February 15-21

Overall color:  Dark grey

Although much will be coming to light this week, there are still many things that remain in the shadows,  You will have a sense that you are beginning to get it all right, and then, pow, something will happen that will make you question yourself.  This is not a time to be weak.  It is a time to stand strong in WHO you are and to follow your own inner guidance.  It is getting stronger, but if you choose not to pay attention to it, then you might find that it loses acuity.  Practice and recognition bring success. Continue reading

February 8-14

February 8-14

Overall Color for the Week: Light Tough Frost

This is a week when there will be many things happening on the surface. You get the sense that there is more there than meets the eye. You can actually seeing into what is going on below. Some of this will leave you confused, but as the week progresses, you will feel a new strength growing within you, as though the surface façade hides a depth and power that is your true being. This leads to a sense of detachment and perspective in dealing with issues , obligations and people this week. You are birthing a new resolve not to put up with things that really do not matter to you. Along with this you will gain a new appreciation for WHO you are. Continue reading

February 1-7

February 1-7

Overall Color for the Week: Cherry Rose

This is a week of questions and questionings. Much that has seemed clear in the past does not seem quite so clear right now. There is no sense of harm or danger, just confusion. You are surprised to realize that. You are on your own path and you are the one who determines how things will go upon that path. The others along the way are who they are, and though they may come at you with their opinions and ‘stuff’, it is you who ultimately must make the choice as to how you are going to relate and to be. Continue reading

January 25-31

Overall Color for the Week: Rose Gold

This is a week in which much can get done, but not a lot will happen. It is one of those weeks with lots of potential and little follow through. Things will all seem cloaked somehow in misinformation and misinterpretation, and anyhow, you really will not feel yourself terrible motivated to do much. There is something in the air, but just far enough out of reach that you feel you do not have the energy to discover what it is. This will be the theme everywhere. Things will come in with large expectations, and then just kind of fizzle out. It will be one of those “HUH?” weeks. Do not worry, there are challenges to come. Continue reading

January 18-24

Overall Color for the Week: Middle Rose

This is a week of extremes and middles. There will be times of highs, when you are feeling great, on top of the world, and then there are times when you find yourself crashing down, wondering what it is all about and if it is all worth it. These elements will be reflected in the news and the weather. There will be media reports of crises seeming to come to an end with a renewal of hope , but soon after will be reports of mounting tensions and tragic events. Watch the weather this week and be ready for anything, for these days, even the unexpected can be expected. Then you will not be surprised, but ready. For truly, this is a time to be ready for anything. Perhaps you might even see a UFO. Continue reading

January 11-17

Overall Color for the Week: Rose

This is a week in which you are feeling like things take ups and downs, and you are not quite sure what that is all about. You are sensing that there is a new current at work, that new things are coming about. During this week, you will be seeing the beginning of themes and activities that will become more important as the year progresses. Follow your heart in its promptings and be ready to marvel at some of the synchronicities you create this week. Continue reading

January 4-10

Overall Color for the Week: Straw Tint

The New year begins with promises, secrets, and challenges. Each one has a special meaning for you, and you will find some of each coming your way this week. Although things initially might seem to be challenging, as long as you stay centered in yourself, you will find this to be a rewarding week. There is a sense of things being a little easier than they were before. You feel that you have made it over that proverbial hump, and that the path from here on will be easier and clearer. This is a week to make that your reality, and to live that reality through the rest of the year. Continue reading

December 28, 2008-January3, 2009


Underneath it all, there is hope and strength. You are finding your voice, yet this week brings forth many challenges as you are buffeted about by what was, what is, and what you can create. Take your focus off what is close and look up to the skies, listen to the winds, and smell the beauty of the fragrances of the time. There are messages in everything. The past fears will always be there. They are past. But should you choose to look at the future with optimism and excitement, centered on WHO you truly are, then the emotions of joy, optimism, and excitement will replace the negativity and draw you forward into your own truth. Continue reading

December 21-27, 2008

Where are you going just now? Do you feel as though you have reached the end of everything that is possible for you to do? Are you feeling disenchanted, even depressed? This is what had been whirling around these days along with the crazy weather everywhere and the sense of panic in the outer world. But the light is coming back on! This Equinox will stir yup new hope and new belief and new self power. You will begin to feel that you can do it and that the dark days are gone.

This week will be a gradual letting out of the light, There will be times when things seem very dark and unhappy and you are feeling that all the things you have to do will never get done, but these will be countered by times of great joy and happiness, when you are realizing that by centering in yourself, all will get done. You will see the true happiness of the little things, and know the joy of family, friends, and community, And if you feel that that community has not yet materialized, Wait! All are coming together. It is the time. Continue reading

December 14-20, 2008

This week is opening with a bang and a whimper.  The bang comes from the vibrations of the events of last week on all levels, in all areas, and in all dimensions.  The whimper is the sense that things are getting really overwhelming, that your energy levels are running low, that you want to hibernate until spring comes.  You are feeling that there is no light at the end of the tunnel and that this winter is going to be a very long one.  But Equinox is coming, and the light will return.  Get ready for big surprises and new revelations.  Listen also to the messages that the Earth is sending in all the changes and weather fluctuations that will be seen these days and into the new year. Continue reading