April 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:   Purplish-Blue

Sometimes, when things are very much at the forefront and in one’s face, you can lose sight of what is going on in other places.  This is and has been happening with the situation in Japan.  This week, and for some time to come, there will be other elements that are heating up around the globe. They might be noted, but will generally be glossed op ver.  It is important this week to look below the surface of the news as there are new themes and elements developing that will be needing close attention as the weeks go on.  It is time to become prepared.  You need to determine what that means for you.  This is also a week in which quick changes and reversals are possible, and that means in all areas —- weather, decisions, allegiances, etc.

On the personal level, things will be pretty much up in the air and as they will be for most of this week.  This is not a good week for large projects or important conversations.  If you attempt either, there is both frustration as well as lack of closure in the air.  Take time this week to just be.  Watch what is happening around you.  Everyone is responding and reacting to what is going on in the news in different ways.  A lot of people are feeling themselves lost and friendless.  There is much disillusion, worry, and fear out there.  You will find this as you go through the week.  If you are strong in WHO you are, not only will this week be a positive experience for you, but things will fall into place, and you will come out with a new concept of your own abilities.

On the larger scale, there is more and more shifting of the plates of the Earth.  No continent will be immune.  As the plates shift, the winds and waters stir up, both on the surface of the Earth and in the air.  This is a week in which many will wonder what is going on, and then again, many will be leaving.  There is a sense of sorrow that is growing larger and larger. This is a sign that with time, joy will follow, but it is necessary to be strong and centered in WHO you are.  As things shift on the surface of the globe, in terms of politics there will be some ups and downs.  There are going to be some surprise alterations in power in a number of smaller countries, particularly those in the Middle East area.  Also, there will be more and more grassroots movements coming about.  People will be standing up for what they know is right, and they will not allow the interests and threats of others make them back down.  This movement of the grassroots is gaining momentum, and as that happens, people will begin to become aware of their own power and how to use it.  In the financial sector, there will be news of great stuff, but it is mere facade.  On a different note, something is poised to fall from the sky.

Sunday, April 3:    Flesh Pink

So the energy of the day has to do with what is happening on the surface. This means that you will be seeing a lot of stuff going on, but will not be able to pinpoint the why and wherefore.  It is a good day to relax and take it easy.  Do not expect big things.  Nothing big is ready to happen within your world.  Sit back and get to know WHO you are within your own skin. Do things you have always liked to do — garden, paint, watch a favorite movie. But,  by all means take time to regroup.  Then you will be ready to address the coming week in your own power.

Crystal Energy:    Pyrrhotite—The energy of this mineral assist one in dealing with differentiation, of the self from others, of the child from the mother, of the truth from the illusion.  It resonates to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras.

Monday, April 4:    Light Periwinkle Blue

You may be feeling tired today.  Energies are low, as is ambition.  This is not a good day to realize what it is that you desire.  DO not plan to get a lot done in terms of the tangible.  Rather, take time to watch and see what is going on outside of you. This is a day for looking outside.  What is going on inside needs time to ferment and grow.  As the week progresses, you will become more aware not only of your strengths but also of what it is that you need to move forward with your desires.  There are hints in the air today.  Be aware of them..  Note them down.  They are transitory and will not return.

Crystal Energy:    Clinochlore—The energy of this mineral aids in focus and follow through.  It resonates with all Chakras.

Tuesday, April 5:    Apricot

There is a playfulness in the air today, but along with that comes the Trickster.  It is important to discriminate what is what.  This is a day on which it is important to use your vision and trust your intuition.  Much is happening today on all levels, but where you put your focus will determine what it is that you are aware of to the exclusion of everything else.  It is important also to be open to synchronicity as that will point you in the right direction.  There is a message coming form someone that will bring you joy.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite—This mineral allows for one to be flexible in response, while at the same time resonating with the energy of the heart. Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, April 6:    Night Blue

There is much that will be done in secret today.  If you are wanting to get to the bottom of things, you will need to be very thorough in your approach and follow through.  People will be feeling that they have a lot at stake, and because of this they will not be forthcoming.  There are allies for you in unexpected places, be open to helping hands.  Right now the energies are shifting crazily so much is up in the air in terms of personal relationships. The good news is that the true friends made at this time will become part of your emerging community.

Crystal Energy:    Pecos Diamond—- This stone assists one in dealing with whatever situation comes your way.  It brings calm, lessens stress, and alleviates negativity.  Resonates to the Heart Chakra.

