Mexican Poet Reflects on Drug War

A Poet Rewrites the War on Drugs

by Madhu Suri Prakash

After the death of his son, poet Javier Sicilia gave voice to the anguish of the Mexican people—and started a powerful movement of moral indignation against the senseless slaughter of the war on drugs.

Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Greece, Spain…all these countries’ popular revolts have captured our attention for very good reasons. From Mexico, in contrast, we get only images of a vicious drug war.

But something remarkable is happening in Mexico.

On March 28 this year, the prominent poet Javier Sicilia lost his 24-year-old son, Juan Francisco, to senseless assassination, allegedly by a drug gang leader, just weeks before he was to graduate from the university. Javier transformed his pain—“this is my last poem,” he wrote; “I no longer have poetry in my heart”—into a movement of moral indignation against the mass killings of innocent people.

His public letter to both politicians and criminals gave voice to the nation’s anguish. Like the Zapatista cry:Basta ya! in 1994, Javier summarized the unbearable with Estamos hasta la madre (an untranslatable expression to say what can no longer be borne or suffered). Javier’s pain moved people to join his call for dialogue and transparency with the politicians, police, drug lords, and all those paralyzed by fear into silence. In these short weeks, he has become a source of inspiration for millions. Thousands marched from Cuernavaca to Mexico City, ending with a massive rally in the capital’s main square. Later, this march turned into a caravan that traveled to the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juárez and then crossed into El Paso, Texas, for a rally with supporters.

Those who find hope in this peaceful, democratic mobilization are describing it as a new kind of revolution.

Madhu Suri Prakash, a contributing editor to YES! Magazine,interviewed Javier in July.

to read the interview, go to:

August 14-20

The time is coming when the truly worthy will be acknowledged and honored for their truth and strength.  At the same time, those who have manipulated and told lies will be shown for what they are.

Overall Color for the Week:    Red Violet

This is a week in which it is well to listen to your own intuition.  The things that will be bantered about as fact or real will show themselves to be partially true at best.  This is not because, in every case, people are trying to get the upper hand, rather it is due to the fact that the energy is so confused and things are so unpredictable that what once was a sure bet no longer can be seen as such.  This can lead to some interesting and unsettling events in relationships, and you may find that it is better to step back and listen, reserving opinion or judgment for later.  It is a very good idea to get as much background on things as possible before doing so, even before taking on some new task or opportunity. There may be stuff behind the scenes that is not being discussed or even is not anticipated.  Take time this week with your self and others to be patient and understanding.  Compassion is growing within the world as a whole.  Many are moving out of their old patterns and activities, realizing that their true fulfillment will be found in other areas.  There is a shift going on at this time, and the energy of this week mirror this.  As with all shifts and changes, emotions will be at the forefront.  This is not a time to stifle them, rather let them run their course.  Take a moment and see where they are coming from.  You will also be finding that with the continuing thinning of the veils, your sense can be registering more things, things that you might not have noticed before.  This is intriguing.  And take some time for joy.  Go within, recognized the potential of your true knowing and the beauty of your heart.

On the larger scene, things will be happening in pairs this week.  When you hear of or read of something occurring, look and listen for there will be second instance either of the same type of thing or something completely the opposite.  So if the Stock Market has an incredible rise one day, the next will come an equally incredible fall.  Look for events in the weather following one after the other, the same with volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.  The lesson is one of how things hinge upon one another. Another theme of this week is surprise. Things are going to take odd and unusual turns in many areas, politics, wars, sports, etc.   Anomalies will begin to pop up, and they will be so frequent, that they cannot be glossed over by the media.  This week will feature also many slips of the tongue.  Listen to what people are saying.  There will be blatant examples of how promises made are not being fulfilled.  This theme will affect religious groups and institutions, even spiritual communities.  Much disappointment and sorrow are on the horizon.  It is time to be strong in WHO you are.  And GROUND. The energies of the planet will assist.

Sunday, August 14:    Daffodil Yellow

This is a good day to let new things into your life.  It is also a time for you to take a look at all that is going on and clear out the old clutter.  Things need to be gotten rid of so that new things can come in.  This applies also to worn out ideas, thoughts, lifestyles, preconceptions, opinions, etc.  You have moved beyond these, but you still keep them around as a reminder.  A reminder of what? You are becoming the person that you always wanted to be and holding onto stuff that does not allow you to recognize and achieve your true potential is neither healthy nor worthwhile.  Take time today to see things in a new light, and in that radiance, you may discover much about what it is that you have been doing.

