November 29-December 5

Overall Color for the Week:    Gaslight Green

So things will not be terribly clear this week for the most part.  There will be a growing sense that you are getting it, however there will be so many ups and downs as you go through the week, that you will find that sense coming and going.  It is time to see things in a new light.  Try to evaluate situations, friends, money, health, etc. in a new way.  The energies are bringing in much change at this time.  As a result, you will be feeling yourself confused, out of sorts, happy then sad, etc.  And this will continue for at least two weeks and possibly into the new year.  Do not allow yourself to get depressed.  This is temporary. Right now, we are all learning lessons.  A grand shake up of things makes it easier to move into new patterns of thought.  It is not a good time to take people by the letter of their word, allow them some room for interpretation.  You will be seeing unexpected results to situations this week, and that will occur on all levels.  There is a blip in the grid coming.  Also, expect some problems with electronic communication devices, televisions, and radio.  There is a vortex-like energy that is coming out of the center of the Universe at this time.  It has taken some time to get here, and it is affecting the sun as well as every planet in the solar system.  Stay calm and centered.  Allow yourself to feel this new energy without reacting.  Get used to it for there is more to come.  You will see some events in the news that are designed to cause negative reactions.  Do not buy into them.  This week will go well as long as you distance yourself from reaction and get into an action-based mode.  Look into things before taking steps to deal with them.  You have the power and acumen to see them for what they are.  Go with that. Continue reading

November 22-28

Overall Color for the Week:    Delft Blue

This week will be a good one for rejoicing, for lightening things up a bit.  You will find yourself much preoccupied with the getting ready for Thanksgiving.  It will be your focus this week.  Even if you are not yourself preparing the feast, you will find yourself excited about the whole thing.  This is a time when a break from all the seriousness is needed, and the energies of this week are letting that happen.  Things are feeling better than they have for a while.  Your perspectives have changed and you are feeling more in touch with what it is that you truly want and why it is that you are here at this time.  You will not have the patience to deal with people who are playing games or trying to manipulate you.  Watch how you deal with them.  They are playing in the old energy.  They are not seeing the changes that are happening or the way they have been misled my media and others.  The weather will cooperate this week although there is an increasing sense of something brewing within the Earth.  This is a time of transitioning.  You will see many opposites playing out in the media and in relationships.  Oh, and there may be some unanticipated announcements.  Perhaps the ET’s are really real and really involved in the history of humankind.  Take nothing at face value.  Research the truth of the matter.  Do not worry if old friends no longer hold your interest.  They too are playing with the old energy, and if you are responding to the new energy, then you will find that old allegiances no longer hold the same important or attraction that they did previously. Continue reading

November 15-21

Overall Color for the Week:    Magenta

“It is well.  All is well.”  Let that be your mantra for this week.  There are ups and downs coming your way and the possibility for much misunderstanding.  Look for old things to rise to the surface.  Take the time this week to deal with them and put them behind you.  They no longer serve you and to dwell on them merely chains you to times and places that have contributed to WHO you are but are not the totality of WHO you are.  This is a week in which all things will be done in pieces.  Do not be quick to make up your mind or form an opinion.  Check first that you have the whole story.  The energies are shifting and clashing this week so look for weird weather and strange things in the news.  Do not give into distractions for as more and more people are coming into their own power, the media and those who think they hold the reins are finding that their fear tactics are not as effective as they have been.  There will be innuendo in the news that will suggest  things might be happening in a certain way, but that very innuendo is a tactic to connect with  your personal fears so that you create the sense that things are wrong.  Nothing has changed, but they wish to make you feel that things have changed.  Stay centered in WHO you are and keep a sense of humor and a long perspective and all will end up quite well thin week. Continue reading

November 8 – 14

Overall Color for the Week:    Cal-Color 30 Magenta:

This week promises to be one of surprises on all levels.  So take nothing for granted and do not use old premises and expectations as your guides.  People are changing, and situations, events, and things are changing. You are changing.  There is new knowledge coming into you, and you can either embrace it or ignore it.  Time will tell if the decision is proper for WHO you truly are.  This is a time when the WHO is becoming ever move important.  If you accept all those things about yourself that you were afraid to look at before, you just might find that a whole new world and community is opening up for you.

This is a week of beginnings and endings.  Look for changes on all levels where old contracts are abolished, old allegiances are done away with, and old relationships are shaken up.  At the same time, look for new things to be brewing on these levels.  There will be much happening in terms of earth changes, so do not be surprised by out of season storms, earth shakeups in unusual locations, and weather anomalies.  There is the possibility for  trends in politics, finances, etc. to go in two directions at the same time.  Contradictions are in the air.  Take nothing at face value.  Do not give in to any fear based news.  There will be more coming out about health items and issues, but at this time, ta lot of it is being done to see how the media will spin it and how people will react.  Approach all of that with a huge block of salt.  There is more fiction than fact behind a lot of this. Continue reading

November 1-7

Overall Color for the Week:    Powder Frost

There will be revelations coming to the fore this week, but they will arrive in such a form that they will not be terribly startling or unsettling.  You will feel yourself to be more ethereal than you have for a while.  You will find that there are things about yourself that you like. You will also be willing to take a look at the things about yourself that you do not really like, but with more kindness than before.  The energies of this week are such that you will be able to evaluate yourself objectively and lovingly .  You will have a new understanding of what it is that You are .  On the wider scene, the news will be carrying warnings about things related to war, flu, and finance, but the doom and gloom that they are wanting to advertise will not really seem true.  There will be glitches in each of these messages that make the news seem unreliable.  Watch for there to be a kind of wave like movement on the earth so that earth events seem to start in one place, and slowly progress around the globe.  There is the possibility of some kind of message from space.  Perhaps there will be hints of ET presence.  It is all coming.  The  elections of the week, especially in terms of bond issues, will show that the opinions of people are changing, and that they are becoming more invested in what it is that is truly important.  Watch for some news of a person who will become more important as time goes buy. Continue reading

October 25 – 31

Color for the Week:    Storaro Violet

Perhaps just because it is Halloween week, we will be seeing so-called anomalies everywhere.  They will start small on Tuesday, and grow as the week progresses.  So do not be surprised if you find yourself doing things that are out of character.  Watch for some unusual clumsiness, and think before taking any action.  There will be more to things than meets the eye.

