September 20- 26

Color for the Week:    Rose Purple

This week will bring ends and beginnings.  There will be much upheaval in the air.  As these new energies attempt to adjust to this dimension and move into their proper alignment, you will find that there will be clashes, misunderstandings, flashes of genius, and fallings in love.  Be ready.  And, surprisingly, let it happen.  There are hints of the coming forth of the unknown, and perhaps these things are karmic remnants surfacing to be resolved.  This week will bring both the best and the worst.  You will be emotionally up and down.  Stay centered and be the observer.  There is much to be learned this week as the themes for the next two and a half years begin to make themselves known.  Watch the news.  There will be outbursts on many levels.  There is a political event in the Middle East that will have far reaching consequences.  The weather will be making the headlines as things begin to happen out of season.  Predictability is more and more difficult at these times as the new energies open up more options.  Look also for there to be more people and animals choosing to transition. Continue reading

September 13-19

Overall Color for the Week:    Amber Green

This week brings illusion and growth.  Illusion deals with people and events that attempt to convince you of the importance and reality of their views and opinions.  The news will be full of stories loaded with emotional content, which attempt to sway you in a particular direction.  Then again, the weather will be making itself known with all sorts of odd shifts and changes and energy surges, perhaps new volcanoes tornadoes, and hurricanes.  All that has been quiet to this point, will now make itself felt.  And then there is growth.  It is important to be very clear on what it is that you desire.  Strands of positive energy and community will begin to sprout under the surface.  You will be finding yourself attracted to things that earlier did not attract you.  There will be synchronicites and there will be surprises.  If something sounds right, regardless of how incongruous,. know that it IS right.  Go for your dreams this week, and maintain perspective.  There is much happening now. Continue reading

September 6 – 12

Overall Color for the Week:    Magenta

This is a week when things will be on fast forward and the fast forward will be one of ups and downs, leaving you feeling that there is nothing to hold on to.  The new energies are arriving faster and faster.  Expect revelations and upheavals on the 9th.  Think before getting involved in new relationships, contracts, or occupations during this week as there is a chance that things started this week will end up badly.  also if you have appointments that you can put off, it is a good idea to think about rescheduling.  There are many things going on and it is very difficult to catch hold of anything.  There will be much coming out in the media about earth changes, storms, and even ET’s, but even as those things are being discussed openly, there is much happening below the surface in the political arena that they are trying to keep out of view.  Unfortunately,  things are going to be leaked out.  There will be an attempt to ramp up fears of a pandemic.  Look also for economic forecasts that things are getting better.  It is a time to go inside and trust your intuition.  Stay centered.  Question. Continue reading

August 30 – September 5

Color for the Week:  Clear

Things will be coming to the surface and out of the shadows this week, so be ready for surprises.  People will be feeling on the edge and quick to anger.  Look for responses that come suddenly and without total information.  It is a week for you to step back and listen to your inner knowing.  Do not allow yourself to react before  getting all sides of a story.  There may be more to things than meets the eye.  Look also for anomalies and things happening out of season and out of reason.  You will find that people will be acting our of character, so do not be quick to judge.  The new energies are coming in faster than before and this is upsetting and unsettling on all levels.  It is important to stay grounded and to take the role of an observer.  Reactions, when not based in consideration, can have negative effects.  Look for weather weirdness and unexpected headlines. Continue reading

August 25-31

Overall color for the Week:    Sky Blue

This is a week when things will seem clearer and brighter, and you will feel more optimistic than you have for a long time, however things seem out of reach.  There is an air of knowing, yet not being sure.  You will do things and second guess yourself.  You will wonder whether or not the plans that you have made are the best thing to do.  Things will seem to fit, and you will seem to look good, but there is always some sense of something missing.  Do not give into this.  This is a time when the energies of the week are bringing to the forefront many truths, ideas, etc. that had been kept in the dark.  There is that sense of not being quite in touch with them and that is symptomatic of the shifting and moving away of the old energies.  If you choose to fall into doubt and questioning, you will find yourself falling into uncertainty, doubt, and fear.  So do not do it.  Go with the first impression for that is what is truest.  On the larger scene you will see an adjustment with weather which will bring the storms and winds that have been missing throughout most of the summer.  There is the possibility of one storm or event following another, especially in middle areas  — Middle Asia, Middle East, Middle Atlantic, Mid-West, etc.  There will be a new figure on the political scene who will come up with some revelations that will stir up a lot of doubt concerning various policies that national leaders have taken.  Stick always to what your first reaction in all areas this week, and you will actually find yourself becoming more grounded, more in tune with what is around you, and feeling your power. Continue reading

