May 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:    Tipton Blue

And in the end, everything will become clearer.  This is the theme for this week.  There is much confusion in the air and many things will be misunderstood.  You will find yourself out of sorts and not able to get things done the way you used to.  You will find that some of the things that used to seem so important no longer have the same glow.  And there will be bouts of extreme tiredness and crankiness.  There is much happening below the surface this week.  It will be reflected in your moods, in the feeling that you can never seem to get yourself looking just the way you would like.  On a larger scale, you will see this in the panic that will be stirred up in the world as a whole.  Look for earth movements and unexpected weather patterns in areas that are falling prey to the fear that is being created by the media, etc.  It is time to get a new perspective on everything that is happening.  The way to do this is to decide what it is that you want for your life, and write out a program (or feel out a program) of how to achieve this.  Then go for it.  Let the rest take care of itself.  You in charge of your own reality. Continue reading

April 26-May 2

Overall Color for the Week:    Cal Color Magenta

This is a week of unsettled times and energies.  Take care not to buy into the fears and warnings that you will find all around you.  Know that there is a change in the air, and with change comes upset.  Old patterns and ways are struggling to remain in force.  New patterns and ways are on the horizon, just beginning to make themselves felt.  There is a sense of tearing between these two things.  People, situations, business, all will be delicate this week.  Do not go too far in anything you do.  These themes will be reflected in the news and in the Earth.  There will be shiftings and slidings along the surface of the Earth, and too much water will fall in odd places and out of season winds.  The news will begin to bring about stories of more war, more destruction, more panic, more illness.  Look through the surface.  See that below is the change, and it will be and become that which you put your energy into.  Reflect on things and research before making any hard and fast decisions.  Not everything you hear is true.  Be patient with family and friends. Continue reading

Chromoscope Updates

Recently my computer was affected by a virus which has left me unable to post the daily Chromoscope descriptions. I have posted below the Overall Colors for the Week for this week.  Hopefully, within a few days, the situation will be remedied. Should you wish to donate for a new computer for the Institute, please click on the Donate button. Thank you.

UPDATE:  With a little help from my friend, actually an amazing lot of help from my friend, Jolyon Terwilliger (an amazing web designer — check out his site I am up and running again.  I have posted the overall color for this week, and will start with the regular posts on April 26.  Thanks for your understanding.

Week ending April 18: Overall Color: Congo Blue

This is and has been a week of ups and downs, a week in which things and people you thought were dependable and reliable turned out to be disappointing. There is much in the air these days that is working to cause fear and bring about a loss of the sense of personal power. This is not a time to give into it. It is a time to look beyond appearances on every level. Hear the meanings behind the words that are being spoken and look for importance in the seemingly trivial. This is not a time to give up, although things will make you feel that everything is truly falling apart. It is a time to center strongly in WHO you are. Do not believe what you see on the news. Know that it is only part of the story., The real story is being created by those who have finally decided to take their lives into their own hands.

Week Ending April 25: Overall Color: Cal Color 90 Blue

This promises to be a week of “almosts” in every area and o every level. Things will almost reach a conclusion. You will almost understand some of the issues you have been working with. Earth changes and movements will almost create major disasters. It is also a week of tipping points, times when the ‘almosts’ have the potential of moving into reality. How this will affect you will depend upon how much you buy into the shadows out there that tell you what they want you to believe. It will also depend upon how you set yourself up in relation to all that is happening. As long as you stay centered in yourself and know that when you openly embrace and listen to the counsel of your heart, all will be well and you will succeed. Look also for strange stories and weird dreams. make note of them for with the coming month more and more strangeness will appear and the hints you are getting now will not only make sense but have the potential of opening up for you new paths and abilities.

April 5-11

Overall Color for the Week:    Clear

Things will be coming out into the open this week. Not all at once, and there will be ups and downs. Energetically things remain difficult. There is a sense of not having a real foothold. There is a sense that things are tipping. As the week progresses, you will experience highs and lows, but ultimately, that will make you stronger, better able to deal with things as the energy builds for these next two weeks, and more in touch with the deeper energetic levels that are coming to the fore. In the news, certain things that have been hidden will start to come out more. On the financial scene, there will be a change of attitude and a loss of patience with what the government and the large corporations are doing. People will begin to see things in a new light. The Earth is moving more this week. Tremors are happening in places that before were more tranquil. And there will be a message coming out that will bring hope to all. Continue reading

March 29-April 4

Overall Color for the Week: Tipton Blue

This is a week of ups and downs. There will be many challenges this week, and there will never be a point at which you are feeling in control of everything. These sensations can be manifested in small physical issues, a cough, an headache, and slight nagging in the back. None of them serious. On the wider scene, there will be conflicting reports in the news and strange weather phenomena. You might even hear a thing or two about UFO’s. This week is one in which there will be a sense of transition. It is important to stay grounded throughout it all, and to become familiar with the unfamiliar. Continue reading

March 22-28

Overall Color for the Week: Quarter Hamburg Frost

This is a week of slow motion Things will be happening slowly on all levels. The news media will seem quiet. There will be slow changes in weather and within the Earth. Storms will be on the horizon forming, but not threatening. You will find yourself feeling like coasting through much of the week. There will not be a lot of impetus to get things done. Do not expect to see a lot happen. Just go with the flow this week. Take your time. Things are speeding up, but gradually. Soon the shift of the energies will be apparent everywhere, and you will be grateful for times like these. Continue reading

March 15-21

Overall Color for the Week: Billington Pink

This is a week to get your accounts in order. There will be stresses and strains on the surface which cover up deeper issues. Watch your words and be wise in your dealings with others. This is week in which much will remain unsaid, much will be presented on the surface. Watch out for there are things below the surface that are not being spoken that might cause regret as time goes on. Watch too the news and the Earth movements. There will be a lot of things in the news that will turn out later to be only partially accurate. And the Earth is beginning to tremble. Do not be surprised by earthquakes and storms in unexpected places, things our of season. Continue reading

March 8-14

Overall Color for the Week: Pale Sun

This is a week of ins and outs, ups and downs, and conflicts and resolutions. There will be much happening in regard to businesses and their fortunes. Do not be surprised if there are revelations about things that were hidden. Also do not be surprised if there is an unexpected recovery in the markets. There are many layers and levels to this week, and you have the opportunity to choose just where you place yourself. Do you choose the fatalistic approach or would you rather be in charge of your own destiny? Look for some soul searching and belief questioning. This is the time. There is much activity on the way. This is a week for becoming grounded in WHO you are so that when the new challenges arrive you will be ready to face them. Continue reading

March 1-7

Overall Color for the Week: Booster Blue

This is a week in which you will be finding yourself going through ups and downs on all levels. There will be times when you are full of energy, then other times when you are completely drained. You will find that your tolerance for people and things likewise has its ups and downs. You feel as though there is something that you are missing all week, and you want to know what it is. You cannot, however, get a hold on it There will be ups and downs in the news as well. Things that were supposed to have been taken care of will develop problems. The weather will be unseasonable. Problems will continue with magnetics and electronics. There will be more open talk about things like UFO’s and the pole shift. Continue reading

February 22-28

Overall Color for the Week: Light Amber

This week brings sun and rain on all levels. There will be unexpected happenings and flashes of illumination. On the other hand, there will be times you feel yourself bogged down and unable to work things through. It is a week to know yourself and your strengths. Do not allow things outside of you make you question the truths that you live by. Take time this week to look inside yourself. Honor and make note of the inner urgings. Continue reading