This week brings ups and downs, but the bottom line is learning.  So do not be afraid of the lessons that will be coming your way this week.   Some will be hard — things that you did not want to deal with.  Others will confirm things you already knew but had not been ready to deal with.  There are friends and strangers who will appear when you need help.  And you will begin to see your own sensitivities growing.  Through it all, you will be taken care of.  Look for masks to fall on political events in the world.  Look also for rumblings within the earth.  A late season tropical storm in the Atlantic can make itself known.  More shake ups in the financial world are coming, with news of the markets being, at best, unreliable.  There is a movement afoot to make people believe the worst.  It has started in the area of finance, and will continue in other areas as well.   Do not be afraid.  Hold tight to your truth and do what you need to do to feel secure.  This is a good time to change your focus.  It does not have to be an huge change, just a small attention to details that you have overlooked before.  There may be, as they say, a devil in the details, but there are angels as well. Continue reading

October 18 – 24

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Amber

Even as the amber sap of ancient trees carries the history of things long past, dragging along bits of foliage and bugs that got caught in its web, so this week will bring forth memories of things past.  These memories will cling to you as the week goes on.  Analyze those memories as they contain messages that you were not ready for when the memories were formed.   Treasure the lessons that you learned, and move forward with new knowledge.

This week promises to be one of clearing out and cleansing.  New energies have been coming in  with strength and purpose.  They are shaking up the way the old things used to be.  You will be seeing more and more evidence of these new energies as things in the news and on the media begin to indicate that things are falling apart.  There is the possibility of power outages and shortages in different areas along with reverberations through the weather and within the Earth..  Take time to get some perspective on the situation.  There is meaning here.  You must find it for yourself.  You may find yourself wanting to get rid of things.  You may find yourself finding things just too much to deal with.  Physically your body will be doing its own cleansing on all levels.  Do not be surprised if your tastes have changed as well as some of your habits.  You will be more tired than usual, so factor that into your sleep schedule.  When bouts of tiredness overcome you during the day, take a moment to center and meditate.  It will all come out well.  Do not give into fears that people will be presenting to you in public, private, or in the media.  Keep your focus on your connection to Infinite Consciousness, and you will find that things begin to make some sense, to take some shape, and that you are more in control. This is also a good week for tying up loose ends in terms of friends and family members that you have been meaning to get in touch with.  Take advantage of the open energies of this time to being things out into the open.  Much healing and resolution can take place.   Oh, and you will find that your patience with people with whom you do not resonate is wearing thin.  Watch for upheavals in the Earth and in the news.  This is a week when conflicts can begin or rekindle. Continue reading

October 11 – 17

Sunday, October 11:    Light Opal

Today there will be more clarity in terms of what it is that you are looking for and paradoxically, what it is that is looking for you.  This is all part of an opening up of dimensions which will reveal itself in odd instances of synchronicity and recognition.  This is a recognition that is only somewhat related to deja vu for it has to do with a recognition of people and events and sense that all thing are falling into place.  There is a bit of playfulness in the air today, so do not take things too seriously for if you do, you might just miss what it is that they really mean.  It is a day to feel good about yourself so do something that makes you feel more WHO you are.  Look for an unexpected message that all play out in the latter part of the week. Continue reading

October 4 – 10

Overall Color for the Week:    Mauve

Take time this week to honor what it is that has made you what you are.  Take time to sit and journal or just meditate over the times of your life that were critical in your development,  Think of the people who were instrumental in allowing you to become WHO you are.  This is a good time to situate yourself in your personal history.  Knowing WHO you are and the influences that have made you WHO you are will be important as the times begin to spin more and more into some kind of confusion.  You will need to have the strong place within yourself to go to for perspective and solace.  There will be new people moving into and out of your frame of reference.  You  may find yourself overwhelmed by some blusterous and overbearing individuals.  Know that through all the experiences of this week, you have the strength and the wisdom to know what is true and what is merely illusion.  Allow the full moon on Sunday to shine light into confused areas of your life, and be prepared to make some hard but necessary decisions. On the world front, there will be more shake ups in nature.  Look for more earthquakes, some in unexpected places.  There will also be out of season storms and disasters in Europe and the Middle East.  Do not allow yourself to be dragged into fear or panic about terrorists or pandemics.  Know that through all of this, you have the vision to see what will affect you amd what is happening because it must. Continue reading

September 27 – October 3

Sunday, September 27:    Cherry Rose

Things are looking better today, better than they have been for a while.  There is much movement going on below the surface, and if you allow yourself to stay positive and in control of your emotions, you will find that there will be some rather large revelations coming your way today.  There is also the possibility that you will find you have unexpected strength and character when confronted by a situation and/or an individual who thought they were able to control you.  Stay firm in the knowledge that you can overcome all obstacles.  Do not allow yourself to be intimidated, and be optimistic.  This is a day when your powers are growing, if you  allow them to. Continue reading