February 7-13

Overall Color for the Week:    Sea Blue

This is a weeks of ups and downs.  At one point, you will be feeling great and on top of everything, and then it will all change.  You will be happy with what you are doing, and upon second look, feel like destroying it.  With this kind of energy going on, the best thing to do is just to step back from things and look twice.  Put obligations, decisions, and important conversations on hold.  You can learn of how important you are in the reality around you by taking the time to wait things out until you feel you have a good grasp on the situation.  There are things under the surface that need to come up, and it is better to wait now for that to happen rather than to move ahead only to find out later that those hidden items and agendas jeopardize the success of your desires.

On the broader scene, there is something stirring that is going to cause a lot of unrest and fear.  It can come in the form of an Earth movement or an unexpected announcement.  There is an influx of energy into the solar system that is causing things to wobble, and this relates to movements of asteroids, planets, etc.  There will be highs and lows in the activity of the sun, none of which follows expectations.  There will be small earthquakes in new areas that are actually further reverberations of movements below the sea bed, especially those connected with undersea volcanoes.  Watch for there to be talk of old things coming around again.  This is a way of trying to control people through their fear of things recurring. Stay centered and objective in all of this.  There is a pattern coming together right now and this is all part of it. Continue reading

January 31 – February 6

Overall Color for the Week:    Cal-Color 60 Green

Enjoy this week, for it is the best that you will have for a long time.  So do the things you want to do.  Take the chances that you would not have otherwise, and tell them what you have always wanted to say.  They are open and the energies of the week can make magic happen.  There is much promise in the air, promise of spring, so take some time to p[lant ideas, strategies, desires, and wishes that you have in this energy.  Things started now have the [potential for reaching manifestation more rapidly than otherwise.  There will be ups and downs and obstacles, but none will be so overwhelming that you cannot handle them.  That is because your power is growing and if you choose to stay rooted in the knowing that you can do anything, then you will find that you get much accomplished this week, and that you do not fall into the dilemmas and illusions that others may be trying to send your way. Continue reading

January 24-30

Overall Color for the Week:    Cal-Color 30 Lavender

This is a week for doing some internal kind of work.  Clear up some issues you have been dealing with.  Get rid of old memories and habits that you no longer need.  Find the joy inside.  There will be the sense in parts of the week that even though you are in a crowd or among people, nonetheless you are still alone.  Take advantage of this to see thins from your own vantage point.  See what and who are around you and find out what and who of all of that makes you feel truly whole and happy.  this is a week for setting your sights on fulfillment and to make that your goal for the rest of the year.  There will be bump and bruises along the way, but if you take time this week to understand what is is all about for you, you will come out of it all with a strong sense of purpose and an appreciation for WHO you are. Continue reading

January 17-23

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Lavender

This is a week when you will be wanting to stay in your comfort zone as much as possible.  You are feeling like hibernating, just not joining a lot of things.  Unfortunately, there is something n the energies of this week that are going to be stirring things up and working to get everyone reacting to what is going on both personally and i the news.  Physically, you will be feeling somewhat uncomfortable and perhaps not completely happy with how you look.  This is not a week for judgment, however.   Accept yourself for the wonderful and beautiful and creative person you are.

On a wider scale, Gaia is still rolling around and there are more earthquakes to come.  Look to the north, perhaps around the Bering Strait for movement, which can then reverberate farther down the Ring of Fire.  Also there are some odd weather events that will be coming up, particularly in Asia and even the northern most areas of Russia.  There will be some tension in world events and once again, there is the possibility of a political leader coming out with an unexpected pronouncement.  There will be attempts to keep the fear levels high, however many people are tired of that and they will be looking locally for news.  Community is in the air, and plans are being made in many areas for new communities to spring up.   There are some odd events on a cosmic level that will be coming out in the news.  They will be reported merely as anomalies, however there will be far reaching implications as people read into these events portents of 2012.  The new energies are bringing in change and a new kind of optimism, but an optimism of the group.  The first few weeks of 2010 have brought a lot of issues to the surface, the rest of this month is a time in which these issues will be recognized for what they are and dealt with.  People are learning what power is all about and that they themselves are powerful when they are focused and together. Continue reading

January 10 – 16

Overall Color for the Week:    Orange

The energies of this week are contradictory.  On the one hand, they are urging you to get going, get moving with things, while on the other they are telling you to get a grip and deal with reality.  You are somewhere in the middle having to determine which path you are wishing to take.  This can involve working with past actions, thoughts, motivations, and memories.  What was most important to you?  Take time this week to prioritize what it is that makes you WHO you are and what it is that truly makes you happy.  What does fulfillment look like to you?  It is time to take hold of the new vibrations that are around and align yourself with them.  These vibrations that come from the true heart of the Universe will guide you to a place of peace and rest.  There will be a sense of energies growing, being seen in how people react quickly and without thinking to stimuli in the beginning to middle of the week.  As the week progresses, things will settle down a bit until Friday, when there is the potential for a lot of confusion about.  Center.  Be aware of what it is that you want.  Be the observer, and take things as they come.  It is time to focus on that and leave the little stuff behind.

