it would later be revealed, applied (unsuccessfully) for a $14 million DARPA grant with the WIV and EcoHealth Alliance to insert a furin cleavage site into a chimeric bat virus and passage it through “humanized” mice to see if it had pandemic potential.

Some virologists have called that leaked document a recipe for the COVID-19 virus.

The Fauci/Baric meeting backs up against the NSC meeting with Phil Ferro. It’s not clear where Baric is during the meeting, if in-person or by phone. Was Baric on the NSC call or listening in?

(Previously at Forbes, I wrote about how Fauci continued to fund scientists like Baric and Fouchier by giving exemptions and narrowly defining scrutinized research — circumventing funding bans by Presidents Obama and Trump.)

Feb. 17: “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” a paper that Fauci apparently helped edit and was organized by NIH-funded Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, stated that the COVID-19 virus was from nature and called any suggestion otherwise a conspiracy.

Largely based on this paper, scientific discussion and social media posts suggesting a lab leak were censored as misinformation.

Other items of interest

Between Nov. 25, 2019, and Feb. 26, 2020, Fauci does three events with the American Society of Microbiology (ASM): a “Biothreats” discussion (11/25/2019); the ASM biothreats conference (1/29/2020); and meets with the ASM board (2/26/2020).

Jan. 7 and 9, 2020: Fauci did his first interviews on corona: 1. With CTV (Canadian TV) on the “pneumonia outbreak in China”; and 2. With Voice of America (VOA) on the “Wuhan pneumonia.” We couldn’t find the interviews published anywhere on the internet.

While the NIH keeps a public record of interviews Fauci conducted since Jan. 27, 2020, we identified 34 other interviews with him discussing the coronavirus from Jan. 7 to Jan. 26.

Between Jan. 27 and Feb. 24, Fauci meets or has calls with Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna (1/27); Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust (British health non-profit focused on vaccines) (2/1); BioNTech executive and former NIH staffer Gary Nabel (2/6) and Johnson & Johnson chief scientist Paul Stoffels (2/24).

Feb. 7: Fauci receives training on personal protective equipment (PPE). Given his varying recommendations on PPE early in the pandemic, it would be interesting to know what training he received.

March 18: Fauci logged a meeting entitled “code red” with a follow-up meeting on March 20. No further details were listed.

March 26: Fauci did four YouTube hits of 15 minutes each. Fauci’s calendar titled these events: “FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] Califf Request” — likely referencing Robert Califf. At the time, Califf was leading healthcare strategy at Alphabet (Google and YouTube parent company).

Robert Califf is the current Commissioner of Food and Drugs of the FDA and the former commissioner under Obama.


The official work calendar is an historic hour-by-hour documentation of Fauci in the months leading up to and during the publicly announced COVID-19 pandemic.

Even with this topline calendar transparency, NIH admits to holding an additional 60,000 pages of backup documentation. The federal court is allowing us to ask for specific items.

Therefore, if there is a specific document of oversight interest, please send our auditors at a message via the “Contact Us” portion of our website.

The historic release of Fauci’s work calendar leaves all of us with more questions than answers.

It’s incumbent upon Congress to exert its right to oversight.

Note: We reached out for comment to Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other top scientists mentioned on Fauci’s calendar. None gave us comments by our deadline.

Originally published on Adam Andrzejewski’s OpenTheBooks Substack page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.


Declining Birth Rates – Bioweapons – Jabbing

Regression of Humanity, How Big Pharma Is Risking Everything

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
October 21, 2022 
covid vaccines bioweapons