Thursday, April 7:    Scarlet

There is a ‘dreams can come true’ energy about today.  take time to dream and to dare the Universe to bring to you your heart’s desire. Although it may not be completely manifest in today’s energy, when the seeds of heartfelt desire are sown in the energy of true possibility, much can be achieved.  You will find that there are those out there who have things to say to you, and that some of them are those you would least expect.  Take time to rest tonight.  The day’s energy will be frenetic, and you will need to recover.

Crystal Energy:    Bronze—This metal combines both the masculine and feminine energies.  It carries vibration into matter and resonates with all levels as well as all Chakras.

Friday, April 8:    Pale Lavender

There will be some deja-vu around.  Do not let it startle you.  Combined with the continuing thinning of the veils, you might think sometimes that you are going crazy, but no.  Craziness is just the way things are right now. This is a good day to check things twice, including taking a second look before going out into traffic.  The air of the day is also somewhat distracting so not only you, but everyone else will be feeling it.  Take some time to appreciate the beauty of nature.  Feel its authenticity and give thanks.

Crystal Energy:    Selenite—The energy of this mineral allows for grounding in the Now, while giving a sense of what is to come.

Saturday, April 9:    Slate Blue

There are things that will be coming out related to you that can make you wonder.  There are those who will be recognizing you for your efforts in the past.  And that too can make you wonder.l  You might be feeling a bit out of control of things around you, but do not get shaken up about this.  Rather this is a good day for appreciating the fact that you are making a difference to people and things.  Sometimes you forget.

Crystal Energy:    Vermiculite—This mineral is good at absorption and cleansing.  It can assist one in lightening up.

March 27-April 2

Overall Color for the Week:

This week promises to be full of surprises on every level, so be prepared. There are things that you had thought were sure things, but they will end up being otherwise.  On the other hand, things that you were not expecting to happen can occur.  Pay attention to the animal, fish, and bird worlds.  They too have things to add to the mixture.

In your personal life, there are ups and downs as old friends begin to act oddly and new people appear on the horizon who are interesting and attractive.  There can be changes in your home environment, so be prepared for that.  There is a great deal of emotion in the air, and you can find yourself going from one extreme to the other,.  This is a good week in which to practice your centering skills.  Take time to meditate, or just relax.  Let your mind wander.  Do some nice things for yourself.  Also, be aware of those little intuitive blips.  They are telling you something.  We are all part of the same Universe, and connection and connectivity are themes that are becoming ever more obvious.  This is a good week for taking stock of your life, how it is going now, and where you are wanting to be.  Stay within your heart as you do this, and be truthful to yourself.  You can find out some amazing information about yourself.

On the larger scale, there will be a spike in solar activity this week that will be felt across the globe.  There is some kind of incident involving space craft, perhaps a satellite going out of orbit, that is quite possible this week. Once again, the deep galactic energy is getting closer.  It spreads out in waves which are beginning to be felt on the edges of our galaxy.  The gaseous giants will be the first to respond with anomalous activity.  The crust of the Earth remains unsettled, almost as though in a pattern of fibrillation.  This can cause odd occurrences on the surface.  Weather will continue to be an issue, with more flooding and downpours, snow at odd times, and lots of wind.  To find out about these things, it is necessary to investigate alternate news sources.  More radioactivity will be coming forth from the plants in Japan, even as we are consoled that the levels are lessening, and there is no need for concern.  The conflicts in the Mid-East will be escalating.  Placating statements made by government heads that things getting better and no long term involvement will be questioned. There are other agendas at work here, even as the people stand up for their rights. There will be rumblings occurring in the United States also, as citizens are becoming tired of some of the antics of the newly elected.  Look also for some kind of amazing sign in the sky.

Sunday, March 27:    Bright Red

This is very much an in-your-face kind of day, so there will not be a lot of subtlety around.  You can expect to hear things that have been hidden for a while as people feel the need to bring up things seemingly for shock value, while in truth it is to get these things off their chests. They have been carrying this stuff around for way too long.  Behind this is a kind of sorrow and melancholy.  There is a lot of emotion in the air.  Be patient with yourself and others today.  Do not take things at face value.  Be ready to ask questions, to go over things you do not understand, clarify before acting, be ready to forgive.  With this kind of an approach to the day, you will find that much will be accomplished and some light can be shed on old issues.

Crystal Energy:    Turquoise-The energy of this mineral protects from pollution.  It is protective of the person, while linking one to the greater whole.  Throat and Third Eye

Monday, March 28:    Leaf Green

There are nuances around today.  If you are alert and open to what these things can mean, can imply, then you will find that you are ready to make changes in some of your basic habits and thoughts.  Moreover, this is great energy for sowing the seeds for realization of some of your unspoken desires.  Take hold of today’s energy and use it to assist you in what you are wanting to manifest.  Then be amazed and heartened by the synchronicity around you.  There is much in the energy today to bring comfort and strength.  Use them both, and be grateful.

