Overall Color for the Week: Red Orange
Not with a bang, but a whimper.; This is a week when there will be a lot of seeming going on in your life, and you will respond to it with seeming of your own. It is a good time to remember WHO you truly are and what it is that you truly wish to have manifested in your life for there are vibrations in the air onto which your desires can attach for realization within the next month or so. This week brings in much up and down energy, which will leave you and everyone else feeling not only a little breathless, but also uncentered and confused. This is not a time for clarification, but it is a good time for asking questions. Right now you are open to seeing things about yourself, your life, and others that at other times you would be closed to. Hang onto your hats and let the energy of the week flow around you. If you try to resist you may find that you develop physical symptoms that are not pleasant.
On the larger scene, the ups and downs continue. There is the possibility of a large water event, as it seems that the Earth is kind of bowing out in one direction. There are energies from both Sun and Universe that will be hitting the Earth and causing odd reactions. The waters of the Atlantic may feel some of this particularly. There is another volcano that is beginning to rise up. The skies will remain clouded over much of Europe as the week goes on. There will be a growing sense of the inability of governments to deal with natural events as the Earth shakes again not only in China, but throughout the Ring of Fire. Look for news relating to more control, especially in the area of new laws. There will be a greater adherence to right versus left. There is much going on this week both on and below the surface. The media will have a good time with obvious Earth and political events, but look further for the things that are not being reported. A new movement is afoot. Earth Day may bring some hint of what is to come. Additionally, this week marks the beginnings of the great communications breakdown culminating in the summer of 2010. Continue reading