Crystal Energy:   Clear Quartz—-The energy of this so abundant crystal brings one into the potentiality of the Earth and all that it can do.  It is a friend in need who will never let you down.  It is well to listen to the counsel of this stone, a good companion at all times.

Monday, August 15:    Pale Apricot

Emotions and feelings will be taking center stage today.  Old stuff can rise to the surface and bring about a feeling of longing, even of confusion.  This is a day for taking things as they come, one by one.  Do not try to rush through anything.  Look at what is in front of you.  Think about what is said.  Feel what is going through you at all times.  This is a day on which you will begin to know more what connection means, and that connection exists on all levels, not just in relation to people close to you.  There is a mystery behind it all, and you are at the center of your own mystery. Every event, every intuition, every heart felt instance brings you closer to the truth of the mystery that is WHO you are. Today there are clues, and if you can understand some of them, you will find great joy by the end of the day.

Crystal Energy:    Rose Barite—-Desert Rose.  The energy of this concretion opens you to the potentials within what seems so small. There is beauty everywhere, and you are being reminded of this.  Resonates with the Third Eye.

Tuesday, August 16:    Orange Red

A lot of things are coming out in all areas and some of the things that you are discovering today can unsettle you in ways that you were unaware of.  People can mean well, but in other contexts and behind the scenes, they can act differently and even spread tales that were thought to be confidential.  Be forgiving today in all areas, and you will find that this has been a rewarding day.  If, however, you allow yourself to react without thinking, things might be said and actions done that you will come to regret.  It is okay to be angry.  It is just prudent to allow the anger to settle, to be analyzed, to be felt through, before taking precipitate action.  There is much to lose in those kinds of situations.  Everyone makes mistakes.

Crystal Energy:    Lavender Idiocrase/Vesuvianite—-The energy of this mineral has the power to connect you to the Universal Consciousness. It is cautioned that you must be strong in WHO you are to receive the intensity of the messages that will come through.  Use it with a grounding mineral, such as hematite. Resonates with the Crown and higher chakras.

Wednesday, August 17:    Lime Green

Today is a good day for a rest.  Take it easy and be the observer. There have been ups and downs in the past few days, and now it is time to see things for what they really are.  It is time to think about what it is that you are truly wanting in your life.  And to think about how the things, people, places, etc. that you are spending time with, thinking about, obsessing over, fit into that pattern.  Change is part of the hexagram at this time, and it is important to be open to that change.  Are you?  Take time today.  Look around,  Dream a bit.  Then do some creative activity to get in touch with the true essence of WHO you are  You might just discover some interesting things.

Crystal energy:    Rhodonite—-The energy of this mineral both soothes and balances, bringing ease to the heart.  It assists you in being strong against outside influences.  Vibrates to the Root Chakra.

Thursday, August 18:    Bright Green

This is a good day to spend some time with friends, to catch up on old stories, and to make some plans.  The energies also favor entrepreneurial activities, so if you are planning some sore of new job venture or creative activity, go for it.  There is support for you in unexpected areas.  Do not discredit people, places, and things that you thought had not importance.  What is and what can be are close together if you will just make a few shifts of perception. There is much to be learned.  And some fun.

Crystal Energy:    Turtleback Stone—-This mineral assists in cleansing while adding strength to situations in which one needs to make decisions and make it through.  Resonates with the Heart and the Root Chakras.

Friday, August 19:    Deep Purple

There are some surprises in the works.  You might just be hearing things said that you did not think could ever happen.  It is a time for listening, learning, and shifting.  Friends have messages for you, some of comfort, some that will make you wonder what this friendship is all about.  That is all part of the energy of the day. There is no shoreline in sight, so enjoy the voyage.  If you spy an horizon, know that it can hold new wonders, but there are choices to make before you put into shore.  Things that have taken a very, very long time to realize are becoming the new theme.  There is no longer time to put them off.

Crystal Energy:    Quartz Geode—-The energy of this mineral connects one with the totality and the mystery within.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper chakras.

Saturday, August 20:    Pale Gold

This can be everything a Saturday is meant to be.  But it is important that you know what that means.  There are surprises, and things are not always what they seem.  Look for a communication from someone who has been out of touch for a while.  This is not a time for judgment.  Just to listen.  The words of others who trip back into our lives for just a short time are there to remind us. to make us think, to help up let go.  This is a good time for setting things up anew.  Get rid of the old stuff.  Green paper with numbers on it is not all it is cranked up to be.  You have the power, and you have the determination.  Put them together and you cannot be stopped.