Crystal Energy:    Diamond—The energy of this gem brings light and clarity.  It is a powerful protective stone and assists in overcoming fear. Crown Chakra.

Tuesday, March 29:    Prussian Blue

Ups and downs, ins and outs.  It seems a bit difficult to get a handle on just what exactly is happening today.  People talk, and you are not sure just what they mean.  Mixed messages on all levels.  There is something coming in the mail today.  Be ready.  Also an old friend can cause a shake up.  The energy of the day makes you question a lot of things.  You are feeling quick to react and people are bugging you.  This is a good time to go within and try to find the source of all of this.  You have been shifting, but not everyone else is experiencing the same changes.  you are looking at things with new eyes.  Take time to write down what you want and what you are wanting to accomplish.  Then work with that.  Centers are falling apart, yet new ones arte appearing.  You can understand this if you will just look.

Crystal energy:    Burro Creek Agate—This mineral assist in the process of forgiveness on all levels. Crown and 12th Chakras.

Wednesday, March 30:     Rose Tint

Mercury goes Retrograde:  This one can be tough and totally unpredictable, so hunker down,.  Plan your activities well.  Be ready for surprises.  Be flexible and keep a sense of humor about you.  Look and listen for messages from unusual places.  Mercury is the messenger, and at this time, with the alignments happening on all levels and in all areas, there are things that are coming forth.  Be ready for changes in terms of friends and possibly occupation.  They are Welcome.

The color of the day indicates that while things can have a less than positive side, there are those silver linings there that can soothe out the rough spots and show the good that might be hidden.  This is a day upon which perspective will be everything.  It is important to see things from all sides.  Know that you are not tied into one way of looking at things unless you choose it to be that way.  By taking a different and even unexpected attitude not only will you be able to see other elements of people and issues, but also you can change the way others react to you.  This is very much a do not give up day.  It is important to be strong in your deepest beliefs and stand up for them if challenged.  New understandings can thereby result.

Crystal Energy:    Pecos Diamond—The energy of this stone is both calming and expansive.  It can assist one in adapting to all kinds of situations.  Heart Chakra.

Thursday, March 31:    Light Steel Blue

This is a day on which messages can come that might startle you a bit. It is important to be strong in WHO you are.  Consider what these things mean and determine your response according to what is best for you.  Also, there are things happening below the surface.  When you are in the midst of situations, be clear as to what exactly they entail.  If you are not clear, ask questions.  It is important to get to the bottom of things.  When you do that, you will find more clarity in terms of what you are doing, the agendas of others, and where you are going.  This is a day on which it is important to be centered and strong.  Allow your heart’s true knowing to assist you when there is confusion, and you will find a new sense of purpose as the day progresses.

Crystal Energy:    Hyalite Opal—-The energy of this stone helps to clear out confusion, while at the same time bringing a calming energy.  Crown Chakra.

Friday, April 1:    Fibrous White

There is joy and there is confusion.  The ups and downs of the day will be there, yet you will not really be able to get a handle on why you are feeling one way or the other.  Just go with it.  Things are being unraveled all around you so there may be some confessions coming from unexpected sources. This is a day on which your intuition will be strong.  Follow its promptings. You know more than you give yourself credit for.  Listen to the voice of your heart.  You can understand much by so doing, and at the same time, be able to see into situations that have been unclear.

Crystal Energy:    Cuprian Aragonite—The energy of this mineral can bring clarity.  It shows what is true and what is mere hearsay, and allows for one to speak with truth.  Throat Chakra.

Saturday, April 2:    Bright Blue

This is a kick-up-your-heels kind of day, so be prepared to celebrate. And do not let anyone get you down.  There are those out there who, being unhappy in their own lives, cannot accept that others are enjoying themselves and having a good time.  The sense of joy that is in the air today has no obvious source.  It is a joy for joy itself.  Do not try to figure it out or intellectualize.  That will get you nowhere.  Be happy in what you can do, in your friends and family, in WHO you are.  By so doing, you can get a great appreciation of all that you are capable of.

Crystal Energy:    Eudialyte—This stone is heart centered and as such can allow one to see with compassion and discrimination.  It resonates to the first four chakras.

