April 18-24

Overall Color for the Week:    Red Orange

Not with a bang, but a whimper.;  This is a week when there will be a lot of seeming going on in your life, and you will respond to it with seeming of your own.  It is a good time to remember WHO you truly are and what it is that you truly wish to have manifested in your life for there are vibrations in the air onto which your desires can attach for realization within the next month or so.  This week brings in much up and down energy, which will leave you and everyone else feeling not only a little breathless, but also uncentered and confused.  This is not a time for clarification, but it is a good time for asking questions.  Right now you are open to seeing things about yourself, your life, and others that at other times you would be closed to.  Hang onto your hats and let the energy of the week flow around you.  If you try to resist you may find that you develop physical symptoms that are not pleasant.

On the larger scene, the ups and downs continue.  There is the possibility of a large water event, as it seems that the Earth is kind of bowing out in one direction.  There are energies from both Sun and Universe that will be hitting the Earth and causing odd reactions.  The waters of the Atlantic may feel some of this particularly.  There is another volcano that is beginning to rise up.  The skies will remain clouded over much of Europe as the week goes on.  There will be a growing sense of the inability of governments to deal with natural events as the Earth shakes again not only in China, but throughout the Ring of Fire.  Look for news relating to more control, especially in the area of new laws.  There will be a greater adherence to right versus left.  There is much going on this week both on and below the surface. The media will have a good time with obvious Earth and political events, but look further for the things that are not being reported.  A new movement is afoot.  Earth Day may bring some hint of what is to come.  Additionally, this week marks the beginnings of the great communications breakdown culminating in the summer of 2010. Continue reading

April 11-17

Overall Color for the Week:    Magenta

There is a subtle undercurrent of fight or flight that flows throughout this week. You are going to feel that you are being cornered one moment, condescended to in the next, and finally fed up with the whole thing.  It is important to realize that this energy is in the air for it can cloud judgments and cause misunderstandings.  This is a week for looking at things clearly.  The veils are shifting reality this week and things will be leaking in and out on all levels.  You will find that you are encountering old emotions, old thoughts, old dreams and reevaluating your life in terms of them.  This week is a doorway, and from that point you can see backwards and forwards.  It is time to plant yourself firmly in the Now, in the moment.  It is said by one physicist that the only way to unify all theories is to abolish time.  This is a good week for doing that in your life.  That means being present in all you do, let go of distractions, allowing them to float away as a leaf in a stream.  Focus your consciousness on the moon, not on the finger pointing towards it.  That is to say, be with WHO you are and be aware in all you do.  Then look for the unity and the center.  There are new realizations to be made, new understandings to be gotten, and the steps toward community opened up.

On the larger scale, there is a burst of energy coming into our solar system which will be causing upsets and surges in all areas, both in electronic devices and within the various systems of the Earth,.  Expect news of malfunctions and possible disasters dealing with the transportation industry.  There is also some double dealing that is going on in the Middle East that is coming to the forefront and will be preceded by news items that basically make no sense.  These news stories will be following one another in sequence and not only will they contradict one another, but the also will contain false historical data.  In the area of politics, there will be other political deals that will be showing up.  There is also the possibility that some politicians will betray their party lines as various deals that have been made in the past begin to call in support.  This will be linked to monies that the politicians have received in the past and some deals that they made that were perhaps not quite completely above board.  There is a sense out in the Universe of a pulsating star or galaxy that will be shooting off energy;.  With the beginning of the Lyrids meteor shower (for more on this, check http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/earthskys-meteor-shower-guide) late this week, you can expect some interesting shows.  The aurora itself may be deepening in its reach.  There are weather events that will be very local, however they are the kinds of things that usually affect a large area so this will be anomalous.  Also keep an eye on the Ring of Fire as it makes its steady move towards completion.  People will be gathering together in parts of the word as groups and interests are being pulled together for the establishment of focus as things in general begin to shake more. This is a good time in which to look for herbal and alternative therapies as this intense allergy season may prove to be not only allergies but also sickness that was put in the air. Continue reading