August 16-22

Overall Color for the Week:    CalColor 30 Blue

The number 3 expresses creativity.  This is a week of creativity on all levels. but just as creativity can represent the bringing forth of something new, it likewise can herald ends to other things.  Look for beginnings and ends this week.  These beginnings and ends mean more than just their surface expression.  They involve also various permutations of the things, people, and events that are somehow associated or linked to them.  So look for new relationships to arise.  Look for changes in old relationships.  Look for the unexpected.  Creative times are also times of unexpected, and perhaps unwanted, novelty.  And this will be true on all levels.  There is a mystery and a surprise in the air.  All of this is related to the energetic waves coming upon the planet, and all of this is heading towards the 9th of September and the opening of new vortexes.  There will be a shifting of energies throughout the planet, even the Universe, as new and old powers start a procession to their centers.  This will start on the 9th, however the real import of this will not be felt for two more months.  The progression and movement of the waves of the planet towards the new vortexes that are opening up can cause change on a planet-wide level, including seats of power, earth centers, etc.  There is a new theme that begins with the energy of the 9th, and as it plays out, nothing will remain as it was. Continue reading

August 9 – 15

Overall Color for the Week:      Pale Rose Hue

This is a week for memories, desires, goals, and ambitions.  The new energy is being accompanied by the trickster in its many guises.  Things may seem one way this week and turn out to be another.  Do not allow yourself to fall into confusion over things that seem out of place.  This is not you, but indicative of the energetic ups and downs that are in the air right now.  This is a good week for being with friends, family, or just your own deepest sense of WHO you are.  It is time to align with your ambitions and desires.  The energies that are coming in are there for you to take hold of and use as you wish.  It is time to see things for what they are.  Take off the blinders and see with your heart, with your feelings.  On a larger scale, there will be ups and downs in all areas.  As the new energy flows in and builds, you will see their influence being felt everywhere.  Those who choose to attempt to ignore them will find themselves unsettled, confused, and possibly even angry.  Look for people to overreact, but do not buy into it.  Things are buidling and the next few weeks up until the ninth of September will bring new storms and crises. Continue reading

Week of August 2

As I am currently travelling, I will be posting only the Overall Color for this week.  Come back next week for a more detailed analysis.

Overall Color for the week:  CalColor 15 Red

This week is one in which things will be heating up oin all levels.  Look for signs and hints in the beginning of the week of things that will begin to play out at the end of this week and into next wek.  There is much on the horizon, and things will become more and more confused and confusing as time goes by.  There is a critical point on September 9th when there will be an opportunity to make real life-changing, even world changing choices.  This is the time to prepare.  As things get crazy in the next few weeks, keep your cool and do not buy into it.  This is a time for citical and compassionate observation.  The tides are turning, and there will be echoes in the Earth, the Universe, and yes, even from the Extra Terrestials.  Their presence will be more and more felt as anomalies happen on every level, even on the political stage.  It is a time to open up to what your feelings are telling.  Do not take things on face value.  Listen to the advice of your heart, and work upon that.  By staying truly centered in yourself and in touch with the Universe, you will begin to see wonders that you never expected.  As your perspective changes, you will find that there is a wave movement out from you which will begin to attract that which you desire.

July 26 – August 1

Overall Color for the week:  Salmon

This is a week of things just being, and as they are, so should you also be.   There will be ups and downs in areas of your life, but you will find that your general perspective is changing and during the time of this week, you will find yourself adjusting and tuning.  The same will be true on all levels as things in nature make a start and then settle into a new pattern, and in the news there will be hints of dire events, but the week will end with no real turmol coming forth. Continue reading

July 19-25

Overall Color for the Week:    Yellow Orange

This is a week in which, if you take stock of WHO you truly are and what it is you are wishing to create and manifest, you can set the foundation for fulfillment.  There will be much happening on all levels that will reveal to you hints of how it is all to be done.  There will be serendipity in some of the people,you meet, so listen to the hints that they give you.  There will be synchronicity in activities and destinations, so look into them for what it is that they are saying to you.  There is a mystery in the way things work out in life, but each person holds the key to unlocking the mystery for oneself.  Know that and take the initiative.  You may find yourself much wiser and stronger by the end of it all.  In the larger world, there will be ups and downs.  Weather events will be unpredictable, as will be earth movements.  Look for patterns in earth events based upon the ley lines.   There will be more transitioning of people in the limelight, and world events will heat up.  Stay grounded.  Stay centered.  Look for patterns and know your power. Continue reading