July 12 -18

Overall Color for the Week:    Calcolor 60 Blue

This is a week of cycles and turnings.  You will find echoes of the past in things that are happening today.  Be alert to the hints that are there.  They can help you move out of old patterns, ideas, and images and create new ways as well as help you in making the adjustment to the new energy.  The cyclical nature of things will be obvious in all areas of life this week.  It is a time of deja vu, but also a time to take that deja vu seriously and get to the root of the matter.  There are no accidents, and if you are thinking that there are, you will find that situations, people, the news, and even the natural world will bring to the fore this sense that there is a purpose.  Do not allow yourself to fall into confusion as there is a clashing of energies going on this week.  You may find one thing being said from acquaintances, in the news, etc. which will only be contradicted shortly thereafter.  And even with the apparent contradiction, no one seems to be aware of it.  Be alert this week, there is much to learn as the energies move in more and things begin to take a turn. Continue reading

July 5-11

Overall Color For the Week:    Cherry Rose

This week is going to be a welcome relief from all the stress., worry, concern, and shift of the past six weeks.  The energies are still flowing in, however they are coming more slowly and there is more of an adjustment taking place than any real influx of new stuff.  You will feel this throughout all areas of your life this week.  There will be backs and forths.  You will find yourself going over things from the past and at the same time planning for the future.  You will not feel any real angst or permanence, rather it seems to be that you are day dreaming.  You know that you can change your mind if things are not right at this time.  Enjoy the week, and do not allow yourself to become overly involved in anything.  In all areas and things, there will be relief this week.  Look for breaks in the weather, changes in opinion, and news of breakthroughs in health and politics.  You will see shifts of policy and habits in all areas. For some, this may mean a time of transitioning, for others a time of growth.  Just BE this week.  There are changes coming soon enough that will challenge. Continue reading

June 28-July 4

Overall Color for the Week:    No Color Straw

This is a week when little things can quickly escalate into larger things, when off-the-cuff remarks can cause reactions way out of proportion of the cause.  Watch what you do, how you deal with, people and keep an eye out for the unexpected.  There is a sense of unrest in the air.  Things will not feel right.  Your intuition, on the other hand, will be acute so follow the urgings of that regardless of how odd they may seem.  Intuition can be oftentimes the one thing that can avoid difficult situations.  The straight and narrow is not always the best path to take.  In the area of earth movements, there will be a series of small earthquakes happening in the Pacific which will be echoed later by activity in the Atlantic ridge.  Both coasts may be experiencing some temblors also.  Fear will be propagated in news stories.  Do not buy into it.  This is a time to know your inner strength and to use your inner clarity of vision.  Review the recent crop circles and the ones that will be appearing this week.  There is a meaning in them that hinges upon the totality of the past week and the upcoming ten days. Continue reading

June 21-27

Overall Color for the Week:    Orange

This is a week of ups and downs and ins and outs.  Do not expect anything to be easy or even resolved.  Prepare to feel yourself not up to par on any level.  There are challenges in the air as the energies shift into a new mode.  There is a sense of insecurity and unrest.  This will be reflected everywhere and on all levels.  Friends will seem odd and out of sorts. Things that you like will not seem quite so desirable.  This theme will be reflected on every level.  There will be more tropical storm activity and the brewing of truly monster storms to come.  Politically there will be threats and counter threats thrown from place to place.  Look to a seemingly insignificant political figure for a word to the wise.  It is not a good week for large purchases, decisions, or moves.  Take things slowly on all levels.  It is a week when you are best spending time regrouping.  Much courage and valor will be need for the coming two weeks.  There is a change in the air.  Surprises will begin to show themselves near the end of the week.  Look for more and more coverage of UFO interaction.  And watch your dreams.  Do not fall into fear.  Know that your personal energy is up to every challenge and that you can only be controlled if you allow it to be. Continue reading

June 14-20

Overall Color for the Week:    Green Blue

The theme of this week is ‘Taking A Chance’.  There will be times when that pans out and things run smoothly, but then again there will be times when it does not work so well and things bottom out.  If you remember that there are ups and downs, and that nothing is forever, you will weather this week well.  If you choose instead to go with the doom and gloom and let that rule your life, then that is how this week will turn out for you.  There will be much fear in the news.  There will be scary weather events, new earth movement, political threats, and technological breakdowns.  This is all part of and in reaction to a  correction in the energy that is taking place right now.  It is important not to give into fear and panic for that is how you can be easily confused and controlled.  Look into things, events, and people from a wider perspective.  There is knowledge to be had of what is going on truly if you allow yourself to open to it.  Follow your intuition this week.  There will be times when you may feel that it is letting you down, but upon reflection, you can see that it is rather that you have given into the general confusion of the times and not listened to the small voice that is connected to All. Continue reading