Crystal Energy:    Datolite—-The energy of this stone assists in getting rid of old layers, habits, illusions, patterns, etc.It also helps you in adjusting to new energies.  Resonates with all chakras.

August 7-13

Overall Color for the Week:    Booster Blue

This is a week for putting on your best face and going for it.  This can involve a bit of acting on your part, but it is important right now for you to be the observer more than anything else. This is a week in which a lot of thing will be falling into place, and it will be well for you to see where they are landing. there can be quite a few surprises, as you will discover that some do not land where you thought they would.  Allegiances are shifting as people are moving into their respective “layers” or levels, and as they do this they will find that those who are shallower or deeper than they are finding themselves to be will no longer be part of their circle. This can be quite unsettling, and emotions will be close to the surface as a result.  We are all beginning to see  things for what they are, and this can lead to a sense of lacking basis and community.  However,in the long run this is good, ans we will learn through this to establish a strong and fiim, unshakable foundation for ourselves as well a finding our true community.  Oh, and many of those seemingly pre-cognitive or dreams from another life will be having echoes starting now.  Remember always, that through this there are choices you can make.  You are free to determine where you will land. This is a most interesting time.

On the larger scene, there is the sense that the hurricane season in the Atlantic will begin to pick up quite radically.  In general, weather will be unpredictable and extreme.  Along with that, look for earth movements in the Atlantic Ridge. There will be some odd climatic and other Earth activity in the Caribbean area.  Expect also for there to be some movements among the peoples in countries in that area. Earthquakes will continue Ring of Fire, and there will be some dramatic shifts in the Asian area.  Look also for uncharacteristic Earth events in various areas of the world.  Volcanic activity will continue also, and there is the possibility of the Canary Islands coming more into the news. Political leaders will be tripping over their statements and doing a lot more double talk than usual as the world economy becomes more and more challenged.  There will be galactic activity that will make itself known in odd sky events.  Also there will be challenges for electronics due to magnetic surges and blips.  Some of these will be unaccounted for, and attempts will be made to explain them away. There is an interesting invention that will be surfacing this week that will assist in the energy area.  It will be quickly squelched as it falls outside the area that is corporately profitable.  Also there is a new drug that will be in the news, however it has a sinister side to it and needs more research, or at least real research.  Religious leaders will be coming out with new pronouncements this week.  Some will leave their followers questioning just what is going on.  There will also be fringe and fanatic religious groups and individuals who will be popping up in the news, many due to extreme  activities they are undertaking.

Sunday, August 7:   Light Pink

There is change in the air today, and you are certainly ready for it.  The good news is that this change is easy an comfortable.  It is like finding a favorite old pair of pants in the closet after having missed them for many years.  You heave a sigh of relief.  Then you remember.  There are good things and bad things that color your past, but today’s energy allows you to see them all with a bit more equanimity and less judgement.  You will be feeling glad about things that you had not come to any sort of resolution with before, glad because you can see them for what they are and what they were, and now you can move on.  Relax this evening with a favorite thing and try a bit of creative activity.

Crystal Energy:    Yellow Smithsonite—-The energy of this crystal calls for back-up to show what it can really do.  Resonates to the Root Chakra.

Monday, August 8:    The “Uh-oh’s” have hit, and you need to decide whether they belong to you or to someone else.  There is a lot of leaky energy out there, and if you are sensitive or open at all, there is a good chance that you are picking up on that.  If you are not sure where certain opinions and ideas are coming from, it is probably is a good idea to spend some time meditating over what these things are saying to you.  Yes, there are messages in things, but it is important in this energy to see things for what they are within your own energy field and not take on what others may be wanting or needing you to believe.  When you make up your mind, just be sure that it is right for you.

Crystal Energy:    Cacoxenite—-This mineral is an energizer.  It can bring together and make work things that have been sluggish.  It brings together energies from various levels and works well with others. Resonates with all chakras

Tuesday, August 9:    Bright Red

The warning signs are out today, and they are all over the place.  Which is good, because you are going to feel as though there is cotton or something in your head.  Focus will be off a lot.  This is a day to slow down and see what is around you.  Hear what is actually being said, and if you are not sure, then ask questions, ask for clarification.  This is not a good day for getting things confused.  There are strands of information that are coming together at this time.  This is information that will assist in the changes that are starting soon after the end of Mercury Retrograde.  Much is being tried out and tried on right now.  You need to know what is right for you and what fits. Use your intuition and listen to the wisdom of your heart.