March 20-26

Overall Color for the Week:    Lavender

A lot will be going on this week, so fasten your seatbelts!  The week starts out with the Vernal Equinox, bringing balance to the light and darkness.  From this point on, things begin to shift and move on all levels.  There can be leaking through the dimensions, so what you think you just saw from the corner of your eye, might actually be there!

In your personal life, expect ups and downs in relationships, with co-workers, and authority figures.  There is a lot of confusion, sorrow, and general angst about and, as the jetstream brings the winds around the Earth, we are all feeling what Japan is going through on so many levels.  This is all part of a greater readjustment that is going on.  It is important at this time to be in sync with the energies.  As a part of this, you will be finding yourself acting out of character.  Be aware of those moments when this happens.  They are telling you things that you need to know about where you are going.  There will be times of deja -vu happening.  Pay attention to these.  They are telling you something. And you will find that when you finally are able to make decisions that have been hard for you in the past, you will get a kind of ‘thumbs-up’ from the Universe.  There is synchronicity here.  This week can be hard, however if you just allow yourself to go with the flow, follow your heart’s promptings, and trust your intuition this can be an amazingly big week, even a turning point.

On a larger scale there are movements and motions going on everywhere. The politicos are tending more and more to warlike behaviors.  They are convinced that what has worked in the past will work now.  Unfortunately, past patterning no longer works in the new energy, and there will be outcries against violent action on all levels. People are no longer willing to accept blindly what they are being told to do, especially if those who are making the decisions are not motivated by a larger  view of things along with compassion.  The Earth is shifting.  There will be quakes in odd places, along with more volcanic activity.  Expect for some odd news to come out about the shape of the Earth and its composition, perhaps even some admission of the possibility of an Hollow Earth Scenario.  There is an unsettledness among the People of the Americas.  Look for a pattern there.  Each area of the globe has its own characteristic energetic patterns, and these are beginning to be felt once again.  Look for more information about grids and their effects to come out.

Sunday, March 20:    Silky Red

Vernal Equinox: Happy Birthday, Aries:  Norooz-Persian New Year: The fire and passion of the Aries will characterize the energy of today. They favor accomplishing your heart’s desire.  If you have pet projects that you have not been able to work on because you feel that work stuff has to come first, know that today’s thrust will push you in the direction of personal creativity.  Enjoy the ride today.  Things will progress swiftly, and you may find yourself wondering sometimes just what happened, but let it go.  This is a day for living in and being in the moment.  It can bring you a sense of fulfillment, and recognition of where your joy lies.  A slight caveat, there is excess in the air also.

Crystal:    Soapstone-This mineral is good for grounding and harmonizing.  It has a balancing effect that can assist in having things go smoothly.

Monday, March 21:    Grainy White

There is a light at the end of the tunnel today, but it is going to take some work and effort to find it.  You can find yourself feeling that you are working in a fog for most of the time, but the basic energy of the day will keep you going.  There is optimism about what is happening. It is not a spinning-your-wheels kind of energy, but a getting-there-takes-time-kind of feeling.  Keep your eyes open and look to others for support, even a kind word.  The sense of community is growing, and you will find that when you need it, a helping hand is there.

Crystal Energy:    Magnestite on Quartz-This combination helps in working with life issues and clearing stuck patterns.  It vibrates to the third eye chakra.

Tuesday, March 22:    Frosty White

World Water Day:    The theme of truth versus illusion continues today.  Consider carefully things you hear, things you see.  There is more to some of them than meets the eye. In dealing with people, stand strongly in WHO you are.  The overall energy of the times can lead you to to feel insignificant or uncertain, but that is all part of the illusion.  Exercise your Focus Muscle today, and you will be able to make out what is truly important.  There are a lot of things happening, and people are acting crazy.  Be careful in traffic.  This is a good day for being the observer.  By so doing, you can learn a lot.  Perhaps even manifest something you are desiring. Sometimes he who keeps his own counsel seems wisest of them all.

Crystal Energy:    Milky Danburite-This stone assists in seeing through to what is important.  It also aids in balance, visualization, and meditation.

Wednesday, March 23:    Magenta

Old friends will be a theme today.  This means that you can be contacted by those whom you have not seen for a while.  It also can mean that there will be memories, messages, thoughts, etc. from those who are not in this dimension.  What you make of them will be up to you.  But this is an opportunity day, so do not let this one pass you by.  It is a good time to be aware of what it is that you are wishing, desiring, wanting to create in your life.  The energy favors making inroads at manifestation.  It may not all happen today, but the plans that you make today have a momentum that will make them easier to carry forward as time goes on.