April 4-10

Overall Color for the Week:   Orange Yellow

This is a week of ups and downs, intrigues, outings, and almosts.  Expect everything and expect nothing for what you are expecting may come about in a different way than you had planned.  This is a week for beginnings also, so if there is a door that needs to be opened, go ahead and knock on it.  There will be a surprise awaiting you on the other side.  Friends will seem different, and you may be feeling detached from yourself, perhaps even a little out of sorts.  Honor what you are feeling this week and look to your intuition for clues as to what is really being done and said behind the seeming.

On the larger scale, talking points can become tipping points.  Watch for disproportionate responses to situations.  The earth will be moving more and more and there can be some scary weather patterns that will leave the people in the area very shaken up, even to the point of rethinking many of their old ways and ideas, while the media and those who think they are in power will pass over these events.  What they do not realize is that people are beginning to have enough of that kind of reaction and there will be movements coming asking, urging, even forcing people in power to take positive action for the people, politics aside.  More solar events and there is a rogue (had to use that word!!!) sunspot that will not follow accepted patterns that will be bringing some big disruptions as the month progresses. Continue reading

March 28 – April 3

Overall Color for the Week:    Turquoise

This is a real disconnect week.  Things are not going to seem quite real in any aspect of your life.  You will feel as though you are walking through mud and looking through a veil.  This will be accompanied by odd physical symptoms that can lead you to question your own health.  Also you may find that you are changing your habits, your likes and your dislikes.  Keep a grip on your temper for you can find yourself overreacting to things that are said and done.  Step back and think twice before doing anything.  Do not plan to get a lot done this week, for much of what you do may have to be redone in the next few weeks.  Be open to suggestions from your intuition.  This is a good week for following your hunches.  You may find that in more than one case it was a good things you did.  Watch out for people that you have known for a long time but never really gotten along with.  The energies of the week carry a bit of subterfuge and treachery.  If you have any secrets or inventions or great ideas, be careful to whom you express them.  Better still, sit on them for a few days.  Expect the full moon to bring into focus some things that you have been waiting on.  There is sickness and resignation in the air, so be prepared to hear of loved ones not feeling well.  It is time to focus on what it means for you to be mortal, for your knowing and assumptions may be put to the test in the next few weeks.

On the larger scale, things will become more and more muddled on the political scene.  There will be accusations made and name calling going back and forth.  There is a new challenge on the horizon and people want to become attached to it because they feel that it will be an easy to solve kind of issue.  They will be mistaken.  The energies of the week are whipping up events, people, things, and the weather into a kind of frenzy.  The main theme of the week will be uncertainty.  Look for the Earth to make sudden and unexpected movements, and look for the influx of radiation from the Sun.  There is not a lot of kindness in the air this week, and that also will be reflected in the news.  Keep an eye on the Earth for as spring approaches and attempts are made to plant, especially with GMO seeds, you may find that the Earth rebels. Continue reading

March 21-27

Overall Color for the Week:    Booster Blue

This will be a week of ups and downs, and the key to making it through and having a fruitful time will be keeping yourself up about everything.  This is not a week for taking things too seriously.  Things that seem dire right now will turn out not to be so later on.  There will be hints of things to come in people you meet and things that happen.  SO look for synchronicity .  You will also find that there is a kind of nostalgic streak that will color the middle of the week.  There will be reminders of things from the past, and along with the past memories will come a tricky sort of deja-vu which will hint of things to come as the sense of time references backwards and forwards..