Crystal Energy:    Aurichalcite—-The energy of this mineral brings calm to the body and opens one to the meditative state.  In this state, one can gather information about physical issues.

Wednesday, August 10:    Light Lavender

There are things in the air today that are going to make you think about a lot of past issues, personalities, successes, and failures. Review them quickly, and then allow yourself to return to what is going on around you. This is a day for deja vu.  If you are alert to those moments, then you will come away with a new knowing about a lot of things.  Pay attention to your health today, and do not overdo in any area.  The energy out there is  ramping up little stresses and strains.  Be alert while you are out in traffic.  Also, there can be some issues with electric power today, so things in that area may not go as smoothly as they can.  Take time to listen to the voice of Nature. Much is happening within and about the planet, and to listen and be aware is a good way to connect with the energies of Gaia.

Thursday, August 11:    Silky White

There are echoes in the air today of mists and magic.  You can discover many unusual things in this energy.  Things that have been hidden can come out, and objects presumed lost will suddenly appear.  There is a message in all of this.  There are things that you thought you had let go of never to see or hear of again, but today they can miraculously reappear.  Also there are people out there who will have things to tell you.  Listen closely, for even though some may be in a kind of code, their messages have much to reveal to you about both path and community.

Crystal Energy:    This metal is a general disinfectant, a stress releaser, a reflector, a healer, and a lunar translator..  It resonates with the 8th through 12th chakras.  .

Friday, August 12:    Light Amber

There are things that stand out as important throughout your life.  Today is a day to recognize them and to honor them.  They have helped you through a lot.  The energy of the day tells you that it is time to recognize your strengths and make them your focal point.  Weaknesses are always there, but if you spend your time focusing on those, then you become trapped in what they tell you that you cannot do.  Looking at your strengths lets you know that you can create in your life just exactly what you want as long as you remain unfettered by the outside stuff.  This is a “Go-For-It” kind of day. Perhaps you will not accomplish everything, but you will have a sense of satisfaction when the day is done.

Crystal Energy:    Holly Blue Agate—-This stone bring purification to areas where connection and communication are needed.   It connects with the Universal Energies and vibrates to the Third Eye Chakra.

Saturday, August 13:    Light Blue

This is a “What-the-Heck-Were-They-Thinking” kind of day.  You look around you and you can see what a lot of people are buying into at this time.  But do not fall into fear and self-doubt.  Everything is coming to the surface now, and the fact that you are beginning to see it and question what it means indicates that you are moving forward in knowing what it is all about.  This is a kind of tipping point energy, and it will be very easy to fall back into the way things were.  That if always more comfortable, after all.  This is not a time for feeling the warm fuzzies, rather it is a time for courage and adventure. Interestingly enough, those are things that you have been wanting to do for some time.  You do not need a reason any longer.  Just go for it.

Crystal Energy:    Galena—-This is a great mineral if you need to cut through a lot of the crap surrounding you while, at the same time, being strong in WHO you are.  Vibrates with the Navel and Solar Plexus chakras.

July 31-August 6

Crescendo.  That is the theme of this week.  You have time to get ready for the surprises that this week will bring.  You might have thought that this was going to be a quiet week, but it will turn out to be anything but, and that is on all levels including the personal and everything else.

Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Orange

Mystery, Memory, and Montage.  Three energies and a week in which to play them out.  Mystery entails all the things in your life that have gone unrealized, unfulfilled.  Memory  brings to the surface thoughts, friends, events, and images that meant so much, yet were never acted upon.  And montage is the bringing together of all these  themes into some new alignment.  There can be fear and there can be joy, but it will be challenging and rewarding if you are open to what is going on.  Look around and know that in every moment and in every challenge there is support if you will but choose to call for it, if you will but accept it.  This is a time for togetherness, and it is there for you, but you, also, must be there for it.