  • Media are reporting that pregnancy complications have spiked during the COVID pandemic, but claim the cause is unknown
  • Most blame the virus itself. But even then, they fail to address the fact that it’s the spike protein that is the most likely culprit. The obvious reason for that is because the spike protein is also what your body produces in response to the COVID shots
  • Around the world, women are reporting abnormal menses and vaginal hemorrhaging, both post-COVID and after exposure to the jab or someone who got the shot. Birth rates have significantly dropped, and we’re seeing upticks in preeclampsia, miscarriages, premature births and early puberty, as well as maternal and infant deaths
  • Despite the clear risks of vaccinating during pregnancy, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a whooping cough vaccine for newborns that is given to mothers in the third trimester. This is the first vaccine aimed at infants that is to be preemptively given to the mother during pregnancy
  • While U.S. media celebrated the FDA’s authorization of COVID shots for infants under the age of 5 last summer, European countries had long since stopped caring about the pandemic, and the head of public health in Denmark admitted it was a mistake to vaccinate children between the ages of 5 and 11

As soon as it was announced that COVID-19 would be combated with novel mRNA gene transfer technology, a number of scientists spoke out against it with dire warnings about potential health ramifications, including the theory that fertility might be adversely impacted.

In the two years since the rollout of these COVID shots, our worst fears have come true. Still, mainstream media feign surprise. Case in point: The Washington Post recently reported that “Pregnancy complications spiked during the pandemic” and “no one knows exactly why.”1

Aside from COVID-19 itself, the COVID shots are the only thing that has impacted a vast majority of the population worldwide during this timeframe, and everywhere the same effects are reported. To claim “no one knows why” is to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room as its tail is swatting you in the face and its trumpet sound threatens to shatter your eardrums.

Both Virus and Shots May Have Similar Impacts on Pregnancy

The Washington Post seems to go out of its way to not implicate the COVID shots, laying all the blame on the virus itself. But even then, they fail to address the fact that it’s the spike protein that is the most likely culprit. The obvious reason for that is because the spike protein is also what your body produces in response to the COVID shots.

However, when you read things like, “last fall and winter, Amy Heerema McKenney, a Cleveland Clinic pathologist … began receiving eerily similar reports of stillbirths,” you realize that “last fall and winter” refers to the winter of 2021, not 2020 or 2019.mR

In other words, we’re talking about a time when most people had received one or more mRNA shots, while the virus itself had mutated into milder forms that were rarely associated with severe blood clotting issues and other anomalies.

That said, it’s by no means impossible that SARS-CoV-2, even in its milder expressions, might have an adverse impact on pregnancy. After all, we’re likely talking about a genetically engineered bioweapon.

The respiratory effects may have mutated to be less severe while other organs may still be more adversely impacted by the spike protein. We also have the “shedding” issue to contend with, so just because a woman is unjabbed doesn’t mean she’s not affected by COVID jab spike protein.

Unique Damage to the Placenta

The Washington Post goes on to describe what McKenney was finding in the winter of 2021:

“Almost as soon as she began looking into [the stillbirths], Heerema McKenney recalled, she became ‘pretty panicked.’ A normal placenta is spongy and dark, reflecting the nourishing blood flowing through it. The ones she was looking at in her lab from the mothers who lost their babies were like nothing she had ever seen before: firm, scarred and more of a shade of tan.

‘The degree of devastation was unique,’ she said. Flipping through case files, she noted that most of the women were in their second trimester, unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated, and infected with the coronavirus within a two-week window before their pregnancies ending.

Heerema McKenney herself saw fewer than 20 potentially coronavirus-related stillbirths over about six months. But her findings matched up with cases colleagues were seeing in other parts of the world.

And they also echoed those in a paper from Ireland that looked at seven cases — six stillbirths and one second-trimester fetal death in pregnant people infected with the coronavirus — resulting from what the authors called ‘a readily recognizable pattern of placental injury.’ She said, ‘That’s when we realized we were all looking at the same thing.’”

While McKenney claims most were either unjabbed or partially jabbed, other evidence clearly implicate the COVID shots. For example, in November 2021, Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), delivered an astonishing 13 stillborn babies in a 24-hour period, and all of the mothers had received the COVID jab.2 In a typical month, there may be one stillborn baby at the hospital, making 13 stillbirths in 24 hours highly unusual.

