Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 8/23

Saturday, August 23:   Muted Green

You will be very much aware of how things are different today. These sensations will come at different times and in different situations. You will be seeing things in a new light, and this can cause you to do some inner questioning. You also will be seeing those annoying tings that are not there but are there. The dimensions are particularly leaky right now, and this will continue for a while. You will also find that people are acting in new ways, as are you. Things are being said that before were left unsaid. You too find things popping out of your mouth that you did not mean to express. It is a good idea to start the day out with perspective, and this is the view from the heart center. If you act from there, what is said and done will be in accordance with WHO you are.

Picture of new lights and energies shifting into this dimension:


Your Color VIbe for Frisday, 8/22

Friday, August 22:    Payne’s Grey

Well, as the pictures are showing, the energy in the yard is cranking up, even so you will feel the energy around you going into a higher gear. There is much that is happening right now, and you can feel yourself in the middle of it all, not knowing what to do, not knowing whether to go or to stay where you are, not sure whether you should try to grab one of those things whirling by or play it safe and keep you hands by your sides. Well, observation is actually the best option today. There is too much happening and too many thigns that can open up new trajectories that very possibly will spin out of control. If that were to happen, you would feel the effects but not for a few days. Let it all be. You might feel dizzy, confused, somewhat unsettled. Take time to go within, breathe, relax, center. You have all the resources you need to see things for what they are, but that takes time and quietude. So, again, take a few moments today and just be WHO you are. Things can make a little more seen from that vantage point.

A photo of a plasmic event in the yard here in New Mexico 8/21/14:


Chromoscope for August 16-31

August 16-31

The theme for these days is Roses Amidst the Thorns. So there will be good times, love, and light to be found in the shadows and grey in these times.

Overall Color:    Green Grey

Be good to yourself these days, but not so good that you are blinding yourself to what is happening around you. There is a lot of conflicting energy out there right now, and it is clouding up what is the real import of things. You will be feeling this as you find yourself changing your mind almost instantaneously. If you are one who was always sure of the next step, you will find that your certainty is becoming very cloudy. Actually, this is good because it affords you the excuse to look at things from a different perspective, to be more considerate about what you are doing, where you are going, and with whom you are hanging. All of this will lead to a kind of inner conflict these days as you find yourself not quite knowing what is right. The thing is that it is time to judge things from the vantage of what is right for WHO you are. Not always easy. You can find that in some of the things that you are doing there is a kind of aha moment which can lead you to feel out of control and a bit overwhelmed, just because it was so unexpected and at times seemingly unrelated. These are AHA days, so it is best just to get used to it. You will begin to see yourself from different levels right now. You are getting to know WHO you are versus the person with whom you have been identifying for so long now. This is a time to truly like yourself, to take a moment every day and congratulate yourself for being you, You are unique. There is no one like you. This is also a time to be aware of your body. There will be signals from your physicality these days that will alert you as to what it wants and what its best for it. It is time to become best friends with your body. Respect what it is asking you to do. If you are tired, rest; if you are hungry, eat; if you are in the wrong place, go. By accepting and allowing the clues form your body to alert you to what is going on, you not only save some wear and tear on it but you also are able to sync the physicality with the higher being that is WHO you are. Take time these days always to ground and center every morning. If you do not have a waking, ritual, this is a good time to establish one. It is a way of bringing yourself into the present as you emerge from the realm of dreams.

On the larger scale, things are heating up more and more. You will be seeing outbursts on all levels. These can happen through weather events, volcanic activity, Earth shifts, undirected anger, acts of violence, etc. There is a new energy coming through right now that is showing itself in the unexpected. It is a novelty that has been preparing for its entrance onto the sphere of the Earth, and it is shifting and changing and shaking things up.   This is a time to look deeply into what you are hearing and seeing on the media. Check out other independent sources. There is much conflicting information coming through right now. Some of it is meant to confuse the general population as the powers that think they are have developed a policy of constructive confusion as a way to keep people guessing. You will know the truth of the matter if you will center, ground, and go into your inner knowing, that which is connected with the Universal Consciousness. This is a time also for a sense of humor as things come and go with no real sense. News items one day will be quickly replaced by other distractions. Speaking of distractions, there will be a big push among those who are dealing with the celebrity world to bring out some more sensational gossip as a way of moving focus from what really matters. There is a charismatic individual who is coming more and more on the scene in the East. There have been rumors and they will be continuing. Finances are getting more shaky even as alternatives to the old system become more discussed. The extra-galactic energy is causing some energetic bubbles with this solar system as waves of it begin to wash over all the planets. The Sun will be reacting in odd ways, however there will belittle talk of that. Watch the oceans for messages in the water. There is much going on right now, as sides become somewhat polarized. This will continue as the year progresses.


Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 8/19

Tuesday, August 19:   Silver Grey

There is a change in the air today, and you will be feeling it willy-nilly. It is a good idea to stay away from people who push your buttons. In this energy, all of your buttons are really obvious. This is very much a think-before-you-act kind of day as things are not going to be going as you expected and plans you made are going to be disrupted, and stuff that you thought was going to be easy is going to turn out to be a bit tricky. Time to take a breath, take a look around you at the beauty of nature, the clouds, the rain, the Sun, the plants. There is so much beauty in little things and all of that is a reflection of the greater beauty. You truly do, as the Native have said, Walk in Beauty, if you will only allow yourself to see it and to be it.