On a larger scale, there are messages and signs everywhere, in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the fire.  The animals, birds, fish, and all creatures of this Earth know that there is a change a’comin’.  What about the two-leggeds?  There will be weird and unaccountable activities undertaken by people, politicians, celebrities, and those of the underground.  Everything is being churned up, and many of those on top can find themselves all of a sudden having their worlds turned topsy-turvy.  The weather patterns of the week will show the same sort of extreme nature.  The hurricanes and typhoons will continue, and many will have uncharacteristic patterns of development as well as unusual paths.  There will be a number of volcanoes erupting this week, some tied to earthquake events.  Even as earthquakes begin to rumble in new areas and across a hidden trajectory.  The financial markets are going to have quite a ride this week. Crop yields will also make the news this week.  There is an energy crossing the Himalayas which will bring changes in the circular areas around them.  If you look to the skies, you can see odd things.  This is a week when one theme will be echoed many times over, so if something is said by one person, something occurs in one place, etc., you will find the same sorts of events being reported in many areas.  There is an ongoing issue with the Earth’s magnetics which will be more in he news as migratory patterns alter and planes find their radar systems to be skewed. An archaeological discovery reported this week can have large consequences for the accepted view of history.

Sunday, July 31:    Light Cobalt Blue

This month will definitely end with a bang, so be prepared for some surprising revelations and announcements today.  Take time to listen to your intuition, and you will realize that these are things you expected all along. There is a new person coming into your life, possibly through a book, article, or interview, who will cause you to question some of your unspoken assumptions and dreams.  While this can be somewhat upsetting, in retrospect, you will discover that you have learned quite a bit.

Crystal Energy:    Pink Danburite—-Resonates with the feminine shamanic vibration to bring balance, love, and compassion into one’s auric field, while connecting with the larger source energy. Resonates with the Heart and upper chakras.

Monday, August 1:    Indigo Blue

Secrets and surprises are the themes of this day.  There are some things that you had thought no one knew about, but you will be surprised to discover that certain people have been ‘in-the-know” about these things for quite some time, actually for some of them, it is what brings them to you. Emotions are out there, and many are misplaced, so if things turn emotional, try to go to your logical side first and analyze what it is that is really going on.  You might be surprised to find out that some of the things you have been reacting to are not truly your issues, but rather mirrors of other people and their judgments.  There will be an opportunity for you today to show what you truly know and this can alter the opinions of some of those out there who had pegged you as a different kind of person.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Barite—-The energy of this mineral brings calm, acceptance, and timelessness to difficult and painful states allowing them ot be experienced with ease.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Tuesday, August 2:     Cloudy Green

Mercury goes Retrograde*:    Those new projects you have been working on will seem blocked and as if they are going nowhere.  This can lead to a sense of frustration and even some anger.  You feel as though you will not be able to make a deadline you have been given, however behind the scenes your efforts are paying off, and even though there are things that you are not sure about, do not be hesitant to ask the opinions of others.  Collaboration is one of the themes of these days, and by working with others, things can go more smoothly and you can cover more bases. (*Never underestimate the power — or the potential benevolence — of a retrograde Mercury.  As more and more is being understood about this planet, so close to the Sun, experiencing both the darkest and the lightest, we find that this little planet has a frequency that interacts in a special way with all that goes on in the Solar System.  This retrograde will definitely stir up the pot, but if you are alert to what that means and can read through all the vibrational muddle that will be coming our way, you will find that the purpose of this retrograde is to be a sort of doorway to the new energies that are flowing in and will begin to be felt as this retrograde ends on August 26.)

Crystal Energy:    Lazurite—-This beautiful blue stone celebrates simplicity, conflict resolution, and clarity. It assists in difficult conversations and potentially volatile situations.  Vibrates to the Third Eye Chakra.

Wednesday, August 3:    Light Apricot

Fun and frivolity are in the air.  You might not think so, because there are things that you are holding onto because …. Because you cannot let them go.  This is a day for seeing things from a new perspective, a different vantage point.  Some of the things that you have been angst-ing about are not all that ciritical, and in today’s energy you can see them for what they are.  This all involves the desire to reconsider, and that is not always th easiest thing to do, especially in relation to a recent emotional issue that you have not been able to resolve.  Know that what you are and WHO you are is always determined by you.  This is nto a good time to allow other people’s issues influence you.

Crystal Energy:    Lepidocrocite—-The energy of this stone allows one to see through options to what is real and right for the individual.  Moreover, once the decision has been made it assists one in realizing it.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Thursday, August 4:    Lavender Mist

What is it that you have been meaning to do?  Take out all your old To-Do Lists and see what it is that you have been meaning to do…. well, forever. Today is the day to get that done.  Finishing up with the old is always a great way to start on something new, and that is the energy of today.   It is a day for looking back, tying up lose ends, making plans, and moving forward.  You have allowed yourself to deal with old stuff for long enough.  Now is the time to make the new stuff real.  This is the big OK.  Perhaps you needed someone or something to let you know that the time was here.  Today is that time.