Types of Pregnancy Complications on the Rise

That something is terribly wrong is clear from global statistics. Around the world, women are reporting abnormal menses3 and vaginal hemorrhaging,4 both post-COVID5 and after exposure to the jab6,7 or someone who got the shot. Birth rates have significantly dropped, and we’re seeing significant upticks in preeclampsia,8 miscarriages,9,10,11,12,13 premature births,14 early puberty, as well as maternal and infant deaths.

According to a research letter15 in JAMA published in late June 2022, maternal deaths in the U.S. rose from 18.8 per 100,000 live births prepandemic, to 25.1 per 100,000 live births during the second, third and fourth quarters of 2020, a relative increase of 33.3%.

That increase can be attributed to COVID-19, since no COVID shots were available in 2020. We don’t yet have the statistics for 2021 and 2022, but based on obituaries and social media posts, it seems many new mothers are now dying “suddenly” and for no apparent reason. Time will tell, but I doubt the trend has gotten any better after the rollout of the COVID shots for pregnant women.

More Vaccines for Pregnant Women

Despite the clear risks of vaccinating during pregnancy, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved a whooping cough vaccine for newborns that is given to mothers in the third trimester. This is the first vaccine aimed at infants that is to be preemptively given to the mother during pregnancy. According to Pharmacy Times:16

“Since children aged 2 months of age or younger are not eligible to receive an actual vaccine themselves, administering the Tdap vaccine to the mother can boost the infant’s immune system by boosting antibodies in the mother, who then transfers the antibodies to the developing fetus …

According to the CDC, although only 4.2% of US cases occur in this age group, 31% of infants who contract the disease who are also younger than 6 months go to the hospital due to the illness.”

Swedish Journalist Critiques American Reporting

In an early October 2022 commentary in the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan,17,18 journalist and author Johan Anderberg expressed being perplexed by The New York Times’ jubilant announcement this past summer that toddlers could finally get the COVID shot.

“For a reader on the other side of the Atlantic, the reporting on infant vaccination appeared somewhat puzzling,” Anderberg writes. “In most European countries, citizens had long since stopped caring about the pandemic, and in Denmark, the head of public health, Soren Brostrom, had even said that it was a mistake to vaccinate children between the ages of 5 and 11.

But for the New York Times — and its subscribers — this was a big event. When the magazine asked its readers to send in stories about what it was like to live with unvaccinated toddlers, they received 1,600 responses. Several of them said their children had never been allowed to play with friends or meet their relatives indoors.

At the end of the summer, the first numbers came out on how many Americans had actually vaccinated their toddlers in the first month. It turned out fewer than 5% of American children under the age of 5 had received their first injection.

Not so long ago, those kinds of numbers would have been thought provoking for a newspaper like the New York Times: Did we have an incorrect picture of the mood in the country? … Was there a perspective on the issue that we missed? But it no longer works that way.”

He goes on to describe how The New York Times has changed from “all the news that’s fit to print” into a publication that cherry picks its stories based on political bias and a preconceived agenda, and rarely ever presents more than one viewpoint anymore.

Had they been more journalistically inclined and less biased, they would not have gotten the COVID-jab-for-infants’ story so wrong. Many Americans also “received a blatantly incorrect picture of the risks with the new coronavirus through The New York Times reporting,” Anderberg writes.

The New York Times’ fallacies spread as far and as high as the Supreme Court, where Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor publicly overstated the number of serious COVID infections among children by 2,000%. That enormous flub was a direct result of depending on mainstream sources with an agenda to spread fear rather than truth.

Vaccines and Bioweapons Are One Industry

The fact that we have no real independent press anymore has become painfully clear over the past three years. What we have are corporate-government propaganda outlets and censored alternative media. There’s not much in between.

Certainly, you rarely ever find both sides of an issue covered by the same media outlet anymore. Media has become incredibly polarized and, with it, the population at large. As noted by Anderberg, the mainstream press has played a key role in this polarization, as it has abandoned rules of journalism such as unbiased research and reportage and presenting more than one side of every story.

The reason for this appears to be because media are owned and controlled by those who benefit from the pandemic. In short, media’s refusal to state the obvious is because the obvious doesn’t fit the narrative that we must surrender our freedom for biosecurity’s sake.