On a larger scale, there will be Earth movements that are somewhat unprecedented, like the Earth is rolling over in her sleep.  Look for reverberations in the political and economic fields.  There will come a pronouncement form  a foreign leader of a new tack that their country will be taking because of threats they feel are being posed by other nations and their policies.  Look for someone new on the scene who will come forth with a slogan or pronouncement that will resonate with many.  There is the potential for large weather events in the area of Asia that can result in mudslides, flooding, etc.  Also there will be more news of flu strains and more fear touted concerning the safety of travel.  Do not buy into it.  Look for the root before reacting.  There is some energy in the solar system that will result in weird activities in space and related to the sun.  Do not be surprised either if there is speculation about other civilizations in the Universe. Continue reading

January 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:    Half Plus Green

This first full week of the New Year will introduce new themes and items into your lives and into the news.  You will find yourself noticing things and being intrigued by information or people that never appealed to you before.  Some of your tastes and preferences are changing also.  There is something new in the air, and you are responding to it.  This is a week for wonder.  You will find yourself quite active this week, however do not expect to get a lot of things completed.  This is more of a week for trying out and then setting the direction that you wish to take in this new year.  This year promises to bring many ups and downs, and this week is your opportunity to ready yourself for all the year brings.  If you are strong and centered within, you will find that 2010 will be one of your best years ever.  Choice is of the essence at this time.  There is no blame in any choice you make for each choice is an  opportunity for leaning.  Also this week, you are going to be looking at a lot of old unresolved stuff.  These are the sticky items that you have tried to ignore.  Unfortunately, now they are right in your face.  You will find difficulty in dealing with some of these as they involve emotions and long-term relationships.  You will be feeling for much of this week that you working against the flow and not getting anything done, but that is only part of the picture.  On a deeper level you are setting up your directions and directives for the new year.   This week will not be easy, but it is a week for planting the seeds of what it is that you wish to create and manifest this year.  Additionally, you are developing a foundation for the energies of change that are leaking in through the dimensional shifts and warps.

In the news and with the weather and the Earth you can expect there to be lots of things coming to the forefront.  There will be some exposure of a scheme that has been going on for quite some time.  Because this scheme has not worked out the way it was planned and has not adhered to the time schedule set up for it, it will begin to unravel.  Look also for things that were one way to turn in the other direction.  There is much movement in the solar sphere and there will be some reverberations in the earth grid and dealing with electronics.  The Ring of Fire is closing up, and along with that there will be new and unexpected movements in the earth.  (Check the irisseismon site to follow earthquake activity.)  Look for news of some strange event happening in the oceans.  There are many things on the horizon.  This is a good week for back-up plans. Continue reading

December 27 – January 2, 2010

Overall Color For the Week:    Primary Blue

This is a week for prioritizing, for getting in order those things that are truly meaningful for you.  It is a time when you will have the proper perspective for getting rid of all that stuff that no longer serves you — the things you have outgrown, the crap that you hang on to because of other people or past attachments.  Memories will always live within, and you can choose the memories that you love.  Let the others go.  Look at the things around you, ask yourself what they really mean for you.  Are there things you keep even though you have outgrown them.  What about the stuff you have because you feel an obligation to hold on to it?   Do not be surprised if you find yourself no longer feeling attached to friends that you have had for a long time.  Perspectives are changing and you may be fore the first time seeing them for what they have become.  If it is no longer right for you, then gently honor them and let them go.  And memories — are there some that you keep just so you can feel bad?  Let go of the things that hold you back.,  A new year is dawning, and you want to race into it without being dragged down by the past.  This is a week for establishing your theme for the New year.  Enjoy the beginning of the week.  There is lightness and fun in the air. It is not a time for seriousness.  That will come later.  Take time this week also to hone your powers of perception.  You will want to have clear vision and insight as this year progresses.  The energies of time, Gaia, and the Universe have many surprises that will unfold this year.  You will see that institutions, people, things and issues that you thought had all the power begin to become shaky.  Take back and own your power, then you can truly create your own destiny and manifest your desires.  There is much at stake this week, as themes are being set, lessons learned, relationships closed, and other relationships opened.  Focus this week on WHO you are in each situation. Stay grounded, and look with heart-centered eyes into every occasion.  Look also to your dreams this week for there is meaning for you in them.