Crystal Energy:    Glory Blue Agate—-A great tension relaxer for those who tend to hold stress in their neck and shoulders.  Also assists one in speaking up for oneself.  Vibrates to the Third Eye Chakra.  .

Friday, August 5:    Lime Green

Get ready for some odd encounters, many of them with people you have known for some time but have not really been close to.  This is a day on which you want to make a good impression, but it will seem that wherever you go and whoever you run into actually screws up your chances.  Now, what is that telling you?  Time for a little soul searching and a little re-evaluating.  There are things that you felt were so important for so long, but the energy of the day can shuffle things in such a way that you are confused about just what is really important. This is a good time for doing things that you have always wanted to do, but felt held back by preconceptions, your own and those of others.

Crystal Energy:    Castle-tip Quartz—-A wonderful stone for healing, it removes layers of fear and guilt which are attached to physical issues, allowing one to see the source of those things and move them out.  Vibrates to the Crown Chakra, while harmonizing with all lower and higher chakras.

Saturday, August 6:    Dark Purple

The time has come for you to be acknowledged for all the wonderful things that you are and can do.  This is not a day to let others take the credit.  You have done that enough times.  You need to be recognised for yourself.  Open to that and see what comes your way.  This is a learning experience to allow you to accept all that you are.  There are challenges coming your way, and you have the resources, the heart and the knowledge to deal with them all. You will find experiences of synchronicity in the energy of the day.  Take some time to appreciate what is being said to you.  And for those who wish to belittle you, it is time to realize that they are not part of your world.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Desert Lapis—-The energy of this stone allows for dealing with issues of the past and past lives for healing and release.  It brings awareness of one’s connection with the Universe, while bringing focus and direction to sincere desire.  Vibrates to the Third Eye Chakra.

July 24-30

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Apricot

There are going to be so many things coming your way this week, so many memories, so many choices, so many dreams, so many irritations, so many loves, so many hates.  It can leave your head spinning and your heart empty.  But this is the deep well of beginning.  This is the door to the mysteries.  You will learn much this week, lose much this week, find much this week, and find out about love.  This is the time of re-experiencing the childlike and the moments of being the adult at the same time.  There is magic in this week.  But you will need both wonder and courage.  And desire.  Choices have to be made at this time.  Choose well.  But know that there are other opportunities.  Your senses will also be on high alert this week, so you will find that you are more aware of how things are smelling, how they look, what they taste like, what they feel like, and how they sound.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by all of this, it is good to take some time to ward yourself against overload.  You do not want to get burned out.

On a larger scale, there is so much that is going on this week, and so many people in so many different areas that will be affected, challenged, and devastated.  The elements will be making themselves known in all their power and potential. Things will be popping up all over — storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.  Thew news will be particularly unreliable this week as it attempts to skew a lot of crazy activities of people, markets, animals, birds, planets, etc. and make them into things that, well, just happen.  The galactic anomaly is getting closer and there will be reports of odd pulls and effects on some of the outer planets of the solar system.  There is also the possibility of some asteroidal type material, space dust, space clouds, churning in the local galactic regions.  A number of people in the news, although not necessarily political, rather more along the lines of teachers and speakers, who will be making odd pronouncements.  There will be indications also of a new disease, and there will be hints of possible epidemic proportions linked to that.  Expect things to blow up without any warning.  There are rumblings on all levels as people begin to question just what is going on.  As part of this, groups will be forming who are looking for a solution, not through takeover or control, but rather through compassion and understanding.  Crops will be in the news as they are more and more challenged by the weather and over use of pesticides, although that will not be mentioned.  There will be movements by those in power to tighten controls.  Look also for some of the fundamentalist types of religions to make more noise about the need for repentance and the coming judgment.  Some long held truths and laws will be called into question and shown to be inaccurate, in science, but perhaps elsewhere also.

Sunday, July 24:    Cobalt Blue

Things are going to be happening fact and furiously today.  Because of this, it is a good idea to stay grounded in WHO you are and to know your own power.  People will be wanting you to do things, take part in things, decided on things, judge.  Let it all go.  Be the observer.  Let them create their own realities.  You need to be strong these days as things become ever more unpredictable.  Today is the perfect opportunity for exercising your abilities to know what is true for you and to stand firm in that truth.  Listen carefully to the voice of your intuition as it will allow you to make some interesting discoveries in the winds of the day.

