January 23-29

Overall Color for the Week:    Pale Apricot

This is a week for holding onto what you believe in, what you know to be true, and what you love.  This is a foundational week, and if you can ground yourself in the core of WHO you are, you will find that serendipity colors your life and synchronicity appears in all areas.  Remembrance and regret are part of the weaving of this week, but it is time to see the larger picture for what it is.  It is time to see the past for what it was, and to embrace the possibilities that are opening up for you now.  There is truly wonder in the air!

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January 16-22

Overall Color for the Week:    Lime Green

Things will be altered this week,  subtly or even catastrophically.  This is a week for being grounded.   This is a time for being centered in your heart, in WHO you are.  And if you are feeling at all alienated from yourself, this is a good time for getting back in touch.  Stand back from issues this week, take a second look, and feel the meaning of what is going on.  Much can become clearer by the end of the week.  And you can find yourself much more at home in true and loving knowledge of yourself.  Lights are going on this week. Continue reading

January 9-15

What a week this can be.  Nothing is written in stone, so anything can happen.  The weather will be acting up first in the center of the country, and then on the peripheries.  And all over and in all areas there will be events that will be described as “”unprecedented”.  There will be much confusion as conflicting reports are put out about politicians.  There is a deep seated deceptiveness in what they are doing, moreover, as will be shown, they have neither concern nor respect for the populace.  This will become more obvious as these politicians find themselves being betrayed by their own words.  Nothing can or will stay hidden. Continue reading

January 5-8

Wednesday, January 5:     Lavender Mist

Thoughts of the past, memories of friends not heard from in a while, recollections of loved ones who have transitioned — all of these elements are in the air today.  It is fine to indulge the nostalgia, but do not fall into regret, for that is a wasted emotion, and there is little room for waste these days.  Beneath the memories of the past, the seeds of creativity are germinating.  Be open to them for in being creative you will find your true nature.  and knowing that, much will become clearer, both today and as the year progresses. Continue reading

December 26-January 1, 2011

Hello and joyous holiday season to all.  Recently I broke my arm, and will not be able to put up a complete post for this week.  I  wish all my readers a smooth transition through the energetic bursts and flows of this time, and keep posted as i will be putting up notices as I can.

This week promises to bring surprises, revelations, and new understanding.  There will be movements on all levels, and different people will be affected in different ways.  Take time and take care in your actions, reactions, deliberations, and decisions.  Clarity is hard to come by right now, so do not look for it.  Emotions can be raw and close to the surface.  And people will be out of sync.

Likewise the Earth.  That bubble of galactic energy that I have mentioned before is connecting with the other energies, bringing about waves of movement in the Earth, weather patterns, and animal movements.

Look for some information coming through, possibly even in the media, that will hold a clue to the direction and momentum of the times.

Everything is changing right now, and there is no room for regret.  It is how it is.  Hold onto what is most important for you and stay centered in your core.  Be observant.  Be compassionate.  Love and forgive yourself.

December 19-25

This week will see many movements in the Earth.  Earthquakes will be happening at unusual magnitudes and in unusual places.  There is the possibility for tsunamis after small movements, while larger ones will cause some rearrangement in the plates of the earth that will remain stable for some time.  There is kind of rift that is developing under the sea and when it becomes obvious, the news will refer to it as a minor event.  In truth, it can have devastating consequences.  This is a time when energies on all levels are most important, and the combined intention of focused groups and/or focused individuals can be amazingly effective.  If one of your electronic systems experiences a glitch , take no immediate action.  Wait and let things settle.  This is a time of three day windows.  This is a time for patiences.  There will be a number of situations coming down these days, and the best option is to take some time before acting. Continue reading

December 12-18

The theme for this week is threefold, choices, power, and intuition.  In themselves, choice and power can be scary, however if you allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom of your heart, your intuition, this will be a most fulfilling and revealing week.  The veils are thinner this week than they have ever been before, much in preparation for Solstice and the eclipses.  Less impermeable also the hidden agendas and cloaking mechanisms that people use to hide their true intent.  So this will be a week in which Freudian slips will abound.  Be alert for them, as there is much that you can learn. Continue reading

December 5-11

Overall Color for the Week:    Crimson

This is a week of big movements and shifts, when energy will be pouring in.  This will not, however, be either a gentle stream or a flash flood, rather the flow will be erratic and temperamental, resulting in a general sense of uncertainty and a tendency towards anger.  Fear will be one of the themes of the week, so be understanding and compassionate with those whom you meet. Along with fear will be a kind of letting go of old rules and mores, so that you can see very unusual happenings this week, laws being broken and certainties being challenged.   You may feel yourself unwilling to accept the boundaries this week, responding in uncharacteristic ways to situations and people.  While the week starts on a calm note, it is important to take that time to center and ground yourself for what is to come.  The ride has begun, and there will be little let up until the solar eclipse in January which can bring in some light to shed on the subject.  There have been many reports of body shifts and changes.  This is inevitable, and it is time to analyse what is going on with yourself if you are feeling things out of whack, yet not attached to any specific pathology.  The energies of many dimensions are coming together along with a cleansing.  Some are feeling the effects of the cleansing now. Some are just feeling buffeted by what is out there.  Look at what is going on within you, then consider what is going on with-out you.  If you need attention, go for it.  Consider also some energy work. Continue reading

November 29 – December 4

Color for the Week:    Pink Frost

It is always important to be aware of and sensitive to what is going on around us and what others are throwing our way.  There are times when, in the throes of confusion  and loneliness, that we buy into and make our reality things that seem okay, rather than optimal.  This is not a time or an energy in which to let that happen  We need to go within and know what is most important and most fulfilling for ourselves.  What other people want us to be for their own agendas, regardless of how “selfless” they feel them to be. cannot help us if we are choosing to be WHO we truly are.  Feel first.  If the vibrations are good, then go for it.  Otherwise, let it go.  This is not an energy that tolerates compromise well, so if you latch onto it, then you will find that any kind of compromise will wear thin various areas of your physicality, leaving you with issues and aches.  Let go of compromise and look towards what it is that truly makes you feel fulfilled.  Only by holding onto that will these days be more comfortable for you. Continue reading

November 21-27

Overall Color:    Green Minus

Just a few themes and indicators to be aware of at this time:

Opposites:  Things are appearing now in terms of what they are, quickly followed by their opposites.  Be aware of these complementary occurrences.  They are pointing to something greater than the pieces.  There is a message there, so be open to it.

Cloud Formations:  Keep your eyes on the sky.  Clouds are coming in and going out in unusual configurations and out of season formations.  There is something there.  If you are open to what is going on, you might just get some interesting information.

Patterns of Illness:   There are many these days who are afflicted by illness scenarios.  It is important to be sensitive to what they are feeling.  There are conditions what will seem to be making one sick, and they can pass quickly.  Unfortunately, some of these are indicative of underlying, chronic, and contagious conditions that will return and leave others compromised.  Be sympathetic for those who are not feeling well, but take precautions.  This is not a time for cavalier action.

Animal Activity:   Animals are now acting strangely. They are attuned to what is going on in the Earth as a whole, and, as a result, they are acting out behaviours that twill make them feel more comfortable as the energies of the times become somewhat topsy-turvy.  Recognize and accept what they are doing, and send them understanding and compassion.  They live on the energies of the Earth and feel keenly the shifts and changes. Continue reading