But the promise of biosecurity is itself a lie. Not only is SARS-CoV-2 a bioweapon, but the COVID shot is too. Once people realize that the vaccine industry and the bioweapons industry have become one and the same, the big picture will become clearer.

COVID Shots Are Weapons of Mass Destruction

These shots may have many purposes, but none of them is to protect your health. They may be part of a depopulation agenda. They may be part of an ongoing experiment to perfect some aspect of the transhumanist goal to merge man with AI and synthetic biology. They may have a social engineering purpose. They’re undoubtedly part of the global takeover effort by the New World Order/Great Reset cabal.

But they’re not part of a benevolent public health program. If they were, the corporate-government alliance would not have spent billions to first entice and bribe people into taking the shots (remember those million-dollar lotteries?), and later shame, bully and threaten to ostracize from society or outright kill the unvaccinated.

If COVID-19 were a naturally-occurring virus, then scientists, media, Big Tech and bioweapons chief Dr. Anthony Fauci would not have gone out of their way to suppress and censor debate about its origin.

Similarly, if the COVID shots were a novel but beneficial intervention for an unprecedented health crisis, the input and feedback of scientists around the world would have been welcomed rather than censored. (Ditto for doctors’ feedback on successful treatments. If saving lives was the goal, all suggestions would have been welcomed.)

The reason no one, regardless of qualifications, is permitted to speak about the dangers of these shots is because they’re supposed to be dangerous. They’re bioweapons. The mindset of those pushing for a post-human transhumanist world may be complex (if not incomprehensible), but the strategy to achieve their desired ends is that simple.

Mankind Is Being Regressed Into Oblivion

Mankind is being decimated by not just one but several different bioweapons — the original virus and a steady stream of ever-changing gene influencing shots. In the process, survivors of the next generation, children born and growing up in these times, are being robbed of intelligence, health and life span.

Mankind is quite literally being regressed. The Big Pharma-biotech-bioweapons complex are risking everything, the very future of mankind itself, in this effort to “reset” the world and shape it to their own liking and benefit.

Many worry about a nuclear World War III between nations but, in reality, World War III has already begun. The transhumanist-centered pharma-bioweapons industry has spent the last two years decimating its enemy — mankind — using the most sophisticated biowarfare and social engineering tools the world has ever seen.

Learn to Say No

The primary defense we have against these attacks is the word “no.” If enough of us simply reject whatever they roll out next and work on building our own parallel systems, we can preserve life and liberty for coming generations.

The globalist cabal is using bioweapons, but we can refuse to take them. They’re using sophisticated social engineering, but we can educate ourselves on their tactics, thereby insulating ourselves against their programming. They’re tearing down the infrastructure we depend on for life, including the financial system, the health care system and the food system, but we can replace them with ethical and pro-human alternatives.

We don’t have to agree to their “solutions,” which are coming, and will include living in smart cities with digital identities, a social credit score, surveillance down to your biological processes and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC), all of which will render you into a 21st century slave with a digital choke chain around your neck. Avoiding that fate won’t be easy. It certainly won’t be convenient. But it’ll be worth it.

from: Mercola


Who Are the Real Aggressors?

Irish MEPs Tell Truth to Power. The USG, EU, and Israel Are the Real Terrorists.


This sort of criticism of US-EU-Israeli foreign policy would never be allowed in the USG Congress. Quite frankly, I am surprised the European Parliament didn’t cut the mic on MEPs Mick Wallace and Clare Daly.


Yes, indeed. The USG, EU, and Israel are the real terrorists. The historical record is clear, although largely ignored, especially here in America where it is now impossible to elect people speaking truth to power like Daly and Wallace.

In America, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to express opposition to the insanity of the national security state and its partners in the EU and Israel.

Journalists in America are now disappeared, the same as they are in other authoritarian nations. If you doubt this, non-Google search “James Gordon Meeks.”

Mr. Meeks, a national security reporter for ABC, has not been seen since the FBI raided his apartment in April.