Crystal Energy:    Atacamite—-“The Alchemists’ Stone”  It’s energy assists one in bringing things to their proper conclusion.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Monday, July 25:    Bright Lavender

The clock is ticking, and you will be hearing it loud and clear today.  There is a sense that there is something urgent that you need to get done, but you cannot seem to remember just what that is.  This is a day for being alert to signs and symbols.  There will be a lot of Freudian slips around, both from others and from yourselves.  Look for them to be followed by synchronistic events.  You can find yourself being just a bit muddled by it all, maybe even feeling like you have just fallen down the rabbit hole.  But all this is good.  It is time to change your perspective on things in your life, and today gives you the opportunity to begin to looking at people, things, stuff, relationships, etc. from a new vantage point.  There also is some fun and humor in all of this. There are others too who are making differences in their lives, and the energy of the day brings people like that together.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite—–The energy of this stone allows for one to move forward in things that seem stopped up and blocked.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra

Tuesday, July 26:    Light Cobalt Blue

There is something stirring again today, and although you are aware of it, you cannot seem to muster the energy to do anything about it.  This is a day for getting a grip on just what it is that you are wanting to see in your life. There will be bouts of deja vu that will remind you of things from your past that were once so important for you,  There are many questions that you left unanswered, and the current energy brings them into focus.  This is a time for prioritizing what it is that has motivated you from the beginnings versus what was there and convenient.  Take time today to meditate in whatever way is most comfortable for you, sitting, walking, drawing, inventing, painting, singing, just being, etc.  There are things within you that are ready to come to the surface.  It is time to allow them in order that you can move forward. You can be astounded by some of the revelations that come your way.

Crystal Energy:    Clinozoisite—–The energy of this stone assists in clearing emotional issues and dealing with long standing blocks.  Vibrates to the Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, July 27:    Dark Pink

Perceptions can be a little off today, so take time before taking action. Things can be said that are not meant, and if you overreact, you will regret it in the future.  There are people out there who are wanting your companionship and advice.  It is up to you to set your boundaries.  You know what it is that you can deal with and what becomes too much.  This is not a time for being ‘nice’ to the other person,  rather this is the time to honor yourself and what it is you need for your own development and fulfillment.  Look carefully at ‘deals’ that may come your way today.  There are agendas at work on all levels.  Emotions will be close to the surface, and when they come, think about what you are actually feeling.  The feelings could be attached to something very different from what seems obvious.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Celestite—-This stone brings dreams of messages and guidance, along with a peace and knowing that comes from being part of the All.  Vibrates with the Throat and Upper Chakras.

Thursday, July 28:    Light Pink

Opposites attract, or so they say.  This is a day on which you will be seeing a lot of opposites and wondering about that.  The overall theme is balance, and there will be lessons to be learned about balance in the current energy.  Balance oftentimes comes out of confusion and uncertainty.  You can find yourself in situations today where there seem to be way too many choices.  This is the time to center and listen to the wisdom of your heart.  You are being presented with many options because it is time to realize that choices do not mean necessarily getting rid of one things, but rather choices can involve a kind of integration of many themes into one whole.  So expect some shattering today, but that will be followed by new synergistic models which will bring you a sense of peace and accomplishment when the day is through.

Crystal Energy:    Lapis Lazuli—-The energy of this mineral works to calm mental stress and open you to avenues of understanding and expansion. Third Eye Chakra.

Friday, July 29:    Clear Straw

Things are going to be constructed today, but mainly as models.  This is not a time for permanence or rigidity.  This is a time for exploring options, for putting together new combinations, for finding out new directions.  There is fun in the air today and a bit of mischief.  There is much to be learned at this time regarding some friends about whom you have had some questions.  Right now, you are attracting new and different kinds of people into your circle.  This can cause a shake up with old friends.  If you stay true to what you know is right for WHO you are, then all will be well.

Crystal Energy:     Snowflake Obsidian—–The energy of this stone allows for connections on all levels.  Bringing back things once thought to be lost forever.  Resonates with all chakras.

Saturday, July 30:    Deep Salmon Red

There will be emotions coming to the surface today from deep inside.  The energies of the day favor catharsis and renewal.  You can find yourself falling apart all of a sudden, and then just as quickly getting in all together, even wondering what just happened.  You have been holding on to many things that you need to let go of.  While this is always difficult, sometimes the thought of having to do it is more daunting that the actual activity.  This is a day for rehearsals.  You are getting ready for the next act, and trying out your role.  There is much to be discovered in this energy and some joyous revelations.

