Your Color-Scope for Tuesday, April 29

Tuesday, April 29:   Blue

This is a day for getting down to basics, finding out what really matters, and letting go of all the rest. It is actually step one for these kinds of things take time, but the recognition and the intention are what will start the change. There have been some things you have been dealing with lately that have caused you to look around at things and begin to realize that maybe there is too much that you are doing, too many people you are trying to please, too many things to plan. Life was not meant to be complicated. Complication is the illusion of the modern way. It is time to know that simplicity is what will bring you peace and joy and for you to make steps towards easing things up a bit.

NOTE:   As part of this, it is a good idea to put way or get rid of things that you have around you to remind you to do something, make something, call someone, etc. If they have been there for over a few days, they are not priorities.

Your Color Scope for Monday, April 28

Monday, April 28:   Light Lavender

You can find yourself dazed, even confused, today as elements of past and present intercede, interlock, and intersperse each other. You will not be sure just what is going on. Your frame of reference is shifting right now, and with that comes a rearrangement of some of the memories in your life to establish some kind of a new pattern. This can be interesting as it leads you to view things in a new light. This is not a day for decision-making. There are too many variables about that need to be addressed before you can make some choices. Allow yourself to step back from the energy and just see things as they swirl about. This can be a bit psychedelic, but it will also allow you to begin to pick and choose what it is that you are needing for your forward movement at this time.


Your Color Scope for Sunday, 4/27

Sunday April 27:   Light Pink

It is very interesting the things that are being placed in front of us these days, the things put in our faces, and our reactions to them. Today is a good time to analyze why it is that you are choosing one interpretation over another. What does that mean for you? Why is this interpretation preferred? Why does it have to be only one? Why can it not be something totally unexpected? Take a look around today and see how it is that certain things you have decided upon are possibly just a way of buying into the fear that is everywhere. This is a day to take a look at the ties that bind, and if you have had enough, to start untying and moving ahead in freedom, power, and knowing.

Your Weekly COlor Scope

April 24 to May 3:


The theme of these days is Where is it All Going? People, animals, and things will be leaving on all levels. It is aprt of the current energy. Grief is appropriate in some cases, but it must be tempered by a knowing that there is plan and there is choice in all of this.


Overall Color for the Week:


There is sorrow in the air these days. It is a wave that is traversing the galaxy, and, as such, there can be some moving emanations coming forth from the cosmos. This can mean some odd events in surrounding planets and the Sun. Within the Earth, there is a sigh and a sorrow, and a knowing that certain things, though difficult, perhaps disastrous, even traumatic sometimes have to take place for the greater good to prevail as time goes on.

This is a week for being grounded and centered at all times. See things through the eyes of the heart, and practice compassion in all you encounter. This is also a time of great busy-ness, and you can find yourself immersed in various trivial tasks each day. Take a look at what you are doing and why you feel the need to be doing it. There are both meaning and direction in all of this. This is a time also when people are moving into new ways of acting and being. Some are aware of what they are doing and are in control of the changes they are making. Others are floundering as they find themselves without any real purpose, seeing their daily routines as empty, and not knowing what to do to make things more worthwhile. In those kinds of people, you will see that they are going out to do things just to do them, to buy things just to buy them to set up schedules just so they will not have to look at the fact that they have lost a sense of purpose. It is important to know into which group you fall, and to take control of your direction in order to build the foundation for the coming times. You have all that you need within, and it is well to take time each and every day to breathe and to connect, however that works best for you. There is a tumble coming within your routine, and you will also see people’s positions beginning to shift. This is a time for perspective, for seeing things from the long range, and somewhat from the outside. You are knowing what is truly important for you and everything that is around you must find a place according to your own path. This is an unsettled period, and you can find yourself adrift at times, but know that always you are in charge of that drift and can take the helm at any moment. You are moving towards your goal, there are some rough waters that need to be crossed. You have the power, the skill, and the knowing to navigate all of this.   Stay grounded and centered and let the true knowing of your heart be your guide.