Julian Assange is wasting away in Belmarsh prison for the crime of telling the world about the horrible deeds of the USG in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is increasingly perilous to comment in public or social media on the manifest crimes of the USG and its junior partners in torture and mass murder.

It’s possible Mr. Meek, following the FBI raid, supposedly in search of classified documents on his laptop, is hiding out somewhere, keeping a low profile, afraid of the government and the FBI (the USG’s political police).

Then again, the case of Assange is demonstrative.

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Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo 


WEF’s Schwab Babble


The WEF’s Programs For Infiltration: The Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers & New Champions

In recent months, the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, and New Champions have gathered in support of the Davos mission. Who exactly are these groups and what do they represent?

While the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program has become familiar to many people in recent months, equally important and influential programs such as the Global Shapers and New Champions are less well known. However, a look into these initiatives offers further insight into the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the globalist politicians who support them.

According to their official site, the Young Global Leaders is an “accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world”. The YGL claim to have more than 1,400 members and alumni from more than 120 nations. They say their membership is made up of business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more. Since they area a creation of the WEF, they also say they “seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest”.

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Unlimited Hangout investigator Johnny Vedmore recently released a must-read investigation into the YGL which definitively proves that Klaus Schwab’s mentor Henry Kissinger — wanted war criminal, former Secretary of State — was the mastermind behind the creation of the YGL initiative. The report also highlights the now obvious purpose of this and similar organizations. Vedmore writes:

“Klaus Schwab became the heir to Henry Kissinger’s most important project, the infiltration of individuals and organizations in countries around the world with the aim of creating globalist-aligned governments built within the framework of an outdated and soulless conceptualization of American imperialism.”

As Klaus Schwab himself has made perfectly clear, the role of the YGL is to “penetrate” the cabinets of national government to promote the vision of stakeholder capitalism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Young Global Leaders 2022 Gathering

Speaking in early September at the annual YGL gathering, Klaus Schwab acknowledged the role played by the WEF and YGLs.

“So I developed this concept and I became so fascinated that I decided to create the foundation and bring stakeholders together. So the idea of Davos was born,” Schwab said during the “State of the World Address”. Since the beginning we assembled in Davos, not just business leaders or government leaders, but, probably the first big plea of people to take care of the environment was the Club of Rome exactly 50 years ago. And we gave the Club of Rome a platform to promote its ideas of “The Limits to Growth”.

Another investigation by Unlimited Hangout writer Matthew Ehret discusses the origins of the Club of Rome “landmark” 1972 report, The Limits to Growth. Ehret elaborates further on the connection between the WEF and the creation of the Club of Rome:

“Sir Alexander King and the computer model made famous in the 1972 Limits to Growth imposed a new schism between humanity’s desire to develop vs nature’s supposed desire to rest in mathematical equilibrium. This neo-Malthusian computer model was used to justify the culling of the unfit and overpopulated useless eaters and was subsequently incorporated into the third official World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting at Davos, where Aurelio Peccei was introduced by Klaus Schwab and showcased the Limits to Growth magic to thousands of supportive attendees. 

This particular meeting was sponsored by Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, a man who had already distinguished himself among upper level managers of the empire by founding the infamous Bilderberg meetings in 1954 and, later, the World Wildlife Fund for Nature in 1961 (alongside Julian Huxley and Prince Philip Mountbatten). In addition to incorporating Club of Rome population models into cybernetics-based planning, this summit also featured the official unveiling of “the Davos Manifesto”, a document which formalized the concept of “Stakeholder Capitalism” and the fourth industrial revolution into the governing manifesto of this “Junior Bilderberger” annual summit.”

Sir Alexander King was also responsible for a follow up report released in 1991 titled “The First Global Revolution”. This controversial report includes a section called “The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man”, which contains this often-quoted section:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

Some readers have interpreted this statement to mean that the Club of Rome was acknowledging they would use the idea of pollution, global warming, water shortages, and famine to unite humanity behind the idea that humanity is the problem. The Club of Rome and their supporters claim this passage is taken out of context and simply represents their leadership recognizing geopolitical issues which would soon befall humanity.