June 7-13

Color for the Week:    Light Opal

This is a week that will be characterized by a lot of discomfort on all levels and in all areas.  People will find themselves having to say things that they do not like to say, to do things that they would rather not do, and to leave things behind things that they think were necessary.  This discomfort will affect every level.  Within the Earth there will be shifts and movements.  Expect more volcanic activity, but also expect anomalies in terms of what volcanoes are supposed to do.  You will find that these so-called anomalies will be affecting every area of weather and earth movement.  There is  a chain reaction setting up within the Earth that will cause unsettled conditions.  At the same time and on different levels, there will be a similar same chain reaction phenomenon.  Watch for financial events to reach a point at which things start happening seemingly out of control, yet with some underlying logic that will not be immediately obvious.  Within politics, there will be unexpected revelations coming out about different governmental and political figures.  Watch also for the media to be attempting to stir up more fear predicting mutations in the current flu and the resurgence of old diseases.  Physically, you may be feeling out of sorts, yet not having any clear idea what is bringing it on.  You may also find that your food choices will be changing.  All in all this will be a most strange week.  Be the observer once again.  Observation will bring revelation,  Know this and see if you can see the beginnings of a pattern behind all the seeming randomness.  This is all part of the new energy that is getting ready to burst forth in a few weeks. Continue reading

May 31 – June 6

Overall Color for the Week:    Golden Amber

Shades, hints, storms, conspiracies, questions, assumptions — these kinds of things will pervade this week.  There will be as sense of unreality about things.  You will find that you are not trusting friends as you used to.  You will be feeling insecure and out of control on many levels.  There will be changes all around you.  Be aware and ready for them.  There will be items in the news that will frighten  you.  There will be a mounting sense of more war.  The hurricane season will begin with a blast and the tornadoes in the Midwest will answer with fury.  There will be rain in places where there has been too much.  Borders will be crossed.  The new energies will be creating a mounting desperation in those who rule the media and the world.  They will be looking for sensationalism to cause more fear, even panic.  But some people are tired of the panic, and they will not believe it.  The illusions are not as strong as they used to be.  Things are becoming clearer.  Look for a new sense of power, purpose, and laissez-faire resulting in more spending and less worry about tomorrow.  This will be a crazy week when one thing will contradict another, only to be contradicted by something else.  All of this is an indication of the break down of the old patterns.  Be the observer this week and look toward community. .And look to the skies for signs. Continue reading

May 24 – 30

Overall Color for the Week:    Rose Tint

This week is one in which events and issues will be occurring rapid-fire.  Prices will be increasing with no reason — gas, food, clothing, etc.  Questions that you ask will not receive answers.  The media will be presenting itself as though it knew it all.  Additionally, there will be reports of ET events, weather anomalies, and threats of war.  The winds across the globe will pick up bringing hurricanes, cyclones, and tornadoes, while the East Coast will be experiencing record temperatures.  Do not allow yourself to become too invested in these things.  They are fleeting.  What happens one day will be counterbalanced by another.  Moreover, things cannot remain hidden, and more evidence will be coming out that will call into question the integrity of political figures. The change of the energy has picked up speed, the veils grow thinner, and there is a greater influence of dimension upon dimension.  Trust your inner voice to let you know what is there and is not there, and be aware of synchronicity. And while you are seeing that in general people are angry and fearful, know that in this very climate, there is an opportunity for coming to know your own WHO more deeply as you see in clear relief the things that you do not wish to become or buy into.  If you can embrace your power and know the rightness of your world view, you will see the illuision around you.  Your energy will shine and you will attract the people you have been looking for. Continue reading

May 17-23

Overall Color for the Week:    Red Diffusion

There is no clarity in this week.  Things will be hectic and out of control.  Things that formerly were easy will become difficult.  Fun activities will no longer seem to be quite so much fun. There is the potential for misunderstandings in relationships on every level as things are out of sync. This is due to an onslaught of new energies upon the planet.  These are conflicting waves and vibrations manifesting themselves and clashing with each other as the week progresses.  You will wonder what is “normal” any more.  You will be seeing weather anomalies, late snows, large blows.  The media will be full of instances of man’s blatant inhumanity.  On a personal level, you will find yourself experiencing synchronicity on almost a daily basis.  Rather than appreciating and honoring this, many will find themselves perplexed and frightened by this show of personal power and attendant responsibility.  The energies and vibrations that are being felt at this time will help those who wish to fully realize their own WHO and all that that means. Continue reading

May 10-16

Sunday, May 10:  Canary

Mothers’ Day:    Oh, what a beautiful morning, but do not overdo for the rest of the day.  Things feel wonderful , and life seems to have taken on a new sheen.  Watch out, however, for too much of a good thing.  Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, and do what feels right, but let moderation be the key.  You will feel the energy building as the day wears on, and that very build up can cause a drag on your emotions.  You may find, as the day winds down, that you are getting a little testy, that people are becoming a little too much.  It is a good night for turning in early. Continue reading