Your Color Vibe for Thursday, 8/14

Thursday, August 14:   White

What are you waiting for? There is something there for you, but you need to make a move and discover it for yourself. By sitting and waiting, nothing ever gets done; you cannot move beyond your here and now. This is a day for moving forward. The energetic milieu is somewhat confused, but there is a way there through it all. When you take that step you may find that your perspective shifts and things begin to look differently. The context has morphed and what seemed familiar and right and in its place now seems a bit askew and out of context. So, Alice, what are you going to do about it all? This is a day for discovery if you will.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 7/22

Tuesday, July 22:    Peach

Things are happening in the Universe quite quickly right now, and that is being mirrored in your life. Because of the weirdness of time, you will fill that things speed up and lots get done, but then everything slows to a crawl. That it how it is right now you will find today that people are being affected oddly by all of this. They are jittery and jumpy, unfocused, and even angry. Many are looking for a place on which to place the blame, and those who seem to be dealing with the energies more easily that they are will be their likely targets. You will be seeing a lot of this today along with a general confusion. If you are trying to get a point across, you must be minutely clear in your presentation. Things are easily being confused and even though at times it may seem as though it is being done on purpose, it is actually related to the energetic uncertainty of the times. Be grounded and centered in all you do.


7/16-31 Chromo-Scope

July 16-31:     The theme of these days is Everything Is Changing… Wait, What is Going on. So do not expect to feel as though you have much of a handle on anything right now. Allowing will get you a lot further and make things a lot easier than trying to control.


Overall Color for these days:    Frosty White

These days can bring on a lot of revelations in large ways and in small ways. The question is one of what are you able to/willing to handle. You are morphing rapidly into a new kind of being, a being that was always there beneath the façade. You will be faced with the decision of what to do about it. You can accept the new and move forward into a kind of new world where things are uncharted, and there are no maps other than the ones you create, or you can take the blue pill and settle back into the dream of normalcy that is the so-called status quo. There is neither right nor wrong here. There is only the choice and the challenge. These days are bringing things forward so quickly. There is a strong sense of disconnect between now and then, between the present and the past. The future is for you to make. Take a look around. Everything is the same, yet everything has changed. Which is your reality now? You will see that so many others are lost in confusion, in a kind of fog that leaves them acting differently, saying things that you never expected to hear from them, making choices that they would have eschewed in the past. These are times for caution in all you do. It is as though the ground is covered with oil, and it is very hard to keep your balance. Moreover time is slippery. It is getting harder and harder to fit in with the clock. This is all part of what is going on, and you have the power now, through working with the energy vortexes that are swirling about, to control time to your advantage. Take a moment every day to ground and connect with the Universal Consciousness, however you might call it, and center within your core. Pay attention to your intuition and allow your feelings to flow. This is not a time for bottling things up. That is what fear asks you to do – to hold onto and hold onto until you literally burst apart. This is a time to allow and release. That way, you conquer fear and bring into manifestation that which you desire.

On the larger scale, so many things are coming to the surface right now. There are many mysteries that will be solved, many so-called conspiracies that will be shown to be fact. The people at large no longer are so blind as they have been. Additionally, they are no longer willing to sit back and just accept what is dished out to them as real. They are beginning to question. This movement is getting larger. There are those who will always prefer to look to the past, but a growing number are looking to creating the future, and that will bring some interesting movements these few weeks. Unfortunately there are those who are pushing the dogs of war into greater and greater action, but there is a new humanitarianism that is calling for a cease of hostilities. This can cause some interesting encounters these days as those who hold the reins find that social media and the Internet are influencing how people are reacting to what they are doing. Take care in your travel. There are going to be some reports of things being done by people that seem supernatural, however those along a spiritual path will see that these things are actually attainable and there will be teachers appearing who will be available for instruction. The Earth is shaking and wobbling, and these movements will be seen in odd weather patterns, weather events seemingly slipping into other areas when they seemed destined to affect another, movements of the surface, and more volcanic activity. There is something coming from the heavens that will be hitting the atmosphere of the Earth. This can cause some unexplained counter-movement that is possibly due to intervention of extraterrestrials. The Sun is morphing into a new configuration, which can result in some solar blasts, so back up your computers and do not be surprised by weird electronic activity. Also a look to the skies is warranted, both day and night. There is something going on on the Moon.

Your Color Scope for Saturday, 6/07

Saturday, June 7:   Sea Blue

There are things to get done today and things to learn. Along with these, there are things for you to think about. The current energy is bringing up a number of alternate scenarios some for the past, others for the future. You are in the midst of all of these and need to take a lesson here about grounding. Take time to be within. Take time to rest within. Take time to center and know that you are at the center of all of these things in your life. The next step is up to you, but having established a firm foundation, everything will be clearer.

Your Color Scope for Tuesday, 5/27

Tuesday, May 27:   Light Pink

Where does the time go? you can find yourself running ahead of and falling behind schedule from one moment to the next. This can be quite perplexing, but there is a message in all of this. Time is not what it used to be nor is it quite yet what it is becoming. Oh, and it is time to lighten up on all levels, if you have not done so already. Things are changing as the energies ebb and flow. You are changing as your perspective has shifted and your priorities are likewise beginning to change. This is a day when you will become aware of some things that have been hidden, but things you knew all along.

Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 5/25

Sunday, May 25:   Royal Lavender

This is a day for knowing what is right for you, what is completely wrong, and what you are putting up with. Start the day grounded and connected. Then take a moment and feel what it means to be connected to the Ground of All, to know that there is safety around you if you will open and allow, seeing that things are not always the way they seem in the 3D world. There can be some emotions associated with this exercise. The difficulty lies in allow yourself to be in that mode as you feel that it removes you too much form who you are. The truth is that you are moving into WHO you are and that involves some shifts of perspective, changes of taste, and revisions of old programs. You will find these things coming your way today. You can know through this what your personal power means.