Overall Color for the Week: Calcolor 60 Blue
This is a week of cycles and turnings. You will find echoes of the past in things that are happening today. Be alert to the hints that are there. They can help you move out of old patterns, ideas, and images and create new ways as well as help you in making the adjustment to the new energy. The cyclical nature of things will be obvious in all areas of life this week. It is a time of deja vu, but also a time to take that deja vu seriously and get to the root of the matter. There are no accidents, and if you are thinking that there are, you will find that situations, people, the news, and even the natural world will bring to the fore this sense that there is a purpose. Do not allow yourself to fall into confusion as there is a clashing of energies going on this week. You may find one thing being said from acquaintances, in the news, etc. which will only be contradicted shortly thereafter. And even with the apparent contradiction, no one seems to be aware of it. Be alert this week, there is much to learn as the energies move in more and things begin to take a turn. Continue reading