On the larger scale, these days will bring a lot of ouches to the fore in so many areas. Gaia is twisting and turning as she is attempting to reach a kind of temporary equilibrium. This can lead to things being brought up from old times along with a toppling of current icons and regulations. There is weather in the offing this week. Heavy winds, surf, tornadoes, volcanoes, quakes, and lightning are in the offing. This will lead to questioning on all levels, leading eventually to a new respect for Gaia and her needs and even, for some, her very existence. Gaia is a living being, and she will make that known in these days. There is a holy spot that will come to the fore as a place of miracles. The transportation industry will be facing more challenges as the winds and currents are no longer predictable. Meanwhile, those who feel they hold the power will be staging some crazy events in different parts of the world to attempt to show the masses that they are still in charge. Unfortunately, people are not buying it anymore. There will be repercussions that these … what would you call them, jokers had not expected. All is changing and this time will make that very obvious. As markets go up and down and collapse is hinted at, as government’s move to the place of crises, as programs are shown to be mockeries, as even the animal world makes it clear that it will no longer subservient. Theses times, these days are bringing such change.   It is starting now, and will continue.   There will be also more activity in the skies from those extra-terrestrials who are concerned at the way things are continuing right now. There can be an interesting change of philosophy in science that will affect the energy industry.

Your COlor Scope for Saturday, 4/26

Saturday, April 26:   Spring Green

It is time to start doing all of those things that you have been putting off. You know what they are. It is also time to take a look at why you have been putting them off. And then, there is the whole idea of timing. You are shifting into the vibration with which you came in her to resonate. There will be many indications of this today as you find yourself inspired by something that just seems to pop up out of nowhere. This is a day for reviewing projects that you have started, to see what the impetus was behind them, to see whether it is worth finishing all or any of them, to know whether you are still the same person who started them, and if they have no more purpose for you, it is time to jettison.

Here is a photograph I took in my yard back in the fall as the wood pile was being formed.  It looks as though the energy of fire was ready to work with the wood:


Your COlor Scope for Friday, 4/25

Friday, April 25:   Lavender Rose

Just what is going on? At one moment you are feeling totally in control and at one with everything, and the next you feel as though the rug has been pulled from under you. There are a lot of distractions in the air today, and it is important that you can see what is important through all of this. There are some rather critical decisions that need to be made today. There are a number of conflicting energies in the mix right now, and if you can feel your way through those that are illusion, you will be able to discover that truth that will give you the answers and the confidence that you have been looking for. You are never alone. There is a message that will come to you from friend or coincidence, but it will make you smile.

Your Color VIbe for THursday, 4/24

Thursday, April 24:   Sea Blue

It is time for a lot of things to get done, and you will be aware of that today. Take advantage of the energy right now to get done some of those things that have been hanging over you for some time now. You know that change is coming, and yet, you are still holding onto the past, to things that are just mere stuff, to people who may not have your best interests at heart or even those Psyche Sappers who cling to you because you allow them to. It is time for a shake up, and the current energy gives you a boost in that direction. It may seem scary or overwhelming at first, but as you move into it, you will wonder why you hesitated for so long. You will feel good afterwards. Done is enough

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 4/22

Tuesday, April 22:   Dark Lavender

Today there is a sense of nostalgia in the air. Along with that is a kind of baseline sense of things not being quite right. This is a day to be prepared for anything. If you are going out, make sure you have enough gas in your car, money in your pocket, and time to spare. The Trickster is abroad today and it is his turn to have some fun. Just remember, you are never out of control as long as you go with what is happening around you while being aware of your connectedness to the larger whole, the Universe, the All. When you allow yourself to be part of the pan, then you are a participant and, as such, it is always going your way. There are lessons to learn and, yes, a lot of them suck, but perspective helps a lot in seeing how everything comes together.

Your Color VIbe for Easter SUnday

Sunday April 20:   Light Orange

You will be feeling yourself quite solitary today in many ways, even if you are about and about in company. Something is stirring deep within and it is calling for you to notice it. This is a thought, an idea, a way that you have incubated for a very long time, and it is now come forth. There can be some emotional moments today. You can see some people and things in a new light and realize that perhaps it was there the whole time. You can find yourself distracted easily, your attention wandering, alert to things in the periphery of your vision. There is change in the air today. You can embrace it or deny it. Nonetheless, change is all part of everything right now and moving forward in change will assist you in how you are feeling as well as showing you what it means to be in your own power.

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 4/19

Saturday, April 19:   Kelly Green

Here it goes again. There will be a lot of things coming up today that you have seen, before, heard before, dealt with before, thought about before. The question now is what are you going to do with all of this. It is around you for a reason. It is time to make some decisions about things that you have left hanging for so long. Because of the distractions that seem to be everywhere today, you can find it hard to focus on these things, but they are important. As you move forward in this energy it is well to be an unencumbered by other things as possible. Take time today to look around and see what it is that is just taking up space in your life, and if you are not able or willing to deal with it right now, then make a plan for dealing with it later.