On the larger scene, there will be things coming out in the news dealing with old events.  Expect there to be some revelations about items from the past, both recent and far past.  There is the potential for a major revelation being made by a government official which will be followed by attempts at cover up, however once out, any attempts at cover up will be futile.  There is a new energy coming through which is affecting how cause and effect interact, so there will be unusual reactions to things in the news.  There is also a kind of hole in the natural world which will let through unusual and unexplained paranormal phenomena  — things like sightings of unknown creatures, and unexpected twists and turns in the weather, sky events, etc.  Look also for blips in electronics.  That new energy that is entering our solar system is causing odd solar and planetary events.  These will not be immediately obvious, but little by little over the next few months information will leak out about something strange energy or tug in the solar system.  There is a darkness over the Near East this week, so expect some movement to occur there.  There is also a kind of pronouncement of light or hope is on the horizon. Continue reading

March 14-20

Overall Color for the Week:    Italian Blue

It definitely is no accident that Daylight Saving Time is happening at a new point this year.  Just as that one habit has been changed, you will begin to see this week that things you thought you could count on, things you thought were predictable, people who were so boringly regular are no longer so.  Moreover you will also see that people in the news, in control, on the talk circuit or the workshop circuit that you always thought were honorable and sincere in what they were doing actually had a another agenda which will begin to show itself   So be prepared for surprises this week and be ready willing and able to change and morph into your own sense of power.  This is a week in which it will be very important to stay centered and grounded in WHO you are and to trust your heart’s intuition.  There is a beam of radiance in the heart’s true intuition that will show what lurks in the shadows so trust it, even if it causes you sorrow or upset or disappointment.

Look to the larger picture for strange happenings within the Earth.  Also do not be surprised by unusual noises or movements around you, even in your own home.  Be wary and careful in what you do for there are plots afoot.  On the larger scale in the news you will be hearing of foiled attempts at various things.  There is a shake up happening between personalities that people use as yardsticks.  There will be many more arguments that are publicized between people, nations, etc.  The earth is vibrating, and that vibration can cause more shaking.  Expect also unusual weather events.  Within the galaxy there is the movement of a large mass of energy that will cause pressure not only upon the planets, but also upon the Sun resulting in some odd events within our solar system.  There is much to come out this week, and as a result many people will be scrambling to keep things hidden.  So this week take everything with a grain of salt and definitely see for yourself. Continue reading

March 7-13

Overall Color for the Week:   Rose Pink

Get ready for a wild ride this week.  One good thing is that you will be so busy that you will not be able to dwell on events, some unsettling, some amazingly positive.  Take time to be centered.  This is a week in which to observe and to be active, so you may find yourself in something of a split-personality mode.  But that is okay.  There is much coming, and this week is one in  which you will be exercising physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual muscle.  Take this as your week in the cosmic gym.  You will find yourself much the better for it when the week is over.

On a broader scale, there will be ups and downs.  This is ot a week in which things will e predictable.  Look for more Earth events as people scramble to try to make sense of all the things that are going on.  In the financial sector, there will be blips, first down then up, higher than the market has been in a while.  Do not trust everything that you are hearing in the media for there is confusion among those who wish to control public opinion and as a result conflicting news items will be broadcast.  The weather will be blustery and the winds will begin to blow, causing problems with power and electronics.  The Sun is having some internal issues that will be seen as small erup[tions on the surface, but these will result in a surge of solar energy coming to the earth.  The sun brings knowledge in its wake, so who knows what kinds of things will be brought out of the shadows as the week wears on.  Also, there is a body in the galaxy that is pulling on the rotation and spins of planets.  Perhaps more than an earthquake can change the length of the day. Continue reading

February 28-March 6

Overall Color for the Week:   Cal-Color 90 Cyan

Things are bad, and will not be getting much better this. week,.  Sit back.  Patience.  Put on headphones.  Let the rest of the stuff be as it is. You cannot do anything about it right now.  And if you try, you will become frustrated and perhaps even bitter.  The week starts in medium energy.  So-so.  Things are just there.  Then you will find that you are feeling a bit better in every area, even physically for there are things there that you have been refusing to look at for fear….  Just for that, fear.  But the point at which you decide things are going to work out is when stuff can just fall apart.  This is week not to make plans.  This is a week in which sticking to a sense of humor will bring you out on top of all things.  There are shadows in the alleys, and they are there to remind you of things you thought you had finished with.  Stay away from the dark places.  Keep your focus on the light.   Look to your strengths and know what LOVE truly means to you and you can conquer big time this week, even as things around you seem to fall apart.  Namaste.