Crystal Energy:    Psilomelane-The energy of this stone is very grounding, soothing, and gentle.  It assists with elimination in all areas. Root and Navel chakras.

Thursday, March 24:    Chrome Green

There is brightness about, and you can be a star if you so choose.  The important thing here is to know whaty your strengths are and to work with them in getting yourself noticed.  This is not a good day for being humble,.  There are again opportunities in the air, and you have the chance to make a positive change in your life.  All you need do is intend and act.  Intention and action.  Those are the keys at this time., When they are positively combined, amazing things can occur.

Crystal Energy:    Lime Green Calcite-This has been described as the best mineral of the calcite family for breaking out of old patterns and situations, even when there is no set plan for what comes next.  It is there to help in just going for it.  .  Heart and Throat Chakras.

Friday, March 25:    Pale Violet

There is nostalgia in the air.  Even as you spend time with friends, you are thinking of how you will miss them later.  Do not give into that. Enjoy the time you are sharing.  Feel the love and gratitude you have for having these people in your life at this time.  That feeling will remian iwth you opnger and help you through the times that are coming when, perhaps, you will not have the opportunity to be with them.  Times are changing and lives are shifting.  You are aware of these currents right now.  It is well to remember that they are part of a larger picture, a greater scene, a wider horizon.  Hints of things to come are in the air today, along with everything else.  There is peace to be had if you will open to it.

Crystal Energy:    Golden Aragonite-This mineral opens one to a greater recognition of what life can bring.  It assists in empowerment, recognition of abilities, and alignment with spirit.

Saturday, March 26:    Blue Diffusion

There is an evenness in the air today that makes everything kind of seem like the same.  It is not a good day for making choices, well it depends on where you are coming from, but all options will seem equally good or equally bad, depending on how you look at things. Because of this, it is a good time for looking at issues that are usually charged with emotions.  You will be able to be more objective, and perhaps even get to a resolution in terms of some of these issues. The energies favor taking it easy, relaxing, and taking some time to enjoy nature.

Crystal Energy:    Black Idiocrase-The energy of this mineral allows for grounding.  It assists in meditation and relaxation. Root Chakra.

March 13-19

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Opal

The energies this week are all about value and values.  In the wake of the Japanese disaster, people are seeing that a lot of the stuff that they considered important pales in comparison to life and love.  These are themes that will cause a dramatic shift in how people determine what they do and what they desire.  You can find yourself questioning some of the things that you thought were so important. This can lead to confusion, and perhaps some shock.  Various relationships are changing now, not only with people, but also with money, position, etc.   There is a new thrust towards personal fulfillment, and part of that now is the recognition of community, the love of friends and family.In the opalescent spotlight of the week’s energy, you can see what shines and leads to a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Honor these things. Make them your priorities.  They bring joy to your life.  The energies of this week are showing you this.  There  will be ups and downs as the week progresses, emotional times and some anger.  Go with it all.  Be with yourself as you experience and learn from these things.

On a larger scale, there are more shifts and movements within the Earth.  (If, in fact, as has been alluded to by some, the earthquake has been ’caused’ by certain frequencies controlled by agencies and organizations following some kind of personal agenda, then they will be finding that the Earth will be responding and that any control they felt they had will be severely challenged.)  This is a time for all people to open up to their innate feelings of compassion.  This will bring together and strengthen the energies of community and rightness that are at work at this time.  There will be conflicting messages coming in many different areas, and it is well to check them out in a number of different sources before taking them as facts.  Look to the skies for some interesting sights.  There will also be some discoveries made concerning ancient civilizations that can cause confusion in the academic world.

Sunday, March 13:    Lavender Mist

This is a good day for deja-vu, and not just in terms of an isolated incident, rather quite a few.  Do not be surprised if you find something tugging at your memory, or if you have the sense that there is one more thing to deal with, even though you are not sure just what it is.  There is melancholy in the air today, so be good to yourself.   Nostalgia also is part of the energy.  Accept what has gone before.  Acknowledge the lessons.  Be forgiving of yourself and others.  Remember this human condition thing is shared by all of us, and by understanding, compassion, and working together, we can make the best of it all.

Crystal Energy:    Sillimanite-The energy of this mineral assists informing images out of incoming frequencies and vibrations, as well as psychic hits.  It is associated with the crown chakra.