During Klaus Schwab’s speech at the YGL annual gathering he discussed the role of the WEF and explained how the organization has been able to become an influential force in the last 50 years. Schwab also discussed the importance of indoctrinating the youth into his philosophy of a “multistakeholder approach”. Schwab went on to brag about the 200 plus “collaborative platforms” started by the WEF, the Centers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a dozen nations, and all the other various ways the WEF has “infiltrated” the governments of the world. He also noted the five different areas the WEF platforms are focused on, namely, regional and global collaboration, nature and climate, the new Social Contract, industry transformation, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

The 4IR is another pet project of Klaus Schwab which was first announced in December 2015. To put it simply, the 4IR is the digital panopticon of the future, where digital surveillance is omnipresent and humanity uses digital technology to alter our lives. Often associated with terms like the Internet of Things, the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Humans, and the Internet of Senses, this world will be powered by 5G and 6G technology. Of course, for Schwab and other globalists, the 4IR also lends itself towards more central planning and top-down control. The goal is a track and trace society where all transactions are logged, every person has a digital ID that can be tracked, and social malcontents are locked out of society via social credit scores.

When asked what he believes the “key challenges” facing humanity are, Schwab stated:

“When we organized our annual meeting in May this year we chose the theme “History at a Turning Point”. We are really at a turning point. And I would say, you look back, we had the post-Cold War time, which lasted until 1989 with the fall of the wall. And now we go into the post-post Cold War time. We are at the end of a very significant period and we are in the transition of a new period. And like always, a transition is difficult.” 

Schwab went on to describe the different forces he believes are shaping and influencing the world of the next five to seven years. These forces include a geopolitical realignment from a unipolar world to one with multipolar or even bipolar standards. Schwab said this would lead to a “multi-ideological world” that will be unstable. He also mentioned a “geoeconomic alignment”, a rearrangement of the supply chain, and an energy transformation involving  decarbonization and energy security. Schwab described the transformation as a “costly process”. Finally, Schwab said he believed the “militarization of economies” and pandemics will shape the next few years.

“We come out of a pandemic and this pandemic was very costly, not only in financial terms, but psychologically. The question about the next pandemic is not about whether or not it will come – i think it will come – but about when we will face (it),” Schwab told the YGLs. “To develop resilience, we need to develop resilience against such pandemics. Again a very costly undertaking, you see it in China, with the closing down…. we are not out of the woods yet.”

Schwab’s mention of the need to be “resilient” against pandemics is odd in relation to his mention of China, where authoritarian lockdowns have plagued the Chinese people for almost 3 years. It’s not clear if his statements are meant to be an endorsement or a suggestion of a “necessary evil” on the way to resiliency.

Interestingly, Schwab mentions China again when discussing what he sees as the positive influences on the coming years. Specifically, he believes the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring about a positive change and “new capabilities”.

“Who could imagine his or her life without the internet?,” Schwab asked. “But the internet is only 20 years old. When we look at technological development I think we are at a tipping point. We are only now reaching the exponential phase of development.”

Schwab continues:

“When I had my discussion with (Chinese) Premiere Li Ko-chiang, two months ago, he mentioned that China alone now has 150 million well educated people. There is a tremendous force behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this will change our lives.”

Finally, to hammer the point home, Schwab reiterates what exactly he means by the 4IR and what it will bring about.

“Let me summarize what this means. It means we will enter a period of tremendous acceleration of change, tremendous complexity and uncertainty. What I am worried most is, if you take the question, are we able to cope with change? and how do we cope with change? You see already governments not always understanding what new technologies mean, you see the effects on society with it becomes agitated because it cannot handle all the changes coming all the time.”

This statement appears to indicate an awareness that not only will this planned upheaval come with tremendous financial costs, but that it might cost so much that the people become agitated with the changes coming from the likes of the WEF.

The Global Shapers Community

The Young Global Leaders are not the only WEF program aimed at influencing the youth. The Global Shapers Community is a “network of young people driving dialogue, action and change” targeting those under 30. Founded in 2011 by Klaus Schwab, this organization focuses on “empowering young people” to play an active role in “shaping local, regional and global agendas”.