On the larger scale, expect the unexpected in all areas.  Expect secrets to come out and politicians, leaders, business tycoons, and news makers to be snarling and quipping and quarreling.  This is not a week in which there will be agreement on things.  People will be up in the air about this, that, and the other thing.  This is not a week when things will be running smoothly.  There is much negativity and fear around and that kind of energy feeds upon itself much more quickly than the feeling of things being well.  The Earth is moving again, so hold on.  But know that this will become commonplace as the ring of fire finds itself beginning to close up.  There are extremes in the environment and the weather coming.  Shorelines will be shrinking this year, and lakes that were low will become full to overflowing.  Watch for unusual currents in rivers.  Water problems are beginning to be seen now, and as the year progresses, they will become more obvious.  Stay centered and look through things rather than just at them, and you will be fine.  The financial bubble is beginning to leak, so do not believe rosy forecasters.  They are working to change things so that a new kind of financial situation is created even while you are focusing on what is falling apart.  Time will tell how that will work. Continue reading

February 21-27

Overall Color for the Week:    Cal-Color 60 Pink

This will be a somewhat temperamental week.  You will be finding yourself on a roller coaster emotionally and physically.  Things will seem out of focus and foreign, even those things with which you are very familiar.  It is as though your perspective is changing.  Approach people and situations with caution.  Think before you act, and be prepared to step back a lot.  This is not a good time for advancing your issues or agenda.  There is a lot of misunderstanding in the air, and if you are too quick to act, things will be unrewarded, down played, and overlooked.  There will be a lot happening within yourself below the surface, so be prepared for revelations, both personal and in regard to others.  There is a surprise coming your way this week also, so do not overlook the obvious, as the week ends on an up note which makes the weekend a good time to spend time with friends and in doing things you love..

On the larger scene, there will be much of the same, with people and events being some what confused and uncertain.  Look for attempts in the media to cover up items and to put a spin on things that are so obviously what they are.  This is a week for knowing that you have the vision to see through things and to perceive the larger picture.  Expect the Earth to be making some big shifts this week.  There will be attempts made to down play, even deny, some of these events, even after they have been reported.  The sun is shifting and turning, so there will be magnetic upsurges.  Once, again electronics can feel the brunt.  Expect also some out of season weather events and early storms.  There is  a rumbling going on under the crust, and there will be shocks and effects along the ley lines as the magnetics of the Earth begin to react to extra-solar events.  Also there is some kind of new energy approaching from the galaxy, so do not be surprised if you are not feeling well without any seeming cause. Continue reading

February 14-20

Overall Color for the Week:    Pale Amber Gold

This week is for stepping back and just letting things take their course.  Any overt actions on your part, especially when you are trying to  control situations, will just leave you frustrated.  Step back and let others take the limelight.  You do not need it — or even want it.  There is much in the air this week that is not true.  Therefore do  not allow yourself to believe a lot of the spin that you hear around you regardless of how “true” the source.  It is still merely spin.  This is a week for testing your gullibility.  Do not take things at face value.  Make no judgements, and do not buy into schemes.  If you make this your modus operandi this week, you will find that by the end of the week you have learned a lot, experienced a lot, felt a lot , and feel stronger in WHO you are,.

Sunday, February 14:    Half Green

Valentine’s Day; Chinese New Year — Year of the Tiger:    This is a somewhat confusing, but interesting, kind of day.  Things will start on an up note, and you will be feeling that this will be a day in which to get lots of things done, then, all of a sudden, your energy levels will drop along with your general mood.  But that feeling will not last, you will find that there are things going on that are great and there will be signs that tell you that all is well.  So, from afternoon on, the day will take on a new character and will be one of clear sailing and good humor.  Expect a surprise tonight, for there are things that need to be shared. Continue reading