Monday, March 14:    Rose Gold

This is a day on which it is best to be patient if you are looking for good things to happen.  The message that you have been waiting for is coming your way, however it will come later than expected and contain more information than you are wanting.  It can also contain tasks that you must perform in order to move beyond the issues that are confusing you at this time.  This is a day in which there is much out there to be seen, however a lot of it is facade without substance.  Be discerning.  Look for the clues. You can discover that you know a lot more than you had thought.  There is a strong possibility that someone you relied upon is going to show themselves to be less than reliable.  Be understanding.  There is a story there.

Crystal Energy:    Pearl-The energy of this element has to do with focus and becoming.  It can bring about a kind of manifestation, but how that happens will be determined by the energy and intent that went into the desire.  Associated with the Third Eye.

Tuesday, March 15:    Medium Pink

This is a day of different layers and levels.  You might find yourself confused by issues and choices that come your way, mainly because with this energy you can see the viability, even desirability of more than one option.  Because of this, it is a good idea to put off making any important decisions at least for a day.  Things are going to seem better than usual today, people nicer, situations more pleasant.  In this kind of an atmosphere, it is a good time to deal with unpleasant issues and people.  they are not going to affect you as much as they might otherwise. Be alert for some kind of hint or message relating to an issue in your life that you need to resolve.  Then, as the week progresses, act upon this information.  There are things to learn.  Also, dream time is important, both in terms of content and in terms of getting enough sleep.

Crystal Energy:    Angelite-The energy of this stone allows one to be in touch with one’s purpose and to speak one’s truth.  Throat Chakra.

Wednesday, March 16:    Light Magenta

There is some relief in the air today.  You do not need to be quite so guarded in your dealings with others, especially in terms of your job/profession.  You have the ability now to see bosses and co-workers as equals, like you on this path and dealing with all the craziness of the energies of this time.  Also you have the opportunity today to put things into perspective.  Take time, therefore to determine what is truly important for you.  What you would ‘go to the mats’ (okay, I do not know what this really means, but I do know that it has something to do with ‘The Godfather” and that guys get it, so …. perhaps this part is particularly relevant for them.) for.  Anyhow this is a good day to take some time to deal with priorities.  And if you choose to do so, you will get some insights as to where these things are going and what they mean.

Thursday, March 17:     Pale Apricot

The winds of change are blowing today.  There are times when change is good for you, and this is one of those times.  You have been waiting ofr things to shift, and with the energies of the day, that can happen. This is a day also for being centered and grounded, so take some time before you go out to be with yourself.  Take some time to appreciate WHO you are and all that you have done.  Take some time to protect yourself from outside energies because with change in the air, you never know what is going to happen out there, and it is best to be prepared. There are those who are going to want to tell you what to do, to convince you that it is the best, and to talk you into thinking that it was all your own idea.  Listen carefully, and you will know, by running it through your heart’s own truth, whether this is for you or whether they are just saying this to make themselves feel better.

Crystal  Energy:    Amethyst-The energy of this mineral is calming.  It assists one in understanding what is going on around and to see things with a compassionate eye.  It also brings in appreciation for the spiritual dimension and the ability to work in that area.

Friday, March 18:     Pink

The old adage of things happening in threes may be showing itself in odd ways today.  Be alert for coincidences.  There is something telling in them.  You may feel yourself a bit off, perhaps unwell, not quite like yourself.  When that happens, listen to what your body is saying, and perhaps you will understand what is going on.  There is something outside of you that is affecting not only you but everyone around you too. This is a good day to be aware of community, along with shared interests and aims. You can find that some people with whom you thought you had nothing in common are actually very much on the same page.  Tonight, be quite and rest.  The energies are not favoring activity on a large scale.

Crystal Energy:    Amethyst-The energy of this crystal assist with integration of body, mind, and spirit.  It promotes acceptance, understanding, and a sense of calm..

Saturday, March 19:    Diffuse White

Full Worm Moon*  aka Crow Moon:    This is a day on which things will be coming in small increments.  It is a good day for getting the details cleared up and making sure that everyone is on the same page.  It is important at this time to build a strong foundation and to make sure that things are clear to everyone.  Misunderstandings can quickly spin out of control and end up as arguments.  Emotions can run deep from this time on, and feelings can easily be hurt.  Take time today to ground yourself.  Take some time also to know what is truly important to you, to prioritize. There are messages about that can give you some hope in relation to a situation that has seemed totally too much to deal with.  Know that within your heart is the strength and clarity to assist in all that comes your way.

Crystal Energy:    Chrysoberyl-This stone is good for detoxification, which can assists in getting rid of some of the stuck energy.  When this is done, it also assists in moving forward.

(*This Full Moon is also a ‘Super Moon’, which means that the moon is at a point in which it is closest to the Earth.  It is said that in this position, the moon can be affecting the Earth more strongly than usual.)