Members of the Global Shapers do this by forming “city-based hubs” where they are able to launch projects focused on advancing the goals of the WEF and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The WEF claims they have more than 15,000 Global Shapers in 500 city-based hubs in 150 countries and territories. These hubs are supported by “significant financial and in-kind contributions” from the WEF, including “staff time, technology tools and opportunities to interact and collaborate with its membership network”.

The hub leaders are invited to the Global Shapers Annual Summit in Geneva, Switzerland where they hobnob with other members, and take lessons in how to promulgate the WEF stakeholder philosophy and, whether consciously or unconsciously, The Great Reset agenda.

While the stated purpose of the Global Shapers is to “self-organize to create projects that address the needs of their community”, in reality they are unwittingly serving the goals of the Technocrats at the WEF. On the surface, the projects seem benign and even beneficial in some cases. They include disaster relief, fighting poverty, environmental initiatives, and efforts to build inclusive communities. These are projects that most people can get behind and for a young person seeking to pad their resume with community service, the Global Shapers Community sounds like a great match.

Unfortunately, the good work of these well-intentioned people from around the world is being harvested in an attempt to give the WEF and their ilk a veneer of legitimacy. These projects give the WEF something to point to when asked what exactly their organization is accomplishing. However, when looking at the 2022 Global Shapers Annual gathering, all of the topics discussed align perfectly with the aforementioned agendas of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

Meet the New Champions

In mid-July, yet another WEF program held a gathering titled “New Champion Dialogues 2022” with the subtitle of “Navigating Uncertainty”. The “New Champions Dialogues” were a virtual gathering of business leaders, government, and civil society for “high-level dialogues and action-oriented discussions to move critical collaborations forward despite ongoing global uncertainty”.

The gathering was promoted as a virtual exchange focused on “international and domestic uncertainty and disruption”, and “extraordinary levels of entrepreneurship and resilience”, as well as climate change, economic instability, and technological innovation.

So, what exactly are the New Champions? The WEF describes them as follows:

“New Champion companies are dynamic high-growth companies that are championing new business models, emerging technologies, and sustainable growth strategies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New Champions are mindful of their impact on society and aspire to participate in building a better future.”

The WEF says the Annual Meeting of the New Champions is different than the annual gathering in Davos because it is “aimed at engaging entrepreneurs and innovators from emerging markets”.  The New Champions meeting has been held in China since 2007 and is described as a “second pillar” among the WEF’s global meetings. The last in-person meeting of the New Champions was held in Dalian, China, in July 2019, prior to COVID-19.

The 2022 virtual gathering of the New Champions continued the focus on influencing entrepreneurs and businesses to align with the WEF Great Reset agenda. By working to influence entrepreneurs and corporations to adopt the various standards promoted by the WEF (ESG, for example) they are able to work around national governments.

The titles of the panels at the July 2022 gathering make it clear that the New Champions are serving the same purpose as the WEF annual meeting, the YGLs, and the Global Shapers. Titles for panels include “Adapting to Evolving ESG Requirements”“Averting a Worldwide Food Crisis”, and “Energizing a Sustainable Transition”. For more information on the ESG scam read my previous investigations.

Another panel focused on the Metavese was titled “Innovation for Impact: Frontiers of the Metaverse”. As I previously reported in November 2021, the Metaverse has the potential to be a digital dystopia designed to lock the public in a technocratic nightmare.

Meanwhile, the Unlocking the Power of Nature Financing furthered the WEF’s vision of a “nature-based economy” through something they call “nature financing”. This panel highlighted a recent Five-Year Plan by China focused on allocating massive financial resources to fund “ecological protection and restoration”. As with all WEF programs, I recommend taking this greenwashing language with a huge grain of salt.

Overall, like the Young Global Leaders program, the Global Shapers and New Champions represent another piece of the globalist octopus which has become quite effective at penetrating and manipulating world governments.