On the broader scene things will be shaking up all over.  There will be fear mongers out there who will be trying to instill fear in order that the new year begins with a sense of panic.  But fear no longer works the way it does in the past.  People will be a bit crazy and frazzled.  They will be feeling out of touch with themselves.  So expect reactions in every area to be different from what they have been before.  And then, as if realizing what they have done, people will take a different turn and do something totally out of character.  With the energies of the new year, old paradigms are changing.  Be aware of this and you will be fine.  But the shake-up is happening now and that will be the theme on the wider scale for the week. Continue reading

December 20 – 26

Overall Color for the Week:    Tipton Blue

This is a week of light and learning.  Take time this week to be the observer and see how things are happening around you and to you.  There is a great shift going on at this point in time.  This shift is moving things that are of the light closer to the light and allowing things that are choosing not to be of the light to sink more into their own lower frequencies.  The question is of one working with your own vibration to make it compatible with the reality that you wish to create.  You have the power to make real any and all things that you so desire, but that power grows and cycles according to how you choose to be, what you truly wish to create and the compatibility of that creation with the vibrational frequency on which you travel.  That is to say that if you are choosing things that are merely of a material level, then your frequency will be of the material level, being both lower and denser.  If you are choosing things of the spirit, then you will be of a higher frequency, and your vibration will resonate with things spiritual.  On that level, you are able to intuit more of the true nature of things.  You begin to see through the illusion and can observe the shifts of dimension.  As we embark upon this last full week of December, it is a good time to take a strong look at what it is that you are desiring.  Time is speeding up and more and more distraction is being placed along the way.  Know WHO you truly are and stay grounded in that, and you will find that the unfoldment of the next two years will show to you the reality of yourself and that of the world behind the illusion.  It is time to determine what it is that you are desiring to manifest in the nest year.  There is much ahead that will confuse and threaten those who are dealing with things on a purely physical level.  Looking beyond the mere physical will allow you to get into contact with Eternal Consciousness.

So this will be a week of revelations to those who are able to see things as they are.  The Holiday rush and crush will become more and more exaggerated as the week goes on.  This will lead to confusion.  People will not be clear on what it is that they truly want, rather they will just be in a mode of unfocused wanting.  This will lead to rude behavior and crazy traffic.  Do not allow yourself ot be caught up in any of this.  Take time early this week to determine what it is that is truly important to you,.  Write a short mantra expressing this, and then let that be your guide as the week progresses.  You will find that you can establish a little island of peace by doing so.  Oh, and there will be those out there also who will be taking advantage of the general good will of the season to bring some joy.  Honor them.

In the news there will be ups and downs on every level, the temperatures, the amount of precipitation, the stock market, escalation of violence and outbreaks of peace.  You will see people in general disengaging from the world news out there and turning to  light entertainment.  There will be a sense of unreality about things this week, as though they just are not happening, which makes it a good time to play the mummer and spread some cheer. Continue reading

December 13-19

Overall Color for the Week:    Cal Color 90 Magenta

Expect things to happen this week and expect things that you have been waiting on to come to a conclusion.  These endings have the potential for being somewhat tumultuous, or at least, a bit more charged emotionally or otherwise than you would have expected.  But all in all, you will find satisfaction in the outcome of things this week.  It is a good time to send out those Holiday messages because the sentiment will be sincere and the recipients will be open to reading between the lines.  Expect to see more unusual items in the news.  There is the possibility of more sightings like the one last week in Norway.  These things will leave people wondering.  You might have to look on the Internet for the reports, as the American Press is trying to keep a close watch on what is published so that no news comes in that can challenge the reality they are trying to portray.  Look also for more electronic glitches and do not overreact,.  There is the possibility also for some activity from the sun to causer unexpected crossing of signals.  This is a week in which anything can happen as all the strands of potentiality that have been growing throughout this year of 2009 begin to cross and reach completion.  Things are getting a little wild, so be ready, stay centered in yourself and the truth of WHO you are and all will be fine. Continue reading

December 6-12

Overall Color for the Week: Surprise Blue

And this is just what this week will be all about, so expect the unexpected and be ready for anything.  There is a lightness in the air, a sense of anticipation, and a feeling of joy.  Things can get done this week that were impossible before, so get out your list of items that you have always wanted to manifest, concentrate on them, and make them happen.  Serendipity is the theme this week.  While there will be blips in the weather.there are actually opportunities to change your focus and see things in a new light.  Do not be tied to the old and the traditional this week. Look for new solutions to problems.  See people in a new light and take time to laugh.  If you make this your modus operandi for this week, you can accomplish great things and create fulfillment for your sense by the end of the week.

in the news, there will be a lot of “what-the’s” going on.  People will be wondering how events that seemed destined to have one ending all of a sudden took a turn and had a completely different outcome.  The doom and gloom sayers will find themselves hard pressed to be believed for the very things that they are saying will come to pass, just fall apart.  So expect confusion in the world of politics and finance.  Do not try to understand any of it.  Let it be.  This is a time when the trickster is abroad on the larger scene. Look for odd weather events and lots of wrong forecasts.  Stay centered in WHO you are.  This is a week to be both observer and participant.  The trick is knowing when to take which role. Continue reading