March 6-12

It is always most difficult to accept that things have changed to the point at which they will not/cannot return to the way they were before.  But now is the time to accept that as a fact.  Then things will begin to make some sense. Another thing you may begin to notice is the that your sense of smell is becoming more acute.  In certain cases, you will not be able to pinpoint the source of the odor, but analyze it for what it is.  There is some information there

Overall Color for the Week:   Rose Gold

Renewal, self worth, value, personal power,  All of these are issues that will be in front of you this week.  It is a good idea to know what is important for you on a most essential basis.  This is not a good time or energy in which to be playing games or adapting to the whims and wills of others. Trying to do so will ultimately lead to problems and issues as you will find yourself having to choose whether you will follow their path or your own.  .

On a larger scale, there are some bumps in the road in terms of the shifts, earthquakes, eruptions, and weather patterns on the Earth. There can be effects on electronics from Sun activity and otherwise, some kind of energetic pattern that has no known source but is causing issues. There will be patterns in some of these things, so be alert. There are other tinder box types of situations on the globe that will be smoldering.  A little recognized country has an important announcement .More and more information will be coming out about crop failures and seed issues.  People on the grass roots level will begin to question these things as the period of planting and plowing begins in the middle of the United States. There is a wind blowing strongly across western China.  And disruptions in travel services are possible.  There is also some crazy energy around the space shuttle.  Be discerning in what you read and hear. There is much more going on below the surface.  Animal activities are going to be out of season, along with, regrettable more animal deaths.  There will be further evidence of some kind of ET activity.  There will be attempts to discredit the reports, but this time, the evidence is somewhat overwhelming.

Sunday, March 6:    Matte Silk White

Things are not always as they seem.  This is a day for tuning into your inner guide and trying to figure out just what is truly important for you and what all the little physicalsymptoms you have been experiencing actually mean. This is a good day for catching up, as there is something in the air that will allow you to take on that new perspective.  It is always difficult and even threatening some times to see things in a new light, or even as they really are, but right now that is very important.  There are things you have outgrown.  There are things, people, experiences that no longer fit WHO you are becoming.  This is a day for strength.  Strength is different from power.  It has an inner source, and that source is always connected to the greater whole, the greater good.  All true things want you to be strong.  You have support.  Go for it.

Crystal Energy:    Dolomite-This mineral is great for modulating environmental influences and balancing body issues.  It is a quiet energy that works on all levels.

Monday, March 7:     Light Magenta

The heat will be on today in more ways than one.  This means that things that were thought to be out of sight will come into focus.  It also means that you can find yourself in situations in which things can spin out of control if you let them.  Step back from potential confrontations.  Look. Observe.  Take action only when you know that you have considered your options.  And if you are not ready to do anything, make that clear.  Choice is both strategy and power today.  Use it well.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite-This stone works through the energy of the heart to bring both strength and comfort. Heart Chakra.

Tuesday, March 8:     Hazy White

You will need to wait until at least tomorrow to get some clarity on a number of issues.  there are those out there who want to push you to action, but if you are not ready, then it is important that you stand up and let them know that.  There are others who have their eyes on you, and the actions you take today can have far reaching consequences.  Be alert for synchronicity.. There are messages in this.

Crystal Energy:     Smithsonite-This stone allows for you to speak your truth.  It is also a good energy for dealing with allergies.  Throat chakra.

Wednesday, March 9:    Royal Blue

According to the Mayan Calendar, the Universal Underworld begins*:     Darkness and light are the themes of the day.,  Things will be hidden, even as other things are being brought into the light.  It is important today to keep your balance.  Along with balance, you need to use your most discriminating powers of perception.  All of this should be heart centered and in  tune with what your intuition tells you is right.  There is a shift in the air today, and it is time that you got very clear on your own goals and aspirations. It is also critical that you stand firmly in WHO you are and be ready to stand up for your truth.  There are those out there who would wish to challenge you, to find your weaknesses, but you know where you are most able.  Go with that.  I always liked the old Greek adage, “The fox knows many tricks, the hedgehog only one.  One good one.””  Go for your good one.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite-This stone works through the energy of the heart to bring both strength and comfort  It also allows for movement and confidence, as well as true heart-guided vision.. Heart Chakra.