Crystal Energy:    Dioptase—-The energy of this stone allows for the release and free play of the imagination.  It allows one to access the child within.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

July 17-23

Overall Color for the Week:
Things are changing, as teachers become students and students become teachers.  The new knowledge is discovered within. The common knowledge has roots in a past that is no longer relevant. Compassion, joy, and community are the new themes.  Strength is within yourself.  Know it, acknowledge it, accept it, and be it.  You can do what you choose to do.  Choose wisely.  Act from the heart.  Know through compassion and intuition.  This is also a time for determining what is truly important in your life and setting up prioriities.  Recognize the little stuff for what it is, and be prepared to get rid of it when it becomes burdensome.  There are too many emotional hoarders out there who keeping cluttering themselves with memories of past hurts, others opinions, guilt feelings, familial and societal judgments, etc.  It is time to jettison all of that! Spend some time developing a ceremony of cleansing and renewal.  Make your focus your personal renaissance. Continue reading

July 10-16

Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Rose Red

This is a week of resolution, so look for many things to take shape as well as other things to reach an end.  At these times, you can feel out of control and powerless, but this is not a time to do that.  Look at what is happening from your perspective of personal knowing and power.  Patterns are beginning to emerge, and it is time to recognize them for what they are.  These patterns give you a sense of where you are in the great wheel of life, in the web of your relationships, and in the net of your own person.  You will see things that you will not understand this week as people overreact and threaten on the one hand, while others show an unexpected kindness.  This is a week to be grounded within your heart. There are things that you will be seeing that are there to remind you of things you may have forgotten.  These will be accompanied by times of synchronicity and deja vu.  Stay strong in WHO you are and trust your intuition.  You, as always, know more than you give yourself credit for. Continue reading

July 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:    Las Vegas Pink Glitz

This week will bring challenges on all levels.  It can cause you to question many of your most closely held beliefs and aspirations. Feelings and emotions will be in the air.  There are things you thought to be forever that crumble in front of you.  It is a week in which you need most to go to your core, to see with the eyes of the heart, and to know that there is a kind of rightness behind so much of what is happening now.  There is so much glitz around.  It has blinded everyone to the truth behind the seeming.  And, as we have seen, when you get up to the glitz, it has no real value.  It just seems.  It is not what it promises. Trust your intuition in what you see and hear.  Stay centered and act from your heart.  There is much that you know that you are not accepting or even realizing.  It is time to honor yourself for all that you can do.  Communities again are forming, and there is a kind of energetic light that is drawing them together.

Balance is the key. Continue reading

June 26-July 2

Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Amber

This week will bring a lot of emotion on all levels.  Much will be happening, and there will be ups and downs in everything.  It is important, therefore not to react hastily or especially not to overreact as things can shift and change in no time, and what may have been appropriate at one moment is no longer so a few minutes later.  Nonetheless, there will be shifts and changes in relationships.  These can be somewhat traumatic.  You will find that words meant to comfort have the opposite effect.  Stay centered and grounded.  Take your time in alll that you do, and listen to your intuition. Also, with the shifting and churning of dimensions, the veils become thinner and thinner.  You may be startled by things that shift into your view and then disappear.  This is the way of the current energies.  It is a good time just to be the observer.  ANd the listener for Freudian slips will become more and more common.  It is important that you be able to discern what is real from what just seems to be so. Continue reading

June 19-25

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

The predominant element of this week is air.  Be aware of your breathing and how the air comes in and out.  You may find yourself with some difficulties in that area.  The winds are shifting, and with them is coming energy from other places and other sources.  These can cause you to feel light headed or uncertain.  Confusion is a major theme this week.  If you have decisions to make, be sure that you have all the facts and that you have taken a look at all options. This is a week for a good sense of humor.    Stuff is not always as important as it seems on the surface. Take your time.  Be patient.  Things started this week can end quickly, blown away with a quick gust.  Emotions will be close to the surface.  This is not a good time for stifling them.  Feel the feelings, and let the emotions pass through you.  This week brings a kind of catharsis o many levels, and your inner knowing is responding to this by a release of emotional baggage.  As the week progresses, you will find yourself feeling more able to see things in a new light as your perspective shifts.  Priorities are changing also, and you need to accept that.  Look around at the people in your life.  Communities are forming, and things and people have to be let go of in order that other new things and people can come in.  Take time this week to be with yourself and to work with WHO you are through some sort of meditative activity.  And Breathe.  When things become overwhelming, take a moment just  to center in your core and breathe through it all.  You will feel better. Continue reading