*for more information, check out this site::


Thursday, March 10:    Green-Blue Mystery

And that is what today will be – a mystery, a maze, a conundrum, a whodunit..  And that can be fun – kind of.  Or frustrating -kind of.  Anyhow, it will be interesting.  Things are shifting and moving, and nothing and no one an stay the same.  The energies of the day give you an opportunity to make some great leaps if you are ready, or just to hunker down and let things pass you by.  It is, as always, your choice.  Choice is a big issue now and will  continue to be so more and more as the time progresses.  There is no judgment in the energies of the day.  There is both the observer and the action modes at work.  You can be one, you can be the other or you can be both.  There is a lot of fun to be had today if you will allow yourself it.  And a few ah-ha’s along the way.

Crystal Energy:    Mimetite-The enrgy of this mineral is good for self-realization.  It assists in recognizing one’s life purpose and working upon it.  Solar Plexus Chakra.

Friday, March 11:  Light Grey

Dark and light, in and out will characterize the energies of the day.  Take a moment to reflect upon your dreams of the night before.  There may be some lingering images or situations that are worth considering in terms of events happening at this time in your life.  Things will be moving in the shadows, and there is a kind of rift in the veils today that can cause you to startle.  Be the observer.  Listen closely, and look for substantiation before taking action. There is more out there than meets the eye.  This is a day for being reflective and taking things easy.  And keep your senses alert for there is much to learn.

Crystal energy:    Juniper Blue Jasper – Along with the general healing properties of jasper, this variety is particularly useful for dealing with hearing, smelling,and speaking issues.

Saturday, March 12:    Green Blue

There is something undefined in the air today, so you just might feel yourself a little out of sorts.  You are reacting to an energetic shift that is just now beginning to be felt. Some of it is harnessed to the shifting energy of the Sun, so it would be a good thing to spend some time in the Sun’s energy today.  It can come through, even with cloud cover. Be aware of and listen to your intuition. There are messages out there that you need to know.  People are acting differently, and you will want to be able to see where this is coming from  Some reflects real changes being made as more and more people transition into what they consider a ‘safe’ mode.  Be compassionate today.  judge no one, including yourself, too harshly.  There is love in the air, and if you are open, you can bask in its warmth.

Crystal Energy:    Chalcopyrite—This mineral is an energizer, balancer, grounder, and connector  It assists in bringing a kind of completion and evenness to the body and the spirit.

February 27-March 5

Overall Color for the Week: Dark Blue Green

This is, perhaps, a fitting week for the beginning of March, as the week will come in “like a Lion” bringing with it turmoil, confusion, tendencies towards anger and overreaction, as well as a lot of weather. There is nothing that will be the same anymore, so if you have been wanting to change your image, your clothes, cut your hair, scream out loud, find new friends, change…, go for it. The momentum is there, and the thoughts, opinions, and coercions of other are no longer quite so important. It is as though there is a new tune in the air, which is overshadowing the old music you always paid attention to. Both joy and fear will be themes this week, and, interestingly, one situation can evoke both reactions. This is a week in which you can truly choose which way it is that you are wanting to go. This is a time to keep your eyes and options open. Listen to your heart, Follow your intuition, and believe in the deepest core self of WHO you are. Continue reading

February 20-26

Overall Color for the Week: Dark Lime Green

The beginning of this year marked a time in which things would never be the same again.  The previous weeks have given evidence to this fact, and this week can make this fact even clearer.  There is a change in the air.   In personal relationships, this week can bring some revelations and disillusions.  This is a time in which it is important to be strong and centered in WHO you are, for it is your very core, your center, that will bring you through theses times with renewed power and vision. Take time in your outings this week to look around and appreciate the beauty of nature and the wonder of this world.  Work with the energies of your heart. Intuition becomes more and more a factor as time goes by. There can be some nagging physical issues that come up this week. Take care of your body. Also, spend some time reviewing with these issues as knowing the source can give indications of larger things on other levels than just the physical. Continue reading

February 6-12

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

Things this week will be happening in the middles, and it will be some time before the ends are able to catch up.  The good news is that this will give some time for the ends to take a second look at things and prepare for what is to come  Because there is a lot that will be coming. Continue reading

January 30-February 5

Overall Color for the Week:    Pale Apricot

Synchronicity will be very much a part of the events of this week.  Pay close attention to things happening around you as there will be issues and events popping up that can make you anxious.  This is a week in which many will be called upon to stand up for what they truly believe in their innermost cores. For those who have been disguising and/or hiding their truths because of worries about fitting in, pleasing people, job concerns, etc,  this week can be extremely uncomfortable.  There will be a subtle speeding up of things, so look for quick ends to things.  As the Chinese New Year arrives on Thursday, there will be a shift in expectation, which can result in a pleasant finale.. Continue reading